• 13 Février 1991,


    CES pauvres corps calcinés, ces membres épars recueillis sur des couvertures, ce charnier où l’on ose à peine reconnaître, recroquevillé, le cadavre d’un enfant - deux bombes de 900 kilogrammes chacune, larguées sur un abri par deux chasseurs- bombardiers américains F-117, ont suffi pour faire ces centaines de #victimes_civiles innocentes, le 13 février, dans le quartier d’El #Amiriya, à #Bagdad.

    Resisting Amnesia: Twenty Five Years After the Al Amiriyah Attack

    On 13 February 1991, the United States Air Force deliberately targeted the Al Amiriyah bomb shelter in Baghdad, killing 408 civilians, mostly women and children. It was a brazen act of terror that has left permanent scars on Iraqi society. The Iraqi Transnational Collective issued a statement commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of this catastrophic act of brutality and has initiated a global campaign to raise awareness about this attack. Dima Yassine of Status spoke to Nazli Tarzi and Zeena al Jawad about the tragedy and their efforts to keep its memory alive. Both are active members of the Iraqi Transnational Collective, a grassroots nonsectarian collective of diverse transnational Iraqis whose mission is to build community power for political, social, and economic justice.

    #terrorisme #Etats-Unis