Un agent de la CIA affirme avoir contribué à l’arrestation de Nelson Mandela


  • Selon un ancien agent de la CIA et vice-consul à Durban, un certain Richard Dickard, les Etats-Unis percevaient Mandela comme « complètement sous le contrôle de l’Union soviétique », ce qui aurait amené cet agent de la CIA à s’impliquer directement et à organiser l’arrestation de Mandela en 1962 (il restera 27 ans en prison) par le régime d’apartheid sud-africain :

    A tip from a CIA spy to authorities in apartheid-era South Africa led to Nelson Mandela’s arrest, beginning the leader’s 27 years behind bars, a report said on Sunday.
    Donald Rickard, a former US vice-consul in Durban and CIA operative, told British film director John Irvin that he had been involved in Mandela’s arrest in 1962, which was seen as necessary because the Americans believed he was “completely under the control of the Soviet Union” , according to a report in the Sunday Times newspaper.
    “He could have incited a war in South Africa, the United States would have to get involved, grudgingly, and things could have gone to hell,” Rickard said.
    “We were teetering on the brink here and it had to be stopped, which meant Mandela had to be stopped. And I put a stop to it.

    Et puis dans la suite de l’article, faisant penser un peu à la situation brésilienne où des autorités très critiquables se voient déstabilisées, en partie de l’extérieur, non pas pour leur incompétence et pour leur corruption, mais pour des raisons d’alignement sur le projet alternatif de multipolarité des BRICS, ces accusations générales du porte-parole de l’ANC sur le rôle toujours déstabilisateur de la CIA :

    Zizi Kodwa, national spokesman of Mandela’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) party, called the revelation “a serious indictment”.
    “We always knew there was always collaboration between some western countries and the apartheid regime,” he said.
    He claimed that though the incident happened decades ago, the CIA was still interfering in South African politics.
    “We have recently observed that there are efforts to undermine the democratically elected ANC government,” he alleged. “They never stopped operating here.”
    “It is still happening now – the CIA is still collaborating with those who want regime change .”

    EDIT : sur le même sujet, un article de l’AFP en français sur le Huffington Post québecois signalé par @loutre ici : http://seenthis.net/messages/489555
    ainsi qu’un article du Figaro signalé par @rezo là : http://seenthis.net/messages/489488