affaire Petrobras, c’est maintenant le Ministre de la Transparence, de la Surveillance et…


  • Brésil : Eduardo Cunha, meneur de la destitution de Rousseff, démissionne de la présidence de l’Assemblée

    Eduardo Cunha, fer de lance de la procédure de destitution de la présidente du Brésil Dilma Rousseff, a annoncé jeudi 7 juillet sa démission de la présidence de l’Assemblée nationale, acculé par des soupçons de corruption.
    Eduardo Cunha, 57 ans, est visé par de multiples accusations de corruption dans le cadre du scandale Petrobras, soupçonné notamment d’avoir alimenté un compte secret en Suisse avec des pots-de-vin de plusieurs millions de reais.

    M. Cunha, qui avait été élu président de l’Assemblée en février 2015, a tiré depuis décembre les ficelles de la procédure d’impeachment de la présidente Dilma Rousseff, dont il est le plus farouche adversaire.

  • Major New Brazil Events Expose the Fraud of Dilma’s Impeachment — and Temer’s Corruption – Glenn Greenwald

    Even more significant is the growing evidence of the full-scale corruption of Dilma’s installed replacement, Michel Temer. In just over 30 days since his installation, Temer lost three of his chosen ministers to corruption. One of them, his extremely close ally, Romero Jucá, was caught on tape plotting Dilma’s impeachment as a way to shut down the ongoing corruption investigation, as well as indicating that Brazil’s military, the media and the courts were all participants in the impeachment plotting.

    A key investigation informant, former Senator and construction executive Sérgio Machado, has now said that Temer received and controlled R$ 1.5 million in illegal campaign funds, while a separate informant last week said Temer was the “beneficiary” of R$ 1 million in bribes. And Temer is now banned by a court order from running for any office for 8 years due to his own violation of election laws. Remember: this is who, in the name of fighting “corruption,” Brazil’s elites installed in the place of the elected President.

    Meanwhile, Temer’s political party, PMDB is almost certainly the most corrupt in this hemisphere. Its president of the lower House Eduardo Cunha – who presided over Dilma’s impeachment – is now suspended by the Supreme Court, and the House’s Ethics Commission just voted to expel him entirely because he lied about bribe-filled Swiss Banks he controls. The same construction executive, Machado, testified that three of PMBD’s key leaders – including Jucá – were paid a total of R$ 71.1 million in bribes. Meanwhile, two key Temer allies from the center-right PSDB that Dilma defeated in 2014 – Temer’s Foreign Minister José Serra and Dilma’s 2014 opponent Aécio Neves – are now both targets of the corruption investigation.