Shiite Iraq’s gains against Islamic State spur fundraising in Saudi Arabia


  • Le WaPo évoque l’augmentation des campagnes pour lever des fonds en Arabie saoudite au profit de Falloujah (comprendre de Da’ich), que l’armée irakienne et le Hashd al-Cha’abi sont actuellement en train de reprendre. Ceci sur fond de détestation sectaire des chiites dans le royaume saoudien.

    Iraq’s current military offensive against the Islamic State in the city of Fallujah has sparked a flurry of new fundraising campaigns in Saudi Arabia.
    “You cannot control the sympathies of people,” said Saudi Maj. Gen. Mansour al-Turki, a spokesman for his government’s Interior Ministry. But what Saudi Arabia can control, he said, are potentially fake campaigns to raise money in the name of the “children of Fallujah” that actually funds terrorism.
    Charitable solicitation or giving for any cause outside the country has been monitored by the government since 2004, and all private donations going abroad must use official channels, he said. Some 226 people have been convicted of terrorism financing activities.

    • En passant le titre de l’article du WaPo : « Shiite Iraq’s gains against Islamic State spur fundraising in Saudi Arabia » est bien con-confessionnaliste lui aussi ! Le journaliste qui a écrit ça partage plus qu’il ne le croit avec ces donateurs saoudiens...