• J’ai découvert une BD sur la division Charlemagne. Vous savez, ces engagés français du côté nazi qui ont eu carrément droit à une division SS rien qu’a eux. Certains fuyaient la pendaison parce que les alliés cavalaient vers Berlin, d’autres la répression ou l’exécution sommaire.
    Et donc on les retrouve à Berlin, après avoir passé un petit temps sur le front polonais.
    Et franchement, c’est instructif. C’est écrit sans trop d’idéologie, juste ce qu’il faut d’authentique, et c’est très renseigné.

    B.D. : Berlin sera notre tombeau


    Et donc pourquoi lire ça aujourd’hui ? Perso, ça me semble fini le cordon de sécurité face à l’extrême droite qui s’est imposé pendant 70 ans. Je crois même que ce mode de ségrégation des débats a fait du mal et ne nous a pas aidé à nous préparer à ce qui nous tombe dessus aujourd’hui. Pour lutter contre toutes les formes et tous les élans droitiers qui nous bousculent tous les jours, si on peut glaner des éléments dans ces bribes du passé, ça pourrait nous armer mentalement. Mieux vaut savoir détecter plutôt qu’être surpris.

    #WW2 #nazi #berlin #francais #histoire #collabo

    • épuisé, € 103,00 d’occasion, #bof il nous faudrait une bd sur les membres de la 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (galizische Nr. 1) https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/14e_division_SS_(galicienne_no_1) et les trawniki ukrainiens.

      Demjanjuk-Prozess - « Ukrainische Wachmänner waren schlimmer als die SS »

      La brigade Charlemagne n’était qu’un phénomène éphémère. La collaboration des services secrets ouest-allemands avec les travniki et banderistes par contre n’a jamais cessé et trouve son expression actuelle dans le soutien inconditionnel des forces ukrainiennes par l’Allemagne.

      Évidemment l’armée ukrainienne n’est pas une organisation plus fasciste que n’importe quelle armée du monde. C’est plutôt une question allemande et états-unienne qui tourne autour du positionnement de l’Allemagne contre la Russie depuis la guerre qu’on appelle la première guerre mondiale

      Du côté francais il faudrait travailler sur les ex-SS allemands qui ont rejoint la légion étrangère. L’armée francaise employait ces vieux messieurs jusqu’au départ du contingent tricolore de Berlin en 1990 ou 1991. Il n’est pas exclus qu’il y a là un lien avec la division SS Charlemagne mais je n’en sais rien.

      Alors j’attends la bd antifasciste qui raconte la vie de John Demjanjuk et des trawniki ukrainiens. Elle serait forcément d’une grande actualité.

      #nazis #Ukraine #Bandera #Allemagne #holocauste

  • HITLER’S SHADOW, Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War
    Dans cette publication on apprend que la CIA était plutôt sceptique en ce qui concernait la collaboration avec Stepan Bandera. Les parachutages d’agents anticommunistes étaient l’affaire des Britanniques. Plus tard c’étaient surtout les ex-nazis allemands proches d’Eichmann, particulièrement Gerhard von Mende, un participant à l’organisation de l’holocauste, qui le soutenaient jusqu’à sa mort. La CIA avait son propre homme de main, Mykola Lebed.

    Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda, Published by the National Archives

    In 1998 Congress passed the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act [P.L. 105-246]
    as part of a series of efforts to identify, declassify, and release federal records on the perpetration of Nazi war crimes and on Allied efforts to locate and punish war criminals. Under the direction of the National Archives the Interagency Working Group [IWG] opened to research over 8 million of pages of records - including recent 21st century documentation. Of particular importance to this volume are many declassified intelligence records from the Central Intelligence Agency and the Army Intelligence Command, which were not fully processed and available at the time that the IWG issued its Final Report in 2007.
    As a consequence, Congress [in HR 110-920] charged the National Archives
    in 2009 to prepare an additional historical volume as a companion piece to
    its 2005 volume U. S. Intelligence and the Nazis. Professors Richard Breitman
    and Norman J. W. Goda note in Hitler’s Shadow that these CIA & Army records produced new “evidence of war crimes and about wartime activities of war criminals; postwar documents on the search for war criminals; documents about the escape of war criminals; documents about the Allied protection or use of war criminals; and documents about the postwar activities of war criminals”.
    This volume of essays points to the significant impact that flowed from
    Congress and the Executive Branch agencies in adopting a broader and fuller
    release of previously security classified war crimes documentation. Details about records processed by the IWG and released by the National Archives are more fully described on our website iwg@nara.gov.

    William Cunliffe, Office of Records Services,
    National Archives and Records Administration

    CHAPTER FIVE, Collaborators: Allied Intelligence and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
    The CIA never considered entering into an alliance with Bandera to procure intelligence from Ukraine. “By nature,” read a CIA report, “[Bandera] is a political intransigent of great personal ambition, who [has] since April 1948, opposed all political organizations in the emigration which favor a representative
    form of government in the Ukraine as opposed to a mono-party, OUN/Bandera regime.”

    Worse, his intelligence operatives in Germany were dishonest and not secure. Debriefings of couriers from western Ukraine in 1948 confirmed that, “the thinking of Stephan Bandera and his immediate émigré supporters [has] become radically outmoded in the Ukraine.” Bandera was also a convicted assassin. By now, word had reached the CIA of Bandera’s fratricidal struggles with other Ukrainian groups during the war and in the emigration.
    By 1951 Bandera turned vocally anti-American as well, since the US did not advocate an independent Ukraine.” The CIA had an agent within the Bandera group in 1951 mostly to keep an eye on Bandera.

    British Intelligence (MI6), however, was interested in Bandera. MI6 first contacted Bandera through Gerhard von Mende in April 1948. An ethnic German from Riga, von Mende served in Alfred Rosenberg’s Ostministerium
    during the war as head of the section for the Caucasus and Turkestan section, recruiting Soviet Muslims from central Asia for use against the USSR. In this capacity he was kept personally informed of UPA actions and capabilities.

    Nothing came of initial British contacts with Bandera because, as the CIA learned later, “the political, financial, and tech requirements of the [Ukrainians] were higher than the British cared to meet.” But by 1949 MI6 began helping Bandera send his own agents into western Ukraine via airdrop. In 1950 MI6 began training these agents on the expectation that they could provide intelligence from western Ukraine.

    CIA and State Department officials flatly opposed the use of Bandera. By 1950 the CIA was working with the Hrinioch-Lebed group, and had begun to run its own agents into western Ukraine to make contact with the UHVR. Bandera no longer had the UHVR’s support or even that of the OUN party leadership in Ukraine. Bandera’s agents also deliberately worked against Ukrainian agents used by the CIA. In April 1951 CIA officials tried to convince MI6 to pull support from Bandera. MI6 refused. They thought that Bandera could run his agents without British support, and MI6 were “seeking progressively to assume control of Bandera’s lines.” The British also thought that the CIA underestimated Bandera’s importance. “Bandera’s name,” they said, “still carried considerable weight in the Ukraine and … the UPA would look to him first and foremost.”

    On trouve des informations sur les relations de la CIA avec les anticommunistes ukrainiens dans le chapître The United States and Mykola Lebed

    Nazi War Crimes Interagency Working Group

    #histoire #USA #anticommunisme #Ukraine #Bandera

  • Militaristic and anti-democratic, Ukraine’s far-right bides its time - CSMonitor.com

    Though few in number overall, far-right groups operate with a high degree of impunity in Ukrainian society, allowing them to harass and attack minorities and human rights advocates without repercussions.


    Many Ukrainian analysts argue that these new rightist groups are not “nationalist,” but rather racist, intolerant, and extreme social conservatives. But it may be a problem that more mainstream Ukrainian nationalists, such as the #Svoboda party – which does not participate in street violence – tend to make heroes of 20th-century “fighters for Ukrainian independence.” Those include Stepan #Bandera, whose fascist ideology, collaboration with the #Nazis, and participation in wartime ethnic cleansing against Poles and Jews makes him and those like him poor role models for modern Europe-bound Ukraine.

    The Ukrainian parliament has passed legislation making it illegal to deny the hero status of Mr. Bandera. In Kiev, a major boulevard was recently renamed “Bandera Prospekt.” It should be no surprise that groups like the Right Sector model themselves on such World War II-era Ukrainian nationalist fighters.

    #extrême_droite #ukraine #air_du_temps

  • Ukraine and Russia’s Non-Russians Reportedly Viewing Each Other as Allies, Disturbing Moscow | The Interpreter

    Increasingly frequent expressions of support for Ukraine by non-Russian peoples within the borders of the Russian Federation and similar expressions of support for these nations by Kyiv is disturbing many Russians who see this as an alliance of “Russophobes of all kinds.

    In an article on Rusfed24.ru, Ufa journalist Svetlana Nurgaleyeva said that nationalist groups among the non-Russian groups, including Buryats, Chuvashes, Tatars, and Bashkirs, have come together “on the basis of Russophobia and hatred to Russia as a state.

    When the Maidan began, Tatars in Kazan held a demonstration in support of the Ukrainian movement. Then in February, Chuvash nationalists declared that the Ukrainians were not fighting non-Russians like themselves but rather “imperialist Moscow,” the common enemy of both.

    And at the same time, Buryat nationalists held a round table at which participants declared that “there are no Nazis or ‘Banderites’ in the Maidan; instead, there are people ready to struggle to the end for their rights,” something that Buryats said should inspire rather than repel non-Russians in Russia.

    #Bachkirs, #Bouriates, #Tatars, #Tchouvaches
    #Ukraine, #Maidan, #Bandera

  • La tombe de Stepan #Bandera à Munich vandalisée
    Stepan Bandera: Grab auf Münchner Waldfriedhof verwüstet - SPIEGEL ONLINE

    München - Unbekannte haben das Grab des umstrittenen ukrainischen Politikers Stepan Bandera in München verwüstet. Der oder die Täter rissen ein menschengroßes Kreuz vom Sockel des Grabmals auf dem Münchner Waldfriedhof, wie eine Sprecherin der Polizei bestätigte. Zudem wurden Blumenvasen umgeworfen und Graberde entnommen.

    (photo twittée par le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères, Pavlo Klimkin)


    Grave of Ukrainian Nationalist Stepan Bandera Vandalized in Germany - NYTimes.com

    MUNICH — The grave of Stepan Bandera, a leader of Ukrainian fighters who fought both Nazi and Soviet forces during World War Two and after, was vandalized in a German cemetery overnight, police said on Sunday.

    A marble cross about 1.80 meters high was torn down from his grave in Munich and left lying behind it, soil was removed from the grave and vases of flowers were overturned, police said in a statement.

    Bandera, who fought Soviet rule well into the 1950s and was assassinated by a KGB agent in 1959, is regarded as a hero by many in western Ukraine but in the Russian-speaking east of the country many take the Soviet view that he was a terrorist.

    A vandalized grave of Ukrainian political activist and nationalist movement leader Stepan Bandera is pictured on Aug. 17, 2014 at the Waldfriedhof cemetery in Munich, southern Germany. The grave of the controversial Ukrainian politician in Munich has been damaged by unidentified persons. Munich’s police confirmed on Sunday that a cross was removed from the base of the grave probably on early Sunday morning.
    © AFP

    Sur http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine-abroad/reuters-grave-of-ukrainian-nationalist-stepan-bandera-vandalized-in-german

  • À Ivano-Frankivsk (ex-Stanisławów, en Galicie), les réfugiés du Donbas sont accueillis par une organisation promouvant l’identité ukrainienne et une partie d’entre eux logés à l’hôtel Banderstadt (soit : la ville de (Stepan) #Bandera…)

    Western Ukraine’s Banderstadt shelters eastern Ukraine’s refugees

    IVANO-FRANKIVSK, Ukraine — It’s probably not deliberately ironic that refugees from predominantly Russian-speaking east Ukraine, arriving in Ivano-Frankivsk, are directed straight to the headquarters of Osvita, an organisation promoting Ukrainian language and culture.
    When Tanya arrives, she is at once offered a food package and up to two week’s free stay in the Banderstadt hotel.

    The name Banderstadt comes from controversial Ukrainian nationalist leader Stepan Bandera, who lived from 1909-1959, when a KGB agent murdered him in Munich, Germany.

    Bandera’s followers are called “Banderites,” a term used by Russian media to demonize western Ukrainians as extreme nationalists and fascists bent on wiping out the Russian people and language in the south and east of the country. It is one more of the Ukraine conflict’s many ironies that Ivano-Frankivsk’s Banderstadt now provides shelter for dozens of families fleeing violence inspired by the alleged ‘Banderite’ threat.

  • Stepan #Bandera vs Nestor #Makhno
    Le match revu par un ancien Peace Corps au Kazakhstan…

    The Last Time Ukraine was Truly Free | Roads & Kingdoms

    In the pantheon of Ukrainian freedom fighters, Makhno lies in the shadow of the ur-nationalist Bandera, the default anti-Moscow figure. It is Bandera’s orange-and-black flag that denotes the bloodlands of the Ukrainian west. It is Bandera’s name Russia now invokes when it denounces the supposedly fascist leanings of Kyiv’s new pro-western rulers.

    Bandera was a fairly straightforward national hero, and villain. His was an arch-nationalist with a state-first thirst for independence, no matter the means, no matter the allies he took on. Makhno remains a much foggier character.

    Flag of the Free Territory with its motto,
    “Death to all who stand in the way of freedom for working people!”
    Image by Hoodinski.

  • Quelqu’un a des références à proposer sur Stepan #Bandera ?

    Une bonne partie de ce qu’on entrevoit de Maïdan s’en revendique. Bien sûr, l’extrême droite comme ici Oleh Tyahnybok, le 1/01/2014 où il le cite longuement devant quelqu’un qui tient son portrait.

    Iouchtchenko l’a proclamé héros de l’Ukraine en janvier 2010, provoquant une réaction de l’Union européenne en mars de l’année, avant que cette nomination soit annulée par Ianoukovitch en janvier 2011.
    Il faut dire que la femme de Iouchtchenko serait, outre une ancienne fonctionnaire du département — ce qui est attesté, une ancienne du mouvement bandériste de Chicago.

    Bandera était nationaliste ukrainien à une époque où l’Ukraine était partagée entre la Pologne et l’URSS. Il est donc plutôt mal vu (euphémisme) des uns et des autres (en russe, je pense qu’on doit toujours employer le syntagme « national-chauvin » (национал-шовинист) synonyme de fasciste). Ses alliés naturels étaient les Allemands, sous toutes leurs formes : les nazis l’ont instrumentalisé sans pouvoir le contrôler (cf. la notice WP), la RFA l’a hébergé et le BND le suivait de près, ce qui a peut-être facilité son élimination par le KGB…

    Le chapeau de WP se termine ainsi
    Stepan Bandera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Assessments of his work have ranged from totally apologetic to sharply negative. (…) As a result, Stepan Bandera remains a controversial figure today both in Ukraine and internationally.

    Exemple de sharpy negative ce billet de l’époque où il a été nommé héros national :
    History News Network | Who Was Stepan Bandera ?

    It is a sad comment on Ukrainian memory that the man declared a Hero of Ukraine in January headed a movement that was deeply involved in the Holocaust. It is more gratifying to know that by the time of Stepan Bandera’s death, most Ukrainian leaders had long rejected him as a dangerous charlatan who harmed his own cause. By the time of his death, Bandera was reduced to dancing with the Cold War’s most compromised intelligence agency, where the Soviets could watch his every move. Those who label him a hero today, in other words, are as foolish as they are offensive.

    alors que, dans l’autre sens, le dernier commentaire du même billet (4/03/2010) indique

    Soviet Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials Roman Rudenko, in his accusatory instruments against Nazi collaborators, did not mention Stepan Bandera or the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists despite, one can be certain, a definite agenda drafted in the Kremlin itself. The preeminent Jewish historian on the Holocaust Raul Hilberg in his seminal work “The Destruction of the European Jews” does not mention Bandera or the OUN either. It’s true that Yad Vashen was not pleased with Raul Hilberg but not because he was not accurate but because he failed to embellish upon Jewish heroism. Prosecutor Rudenko certainly had access to Soviet archives. Professor Hilberg based his work primarily on German archives. Jewish survivors’ eyewitness accounts were compiled by the Jewish Historical Institute in Krakow in 1945 immediately after the war with no impugning of Bandera and the OUN.