• #Hommage à #Bernie_Krause

      La ricercatrice Karen Bakker a ottobre 2023 per Feltrinelli pubblica “I suoni segreti della natura”, un saggio affascinante che racconta le ricerche scientifiche nell’ambito della Bioacustica. Il libro tratta dei primi esperimenti condotti da Roger Paine per ascoltare le balene. Prima di lui però, durante la seconda guerra mondiale, ascoltare i fondali marini era diventato strategico, il canale oceanico SONAR fu luogo del progetto SOSUS: Sound Surveillance System per controllare i sommergibili sovietici. Nel 1957 venne pubblicato un primo studio sui suoni delle balene e nel 1970 usci un disco di enorme successo; Songs of the Humpback Whales che contribuì alla campagna di Greenpeace del 1972 per salvare le balene. In seguito furono desecretate alcune registrazioni segrete militari. Ai nativi pescatori artici, gli Inupiat venne vietato di fare la loro caccia tradizionale ma furono loro a guidare le ricerche utili a scoprire il mondo segreto delle migrazioni delle balene guidate da suoni e infrasuoni. Negli stessi anni il musicista Bernie Krause abbandona la sua carriera e si dedica totalmente ai suoni della natura lavorando nelle foreste pluviali inaugurando la “Fitoacustica” coniando l’ipotesi di una “Nicchia acustica” e cioè una orchestra di suoni animali e vegetali che caratterizzano un ambiente naturale. Il passo poi è breve per analizzare ambienti sottomarini quali le barriere coralline minacciate dalla acidificazione, le grotte abitate dai pipistrelli grandi navigatori di ultrasuoni. Poi gli elefanti e l’uso di infrasuoni per guidare le migrazioni e segnalare allarmi e via via fino alle tartarughe, alle api. Nel passo successivo di queste ricerche si magnifica l’importanza delle nuove tecnologie, oggi alla portata di tutti sia nei costi che nella accessibilità, che si possono interfacciare con l’intelligenza artificiale, per trovare algoritmi che traducano questi linguaggi sonori e ci permettano di “dialogare” con gli animali allo scopo di proteggerli e salvarli dall’estinzione. Ci sono progetti che riguardano i delfini, le raganelle, i lupi, gli ibis, api, scoiattoli, coralli.
      La mia speranza è che il mondo militare, sempre all’avanguardia nell’uso delle tecnologie, non se ne appropri per le solite finalità armate nascondendole sotto la bugia di nominarle “difesa”.


      Intelligenze artificiali per ascoltar balene
      Per tradurre il loro canto quasi fossero sirene
      Gli Inupiat nell’Artico ponevano in acqua un remo
      Appoggiavano l’orecchio ed era meglio di Sanremo
      Le barriere coralline sono bianche di paura
      Ridotte al silenzio in cambio c’è l’acquacultura
      I fondali del Senegal arati da pesca a strascico
      I pescatori di Saint Luis dall’oceano all’Adriatico

      Sembravano grandi orchestre le foreste equatoriali
      Dove han tagliato gli alberi per allevare maiali
      Piantagioni di soia per un miliardo di cinesi
      Bistecche di manzo per gli americani obesi
      Il ronzio delle api mette in fuga gli elefanti
      E gli può salvare la vita dai più belligeranti
      Son gli stessi contadini che delle api fan sterminio
      È sorda l’agroindustria nei pesticidi il suo dominio

      Ho sentito un albero ritmare la sua sete
      Noi balliamo lui sta fermo ed il suo suono si ripete
      Balliamo insieme agli orsi di Wall Street che cola a picco
      Quotiamo l’acqua in borsa alla ricerca di un profitto
      Nelle caverne i pipistrelli per cacciare e per nutrirsi
      Hanno sonar ad ultrasuoni per volare ed orientarsi
      Purtroppo per mangiarli c’è chi vivi li cattura
      Ma qualche virus sfugge e l’uomo è brodo di coltura

      Cerchiamo gli algoritmi per parlare agli animali
      Caliamo dei microfoni in acqua nei fondali
      Siamo diventati sordi al grido della terra
      Proviam con la bioacustica mentre facciam la guerra
      Cerchiamo gli algoritmi per parlare agli animali
      Caliamo dei microfoni in acqua nei fondali
      Siamo diventati sordi al grido della terra
      Proviam con la bioacustica mentre facciam la guerra


      #bioacoustique #musique #chanson #environnement

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  • Le défaut du tableau – L’image sociale

    Un excellent billet de Naomi Klein livre les clés de la vague de remédiations qui a fait de la photo de Bernie Sanders et de ses « mitaines » (en français, plutôt des moufles), insérée dans les environnements les plus improbables, le mème le plus puissant de ces dernières années. Selon l’essayiste, le contraste entre le pompeux protocole de l’investiture du nouveau président et la solitude recroquevillée de son rival malheureux explique le succès explosif d’une image instantanément chargée de projections allégoriques. Ce n’était pas la peine de réunir tant de talents, d’intelligence et de moyens : par sa seule protestation muette, Bernie a envoyé balader tous les flonflons de la cérémonie inaugurale.

    Dans un essai de « mitainologie », Naomi Klein énumère plusieurs oppositions symboliques transformées en autant de messages, comme la résistance au diktat du spectacle d’une paire de gants manifestement dépourvus de toute autre fonction que de tenir chaud ; la contradiction entre la description du sénateur du Vermont sous les traits d’un dangereux idéologue et la paisible robustesse d’un accessoire tricoté main ; ou encore la posture oppositionnelle des bras croisés qui expriment le doute face aux promesses d’unité du successeur de Donald Trump.

    Typique de la culture du web, l’humour involontaire de ce retour au réel faisant tache dans la cérémonie incarne la fonction critique du réseau, le dévoilement par la force du détail de la tricherie des apparences. L’amplification virale agit alors comme une caisse de résonance, selon la structure classique de la dénonciation des ridicules, et expose au grand jour la joyeuse déconstruction des faux-semblants. Que Bernie ait plus de succès que Lady Gaga, les mitaines que les drapeaux, le défaut que le tableau, interroge plus souterrainement la confiance vacillante des peuples dans leurs institutions.

    #Memes #Bernie_Sanders #André_Gunther

  • The Bernie Sanders Meme Proves the Internet Is Resetting | WIRED

    Wednesday’s inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris was full of fashion moments: Lady Gaga’s golden bird, Harris’ pearls, Michelle Obama’s everything. But it was senator Bernie Sanders, decked out in his coat and mittens and holding a manila envelope (and maybe a cashier’s check?), who captured the attention of meme-makers everywhere. Before the swearing in even happened, people were tweeting out images of the senator, commenting on his accessories and give-no-fucks demeanor. By the time the sun set, he was being Photoshopped into all kinds of scenes, from New York City subways to the Iron Throne.

    It was a cultural reset but not in the traditional sense; no one is really thinking about memes, or Bernie Sanders, or even mittens differently now because of this. Instead, it was a realization that, occasionally, during the Biden/Harris administration there will be flip, inconsequential memes about politics. That in the absence of reacting to tweets from President Trump, social media will get to react to something else.


    He Made a Viral Bernie Meme Site. Now He Has to Keep It Going | WIRED

    The site gained traction on Twitter slowly at first; friends retweeting, then friends of friends. A few verified accounts joined in. And then, as wonderful and perfectly timed internet creations do, it snowballed.

    “If I had known this was going to be the traffic, I would have made every single decision completely differently,” says Sawhney. “When it blew up I realized that a website is more than just writing the code and putting it on there.”

    In fairness, that the site was thrown together on a whim adds to its charm. It’s not flashy, and it delivers precisely what it promises: pictures of Sanders anywhere in the world that Google’s Street View cars have roamed. To create it, Sawhney simply tapped into the Google Maps API, created a text entry field for queries, and decided where specifically the senator should pop up in the returned location images.

    “Generally the Street View API will give you a relatively similar angle from the sidewalk, unless they couldn’t get that angle,” Sawhney says. “So if I don’t try to change that field of view or the angle, and generally know what Bernie will look like on the sidewalk, it works most of the time.”

    Also the more expensive, from Sawhney’s point of view. Every time someone makes a request on his site, Google charges him a small amount to return the appropriate image. When the visitors are mostly his friends and small Twitter circle, that’s one thing. But throughout the night, his site averaged between 22 and 32 requests per second. By Thursday afternoon, that had spiked to around 70 requests per second. The bill for the API calls alone is closing in on $2,000; the server space required to keep the site functional and online tacks on another several hundred for the month.

    To be clear, Sawhney’s not complaining. “This is an awesome situation to be in,” he says. “It’s been really wild trying to keep this thing going.” Early into the traffic surge, a friend recommended crowdfunding; more than 750 people have contributed to his Buy Me a Coffee page. Heroku has thrown in some monitoring services gratis to help keep things stable. Sawhney says he has enough cash on hand to keep the site alive for another week after this, assuming interest starts to die down. (It’s the internet; it’ll move on soon if it hasn’t already.)

    #Meme #Bernie_Sanders #Google_Map

  • Le défaut du tableau – L’image sociale

    Dans un essai de « mitainologie », Naomi Klein énumère plusieurs oppositions symboliques transformées en autant de messages, comme la résistance au diktat du spectacle de la modeste utilité de gants manifestement dépourvus de toute autre fonction que de tenir chaud, la contradiction entre la peinture de l’ancien candidat aux primaires sous les traits d’un dangereux idéologue et la paisible robustesse d’un accessoire tricoté main, ou encore la posture oppositionnelle des bras croisés qui expriment le doute face aux promesses d’unité du successeur de Donald Trump.

  • Bernie Sanders Is Not Done Fighting | The New Yorker

    Longer-term, obviously, what I am trying to do is to bring people together to defeat Trump and to elect Biden. It is no great secret that Joe Biden and I have very serious political differences, but, at this particular moment in history, what is most important is to defeat Trump, who, as you implied a moment ago, is literally a threat to American democracy, and is moving this country not only in a dangerous way but in an authoritarian way, as well. Trump has got to be defeated and, in a variety of ways, I intend to play an active role in that process.

    Thirdly, it is not good enough just to elect Joe Biden. We’ve got to continue the movement in this country for transformative change, and to understand that we are way, way, way behind many other industrialized countries in providing for the needs of working families. So the fight continues for a Medicare for All single-payer program, and that becomes especially obvious when you have seen in recent months millions of people losing their jobs. They’re also losing their health care because, under our system, health care is an employee benefit not a human right. So I’m going to continue that fight, and, no question, we are gaining momentum at the grass roots. And on and on it goes.

    I think one of the myths that is being exploited right now is that I hear my Republican colleagues talk about, Well, you know, yes, this pandemic has been devastating, but, a few months ago, we had this great economy. This really great economy. I don’t know how you have this “great economy” when half of your people are living paycheck to paycheck. And what we are seeing right now, the great economic message of today, is that, when you live paycheck to paycheck and you miss a few paychecks, a few weeks of work, your family is suddenly now in economic desperation. Literally. Struggling to put food on the table and pay the rent.

    So we’ve got to rethink. If there is anything that I hope we achieve in the midst of this unprecedented moment in American history, it’s that we use this moment to rethink, as I have said before, some of the basic tenets and institutions of American society, and learn from this pandemic and economic collapse so that we move this country in a very, very different direction.

    Oh, obviously, I support what Chomsky is saying. It is very easy for somebody to stand up and say, truthfully, “I disagree with what Joe Biden stands for, his politics are much too conservative.” I get that. I share that view. But not to understand what it would mean to this country, and to our children and to our grandchildren—I have seven grandchildren—and what it will mean to this planet in terms of climate change if Trump is reëlected is, to me, to miss the most important point that has to be made. Trump cannot be reëlected. And what we have got to do, if you are unhappy with Biden’s politics, if you disagree with Biden’s politics—and I certainly do—then the fight has got to take place, starting today, to make sure that he moves in as progressive a way as possible, that his Administration is as progressive as possible.

    That’s what our task is. It is not to allow Donald Trump to be reëlected and to see the destruction of American democracy and the destruction of this planet.

    I think everybody knows that the police murder of George Floyd is part of a very, very long pattern, and, because of groups like Black Lives Matter and the A.C.L.U. and others, we have been discussing those murders a lot more in recent years than we have in the past, when it was really quite common practice. So this has gone on for decades, and I think the major transformation that’s coming now is a result of cell phones and video cameras. People are seeing what’s actually happening, which was not the case decades ago. But this has gone on, and it’s got to end.

    Question : In that letter to Schumer, you got some pushback from some of your supporters for a proposal to give better resources to police departments. [The letter argued for “ensuring that the resources are available to pay wages that will attract the top tier officers.”] The criticism was that a lot of people in the progressive movement now are calling for defunding or abolishing the police. Do you—

    Do I think we should not have police departments in America? No, I don’t. There’s no city in the world that does not have police departments. What you need are—I didn’t call for more money for police departments. I called for police departments that have well-educated, well-trained, well-paid professionals. And, too often around this country right now, you have police officers who take the job at very low payment, don’t have much education, don’t have much training—and I want to change that. I also called for the transformation of police departments into—understanding that many police departments and cops deal every day with issues of mental illness, deal with issues of addiction, and all kinds of issues which should be dealt with by mental-health professionals or others, and not just by police officers.

    I think we want to redefine what police departments do, give them the support they need to make their jobs better defined. So I do believe that we need well-trained, well-educated, and well-paid professionals in police departments. Anyone who thinks that we should abolish all police departments in America, I don’t agree.

    I have done more live-streamed town meetings on Medicare for All than all of corporate television has done. We have done two or three wonderful panel discussions viewed by millions of people on why we need to move to Medicare for All. That’s more than CBS has done, NBC, ABC, Fox, CNN. They don’t do it. How many programs have we seen about income and wealth inequality and the morality of three people owning more wealth than the bottom half of American society? You don’t see it. So it’s not what they did to my campaign. Of course, I knew that that was going to happen. They came up with every line that they could. One of them was, Bernie can’t beat Trump, which, I thought then, and I think now, we were probably in the strongest position to beat Trump. Or, Bernie’s this, or Bernie’s that, or whatever—“Bernie bros”—whatever the line was. Nothing surprised me. We knew that that would happen. We knew that our Medicare for All proposal would be opposed by the health-care industry, and they and others spent millions of dollars in super-PACs lying about what I’m trying to do. Did that surprise me? No. Did the role of MSNBC or the media in general surprise me? No, it didn’t. That is the establishment that we have taken on, and that is why we have worked so hard to try to build an alternative media. I’m proud of the fact that we have a lot more viewers and followers on social media and live streams than many other Democrats do. But we worked hard at that, and we do that because I believe strongly that we need an alternative vehicle, an alternative media, to talk about the ideas that impact working society, because it’s very naïve to believe that the corporate media will do that.

    We planted very powerful seeds, and those seeds are going to grow, and you’re seeing them out on the streets of America today. So I say to people who have been supportive of my campaigns that the fight has just begun, and, as I mentioned when I suspended the campaign, the campaign ends, but the struggle continues. And anybody who knows anything about history—whether it’s workers’ rights, whether it’s civil rights, whether it’s women’s rights, whether it’s gay rights, whether it’s environmental rights—understands that change does not happen overnight. It really does not. It changes when political consciousness changes; it changes when millions of people get involved in the process and take to the streets. That’s how change takes place. And we are in the moment when I believe that in fact is going to happen.

    #Bernie_Sanders #Politique_USA

  • ’We are at a crossroads’: Thousands protest West Bank annexation in Tel Aviv
    ’It’s up to all of us to stand up to authoritarian leaders’, Bernie Sanders told the crowd of protesters via video conference ■ Haaretz photographer tackled by police
    Lee Yaron, Josh Breiner | Jun. 6, 2020 | 10:23 PM

    A joint Jewish-Arab rally against Israeli plans to annex West Bank settlements took place Saturday in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square with thousands of participants.

    The protest was originally forbidden by the police due to fears over the coronavirus, but police relented and issued a permit on Friday night. Organizers have appointed some 50 supervisors who will ensure that coronavirus regulations are maintained.

    Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders addressed the rally via video conference, expressing his support for the protesters and condemnation of Israel’s annexation plans. The senator said that he was “heartened” to see Arabs and Jews demonstrating together.

    “In these difficult days … it has never been more important to stand up for justice, and to fight for the future we all deserve,” Sanders said. “It’s up to all of us to stand up to authoritarian leaders and to build a peaceful future for every Palestinian and every Israeli ... In the words of my friend Ayman Odeh: The only future is a shared future."

    A number of Israeli politicians also spoke at the the protest.

    Head of the Joint List alliance of Arab-majority parties, Ayman Odeh, told the crowd, “we are at a crossroads. One path leads to a joint society with a real democracy, civil and national equality for Arab citizens ... The second path leads to hatred, violence, annexation and apartheid,” Odeh said. "We’re here in Rabin Square to pick the first path,” he said.

    “There is no such thing as democracy for Jews alone,” Odeh added. “Just like Martin Luther King and his supporters in the United States, we must realize that without justice there can be no peace. And there will be no social justice if we do not end the occupation,” Odeh said.

    Meretz Chairman Nitzan Horowitz told protesters, “annexation is a war crime. A crime against peace, a crime against democracy, a crime that will cost us in blood.” The left-wing party leader also criticized Defense Minister Benny Gantz and members of the center-left who joined the Netanyahu-led government: “You are full partners, you are backing and authorizing this tragedy.”

    Among the other speakers at the rally were Muhammad Baraka, chairman of the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee in Israel, MK Merav Michaeli, MK Tamar Zandberg, and MK Ofer Cassif.

    Director of Breaking the Silence, Avner Gvaryahu, referred to the U.S. administration’s Middle East peace plan, saying that “Trump isn’t sending his kids to guard the outposts … The children of American annexation supporters cannot be killed or kill out in the territories, but our kids can.”

    Tegan, a 17-year-old who came from Taibeh to protest, said that this is not her first demonstration and that Arab youth are starting to arrive more often to protest in Tel Aviv.

    “I’m protesting because enough with all this bloodshed. We need to make peace between Jews and Arabs now,” she said. "Enough racism, enough murder, we’re just over it. Bibi and Trump are racists and I’m a little, a lot, afraid of what will happen if there’s annexation. Last week I was at the women’s march and we want to tell the politicians that enough is enough.”

    Meanwhile, Simcha, a 50-year-old protester from Kfar Yona said, “we voted for Gantz because we thought that it would be an alternative and they betrayed us. Labor too.” Simcha added, “We’re tired of ingratiating ourselves to the center and hoping that they’ll bring change. We can only oppose the occupation and advocate for democracy in a Jewish-Arab partnership. Next time, I’m voting for the Joint List.”

    Dozens of police officers and guards monitored the demonstration. The police spokesperson said they have called on participants to uphold order, particularly in relation to the Health Ministry guidelines regarding the coronavirus by keeping a two-meter distance between one another and wearing masks.

    After the official event ended, a number of protesters stayed and blocked traffic surrounding the square. Police issued a statement saying, “with the conclusion of the protest in Rabin Square this evening, a handful of protesters stayed at the site and disturbed the public order by blocking traffic. Police call upon the protesters to restore order and obey officers’ instructions.”

    Protesters lay down on the pavement surrounding Rabin Square, echoing protests taking place around the world against police brutality which were sparked by the death of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis. They shouted slogans including “Enough occupation,” “Police, who are you protecting?” “The occupation is terror and nothing will change that,” and “Eyad, Eyad and again Eyad,” in reference to the 32-year-old autistic Palestinian man who was shot dead by police in Jerusalem’s Old City last Saturday.

    Five protesters were arrested. Video showed police violently throwing a Haaretz photographer to the ground as he covered the protest. “I tried to film the policemen, and then they decided to arrest me,” photographer Tomer Appelbaum said. “One punched me, one kneed me and one shoved my head.”

    After initially telling organizers that they could not hold the protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank, police said Friday that the demonstration would be allowed to proceed.

    The organizers welcomed the decision. “We did not give in to the attempts to silence us,” they said in a statement, “or give in to annexation, which will perpetuate the occupation and thwart the two-state solution.”

    Law enforcement authorities eventually gave the march their approval after lawmakers from the Joint List of predominantly Arab parties held talks with the police. Threats from left-wing activists to come to the square despite the ban also played a role in the decision.

    On Thursday, organizers said that police told them that they cannot hold the event in the Tel Aviv landmark due to coronavirus regulations. Police suggested that the protest be held in the city’s Yarkon Park instead, citing regulations and saying that too many people are expected to attend, according to activists.

    Police said in a statement that they had told organizers the square isn’t large enough for the number of protesters expected: “It was made clear to the organizers that the square can’t contain the amount of protesters expected to show up.” According to police, a proposal for an alternative location “was unfortunately turned down,” adding that the organizers “showed no responsibility for the protesters’ safety and health.”

    On Wednesday, police told organizers that they could not march and asked them to put a damper on attendance amid a rise in coronavirus cases, saying that a rally with more than 1,800 people in the square was forbidden. Organizers told police that protests with more participants had been held during periods with more stringent restrictions, but this failed to convince them, they said.

    Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh said on Twitter that Saturday’s event should go ahead as planned. “It isn’t surprising that the only demonstration the police are trying to prevent is an Arab-Jewish one against the annexation and the occupation and for peace and democracy,” he wrote. “The coronavirus is dangerous, but we mustn’t give up the right to protest in public.”

    Earlier this week, the police blocked a march against violence against women. A demonstration took place at Charles Clore Park instead, on Tel Aviv’s waterfront.

    Netanyahu has set July 1 as the deadline for beginning the process of unilaterally annexing settlements established in the West Bank since 1967, including the Jordan Valley. This week, he sought to reassure settler leaders that annexation would be promoted independently of U.S. President Donald Trump’s Middle East plan. In past weeks, settlers have opposed the conditions delineated in the Trump plan, namely a freeze on settlement expansion and the isolation of some 15 settlements inside territories of a future Palestinian state, which they also oppose the establishment of.

    After the meeting with settlers leaders this week, Netanyahu’s office put out a statement that the prime minister is committed to negotiations with Palestinians under the Trump plan.

  • Bernie Sanders vs. Joe Biden : quel candidat démocrate pour affronter Donald Trump ? (infographies)
    Primaires démocrates aux États-Unis : Joe Biden devance de plus en plus Bernie Sanders (carte interactive)

  • Bernie Sanders says won’t attend AIPAC confab that ‘gives platform to bigotry’
    ‘The Israeli people have the right to live in peace and security. So do the Palestinian people,’ Democratic presidential candidate says on Twitter
    Amir Tibon Washington – Feb 24, 2020 4:58 AM

    WASHINGTON – Senator Bernie Sanders, the current front-runner in the Democratic primary, announced Sunday that he won’t be attending the annual AIPAC conference next week.

    He accused the group of giving a platform to “leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic rights” for the Palestinian people. (...)


    • Bernie Sanders ne participera pas à la prochaine conférence de l’AIPAC
      24 février 2020 à 08:12 - dernière modification 24 février 2020 à 16:56

      « Le peuple israélien a le droit de vivre en paix et en sécurité. Le peuple palestinien aussi »

      Le candidat démocrate Bernie Sanders a déclaré dimanche qu’il ne participera pas à la prochaine conférence de l’AIPAC, qui selon lui, offre une plate-forme aux dirigeants qui « s’opposent aux droits fondamentaux des Palestiniens ».

      « Le peuple israélien a le droit de vivre en paix et en sécurité. Le peuple palestinien aussi », a tweeté Sanders. « Je reste préoccupé par la plate-forme que l’AIPAC offre aux dirigeants qui exprime le fanatisme et s’opposent aux droits fondamentaux des Palestiniens. Pour cette raison, je ne participerai pas à leur conférence », a-t-il ajouté.

      « En tant que président, je soutiendrai les droits des Israéliens et des Palestiniens et ferai tout mon possible pour apporter la paix et la sécurité dans la région », a poursuivi Sanders.

  • « Personne ne l’aime » : Bernie Sanders

    « Personne ne l’aime, personne ne veut travailler avec lui » : dans un nouveau documentaire, Hillary Clinton critique méchamment Bernie Sanders, son rival pour la primaire démocrate à la présidentielle américaine de 2016 et dans le peloton de tête pour celle de 2020.

    Dans ce documentaire, intitulé « Hillary », qui doit sortir sur la plateforme Hulu début mars, la rivale malheureuse de Donald Trump s’en prend au sénateur indépendant du Vermont, estimant qu’il n’avait « rien fait au Congrès ».

    « Il a été au Congrès pendant des années, il n’avait qu’un seul sénateur pour le soutenir. Personne ne l’aime, personne ne veut travailler avec lui, il n’a rien fait », déclare l’ex-secrétaire d’Etat américaine. « J’ai vraiment de la peine pour les gens qui s’y laissent prendre ».

    Dispute entre Sanders et Warren
    Alors que la sénatrice Elizabeth Warren, également candidate à la présidentielle 2020, a récemment accusé Bernie Sanders de lui avoir dit en privé qu’une femme ne pouvait pas battre Donald Trump dans les urnes en novembre, ce que le sénateur du Vermont a démenti, Hillary Clinton prend partie pour Elizabeth Warren. . . . . .


    #Femmes #USA #harcèlement #violence #Démocrates en peau de lapin #Bernie_Sanders

  • Primaire démocrate : le #New_York_Times soutient Warren et Klobuchar

    Il y a décidément une vague sans précédent de #crimes contre la #langue,

    Pour justifier cette ambivalence, le prestigieux quotidien explique que les deux approches en compétition parmi les nombreux candidats- celle, « radicale », représentée par Elizabeth Warren ou celle, « réaliste », portée par Amy Klobuchar [...]


    Mme Warren, 70 ans, qui représente l’aile #gauche du parti démocrate, est assez bien placée dans les sondages pour la primaire démocrate, [...] derrière [...] un rival très à gauche, #Bernie_Sanders.


  • Campaign against Sanders on ‘antisemitism’ for his criticism of Israel begins in earnest
    Philip Weiss on December 24, 2019 – Mondoweiss

    In recent days, a group calling itself Democrats Against Anti-Semitism has begun an earnest campaign to inject the discourse with the idea that Bernie Sanders, historically the leading Jewish politician ever to run for president, is an antisemite because of his positions on Israel. That group joins New York Times opinion editor Bari Weiss and others in seizing on the urgent task of vilifying Sanders. They evidently aim to “Corbyn-ize” him, by parroting smears used effectively against the UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

    Sanders is a target because he has taken the strongest stances in favor of Palestinian human rights that any major candidate for the presidency has ever adopted. He has denounced the killings of Palestinian protesters in no uncertain terms, he has repeatedly called for the end of the Gaza siege so as to end a humanitarian disaster in the strip, he has said that he would condition military aid to Israel because of its unending settlement project and disrespect for Palestinian human rights, he has called Netanyahu a racist, and, worst of all, called for an “evenhanded” U.S. policy with respect to Israel and Palestine. All this, while saying that he is proudly Jewish, lived on an Israeli kibbutz as a young man, and supports Israel’s existence/favors a two-state solution. (...)


  • Bernie Sanders and AOC Want to Commit $180 Billion to Turn Public Housing Green – Mother Jones

    On Thursday, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a new bill that would dedicate billions of dollars to energy retrofits for America’s dilapidated public housing stock. The Green New Deal for Public Housing Act would commit up to $180 billion over 10 years to upgrading 1.2 million federally owned homes.

    At a press conference outside the Capitol on Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez said a bill focused on public housing reflects the larger aim of the Green New Deal to prioritize “frontline communities”—those that are most likely to be harmed by the climate crisis. “In the Bronx alone, 2,400 public housing residents may be going without heat tonight. That is inhumane,” she said. “That is environmental injustice.”

    The bill is an effort to bag two birds with one stone. America’s public housing portfolio is in a shambles, with deferred maintenance costs nationwide running into the billions. The bill introduced by AOC and Sanders would bring that backlog up to date while also reducing the energy consumption from this aging housing stock.

    Overall, buildings are responsible for about 39 percent of global carbon emissions, and about one-third of emissions in the U.S. That puts energy retrofits front and center in debates about how to arrest climate change.

    “If we have to do all of this work anyway, what would it cost to take this a step further and do deep energy retrofits that get the nation’s entire public housing stock at or near a net-zero standard?” Fleming said.

    The bill, which is cosponsored by Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, would create some 250,000 jobs—including high-paying jobs and union jobs, as the proposal’s backers are quick to point out. Some of these would benefit public housing residents themselves. A bill that would actually put severely delayed federal upgrades into motion would not only spur new opportunities, it would promote economies of scale to boost industries in weatherization and energy retrofits, its backers say.

    “Policies such as this which protect the needs of workers, taxpayers and community should be implemented wherever public funds are spent,” said Mike Prohaska, business manager for New York’s Construction & General Building Laborers Local 79, in a statement.

    The bill would have a seismic impact in New York City, where the nation’s largest public housing agency faces deferred maintenance costs of nearly $32 billion. Federal prosecutors accused the New York City Housing Authority of “systematic misconduct, indifference and outright lies” following an investigation into elevated blood lead levels among public housing residents. A local solution to the city’s public housing crisis looks impossible. In fact, earlier this year, HUD Secretary Ben Carson named a federal monitor to oversee the the New York City Housing Authority.

    The AOC–Sanders bill also promotes public housing as a goal in itself. A provision of the bill would repeal the Faircloth Amendment, a federal rule that caps the construction of new public housing units. Data for Progress has outlined a vision for a progressive housing agenda that leans heavily on public housing and other goals that current federal law (and federal funding levels) make difficult or impossible. People’s Action, a grassroots group, introduced a policy platform called the Homes Guarantee that outlines many of the same goals.

    Housing has emerged as a high-profile issue in the Democratic primary, with numerous candidates touting a range of plans and reforms. In the fall, Ocasio-Cortez produced her own suite of protections for tenants, immigrants, children, and others, most notably a proposal for a national rent control policy. The left has found a policy arena in which they have common ground with establishment Democrats—at least in terms of big-sky proposals.

    #Green_New_Deal#Logement #Alexandria_Ocasio_Cortez #Bernie_Sanders #Ecologie #Economie #Logement_social

  • Mayor and ‘Foreign Minister’ : How #Bernie_Sanders Brought the Cold War to Burlington - The New York Times

    La campagne du #New_York_Times contre l’"idéologie socialiste" de l’"idéologue" Sanders se poursuit,

    Sanders réagit à l’article dans un entretien téléphonique avec le journal,

    Ici concernant sa présence au Nicaragua Sandinista dans les années Reagan,

    Q. In the top of our story, we talk about the rally you attended in Managua and a wire report at the time said that there were anti-American chants from the crowd.

    The United States at that time — I don’t know how much you know about this — was actively supporting the Contras to overthrow the government. So that there’s anti-American sentiment? I remember that, I remember that event very clearly.

    You do recall hearing those chants? I think the wire report has them saying, “Here, there, everywhere, the Yankee will die.”

    They were fighting against American —— Huh huh —— yes, what is your point?

    I wanted to ——

    Are you shocked to learn that there was anti-American sentiment?

    My point was I wanted to know if you had heard that.

    I don’t remember, no. Of course there was anti-American sentiment there. This was a war being funded by the United States against the people of Nicaragua. People were being killed in that war.

    Do you think if you had heard that directly, you would have stayed at the rally?

    I think Sydney, with all due respect, you don’t understand a word that I’m saying.

    Do you believe you had an accurate view of President Ortega at the time? I’m wondering if you’re ——

    This was not about Ortega. Do you understand? I don’t know if you do or not. Do you know that the United States overthrew the government of Chile way back? Do you happen to know that? Do you? I’m asking you a simple question.

    What point do you want to make?

    My point is that fascism developed in Chile as a result of that. The United States overthrew the government of Guatemala, a democratically elected government, overthrew the government of Brazil. I strongly oppose U.S. policy, which overthrows governments, especially democratically elected governments, around the world. So this issue is not so much Nicaragua or the government of Nicaragua.

    The issue was, should the United States continue a policy of overthrowing governments in Latin America and Central America? I believed then that it was wrong, and I believe today it is wrong. That’s why I do not believe the United States should overthrow the government of Venezuela.

  • ’Medicare-for-all’ gets unexpected surge of support, even in red states - ABC News

    Des opposants de l’industrie font la queue pour annuler #Medicare_for_All – TELES RELAY

    Une coalition de groupes de pression regroupant des #assureurs, des #hôpitaux, des #médecins et des fabricants de médicaments, ainsi que la Chambre de commerce américaine, intensifie ses efforts pour mettre en évidence les inconvénients des propositions du type Medicare pour tous. Ils lancent des campagnes publicitaires, parlent aux législateurs, organisent des sondages, utilisent les médias sociaux et dénoncent le concept de système de #santé à payeur unique.

    Considéré depuis longtemps en marge du système, l’assurance-maladie pour tous a reçu un soutien accru ces derniers mois, surtout après qu’une vague progressiste a aidé les démocrates à prendre le contrôle de la Chambre cette année. La représentante Pramila Jayapal de Washington devrait publier dans les prochains jours la version de la proposition du sénateur #Bernie_Sanders relative à l’#assurance-maladie pour tous, qui créerait un système dans lequel tous les Américains obtiendraient leur assurance auprès d’un seul régime gouvernemental. En outre, les législateurs démocrates dans les deux chambres ont annoncé des projets de loi plus modérés qui permettraient aux jeunes Américains d’acheter des produits dans Medicare ou Medicaid.

    Le reste est écrit dans un français souvent très approximatif.

    #lobbying #big_pharma

  • Sen. Collins Calls for Kavanaugh’s Presumption of Innocence – Where...

    Sen. Collins Calls for Kavanaugh’s Presumption of Innocence – Where is the Criminal Investigation?


    October 5, 2018

    Our panelists Paul Jay, Dharna Noor, and Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of the Maryland ACLU, and host Marc Steiner discuss the significance of the nomination, why the Democrats didn’t pursue a criminal investigation for perjury, the consequences for women’s rights and whether a fight should be waged to impeach Kavanaugh once he is confirmed. Sanders Calls for Kavanaugh Perjury Investigation – Where are the Democrats?

    Dharna Noor and Paul Jay discuss Sen. #Bernie_Sanders ’ call for an #FBI investigation into Kavanaugh’s possible perjury

    #Supreme_Court nominee #Brett_Kavanaugh (...)