Video update from #lander Control Centre
As tweeted by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) yesterday, a mini status update direct from the Lander Control Center in Cologne. In short, the teams are still working hard on trying to re-establish contact with the lander. Update on status of @Philae2014 on #67P directly from #LCC in Cologne (video) #lifeonacomet (FW) — DLR - English (@DLR_en) June 30, 2015
#Landing #Philae #Rosetta ##CometLanding #rosetta #trajectory
Closest picture of #67P yet - 0.74 meters per pixel, released on 16/02
▻ #ESA
Les plus belles photos de la comète #67P par #Rosetta et #Philae
“#Philae comet lander alien ‘cover-up’ conspiracy theories emerge [...] Probe landing attracts allegations that #67P is not a comet but alien object kept secret by Nasa and European Space Agency”
#conspiracy #loonies #UFOs #ESA
...that even The Daily Mir^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H The Guardian starts publishing such speculations, under Science no less... based on an email published on a UFO site which publishes facial interpretations of shadows on planets, moons, etc, oh wait and what they call “a squirrel on mars”:
this so wrong.
it is not a squirrel
but a beaver rat.
Color photograph of #67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko from Rosetta orbiter. A #comet - how awesome is that ?
The landing site on the comet, for #Philea, the #Rosetta lander, has been chosen, it will be site J (with C as a backup).
Here is a summary of the possible sites (J choice was announced this morning):