• Gregory Klimov, The essentials of issue of degeneracy

    Pourquoi republier un tel bric-à-brac confus et réactionnaire ? D’abord parce que c’est un peu comme si on entrait dans la tête du Docteur Mabuse. Puis ca risque de disparaître à tout moment de la toile et c’est un condensé typique pour bien des systèmes de pensée attrayants pour les esprits sans formation philosophique ou politique.

    Alors attention, le texte suivant vous emmène sur un terrain que les Anglais appellent a slippery slope pour se montrer gentils.

    ... my readers start to give my books to all their friends as a test and quietly watch the reaction. Typical result – they loose half of their so-called friends.

    C’est l’auteur qui le dit. Vous aurez été prévenus ;-)

    The essentials of issue of degeneracy, Interview with Gregory Klimov

    01. You have been working with a special type of people with Power Complex for almost 50 years. What is Power Complex and why are these people special?

    02. How to find degenerates?

    03. How many degenerates are out there?

    04. How do you know that you are not a degenerate?

    05. Why don’t you suppose that all of us are degenerates?

    06. What about IMF?

    07. What about Yeltsyn & Co?

    08. Can Russia have a normal government?

    09. What do you think about “pure blood” nations?

    10. What do you think about re-birth (creation) of “New Nation”?

    11. What about Religion?

    12. What about masons (shriners etc.)?

    13. Do you think that “eternal plot” exists?

    14. Do you think that Mr.X is a degenerate?
    Q.: You have been working with a special type of people with Power Complex for almost 50 years. What is Power Complex and why are these people special?

    A.: When close relatives marry each other – children will be degenerates. This is an old, well-known fact. If a group of religious leaders forbid marrying outside of sect – this sect in 4-5 generations will be full of degenerates. Do you know any sect, which forbids marriages to outsiders and has been doing that for the last 5,000 years?

    Many degenerates have some unusual qualities like incredible desire to dominate, abnormal wish to rule, abnormal thirst for power. They feel themselves “chosen” (complex of superiority, in russian “mania velichia”) and at the same time they feel themselves persecuted (complex of been persecuted, in russian “mania presledovania”). This is pretty basic staff.

    Now we will talk Hi-Tech. Leaders of the world usually have complex of power which helps them to became world leaders. This complex is usually associated with suppressed sadism, which in turn is result of latent homosexuality. Anybody who has knowledge of this forbidden area can influence and promote these leaders-to-be to position of power.

    By default members of degenerative sect posess this knowledge and have been practicing it for 5,000 years.

    We all has seen pictures of insane or semi-insane person, not huge at all, but 5-6 well built medical workers have difficult time subduing him. This is perfect example of incredible energy that semi-insane sadistical power-hungry person can produce to achieve his goals.

    To find this person and to help him to rise to power – this is typical task of leaders of degenerative sect. This is like weapons of mass destruction – much more effective than nuclear weapons and almost as effective and dangerous as biological warfare.

    Many people have basic knowledge of how to build nuclear weapons, but only chosen few have knowledge and experience of actually producing and delivering it to the target.

    Degenerates hate normal people. It is pleasure for them to watch how one semi-insane sadistical leader, chosen by them, goes to war with another semi-insane sadistical leader of another country, also chosen by them. Millions of normal people are dying for the joy and sadistical pleasure of degenerates...

    Masons, Illuminates etc. – are clubs, where degenerates observe behavior of possible candidates and upon verifying real homo-sadistical inclination of the person – promote him into the real world of power.

    Q.: How to find degenerates?

    A.: Let us try first to understand what degeneracy is all about. Again I must point out that we use term degenerate as strictly medical term (in russian – “vyrozhdenec”, “vyrozhdency”) and not as an offensive word. In the real life degenerate can by quiet, well mannered professor of liberal art in the local college.

    Degeneracy is a natural process and has been with us for thousands years. It is part of the natural life cycle – birth, youth, maturity, decay, death. On the level of individual person this process is familiar to everybody and there is no need to explain it. We will be talking here about clan (family) level. As many historians noticed – clans history follow almost the same pattern of life cycle as individuals. It looks like God (or Mother Nature if you prefer) is trying to give every clan its fair share of time on this Earth.

    When particular clan pass maturity stage and enter into golden stage of decay, God (Mother Nature) gives signal to the members of this family that it’s time in this world is almost gone – by turning off sexual drive. If this is obedient family, it will follow God’s will and stay childless (or adopt somebody).

    By that time family is usually well funded and can participate in support of different good causes like normal art, normal science, normal literature. They quietly enjoy golden age of decay and finally leave this world with charity gifts and foundation created as good memory of their deeds.

    On the other hand, if this happen to be disobedient (rebellious) clan – it ignores God’s warning and will try to fool God by artificial insemination – in russian sounds like “palcem delannyye” ("made with the finger").

    Or to fool God by fake marriages (sleeping with wife, but imagining that he sleep with another man, or dog, or pig, or father, or mother in order to stimulate his sexual drive, “e... tvoju mat” (in russian – f...d your mother).

    Or to cheat God by using healthy member of local normal community – when wife, with husband’s permission (or without), goes to find some healthy cowboy in the local bar and bring him home for one night stand, in russtian – “na chuzom x...e v ray v’exat’” (to get to Eden on stranger’s Dick), etc. You see. Russian people knew about this type of people long time ago and language reflects this knowledge in the (meaningless on the first look) proverbs.

    This disobedient clan starts to support different degenerative causes – like degenerative art, degenerative science, degenerative literature. They will try to convince everybody thru mass media that what they are doing is normal, that this is nothing wrong with it and so on and so on. For those wise-ass (in russian – “khitrozhopykh”) pretty soon God (Mother Nature) gives a second warning by adding to their abnormal sexual practice – mental illnesses.

    If clan will stubbornly continue cheating God – third warning will come in form of inborn physical deformities (birth defect) (rus. – “vrozhdyonnyye defekty”) such as “dry hand” – like Stalin (rus. – “sukhoruchka”), “horse foot” – like Gebbels (rus. – “loshadinaja stopa”), “rabbit split lip” (rus. – “zajachja guba”), cleft palate (rus. – “volchja past”), strabism (rus. – “kosoglazie”), etc.

    In the normal primitive condition it will insure that this particular clan will be extinct in few generations. Who would like to marry a cock-eyed schizophrenical sexual pervert?

    Degeneracy has three stages:

    1. Sexual deviations.
    2. Mental illnesses.
    3. Inborn physical deformity.

    Now, once this is understood, we can talk about how to find degenerative clan. Very simple. Just look at the family tree of this clan. If family tree is healthy, has many new branches with many new and healthy leaves (children) – this is certainly normal and healthy clan. On the other hand, if family tree is drying up (childless couples). If it has many dying branches (suicides, mental illnesses) – you are looking at clan entering golden stage of decay.

    No questions about it. There are only one thing left – to determine is it obedient clan or rebellious clan. Just look what this clan supports in the real life. Does it spread poison of decadence in art, science, literature or does it support normal causes, normal art, normal science, normal literature.

    Q.: How many degenerates are out there?

    A.:Statistics for the 3rd stage of degeneracy (inborn physical deformity) and 2nd stage of degeneracy (mental illnesses) are readily available. You can find it by yourself. Statistics for the first stage of degeneracy (sexual deviations) are most difficult to obtain.

    Let us look at data published in the USA by Dr. Wittels and Dr. Kinsey. Dr. Wittels in his work “Sexual habits of American women” gives us the following statistics:

    Unmarried woman:
    20% had multiple homosexual relations with other women
    51% had dreams about homosexual relations with other women up to reaching orgasm

    Married women:
    15% had multiple homosexual relations with other women
    32% had dreams about homosexual relations with other women up to reaching orgasm

    What about men? Dr. Kinsey discovered that:
    4% had multiple homosexual relations with other men
    33% had dreams about homosexual relations with other men up to reaching orgasm

    Other scientists give us different results, but majority of them average out in 33-50% range.

    Every third (second) person had entered first stage of degeneracy.

    When this data was analyzed by profession (occupation) an interesting picture emerged:
    5% peasants (farmers)
    10% workers (factory)
    50% intellectuals
    75% literature, art
    90% mass media

    This gives new twist to the old idea of struggle of classes (rus. – “klassovaya bor’ba”). It is not about rich against poor, but degenerates against normal people.

    New York Times reported that group of American scientists analyzed 78 greatest persons in history and results was:
    37% had severe mental illnesses during life time
    83% had obvious signs of mental problems during life time
    10% had minor signs of mental problems during life time
    7% had no signs of mental problem during life time

    When group of greatest persons in history was narrowed to 35 – results was:
    40% had severe mental illnesses during life time
    90% had obvious signs of mental problems during life time

    This is why degeneralogy has three golden 90% rules:
    – 90% of all great persons in world history are degenerates
    – 90% of all serious crimes are committed by degenerates
    – 90% of all non-infection illnesses are caused by degeneracy

    After studying this subject during last 50 years – my recommendation is that degeneralogy should be studied by State Security Services of every country so we will never go to war again for the amusement of leaders of degenerative sect.

    I also strongly recommend that degeneralogy should be studied in last years of high school, early years of college so normal people will be aware of existence of huge community of degenerates and will make intelligent choices during critical time of creation of healthy family units

    Q.: How do you know that you are not a degenerate?

    A.: In previous question we talked about family tree test. That was simple and easy test for almost everybody. But there are special cases. What about orphans, who do not know family history. What about adoptive children, who were not told by their degenerative adoptive parents about it. They will be under total impression that they are one of them.

    There are so many diabolical variations in degenerative community, that “sam chort nogu slomit” (russian. – "even devil will break his leg before finding something). For example, do you know that degenerates adopt kids in big numbers. Hundreds of thousands a year. These adoptive children will not stay in marriages with real children of degenerates (see abnormal sexual practice), so they will keep looking around degenerative community and finally will find another adopted kid who will satisfy their dreams about healthy family with many healthy kids.

    These couples will be 100% normal, but everybody – including themselves – will be under total impression that they are degenerates, because they will support all causes of degenerative community with the zeal of healthy normal human being. You see, how situation gets complicated? This is why degeneralogy always have 90% rule.

    Some kids of these adoptive couples will scream, that they are degenerates in second, or third generation. LOOK AT US! WE ARE NORMAL! OUR KIDS ARE NORMAL! HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT, MY FRIEND!!!

    Very simple. Everybody can do quick self-test. 3rd stage of degeneracy (inborn physical deformity) and 2nd stage of degeneracy (mental illnesses) are so obvious, that we will not talk about them here. What is left – 1st stage of degeneracy (sexual deviations).

    In our modern times many sexual deviations (under pressure from degenerative mass media) became a norm. Position 69 is recommended in US schools as good birth control method. Many healthy members of normal community are doing that. So, how to check yourself out for abnormal sexual practice? Simple.

    Try to do it normally (in missionary position). Few times. No cheating.

    Do not try to imagine when sleeping with your girlfriend – that you are actualy sleeping with your boyfriend, or dog, or pig.

    If results are positive you have nothing to worry about. You were just brainwashed by degenerates into doing stupid things. Or if “your family tree” is obviously dying – somebody did not tell your mother and father that they were adopted (or you are adopted).

    If results are negative – then help you God.

    Q.: Why don’t you suppose that all of us are degenerates?

    A.: Your question reminded me story about old prostitute summing up her life philosophy in one sentence: “Ves mir – bardak, Vse ludi – bl...di” (rus. – “All world is whorehouse, all people are prostitutes”). Same goes for philosophy of thieves, alcoholics and drug addicts. They honestly believe that all world are same as they are.

    Of cause, there are thieves, prostitutes, alcoholics and drug addicts out there. But there are also many normal people. They build skyscrapers, bridges, tunnels. they fly jumbo-jets and rockets to the moon. They create.

    There are so many of them that destructive activity of degenerates thru the millenniums could not completly destroy them. All family clans with healthy family tree are my witnesses.

    Q.: What about IMF?

    A.: Power and structure of degenerative sect in the west is basically same as power and structure of Communist Party used to be in the east (ex-USSR).

    Any Soviet organization for International Peace and Economic Development used to have many members of technical staff (referents) usually on the low levels of structure and few Hi-Fi communist leaders in key positions (decision making level).

    Can you imagine that any important Soviet organization will have non-party member in key position? Same thing is applicable to the western analog of Soviet Komintern – Homintern (International Brotherhood Of Degenerates).

    So, my guess will be that 90% of leaders of IMF are certifiable Hi-Fi members of degenerative community.

    The bulk of IMF personnel are probably technical specialists who are smart enough not to question motives behind “strange” decisions and recommendations made by there leaders.

    Q.: What about Yeltsyn & Co?

    A.: I think your confusion is based on misconception that current government of E.B.N. and appointed by him and other degenerates – all together are working on the problem of helping Russia. This is very dangerous misconception.

    They are gang of degenerates placed to do exactly what they are doing quite successfully now – ruin economy of wealthy country as soon as possible. Try to borrow as much money as possible. Waste it. Steal some for yourself and put coming generations in debt forever. I think they are doing quite well.

    Q.: Can Russia have a normal government?

    A.: Your question about Russian government (or any government) bring us to the advanced part of this discussion.

    You see, basic part makes us aware of existence of huge community of degenerates, fact – totally unknown to the community of normal people.

    Advanced part of this discussion will show us, that within degenerative community there are different types of degenerates. They can be good, bad or ugly.

    Again I should state that term degenerate is strictly medical term and should not be treated as offense. For example – Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky was obviously a degenerate. His abnormal sexual practice and absence of healthy kids are clear indication of that. But at the same time he wrote excellent music and was nice, quiet and well mannered person. His music was not decadent and he did not promote decay in art. Plus he did not have any kids.

    This allowed us to put him into good degenerate category.

    You will ask me – what does absence of kids have to do with it?

    You see, even if father (or mother) was a good degenerate and did many good things in this life by successfully fighting demons of degeneracy – there is no guarantee that their children will do the same.

    Quite opposite. Children of degenerates usually totally destroy all good deeds made by their parents and continue on their path of destruction till the end.

    Remember famous book by Etel Lylian Voynich “Ovod”? Father was archbishop, but son became a revolutionary and story end in tragedy? This is very typical.

    This is why celibacy is very important test for the members of good degenerate category.

    Once this is understood, we can continue with your question about normal government. Can a person with normal legs muscles participate and win in the race?

    Yes, he can. On the local school level.

    He can also participate and win at town level.

    He can participate and may win at regional level.

    He can participate and has no chance to win at national level.

    He could not even participate at world level competition.

    Did you get the picture? Only person with abnormally developed legs muscles can participate and has chance to win at national or world level competitions.

    Same things apply to the game of power.

    Only person with abnormal power drive (suppressed sadistical homo maniacs) will win in the race for position of power. It is an axiom of degeneralogy that degenerates will make it to the top in majority of the cases.

    As I mentioned before – degenerates are not homogenous entity. They can be good, bad or ugly. Good degenerates are our friends and allies. In the government they will always fight ugly degenerates, like policemen fight criminal elements.

    Bad degenerates in the government will behave like nothing is happening and will not do anything to stop ugly degenerates from attacking community of normal people. The ugly degenerates will usually attack good degenerates, because good degenerates are like immune system which can recognize, find and neutralize the ugly.

    After suppressing good degenerates – the ugly will ultimately declare full blown war against community of normal people.

    In marxist-leninist philosophy it was called the law of mutual union and eternal fight of the opposites as an engine for the historical progress. Thousands of years before them, Greeks put it like this: Similia Simlibus Curantur (rus. – “podobnoye poznayotsa podobnym”). Practical Americans translated it: It takes a thief, to catch a thief.

    How you can determine which degenerates rule in a particular country? Same way as we can determine if there is a cat in the barrel. We will place a mouse in front of the barrel and watch the reaction. Let’s put our mouse in front of a government: How is the government reacting to the homo movement?

    How is the government reacting to the death penalty for other degenerates (brotherhood of the criminals)? How well is the government protecting members of normal community? How well is the government protecting members of degenerative community? Simple questions. Simple answers. Simple test.

    Same test can be also applied to other groups (mass media, art, science, army). This will give you clear picture – which organizations are totally occupied by ugly degenerates, which are stagnant by bad degenerates, and which are under control of good degenerates and are viciously fighting back, protecting themselves and well being of community of normal people.

    You can ask me – can normal people be in the government?

    My answer will be – theoretically “yes”. But in practice – if normal person will get to the top – he will not (could not) stay there for long. “S volkami zhit’ – po volchyi vyt’” (rus. – “If you come to the wolf pack – behave as a wolf”).

    Q.: What do you think about “pure blood” nations?

    A.: Good God hates racism in any form. Good God hates any concepts of “chosen” nations.

    ANYBODY who tries to keep pure blood by forbidding marriages to the other normal people risks the danger of increasing degeneration process of his own nation. Especially if it is small nation. Keep in mind, that we are talking here about normal marriages between residents of community of normal people.

    Q.: What do you think about re-birth (creation) of “new nation”?

    A.: Let’s assume that somebody starts to bring members of degenerative sect to... Madagascar island for example.

    There will be degenerates from USA, Russia, Canada, Ethiopia, Iraq etc. Sooner or later they will start to marry each other.

    What do you think will be result of their marriages? Healthy children?

    That is my answer to your question about cross marriages between members of same degenerative sect and creation of NEW NATION.

    There is a different kind of problem with cross marriages between degenerate and a local resident.

    You see, degenerates have a difficult time to propagate themselves through natural process (vyrozhdeniye – vyrozhdency).

    To put it simply – their sexual habits are very well described in Russian “mat”.

    That is what they literally do to get exited.

    So, if a degenerate decides to marry a local resident – a normal person will not participate in his perverse sexual acts for the long time. Only freshly made local degenerate will satisfy him.

    Remember we talked about sponge effect and world sewage system?

    Degenerative sect pick up newly formed degenerates from local NORMAL community like sponge.



    Only one way to stop this vicious cycle – celibacy and adoptions, but this is subject of another topic.

    Q.: What about Religion?

    A.: What is my religion... It does not matter. Really. Why does it concern you? Are you preparing a personal attack? Do you usually kill the messenger, when you do not like the message?

    Funny. It reminded me of Soviet time, when you could read in official newspapers: “...I did not read books by Alexander Solzenitzin, but I hate this scumbag and traitor of our motherland...”

    My advise to you will be same as I gave to my friends back in Soviet time: Read my books by yourself, all of them. And make up your own opinion. Do not listen to your degenerative friends.

    If you mean religion in general....

    As I said before – degeneracy is a natural process. It has been with us thousands and thousands years. It just was called differently.

    When a newly made local degenerate starts to understand that he is different from other normal people he has a choice: he can be good, bad or ugly.

    Let me give you an example. When a young sadistical homo teenager starts to feel demons of degeneracy for the first time (desire to dominate, to kill, to assault etc.) he can:

    1. Join street gang (or organize one) and kill and assault normal people in local normal community.

    2. Join police academy, become policeman and kill and assault members of criminal gang.

    Do you see the deference? Exactly same goes for religion.

    If you are young teenager and feel presence of DESTRUCTIVE DEMONS OF DEGENERACY – you can join ANY monk order, where brothers more experienced in LAW’S OF DEGENERACY will help you to fight these DEMONS.

    They (brothers) have THOUSANDS of years of PRACTICAL experience.

    You know – cut food intake, work hard, keep silence, be celibate etc.





    Like EX-ALCOHOLICS are indispensable in ALKOGOL recovery programs.

    They are helping local newly formed DEGENERATES to make THE RIGHT CHOICE between GOD and EVIL.

    When priest is listening to the Sunday confession, he does not pay much attention to the simple regular staff.

    But immediately after he detects ANY SIGN OF DEGENERATIVE BEHAVIOR, ANY OF THREE (3) STAGES OF DEGENERACY (1ST – sexual deviations, 2ND – mental illness, 3RD – inborn physical deformity – remember we talked about it in DEGENERATES.HOW TO FIND ONE?) he starts to suggest for this teenager to join local seminary (POLICE ACADEMY) or local monastic order.

    Again, this is BIG SIMPLIFICATION, but I think you will get the picture.




    Now – what is BAD?

    BAD will be if you did not follow GOD (Brothers) and did not follow leaders of DEGENERATIVE sect (UGLY), but try to fool GOD by marrying NORMAL person and TOTALLY DESTROYING HER DREAMS OF HAPPY FAMILY WITH HEALTHY KIDS.


    Q.: What about masons (shriners etc)?

    A.:Illuminate, Shriners, masons, theosophy, antroposofy – “imja im legion” (legion is our name, because there are many of us...) – are basically clubs for people, who feel “chosen”, special, oppressed and persecuted by bureaucracy, church, academy or any other normal government institution and are looking to get even.

    Depending on the field will profession they will join any of these clubs. Of couse there will be some normal curious bystanders, who always be in the background crowd as decoration. Real purpose of this clubs is TO SELECT ACTIVE SADISTICO-HOMOSEXUAL MANIACS WHO WILL NOT STOP AT COMMITTING ANY CRIME IN ORDER TO BE RECOGNIZED, PROMOTED TO THE POSITION OF POWER.

    Remember – power is strongest narcotic.

    This is like in USSR. Like Pioneers and Komsomoltzi. Few of them will make it to the PARTY rank and even fewer will make it to TSE-KA.


    Exactly same principals apply to those clubs. To us it should be specially easy to understand, because soviet pyramid was built by same rules and with same drawings.

    Q.: Do you think that eternal plot exists?

    A.:Eternal plot... You see degenerates are like microbes of plague. They destroy healthy body and die with it. They are like HIV virus, which destroy immune system of the body and bring it to death.

    Do microbes have a plan to kill human organism? Do HIV virus have eternal plan to destroy immune system? I do not think so. It is just in their nature – to destroy.

    Now, if somebody will put containers with plague microbes into strategic locations such as subway stations or airports in order to infect and kill as many people as possible? Do they have a plan?

    If somebody is placing degenerates into key strategic positions such as mass media, art, education, army? Do they have a plan? You tell me...

    Q.: Do you think that Mr.X is a degenerate?

    A.: My dear friends, all of you who are normal people, please re-read very carefully Q&A section of my web page.

    Even if somebody feel himself as a degenerate – he still has a choice. He can be good, bad or ugly.

    Many members of degenerative community are under false impression that they are also degenerates. Many of them were adopted or are children of parents, who were adopted.

    In any way 90% of greatest people in history are degenerates. Do you mean – that Mr.X is one of them? :-)

    Please be careful with degenerology. As I stated before – it is almost as effective and also as dangerous as biological warfare. You can not play home with plague microbes after finishing one-two hour lessons in the bio-laboratory.

    Study it. carefully. think a lot. do not rush to judgment.

    Plus another tip from me: I consider person as bio-negative degenerate only if he proves it. many times. As a rule – for the average person you need to confirm 5-6 degenerative attributes, plus analyze carefully actual behavior of this person.

    Even if he screams – I am 100% degenerate, but he fights his demons of degeneracy, he fights other bio-negative degenerates, he is still our friend and ally.

    And another tip – I have received hundreds of letters from my readers from different countries. From Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Israel, UK, France, USA, Germany, Japan... Almost all letters have one interesting observation – my readers start to give my books to all their friends as a test and quietly watch the reaction. Typical result – they loose half of their so-called friends. So, by observing reaction to my books, to my web page – you can make your own conclusions.

    #conspirationnisme #eugénisme #wtf #Russie #civilisation

  • Es ging « nicht um Journalismus, sondern um Politik » | Telepolis

    Il y a 40 ans une initiative de contre-informations à Berlin lance le journal indépendant Die Tageszeitung (TAZ).

    Die taz-Gründung war eine Reaktion auf den deutschen Herbst 1977, die „bleierne Zeit“ der Jagd auf die RAF-Terroristen und angebliche „Sympathisanten“, zu denen damals quasi jeder gehörte, der irgendwie links war.

    Die Presse war nahezu gleichgeschaltet. Und Themen wie Ökologie, der Widerstand gegen Atomenergie, die Frauenbewegung und alles, was sich damals aufgemacht hatte, alternative Lebens-und Arbeitsformen auszuprobieren, kamen im Mainstream überhaupt nicht vor. Dem sollte und wollte die taz abhelfen.

    Wie war denn die Reaktion der anderen Medien?

    Mathias Bröckers: Die erste Meldung in der FAZ im Oktober 1978 fragte in der Überschrift zwar ängstlich: „Gründet die extreme Linke eine überregionale Tageszeitung?“, doch von professionellen Journalisten und Medienexperten traute diesem „Spontiprojekt“ keiner irgendetwas zu. Die taz hatte ja damals auf „crowdfunding“ gesetzt, bevor es das Wort dafür gab, und gesagt: Wenn 3.000 Menschen ein Jahresabo vorab schalten, legen wir los.
    Etwa gleichzeitig war eine weitere linke Tageszeitung namens „Die Neue“ gestartet, die war mit einigen professionellen Journalisten besetzt und hatte auch aus irgendwelchen DKP-Ecken etwas Kapital im Hintergrund. Wenn überhaupt eine dieser linken Zeitungen ins Laufen kommen würde, dachten alle „Experten“, dann „Die Neue“, doch die ging nach kaum einem Jahr sang-und klanglos ein.

    Die taz aber konnte weiter auf das setzen, was man heute community nennt - einen zwar kleinen, aber solidarischen Stamm von Abonnenten. Und für die alternative Szene war die Kleinanzeigenseite „Wiese“ so was wie heute ebay, Facebook oder Tinder. Da juckte es die taz wenig, wenn „Bild“ und andere sie als „Terrorpostille“ oder „Bombenlegerblatt“ bezeichneten.

    Das erinnert auch an heute, oder? Auf alternative Medien im Internet reagieren Mainstreammedien bisweilen ziemlich allergisch.

    Mathias Bröckers: Es geht immer um die Deutungshoheit und die ist bei den klassischen Medien durch das Internet jetzt schwer bedroht. Solange gedruckte Blätter noch den Ton angaben, war die kleine taz mit ihren zu Spitzenzeiten 50.000 Abos nie wirklich gefährlich, wenn auch durchaus wirkmächtig.

    Sie wurde in allen Redaktionen aufmerksam gelesen. Die ersten Kollegen, die zu Mainstreammedien abwanderten, stellten leicht genervt fest: „Die lesen da morgens nur die taz und streichen die Themen an, zu denen sie auch mal was machen sollten.“

    Wenn man das Archiv der Zeitung durchforstet, wie ich es jetzt für dieses Buch getan habe, kann man gut sehen, dass die taz viele Themen gesetzt und Debatten geführt hat, die in anderen Medien erst Jahre oder Jahrzehnte ankamen.

    Die taz ist als Alternativmedium gestartet und als Mainstreammedium gelandet. Stimmen Sie der Aussage zu?

    Mathias Bröckers: Viele der Alternativen, die von der taz damals aufgezeigt wurden, sind mittlerweile Mainstream. Und was die Politik betrifft, ist es ähnlich wie mit den Grünen, die ja zusammen mit der taz groß wurden, als linke, anti-imperialistische, ökologische Alternative zu den etablierten Parteien. Dass daraus dann einmal so eine olivgrüne „FDP mit Fahrrad“ werden sollte, die Kriegseinsätzen der Bundeswehr den Teppich ausrollt, war nicht abzusehen.

    Die taz war anfangs ein Sprachrohr der Grünen und sehr wichtig für die Akteure der Partei, aber als die Zeitung dann im Zuge der Balkankrise auch einmal wagte, die Kriegspolitik Fischers zu kritisieren, gab er fortan lieber der „Bild“ Interviews. Auch wenn die taz in mancher Hinsicht im Mainstream angekommen ist, hat sie dabei nicht so stark gelitten wie die Grünen.
    Was sicher damit zu tun hat, dass an den (veganen) Fleischtöpfen von Mütterchen taz nach wie vor nicht viel zu holen ist, während die Politik lukrative Pöstchen und Pensionen bietet. Dafür lässt man dann auch schon mal den Hambacher Forst roden oder drückt beim Dieselbetrug im Ländle alle grünen Augen zu.

    Die Tageszeitung – Geschichte

    Depuis le projet s’est dévelopée dans une association qui participe à la transformation du centre ville de Berlin à travers ses investissements. Le journal est assez proche du ligne due parti vert et ne condamne plus la politique militariste des gouvernements divers.

    Die erste Vorausgabe erschien am 26. September 1978.[56] Allerdings trug sie das Datum 22. September – fünf Tage hatte die Bearbeitung der „Nullnummer Nr. 1“[57] mit 16 Seiten gedauert.[58] Sie enthielt einen doppelseitigen Bericht des Schriftstellers und Journalisten Gabriel García Márquez über den Sieg der Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Weitere Schwerpunkte waren die geplante Wiederaufbereitungsanlage für Atommüll in Gorleben, die Verhaftung von Astrid Proll, ein Interview mit einer Animierdame einer Peepshow, der Widerstand gegen Uranbergbau im Schwarzwald, sowie das NATO-Großmanöver AUTUMN FORGE. Die erste reguläre Ausgabe der taz erschien dann am 17. April 1979.[59] Die Zeitung verstand sich als Alternative zum von ihr bisher ausschließlich bürgerlich orientiert empfundenen Zeitungsmarkt mit der Zielgruppe Studenten, Alternative, Grüne, Linksliberale, linke Sozialdemokratie und später auch für die ab 1980 anwachsende Hausbesetzerbewegung.

    40 Jahre TAZ - Das Buch (PDF)

    #Allemagne #journalisme #politique #gauche

  • Léon Gaultier, aux origines du Front national — Wikipédia


    J’avais oublié (où je n’ai jamais su vu que je me suis très peu intéressé au FN) mais bon, voilà, si on en croit la fiche Wikipedia, le parti pour lequel les sondages prétendent que 25 % des électeurs sont prêt à voter. Ce n’est pas Marine le Pen et sa clique qui me fait peur, c’est plutôt le grand nombre de celles et ceux qui adhèrent à cette idéologie en 2017. Et je me demande pourquoi et comment on peut vouloir vivre dans une telle société.

    Léon Gaultier est diplômé supérieur d’études classiques, et professeur d’histoire.

    Durant la guerre, il est un proche collaborateur de Paul Marion — secrétaire général à l’Information du gouvernement du maréchal Pétain —, chroniqueur à « Radio Vichy », et fut l’un des fondateurs de la Milice française. I l combattit sous l’uniforme allemand de la Waffen-SS avec le grade de Untersturmführer, il commanda une unité française sur le Front de l’Est durant l’été 1944. Il est grièvement blessé au combat en Galicie. Frappé d’indignité nationale, il est emprisonné et condamné aux travaux forcés en 1946.

    Libéré le 2 juin 1948, il travaille pour l’agence Havas.

    Par la suite, il cofonde avec Jean-Marie Le Pen la maison d’éditions SERP (Société d’études et de relations publiques) qui se spécialise dans l’édition de disques historiques (discours politiques, chants militaires, etc.).

    En 1972, il compte parmi les membres fondateurs du conseil national du Front national, sans avoir de responsabilité particulière. Après avoir milité quelques années au FN, écrit épisodiquement dans Rivarol, il est progressivement écarté du cercle des amis de Jean-Marie Le Pen au début des années 1980. Par la suite, il se consacre notamment à l’écriture de mémoires et de souvenirs, revenant sur son passé de collaborateur.

    • Ce n’est pas grave, dans le pire des cas la France subira le sort de l’Allemagne de l’Ouest après 1945. Le pays a même prospéré sous les criminels recyclés comme démocrates. En voici la preuve :


      Hanns-Martin Schleyer, né 1er mai 1915 et mort le 18 octobre 1977, était le représentant du patronat allemand.
      Après un passage dans les jeunesses hitlériennes, il rejoint les SS en 1933, devenant Untersturmführer (sous-lieutenant). Il rejoint le NSDAP en 1937 (Second Lieutenant).
      Quand la Tchécoslovaquie est occupée par les Allemands, c’est lui qui assure la direction économique des territoires occupés. Il a fait partie des responsables de la politique d’extermination en Tchécoslovaquie occupée.

      En 1951 il rejoint Daimler-Benz, où il gravit tous les échelons de la hiérarchie jusqu’au conseil d’administration, dont il devient président à la fin des années 1960.
      Le 19 octobre 1977, le Commando Siegfried Hausner envoie ce message au quotidien Libération :

      « Après 43 jours, nous avons mis fin à l’existence misérable et corrompue de Hanns-Martin Schleyer. Schmidt, qui dans son calcul a depuis le début spéculé avec la mort de Schleyer, peut en prendre livraison rue Charles-Péguy à Mulhouse. Sa mort est sans commune mesure avec notre douleur après le massacre de Mogadiscio. Nous ne sommes pas étonnés par la dramaturgie fasciste des impérialistes pour détruire les mouvements de libération. Le combat ne fait que commencer. »

      Petite liste non exhaustive des ex-SS et autres nazis qui ont fait carriere dans les milieux politiques de l’Allemagen de l’Ouest

      Liste ehemaliger NSDAP-Mitglieder, die nach Mai 1945 politisch tätig waren – Wikipedia

      In dieser Liste werden Politiker aufgeführt, die nachweislich Mitglied der NSDAP und/oder einer ihrer Gliederungen SA oder SS waren und nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges eine Rolle in der Politik spielten.

      P.S. J’avoue, ce n’était pas drôle l’ambiance 1977.

      #nazis #wtf

  • Le salon de l’aeronautique ILA Berlin Air Show vient de se terminer - du commerce pour les uns, des frissons pour les autres.

    La conquête de l’espace y prend la place de celle de l’Ukraine par l’Ouest. On s’intéresse aussi aux satellites météorologiques.

    Ein besonderer Höhepunkt war der Space Pavillon, der der Fachwelt und dem Publikum den Nutzen der Raumfahrt für die Menschheit anschaulich darstellte. In Anwesenheit von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel haben die European Space Agency (ESA) und Airbus Defence and Space die ersten Vertragsdokumente unterzeichnet, die die nächste Entwicklungsphase für die Nachfolgeserie der MetOp-Wettersatelliten einläuten.

    Pourtant on est fier de son armée high-tech avec ses robots #UAS. Bientôt on tuera d’une manière encore plus automatisée et écologique.

    Die Bundeswehr stellte als wichtiger Einzelaussteller der ILA 2014 ihre Fähigkeiten in einem umfangreichen Auftritt dar.Das International Suppliers Center (ISC) war mit über 1.000 vorangemeldeten Kundengesprächen von Top-Einkäufern eine effiziente Marketingplattform für die gesamte Zulieferindustrie. Auf mehr als 60 Konferenzen tauschten sich im Verlauf der ILA mehrere Tausend Fachleute über aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt aus. Segmente und Themen wie UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) oder „Ökoeffizientes Fliegen“ stießen auf großes Interesse. Rund 3.800 Medienvertreter aus 55 Ländern akkreditierten sich zur ILA 2014.

    Riesenflugzeug 1918

    Les avions géants et la démonstration d’actions militaires attirent les foules.

    Mit der Patrouille Suisse (7 Northrop F-5E Tiger II) sowie der Deutschlandpremiere des Breitling Jet Teams (8 L-39C Albatros) standen zwei international renommierte Staffeln an den Publikumstagen auf dem Programm. Solovorführungen unterschiedlichster Kampfflugzeugmuster, darunter Eurofighter, F-16, MiG 29 und GRIPEN, die Fähigkeitsdarstellung „Willfire“ der Bundeswehr bis hin zu Klassikern der Luftfahrtgeschichte wie eine Noratlas zogen die Zuschauer in ihren Bann.

    On se souvient que d’excellentes relations unissent l’Allemagne et la Turquie depuis l’époque du Kaiser et prticulièrement dans les années 30 et 40 quand on apprend que le pays d’Erdogan et de ses généraux figurait comme partenaire officiel du salon de 2014.

    Die Republik Türkei war das offizielle Partnerland der ILA 2014. Das Land an der Schnittstelle Europa-Asien stellte sich als attraktiver, aufstrebender Markt für Unternehmen aus der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie mit einem umfassenden zivilen und militärischen Auftritt vor. Aerospace Clustering Association, Alp Aviation, ARK Press, BITES Defence and Aerospace Technologies, CNK Aerospace, Das Lager, Defence and Aviation Cluster (OSSA), Engineering Inc., FIGES Engineering, Global Aviation, HAVELSAN, MEDEL, RotaFilo, STM Defence Technologies, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), ROKETSAN, TUBITAK – das Forschungsinstitut für Raumfahrttechnologien sowie TURKISH AIRLINES (THY) zeigten die beeindruckende industrielle Kompetenz und die herausragende Forschungs- und Entwicklungsleistung dieser türkischen Branche.

    Pacte d’amitié turco-allemand

    Le Pacte d’amitié turco-allemand (en allemand : Türkisch-Deutscher Freundschaftsvertrag, en turc : Türk-Alman Dostluk Paktı) est un traité de non-agression signé à Ankara entre le Troisième Reich et la République de #Turquie le 18 juin 1941, dans le contexte de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, par l’ambassadeur d’Allemagne en Turquie, Franz von Papen, et le ministre des Affaires étrangères de Turquie, Şükrü Saracoğlu1,2. Entré en vigueur le même jour, il durera quatre ans.

    Une analyse suggère par ailleurs que Hitler voulait voir entrer la Turquie dans l’Axe (celle-ci avait fait partie intégrante des Empires centraux et combattu aux côtés des Allemands lors de la Première Guerre mondiale). Le pacte devait durer dix ans, mais il est dissous le 24 octobre 1945, après la chute du Troisième Reich, lorsque la Turquie rejoint l’Organisation des Nations unies3.

    Aujourd’hui la présence de la Turquie comme sponsor principal est un bon signe pour l’industrie allemande. Encore récemment le pays avait commandé des fusées anti-aeriennes en Chine plutôt qu’auprès de ses alliés de l’OTAN.

    Die Türkei vergibt einen milliardenschweren Rüstungsauftrag an China. Dabei geht es um die Ausstattung des türkischen Luftraums mit chinesischen Luftabwehrraketen. Zuvor hatte sich auch der US-Konzern Raytheon um den Auftrag beworben. Die Entscheidung Ankaras kann Raytheon nicht nachvollziehen.

    Source des photos :
    Site web de l’ILA - http://www.ila-berlin.de/ila2014/presse/fotos.cfm

    #allemagne #aviation #armement #sexisme #machisme #armes #armement #exportations

    • La revue se moquait de l’euphorie des colonialistes pour un projet qui dépassait largement un cadre réaliste :

      „Also Volldampf vorwärts nach dem Euphrat und Tigris und nach dem Persischen Meer und damit der Landweg nach Indien wieder in die Hände, in die er allein gehört, in die kampf- und arbeitsfreudigen deutschen Hände.“

      Déjà à l’époque la région du proche orient était déchirée par les intérêts divergeants de ses élites et par l’intervention massives des puissances européennes.


      Anfang Oktober 1888 unterzeichneten die türkische Regierung und die Deutsche Bank Verträge über Bau, Verwaltung und Betrieb einer Eisenbahnlinie von Haydarpascha über Eskischehir nach Ankara. „Die Deutsche Bank“, schreibt der Historiker und Journalist Wolfgang Korn in seiner Geschichte der Bagdadbahn, „musste zunächst die 92 Kilometer lange Bahnstrecke Haydarpascha-Ismid für 6 Millionen Francs kaufen. Außerdem verpflichtete sie sich, die 486 Kilometer lange Strecke Ismid-Ankara zu bauen und die Gesamtstrecke in Betrieb zu nehmen. Im Gegenzug sicherte sie sich das Recht, über die Bodenschätze jeweils 20 Kilometer links und rechts der Strecke zu verfügen.“ Wieder verstrichen mehr als zehn Jahre mit Verhandlungen über einen Weiterbau.

      Das wilhelminische Kaiserreich wollte nun im Konzert der Kolonialreiche mitspielen und auch auf dem Gebiet der Archäologie unübersehbar Flagge zeigen - keineswegs zufällig galt alle Konzentration prestigeträchtigen deutschen Ausgrabungsprojekten in Babylon, war doch das Zweistromland die erklärte Lieblingsregion Wilhelms II.

      Schließlich sollte der direkte Zugang zum Persischen Golf das britische Empire an der mutmaßlich schwächsten Flanke, Indien und Afghanistan, treffen.

      Hinzu kam ab 1912 die immer weniger verschleierte Absicht deutscher Politiker und Militärs, durch einen großen Krieg das schwache Osmanische Reich zu zerschlagen und sich neue Kolonien zu sichern.

      An Heiligabend 1899 wurde der Vertrag endlich unterzeichnet - was in Deutschland Euphorie auslöste. Der nationalistisch-expansionistische Alldeutsche Verband jubilierte:

      "Also Volldampf vorwärts nach dem Euphrat und Tigris und nach dem Persischen Meer und damit der Landweg nach Indien wieder in die Hände, in die er allein gehört, in die kampf- und arbeitsfreudigen deutschen Hände."

      Die Sicht des für das Projekt verantwortlichen Deutsche-Bank-Direktors Georg von Siemens war hingegen pragmatischer. „Das Deutsche Reich und unsere deutsche Nation“, hatte er 1890 vor dem Deutschen Reichstag erklärt, „haben im Orient nichts zu erobern und nichts zu wünschen; wir haben nur ein Interesse an der Stabilisierung der dortigen Verhältnisse“. Doch seine Bremserfunktion endete mit seinem Tod im Jahr 1900.
      Am 16. Juli 1940 schrieb die Frankfurter Zeitung in einer Meldung, durch dessen Zeilen Erstaunen hindurchschimmerte: „Mitten in die kriegerischen Umwälzungen Europas hinein kommt aus Vorderasien eine Nachricht, die heute fast wie eine Kunde aus vergangener Zeit anmutet. Die Bagdadbahn ist fertig, bis zum letzten Kilometer der Strecke fertig geworden.“ Fertig gebaut von Briten.

      La construction des chenmins de fer de Turquie etait une affaire allemande depuis ses débuts dans les annnés 1860. C’est l’ingénieur (pourtant sans diplôme officiel) Wilhelm Pressel qui passait la plupart de sa vie avec ce projet. La première partie du trajet nommé plus tard Bagdadbahn fut encore construit sous ce fonctionnaire turc d’origine allemande.

      A l’époque les chemins de fer constutuaient une technologie de pointe comme l’aviation militaire et la robotique d’aujourd’hui.