The U.S. Is ‘Missing’ Millions in Ukraine


  • The U.S. Is ‘Missing’ Millions in Ukraine | Observer

    Ironically, the Poroshenko administration is following the lead of the American-installed Al-Abadi administration in Iraq. Corrupt and ruled by internal interests, both parliaments create their own reality in the tug-of-war for power and money, which includes increased spending on military. Both setups are also threatened by outside developments (the civil war in the East, and Daesh respectively) as the name of the game is a monopoly-like of accumulation of wealth with get-out-of-jail-free cards given away by the top of the official administrations.

    Increasingly, the cookies distributed by the Deputy Secretary of State [fuck the EU] Nuland at the EuroMaidan are the most expensive pastries ever sold: they are paid for both in U.S. Treasury (five billion and counting) and at least 10,000 lives.

    Marie Antoinette would be proud. The #revolution which ultimately cost her head is back, and inflicted on ordinary people.

    #corruption #bandits #oligarchie #Etats-Unis #Ukraine