How a Lime Grower Led an Uprising Against One of Mexico’s Bloodiest Drug Cartels


  • How a Lime Grower Led an Uprising Against One of Mexico’s Bloodiest Drug Cartels

    They called themselves autodefensas, self-defense groups. For a moment, their uprising was Mexico’s biggest story. For some, they symbolized a courageous effort on the part of ordinary citizens to accomplish what the government was unable or unwilling to do, dismantling a notorious criminal organization that had terrorized the Hot Land for years. For others, they were unaccountable vigilantes representing a dangerous slide into anarchic chaos.

    The story Mora told was part of a broader narrative, relayed by other anti-cartel fighters, reporters in the Hot Land, and human rights investigators in the state capital during two weeks of interviews across Michoacán in early December. Together they provide a snapshot of the frustrations and complexities wrought by more than a decade of violence in one of Mexico’s toughest places, offering a window into the changing face of a conflict to which the United States is inextricably linked.

    Pas encore lu cet article, marqué pour plus tard.

    Je suis en train de lire The Cartel, de Don Winslow.
    Une sorte de suite à The Power of the Dog (La griffe du chien), qui m’avait bien marqué.
    #mexique #narco #usa #dea