SOPA Sponsor Has Copyright Problems of His Own


  • SOPA Sponsor Has Copyright Problems of His Own

    The controversial SOPA bill is designed to combat online piracy and copyright violations. But now it turns out the bill’s author and main sponsor, Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, has some copyright problems of his own.

    Vice’s Jamie Lee Curtis Taete did some investigative research into whether Smith’s own campaign site was copyright Kosher. The photographic agency which produced the images used on Smith’s current site told Taete it was “very difficult” for them to check if Smith has the rights to use those photos.

    So Taete did some more digging, looking at older archived versions of Smith’s campaign website. One former version of the representative’s site used a picture of an idyllic backwoods scene which Taete traced to a photographer named DJ Schulte:

    je ris !!!