Kruger’s contested borderlands. Are #eco-cocoons the solution to poaching ?
#Buffer_zones along the border of #Kruger_National_Park target wildlife poaching. Displaced communities say it’s a land grab by rich foreigners aided by corrupt politicians. Estacio Valoi investigates.
About 2,000 families have been resettled in eight villages in the Eduardo Mondlane neighbourhood of Massingir, according to Anastácio Matável, executive director of the Forum of Non-governmental Organisations of Gaza (FONGA). Five communities, comprising 13,300 families, are still living inside the park and are awaiting resettlement.
Matável described the resettlement as “a failed process. First 18 houses were built, then 50 houses. Then the local government tried to finance the project through the National Disaster Management Institute, but it failed.
“There was no more money and the buildings were rejected by the communities. They also failed to take into consideration cultural aspects such as who should live together. Numbers of women and children all live one small hut.”
#Mozambique #Afrique_du_sud #parc_national #frontières #rhinos #rhinocéros #zones_tampons #terres #accaparement_de_terres #écologie (les dérives de l’écologie) #géographie_culturelle (notamment pour ce qui est en lien avec la #représentation de la #nature, par exemple) #corruption #Cubo #Adolof_Bila #néo-colonialisme #Limpopo_National_Park #expulsion #tourisme #business #conservation_de_la_nature #braconnage #murs #barrières_frontalières #Nkanhine #riches #richesse #inégalités #écotourisme #twin_city #Twin_City_Development #Massingir #African_Wildlife_Foundation #Balule_Lodge #Zimbabwe #Gonarezhou_National_Park #canne_à_sucre #ProCana #industrie_du_sucre #éthanol #énergie #Bioenergy #Sable_Mining #Massingir_Agro_Industrial #eau #irrigation #Xonghile_Game_Park #Karangani_Game_Reserve #Singita #Luke_Bailes
#Bedari_Foundation #Mangondzo_reserve #réserve_naturelle #Masintonto_Eco-Turismo #Sabie_Game_Park
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