• Four Young Boys Killed Playing on Gaza Beach

    The first explosion left a small shack burning on the jetty. Several boys could be seen fleeing along the beach. About 30 seconds later came the second blast, and when the dust cleared, three figures lay motionless on the sand. One had most of a leg blown off, his body charred; a few yards away lay a smaller one with curly hair.


    Alon Ben-David, a senior military affairs journalist with extensive Israeli military sources, said information he had seen indicated that the military had identified the beach shack as belonging to Hamas and fired at it.

    Mr. Ben-David speculated that the second blast had been aimed at the children running away, who might have been mistaken for militants. But he added that given the military’s technologically advanced surveillance equipment, “it is a little hard for me to understand this, because the images show that the figures are children .”

    #assassins_et_fiers_de_l'être #assassins_adulés #impunité #Israël #enfants

    • Witness to a shelling : first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port
      There is a deafening explosion, then a second. Four children are dead. Four survivors reach the safety of our hotel

      Peter Beaumont in Gaza
      The Guardian, Wednesday 16 July 2014

      (...) It was there that the second shell hit the beach, those firing apparently adjusting their fire to target the fleeing survivors. As it exploded, journalists standing by the terrace wall shouted: “They are only children.”

      In the space of 40 seconds, four boys who had been playing hide and seek among the fishermen’s shacks built on the wall were dead. They were aged between seven and 11; two were named Mohammad, one Zakaria and the youngest Ahed. All were members of the extended Bakr family.

      Three others who were injured made it to the hotel: Hamad Bakr, aged 13, with shrapnel in his chest; his cousin Motasem, 11, injured in his head and legs, and Mohammad Abu Watfah, 21, who was hit by shrapnel in his stomach. (...)

      à comparer avec le témoignage d’un autre journaliste :

      Des missiles israéliens tuent quatre enfants à Gaza
      Par Ludovic Piedtenu, Olivier Bénis | 16 Juillet 2014

      Ils sont tombés sur une plage près d’un hôtel où résident des journalistes, tuant quatre enfants qui jouaient dans une cabane. De son côté, le Hamas a refusé officiellement le cessez-le-feu proposé par l’Égypte.

      C’est un bombardement qui risque de porter un nouveau coup important à l’image de l’opération de l’armée israélienne : plusieurs missiles ont frappé une plage à quelques mètres de l’hôtel où se trouve la presse internationale. Et le bilan est lourd : quatre enfants tués, selon nos reporters sur place.

      Les tirs ont frappé une cabane située sur une plage de Gaza. Un groupe d’enfants était en train d’y jouer. Quelques-uns ont réussi à s’enfuir après l’explosion du premier missile, d’autres sont morts presque immédiatement après le bombardement.