
  • Rasmea Odeh Breaking the Silence in Berlin: #RasmeaSpricht #RasmeaSpeaks

    29 March 2019 - On Wednesday evening, 27 March, Rasmea Odeh‘s voice and words were heard in Berlin, Germany, despite a harsh, repressive campaign that included yet another ban on her speaking in person issued by Berlin’s Senator for the Interior. The successful event at be’kech in Berlin’s Wedding district brought crowds to the space despite a large police presence; the space was so crowded that many people stayed outside to watch the event through glass windows.

    The evening marked a significant achievement for Rasmea Odeh and all those defending the right to organize and advocate for Palestine in Berlin. Despite all attempts to prevent it from taking place, Rasmea’s voice was heard in Berlin and celebrated by people of conscience.
    Photo: Public-solidarity

    Once again, as was the case on 15 March, when Rasmea was to join Palestinian poet and former prisoner Dareen Tatour for an evening of solidarity and celebration of Palestinian women’s struggle, the venue itself was subject to harassment and threats. Another media smear campaign was launched against Rasmea along with attempts to demand that she once again be prohibited from speaking.

    On Wednesday afternoon, only hours before the event, Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel, an SPD politician who had earlier declared that speaking “against the state of Israel” crossed a “red line” that justified the violation of freedom of speech, once again banned Odeh from delivering a public speech at the event. However, organizers presented a video from Odeh, ensuring that her message and her story would be able to be heard by supporters in person and everyone around the world who supports her and the struggle for justice in Palestine.
    Photo: Salim Salim, Arabi21

    Once again, several vans of police filled the area (although a smaller presence than that surrounding the 15 March event). They searched the crowd for Rasmea, but left partway through the event after it was clear that she was not attending in person. A claimed counter-demonstration by pro-apartheid Zionist organizations was not immediately visible, but there may have been several participants at the corner of the street.

    The moderator of the evening opened the event with a stirring call against the silencing of oppressed and marginalized people, especially Palestinian women. She noted the growing support received by the event and the campaign to defend Odeh by a number of organizations, including the Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte, which sent a statement to the organization. The event was supported by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Berlin Muslim Feminists, Bündnis gegen Rassismus, HIRAK (Palestinian Youth Mobilization, Berlin), The Coalition Berlin, Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin, Brot und Rosen international socialist women’s organiation, Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation – Klasse Gegen Klasse, Berlin Against Pinkwashing, Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost (Jewish Voice for a Just Peace), RefrACTa Kollektiv Brasilien-Berlin, BDS Berlin and the Kali feminist collective.

    The event also included a speech by a Palestinian student on behalf of HIRAK, emphasizing that this week also marks the one-year anniversary of the Great March of Return in Gaza. Just this week, Israel has been shelling Gaza, causing further destruction after taking hundreds of lives in the past year as Palestinians participated in collective, popular protests for their right to return and break the siege. She urged people to get involved in struggles here in Berlin, including Palestinian community organizing, the solidarity movement and the BDS campaign.

    The organizers next showed a video from 2013 in which Rasmea speaks about her life as a Palestinian woman. The video was made when she received the 2013 Outstanding Community Leader award from the Chicago Cultural Alliance:

    The screening was followed by a 20-minute video presentation – the main speech of the night – in which Rasmea discussed her situation in Berlin as well as presenting more broadly on Palestinian women, Palestinian prisoners and the continuing struggle for liberation. Full video coming shortly!

    As Rasmea spoke, including discussing her personal experience of torture, people in the packed room were silent, watching and listening closely to the Arabic speech and the subtitles in German and English. The conclusion of her speech was met with loud and prolonged applause and cheers as the event’s moderator noted that “this is what they did not want you to hear.”

    The event continued with a cultural evening featuring anti-colonial poetry by Wind Ma, a silent theater sketch by Maher Draidi of Almadina Theater, a musical performance of songs and guitar by Nicolás Miquea and a closing dabkeh performance by the Yafa Dabkeh Troupe. The event concluded with a stirring moment as people chanted together, “Viva, viva Palestina! Free, free Palestine!”

    Rasmea Odeh, born in 1947, is a lifelong struggler for Palestine and a well-known feminist organizer and activist. After surviving torture and sexual assault under interrogation by occupation forces and serving 10 years in Israeli prison, she came to the United States, where she organized over 800 women in Chicago in the Arab Women’s Committee, a project of the Arab American Action Network. In 2013, she was targeted by the FBI and U.S. immigration authorities and accused of lying about her time in Israeli prison, despite the fact that it was publicly known; she even testified before a Special Committee of the United Nations about her experience under torture and imprisonment. After a years-long court battle that won widespread grassroots support, she was deported to Jordan in 2017. She was one of the initial signatories of the call for the International Women’s Strike.
    Photo: Public-solidarity

    After she was invited to speak in Berlin on 15 March, the U.S. ambassador (with ties to the German far right) Richard Grenell, Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan, charged with fighting Palestine solidarity and the BDS movement internationally, and the Israeli ambassador in Germany launched calls to censor her. Media propaganda falsely labeled her an “anti-Semite,” when she is in reality a longtime anti-racist struggler who developed strong connections with other oppressed communities, particularly the Black liberation movement. In the U.S., Angela Davis and Jewish Voice for Peace were among her supporters. In this context, Berlin politicians yielded to the demands of Trump and Netanyahu, and when Rasmea arrived at the event location, she was given a sheaf of papers. Her Schengen visa was ordered cancelled and she was directed to leave the country; she was banned from speaking at the event.

    Most of the allegations in the documents simply restated attacks by pro-apartheid media publications, including labeling the BDS campaign “anti-Semitic”. The German authorities also claimed that allowing Rasmea to speak and retain her visa would “damage the relationship between Germany and Israel.” Thus, Rasmea Odeh’s voice, experience and analysis was ordered suppressed and silenced through the joint complicity of the German, U.S. and Israeli governments.

    Rasmea is committed to fighting back in court. Her lawyer, Nadija Samour, said that “cancelling a visa based on what has happened so far in the past is a completely new concept from a legal point of view.” However, she and her supporters are aware that this is not simply a legal question but a clear political battle that requires support from the broadest number of people in Germany and internationally.

    Supporters of Rasmea in the United States, including the US Palestinian Community Network, Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Rasmea Defense Committee and many other groups have worked to support the growing campaign in Germany, and more organizations have been adding their voices to express support for Rasmea. By cancelling her Schengen visa, German officials are not only attempting to silence Rasmea’s speech in Berlin but to prevent her from traveling elsewhere in Europe to speak about her experiences and her views – thus denying people across the continent the opportunity to hear from a leading transnational feminist and Palestinian organizer.

    Rasmea was ordered silenced based on a desire to stop her from sharing her words and her experience, telling her story and presenting her analysis. The U.S. government is apparently committed to chasing Rasmea around the world in order to persecute her wherever she goes; meanwhile, the Israeli state continues its intensive attack on people’s right to support Palestine everywhere in the world, which has included the promotion of anti-BDS laws and falsely labeling Palestinian human rights defenders and solidarity groups as “terrorists.” The German state and Berlin authorities also chose to join this campaign, issuing two separate bans in less than two weeks against Rasmea Odeh to prevent her from delivering a live speech about her experiences, her involvement in women’s organizing and her view of Palestine.

    In many ways, Rasmea’s case does not stand alone; in Germany, it comes alongside the Humboldt 3 case and the prosecution of activists for speaking up against war crimes, attempts to block Palestine events from taking place in any location and far-right campaigns particularly targeting migrant communities. It also comes alongside the pursuit of anti-BDS laws in the US, the use of “anti-terror” frameworks to criminalize Palestinian community work and the use of visa denial to suppress political and cultural expression, such as in Australia’s recent denial of a visa to Palestinian American poet Remi Kanazi.

    In a particularly disturbing media article containing propaganda against Kanazi, pro-apartheid groups demand that Kanazi is barred for, among other things, supporting Rasmea and other Palestinian political prisoners. They also use the recent far-right, white-supremacist massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand, as a justification for banning him, despite the fact that this was an attack targeting Muslims, linked to racist, anti-Muslim and anti-Arab propaganda, based on white supremacy, and which took the lives of a number of Palestinians specifically. It is clear that there is a global attack, backed by Erdan and the Israeli government, aimed at all Palestinians and supporters of Palestine – and especially aiming to isolate Palestinian prisoners from the international movements that continue to defend their rights.

    The campaign to defend Rasmea Odeh is not ending with this event – instead, it marks a strong beginning of a resurgent movement against the silencing of Palestinian women and for justice in Palestine. It also made it clear that Palestinian women, on the frontlines of struggle from inside Israeli prisons, to the Great Return March in Gaza to organizing for justice in Berlin, will not be silenced. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges people and organizations around the world to get involved and join this campaign by following the Facebook page, Rasmea spricht (Rasmea will speak) and sending statements of solidarity to

    #Palestine #femmes #résistance #zionisme #Allemagne

  • Attacks by White Extremists Are Growing. So Are Their Connections. - The New York Times

    In a manifesto posted online before his attack, the gunman who killed 50 last month in a rampage at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, said he drew inspiration from white extremist terrorism attacks in Norway, the United States, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

    His references to those attacks placed him in an informal global network of white extremists whose violent attacks are occurring with greater frequency in the West.

    An analysis by The New York Times of recent terrorism attacks found that at least a third of white extremist killers since 2011 were inspired by others who perpetrated similar attacks, professed a reverence for them or showed an interest in their tactics.

    The connections between the killers span continents and highlight how the internet and social media have facilitated the spread of white extremist ideology and violence.

    In one instance, a school shooter in New Mexico corresponded with a gunman who attacked a mall in Munich. Altogether, they killed 11 people.

    #extrême_droite #agression #terrorisme #cartographie #visualisation

  • Communiqué du FUIQP pour les victimes de l’attentat de Christchurch

    Voici le communiqué du Front Uni de l’Immigration des Quartiers Populaires relatif à l’attaque contre les Rroms en Seine St Denis et à l’intervention de Said Bouamama, pour le FUIQP, en hommage, pour les victimes de l’attentat du suprématiste blanc à Christchurch le 22 mars 2019

    #Racisme #Répression #Resistances #antifascisme #Racisme,Répression,Resistances,antifascisme

  • Tuerie en Nouvelle-Zélande : osons parler d’un terrorisme raciste et... masculiniste - Axelle Mag

    Pourquoi les tueries de masse sont-elles le fait d’hommes ?, demande l’avocate Selma Benkhelifa dans cette carte blanche. Peut-être faut-il chercher une réponse à cette question dans les motivations masculinistes des auteurs.

    Selma Benkhelifa, avocate et membre du Progress Lawyers Network, collabore régulièrement à notre magazine. Retrouvez ici son interview issue de notre hors-série n° 205-206.

    Christchurch, Nouvelle-Zélande, 50 morts dans une tuerie raciste. Ce sont deux mosquées qui ont été attaquées. La tuerie est clairement islamophobe. S’il faut avant tout dénoncer le racisme du tueur d’extrême droite et dénoncer ses références nauséabondes à la théorie du «  grand remplacement  », il faut aussi souligner les aspects masculinistes de la tuerie. Je ne suis pas sociologue et je ne prétends pas avoir de données scientifiques. Je me pose juste des questions en tant que féministe et antiraciste, parce que je trouve que cet aspect est négligé.

    Les tueries de masse – que le FBI décrit comme quatre meurtres ou plus survenant lors d’un événement particulier, sans répit entre les meurtres – sont toujours le fait d’hommes. Que ce soit une tuerie raciste ou un jeune déboussolé qui tue indistinctement dans son école, ce sont des hommes. Il n’y a quasiment aucun exemple de tuerie de masse commise par une femme.

    Une cause évidente du passage à l’acte est le nombre d’armes en libre circulation. Jacinda Ardern, la très digne Première ministre de Nouvelle-Zélande, l’a immédiatement compris, contrairement à tous les présidents américains qui ont dû faire face à ce type de massacres. La première mesure à prendre est donc d’interdire la vente d’armes lourdes à des particuliers.
    Pourquoi toujours des hommes  ?

    Cependant, au-delà du retrait des armes en circulation, la question de savoir pourquoi ce sont toujours des hommes qui sont auteurs de tueries doit être posée.

    La fascination pour les armes est souvent plus masculine. Pourtant, il y a des femmes qui chassent ou collectionnent les armes à feu. La personnalité des tueurs se caractérise par un dérangement mental et un narcissisme important. Cependant, des femmes dérangées et narcissiques, ça existe aussi. La réponse ne vient donc pas de là.

    Il y a quelques pistes ouvertes à la réflexion, en particulier celles explorées par le sociologue américain Michael Kimmel pour comprendre les fondements de cette violence masculine mortifère. Selon lui, le principal point commun entre les auteurs des tueries de masse est le refuge qu’ils ont trouvé dans une «  masculinité toxique  » et dans une violence quasiment «  sacrée  » qui s’exerce pour dominer autrui.

    Peut-être faut-il aussi chercher une explication dans les motivations masculinistes des auteurs. Pour revenir à Christchurch, le «  grand remplacement  » est une théorie masculiniste. L’idée est de reprocher la «  crise civilisationnelle  » non pas au capitalisme, mais au féminisme. Si on résume cette théorie fumeuse, les droits des femmes, leur émancipation et le planning familial sont la cause de la baisse de natalité en Occident. Puisque dans d’autres contrées, la natalité est beaucoup plus importante, le «  remplacement  » serait inévitable. La maternité n’est vue que comme une arme de pouvoir entre les mains des hommes, les femmes qui accouchent ne sont que les outils. Logiquement, la crainte du remplacement est aussi utilisée pour lutter contre le droit à l’avortement.

    Cette théorie, chère à la droite identitaire, est enfin utilisée contre les droits des homosexuel·les, le spectre du remplacement était présent pendant les «  manifs pour tous  » contre le droit au mariage pour les couples homosexuels.

    La théorie du «  grand remplacement  » est donc une construction contre les droits des migrant·es, des musulman·es, des femmes, des homosexuel·les… L’homme blanc, hétéro, chrétien, fort et travailleur serait le seul vrai Français, vrai Belge, vrai Américain, vrai Néozélandais. C’est le mantra des suprémacistes blancs.

    C’est peut-être cela, le point commun entre les différents tueurs de masse, et ce qui explique que ce sont tous des hommes. Ils sont convaincus de leur supériorité et de la légitimité de celle-ci  : tout ce qui ébranle cette certitude (une déception personnelle, un échec, la défaite de Marine Le Pen aux élections…) met à mal toute la construction identitaire.

    Depuis l’avènement du patriarcat, les femmes ne sont jamais absolument convaincues de leur supériorité. Même les plus racistes des femmes ne sont jamais dans cette position de suprématie absolue. Tuer des gens sans défense, indistinctement, c’est un acte de pouvoir absolu  : aucune femme ne ressent ce besoin de pouvoir absolu. Il ne s’agit bien évidemment ni d’une certitude ni d’une affirmation scientifique. Juste une piste de réflexion. Dans un monde selon les femmes, un tel drame aurait-il été possible  ?

    Pas trop d’accord avec la conclusion que je trouve trop essentialiste et pour laquelle j’ai des contre exemples.

    #virilité #domination_masculine #masculinisme #misogynie #male_entilement #essentialisme #masculinité

  • Attentat de Christchurch : des FAI ont bloqué 4chan et 8chan sans décision de la justice

    Des opérateurs en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande ont bloqué plusieurs sites qui hébergeaient la vidéo du tueur de Christchurch. Cela, sans décision judiciaire ou administrative. La manœuvre est rare et spectaculaire, mais elle reflète la gravité des évènements terribles qui se sont déroulés au mois de mars à Christchurch, en Nouvelle-Zélande. Confrontés à la propagation de la vidéo macabre tournée en direct par le tireur, qui a été pensée pour être la plus virale possible sur le net, les opérateurs locaux (...)

    #censure #filtrage #web #surveillance


  • Neo-Nazis Bet Big on Bitcoin (And Lost) – Foreign Policy

    Several hundred white supremacists carrying tiki torches march through the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville on Aug. 11, 2017.
    Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post via Getty Images

    How the far-right’s failed cryptocurrency gamble became a bad joke for the Christchurch killer.

    The neo-Nazi terrorist who takes credit for murdering 50 people in Christchurch, New Zealand, on March 15 released a manifesto. One of the claims inside it is that he did very well investing in cryptocurrency—specifically, a collapsed Ponzi scheme called Bitconnect.

    Like much of the shooter’s manifesto, the claim about cryptocurrency is almost certainly nonsense—thrown in to get the media to chase their tails as they try to make sense of a deliberately confusing stew of alt-right memes and neo-Nazi in-jokes.

    The reason it works as an in-joke is exactly because cryptocurrencies have become a favorite resource for the far-right—if rarely a successful one. White nationalists were known to be getting into cryptocurrencies during the 2017 bitcoin bubble, because PayPal kept cutting them off. The further joke is that Bitconnect is best known not for having helped its investors succeed but for taking them for millions, if not billions, of dollars. And Bitconnect started in 2016—but the shooter claimed to have made the money before he went traveling in 2010 or so.
    Bitcoin ideology is not a neo-Nazi ideology. However, bitcoin’s right-libertarian anarcho-capitalism is very much in range of far-right extremism, particularly in the degree to which both propagate “international banker” and Rothschild-style conspiracy theories, and there are social spaces where the two cross directly, such as the /biz/ cryptocurrency forum on 4chan.

    David Golumbia is the author of the 2016 book The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism. He documents the history of the ideas that went into bitcoin—such as long-running anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about “international,” i.e., Jewish, bankers—and how these extremist ideas are propagated by the subculture, even as present-day enthusiasts would utterly repudiate the ideas’ origins.

    I think only a small number of cryptocurrency users are out-and-out fascists or Nazis,” Golumbia told Foreign Policy. “But I also suspect that the proportion of fascists in that world is higher than it is in the general population. That’s due to the widespread presence of conspiratorial ideas in cryptocurrency communities. Many in cryptocurrency actively promote ignorance about what should be clear and uncontroversial facts about the world.

  • Facebook says it has removed 1.5 million copies of the New Zealand terror attack video - MIT Technology Review

    The sheer scale of efforts by Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to take down clips of the video shows how hard it is to stop people from spreading horrific content.

    The news: Facebook has said that in the first 24 hours after the attack it removed 1.5 million versions of the video filmed by the gunman who killed over 50 people in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Of those, 1.2 million were blocked while they were uploading, so they never made it onto the site. YouTube and Twitter are yet to release figures.

    The gunman live-streamed the shooting over 17 minutes on Facebook, and it was quickly re-posted by people both on that platform and others. There are almost certainly still versions of the video available online, despite the efforts to remove them.

    What next: There are growing calls for social-media companies to change their policies after the outrage—but it’s not always clear exactly what that means in practice. Bloomberg reports that New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, is seeking talks with Facebook over live-streaming but hasn’t set out any specific demands.

    Supply and demand: The problem, according to Facebook’s former chief security officer, Alex Stamos, is not just virality. It’s that the biggest tech companies have much less control over whether people in free societies trade data than you might think. It also reflects a systemic issue, which is that social platforms often don’t even see themselves as arbiters of content in the first place. And perhaps a more profound question: do we really want them to be?

    #Facebook #NZ_massacre #Vidéo #Alt_right #Fascisme

  • Après le #massacre à #Christchurch, la #Nouvelle-Zélande va durcir sa #législation sur les #armes

    En achetant deux fusils semi-automatiques, deux fusils de chasse et un fusil à pompe, Brenton Tarrant n’a enfreint aucune loi néo-zélandaise. Pourtant, c’est grâce à cet arsenal particulièrement létal que, vendredi 15 mars, le terroriste a tué 50 personnes et en a blessé 50 autres dans deux mosquées du centre-ville de Christchurch.

    Le pire massacre de l’histoire récente du pays. « Ce que je peux vous dire, c’est que notre législation sur les armes va changer », a indiqué dès le lendemain de l’attentat islamophobe la première ministre travailliste, Jacinda Ardern.


  • Nouvelle-Zélande : à Christchurch, un attentat islamophobe – International | L’Opinion

    Lorsque, le 27 octobre 2018, un extrémiste de droite tue 11 personnes dans une synagogue de Pittsburgh (Etats-Unis), la France avait condamné, par un tweet d’Emmanuel Macron, « un acte odieux d’antisémitisme ». Vendredi matin, après l’attaque terroriste contre deux mosquées de Christchurch (Nouvelle-Zélande), la France, via un communiqué du Quai d’Orsay, condamne un « odieux attentat ». Sans plus. Ce n’est pas suffisant.

    En France, le mot islamophobie suscite, il est vrai, polémiques et malaises. L’intellectuel Pierre-André Taguieff y voit par exemple « un mot qui tue », Pascal Bruckner « un racisme imaginaire », alors qu’Élisabeth Badinter assure qu’« il ne faut pas avoir peur de se faire traiter d’islamophobe » en critiquant l’islam.

  • Info prise chez Nova dont je ne suis pas sur du rapport à l’underground.

    « Underground Radio Directory, et recense des radios underground de 28 différents pays, de Tokyo a Glasgow en passant par Kansas City mais aussi Marrakech et São Paulo, il y en a pour tous les goûts et on y fait de très belles découvertes. »

    Underground Radio Directory.

    Number of stations : 86


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    Christchurch, New Zealand

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  • Un séisme de 7.8, suivi d’un tsunami, frappe la Nouvelle-Zélande (Maj)

    Le tremblement de terre, de magnitude 7,8, a eu lieu dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi à 23 kilomètres de profondeur et à 90 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Christchurch, sur l’île du Sud. Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 a secoué la Nouvelle-Zélande dimanche...