• https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/brest-29200/brest-le-president-de-l-universite-en-colere-apres-l-intervention-muscl

     »Matthieu Gallou, président de l’université de #Bretagne occidentale (UBO), n’a pas tardé, lui non plus, à réagir. Dans un courrier adressé à ses collègues, il confie « avoir appris avec une vive émotion l’intervention policière musclée qui a eu lieu ce mardi matin dans le hall de la BU Lettres de Brest. »
    « Je tiens tout d’abord à exprimer ma profonde sympathie à l’égard des personnels et usagers de la #BU, particulièrement choqués par cette #intervention, poursuit le président de l’UBO. J’ai immédiatement saisi le sous-préfet de #Brest pour lui demander des explications, afin de faire la lumière sur ces faits qui ne correspondent pas à des usages remontant à presque #800_ans. Ceux-ci prévoient qu’en dehors de situations d’urgence absolue, les #forces_de_l’ordre ne peuvent intervenir sur un site universitaire que sur réquisition du président. » »

  • (19) Qui contrôle #Internet ? [Le Bénéfice du Doute #8] - YouTube

    Peut-on échapper aux puissantes plateformes qui concentrent le trafic des informations et des interactions sur Internet ? Existe-t-il des alternatives, notamment à YouTube ? Pourquoi ces questions sont-elle cruciales pour l’avenir d’un réseau qui s’est historiquement construit en antithèse avec la tendance actuelle de concentration des pouvoirs ?
    Invité : Elzen, administrateur de l’Instance #Skeptikon sur Peer-Tube et secrétaire de la Fédération FDN
    Enregistré le 19 septembre 2019 chez RCN.

    • « Des dizaines de milliers de personnes de tous âges et de tous horizons. » Le lendemain matin, cruelle déception, France Culture m’apprend que seules 7 000 personnes ont défilé aux Invalides devant la dépouille de l’ancien président.

      #lol #Jacques_Chirac

      Depuis des jours que les télés nous saoulent avec son amour de la Corona, c’est forcément bouleversant de voir le président mis en bière.

      Quel exploit… Démagogie, clientélisme et passe-droits : le portrait du plus populaire des présidents français ne sera pas mieux brossé que par ses adorateurs.

      « C’est vrai que l’héritage économique de Chirac président n’est pas très conséquent », persifle l’économiste de TF1. Mais le président en question n’y est pour rien : « Il a subi une longue cohabitation avec Lionel Jospin… » Maudits socialo-communistes. « Et puis il a difficilement navigué entre explosions sociales (les grèves de 1995, les émeutes de 2015) et contraintes financières. » Si le social « explose », la finance « contraint ».

      « En réalité, c’est à Matignon que Chirac a marqué l’économie entre 1986 et 1988. Libération totale des prix pour favoriser le consommateur grâce à la concurrence. » Ah oui, cette fameuse concurrence qui, récemment, a vertigineusement fait chuter les prix de l’électricité. « Jusqu’alors, c’était l’Etat qui fixait le prix d’un café. » Souvenez-vous : sitôt son tarif libéré, le prix d’un café chutait de moitié.

      « Modernisation du marché du travail avec le développement du temps partiel… » Quoi de plus moderne que le temps partiel ? Sans parler des facilités accordées aux employeurs pour licencier et aux propriétaires pour augmenter les loyers, comme le rappelle l’historienne Ludivine Bantigny. « … Privatisation de soixante-cinq entreprises dans l’industrie et dans la banque… » Et dans le secteur de l’audiovisuel : Bouygues achète TF1 sous couvert de « mieux-disant culturel ». « … Baisse des impôts pour tous… » Sauf pour les plus modestes, exonérés de l’impôt sur le revenu. « … Et suppression de l’impôt sur les grandes fortunes. » Déjà ! Chirac avait trente ans d’avance.

      « Je voudrais qu’on réécoute les mots de Jacques Chirac en 2007 quand il quitte l’Elysée », propose la présentatrice. Extrait : « Ne composez jamais avec l’extrémisme, le racisme, l’antisémitisme ou le rejet de l’autre. Dans notre histoire, l’extrémisme a déjà failli nous conduire à l’abîme. C’est un poison. »

      #le_bruit_et_l'odeur, quoi
      So #80s ! #libéralisme #backlash_libéral
      J’ai beaucoup d’empathie pour ce monsieur qui s’oblige à regarder la télévision et voir toutes ces merdes...

    • Jacques Chirac, avec Bill Clinton, porte une lourde responsabilité dans le massacre de 8000 civils musulmans par les Serbes en Bosnie en 1995 :

      À la fin du mois de mai 1995, six semaines avant l’assaut sur Srebrenica, Bill Clinton et Jacques Chirac, respectivement présidents des États-Unis et de la France, ainsi que le
      Premier ministre britannique John Major se mettent d’accord pour suspendre les frappes aériennes de l’Otan contre les force serbes. Une décision majeure qu’ils ne transmettent pas aux autorités néerlandaises, et qui s’avère contraire à l’engagement qu’ils avaient pris de répliquer en cas d’attaque.

      « Le commandant néerlandais des forces de maintien de la paix à Srebrenica avait demandé une aide aérienne rapprochée à neuf reprises et on me l’avait par ailleurs promise. Mais rien ne s’est passé avant qu’il ne soit trop tard », confie à France 24 Joris Voorhoeve, ministre néerlandais de la Défense de l’époque. « J’ai découvert que derrière cette promesse, il y avait cet accord passé entre le Royaume-Uni, la France et les États-Unis de ne plus déclencher de frappes aériennes… Les trois alliés auraient dû discuter de cette décision avec les autorités des Pays-Bas. Nous avons été tenus dans l’ignorance », poursuit-il.

      C’est grâce à la déclassification de documents américains, il y a deux ans, que Voorhoeve peut aujourd’hui être aussi affirmatif. Dans ces notes, issues d’une réunion du 18 mai 1995 qui a réuni les principaux décideurs de l’administration Clinton, il est écrit : "L’administration a décidé de suspendre « discrètement » l’usage de frappes aériennes contre les Serbes dans un avenir proche, dans la mesure où les forces de maintien de la paix de l’ONU ont été trop exposées à la riposte serbe. Cette décision a reçu le soutien de Chirac et Major (comme ils en ont tous deux informé le président Clinton la veille)".

      Cette « vulnérabilité » des forces de l’ONU évoquée dans la note fait référence à la capture, quelques jours auparavant, de vingt-et-un casques bleus français et de treize observateurs militaires de l’ONU par les Serbes de Bosnie. Les otages avaient été déplacés et utilisés comme boucliers humains sur des sites stratégiques, afin de contraindre l’Otan à cesser ses frappes aériennes.


      #Jacques-Chirac #Bosnie #Serbie #Epuration-ethnique

  • Spatialités et temporalités palestiniennes #8 : Curating ‘Jerusalem Actual and Possible’

    10h30-12h30 Mardi 28 mai 2019 Salle André Raymond IREMAM Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme 5 rue du château de … Continuer la lecture de « Spatialités et temporalités palestiniennes #8 : Curating ‘Jerusalem Actual and Possible’ » L’article Spatialités et temporalités palestiniennes #8 : Curating ‘Jerusalem Actual and Possible’ est apparu en premier sur antiAtlas des frontières.

  • 8chan, Megaphone for Gunmen, Has Gone Dark. ‘Shut the Site Down,’ Says Its Creator. - The New York Times

    Mr. Brennan started the online message board as a free speech utopia. But now, 8chan is known as something else: a megaphone for mass shooters, and a recruiting platform for violent white nationalists.

    And it has become a focal point for those seeking to disrupt the pathways of online extremism. On Sunday, critics characterized the site as a breeding ground for violence, and lobbied the site’s service providers to get it taken down. One of those providers, Cloudflare, a service that protects websites against cyberattacks, said it would stop working with 8chan on Sunday night and the site went dark about 3 a.m. Eastern time. And Mr. Brennan, who stopped working with the site’s current owner last year, called for it to be taken offline before it leads to further violence.

    “Shut the site down,” Mr. Brennan said in an interview. “It’s not doing the world any good. It’s a complete negative to everybody except the users that are there. And you know what? It’s a negative to them, too. They just don’t realize it.”

    The site remained on the fringes until 2014, when some supporters of GamerGate — a loose reactionary collection of anti-feminist video gamers — flocked to 8chan after being kicked off 4chan.

    Since GamerGate, 8chan has become a catchall website for internet-based communities whose behavior gets them evicted from more mainstream sites. It hosts one of the largest gatherings of supporters of QAnon, who claim that there is an international bureaucracy plotting against the Trump administration. And it has been an online home for “incels,” men who lament being “involuntarily celibate,” and other fringe movements.

    “8chan is almost like a bulletin board where the worst offenders go to share their terrible ideas,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League. “It’s become a sounding board where people share ideas, and where these kinds of ideologies are amplified and expanded on, and ultimately, people are radicalized as a result.”

    8chan has been run out of the Philippines by Jim Watkins, a United States Army veteran, since 2015, when Mr. Brennan gave up control of the site.

    Mr. Brennan, who has a condition known as brittle-bone disease and uses a wheelchair, has tried to distance himself from 8chan and its current owners. In a March interview with The Wall Street Journal, he expressed his regrets over his role in the site’s creation , and warned that the violent culture that had taken root on 8chan’s boards could lead to more mass shootings.

    After the El Paso shooting, he seemed resigned to the fact that it had.

    “Another 8chan shooting?” he tweeted on Saturday. “Am I ever going to be able to move on with my life?”

    #8chan #Hate_speech #Terrorisme #Extrême_droite #Viralité

  • The El Paso Shooting and the Virality of Evil | The New Yorker

    The national conversation will now turn, as it should, to gun control, to mental illness, and to the President’s practice of exacerbating racial tensions, which has been one of his avocations for decades and now appears to be his central reëlection strategy. But there’s also a more specific question: what can be done about the fact that so many of these terrorists—in Pittsburgh, in Poway, in Christchurch, in El Paso—seem to find inspiration in the same online spaces? Each killer, in the moment, may have acted alone, but they all appear to have been zealous converts to the same ideology—a paranoid snarl of raw anger, radical nationalism, unhinged nihilism, and fears of “white genocide” that is still referred to as “fringe,” although it’s creeping precariously close to the mainstream. On many social networks that bill themselves as bulwarks of “free speech,” including Gab, 4chan, and 8chan, this way of thinking is so dominant that it is often taken for granted. In April, the Anti-Defamation League wrote that such platforms “serve as round-the-clock white supremacist rallies.”
    Read More

    Past New Yorker coverage of mass shootings and the battle over gun control.

    Can these platforms simply be shut down? The answer is complicated, but basically binary: there is a lot that private companies can do to censor speech, but much less that the government can do. The United States has some of the most expansive free-speech protections in the world. There are exceptions, such as incitement to violence, but the bar to prove incitement is quite high. In the nineteen-sixties, a Ku Klux Klan leader was arrested under an Ohio law that prohibited advocating “crime, sabotage, violence, or unlawful methods of terrorism.” But the Supreme Court—at the time, arguably the most liberal Court in American history—ruled unanimously that the Klan leader’s First Amendment rights had been violated. This case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, laid out the standard that still applies: the government can only censor speech if it is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action” and “likely to incite or produce such action.” Some of the recent white-supremacist manifestos might meet this standard, and yet, even if one or several of them could be banned, this wouldn’t necessarily apply to the platforms on which the manifestos are posted. According to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, “no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” In other words, a site’s owner is not liable for the content on that site. In March, the Washington Post reported that the owner of 8chan, Jim Watkins, an American living in the Philippines, had “built a technical fortress to guard 8chan from potential takedowns.” The site’s founder, Fredrick Brennan, who no longer works at the company, told the Post that Watkins was “content to lose money” on the site: “8chan is like a boat to Jim.” A boat may be full of snakes, or explosives, but this doesn’t guarantee that the government will be able to seize it.

    #8chan #Terrorisme #Viralité

  • Liste d’articles sur les poils :

    Émission thématique : les poils
    Cas Libres, le 15 décembre 2011

    Au poil !
    Dégenré-e, Radiorageuses, le 25 avril 2012

    L’épilation - 1ère partie
    Radio Saint Affrique, le 8 février 2014

    L’épilation - 2ème partie
    Radio Saint Affrique, le 15 février 2014

    La mode capillaire
    Dror, Psikopat, mai 2014

    Aujourd’hui, on célèbre les poilus : les poils ne se cachent plus
    Service Public, France Inter, le 11 novembre 2014

    Quand les jeunes font la guerre au poil
    Marie GIFFARD, AFP, le 11 septembre 2015

    “Poilorama”, la websérie consacrée au poil, ce mal-aimé traqué sans relâche malgré toutes ses qualités
    Emmanuelle Julien, Cheek Magazine, le 1 décembre 2015

    Extrapolons un peu sur un sujet...
    Ze Blog BD de Mariko, le 5 mars 2016

    L’épilation des poils sous les bras est le "voile" de la femme occidentale
    Marie Thibaut de Maisières, La Libre Belgique, le 6 avril 2016

    Rien ne doit dépasser, épisode 1 : les poils.
    Collectif le SEUM , le 14 juin 2017

    Dans le sens du poil
    Jéromine Doux, Society, le 30 août 2017

    Comment l’épilation du maillot vise à remettre les femmes à leur place
    Daphnée Leportois, BuzzFeed, le 18 mai 2018

    L’épilation au Moyen Âge - HNLD et Actuel Moyen Âge #8
    L’Histoire nous le dira, Youtube, le 10 avril 2019


    #poils #épilation #femmes #corps #sexisme #recension

  • 800’000 migrants prêts à s’embarquer pour l’Europe suite à l’éclatement de conflits ? Vraiment ?
    Voici un exemple de titre de la presse :

    Une guerre en Libye pousserait plus de 800 000 migrants en Europe

    Selon Fayez al-Sarraj, le chef du Gouvernement d’union nationale (GNA), une guerre en Libye pourrait pousser plus de 800 000 migrants vers les côtes européennes, a-t-il confié dans les médias italiens.

    #invasion #asile #migrations #Libye #mythe #préjugés #afflux #réfugiés #guerre_civile #800'000 #800000

    Et voici une déconstruction de ce mythe (en italien) :

    Le ultime agenzie di stampa parlano di un numero di civili in fuga dalla capitale in rapidissimo aumento. In pochi giorni si è passati da circa 8 mila sfollati a 25 mila. Si tratta di civili libici ai quali si possono sicuramente aggiungere anche i lavoratori stranieri presenti nella capitale, molti dei quali sono sistematicamente imprigionati nei centri di detenzione per migranti irregolari. Nella narrativa eurocentrica che pervade le informazioni e i commenti sulla crisi in Libia si continua a distorcere la realtà, parlando di migliaia di migranti pronti a invadere l’Italia e l’Europa. La realtà è un’altra. La maggior parte dei cosiddetti migranti sono lavoratori stranieri residenti in Libia che vengono sistematicamente discriminati, sfruttati e incarcerati anche e soprattutto a causa delle politiche di contenimento dei flussi migratori volute dall’Italia e dall’Europa sulla base della presunzione che queste persone vogliano tutte attraversare il Mediterraneo non appena ne abbiano occasione. Al contrario, la maggioranza delle persone che stanno scappando dalla guerra a Tripoli non solo sono per la maggioranza libici (in fondo in Libia ci vivono ancora più libici che “migranti”), ma cercheranno rifugio soprattutto in Tunisia , come accadde già nel 2011. Non è infatti un caso che le autorità tunisine abbiano chiuso il confine con la Libia dall’inizio della crisi.



    voir une sorte de métaliste ici :

  • La mondialisation de l’alimentation préhistorique a duré trois millénaires
    Les paysans ont commencé à transformer les régimes alimentaires à travers le vieux monde il y a 7 000 ans.

    Depuis le début de l’archéologie, les chercheurs ont balayé le monde à la recherche de preuves des premières cultures domestiquées. En extrayant minutieusement des morceaux d’orge, de blé, de mil et de riz calcinés dans les restes de foyers et de feux de camp antiques, ils ont publié des études affirmant qu’une région ou un pays en particulier avait été l’un des premiers à cultiver des céréales anciennes.
    Xinyi Liu, professeur adjoint d’anthropologie des arts et des sciences, université de Washington à Saint-Louis

    À présent, une équipe internationale de scientifiques, dirigée par Xinyi Liu de l’Université de Washington à Saint-Louis, a consolidé les résultats de centaines d’études afin de dresser une carte détaillée de la manière dont les anciennes cultures céréalières se sont répandues dans des poches isolées. civilisations à travers le vieux monde.

    "Le fait même que la" mondialisation alimentaire "dans la Préhistoire a duré plus de trois mille ans indique peut-être que l’un des principaux moteurs du processus était les besoins perpétuels des pauvres plutôt que des choix culturels plus éphémères des puissants au néolithique et à l’âge du bronze », a déclaré Liu, professeur adjoint d’anthropologie des arts et des sciences.

    Paru dans la revue Quaternary Science Reviews, l’étude illustre le consensus scientifique actuel sur le processus de mondialisation de l’alimentation préhistorique qui a transformé les régimes alimentaires en Eurasie et en Afrique du Nord il y a 7 000 à 3 500 ans.

    Les co-auteurs incluent des chercheurs de l’Université de Cambridge au Royaume-Uni ; Université Zheijiang en Chine ; l’Institut lituanien d’histoire ; la Smithsonian Institution ; et l’Académie chinoise des sciences sociales à Beijing.

    L’étude suggère que la mondialisation alimentaire à l’époque de la préhistoire n’était pas motivée par les appétits exotiques des élites dirigeantes, mais par l’ingéniosité incessante de paysans pauvres qui recherchaient de nouveaux moyens de mettre un peu plus de nourriture sur leurs tables.

    "Les récents développements de la recherche déplacent l’attention de la chronologie et des voies vers les moteurs du processus de" mondialisation de l’alimentation "et prennent en compte le contexte dans lequel les innovations agricoles et alimentaires ont vu le jour et les agents impliqués", a déclaré Liu. "Ces études soulignent le rôle joué par les principaux agents de la production agricole, les agriculteurs ordinaires du passé."
    champ de millet
    Le mil, une base de l’alimentation ancienne, est toujours cultivé dans les contreforts des montagnes à travers l’Eurasie. (Photo : Xinyi Liu)

    En essayant de nouveaux types de semences, en labourant les champs un peu plus en amont ou en aval ou en décalant les temps de plantation et de récolte, les paysans ont utilisé une méthode empirique pour surmonter les défis climatiques et élargir les limites géographiques de la plantation de certains grains. . Progressivement, cette expérimentation a considérablement amélioré les rendements, car les agriculteurs ont appris à prolonger la saison de croissance en plantant des cultures de printemps et d’automne dans les mêmes champs.

    Alors que beaucoup de gens sont au courant de la propagation mondiale des cultures vivrières à la suite de l’exploration du Nouveau Monde - un processus connu sous le nom de Columbian Exchange - - Liu affirme que le processus de mondialisation alimentaire préhistorique a eu un impact tout aussi dramatique sur la culture vivrière dans le Vieux Monde.

    Le blé et l’orge se sont déplacés du sud-ouest de l’Asie vers l’Europe, l’Inde et la Chine, tandis que le mil et le mil ont pris la direction opposée : de la Chine à l’ouest. Rice a parcouru l’Asie de l’Est, du Sud et du Sud-Est ; Les mil et le sorgho africains ont traversé l’Afrique subsaharienne et l’océan Indien, a déclaré Liu.

    « Tandis que la plupart des aliments exotiques dont nous jouissons aujourd’hui sont le résultat de réseaux commerciaux modernes, le processus de mondialisation alimentaire a clairement ses racines dans la préhistoire », a déclaré Liu. « La mondialisation de l’alimentation était bien amorcée avant le Columbia Exchange et la révolution islamique agricole. Cela remonte à des millénaires, même la plus ancienne preuve matérielle d’un contact transeurasien, tel que la Route de la soie. »

    L’étude de Liu retrace les parcours de la ferme aux céréales de la ferme à la table, qui sillonnent les continents de l’Ancien Monde en trois vagues distinctes :

    Avant 5000 av. J.-C., les premières communautés agricoles se formèrent dans des poches isolées de contreforts fertiles et de bassins versants de ruisseaux où les conditions étaient optimales pour la culture de céréales sauvages originaires de la région. Les dispersions de cultures sont généralement limitées aux régions voisines largement compatibles en termes de climat et de saisonnalité.

    Entre 5000 et 2500 av. J.-C., les agriculteurs ont trouvé des moyens de faire pousser la culture de divers grains dans de vastes régions où des systèmes météorologiques compatibles avec les cultures étaient confinés à l’intérieur et séparés par des systèmes montagneux majeurs, tels que ceux associés au plateau tibétain et aux montagnes de Tianshan.

    Entre 2500 et 1500 avant JC, les paysans ont trouvé le moyen de dépasser les barrières naturelles et climatiques qui ont longtemps séparées l’est et l’ouest, le nord et le sud - maîtrisant la culture de céréales qui avaient évolué pour prospérer dans les altitudes extrêmes du plateau tibétain ou sous les pluies diluviennes des moussons asiatiques. Des systèmes agricoles précédemment isolés ont été mis en place, ouvrant la voie à un nouveau type d’agriculture dans laquelle les plantations de cultures locales et exotiques permettent des cultures multiples et des saisons de croissance prolongées.

    « L’ensemble du processus ne concerne pas seulement l’adoption, mais aussi le« rejet », qui reflète toute une gamme de choix faits par différentes communautés, parfois motivés par l’opportunité écologique dans des environnements inédits, parfois par un conservatisme culinaire », a déclaré Liu. "Comme le dit le vieil adage chinois : Ce qui a été longtemps uni, s’effondrera et ce qui a été longtemps divisé, finira par se réunir."


    Prehistoric food globalization spanned three millennia | The Source | Washington University in St. Louis

    #Néolithique #diffusion_agriculture #Agriculture #8000BC
    #Anthropocene #Paleogeography #Global_Archaeobotany

    Xinyi Liu, Penelope J. Jones, Giedre Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, Harriet V. Hunt, Diane L. Lister, Ting An, Natalia Przelomska, Catherine J. Kneale, Zhijun Zhao, Martin K. Jones. From ecological opportunism to multi-cropping : Mapping food globalisation in prehistory. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019 ; 206 : 21

    DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.12.017

  • #Raquel_Rosario_Sanchez : INTERVIEW : Les attaques menées contre les féministes radicales atteignent l’Argentine

    Le 15 février, lors d’une assemblée du Collectif argentin contre la violence faite aux femmes Ni Una Menos, un transactiviste a agressé physiquement une femme. Cette réunion avait été organisée pour planifier les événements du 8 mars, Journée internationale de commémoration des luttes des femmes, et des féministes avaient été invitées à s’adresser à l’assemblée avec leurs revendications à mettre en valeur ce jour-là, dans des déclarations préparées. Un groupe de femmes – membres de Feministas Radicales Independientes de Argentina (FRIA) – devait prendre la parole, mais lorsqu’une membre nommée Ana est allée prendre le micro, le public s’est mis à scander : « Virez-la ! Jetez-la dehors ! » La toxicité a atteint un point d’ébullition lorsqu’un transactiviste s’est précipité sur Ana et l’a agressée physiquement. https://twitter.com/8RosarioSanchez/status/1110616077153849345

    Traduction : #Tradfem
    Version originale : https://www.feministcurrent.com/2019/04/02/interview-radical-feminism-and-trans-activism-clash-violently-in-ar
    #transactivisme #antiféminisme #violences #8_mars

  • Graffitis sur l’Esplanade Alain le Ray à #Grenoble à l’occasion de la journée des droits des femmes (#8_mars) :

    Ne me libère pas, je m’en charge

    Nous sommes les filles des #sorcières que vous n’avez pas pu brûler

    Ta mains sur mon cul
    Mon poing sur ta geule

    #harcèlement #harcèlement_sexuel

    #Machos, vous nous cassez le #clito

    On ne lâche rien
    Debout !
    Résiste !


    + #femmes = + #science

    Hermana, yo si te creo

    Pas de violeurs dans nos orgas


    Mi cuerpo mi territorio

    #corps #territoire

    No eramos conscientes de nuestra propria estatura hasta que nos pusimos de pie

    Un dia me llamaste perra y a lo mejor es porque no quiero dejar de ladrar


    Mi cuerpo mis reglas


    Le 8 mars c’est toute l’année :

    Nous sommes les petites-filles des sorcières que vous n’avez pas réussi à tuer

    Détruisons le #patriarcat, pas la planète

    Si no puedo bailar, tu revolucion ne me interessa

    #révolution #danse

    Prefiero morir luchando que vivir callando


    Yo no nacì de ninguna costilla
    yo nacì de una vagina


    Mecs cis,
    tous complices

    On ne peut pas réduire 50% de la population au singulier
    oui aux #droits_des_femmes


    Gender is over

    Nos corps nos #choix

    Egalité des sexes
    3 mois obligatoires

    #égalité #paternité #congés

    Vibro mourir
    Le #féminisme ça fait du bien là où sa fait mâle

    Ils ont voulu nous enterrer mais ils ne savaient pas que nous étions des #graines


    Les #habits n’ont pas de genre

    Stop à la #bitocratie


  • #Lyon : #rassemblement pour le squat de l’ancien collège Maurice Scève

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  • ‘Colony of Hell’: 911 Calls From Inside Amazon Warehouses

    11. March 2019 - 189 calls were made from 46 sites, raising new questions about working conditions. One ex-employee said ‘breakdowns [are] a regular occurrence’ at Amazon.

    by Max Zahn, Sharif Paget

    Operator: Lebanon Police and Fire, where’s your emergency?

    Caller: Hi, I’m at 500 Duke Drive in Lebanon, so it’s the Amazon building. I’ve got an associate threatening suicide, she has very specific plans and has shown scratches more than anything on her arms but she’s trying to leave the building. She needs medical help, we can’t keep her here.

    Operator: Police dispatch

    Caller: Yes, hi, I wanted to see if we could get an officer out to the Amazon facility. I have an associate who had written a suicide letter to her children that was discovered on her today.

    Caller: Hey this is Chris, loss prevention Amazon, how you doing?

    Operator: Good how are you?

    Caller: Not too bad, I need EMS to start our way please. I have a suicidal employee in one of our offices, he attempted to cut himself three or four times tonight. And he is willing to go with EMS.

    Operator: OK, what did he attempt to cut himself with?

    Caller: One of our safety box cutters.

    Dozens and dozens of times over five years, calls were made from Amazon warehouses to 911 dispatchers about men and women on the brink.

    There was the suicidal employee in Hebron, Kentucky, who police said “is pregnant and threatening the baby” in December 2016. The 22-year-old woman in Joliet, Illinois, who said she wanted to “stab herself in the stomach” that same month. And the young man who threatened to “jump from [the] second floor” of the warehouse in Chester, Virginia, in January 2015.

    Between October 2013 and October 2018, emergency workers were summoned to Amazon warehouses at least 189 times for suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts, and other mental health episodes, according to 911 call logs, ambulance and police reports reviewed and analyzed by The Daily Beast.

    The reports came from 46 warehouses in 17 states—roughly a quarter of the sorting and fulfillment centers that comprise the company’s U.S. network. Jurisdictions for other Amazon warehouses either did not have any suicide reports or declined requests for similar logs.

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
    Amazon, founded by the now-richest man in the world, has long faced criticism about working conditions at its warehouses: the high-pressure pace, the stultifying boredom, the timed bathroom breaks, and the digital surveillance that monitors performance.

    The 911 calls and police reports collected through open record requests are not evidence that Amazon staffers experience suicidal episodes more often than other American workers, in or out of a warehouse—but they do offer a visceral, real-time glimpse of employees on the edge.

    • In Jacksonville, Florida, in December 2017, an older woman said “she was going to go home and kill herself” because she was being fired, according to a sheriff’s report. A supervisor saw her crying and hitting her head against a wall a couple times because she was being dismissed, and “did not have anything to live for.” She told a sheriff’s officer that she planned to cut her wrist with a butter knife, and previously had suicidal thoughts.

    • In June 2018, police officers were sent to a warehouse in Shakopee, Minnesota, to help with a suicidal employee. The officers found the woman crying in the first aid office where she admitted that she wanted to kill herself, the police report says. “She mentioned wanting to use box cutters,” police wrote.

    • At a warehouse in Etna, Ohio, in July 2018, a young man said, “With all the demands his employer has placed on him and things he’s dealing with in life [sic] is becoming too much and considering hurting himself,” a sheriff’s report says. The worker has been “with Amazon for over a year and is frustrated with his employment because he felt he was lied to by Amazon at his orientation. He keeps saying the company told him they valued his employment and would be treated as if he mattered and not just a number,” the report adds.

    Inside the Secret Facebook War For Mormon Hearts and Minds
    “It’s this isolating colony of hell where people having breakdowns is a regular occurrence,” said Jace Crouch, a former employee at a warehouse in Lakeland, Florida, who had an emotional crisis on the job. It’s “mentally taxing to do the same task super fast for 10-hour shifts, four or five days a week.”

    Some employees told The Daily Beast that they struggled with mental health issues before they began working for Amazon. But they believed the exacting work environment made them worse. And in some cases, after they were put on leave, they said they struggled to obtain promised compensation, received counseling they found insufficient or unaffordable, or were even fired.

    In a statement to The Daily Beast, Amazon said it values the health of its employees and suggested that the number of calls is an “overgeneralization” that “doesn’t take into account the total of our associate population, hours worked, or our growing network.”

    “The physical and mental well-being of our associates is our top priority, and we are proud of both our efforts and overall success in this area,” the statement said.

    “We provide comprehensive medical care starting on day one so employees have access to the care when they need it most, 24-hour a day free and confidential counseling services, and various leave and medical accommodation options covering both mental and physical health concerns.”

    “Crack the whip, crack the whip”
    The bins came one after another.

    It was Nick Veasley’s job to count the items in each one and check the tally against a computer screen to make sure it matched Amazon’s inventory. As soon as he was done, a robot would place another bin in front him—and that’s how it went all night at the warehouse in Etna, Ohio.

    Sometimes Veasley, 41, had to hop up a stepstool to count; sometimes he had to bend over, aggravating his knees and back. Either way, he had to count fast—hundreds of pieces an hour—or a manager tracking his progress in real time would prod him to hurry up. He only occasionally talked to coworkers, knowing a supervisor could track the impromptu break, and the warehouse was nearly silent, aside from the shuffling feet of coworkers and the sliding of bins.

    The work was at once stressful and boring, so Veasley’s mind wandered: to the water and electric bills he couldn’t pay, the rent checks he owed, to the fiancée and daughter who depended on him. On Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018, his thoughts took a dark turn: Killing himself might be a way out, from his problems and what he saw as the relentless pressure of his job.

    It wasn’t the first time Veasley had thought about suicide. On his way to work that night, according to a police report, he’d wanted to drive his car off a cliff.

    When Veasley started working at Amazon in December 2016, he said, he was thrilled to land the $14.50-an-hour job. “The job was a big deal,” he said. “It was good money, good benefits.”

    But standing on his feet all day took a toll. His ankle started to hurt—badly. In February 2017 he went on medical leave for surgery, Amazon said. A snafu with the third party handling his paperwork cost him thousands in income, he said, and he fell behind on his bills. (Amazon disputes this, saying he was paid for his leave.)

    “They were wanting money and things started getting shut off,” he said. “I was getting three-day notices on my door and my landlord saying pay this or get out.”

    That’s when Veasley first began having suicidal thoughts. After he returned to Amazon in August 2017, it only got worse. The isolation, boredom, stress, and effort to recover leave pay plunged him deeper into depression, he said.

    “I had so much on my mind that the quietness of standing in one spot and doing my job, would just let my mind run,” he said. 

    When Veasley spoke to human resources about how he was feeling, they seemed compassionate, he said. He was allowed to take a two-month leave, which came with a reduction in pay.

    His second return to work, that winter, was no easier. “The quota, the boringness, everything,” he said. Managers, he said, acted as enforcers. “Do that, do this, do this,” he said. “Crack the whip, crack the whip, crack the whip.”

    Another pressure point: Veasley suffers from irritable bowel syndrome and an intestinal disease called diverticulitis, which he said forced him to take frequent bathroom breaks to relieve pain.

    He received two write-ups and was told that another violation could result in suspension or termination, he said. (Amazon called his account “highly unlikely,” saying managers work with HR to have a thorough conversation about “barriers” that lead associates to “accrue time off task.”) “Usually I can get myself out of a problem but I couldn’t do it working at Amazon,” Veasley said. “I felt like I had a thousand pounds wrapped around my ankle and it kept dragging me down and down and down, and there was no way out.”

    After he told a guard about wanting to drive his car off a cliff, police were called and Veasley was taken to nearby Licking Memorial Hospital and then psychiatric ward, where he spent three days, he said. He blames Amazon for the ordeal.

    “That place screwed me up so much it put me into a depression where I was actually on a 72-hour hold in a psych ward,” he said.

    Amazon said it was “unfortunate” that Veasley feels that way. “Many employees will tell you they love their jobs and working in fulfillment centers,” it said in a statement.

    It said performance goals are standard in the industry and that “we support people who are not performing to the levels expected with dedicated coaching to help them improve.”

    “As we would with any associate in need, we supported and attempted to help Nick get the treatment and support he needed and requested. We accommodated his requests, directly engaged with him to understand his needs, provided resources, including outside and emergent crisis intervention help to him. Even though in the end it did not work out for Nick at Amazon, we hope he has found success in his pursuits,” Amazon added.

    “They treat us like robots”
    Caller: Hi this is Greg, Loss Prevention Specialist with Amazon, calling to report that we have a suicidal person...

    Operator: Ok what’s he said that’s made him suicidal?

    Caller: His initial utterance is that he’d had thoughts of killing himself, he’s expressed two different plans that crossed his mind. One would be to go to a second or third story and throw himself off a balcony and he has also attempted and or thought of a plan of cutting his wrists.

    The Daily Beast spoke to six current or former Amazon employees who had mental health crises that required emergency assistance at the warehouse. They said much of their at-work stress stemmed from the performance quota.

    A former employee in Etna, Ohio, said that it was sometimes physically impossible to stay on pace. “Even if it isn’t your fault, they ignore any explanation that you could give.”

    He was constantly fearful that he would receive citations for falling short. “Once you have enough write-ups, you’re out the door,” he said. “There goes your livelihood.”

    “There was a constant sense of, ‘did I screw that up, did I screw that up, did I screw that up?” he said. “[It] stays with you and almost becomes a permanent anxiety.”

    “They treat us like robots,” said another employee who was on leave after making a threat of suicide at a warehouse in Lebanon, Tennessee.

    Some workers cited a stringent break policy. Managers flagged any lull in performance longer than a handful of minutes, Veasley said. Former employees who worked 12-hour shifts said they received two 30-minute breaks and a 15-minute break. But just walking across the massive warehouse ate up chunks of free time.

    Crouch said he has struggled with depression for much of his life, which continued at Amazon. “It made it really hard for me to deal with that dehumanization at work,” he said. “I would come home, not talk to anyone, sit in bed, and cry.”

    To be sure, not all the incidents at Amazon facilities were triggered by work-related issues.

    A young woman who worked at the Jacksonville warehouse told a co-worker in February 2018 that she was suicidal over the loss of a friend.

    An employee who had “multiple thoughts of killing himself throughout the day,” according to an August 2015 police report in Lakeland, told The Daily Beast that “nothing about Amazon was stressing me out.”

    In some cases, emergency workers were called to Amazon facilities for people who were not workers. In September 2016, police went to a warehouse in Bellevue, Washington, to assist with an employee’s suicidal fiancée, who had used a saw to cut her leg, according to police.

    “They need to interact to feel human”
    The details in the emergency calls and police reports follow a long series of reports about conditions in Amazon warehouses that can only be described as hellish.

    A British journalist who went undercover described a clock-watching culture so extreme that some employees urinated in bottles rather than trek to restrooms and risk being marked AWOL.

    Amazon retrofit some warehouses with air conditioning after a Pennsylvania newspaper reported in 2011 that temperatures at one facility would reach 100 degrees and that paramedics were stationed outside during heat waves.

    The company’s anti-theft and security screening procedures mean long lines before some workers can clock in. A lawsuit over the unpaid waiting time ended up before the U.S. Supreme Court, which sided with Amazon.

    There are myriad reports of workers being injured on the job. Two dozen employees were hospitalized last year when a robot punctured a can of bear repellent, releasing toxic fumes; it was at least the third such incident in three years.

    Scholars and researchers who study the effect of work on mental health declined to discuss Amazon’s employment practices. But many of the conditions cited by Amazon workers with suicide incidents were mentioned by the experts, who said a pressure cooker environment and mental illness can be dangerously toxic combination.

    “High levels of workplace stressors can be bad for pre-existing mental health conditions and can exacerbate them,” said Naomi Swanson, a lead researcher at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, adding that research in the area was scarce.

    A workplace that asks a lot from employees but does not offer leeway in how they complete their tasks can be unhealthy.

    “If you’re doing something that is just too hard for you, you can’t do it worried about your performance. That would be stressful, leading to mood disorders and anxiety disorders,” said William Eaton, a professor at the Johns Hopkins’ school of public health.

    Working in social isolation is another red flag. People need social contact, said Ron Goetzel, another Johns Hopkins professor. “They need to interact to feel human.”

    But researchers also agree that mental health disorders and suicidal behavior are complex.

    “You’ve got individuals who experience stress from a variety of sources,” said Yeates Conwell, a professor at the University of Rochester Center for Study and Prevention of Suicide. “The workplace may be one in which those things come together and get expressed as stress, mental illness, suicidal ideation behavior.”

    “He started going into a dark place”
    Like Nick Veasley, Jonathan Forrest was elated when Amazon offered him a job in the same warehouse. “Half nervous but mostly excited to start a new journey in life!” Forrest, then 36, posted on Facebook in the fall of 2016.

    He was a picker, charged with putting items in bins.

    “The board at Amazon showed the top 10 pickers of my shift and of well over 100 pickers, I ranked #8,” he wrote on Facebook a few weeks after he began. “At least there’s 1 thing to make me feel proud of myself.”

    At $17.50 per hour, Forrest was making more money than he ever did before, and was paying down $7,000 in veterinary school debt, his father Butch Forrest said. But a few months in, he began to sour on his job and the company.

    “I would like to thank one of the worlds [sic] richest men, multi billionaire Jeff Bezos, for the opportunity to win this overly generous $1 vending machine coupon to use in the Amazon cafeteria as a reward for my hard work today,” Forrest posted in late-January of 2017. “I’m confident that the free snickers bar I consume tomorrow will help further compel me to keep being the best picker that I can be!”

    In April, he posted: “After this next week is over, I will have worked 280 hours in 5 weeks...I am ready to stop, take some time to enjoy myself and not work so much, what does my work do????? Mandatory fucking overtime! Seriously???? I am so pissed off right now.” It ended with this plea: “Leave me alone Amazon.” 

    “He started going into a dark place,” said Donnie Sanford, a close friend.

    That summer, Forrest mentioned having suicidal thoughts to a coworker at Amazon and qualified for medical leave, his father said. Forrest saw a psychiatrist who diagnosed him with bipolar disorder and prescribed medication, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Beast.

    Forrest returned to work after about a month, his father said, but on Oct. 28, he made another suicidal comment at work. This time an Amazon employee called the police. “Jonathan stated that he has had thoughts of suicide or self harm for several years and that the thoughts have been escalating in recent weeks,” a police report said. “Jonathan stated that he has attempted suicide in the past and that if he ever did commit suicide, it would be a ‘spur of the moment’ event,” the report added. (Butch Forrest and Sanford confirmed that Jonathan had attempted suicide before).

    Forrest was taken to the hospital for evaluation, and Amazon allowed him to return to work.

    In the last weeks of 2017, Forrest’s mental health deteriorated again. “It seemed like the spark died out in him,” Sanford said. “He didn’t do much toward the end except work. It was pretty much all he had to talk about.”

    On Jan. 2, 2018, Sanford received a text message from Forrest: “Just remember I love you.” Around the same time, while sitting down to brunch at a diner, Butch and Jane Forrest received a call from their son, Brian, who told them Jonathan had just posted a suicide note on Facebook. It said: “Sorry y’all. It was inevitably going to happen anyways. I just fired a pistol through the back of my head. Love you all.”

    Butch Forrest says his son was struggling on many levels, but he believes his work at Amazon was a major factor in his suicide. “When it came to holidays it would be five days in a row,” he said. “It killed him.”

    In a statement, Amazon said Forrest’s death “was a very sad situation and shocking for the team, who very much wanted to see Johnathan [sic] get better.”

    “It’s always sad when we lose a member of our team for any reason and our thoughts continue to go out to Johnathan’s family. We encourage anyone who is having suicidal thoughts to call the national suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Amazon employees should know we have resources available as well,” the company said.

    “I didn’t have the money to go to the doctor”
    Of the six current or former Amazon workers who spoke to The Daily Beast, five were put on leave from work. They said they struggled to obtain promised compensation, found counseling was insufficient or unaffordable, and in some cases were fired.

    After being removed from Amazon by emergency responders—a situation some found humiliating—workers were often put on short-term medical or disability leave, entitling them to 60 percent of their pay and a return to their job after psychiatric clearance.

    While on leave, some workers used the company’s employee assistance program, which includes three phone conversations with a counselor, and also sought outside psychiatric help. Even with Amazon-provided health insurance, the costs were often a financial strain.

    “The frustrating part was I didn’t have the money to go to the doctor to get the paperwork they need,” said Crouch, the Lakeland, Florida, employee.

    Veasley said he attempted to keep his job after leaving the psych ward but was told he had been fired for exceeding the maximum unpaid time off. He said he used many of those hours to go to therapy or doctor’s appointments.

    Amazon said in a statement that it could not verify that Veasley used the time off for medical reasons. “Nicholas provided miscellaneous and inconsistent reasons for missing work and was often not able to provide the appropriate medical information needed for a fair excusal,” it said.

    “Our teams work diligently to be fair to all employees and time excusal is provided often for employees during times of hardship when they have demonstrated regular attendance and reliability. Because we care about Nicholas, we wanted to help him but could not.”

    But Veasley, who now works as a cook, is still angry about how he was treated.

    “Amazon—don’t get me wrong—they throw up a lot of sparkly stuff in front of your eyes. Ooh, benefits, great pay, job security, this that and other, ” he said.

    “But if you don’t read the fine print down at the bottom of this contract, you’re screwed.”

    #USA #travail #exploitation

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