• Community 2.0 — Copy me happy

    As in most subcultures, ours are obsessed with internal status. We have lots of heroes and with that comes hero worship. Most newcomers look up to their heroes way to much, and most heroes feel like nerds that all of a sudden get their 15 minutes of fame. Everyone copes with that differently, many abuse it. The hero culture has always felt very dangerous to me, and it’s been very binary for most people. When Julian Assange got accused of sexual abuse, it was hard for most people in our scene to separate the private actions of Julian and the actions of Wikileaks. I’ve always been a firm believer that things are nuanced. I wanted (and still want) that Julian should be tried for what he’s accused of, but I also believe Wikileaks has been tremendously important to our society and would not discredit Julians work for that happening. The same goes with Jake; if he has done anything wrong he should be tried for that, but it says nothing about his own work nor the Tor project for that matter. Guilt by association is not something we should approve of.

    In any case there are multiple sides to an argument. In a fair community we would listen to all, and find a way to deal with it, and take care of all parties. The people that accuse someone of abuse must be listened to whomever they accuse, without judgement, and with support for their experiences. The people accused of abuse must also be listened to whomever they are, without judgement and with an understanding of how people deal with being accused (no matter guilty or not). And we need to understand that these things should be settled by professionals, not be biased friends in a heated situation.

    But most importantly, we must create a safe environment for everyone, including the people that have a different background to ourselves. The non-male, non-white, non-hetero are the people we’ve always wanted to include but could never find until we got enough interest. If we want to have them, which we all do and should celebrate that we finally have a chance to include, we need to understand integration; it goes both ways. We can’t expect people to integrate into our way of life without integrating with their ways of lives as well. The diversity is what a community thrives from and what we need to strive for. We were once the outsiders, now we need to welcome the new as well.

    #Appelbaum #tor #womensintech #sexisme #inclusion

  • Peter Sunde : “J’ai abandonné” - Motherboard

    Pour la version française de Motherboard (@motherboardfr), Peter Sunde (@brokep), fondateur de The Pirate Bay, livre une interview déprimée et déprimante. “En réalité, il n’y a pas d’Internet libre. Cela fait déjà longtemps qu’il ne l’est plus. Donc on ne peut pas vraiment en parler, puisqu’il n’existe plus. Le problème, c’est que personne ne résiste vraiment. Nous perdons nos droits et nos privilèges en permanence. Et on ne progresse nulle part. Tout va dans le même sens : un Internet plus fermé et plus contrôlé. Cela a un impact important sur notre société. Car aujourd’hui, l’Internet et la société se confondent. Si l’Internet est plus répressif, la société l’est aussi. C’est donc un sujet majeur.Et pourtant, on continue à voir l’Internet comme une sorte de nouveau Far West, et comme tout n’est pas encore (...)

    #internet_libre #capitalisme

  • Des nouvelles de #Peter_Sunde Pirate Bay Founder : ‘I Have Given Up’ | Motherboard

    I have given up the idea that we can win this fight for the internet.

    The situation is not going to be any different, because apparently that is something people are not interested in fixing. Or we can’t get people to care enough. Maybe it’s a mixture, but this is kind of the situation we are in, so its useless to do anything about it.

    We have become somehow the Black Knight from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. We have maybe half of our head left and we are still fighting, we still think we have a chance of winning this battle.

    So what can people do to change this?



    The amount of employees in these companies are smaller then ever before and the profits are, in turn, larger. Apple and Google are passing oil companies by far. Minecraft got sold for $2.6 billion and WhatsApp for like $19 billion. These are insane amounts of money for nothing. That is why the internet and capitalism are so in love with each other.

    • > I have given up the idea that we can win this fight for the internet.

      Ca m’a fait mal de lire ça, mais c’est peut-être vrai. Ma première réaction était de me dire que l’Internet vivra tant que je pourrais router entre mon réseau et celui de mon voisin avec un câble RJ-45, un lien Wi-Fi ou une valise de spools UUCP... Oui un Internet aussi atomisé serait une régression des usages - mais l’Internet vivra. Mais d’un autre côté l’histoire permet déjà de conclure que la majorité des utilisateurs lui préféreront le non-Internet rapide avec strass et paillettes... Si vous avez besoin d’une confirmation, comptez vos contacts XMPP ! Or sans la masse des utilisateurs, le fait que persiste un réseau ouvert fréquenté par au plus un millième de la population n’a aucune importance politique - et c’est bien ça qui compte.

    • So, we should just let it crash and burn down, pick up the pieces and start over?

      Yes, with the focus on the big war on this extreme capitalism. I couldn’t vote, but I was hoping Sarah Palin won last time in the US elections. I’m hoping Donald Trump wins this year’s election. For the reason that it will fuck up that country so much faster then if a less bad President wins. Our whole world is just so focused on money, money, money. That’s the biggest problem. That’s why everything fucks up. That’s the target we have to fix. We need to make sure that we are going to get a different focus in life.

      Hopefully technology will give us robots that will take away all the jobs, which will cause like a massive worldwide unemployment; somewhat like 60 percent. People will be so unhappy. That would be great, because then you can finally see capitalism crashing so hard. There is going to be a lot of fear, lost blood, and lost lives to get to that point, but I think that’s the only positive thing I see, that we are going to have a total system collapse in the future. Hopefully as quick as possible. I would rather be 50 then be like 85 when the system is crashing.


    • Je pense que ce Peter Sunde possède un certain sens de l’humour, probablement sarcastique, mais qui interroge. Au moins il ne va pas par 4 chemins pour exprimer des faits qui sont simples à comprendre. Non vraiment, je trouve qu’il a beaucoup de courage pour exposer crument sa pensée.

  • Blog of Peter Sunde — Copy me happy


    The Pirate Bay down, forever ?
    December 9th, 2014

    signalé par @fil lors d’une grande valse viennoise

    News just reached me that The Pirate Bay has been raided, again. That happened over 8 years ago last time. That time, a lot of people went out to protest and rally in the streets. Today few seem to care. And I’m one of them.

    Why, you might ask? Well. For multiple reasons. But most of all, I’ve not been a fan of what TPB has become.

    TPB has become an institution that people just expected to be there. Noone willing to take the technology further. The site was ugly, full of bugs, old code and old design. It never changed except for one thing – the ads. More and more ads was filling the site, and somehow when it felt unimaginable to make these ads more distasteful they somehow ended up even worse.


  • Cable Reveals Extent Of Lapdoggery From Swedish Govt On Copyright Monopoly - Falkvinge on Infopolicy

    Among the treasure troves of recently released #WikiLeaks cables, we find one whose significance has bypassed Swedish media. In short: every law proposal, every ordinance, and every governmental report hostile to the net, youth, and civil liberties here in Sweden in recent years have been commissioned by the US government and industry interests.

    #cablegate #propriété_intellectuelle #suède #etats-unis