• Vuca Waymo - Granolashotgun

    Les véhicules autonomes font désormais partie de notre réalité. A San Francisco ils font partie même du quotidien des habitants sous forme de taxi. Pour les habitants d’Absard en Iran par contre ils constituent une menace permanente par leurs variantes militaires contrôlées par les ennemis du pays.

    VUCA. It’s a military acronym that’s been in circulation since the 1980s. Vulnerable, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. The bright clear lines are gone.

    A couple of months ago Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, one of Iran’s most important nuclear scientists, was assassinated by a computer guided machine gun mounted on the back of an autonomous Nissan pickup truck. His wife was beside him and was unscathed by the bullets. Facial recognition software was most likely in play. Once Fakhrizadeh was down the Nissan promptly blew itself up destroying much of the evidence. The usual suspects have been blamed. Israel, the US, the Saudis… No surprise there.

    So what are the long term consequences of these new techniques once they mutate and “democratize?”


    Israels Geheimdienstminister hat die Kritik an dem tödlichen Anschlag nun als »Heuchelei« bezeichnet. »Sie kennen die iranischen Versuche, Atomwaffen zu erlangen, ganz genau«, sagte Minister Eli Cohen.
    »Israel hat deutlich gemacht, dass es Iran nicht erlauben wird, Atomwaffen zu erlangen«, sagte er. »Iran ruft zur Zerstörung Israels auf, und deshalb ist aus unserer Sicht jeder, der aktiv an nuklearen Aufrüstungsbestrebungen beteiligt ist, des Todes.«


    Waymo LLC is an American autonomous driving technology development company. It is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google. Waymo operates a commercial self-driving taxi service that operates in the greater Phoenix, Arizona area called “Waymo One”, with Chandler, Arizona fully mapped. In October 2020, the company expanded the service to the public, and it is the only self-driving commercial service that operates without safety backup drivers in the vehicle.
