‘Our sons are victims of Isis brainwashers – and of our government’ | World news


  • Dans le Guardian, le témoignage d’une mère belge dont les 3 enfants sont partis en Syrie et qui critique les autorités de son pays :
    ‘Our sons are victims of Isis brainwashers – and of our government’
    Guardian / 27.03.2016
    Elle a averti les autorités en 2013 sur le risque que son fils de 22 ans parte là-bas, à quoi on lui a répondu qu’il n’était pas illégal de partir combattre Assad. Puis ensuite sur son fils le plus jeune de 16 ans, qui peut prendre tranquillement l’avion en direction de la Turquie :

    Her younger son, Rashid, followed three months later, when he was still only 16. He told his mother he was going to the movies and on for a bowling game with some friends, and that evening he called home from Istanbul.
    “How come he could cross the border at Zaventem when he was under 18? The airport authorities should have stopped both of them,” she told the Observer. “I was totally shattered. I only had the energy to call the police and ask them to go and bring him back.”

    Et le rappel des déclarations du ministre des affaires étrangères belge expliquant que les « combattants » belges partant en Syrie mériteraient plus tard un monument à la gloire de la révolution, donne de la substance aux accusations de cette mère :

    “Today they all say, ‘we never would have imagined, we never knew’, but actually they were accomplices,” she said. “Our children are first victims of a criminal organisation that brainwashed them. But they are also victims of our political leaders and foreign minister.”
    The horror of Brussels: ’My memories stop at 9.10am. When they come back, I have blood on my face’
    A few days after Rashid left Brussels, Didier Reynders, Belgium’s foreign minister, said of those going to fight: “One day, perhaps, we will build a monument for them as heroes of the revolution.