
  • 2月22日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @BetweenTheWords @hisaacps @twinkletwink #ycrazymind #mustread posted at 09:13:30

    RT @asahi_tokyo: 先ほどもつぶやきましたが、本日は猫の日!朝日新聞デジタルには「ネコ好きのあなたへ」というページもあるんです。カーソルをリンクに合わせると、何と……!手前味噌ですが、手が凝っています(笑) #猫の日 #ニャンニャンニャンの日 www.asahi.com/topics/word/%E… posted at 08:58:16

    Top story: interview you and spread it out | Fiverr www.fiverr.com/zsolt72/make-a…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 08:44:33

    RT @AP_Travel: Louvre show: Vermeer was both revolutionary and a borrower. apne.ws/2lrE15n posted at 08:25:42

    RT @TATJANASL: Mussolini banned the film in Italy because he tookGroucho’s role as a personal attack;nothing could have pleased the brothers more Duck Soup pic.twitter.com/1I7kobQzkp posted at 08:24:47

    RT @AlbertGalera: Why is his head worth one million dollars and the lives of 21 people? #SamPeckinpah (...)