• L’Orient-Le Jour

    Comment le Hamas, le Hezbollah et l’Iran ont minutieusement planifié l’offensive en Israël depuis Beyrouth

    L’Orient-Le Jour dévoile la teneur des réunions organisées depuis plusieurs mois dans la capitale libanaise.

    L’OLJ se range résolument dans le camp des néo-cons qui souhaitent une guerre régionale qui permettrait de mettre au pas l’Iran, devenu une force trop gênante. Par ailleurs, cela arrangerait bien les calculs des politiques locaux qui ne souhaitent qu’une chose, se débarrasser du Hezbollah. La ficelle est un peu grosse mais gageons que ces « révélations » trouveront des oreilles bienveillantes.

    (By the way, si quelqu’n a accès au contenu...)

    • Personnellement, je suis très méfiant vis-à-vis de ces articles qui prétendent avoir parlé à tant de personnes informées du Hezbollah, du Hamas, du Jihad Islamique etc comme si ces gars étaient hyper accessibles et parlaient volontiers aux journalistes, notamment de l’OLJ. A une certaine époque, sur Seenthis, on était très sceptique sur les articles de Nicholas Blanford (?) qui prétendait avoir leur oreille du Hezbollah...

      L’offensive menée samedi par le Hamas en Israël a été planifiée durant des mois dans la capitale libanaise. C’est ce que L’Orient-Le Jour a appris auprès de plusieurs cadres au sein de l’« axe de la résistance » (Brigades al-Qods, Hezbollah, Hamas, Jihad islamique).

      « L’idée d’infiltrer des colonies israéliennes a germé il y a des années dans la tête des dirigeants du Hezbollah », révèle à notre journal un cadre au sein du camp pro-iranien. Le secrétaire général du parti Hassan Nasrallah a d’ailleurs évoqué à plusieurs reprises des plans permettant à ses combattants de pénétrer en Galilée et contrôler des régions israéliennes. Mais c’est surtout en 2021, après l’opération « Épée de Jérusalem », que l’Iran et ses alliés ont décidé que les prochaines batailles devaient être menées à l’intérieur du territoire israélien. Dans cette optique, ces dernières semaines, une série de réunions ont eu lieu entre des cadres du Hezbollah, du Hamas, du Jihad islamique et des responsables militaires iraniens, dont Ismaïl Qaani, commandant des Brigades al-Qods des gardiens de la révolution.

      Ces entretiens visaient à préparer une opération de ce genre. Parmi les pistes explorées, une infiltration des localités israéliennes par le Hezbollah depuis le Liban-Sud, du Hamas et du Jihad islamique depuis la bande de Gaza, et même depuis et à l’intérieur de la Cisjordanie. Les contacts se sont intensifiés à compter du mois d’avril, certaines réunions ont même été dévoilées à la presse, telle celle tenue entre Hassan Nasrallah, Saleh el-Arouri (numéro deux du Hamas) et Ziad el-Nakhala (chef du Jihad islamique). Les trois dirigeants ont alors dressé le bilan de l’opération de Megiddo, quand, en mars dernier, un combattant s’est infiltré depuis le Liban vers le nord d’Israël pour mener l’attaque. Cette action était une sorte de test afin d’évaluer à quel point les défenses israéliennes étaient imperméables et identifier des vulnérabilités. C’est dans ce cadre que le Hezbollah a organisé sa fameuse démonstration militaire grandeur nature dans le village de Aaramta, au Liban-Sud, baptisée « Nous traverserons », pour signaler son intention de changer les règles d’engagement actuelles et de déplacer les affrontements vers les territoires contrôlés par l’État hébreu.

      Pourquoi l’attaque du Hamas contre Israël pourrait changer la donne dans la région
      Le Hezbollah a réussi à faire diversion. Les Israéliens concentraient en effet leurs efforts préventifs sur le front nord et ne s’attendaient pas à une infiltration depuis la bande de Gaza, au Sud. « La bataille “Déluge d’al-Aqsa” a été préparée dans une chambre d’opérations militaire conjointe à Beyrouth entre le Hezbollah, le Hamas et les Iraniens pendant plusieurs mois », révèle une autre source affiliée à cet axe, précisant que les réunions se sont intensifiées ces dernières semaines pour passer à l’acte. Le plan prévoyait une cyberattaque visant à affaiblir les systèmes de défense terrestres et aériens en Israël. Ensuite, deux attaques seraient lancées simultanément, la première par voie aérienne avec des parachutistes et la seconde avec des drones piégés. Enfin, une incursion terrestre serait effectuée pour franchir la barrière de fer entre Gaza et les colonies. Environ 1 000 combattants du Hamas ont participé à la mise en œuvre de ce plan, se positionnant à des points spécifiques de la barrière et pénétrant simultanément avec un soutien aérien. Ce mode opératoire reprend les grandes lignes de la stratégie présentée par le Hezbollah lors de son exercice militaire à Aaramta, à savoir le recours aux motos et à l’infiltration par immersion pour outrepasser les barrières de sécurité israéliennes. Dans le passé, cette stratégie a été adoptée par les Iraniens dans leur guerre contre l’Irak puis par le Hezbollah dans sa lutte contre l’occupation israélienne du Liban-Sud.

      Quels objectifs
      Les objectifs sur le terrain sont d’abord de renforcer le contrôle sur le territoire palestinien par le Hamas et le Jihad islamique, tout en mettant en avant la faiblesse et l’impuissance de l’Autorité palestinienne dirigée par Mahmoud Abbas. Deuxièmement, les deux mouvements islamistes cherchent à provoquer des incidents en Cisjordanie afin d’occuper les Israéliens par un nouveau front. Troisièmement, il s’agit de libérer le plus grand nombre possible de prisonniers palestiniens et d’imposer des conditions qui pourraient modifier les règles d’engagement et le rapport de force. Cela pourrait contraindre, par exemple, Tel Aviv à lever le siège sur Gaza, voire à lui accorder une indépendance et une reconnaissance officielle et politique. Au niveau régional, l’opération a de quoi changer durablement la donne. D’abord, elle permet de bloquer le processus de normalisation en cours entre Israël et certains pays arabes, notamment l’Arabie saoudite, dont le prince héritier Mohammad ben Salmane cherche à négocier un accord de paix avec l’État hébreu. Ensuite, elle permet à l’Iran de démontrer qu’il a la main haute militairement et politiquement dans la région et de dire qu’aucune solution à la question palestinienne ou des accords de paix avec Israël ne peuvent être envisagés sans son accord. Téhéran a également obtenu une nouvelle carte de pression dans les négociations avec l’Occident, notamment sur le dossier nucléaire.

      De son côté, le Hezbollah accompagne cette opération de plusieurs façons, à la fois sur le plan militaire, avec les frappes ciblant des sites israéliens, ou sur le plan politique, en exprimant sa solidarité avec le Hamas. Il se dit également prêt à intervenir si nécessaire. « Nous observons les développements et pourrions intervenir, notamment en cas d’offensive terrestre à Gaza », indique un cadre du Hezbollah. En effet, le parti chiite ne compte pas permettre à Israël d’atteindre ses objectifs en détruisant le Hamas. Mais il attend de voir les développements en Cisjordanie, qui risque de s’embraser en réaction aux attaques israéliennes sur Gaza. Le Hezbollah n’entrerait donc en scène que dans un troisième temps. D’autant qu’il considère ce qui se passe comme une guerre aux dimensions régionales majeures. Dans ce contexte, des informations obtenues par L’OLJ révèlent la présence actuellement à Beyrouth de hauts responsables iraniens et palestiniens pour suivre la situation. Le Hezbollah, lui, a mis ses combattants en état d’alerte, en attendant tout nouveau développement sécuritaire à Gaza ou en Cisjordanie. Aujourd’hui, il se contente d’actions militaires furtives contre les positions israéliennes et continue de coordonner depuis le Liban les opérations des différents acteurs de « l’axe de la résistance » sous le slogan de « l’unité des fronts »... et l’œil impuissant de l’État libanais.

      Quelque soit le résultat de ces affrontements et malheureusement je crains le pire ..j’espère que le monde ne va plus accepter de voir notre pays servir de pion Iranien sans aucune considération pour l’intérêt de notre peuple, il est temps de rendre le Liban au Libanais quelqu’en soit le prix à court terme. Dans le long terme nous serons gagnants car pour le moment l’Iran vide peu à peu le pays de son sang et on comprends mieux pourquoi ils n’accepteront jamais un président qui ne soit pas complètement soumis à leur désiderata.


    • Oui, c’est même assez saisissant que les services israéliens n’ont rien vu venir de la préparation de la plus importante attaque sur leur propre sol, alors que le WSJ a dénoué tout ça en 24 heures, et l’OLJ en 48.

    • les services israéliens avaient la colonisation en tête, en même temps que la contestation israélienne, corps militaire distrait ailleurs, cerveau embrumé par des tensions contradictoires

      Charles Enderlin @Charles1045

      Selon la journaliste Semadar Perry les renseignements égyptiens avaient averti Netanyahu de l’imminence de quelque chose terrible menaçant depuis Gaza


      💥#Breaking: Egypt’s Intelligence Minister Netanyahu 10 days before the war & warned “Something terrible will happen from Gaza.” ⁦@SmadarPeri quotes source: Jerusalem “dismissed our warnings” because they were focused on tensions in the West Bank.

      Netanyahu 2019, blaguant sur un secret éventé depuis longtemps : « Quiconque veut contrecarrer la création d’un État palestinien doit soutenir le renforcement du Hamas et transférer de l’argent au Hamas. Cela fait partie de notre stratégie ».

      le choix délibéré du meilleur ennemi possible, la tactique a ces jours-ci montré son coût. au vu de la manière de combattre du Hamas, pas sûr qu’elle ait épuisé tous ses effets.

    • Ali Hashem علي هاشم

      A source in Hamas: Details of the #AlAqsaFlood operation were known to only a limited group within the Qassam Brigades. Even the head of the political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, was not informed of the details.
      Islamic Jihad source: Hamas informed us of the operation in the early moments and asked us to join.

      Plus de détail en traduisant par Google translate cet article https://aljadah.media/archives/74397
      notamment cette citation :

      une source du mouvement Hamas a déclaré à « Iran Avenue » que les détails de l’attaque n’étaient connus que d’un groupe limité au sein des Brigades Al-Qassam, « même le chef du Bureau politique, Ismail Haniyeh, n’était pas au courant ». des détails. À son tour, une source proche de la Force Qods a parlé à « Iran Avenue », où il a déclaré : « Il ne fait aucun doute que les forces alliées à la Force Qods se coordonnent entre elles et avec les dirigeants, mais cela ne signifie pas nécessairement dénoncer. une opération de cette envergure au risque de fuite.

  • #BREAK Twitter staff receive email that reads: …
    Donie O’Sullivan @donie– Twitter

    “By 9AM PST on Friday Nov. 4th, everyone will receive an individual email with the subject line: Your Role at Twitter.

    To help ensure the safety of each employee as well as Twitter systems and customer data, our offices will be temporarily closed and all badge access will be suspended. If you are in an office or on your way to an office, please return home.”

    Email will be telling them if they’re fired or not.

  • En France, la presse jeu vidéo perd des points de vie

    Externalisation des contenus, prix du papier, concurrence des influenceurs, manque de perspectives : les médias spécialisés font grise mine malgré la popularité et le chiffre d’affaires croissant du secteur.

    Le paradoxe est cruel. Pendant que le marché du jeu vidéo s’accroît d’année en année à l’international et a dépassé, en termes de chiffre d’affaires, le secteur de la musique et du cinéma, les médias spécialisés ont toujours autant du mal à survivre, tandis que leurs journalistes s’interrogent sur l’avenir.

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #business #audience #influence #tf1 #presse #presse_spécialisée #journalisme #rédaction #marché #tf1 #unify #reword_media #auto_plus #grazia #science_et_vie #gamekult #melty #la_crème_du_gaming #supersoluce #gamelove #webedia #jeuxvideo_com #breakflip #wsc #jérémy_parola #payant #gratuit #publicité #les_numériques #prix_du_papier #papier #canard_pc #jeuxvidéo_fr #clubic #julien_chièze #carole_quintaine #gauthier_andres #gautoz #julie_le_baron #valentin_cébo

  • La police néerlandaise ouvre le feu dans une manifestation d’agriculteurs La libre.be - ANP

    Depuis plusieurs jours, le monde agricole manifeste sa colère aux Pays-Bas.

    La police néerlandaise a déclaré avoir tiré mardi soir des coups de semonce, sans faire de blessé mais touchant un tracteur, en marge d’actions d’agriculteurs contre un plan du gouvernement destiné à réduire les émissions d’azote.

    « Vers 22H40 (2040 GMT), des conducteurs de tracteurs ont tenté d’entrer en collision avec des agents et des véhicules de police », à Heerenveen (Nord), a expliqué la police sur Twitter.

    « Une situation menaçante se présenta. Des coups de semonce ont été tirés et des coups ciblés ont été tirés », a-t-elle ajouté.

    « Un tracteur a été touché » et trois personnes ont été arrêtées, a-t-elle précisé, ajoutant qu’une enquête indépendante avait été ouverte sur les tirs de la police.

    Des fermiers néerlandais protestent régulièrement depuis le 10 juin et l’annonce par le gouvernement de projets destinés à réduire les émissions d’azote, un gaz à effet de serre.

    Ces derniers jours ils ont bloqué avec des tracteurs des centres de distribution de plusieurs supermarchés, conduisant à des pénuries dans des enseignes.

    Les Pays-Bas, deuxième exportateur agricole au monde après les Etats-Unis, sont l’un des plus gros émetteurs de gaz à effet de serre en Europe - et d’azote en particulier. Une situation due en partie aux nombreux troupeaux qui paissent sur ses plaines.

    Le gouvernement veut faire baisser les rejets d’azote de jusqu’à 70% dans 131 zones clés - la plupart proches de réserves naturelles et de terres protégées - afin d’atteindre les objectifs environnementaux en 2030.

    Pour les agriculteurs, ce plan signifie une baisse des émissions de 40% et environ 30% de bétail en moins, selon les médias néerlandais.

    Les agriculteurs affirment qu’ils sont injustement ciblés par rapport aux grandes entreprises et à l’industrie, et beaucoup promettent de résister à tout projet de réduction ou de fermeture d’exploitations.

    Omstreeks 22:40 uur is er door trekkerbestuurders geprobeerd in te rijden agenten en dienstvoertuigen. Dit gebeurde bij de oprit Mercurius/A32 in #Heerenveen. Er ontstond een dreigende situatie. Hierbij zijn waarschuwingsschoten gelost en er werd gericht geschoten.
    -- Politie Fryslân (@POL_Fryslan) July 5, 2022
    Vervolg #Heerenveen 💥

Firearms used by #Police in the Netherlands at Dutch famers, Holding them at gunpoint

2x times shots fired💥

During #farnerorotests against nitrogen-lies by Dutch gov under PM @markrutte#BREAKING #BreakingNews 
Cc : @GonzaloLira1968 @robertjensen pic.twitter.com/7MtP2olayy
    -- Newo Judicial 💬 Tegen de Journalist als ’Expert’ ! (@oakentersagain) July 5, 2022

    Huit arrestations
    La police néerlandaise a arrêté huit personnes dans le cadre de l’enquête sur la manifestation d’agriculteurs qui a dégénéré devant le domicile de la ministre de l’Environnement chargée de la politique en matière d’azote, Christianne van der Wal. Des images des incidents ont été diffusées la semaine passée et quatre personnes ont déjà été arrêtées précédemment. Des agriculteurs avaient forcé la semaine dernière le cordon de police dressé devant le domicile de la ministre. Les forces de l’ordre ont alors publié des images de onze suspects, dont huit ont été arrêtés. Une seule personne doit encore être identifiée et « des images pourront encore être diffusées si nécessaire », précise la police

    Les forces de l’ordre ont également publié des images d’incidents qui se sont déroulés à Kootwijkerbroek et Stroe. Cela a donné lieu à l’arrestation de deux suspects.

    #agriculteurs #paysans #agriculture #manifestation #pollution #police #violence #violences_policiéres

  • L’état terroriste sioniste est en train de bombarder Damas en faisant passer les missiles par l’espace aérien libanais

    INTELSky sur Twitter : « #BREAKING 🇱🇧 ME Airlines, Airbus A321-271NX as #ME419/MEA419 on hold due of the 🇮🇱 IAF Air Strike on 🇸🇾 Syria https://t.co/tQFhMv8hb6 » / Twitter

    #Liban #sionisme #impunité

    • Trigger Warnings | Centre for Teaching Excellence

      A trigger warning is a statement made prior to sharing potentially disturbing content. That content might include graphic references to topics such as #sexual_abuse, #self-harm, #violence, #eating_disorders, and so on, and can take the form of an #image, #video_clip, #audio_clip, or piece of #text. In an #academic_context, the #instructor delivers these messages in order to allow students to prepare emotionally for the content or to decide to forgo interacting with the content.

      Proponents of trigger warnings contend that certain course content can impact the #wellbeing and #academic_performance of students who have experienced corresponding #traumas in their own lives. Such students might not yet be ready to confront a personal #trauma in an academic context. They choose to #avoid it now so that they can deal with it more effectively at a later date – perhaps after they have set up necessary #resources, #supports, or #counselling. Other students might indeed be ready to #confront a personal trauma in an academic context but will benefit from a #forewarning of certain topics so that they can brace themselves prior to (for example) participating in a #classroom discussion about it. Considered from this perspective, trigger warnings give students increased #autonomy over their learning, and are an affirmation that the instructor #cares about their wellbeing.

      However, not everyone agrees that trigger warnings are #necessary or #helpful. For example, some fear that trigger warnings unnecessarily #insulate students from the often harsh #realities of the world with which academics need to engage. Others are concerned that trigger warnings establish a precedent of making instructors or universities legally #responsible for protecting students from #emotional_trauma. Still others argue that it is impossible to anticipate all the topics that might be potentially triggering for students.

      Trigger warnings do not mean that students can exempt themselves from completing parts of the coursework. Ideally, a student who is genuinely concerned about being #re-traumatized by forthcoming course content would privately inform the instructor of this concern. The instructor would then accommodate the student by proposing #alternative_content or an alternative learning activity, as with an accommodation necessitated by a learning disability or physical disability.

      The decision to preface potentially disturbing content with a trigger warning is ultimately up to the instructor. An instructor who does so might want to include in the course syllabus a preliminary statement (also known as a “#content_note”), such as the following:

      Our classroom provides an open space for the critical and civil exchange of ideas. Some readings and other content in this course will include topics that some students may find offensive and/or traumatizing. I’ll aim to #forewarn students about potentially disturbing content and I ask all students to help to create an #atmosphere of #mutual_respect and #sensitivity.

      Prior to introducing a potentially disturbing topic in class, an instructor might articulate a #verbal_trigger_warning such as the following:

      Next class our discussion will probably touch on the sexual assault that is depicted in the second last chapter of The White Hotel. This content is disturbing, so I encourage you to prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe that you will find the discussion to be traumatizing, you may choose to not participate in the discussion or to leave the classroom. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so if you leave the room for a significant time, please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      A version of the foregoing trigger warning might also preface written materials:

      The following reading includes a discussion of the harsh treatment experienced by First Nations children in residential schools in the 1950s. This content is disturbing, so I encourage everyone to prepare themselves emotionally before proceeding. If you believe that the reading will be traumatizing for you, then you may choose to forgo it. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      Trigger warnings, of course, are not the only answer to disturbing content. Instructional #strategies such as the following can also help students approach challenging material:

      – Give your students as much #advance_notice as possible about potentially disturbing content. A day’s notice might not be enough for a student to prepare emotionally, but two weeks might be.

      – Try to “scaffold” a disturbing topic to students. For example, when beginning a history unit on the Holocaust, don’t start with graphic photographs from Auschwitz. Instead, begin by explaining the historical context, then verbally describe the conditions within the concentration camps, and then introduce the photographic record as needed. Whenever possible, allow students to progress through upsetting material at their own pace.

      – Allow students to interact with disturbing material outside of class. A student might feel more vulnerable watching a documentary about sexual assault while in a classroom than in the security of his or her #home.

      – Provide captions when using video materials: some content is easier to watch while reading captions than while listening to the audio.

      – When necessary, provide written descriptions of graphic images as a substitute for the actual visual content.

      – When disturbing content is under discussion, check in with your students from time to time: #ask them how they are doing, whether they need a #break, and so on. Let them know that you are aware that the material in question is emotionally challenging.

      – Advise students to be #sensitive to their classmates’ #vulnerabilities when they are preparing class presentations.

      – Help your students understand the difference between emotional trauma and #intellectual_discomfort: the former is harmful, as is triggering it in the wrong context (such as in a classroom rather than in therapy); the latter is fundamental to a university education – it means our ideas are being challenged as we struggle to resolve cognitive dissonance.


    • Why Trigger Warnings Don’t Work

      Because trauma #survivors’ #memories are so specific, increasingly used “trigger warnings” are largely #ineffective.

      Fair warning labels at the beginning of movie and book reviews alert the reader that continuing may reveal critical plot points that spoil the story. The acronym NSFW alerts those reading emails or social media posts that the material is not suitable for work. The Motion Picture Association of America provides film ratings to advise about content so that moviegoers can make informed entertainment choices for themselves and their children.

      Enter stage right: Trigger warning.

      A trigger warning, most often found on #social_media and internet sites, alerts the reader that potentially upsetting information may follow. The words trigger warning are often followed by a subtitle such as *Trigger warning: This may be triggering to those who have struggled with _________. Fill in the blank. #Domestic_abuse. #Rape. #Body_image. #Needles. #Pregnancy.

      Trigger warnings have become prevalent online since about 2012. Victim advocate Gayle Crabtree reports that they were in use as early as 1996 in chat rooms she moderated. “We used the words ‘trigger warning,’ ‘#tw,’ ‘#TW,’ and ‘trigger’ early on. …This meant the survivor could see the warning and then decide if she or he wanted to scroll down for the message or not.” Eventually, trigger warnings spread to social media sites including #Tumblr, #Twitter, and #Facebook.

      The term seems to have originated from the use of the word “trigger” to indicate something that cues a #physiological_response, the way pollen may trigger an allergy attack. A trigger in a firearm is a lever that activates the sequence of firing a gun, so it is not surprising that the word was commandeered by those working in the field of #psychology to indicate objects and sensations that cause neurological firing in the brain, which in turn cause #feelings and #thoughts to occur.

      Spoiler alerts allow us to enjoy the movie or book as it unfolds without being influenced by knowledge about what comes next. The NSFW label helps employees comply with workplace policies that prohibit viewing sexually explicit or profane material. Motion picture ratings enable viewers to select movies they are most likely to find entertaining. Trigger warnings, on the other hand, are “designed to prevent people who have an extremely strong and damaging emotional response… to certain subjects from encountering them unaware.”

      Say what?

      Say hogwash!

      Discussions about trigger warnings have made headlines in the New Yorker, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian, the New Republic, and various other online and print publications. Erin Dean writes that a trigger “is not something that offends one, troubles one, or angers one; it is something that causes an extreme involuntary reaction in which the individual re-experiences past trauma.”

      For those individuals, it is probably true that coming across material that reminds them of a traumatic event is going to be disturbing. Dean’s definition refers to involuntary fear and stress responses common in individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder characterized by intrusive memories, thoughts, or dreams; intense distress at cues that remind the individual of the event; and reactivity to situations, people, or objects that symbolize the event. PTSD can result from personal victimization, accidents, incarceration, natural disasters, or any unexpected injury or threat of injury or death. Research suggests that it results from a combination of genetic predisposition, fear conditioning, and neural and physiological responses that incorporate the body systems and immunological responses. Current theories suggest that PTSD represents “the failure to recover from the normal effects of trauma.” In other words, anyone would be adversely affected by trauma, but natural mechanisms for healing take place in the majority of individuals. The prevalence of PTSD ranges from 1.9 percent in Europe to 3.5 percent in the United States.

      The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous.

      Some discussions have asserted that because between one in four and one in five women have been sexually abused, trigger warnings are necessary to protect vast numbers of victims from being re-traumatized. However, research shows that the majority of trauma-exposed persons do not develop PTSD. This does not mean they aren’t affected by trauma, but that they do not develop clinically significant symptoms, distress, or impairment in daily functioning. The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous. Now some students are pushing for trigger warnings on college class syllabi and reading lists.

      But what?


      But wait, before people get all riled up, I’d like to say that yes, I have experienced trauma in my life.

      I wore a skirt the first time George hit me. I know this because I remember scrunching my skirt around my waist and balancing in heels while I squatted over a hole in the concrete floor to take a piss. We were in Tijuana. The stench of excrement made my stomach queasy with too much tequila. I wanted to retch.

      We returned to our hotel room. I slid out of my blouse and skirt. He stripped to nothing and lay on the double bed. He was drinking Rompope from the bottle, a kind of Mexican eggnog: strong, sweet, and marketed for its excellent spunk. It’s a thick yellow rum concoction with eggs, sugar, and almond side notes. George wanted to have sex. We bickered and argued as drunks sometimes do. I said something — I know this because I always said something — and he hit me. He grabbed me by the hair and hit me again. “We’re going dancing,” he said.

      “I don’t feel like dancing — “

      “Fine. Stay.”

      The world was tilting at an angle I didn’t recognize. The mathematician Matt Tweed writes that atoms are made up of almost completely empty space. To grasp the vast nothingness, he asks the reader to imagine a cat twirling a bumblebee on the end of a half-mile long string. That’s how much emptiness there is between the nucleus and the electron. There was more space than that between George and me. I remember thinking: I am in a foreign country. I don’t speak Spanish. I have no money. We went dancing.

      Labeling a topic or theme is useless because of the way our brains work. The labels that we give trauma (assault, sexual abuse, rape) are not the primary source of triggers. Memories are, and not just memories, but very specific, insidious, and personally individualized details lodged in our brain at the time of the trauma encoded as memory. Details can include faces, places, sounds, smells, tastes, voices, body positions, time of day, or any other sensate qualities that were present during a traumatic incident.

      If I see a particular shade of yellow or smell a sickly sweet rum drink, I’m reminded of my head being yanked by someone who held a handful of my hair in his fist. A forest green Plymouth Duster (the car we drove) will too. The word assault does not. The words domestic violence don’t either. The specificity of details seared in my mind invokes memory.

      Last year a driver slammed into the back of my car on the freeway. The word tailgate is not a trigger. Nor is the word accident. The flash of another car suddenly encroaching in my rearview mirror is. In my mid-20s, I drove my younger sister (sobbing, wrapped in a bed sheet) to the hospital where two male officers explained they were going to pluck her pubic hair for a rape kit. When I see tweezers in a hospital, I flash back to that awful moment. For my sister, other things may be triggers: the moonlight shining on the edge of a knife. The shadow of a person back lit in a doorway. An Hispanic man’s accent. If we were going to insist on trigger warnings that work, they would need to look something like this:

      Trigger warning: Rompope.

      Trigger warning: a woman wrapped in a bed sheet.

      Trigger warning: the blade of a knife.

      The variability of human #perception and traumatic recall makes it impossible to provide the necessary specificity for trigger warnings to be effective. The nature of specificity is, in part, one reason that treatment for traumatic memories involves safely re-engaging with the images that populate the survivor’s memory of the event. According to Dr. Mark Beuger, an addiction psychiatrist at Deerfield Behavioral Health of Warren (PA), the goal of PTSD treatment is “to allow for processing of the traumatic experience without becoming so emotional that processing is impossible.” By creating a coherent narrative of the past event through telling and retelling the story to a clinician, survivors confront their fears and gain mastery over their thoughts and feelings.

      If a survivor has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided.

      According to the National Center for Health, “#Avoidance is a maladaptive #control_strategy… resulting in maintenance of perceived current threat. In line with this, trauma-focused treatments stress the role of avoidance in the maintenance of PTSD. Prolonged exposure to safe but anxiety-provoking trauma-related stimuli is considered a treatment of choice for PTSD.” Avoidance involves distancing oneself from cues, reminders, or situations that remind one of the event that can result in increased #social_withdrawal. Trigger warnings increase social withdrawal, which contributes to feelings of #isolation. If a survivor who suffers from PTSD has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided. The individual is in charge of each word he or she reads. At any time, one may close a book or click a screen shut on the computer. What is safer than that? Conversely, trigger warnings perpetuate avoidance. Because the intrusive memories and thoughts are internal, trigger warnings suggest, “Wait! Don’t go here. I need to protect you from yourself.”

      The argument that trigger warnings help to protect those who have suffered trauma is false. Most people who have experienced trauma do not require preemptive protection. Some may argue that it would be kind to avoid causing others distress with upsetting language and images. But is it? Doesn’t it sometimes take facing the horrific images encountered in trauma to effect change in ourselves and in the world?

      A few weeks ago, I came across a video about Boko Haram’s treatment of a kidnapped schoolgirl. The girl was blindfolded. A man was digging a hole in dry soil. It quickly became evident, as he ushered the girl into the hole, that this would not end well. I felt anxious as several men began shoveling soil in around her while she spoke to them in a language I could not understand. I considered clicking away as my unease and horror grew. But I also felt compelled to know what happened to this girl. In the 11-minute video, she is buried up to her neck.

      All the while, she speaks to her captors, who eventually move out of the frame of the scene. Rocks begin pelting the girl’s head. One after the other strikes her as I stared, horrified, until finally, her head lay motionless at an angle that could only imply death. That video (now confirmed to be a stoning in Somalia rather than by Boko Haram) forever changed my level of concern about young girls kidnapped in other countries.

      We are changed by what we #witness. Had the video contained a trigger warning about gruesome death, I would not have watched it. Weeks later, I would have been spared the rush of feelings I felt when a friend posted a photo of her daughter playfully buried by her brothers in the sand. I would have been spared knowing such horrors occur. But would the world be a better place for my not knowing? Knowledge helps us prioritize our responsibilities in the world. Don’t we want engaged, knowledgeable citizens striving for a better world?

      Recently, the idea of trigger warnings has leapt the gulch between social media and academic settings. #Universities are dabbling with #policies that encourage professors to provide trigger warnings for their classes because of #complaints filed by students. Isn’t the syllabus warning enough? Can’t individual students be responsible for researching the class content and reading #materials before they enroll? One of the benefits of broad exposure to literature and art in education is Theory of Mind, the idea that human beings have the capacity to recognize and understand that other people have thoughts and desires that are different from one’s own. Do we want #higher_education to comprise solely literature and ideas that feel safe to everyone? Could we even agree on what that would be?

      Art occurs at the intersection of experience and danger. It can be risky, subversive, and offensive. Literature encompasses ideas both repugnant and redemptive. News about very difficult subjects is worth sharing. As writers, don’t we want our readers to have the space to respond authentically to the story? As human beings, don’t we want others to understand that we can empathize without sharing the same points of view?

      Trigger warnings fail to warn us of the very things that might cause us to remember our trauma. They insulate. They cause isolation. A trigger warning says, “Be careful. This might be too much for you.” It says, “I don’t trust you can handle it.” As a reader, that’s not a message I want to encounter. As a writer, that is not the message I want to convey.

      Trigger warnings?



    • Essay on why a professor is adding a trigger warning to his #syllabus

      Trigger warnings in the classroom have been the subject of tremendous #debate in recent weeks, but it’s striking how little the discussion has contemplated what actual trigger warnings in actual classrooms might plausibly look like.

      The debate began with demands for trigger warnings by student governments with no power to compel them and suggestions by #administrators (made and retracted) that #faculty consider them. From there the ball was picked up mostly by observers outside higher ed who presented various #arguments for and against, and by professors who repudiated the whole idea.

      What we haven’t heard much of so far are the voices of professors who are sympathetic to the idea of such warnings talking about what they might look like and how they might operate.

      As it turns out, I’m one of those professors, and I think that discussion is long overdue. I teach history at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York, and starting this summer I’m going to be including a trigger warning in my syllabus.

      I’d like to say a few things about why.

      An Alternative Point of View

      To start off, I think it’s important to be clear about what trigger warnings are, and what purpose they’re intended to serve. Such warnings are often framed — and not just by critics — as a “you may not want to read this” notice, one that’s directed specifically at survivors of trauma. But their actual #purpose is considerably broader.

      Part of the confusion arises from the word “trigger” itself. Originating in the psychological literature, the #term can be misleading in a #non-clinical context, and indeed many people who favor such warnings prefer to call them “#content_warnings” for that reason. It’s not just trauma survivors who may be distracted or derailed by shocking or troubling material, after all. It’s any of us, and a significant part of the distraction comes not from the material itself but from the context in which it’s presented.

      In the original cut of the 1933 version of the film “King Kong,” there was a scene (depicting an attack by a giant spider) that was so graphic that the director removed it before release. He took it out, it’s said, not because of concerns about excessive violence, but because the intensity of the scene ruined the movie — once you saw the sailors get eaten by the spider, the rest of the film passed by you in a haze.

      A similar concern provides a big part of the impetus for content warnings. These warnings prepare the reader for what’s coming, so their #attention isn’t hijacked when it arrives. Even a pleasant surprise can be #distracting, and if the surprise is unpleasant the distraction will be that much more severe.

      I write quite a bit online, and I hardly ever use content warnings myself. I respect the impulse to provide them, but in my experience a well-written title and lead paragraph can usually do the job more effectively and less obtrusively.

      A classroom environment is different, though, for a few reasons. First, it’s a shared space — for the 75 minutes of the class session and the 15 weeks of the semester, we’re pretty much all #stuck with one another, and that fact imposes #interpersonal_obligations on us that don’t exist between writer and reader. Second, it’s an interactive space — it’s a #conversation, not a monologue, and I have a #responsibility to encourage that conversation as best I can. Finally, it’s an unpredictable space — a lot of my students have never previously encountered some of the material we cover in my classes, or haven’t encountered it in the way it’s taught at the college level, and don’t have any clear sense of what to expect.

      For all these reasons, I’ve concluded that it would be sound #pedagogy for me to give my students notice about some of the #challenging_material we’ll be covering in class — material relating to racial and sexual oppression, for instance, and to ethnic and religious conflict — as well as some information about their rights and responsibilities in responding to it. Starting with the summer semester, as a result, I’ll be discussing these issues during the first class meeting and including a notice about them in the syllabus.

      My current draft of that notice reads as follows:

      Course Content Note

      At times this semester we will be discussing historical events that may be disturbing, even traumatizing, to some students. If you ever feel the need to step outside during one of these discussions, either for a short time or for the rest of the class session, you may always do so without academic penalty. (You will, however, be responsible for any material you miss. If you do leave the room for a significant time, please make arrangements to get notes from another student or see me individually.)

      If you ever wish to discuss your personal reactions to this material, either with the class or with me afterwards, I welcome such discussion as an appropriate part of our coursework.

      That’s it. That’s my content warning. That’s all it is.

      I should say as well that nothing in these two paragraphs represents a change in my teaching practice. I have always assumed that if a student steps out of the classroom they’ve got a good reason, and I don’t keep tabs on them when they do. If a student is made uncomfortable by something that happens in class, I’m always glad when they come talk to me about it — I’ve found we usually both learn something from such exchanges. And of course students are still responsible for mastering all the course material, just as they’ve always been.

      So why the note, if everything in it reflects the rules of my classroom as they’ve always existed? Because, again, it’s my job as a professor to facilitate class discussion.

      A few years ago one of my students came to talk to me after class, distraught. She was a student teacher in a New York City junior high school, working with a social studies teacher. The teacher was white, and almost all of his students were, like my student, black. That week, she said, one of the classes had arrived at the point in the semester given over to the discussion of slavery, and at the start of the class the teacher had gotten up, buried his nose in his notes, and started into the lecture without any introduction. The students were visibly upset by what they were hearing, but the teacher just kept going until the end of the period, at which point he finished the lecture, put down his papers, and sent them on to math class.

      My student was appalled. She liked these kids, and she could see that they were hurting. They were angry, they were confused, and they had been given nothing to do with their #emotions. She asked me for advice, and I had very little to offer, but I left our meeting thinking that it would have been better for the teacher to have skipped that material entirely than to have taught it the way he did.

      History is often ugly. History is often troubling. History is often heartbreaking. As a professor, I have an #obligation to my students to raise those difficult subjects, but I also have an obligation to raise them in a way that provokes a productive reckoning with the material.

      And that reckoning can only take place if my students know that I understand that this material is not merely academic, that they are coming to it as whole people with a wide range of experiences, and that the journey we’re going on #together may at times be #painful.

      It’s not coddling them to acknowledge that. In fact, it’s just the opposite.


  • A Guide to the Relentless Hardcore of Machine Girl | Bandcamp Daily

    There are two kinds of music that tend to be colloquially referred to as “hardcore”—as a noun—by fans: the aggressive, unrestrained sound of #hardcore_punk and its offshoots, and the fast and furious #breakbeats and bass of #hardcore_rave. The speed and weight of hardcore dance music has always had something in common with hardcore punk: both forms appeal to relatively niche audiences because of how physically overwhelming such speedy, intense music can be.

    .​.​.because im young arrogant and hate everything you stand for​ Machine Girl


  • [Mix delivery ] Ciel

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    Toronto might not have the reputation of Montreal or Vancouver, but the Canadian metropolis has a bubbling dance music scene and Cindy Li, better known as Ciel, is a huge part of that. Since 2015, Li has been promoting dance music in the city, running various nights like Work In Progress and It’s Not U It’s Me and helping bring artists like DJ Sprinkles, Powder and Helena Hauff to Toronto.

    But Li has been working with music for much longer than this. Before getting into club promotion, she developed her taste DJing on Kingston, Ontario college radio station CFRC-FM, playing a wide variety of sounds before focusing in on dance music. This knowledge has helped her assert her originality as a DJ, (...)

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    the thumb holds its right foot behind its left ear its left hand in its right hand on its left leg jumping over its right ear


    #tokimonsta Fried for the Night (feat. EarthGang)

    Kid Ink ft. Dej Loaf - Be Real (WHIPPED CREAM & SBF Editt)

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    Chrissy In Paradise

    Chrissy Composition for Sampler, Flexatone, & Vibraslap

    Thirtyoneseven Raptor

    The James Lestraunge (...)

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  • [Contreparty] Episode #1 - Novembre 2019 w/ Togo

    Essuyage de plâtre avec Togo comme invité pour cette première !

    Dj et producteur bruxellois Togo est venu nous parler de ses nouvelles productions, ses influences et l’emergence du collectif Moujingues. A part ça, hommage à Philippe Zdar, nouvel album de Floorplan et Floating Points, focus sur le producteur anglais Yak et nouvel EP des parisiens de Flegon !

    Podcast : https://soundcloud.com/palmeur/contreparty-1-novembre-2019-togo

    Tracklist :

    Cassius - Summer Flegon - Intruder on The Loose (Private mix) Yak - Gerudo Yak - Fret Togo - Ca Va Barder Togo - Peace is Cheaper Togo - Mental Disorder Elektrons & Pete Simpson - Joy Floating Points - Anasickmodular Floorplan - Fiyaaaa ! Edmondson - Nocturnal (...)

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  • [Contreparty] Episode #3 - Janvier 2020

    Pas d’invité, pas de blabla que du son pour commencer 2020 !

    Un focus sur l’excellent premier album de Stenny sorti sur Ilian Tape, un remix bien dancefloor de Hot Chip, la troisième sorti de Crevette Records avec Weird Dust et le maginifique China Gates de Murcof et Vanessa Wagner !

    Podcast : https://soundcloud.com/palmeur/contreparty-3-janvier-2020

    Tracklist :

    STUFF. - Slug The Raah Project - All of Your Things (Rogeon’s Redux) KX9000 - Bakayarõ on S.U.V. (feat. ALVA) Hot Chip - Melody of Love (Adelphi Music Factory “Time to Bring Peace” Remix) Stenny - Bind Corners Stenny - Psygraph Almeeva - 4 Bells Weird Dust - Solid Tribe 2.1.2 Yadava - Message From The Poets Kapote - Jass Funk Haus (Art of Tones Remix) Ex-Terresitrial - Urth Man Dj Tennis - Starck Luke (...)

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    NMSS est l’invité du mois de novembre pour une longue interview où il nous parle entre autres de son label Flat Earth Records, sa vision de la scène bruxelloise et son prochain EP avec deux unreleased !

    A part ça, les nouveaux albums de Mézigue et Galcher Lustwerk, le label bruxellois spécialisé dans la distribution de cassettes Kontakt et le retour de Caribou !

    Podcast : https://soundcloud.com/palmeur/contreparty-2-decembre-2019-nmss

    Tracklist :

    Omar S - Thank U 4 Letting Me Be Myself Caribou - You and I Joy Orbison & Overmono - Still Moving NMSS - The Crash NMSS - Panopticon NMSS - Unreleased NMSS - Unreleased Tassilo Vanhôfen - Plasma Cutters Phillipi - 9000 Galcher Lustwerk - I See a Dime Mézigue - La celle-sound-cloud (Titiwistiti (...)

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  • Breaking max efficiency of solar cells by activating 2 electrons wi...

    Breaking max efficiency of solar cells by activating 2 electrons with 1 photon

    HN Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20371747 Posted by dirtyaura (karma: 7061) Post stats: Points: 149 - Comments: 32 - 2019-07-06T20:29:47Z

    #HackerNews #activating #breaking #cells #efficiency #electrons #max #photon #solar #with HackerNewsBot debug: Calculated post rank: 110 - Loop: 61 - Rank min: 100 - Author rank: 57

  • #Hébron. La cruauté ordinaire de l’#occupation_israélienne

    Témoignages de soldats · En 2018, la colonie israélienne installée au cœur de la ville palestinienne d’Hébron a fêté son 50e anniversaire. Dans un nouveau rapport qui vient de paraître, l’ONG israélienne #Breaking_the_Silence publie une cinquantaine de témoignages de militaires ayant servi dans la ville entre 2011 et 2017. L’ensemble dépeint le quotidien de l’occupation vue par ceux qui en sont les principaux acteurs. Exemples choisis.

    Le rapport complet (en) : https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/inside/english/campaigns/occupying-hebron

  • Fade To pleasure 16.2

    I would draw every last drop from your toes with little messages along the way of my charted course to come up your inner channels.Resting in the sensitive eddies behind your knees we both breathe fire wafting up and down your thighs.

    Aïsha Devi Light Luxury Sun Ra Sun Song Jazzanova The Pool No.9 feat. KPTN Freddie Cruger & Anthony Mills Are Wildcookie Something About Those Days Underground Resurrection Reality Homegrown Syndrome Confrontation Starvue Love Affair Karizma Will You Dance With Me? Rick Wade Nothing To Fear (DBX #dub Remix) Around7 Le bel age R-Tyme Use Me (D Wynn’s 12 Inch #mix) Smasher Time Machine Natural Numbers Walk Free (featuring Tony Tuff and Trinity) Natural Numbers Seven Times Rise Dub Syndicate Dub Is All I Got (Dubblestandart Remix) DTR (...)

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  • Fade to Pleasure 14.2

    Even breaking atoms collapsing everything And lowering yourself back to earth Tonight inches equal aeons Here in this place Where no one ever goesI watch the universe crushIn my palm I witnessthe strength of megallactic clouds I am alive Because I snatched only the essence of the galaxies bleeding your skin is perfect

    DJ Dash Stories of my heart ache J Dilla Won’t Do (Instrumental) Takeleave Away From Here Edamame Where We Started Subjoi Paradise feat Adam Emil Subjoi Hold On Das Carma Die Vision (Original Mix) PQM The Flying Song (Ivan James Remix) Das Carma Right By Your Side (Original Mix) Ethiopian Chyld At Peace Will Saul By Your Side (Original Mix) Emilie Nana I Rise (Danny Krivit Extended Vocal Dub Edit) Flamingo Pier Find Your Way (Earthboogie Remix) Zaid 24 Hours

    David (...)

    #detroit #Snooba #deep #hop #downtempo #trip #ether #breakbeats #detroit,Snooba,deep,hop,downtempo,trip,ether,breakbeats

  • Syria says Israel struck Iranian airbase near Homs - Israel News - Haaretz.com
    Reports say Syrian air defenses fired at planes, coming in from Jordan, and heading towards the T4 airbase used by Iran
    Jack Khoury
    Jul 09, 2018 11:16 AM

    Syria accused Israel on Sunday of attacking an air force base near Homs known to be housing Iranian forces. This is the third time in a year that Israel has struck the site, according to foreign reports.

    The official Syrian news agency SANA said air defenses were activated as warplanes, reportedly coming into the country from Jordan, approached the T4 base near Tiyas. The planes, which were said to be flying at low altitude to avoid detection, passed through the al-Tanaf area, where U.S. forces have a base.

    Syria’s state media said that military air defenses thwarted the act of “Israeli aggression.” An army officer in the southern Syrian desert said the air defense system shot down missiles coming from south of the Tanaf region toward the air base. Reports said that around six missiles hit near the base, causing damage, but added that no one was hurt or killed.

    The T4 airbase has been reported to have been used by Iranian forces. In April, a senior Israeli official confirmed to the New York Times that Israel had hit the base.

    #BREAKING: Reports: Israeli air strike on T4 base in Homs, Syria; Syria TV reports several air defence missiles in response pic.twitter.com/d52NzJ0YxR
    — Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) July 8, 2018

    Video of purported attack near Syria’s T4 base

    “It was the first time we attacked live Iranian targets — both facilities and people,” said the Israeli military official.

    The official said that the armed Iranian drone that entered Israeli airspace a few days prior “opened a new period,” and that “this is the first time we saw Iran do something against Israel — not by proxy." During the attack, Israel killed seven Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Quds force members, including Colonel Mehdi Dehghan, who led the drone unit operating out of T4, east of Homs.

    Two weeks ago, two Israeli missiles struck a target near Damascus International Airport, Syrian state media said.

    The target was an arms depot belonging to the Lebanese Shi’ite movement Hezbollah, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. According to the Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV, a source said Syrian air defense systems had intercepted two missiles in addition to the ones fired at the airport.

    • Ouest-France, avec AFP. | le 09/04/2018

      Frappes contre une base syrienne : la Russie et la Syrie accusent Israël


      La Russie et le régime syrien estiment que l’armée israélienne est responsable des frappes menées contre une base militaire tôt ce lundi matin. Elle affirme avoir identifié deux avions F-15 de l’armée israélienne. Cette dernière, contactée par l’AFP, a indiqué « décliner tout commentaire ».

      Le bombardement de la base militaire du régime syrien T-4 entre Homs et Palmyre, perpétré tôt ce lundi, a été mené par des avions israéliens depuis l’espace aérien libanais, a affirmé l’armée russe.

      « Deux avions F-15 de l’armée israélienne ont frappé l’aérodrome entre 03 h 25 et 03 h 53 heure de Moscou (01 h 25 et 01 h 53 heure française) à l’aide de huit missiles téléguidés depuis le territoire libanais, sans pénétrer dans l’espace aérien syrien », a affirmé le ministère russe de la Défense, cité par les agences russes.