• Mother of German #MH17 victim sues Ukraine - Europe - Al Jazeera English

    The mother of a victim of downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has begun legal proceedings against Ukraine, demanding $1m from Kiev in damages for negligent homicide.

    The woman lodged her complaint at the European Court of Human Rights last week, accusing Kiev of failing to close the country’s airspace, the German newspaper Bild reported Sunday.

    The woman said Ukraine should have closed its airspace to civilian flights when fighting raged in the east of the country, but chose not to because it did not want to lose out on overflight fees.

    Flight MH17 exploded over rebel-held east Ukraine on July 17, killing all 298 on board.

    At the time, some 700 flights were thought to be crossing Ukrainian territory per day, bringing in millions of dollars a month in revenue, Bild added.

    Elmar Giemulla, an attorney and professor of aviation law who is representing the woman, had earlier suggested that the Ukrainian government bore responsibility for the security of the flight.

    By keeping its airspace open for transit by aircraft from other countries, the state must ensure the safety of the flights. If this is temporarily impossible, it means that it should close its airspace,” Giemulla told the AFP news agency in September.

    Tiens, c’est la première fois que je vois mentionner l’intérêt financier de l’Ukraine comme élément dans la décision de maintenir l’espace aérien ouvert.

    • Le Monde ( avec AFP ) reprend l’argument financier en bonne place.

      Vol MH 17 : la mère d’une victime poursuit l’Ukraine pour « négligence »

      La mère d’une victime allemande du crash du vol MH 17 de Malaysia Airlines a attaqué l’Ukraine devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, à Strasbourg. Elle reproche à Kiev de n’avoir pas fermé son espace aérien aux vols civils alors que la zone était en guerre, rapporte le quotidien Bild dans son édition du dimanche 30 novembre.

      Selon elle, l’Ukraine ne voulait pas renoncer aux recettes des droits de survol du pays. A l’époque, les quelque 700 survols quotidiens de son territoire auraient rapporté au pays plusieurs millions de dollars par mois. La plaignante a déposé sa requête « la semaine dernière », précise le quotidien populaire. Elle réclame 800 000 euros de dommages et intérêts pour « homicide par négligence ».

      Le Figaro ( par AFP ) n’en pipe pas mot.

      MH17 : la mère d’une victime poursuit l’Ukraine

      Selon le quotidien Bild, la mère d’une victime allemande du crash du vol MH17 de Malaysia Airlines a attaqué l’Ukraine devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme à Strasbourg, reprochant à Kiev de n’avoir pas fermé son espace aérien aux vols civils alors que la zone était en guerre.

      La plaignante a déposé sa requête contre l’Etat ukrainien « la semaine dernière », indique le quotidien populaire allemand dans son édition de dimanche. Elle réclame 800.000 euros de dommages pour homicide par négligence.

      Le texte d’Al Jazeera, ci-dessus est très proche de la dépêche AFP http://www.afp.com/fr/news/3110218

  • Genève-2 se fera avec l’Arabie saoudite mais sans l’Iran

    « L’Iran fournit du personnel militaire et des moyens financiers pour les milices, y compris le Hezbollah libanais, qui aggravent encore plus la violence en Syrie (...) nous considérons comme difficile de les imaginer dans cette conférence », a ajouté ce responsable.

    À l’opposé, l’Arabie saoudite très engagée dans l’aide à certaines factions de l’opposition a été nommée sans commentaires dans la liste des pays invités.

  • Greeks self-inject HIV to claim benefits - Europe - Al Jazeera English

    A growing number of Greek residents have injected themselves with HIV so they can claim about $950 in monthly health benefits, according to a report commissioned by the World Health Organisation.

    The report, Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region, found cases of self-inflicted HIV infections in Greece, as the population continues to grapple with a deeply troubled economy.

    The country’s suicide rate has also skyrocketed, while healthcare access has declined.

    #grèce #oms #sida #vih #innommable

  • Exhumation d’Arafat : des experts suisses confirment la présence de polonium | International | RIA Novosti
    PARIS, 13 octobre - RIA Novosti

    L’ancien président de l’autorité palestinienne Yasser Arafat pourrait avoir été empoisonné au polonium-210 radioactif, indiquent les résultats d’une étude menée par des médecins suisses publiés par la revue britannique Lancet.

    « Je peux confirmer que nous avons découvert un niveau anormalement élevé de polonium-201 dans les affaires de Yasser Arafat, qui contenaient son matériel biologique », a déclaré le directeur de l’Institut de radiophysique du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (Lausanne) Francois Bochud cité par la chaîne Al-Jazeera.

    Selon les données publiées, l’étude a permis de déceler un niveau élevé de particules radioactives dans le sang, l’urine et la salive de M. Arafat.

    • Arafat poisoning claim backed by journal

      One of the world’s leading medical journals has supported the possibility that Yasser Arafat, the longtime Palestinian leader, was poisoned with the radioactive element polonium 210.

      The British The Lancet journal has published a peer review of last year’s research by Swiss scientists on Arafat’s personal effects.

      It endorsed their work, which found high levels of the highly radioactive element in blood, urine, and saliva stains on the Palestinian leader’s clothes and toothbrush.

    • On Nov 11, 2004, Arafat died at the age of 75 years of an unidentified illness in Percy Hospital, France. He presented with a medical history that began in Ramallah on Oct 12, 2004, with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. Shortly after, his general health deteriorated with continuing gastrointestinal symptoms, thrombocytopenia, apyrexia, but the absence of inflammation and myelosuppression. On Oct 29, he was admitted to Percy Hospital. He had diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and generalised abdominal pain with mild liver and kidney failure that was associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. His condition worsened, with acute renal failure, aggravation of a cholestatic jaundice, and neurological coma. He was transferred to the intensive care unit, where he died of a cerebral haemorrhage. Despite numerous toxicological and clinical investigations, the cause of his illness remained unknown. There was no evidence of infectious, vascular, or cancerous disease and the treatment had been symptomatic only.1 Poisoning was considered but never confirmed by toxicological analyses. After the death of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006,2210Polonium (210Po) poisoning was considered as a possible cause of Arafat’s death. Although the absence of myelosuppression and hair loss does not favour acute radiation syndrome, symptoms of nausea, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhoea, and anorexia, followed by hepatic and renal failures, might suggest radioactive poisoning. From a medico-legal perspective, this hypothesis is justified given the absence of a characterised cause of illness and the absence of toxicological evidence, including γ radiations, as well as the dearth of scientific literature in this topic.
      In February, 2012, Arafat’s widow made his medical records1 and his late belongings available to us. DNA analysis (see appendix) confirmed that the belongings were Arafat’s. Toxicological elemental analyses done on his hair were unremarkable. Further investigations on several belongings did not reveal any known poison. To assess the possibility of 210Po ingestion, we focused our radiotoxicological analyses on visible body fluid stains from specific belongings (underwear, chapka, toothbrush, hospital cap, sportswear). We did 210Po analyses on 75 samples, 38 of them taken from Arafat’s belongings (see figure in appendix). The remaining 37 samples were references, which were not artificially contaminated with 210Po. These included cotton items that had been kept for 10 years and protected from dust and products of radon decay in an attic (appendix). Several samples containing body fluid stains (blood and urine) contained higher unexplained 210Po activities than the reference samples.

      According to biokinetic modelling (see appendix), the measured activities of 210Po of several mBq per sample are compatible with a lethal ingestion of several GBq in 2004. Moreover, his clinical presentation could not rule out 210Po poisoning. Although myelosuppression and hair loss are expected in acute radiation syndrome after whole-body external exposure, these symptoms are poorly documented in the case of internal exposure of ingested 210Po. In radionuclide therapy, side-effects include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and abdominal pain, with hair loss being less common. Toxicity can occur in bone marrow and, to a lesser extent, kidneys and liver.3 Myelosuppression varies greatly between patients. In Arafat’s case, low marrow cellularity associated with ageing and non-bone-seeking biodistribution of 210Po might have attenuated myelosuppression.4 Since ingested 210Po is eliminated primarily through faeces, the gastrointestinal syndrome, associated with multiple organ failure, could be a predominant cause of death.5 The fact that around 20 half-lives had elapsed was clearly a challenge for measurement of 210Po. However, on the basis of this forensic investigation, there was sufficient doubt to recommend the exhumation of his body in 2012. Three scientific teams are currently analysing body, shrine, and earth samples. Because of legal procedures, the date of publication of the detailed results of the exhumation analyses is unknown. An autopsy would have been useful in this case because although potential polonium poisoning might not have been identified during that procedure, body samples could have been kept and tested afterwards. The international medical community should continue to consider toxicological analyses of body samples in cases presenting with unknown cause of death.

      Supplementary Material

      Supplementary appendix

      PDF (352K) http://download.thelancet.com/mmcs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140673613618346/mmc1.pdf?id=8b69abadd6dadf97:521d737c:141b35358e8:-40b3138169490

    • Voilà, les dépeches sont passées, l’info est désormais reprise en dehors du cercle des usual suspects.

      Arafat : ’possibilité’ d’empoisonnement

      Les experts suisses ayant analysé les effets personnels de Yasser Arafat, mort près de Paris en 2004, confirment la « possibilité » d’un empoisonnement du leader palestinien par substance radioactive, selon un compte rendu publié par The Lancet.

      « Plusieurs échantillons contenant des traces de fluides corporels (sang et urine) contenaient une radioactivité plus élevée et inexpliquée au polonium 210 par rapport aux échantillons de référence », écrivent ces experts de l’Institut de radiophysique (IRA) de Lausanne, dans l’article diffusé par la revue médicale britannique.

      En outre, le tableau clinique de Yasser Arafat au moment de sa mort n’exclut pas un empoisonnement par polonium, selon ces scientifiques, même si le leader palestinien n’a pas montré deux signaux indicateurs d’une irradiation importante : perte de cheveux et « myélosuppression » ou appauvrissement de la moelle osseuse en cellules productrices de globules.

    • Un bon résumé du déroulement des recherches:

      Des experts du CHUV confirment la possibilité d’un empoisonnement de Yasser Arafat

      « Amélioration de l’investigation judiciaire pour l’empoisonnement au polonium » c’est le titre de cet article signé par plusieurs chercheurs lausannois. Pas de révélations proprement dites Il s’agit plutôt de la validation scientifique de la procédure utilisée pour mener à bien la première enquête"

    • Experts russes contre experts suisses…

      Arafat n’a pas été empoisonné au polonium, selon les Russes - Libération

      L’expertise russe d’échantillons provenant de la dépouille de Yasser Arafat permet d’exclure la thèse d’un empoisonnement au polonium 210, substance dont aucune trace n’a été trouvée, a affirmé mardi le chef de l’agence fédérale d’analyses biologiques, cité par Interfax.
      « Il n’a pas pu être empoisonné au polonium. Les experts russes qui ont mené l’analyse (des échantillons) n’ont pas trouvé trace de cette substance », a déclaré ce responsable, Vladimir Ouïba.

      Un article de la revue britannique The Lancet, citant les résultats d’une expertise menée par des experts suisses qui auraient trouvé des traces de polonium 210 (une substance radioactive hautement toxique) a relancé la thèse d’un empoisonnement du leader palestinien décédé en 2004 à l’hôpital militaire français de Percy, près de Paris.

    • Dans la revue The Lancet il n’est pas question de résultats sur des « échantillons provenant de la dépouille de Yasser Arafat », c’est l’affolement là.

    • Exhumation d’Arafat : la publication des résultats relève des Palestiniens (Moscou)
      MOSCOU, 15 octobre - RIA Novosti / http://fr.ria.ru/world/20131015/199556041.html

      Seule la partie palestinienne a le droit de publier les résultats exhaustifs de l’exhumation de la dépouille de Yasser Arafat, ancien président de l’autorité palestinienne, a annoncé à RIA Novosti une source au sein du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.

      « Notre position sur la publication des résultats de l’exhumation de la dépouille de Yasser Arafat reste inchangée : seules les autorités palestiniennes ont le droit de rendre publiques les informations en question », a souligné la source.

      Les médias ont fait savoir que l’Agence fédérale russe des analyses médico-biologiques chargée d’expertiser des échantillons prélevés sur la dépouille de Yasser Arafat n’avait pas confirmé l’hypothèse selon laquelle il aurait été empoisonné au moyen d’une substance radioactive.

      Cependant, l’Agence en question a annoncé mardi ne pas avoir divulgué les résultats de l’expertise, précisant avoir transmis au ministère russe des Affaires étrangères tous les documents de l’étude.

      La revue britannique le Lancet a publié dimanche les résultats d’une étude suisse confirmant la version selon laquelle Arafat aurait été empoisonné au polonium-210, un élément radioactif.

  • Japan signs nuclear plant deal with Turkey

    Japan and Turkey have signed a deal to build a major nuclear power plant on Turkey’s Black Sea coast, a milestone for the Japanese nuclear industry as it recovers from the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

    On Friday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan hailed the $22 billion contract as a “very important step” that would transform bilateral relations with Japan into a “strategic partnership.”

    A Japanese-French consortium won the giant contract to build Turkey’s second nuclear plant, Japan’s first successful bid on an overseas nuclear project since a tsunami wrecked the power station in Fukushima.

    Turkey weathered criticism for teaming up with Japan in light of the catastrophe, but “despite that, we have taken this step,” Erdogan said.

    “What happened at Fukushima upset all of us,” he said, adding that “successful steps are being taken now with the use of improved technology.”

    Like Japan, Turkey lies in a part of the world that is prone to earthquakes, making it essential that nuclear plants are designed to resist the effects of such events.

    Pour la dernière phrase, c’est moi qui souligne.

  • UK signs deal with Jordan to expel Abu Qatada

    Britain has signed a new legal treaty with Jordan in the hope of being able to deport a cleric accused of being Osama bin Laden’s “right-hand man in Europe” later this year, the interior minister has said.

    The British government has for years been unable to deport Abu Qatada back to his native Jordan, where he is wanted on
    terrorism charges, because judges have said evidence obtained through torture could be used against him.

    “I have signed a comprehensive mutual legal assistance agreement with Jordan,” Home Secretary Theresa May told parliament on Wednesday, a day after a court rejected the government’s latest appeal of a judicial decision to block Abu Qatada’s extradition to Jordan. 

    “The agreement also includes a number of fair trial guarantees ... I believe these guarantees will provide the courts with the assurance that Qatada will not face evidence that might have been obtained by torture.”

    The new treaty is expected to be ratified by the Jordanian and British parliaments by the end of June, but May said it could still take several months to secure Abu Qatada’s deportation.

    The case has been embarrassing for the Conservative-led government, which wants to appear tough on security and immigration, and in particular for May, who has been tipped as a future party leader.

  • Tu te souviens, il y a deux semaines, quand Fabius faisait dans le coup de menton martial, annonçait qu’on allait armer les rebelles syriens, qu’on irait envoyer promener les Européens et leur lâche embargo parce que nous on est une « nation souveraine » sévèrement burnée, et qu’alors on verrait ce qu’on allait voir ?

    Bon ben finalement on ne le fait plus : France backtracks on arming Syria’s rebels

    France will uphold the EU embargo on weapon deliveries for Syrian rebels after all, changing course from just two weeks ago, according to comments by President Francois Hollande.

    France would have to be convinced that the weapons would not fall into the hands of terrorists, Hollande said in an interview with France 2.

    “At the moment, we do not have this guarantee,” Hollande said.

    Rien n’a pourtant changé sur le terrain, et justement, Fabius justifiait les livraisons d’armes à cause de la présence de groupes liés à Al Qaïda… Quelqu’un s’est fait expliquer la vie par le patron et ce qu’il fallait entendre par « nation souveraine ».

  • L’accusation du Hezbollah par la Bulgarie est très importante : c’est l’élément qui manquait aux différents gouvernements pro-israéliens d’Europe pour faire inscrire la Résistance libanaise sur la liste européenne des organisations terroristes.

    Bulgaria has pointed an accusing finger at the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah over a bus bombing last July that killed five Israeli tourists.

    Tsvetan Tsevtnov, Bulgarian interior minister, said on Tuesday that two of the suspects had entered the country respectively with an Australian and a Canadian passport.

    “We have established that the two were members of the militant wing of Hezbollah,” he said.

    “They had Canadian and Australian passports ... [and] lived in Lebanon since 2006 and 2010.”

    Speaking after a meeting of the country’s National Security Council, Tsevtnov said Bulgaria expects “the government of Lebanon to assist” in the investigation.

    Affaire à suivre, donc. (Pour l’heure, peu de commentaires sur le sujet.)

  • EU recognises Syria opposition bloc

    European Union foreign ministers have said they view Syria’s just-formed National Coalition to be the “legitimate representatives” of the Syrian people.

    A statement from the bloc’s 27 ministers on Monday welcomed the November 11 formation of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces and said: “The EU considers them legitimate representatives of the aspirations of the Syrian people.”

    (Faudra penser à prévenir les rebelles d’Alep.)

  • Papal butler to face trial over Vatican leaks

    Paolo Gabriele, a former butler to Pope Benedict XVI, is set to go on trial for leaking confidential Vatican memos that revealed clandestine politics among the closest aides of the Roman Catholic Pope.

    Saturday’s trial will see Gabriele face up to four years in prison for aggravated theft in a trial that is unprecedented in the modern history of the world’s smallest state.

    Gabriele said he grew disgusted by the “evil and corruption” he witnessed. He told investigators he was acting as an “agent” of the Holy Spirit to help the pope put the Roman Catholic Church back on track.

  • IMF head: Greeks should pay their taxes

    On children affected by the cuts, Lagarde said their parents needed to take responsibility.

    “Parents have to pay their tax,” she was quoted as saying.

    “I think more of the little kids from a school in a little village in Niger who get teaching two hours a day, sharing one chair for three of them, and who are very keen to get an education,” she said.

    “I have them in my mind all the time. Because I think they need even more help than the people in Athens.”

    Ouh là, Christine, t’oses!

  • Gaddafi-era official ’drowned’ in Danube

    An autopsy done on Shukri Ghanem has found that the former Libyan oil minister drowned, Austrian police say.

    Roman Hahslinger, police spokesman, said on Monday that the autopsy results on Ghanem’s corpse also showed there were no signs of violence.

    Ghanem’s fully clothed body was found in the Danube in Vienna on Sunday, a few hundred meters from his home.

    Hahslinger suggested the death may have been an accident and that Ghanem had complained to his daughter late on Saturday that he was not feeling well.

    He said no suicide note has been found and there is no evidence Ghanem was under threat.

    However, Vienna police and a Libyan security source suggested to the Reuters news agency that Ghanem, 69, could have been murdered.

    L’ancien ministre du pétrole libyen se « noie », et la police « suggère » que peut-être il aurait pu être assassiné ? Ils sont drôlement complotistes, les flics viennois, dis-donc.

    • Mysterious Vienna death of Gaddafi oil boss arouses suspicion | Reuters

      Ghanem, who was also close to Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam, was privy to potentially damaging information including on oil deals with Western governments and oil companies. Such deals are now under investigation by Libya’s new leaders.

      As chairman of Libya’s National Oil Company (NOC) since 2006, Ghanem helped steer Libya’s oil policy and held the high-profile job of representing Libya at OPEC meetings in Vienna.

      “I think he knows more about what really went on in NOC than anyone else alive - not alive now, he’s dead. Obviously there are matters there that would not pass muster in a normal society. Where was all the money going?” said the former OPEC minister who asked not to be named.

  • Hé, Sarko, t’es célèbre : ils parlent de toi sur Al Jazeera (angliche, mais quand même) :

    The government of the late Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi agreed to fund French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign with an estimated $66m, a French news website has reported.


    The 2006 document, written in Arabic, was signed by Gaddafi’s intelligence chief Moussa Koussa, who reportedly now lives in Doha, Qatar.

    It referred to an “agreement in principle to support the campaign for the candidate for the presidential elections, Nicolas Sarkozy, for a sum equivalent to 50 million euros [$66m]”.

    The document refers to a meeting that allegedly took place on June 6, 2006, between Brice Hortefeux, Sarkozy’s close ally, and Ziad Takieddine, a Franco-Lebanese businessman who has been at the centre of a number of political scandals linked to Sarkozy and his inner circle.