
  • Alep : la révolution des jerry-cans
    Aleppo Energy Crisis : Running Out of Patience | Al Akhbar English

    At one of the city’s gas stations, Abu Mohammad, an avowed supporter of the regime, vents his frustration.

    “The situation has become unbearable,” he says. “If the state does not act fast, Aleppo will declare a revolution of jerry-cans.”

    His friend Fouad concurs, and raising his voice – in itself a noteworthy act in this city – declares: “Yes, we support the regime, but patience has its limits.”

    We are interrupted by the voice of a young attendant sarcastically addressing the queue of customers.

    “You want freedom, right?”

    “No, brother,” replies a voice from the crowds. “If things continue like this, it looks like we’ll want to overthrow the regime.”


  • Syrie : Une série de dépêches de sources variées et fort inquiétantes.
    Notamment sur les problèmes électriques, un des symptômes de la la crise profonde qui affecte la population syrienne au quotidien.
    Syria Comment / Opposition Meets in Tunisia as Arab Observers Enter Syria and Deathrate Rises

    Friend Writes: Electric cuts in Aleppo now 6 hrs a day – three in morning and three in evening.

    The weather in Aleppo is very cold. Since Mazzout is in short supply, many are trying to economize on use of heaters. They are buying electric ones for single rooms. Unused parts of the house are left without heat. So many people are doing the same that the electric grid cannot keep up with demand. Just now, Aleppo has been over three hours without electricity. My sister’s daughter is doing her school work under candle light. When i called they were so fed up staying home without light that they decided to park the car in the middle of the city and sit inside it to pass time till the electricity is back.

    Many argue that Syria is fine since it has low debt, but simply to upgrade the electric grid will cost the country $28 billion. This is more than 50% of GDP. Its like saying that the American economy needs $7 trillion to upgrade its electricity. Syria has low debt but that is largely because it has resisted making improvements to its antiquated infrastructure. Syria needs a massive modernization campaign.


  • Syria Comment
    La distribution de l’énergie apparaît comme un enjeu stratégique dans le conflit en Syrie. Rappelons que Homs est un important centre énergétique (raffinerie, mais aussi centrales électriques).
    Si la stratégie des opposants au régime est de miser sur un effondrement économique, viser l’énergie, donc les transports et la production, constitue un objectif logique.

    The most important points expressed by the oil minister were that the tankers going from Homs to Damascus and Aleppo have been attacked several times by terrorists. This supports the report of Syria Comment in my last post. The gas trucks are being stolen or attacked in Homs. Also the pipeline from the refinery in Homs going to Aleppo have been sabotaged or attacked. The pipeline was attacked over a 100 times in Hama province and 280+ times in Idlib province.

    A titre comparatif, soulignons que la guerre de l’énergie a constitué une dimension centrale de l’effondrement irakien post-invasion (avec un ciblage intentionnel et non dénué d’arrières pensées en termes de contrats de reconstruction par les Américains).
    J’en ai fait une analyse ici : Verdeil Eric, 2008, “Géopolitique de l’électricité au Maghreb”, Maghreb Machrek, n°195, pp. 87-106 à lire à cette adresse :
