
  • Lawrence Ferlinghetti is still revolutionary at age 100 –

    Poet, retail entrepreneur, social critic, publisher, combat veteran, pacifist, poor boy, privileged boy, outspoken socialist and successful capitalist, with roots in the East Coast and the West Coast (as well as Paris), Ferlinghetti has not just survived for a century: He epitomizes the American culture of that century.

    Specifically, he has been a unique protagonist in a national drama: the American struggle to imagine a democratic culture. How does the ideal of social mobility affect notions of high and low, Europe and the New World, tradition and progress? That struggle of imagination underlies the art of Walt Whitman and Duke Ellington, Emily Dickinson and Buster Keaton. It also underlies a range of American issues, from the segregation of public schools to the reality of human-caused climate change. Those political issues involve our interbreeding of the highbrow and the vulgarian in a supercharged process whose complexities defy simplifying terms like “culture wars.”

    The founder of the San Francisco landmark City Lights bookshop rang in the turn of his very own century as his adopted city—he’s originally from New York—celebrated “Lawrence Ferlinghetti Day,” one of many centennial celebrations held throughout March in his honor.

    Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer, who once worked at City Lights and has been a lifelong friend of Ferlinghetti, writes about the city’s festivities, “Lawrence turns 100 today and poetry owns the Barbary Coast in a wild romp of readings at bars, galleries, and other watering holes in North Beach around Broadway and Columbus where City Lights Bookstore still stands as the best rebuke to the slick mindlessness of capitalist culture that now overwhelms Ferlinghetti’s once beloved bohemian San Francisco.”

    #Lawrence_Ferlinghetti #Belle_personne #City_lights

  • Aux #Etats-Unis, lumière sur les disparitions et meurtres d’#Amérindiennes

    Autre facteur : les polices tribales n’ont pas autorité pour poursuivre les non-#Amérindiens, même pour des agressions commises sur leurs terres. La police fédérale délaisse beaucoup de cas et quand elle prend en charge un dossier, des mois ont parfois été perdus.

  • USA - Iran : Pour faire oublier les dessous de table de trump
    Trump : La couche de fange la plus épaisse Paul Jorion

    Quand on s’attribue généreusement l’image de celui qui asséchera le bourbier, qui drainera le marécage (« To Drain the Swamp »), le risque que l’on court, c’est que quelqu’un découvre que c’est dans votre propre jardin que la couche de fange est en réalité la plus épaisse.

    Le président #Trump a accepté de courir ce risque et il en récolte aujourd’hui les fruits amers.

    Mercredi de la semaine dernière, le 2 mai, Rudolph Giuliani, ancien maire de New York et candidat malheureux à l’investiture du Parti républicain aux élections présidentielles de 2008, qui venait de rejoindre l’équipe d’avocats de Trump, jetait un pavé dans la mare : « Non, les 130.000 $ de prix du silence versés à l’actrice porno #Stormy_Daniels ne constituaient pas une infraction au financement de la campagne présidentielle : ils avaient été remboursés par #Trump lui-même, par l’intermédiaire de son avocat Michael Cohen, grâce à des versements mensuels d’un montant de 35.000 dollars ».

    Or on apprend aujourd’hui dans un document versé au dossier par l’avocat de Daniels (de son vrai nom Stephanie Clifford), le très haut en couleurs Michael Avenatti (il a couru entre autres les 24 heures du Mans), que d’autres – et en particulier, la compagnie #AT&T – alimentaient par des versements du même ordre de grandeur le compte de Essential Consultants, la coquille créée par Cohen dans l’état du #Delaware, fameux pour son moins-disant juridique, moins de quinze jours avant le premier versement à Clifford.

    La justification des 200.000 $ versés par AT&T : « Obtenir des lumières (insights) quant au fonctionnement de la nouvelle administration », par le truchement de quelqu’un fort bien placé pour connaître ce type d’information : nul autre que l’avocat de Trump lui-même. Aucun rapport donc entre ce versement et l’approbation que la firme cherche à obtenir en ce moment dans sa tentative de prise de contrôle de #Time_Warner_Inc. d’un montant de 85 milliards de dollars, tentative bloquée depuis novembre de l’année dernière par le ministère de la Justice dans le cadre de l’application des lois anti-trust (une décision est attendue le 12 juin). Le principal souci pour les deux cocontractants est sans doute aujourd’hui que le vin au fond du pot ne noie la chandelle dont on espérait la lumière !

    Et AT&T n’était pas seule à verser, entre la fin de l’année dernière et le début de celle-ci, des fonds considérables à l’avocat de Trump. On compte aussi la firme coréenne #Korea_Aerospace_Industries qui s’efforce en ce moment, en concurrence avec l’Américain #Lockheed_Martin, d’obtenir un contrat juteux d’avions de chasse d’essai pour l’US Air Force. Il y avait aussi la firme pharmaceutique suisse #Novartis, qui n’a pas hésité à verser à Essential Consultants, en douze tranches, 1,2 millions de dollars, à l’époque où les paiements dits « de M. Trump » remboursaient son avocat de sa généreuse avance (dont il a affirmé lui, de manière un peu pitoyable, qu’elle était alimentée par une ligne de crédit dont son logement servait de collatéral) .

    Mais ce n’est pas tout : les généreux #donateurs de l’avocat de M. Trump, à l’époque où il s’efforçait de gérer la cupidité d’amantes – ou s’affirmant telles – importunes du Président, comptaient aussi le fonds Columbus Nova, essentiellement financé par l’#oligarque_russe #Viktor_Vekselberg et géré par son cousin #Andrew_Intrater, lequel a offert 250.000 $ comme contribution personnelle au financement de l’inauguration officielle de M. Trump.

    Or Vekselberg est déjà l’objet de sanctions imposées début avril par Robert Mueller dans le cadre de son enquête sur une éventuelle collusion entre la campagne de Trump et la Russie, comme l’interdiction pour lui de se rendre aux États-Unis ou d’y ouvrir un compte en banque. La raison pour laquelle Vekselberg était sanctionné était loin d’être claire à l’époque car il était question surtout d’interférences russes avec la campagne électorale par le biais de la diffusion de propagande populiste, suprématiste, etc. sur les réseaux sociaux.

    Et ceci signifie que ce que nous découvrons aujourd’hui du fait de la diligence d’Avenatti, l’avocat de Stormy Daniels, la commission Mueller le sait déjà depuis le 6 avril, jour où ces sanctions furent prises à l’égard de « sept oligarques russes et douze compagnies dont ils sont les propriétaires ou qu’ils contrôlent, dix-sept fonctionnaires de haut rang du gouvernement russe, ainsi qu’une firme d’État de commerce d’armement et une banque russe, sa filiale. »

    Et l’on comprend mieux du coup a posteriori l’affolement de Trump le 9 avril quand la totalité des dossiers de son avocat Michael Cohen furent saisis dans un raid du #FBI, conjointement chez lui, dans le bureau qu’il occupait dans une firme d’avocats qui rompit immédiatement ses relations avec lui, ainsi que dans la chambre qu’il occupait dans un hôtel durant la rénovation de son domicile.

    La conclusion à tirer, c’est que pour des versements comme des peccadilles du genre 130.000 $ pour faire taire des empêcheurs ou empêcheuses de danser en rond du type Stormy Daniels, les candidats se bousculaient en réalité au portillon, allant d’#oligarques russes à des compagnies américaines à la tête de conglomérats internationaux comme AT&T, et que les #pots-de-vin tombaient comme à #Gravelotte (4,4 millions de dollars versés à Essential Consultants selon le New York Times).

    Ce que les tribulations de tous ces généreux #corrupteurs et #corrompus suggèrent, c’est que tout pays se révèle peut-être une république bananière aussitôt que l’on s’intéresse à la partie immergée de l’iceberg, la différence entre les cas flagrants et les autres n’étant qu’au niveau de la gestion des apparences.

    Quoi qu’il en soit, l’assèchement du bourbier, le « Du balai », ce n’est donc pas Trump qui s’en occupe en réalité, c’est Robert Mueller, et le bourbier s’assèche de jour en jour de lui-même, sans que Mueller doive même dire quoi que ce soit. Et avec un peu de chance, Trump disparaîtra du paysage avant même que celui-ci ne dépose ses conclusions.

    On comprend mieux dans ce contexte l’empressement de Trump ces jours-ci à mettre en application les propositions les plus décervelées de son programme, du genre de sa dénonciation hier du traité avec l’#Iran : l’étau se resserre pour lui, et le temps presse toujours davantage. « J’aurai au moins honoré mes promesses de campagne ! », se dit-il sans doute. Et s’il se retrouve en prison, il aura au moins la satisfaction de ne pas avoir trahi sa base. Laquelle exultera, nul n’en doute, et le portera en triomphe, à sa sortie de Sing-Sing dans quelques dizaines d’années.

  • Iran. « Pas acceptable » que les États-Unis soient le « gendarme » de la planète

    J’espère que ce petit épisode sur l’Iran permettra au commun des mortels d’entrevoir la dictature sans partage qu’exerce les États-unis sur la France et sur le monde… (vidéo ci-dessous)

    Il faut dire que quand on consacre 700 Milliards de dollars par an à son armé ont a quelques arguments...

    Selon Bruno Le Maire, il n’est « pas acceptable » que les États-Unis se placent en « gendarme économique de la planète » après la décision de Donald Trump de rétablir les sanctions visant l’Iran.

    Jugeant que le retrait américain de l’accord nucléaire est « une erreur » pour la sécurité internationale, mais aussi du point de vue économique, Bruno Le Maire a observé que cette décision aurait des « conséquences » pour les entreprises françaises, telles que Total, Sanofi, Renault ou encore Peugeot. « En deux ans, la France a (...)

    • Trump : La couche de fange la plus épaisse Paul Jorion

      Quand on s’attribue généreusement l’image de celui qui asséchera le bourbier, qui drainera le marécage (« To Drain the Swamp »), le risque que l’on court, c’est que quelqu’un découvre que c’est dans votre propre jardin que la couche de fange est en réalité la plus épaisse.

      Le président #Trump a accepté de courir ce risque et il en récolte aujourd’hui les fruits amers.

      Mercredi de la semaine dernière, le 2 mai, Rudolph Giuliani, ancien maire de New York et candidat malheureux à l’investiture du Parti républicain aux élections présidentielles de 2008, qui venait de rejoindre l’équipe d’avocats de Trump, jetait un pavé dans la mare : « Non, les 130.000 $ de prix du silence versés à l’actrice porno #Stormy_Daniels ne constituaient pas une infraction au financement de la campagne présidentielle : ils avaient été remboursés par #Trump lui-même, par l’intermédiaire de son avocat Michael Cohen, grâce à des versements mensuels d’un montant de 35.000 dollars ».

      Or on apprend aujourd’hui dans un document versé au dossier par l’avocat de Daniels (de son vrai nom Stephanie Clifford), le très haut en couleurs Michael Avenatti (il a couru entre autres les 24 heures du Mans), que d’autres – et en particulier, la compagnie #AT&T – alimentaient par des versements du même ordre de grandeur le compte de Essential Consultants, la coquille créée par Cohen dans l’état du #Delaware, fameux pour son moins-disant juridique, moins de quinze jours avant le premier versement à Clifford.

      La justification des 200.000 $ versés par AT&T : « Obtenir des lumières (insights) quant au fonctionnement de la nouvelle administration », par le truchement de quelqu’un fort bien placé pour connaître ce type d’information : nul autre que l’avocat de Trump lui-même. Aucun rapport donc entre ce versement et l’approbation que la firme cherche à obtenir en ce moment dans sa tentative de prise de contrôle de #Time_Warner_Inc. d’un montant de 85 milliards de dollars, tentative bloquée depuis novembre de l’année dernière par le ministère de la Justice dans le cadre de l’application des lois anti-trust (une décision est attendue le 12 juin). Le principal souci pour les deux cocontractants est sans doute aujourd’hui que le vin au fond du pot ne noie la chandelle dont on espérait la lumière !

      Et AT&T n’était pas seule à verser, entre la fin de l’année dernière et le début de celle-ci, des fonds considérables à l’avocat de Trump. On compte aussi la firme coréenne #Korea_Aerospace_Industries qui s’efforce en ce moment, en concurrence avec l’Américain #Lockheed_Martin, d’obtenir un contrat juteux d’avions de chasse d’essai pour l’US Air Force. Il y avait aussi la firme pharmaceutique suisse #Novartis, qui n’a pas hésité à verser à Essential Consultants, en douze tranches, 1,2 millions de dollars, à l’époque où les paiements dits « de M. Trump » remboursaient son avocat de sa généreuse avance (dont il a affirmé lui, de manière un peu pitoyable, qu’elle était alimentée par une ligne de crédit dont son logement servait de collatéral) .

      Mais ce n’est pas tout : les généreux #donateurs de l’avocat de M. Trump, à l’époque où il s’efforçait de gérer la cupidité d’amantes – ou s’affirmant telles – importunes du Président, comptaient aussi le fonds Columbus Nova, essentiellement financé par l’#oligarque_russe #Viktor_Vekselberg et géré par son cousin #Andrew_Intrater, lequel a offert 250.000 $ comme contribution personnelle au financement de l’inauguration officielle de M. Trump.

      Or Vekselberg est déjà l’objet de sanctions imposées début avril par Robert Mueller dans le cadre de son enquête sur une éventuelle collusion entre la campagne de Trump et la Russie, comme l’interdiction pour lui de se rendre aux États-Unis ou d’y ouvrir un compte en banque. La raison pour laquelle Vekselberg était sanctionné était loin d’être claire à l’époque car il était question surtout d’interférences russes avec la campagne électorale par le biais de la diffusion de propagande populiste, suprématiste, etc. sur les réseaux sociaux.

      Et ceci signifie que ce que nous découvrons aujourd’hui du fait de la diligence d’Avenatti, l’avocat de Stormy Daniels, la commission Mueller le sait déjà depuis le 6 avril, jour où ces sanctions furent prises à l’égard de « sept oligarques russes et douze compagnies dont ils sont les propriétaires ou qu’ils contrôlent, dix-sept fonctionnaires de haut rang du gouvernement russe, ainsi qu’une firme d’État de commerce d’armement et une banque russe, sa filiale. »

      Et l’on comprend mieux du coup a posteriori l’affolement de Trump le 9 avril quand la totalité des dossiers de son avocat Michael Cohen furent saisis dans un raid du #FBI, conjointement chez lui, dans le bureau qu’il occupait dans une firme d’avocats qui rompit immédiatement ses relations avec lui, ainsi que dans la chambre qu’il occupait dans un hôtel durant la rénovation de son domicile.

      La conclusion à tirer, c’est que pour des versements comme des peccadilles du genre 130.000 $ pour faire taire des empêcheurs ou empêcheuses de danser en rond du type Stormy Daniels, les candidats se bousculaient en réalité au portillon, allant d’#oligarques russes à des compagnies américaines à la tête de conglomérats internationaux comme AT&T, et que les #pots-de-vin tombaient comme à #Gravelotte (4,4 millions de dollars versés à Essential Consultants selon le New York Times).

      Ce que les tribulations de tous ces généreux #corrupteurs et #corrompus suggèrent, c’est que tout pays se révèle peut-être une république bananière aussitôt que l’on s’intéresse à la partie immergée de l’iceberg, la différence entre les cas flagrants et les autres n’étant qu’au niveau de la gestion des apparences.

      Quoi qu’il en soit, l’assèchement du bourbier, le « Du balai », ce n’est donc pas Trump qui s’en occupe en réalité, c’est Robert Mueller, et le bourbier s’assèche de jour en jour de lui-même, sans que Mueller doive même dire quoi que ce soit. Et avec un peu de chance, Trump disparaîtra du paysage avant même que celui-ci ne dépose ses conclusions.

      On comprend mieux dans ce contexte l’empressement de Trump ces jours-ci à mettre en application les propositions les plus décervelées de son programme, du genre de sa dénonciation hier du traité avec l’#Iran : l’étau se resserre pour lui, et le temps presse toujours davantage. « J’aurai au moins honoré mes promesses de campagne ! », se dit-il sans doute. Et s’il se retrouve en prison, il aura au moins la satisfaction de ne pas avoir trahi sa base. Laquelle exultera, nul n’en doute, et le portera en triomphe, à sa sortie de Sing-Sing dans quelques dizaines d’années.

  • The Mapping of Massacres in Australia | The New Yorker

    From New York to Cape Town to Sydney, the bronze body doubles of the white men of empire—Columbus, Rhodes, Cook—have lately been pelted with feces, sprayed with graffiti, had their hands painted red. Some have been toppled. The fate of these statues—and those representing white men of a different era, in Charlottesville and elsewhere—has ignited debate about the political act of publicly memorializing historical figures responsible for atrocities. But when the statues come down, how might the atrocities themselves be publicly commemorated, rather than repressed?

    #australie #aborigènes #massacres #cartographie #art

  • This New York Activist Wants To Replace A Statue Of Columbus With Toussaint L’Ouverture | HuffPost

    In 2013, when Glenn Cantave was an undergrad student studying abroad in Bolivia, he did as many tourists do in the country and visited the colossal statue of Cristo de la Concordia, one of the largest depictions of Jesus in the world.

    For many Bolivians, the statue is a site of national pride. The 133-foot figure towers over visitors clamoring to take his photo, his arms outstretched as if offering a giant hug. But for Cantave, something about it felt wrong. “I have nothing bad to say about Jesus as a guy,” he told HuffPost. “But Bolivia has one of the largest indigenous cultures in South America and the religion of Christianity was imposed on its people. This image of a white man looking down on everyone was very problematic.”

  • Droits de l’homme : Montée du racisme et de la xénophobie aux Etats-Unis | Radio des Nations Unies

    Un groupe d’experts des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies a prévenu mercredi que le #racisme et la #xénophobie étaient en hausse aux #États-Unis. « Nous sommes indignés par les violences à Charlottesville et la haine raciale affichée par des extrémistes de droite, des #suprématistes blancs et des groupes #néo-nazis », ont déclaré ces experts dans une déclaration conjointe.

    De son côté le Secrétaire général de l’ONU a lui aussi declaré que Le racisme, la xénophobie, l’#antisémitisme et l’#islamophobie sont des poisons pour nos societés.

    Ces experts sont Sabelo Gumedze, Président du Groupe de travail des experts sur les personnes d’ascendance africaine, Mutuma Ruteere, Rapporteur spécial sur les formes contemporaines de racisme, de #discrimination raciale, de xénophobie et d’intolérance qui y est associée, et Anastasia Crickley, Présidente du Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale.

    Hate Crimes Rise in Major US Cities in 2017

    Hate crimes have jumped by nearly 20 percent in major U.S. cities through much of this year, after increasing nationally by 5 percent last year, according to police data compiled by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino.

    The number of hate crimes in 13 cities with a population of over 250,000 rose to 827 incidents, up 19.9 percent from 690 reported during the same period last year, according to the study. Only two cities - Columbus, Ohio, and Riverside, California - posted declines.

    Among the nation’s six largest cities, including New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago, the number of hate incidents increased to 526 from 431 last year, up 22.4 percent, according to the study.

    In New York City, hate crimes jumped 28.4 percent; in Los Angeles by 13 percent; in Philadelphia by 9 percent; in Chicago, by 8.3 percent, and in Phoenix, Arizona, by a whopping 46 percent. Houston, the nation’s No. 4 city, bucked the trend, reporting five incidents through July 31, the same number as last year.

    Major hate crimes reported this year included the stabbing of an African-American man in New York City in March; the fatal stabbing of two men protecting a hijab-wearing Muslim woman in Portland, Oregon in May; and the killing of a protester in Charlottesville, Virginia last month.

    All were committed by “avowed white supremacists,” said Brian Levin, director of the hate and extremism studies center in California.

    If 2017 ends with an overall increase, it would mark the third consecutive annual rise in hate crimes, something not seen since 2004, according to Levin said.

  • Historians Question Trump’s Comments on Confederate Monuments - The New York Times

    President Trump is not generally known as a student of history. But on Tuesday, during a combative exchange with reporters at Trump Tower in New York, he unwittingly waded into a complex debate about history and memory that has roiled college campuses and numerous cities over the past several years.

    Asked about the white nationalist rally that ended in violence last weekend in Charlottesville, Va., Mr. Trump defended some who had gathered to protect a statue of Robert E. Lee, and criticized the “alt-left” counterprotesters who had confronted them.

    Many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee,” Mr. Trump said. “So this week, it is Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down.

    George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the president noted, were also slave owners. “I wonder, is it George Washington next week?” Mr. Trump said. “And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after?
    Mr. Grossman [executive director of the American Historical Association] noted that most Confederate monuments were constructed in two periods: the 1890s, as Jim Crow was being established, and in the 1950s, during a period of mass Southern resistance to the civil rights movement.

    We would not want to whitewash our history by pretending that Jim Crow and disenfranchisement or massive resistance to the civil rights movement never happened,” he said. “That is the part of our history that these monuments testify to.

    How the events in Charlottesville, and Mr. Trump’s comments, will affect the continuing debate over Confederate monuments remains to be seen. Mr. Witt [a professor of history at Yale], for one, suggested that white nationalist support might backfire.

    He noted that it was the 2015 murder of nine African-American churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., by a white supremacist that led to the removal of the Confederate flag from the grounds of the statehouse.

    The amazing thing is that the president is doing more to endanger historical monuments than most of the protesters,” he said. “The alt-right is producing a world where there is more pressure to remove monuments, rather than less.

    • Baltimore Removes Confederate Statues in Overnight Operation | 2017-08-16


      Workers removed the Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson monument in Baltimore.

      Beginning soon after midnight on Wednesday, a crew, which included a large crane and a contingent of police officers, began making rounds of the city’s parks and public squares, tearing the monuments from their pedestals and carting them out of town.


      Small crowds gathered at each of the monuments and the mood was “celebratory,” said Baynard Woods, the editor at large of The Baltimore City Paper, who documented the removals on Twitter.


      The statues were taken down by order of Mayor Catherine Pugh, after the City Council voted on Monday for their removal. The city had been studying the issue since 2015, when a mass shooting by a white supremacist at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C., prompted a renewed debate across the South over removing Confederate monuments and battle flags from public spaces.
      The police confirmed the removal.


      By 3:30 a.m., three of the city’s four monuments had been removed. They included the Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson Monument, a double equestrian statue of the Confederate generals erected in 1948; the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument, erected in 1903; and the Roger B. Taney Monument, erected in 1887.


      Taney was a Supreme Court chief justice and Maryland native who wrote the landmark 1857 decision in the Dred Scott case, ruling that even free blacks had no claim to citizenship in the United States. Although Taney was never part of the Confederacy, the court’s decision was celebrated by supporters of slavery.

      The fourth statue, the Confederate Women’s Monument, was dedicated in 1917. Pictures showed that it too had been taken down early on Wednesday.


      One Twitter user, James MacArthur, live-streamed the removal of the Lee and Jackson monument as it was unceremoniously torn from its pedestal and strapped to a flatbed truck. At street level, lit by the harsh glare of police klieg lights, the two generals appeared small.

      Residents were seen celebrating on the pedestal, on which someone had spray-painted “Black Lives Matter.”


      A team of police cars escorted the statues out of town. Ms. Pugh suggested on Monday that the statues might be relocated to Confederate cemeteries elsewhere in the state. (Although Maryland never seceded from the Union during the Civil War, there was popular support for the Confederacy in Baltimore and Southern Maryland, where Confederate soldiers are buried.)


      trouvé en cherchant au réseau

      #Baltimore #Charlottesville #statues #États_Unis
      #suprématisme_blanc #iconoclasme #Confédération #histoire #racisme #esclavage

    • Baltimore Removes Confederate Statues After Activists Gave City Ultimatium | (#vidéo 7’15’’) TRNN 2017-08-16


      Owen Silverman Andrews: Sure, I think it’s exciting, and the culmination of intense, years-long grassroots organizing and pressure that was a flashpoint, like you said, when white supremacist violence occurred in Charleston and then again in Charlottesville, but also in response to ongoing white supremacist violence here in Baltimore City. And so Fredrick Douglass said, “Power yields nothing without demand.” And that’s exactly what happened here. It was, “Oh, this is too expensive. This will take too long,” and ultimately, when push comes to shove, the government will respond when we force the government to respond and not before.

      Jaisal Noor: And so defenders, even liberal defenders I talk to say, “This is history. We can’t remove history. It needs to be preserved. We shouldn’t take them down.” How do you respond to those arguments?

      Owen Silverman Andrews: Sure. The Lee/Jackson monument is not history. It’s a false narrative. It’s the Lost Cause mythology. It was put up in the 1940s, not to honor fallen Confederate veterans like some of the older monuments supposedly were alluding to, but it was put up as a triumphant symbol of rising white supremacy and resurgent white power. And so leaving the Lee/Jackson statue in place is the erasure of history, not the removal of it. If you look at the way Nazi Germany, for example, has dealt with their past, they do not leave statues of Hitler and Eichmann in place. They remove them and put up plaques and said, “Jewish families lived here,” and that’s the way to remember history. Not to leave up triumphant statues of genocidal maniacs.

      Jaisal Noor: Yeah, and you didn’t hear those same people defending the statues of Saddam in Iraq.

      Owen Silverman Andrews: Exactly. Exactly. It’s a false logic, and it’s a defense mechanism of people who can’t grapple with either their own privilege or internalized white supremacy, and so we can remember history without celebrating slavery and genocide and rape.

      Jaisal Noor: And so is the work now done now that this is down?

      Owen Silverman Andrews: Columbus is next. There are two Columbus statues in Baltimore, One in Druid Hill Park, and another in Little Italy. And if those don’t come down based on government action from the City, then they’ll come down based on #grassroots_action. So those are the next two, Columbus in Druid Hill and Columbus in Little Italy. Columbus started the trans-Atlantic slave trade. He brought syphilis to the hemisphere. He was a rapist who took indigenous women to Europe and had sex with them against their will, and so we’re planning a funeral for Columbus to lay him to rest, and to move onto the next chapter so we can celebrate people like Thurgood Marshall and Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, and hold up those leaders who struggled against that type of oppression instead of honoring those who initiated it.


      trouvé en cherchant dans le réseau

      #air_du_temps #goût_du_jour
      #séquelles #activisme

  • Les aventuriers du développement - CQFD, mensuel de critique et d’expérimentation sociales

    Au sud de la Guyane, au cœur de la forêt amazonienne, la multinationale canadienne Colombus Gold salive sur le site de la Montagne d’or. Jusqu’ici, l’État français tempérait les ardeurs des lobbies miniers, mais face à la crise… Et avec un prés’ de la Rép’ business-friendly… Faut voir.

    Caché derrière ses lunettes noires, le téléphone à portée de main, un représentant du secteur aurifère exprime avec enthousiasme sa vision d’avenir : « Aujourd’hui on représente 4% du PIB guyanais. Avant l’arrivée de Colombus, on avait calculé qu’avec une centaine d’artisans, quatre ou cinq PME et une multinationale, on montait à 16%. C’est pour ça que nous voulons faire de la mine le premier secteur économique de Guyane. On peut y arriver en moins de dix ans. Et avec deux multinationales, aujourd’hui, c’est encore mieux ! »

    #extractivisme #or (fièvre de l’) #business-friendly_president

    Un vrai projet de #développement_écocidaire pour la #Guyane avec un casting de choix : #groupe_Bolloré #Jacques_Attali #Colombus_Gold

    Le projet Paul Isnard est composé de huit concessions minières couvrant une superficie de 190 km2. Il est accessible en toute saison à partir de Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni par une piste de 120 kilomètres, et en petits avions jusqu’au camp du projet grâce à une piste d’atterrissage située sur le campement. Plusieurs routes sillonnent les concessions minières et fournissent l’accès aux camions. Columbus Gold détient un intérêt de 100% dans le projet Paul Isnard.

  • A digital archive of slave voyages details the largest forced migration in history

    Between 1500 and 1866, slave traders forced 12.5 million Africans aboard transatlantic slave vessels. Before 1820, four enslaved Africans crossed the Atlantic for every European, making Africa the demographic wellspring for the repopulation of the Americas after Columbus’ voyages. The slave trade pulled virtually every port that faced the Atlantic Ocean – from Copenhagen to Cape Town and Boston to Buenos Aires – into its orbit.

    #migrations_forcées #migrations #esclavage #histoire #données #statistiques #chiffres #cartographie #visualisation
    cc @reka

  • No longer ‘Mayberry’ : A small Ohio city fights an epidemic of self-destruction - The Washington Post

    Residents often blame the drug problem on “the 23 pipeline,” a reference to Route 23. The highway brings in dealers from Columbus and Detroit to the north. To the south is Portsmouth, on the Ohio River. Once famous for shoe factories, Portsmouth is now better known as the setting of “Dreamland,” the acclaimed book by Sam Quinones that described how the proliferation of pain clinics (known as “pill mills”) helped create the opioid epidemic.

    #beau #reportage sur une petite ville de l’Amérique profonde, où une vague de #drogue (et de #fentanyl) a suivi une vague de prescription #pharma

  • Palmarès des villes états-uniennes pour les #punaises

    Cities with the most bed bugs : Does your hometown rank ? | Fox News

    For the first time, Baltimore has topped pest control company Orkin’s list of top 50 cities with the most bed bug treatments, a ranking based on national home and commercial treatment data from Dec. 1, 2015 to Nov. 30, 2016.
    1. Baltimore (+9)
    2. Washington, D.C. (+1)
    3. Chicago (-2)
    4. New York
    5. Columbus, Ohio
    6. Los Angeles (-4)
    7. Detroit
    8. Cincinnati
    9. Philadelphia (-3)
    10. San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose (+4)

  • Plongée dans mes archives de novembre 2004 (eh oui, je garde tout!).

    George W. Bush est réélu le 2 novembre contre John Kerry (et Ralph Nader dans le rôle de Jill Stein) alors que son bilan est terrible et que “tout le monde” pense la victoire de Kerry nécessaire et évidente...

    Les articles du New-York Times pourraient être publiés ces jours ci en changeant juste quelques noms propres, si ça vous amuse de les relire...

    Si l’analyse est bonne (mais ça se discute toujours: est-ce la “faute” des pauvres, incultes, sexistes et racistes, qui votent mal ou de l’establishment démocrate dans sa tour d’ivoire qui a perdu le contact avec la réalité?), les leçons, douze ans après, ne semblent pas avoir été tirées.

    D’autre part, l’un des articles (et un autre de Michael Moore que je n’inclue pas ici) insiste sur le fait que les jeunes, eux, ont “bien” voté, sous entendant que le vote républicain est un vote du passé et que l’avenir appartient aux démocrates. Douze ans plus tard, les jeunes sont devenus vieux et la promesse n’a pas été tenue...

    Op-Ed Columnist: Living Poor, Voting Rich
    NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF, The New York Times Company, November 3, 2004
    OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR: The Day the Enlightenment Went Out
    GARRY WILLS, The New-York Times, November 4, 2004
    The Red Zone
    MAUREEN DOWD, The New-York Times, 4 November 2004
    A Blue City (Disconsolate, Even) Bewildered by a Red America
    JOSEPH BERGER, The New-York Times, November 4, 2004
    Scrooge’s nightmare
    Leonard Steinhorn, Salon, November 25, 2004
    On recevait aussi à l’époque des messages plus ou moins humoristiques sur la situation. Aujourd’hui ce serait plutôt sur Facebook, mais ce sont à peu près les mêmes:

    Blue America Charter
    Barbara Moran and Brian Collins, November 3, 2004

    Fellow citizens!

    It gives me great happiness to unveil our plans for the liberation of Blue America. For the past three years, we have, in conjunction with a handful of MIT engineers, been constructing a giant, cordless circular saw, which is now complete. With this saw, we plan to carve our thriving, prosperous eastern Blue nation away from the spreading infection of red america. We will then set a mighty sail, which will carry us around the tip of South America and allow us to join our Blue compadres on the West Coast. We will use our giant saw to free our friends, then join our two lands together and sail to a designated point in the Pacific Ocean. There, we will establish our new country: Blue America.

    Basic Tenets
    Blue America will be founded on the same ideals as the former United States of America. These ideals, sadly, have been decimated by the same red plague that scrambled the brains of so many of our unfortunate former fellow-citizens. These ideals include:
    - The Separation of Church and State
    - Freedom of Speech
    - Freedom of Assembly and Protest
    - Equal rights for all and due process under the Constitution

    Blue America will have many additional aspirations not shared by red america, including:
    - The goal of giving every citizen high quality education and health care (even prescription drugs!), regardless of their race, ethnic background or income
    - The right to a satisfying career with fair pay, job security and an eight-hour workday
    - Respect for other cultures and honesty in our dealings with other countries
    - The right to worship the deity of your choice (or not)
    - Family values, meaning the right of anyone to form a family if they wish
    - Compassion for the poor and sick
    - Belief in the value of: fresh food, recycling, renewable energy, independent bookstores and movie theatres, literacy, the free exchange of ideas, clean air, clean water, sushi, Julia Child cookbooks, Scrabble, humor, honesty, exercise, art, poetry, community gardens, mass transit, local cheese, the scientific process, the theory of Evolution, national parks, bicycles, music, sidewalks, trees, books, family farms, locally-owned diners with revolving pie cabinets, and decent coffee.

    Membership in Blue America will be limited to residents of states that voted “blue” in the 2004 election, with the following exceptions:

    1. Red “carriers” (or “vectors”) who are currently living in Blue America are kindly asked to leave before the liberation.
    2. Members of certain Blue outposts in red america (like Austin, Texas) will be allowed to apply for Blue America citizenship.
    3. Members of Blue outposts in Ohio (Oberlin) will also be allowed to apply for citizenship. However, if accepted they must accept a one-year probationary period. Similarly, members of Blue outposts in Florida (South Beach) will also be allowed to apply, but must accept a two-year probationary period.
    4. Members of the Bush family are excluded for life, as are members of the Bush cabinet and all Fox News anchors, and Kid Rock. (Sorry, Colin Powell, but you had your chance.)

    The first official sports team of Blue America will be the Boston Red Sox (hereby re-named the Boston Blue Sox). However, red propagandist Curt Schilling will be cut from the Sox and banished to the worst team in baseball. Also, we’ll take Derek Jeter, if he’s interested.

    Engineers have already begun separating northern Maine from the continent. We plan to be fully liberated and set sail on Blue Inauguration day, January 21, 2005. Pack your guitars, books and Hawaiian shirts, and let’s hear it for the blue, white and blue!

    Bring on the saw!
    Barb and Brian
    Disaffected Americans look north to ’better government’
    MARINA JIMÉNEZ, 4 November 2004

    Some Americans are willing to do anything to avoid another four years of George W. Bush — even move to Canada.

    Joe Auerbach is so disappointed with Mr. Bush’s election victory that he is planning to give up a job as a systems analyst and leave his comfortable life in Columbus, Ohio, to move to a country with “a better government and more reasonable people.”

    “Today, once the Bush victory was clear, my e-mail was burning up with people vowing to leave the U.S. for Canada,” said Mr. Auerbach, 27.

    “I don’t want to be living in the U.S. when China decides we are a threat and when George Bush starts drafting computer engineers into the army. I’m morally opposed to the Bush administration.”

    He and several other disenchanted Americans are contacting immigration lawyers north of the border to see whether they qualify to immigrate to Canada. It is too soon to say whether this is political hot air or the start of a new trend in immigration.

    But among some middle-class, liberal Americans, there is a growing sense of political disengagement as they realize the majority of their fellow citizens support the conservative agenda of Mr. Bush, who received 51 per cent of the popular vote, winning more votes than any other president in U.S. history.

    “Mr. Auerbach is one of many middle-class Americans who have a philosophical difference with the direction the U.S. is taking,” said Sergio Karas, a Toronto immigration lawyer. “I have received several inquiries from people like him who want to move here.”

    Jacqueline Bart, a Toronto immigration lawyer, said she recently attended a conference in New York and more than a dozen U.S. lawyers asked her about sending their children to study in Canada. “There is a sense of hesitation about the direction Bush is taking the country in,” she said.

    Clyde Williamson, a libertarian from Ohio, feels the Bush administration is too conservative on social-justice issues such as gay rights, abortion and the medicinal use of marijuana. He is also opposed to the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

    “I don’t think the U.S. is going to turn into Nazi Germany or anything. But it is going to become a much more conservative country,” said the 29-year-old computer-security engineer.

    Others feel Mr. Bush’s unilateralist foreign policy is more troubling even than his social conservatism. A former U.S. diplomat who has already applied for permanent-resident status said yesterday that Mr. Bush’s election victory has accelerated his determination to relocate permanently to Vancouver.

    “I’m watching this administration preside over the virtual destruction of relations with the Muslim world — and, I fear, end up strengthening the forces of terrorism as a result,” he said.

    “The values of Canada are what I thought the values of the U.S. used to be: personal freedoms, a sense of need for a global community and consensus. The U.S. is losing its way.”

    A Toronto lawyer representing three U.S. soldiers who have fled to Canada to avoid fighting in Iraq said Mr. Bush’s re-election means more U.S. deserters are likely to seek refugee status north of the border.

    Jeffry House, a Vietnam-era draft-dodger who is steering the refugee claims of the three young men, says he has received about 80 e-mails from other U.S. soldiers stationed around the world, inquiring about escaping to Canada to avoid serving in Iraq. At least five U.S. soldiers are believed to have fled to Canada.

    Maria Iadinardi, spokeswoman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, said it is too soon to say whether there has been a spike in the number of Americans being granted permanent residency, noting the number has fluctuated in recent years from a low of 4,437 in 1998 to a high of 5,604 in 2001.

    So far this year, 5,353 Americans have become permanent residents.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, drop your borders: Now that George W. Bush has been officially elected, single, sexy, American liberals - already a threatened species - will be desperate to escape. These lonely, afraid (did we mention really hot?) progressives will need a safe haven. You can help. Open your heart, and your home. Marry an American. Legions of Canadians have already pledged to sacrifice their singlehood to save our southern neighbours from four more years of cowboy conservatism...” To be continued on:
    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
    –- H.L. Mencken, journalist and satirist (1880-1956)

    Get that abortion you’ve always wanted
    Drink a nice clean glass of water
    Two words - doggy style
    Cash your social security check
    See a doctor of your own choosing
    Hug your draft age child
    Visit Syria, or any foreign country for that matter
    Get that gas mask you’ve been putting off buying
    Move out of the red states
    Horde gas
    Buy all the porn you can carry
    Borrow questionable books from the library - constitutional law books, Catcher
    in the Rye, Harry Potter, Tropic of Cancer
    If you have an idea for an art piece involving a crucifix - do it now
    Two words - come out - then go back in - HURRY!
    Jam in all the Alzheimer’s stem cell research you can
    Stay out late before the curfews start
    Get within 6 feet of a stripper in a state where its still allowed
    Go see Bruce Springsteen before he has his “accident”
    Go see Mount Rushmore before the “W” addition
    Use the phrase - “you can’t do that - this is America”
    If you’re white - marry a black person, if you’re black - marry a white person.
    If you’re gay, learn to pass.
    Take a snowmobile-noise free walk in Yosemite, without being hit by a base-jumper.
    Enroll your kid in art or music class
    Start your school day “without” a prayer
    Pass on secrets of evolution to future genes
    Learn French
    Let’s go and live in France.
    Attend a commitment ceremony with your gay friends.
    Take a factory tour anywhere in the US.
    Try to take photographs of animals on the endangered species list.
    Visit Florida before the polar ice caps melt.
    Visit Nevada before it becomes radioactive.
    Visit Alaska before “The Big Spill”.
    Visit Massachusetts while it is still a State.
    Et deux sites web qui sont encore valables, 12 ans plus tard:

    #Etats-Unis #Donald_Trump #Hillary_Clinton #George_Bush #John_Kerry #2016 #2004 #histoire #élections_présidentielles

  • How American History Erases Mass Killings Against Native Americans - Counter Current News

    When the media speaks of a mass killing in the United States as being the worst in our history but forget about other historical mass killings is a part to erase Native American genocide.

    Ever since Columbus reached the indigenous people of the Caribbean in 1492, an era of colonization and exploitation of the indigenous inhabitants for economic purposes.

    Contained in the journals of Columbus’ and his men are atrocities far beyond the comprehension of humans. These so-called civilized people chopped up the bodies of Natives people and fed them to their hunting dogs, Kidnapped and sold pre-teen girls in the sex trade, enslavement and seeing if one could slice through a Native with one stroke.

    #états-unis #massacres #nations_premières #peuples_autochtones #indiens

  • Unarmed Palestinian shot dead by Israeli forces at military post near Ramallah
    Aug. 26, 2016 1:06 P.M. (Updated: Aug. 26, 2016 6:17 P.M.)

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — A reportedly unarmed Palestinian was shot dead by Israeli forces at a military post near the illegal Israeli Ofra settlement at the western entrance to the town of Silwad in northeastern Ramallah on Friday, contradicting earlier reports by Israeli media that he had opened fire at soldiers.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that Israeli soldiers stationed at a military post in Silwad identified a suspect on foot running toward them.

    The Israeli soldiers “shot towards the suspect, resulting in his death,” the spokesperson said.

    No injuries among Israeli soldiers were reported by the army.

    Medics from the Palestinian Red Crescent who had arrived at the scene were reportedly prevented from accessing the site by Israeli forces.

    Initial reports from Hebrew media, however, said the suspect had opened fire from inside a vehicle, and that a woman might have been inside the car with him.

    According to reports, witnesses said that he was shot and critically injured while inside his vehicle, and was later pronounced dead.

    When asked about the conflicting reports, and whether or not the suspect had been armed, the Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an the details of the incident were still being checked.

    The suspect was later identified by local sources in the Ramallah area as 38-year-old Iyad Zakariya Hamed . He was married and a father of three.

    Israeli news site Ynet quoted an anonymous Palestinian official as saying that Hamed suffered from mental illness and was not found to have any weapons on his person when searched, and no signs of gunfire were found on the guard post.


    • Israel investigating claim unarmed Palestinian was shot in the back
      Aug. 28, 2016 11:47 A.M. (Updated: Aug. 28, 2016 1:53 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Israeli army’s military police have reportedly opened an investigation into the killing of an unarmed Palestinian man who was shot dead by Israeli forces on Friday, an Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an.

      Thirty-eight-year-old Iyad Zakariya Hamed, a resident of the Ramallah area village of Silwad, was shot dead by Israeli forces near a military post at the village’s entrance not far from the illegal Israeli settlement Ofra, when soldiers alleged that they saw Hamed “charging” towards them.

      Israeli media initially reported that Hamed, a husband and father of three, fired shots at the Israeli soldiers, though it was later confirmed that he was unarmed.

      According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, any death of a Palestinian in the occupied West Bank who was “not involved in actual fighting” warrants an Israeli military police investigation, and that the investigation into Hamed’s killing will look into the activity of the soldiers responsible — who were members of the “ultra-orthodox” Kifr Brigade — before they opened fire, and why they fired deadly shots at Hamed when “danger was not immediately clear.”

      In addition, the investigation will look into the claim from Palestinian medical officials that Hamed was shot in the back. The officials also reportedly said that Hamed had mental disabilities and had been receiving psychiatric treatment.

      The Israeli army has maintained however, that Hamed was running toward the military post when the soldiers opened fire.

    • Israel: Where the media will blindly buy what the ruling authorities dictate
      By Gideon Levy | Aug. 27, 2016 | 11:56 PM
      A thousand reports are published about every West Bank settler who is murdered, yet Friday’s killing of an innocent man evoked one big yawn. It’s not terror, or apartheid, or racism or dehumanization. It’s only killing a subhuman.

      It was late in the morning. In Israel people were completing their preparations for Shabbat. The military reporters bought challahs, the soldiers left their bases for the weekend. At the Yabrud checkpoint in the West Bank their colleagues saw a man. Actually, they didn’t see a man. They saw a subhuman. They shot him as they were taught. The military reporters reported also as taught: “A terrorist fired a weapon at a pillbox post in Ofra. Nobody was hurt. The force fired back and the terrorist was killed.”

      Routine. There is no contradiction between “nobody was hurt” and “the terrorist was killed.” Only Jews can be hurt. An update followed: “The Kfir squad commander, who saw the terrorist throw a firebomb at an IDF pillbox in Silwad, shot and killed him. Nobody was hurt.” Now the shooting had turned into “a firebomb.” A short time later, it was reported: “Apparently, he was mentally unstable. A search on his body resulted with no findings.” In other words, murder.

      This is what Channel 10 reporter Or Heller tweeted on Friday, as did some of his colleagues, including Alon Ben-David. Heller is far from the worst of the military reporters, who recite automatically whatever the army spokesman dictates to them without attributing the quote to the spokesman, and consider themselves journalists.

      There is no other coverage area in which journalists can act like that. They buy blindly, fervidly, what the ruling authorities dictate to them. The lies about what happened on Friday at the Yabrud checkpoint were spread by the IDF, of course. Afterward the IDF corrected itself, and only after that did the reporters follow suit and report: “the Palestinian didn’t try to attack the soldiers.” Good evening and Shabbat Shalom.

      It was late in the morning. Iyad Hamed, of Silwad, was on his way to Friday prayers in the mosque. Years ago he hurt his head in a traffic accident and since then had been mentally unstable. He was 38, a father of three, including a baby. A witness who testified to B’Tselem Saturday, Iyad Hadad, said Hamed had lost his way, panicked when he saw the soldiers at the checkpoint and ran. He ran for his life. He wasn’t armed, he endangered no one.

      Paramedic Yihia Mubarak believes he was shot in the back as he ran. He saw an entry wound in the victim’s back and an exit wound in his chest. Hamed died on the spot. Shortly afterward his body was returned. Israel’s lust for bodies was satiated this time, after it transpired that Hamed had been killed although he had done nothing wrong.

      A dead Arab. Oh well. We’ve moved onto other, more interesting and important matters. When a single Qassam rocket from Gaza lands, without hurting anyone or causing any damage, Israel launches a revenge campaign of bombardments and shelling, sowing devastation and horror. It’s allowed to do anything. The disappointed military reporters provoke the defense minister, asking, “why only real estate?” And what about Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, whom Avigdor Lieberman had promised to assassinate?

      Israel is allowed to do anything. Are the Palestinians allowed to take revenge for the killing of their friend? What a ludicrous question. Are they allowed to try to “deter” IDF soldiers, as Israel does with Hamas, so that they don’t kill innocent passersby again? Another ludicrous question. Will anyone be punished for this killing? An even more ludicrous question.

      If an Israeli dog had been killed by a Palestinian assailant, Israel would have been much more shocked than by Hamed’s killing. A thousand reports are published about every West Bank settler who is murdered, yet Friday’s killing of an innocent man evoked one big yawn. It’s not terror, or apartheid, or racism or dehumanization. It’s only killing a subhuman.

      I was in Silwad about nine months ago, after Border Policemen killed Mahdia Hamed, a 40-year-old mother of four. The Border Policemen claimed she had tried to run them over with her car, but eyewitnesses testified she had been driving slowly. At home, her 10-month-old infant was waiting to be breast-fed.

      They shot her several times and the bullets pierced and ran through her body. Nobody was put on trial. The widower, Adiv Hamed, asked me then, in his naivety: “Do the Israelis know what happened? Was there a public debate in Israel after she was killed?”

      I was silent with shame.

    • A mentally disabled Palestinian shot dead by Israeli troops for behaving strangely
      ’Let’s say Iyad was behaving strangely. Why kill him?’ his brother ponders. ’When they grow up, Iyad’s children are liable to hate Israel, and with good reason. You killed their father.’
      By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac | Sep. 2, 2016 | 4:39 PM | 5

      The man who was shot to death last Friday by a soldier from the Kfir Brigade’s ultra-Orthodox Netzach Yehuda Battalion was 38 and the father of two small children, a son and a daughter, who were this week scurrying around the living room of their house, in a state of bewilderment, she in a purple skirt, he in shorts. Their father, Iyad Hamed, had a congenital mental disability: Introverted and taciturn, he was prone to stare at the ground as he walked. He enjoyed communing with nature and picking figs and almonds. Still, there was structure in his life: He had a wife and children, and worked in construction in a simple job. “He wasn’t the sharpest of people,” his brothers say.

      Footage from the security camera of the grocery store in Silwad, a village near Ramallah, shows his last minutes. Hamed, in a light-colored shirt, is seen buying snacks for his children and paying. A few moments later, he sets out for a mosque for the Friday prayers, never to return. Nothing in the footage hints at what is about to happen: A father buys treats for his children in the final hour of his life.

      Most of Hamed’s family is in America, as are many of the natives of this well-to-do village. Ten years ago, his six brothers moved to Ohio – to Columbus and Cleveland – where they work in real estate. Iyad, the eldest, remained in Silwad, as did his sister. He started a family, but recently decided to emigrate, as well; one of his brothers said he’d submitted a petition to the authorities to that end.

      He lived on the ground floor of the family’s stone house. The building is handsome, though less splendid than other mansion-type dwellings in this elegant neighborhood on a hill. The second floor is used by the brothers and their families during their annual vacations here. This summer they visited twice: once on holiday and then not long afterward – to mourn and grieve for their dead brother.

      Their parents divide their time between America and Silwad, some of whose privately owned land was taken to build the settlement of Ofra. Many residents of this well-to-do village have moved in recent years to the United States.

      Last December, Border Police shot and killed another Silwad resident, Mahdia Hammad, a 40-year-old mother of four, claiming that she was trying to run them over. Now the army has killed Iyad Hamed without any apparent reason: He wasn’t armed and didn’t pose a threat to anyone.

      The Israel Defense Forces itself admits that.

      The killing took place at the edge of the village, not far from Highway 60, a former venue for demonstrations and stone throwing. The demonstrations ceased in the past month, under pressure from locals, who are tired of the tear gas and the upheaval. Five Silwad residents were killed in the past year by Israeli troops.

      We are standing next to a mound of stones where Hamed collapsed, bleeding, last Friday. He’d come this far, after dropping off the snacks for the kids at home, on his way to a mosque in the neighboring village of Yabrud, where he prayed on Fridays. He preferred it to the mosques in Silwad.

      On the way, he stopped at the Silwad gas station to say hello to his friend Rashad, who works there. The gas station’s security camera caught him again. He then went on his way to Yabrud, which is located on the other side of Highway 60. He could have used the passage beneath the road but opted for the shorter route, which passes next to a towering, armored IDF pillbox.

      It was about 11:40 A.M. On the other side of the road, Abdel Hamid Yusuf, a solidly built young man of 26, was driving his sewage tanker to the site where he empties it. An eyewitness to the events, he is now standing with us at the place where Hamed was killed, along with Iyad Hadad, a field researcher for the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem.

      Hamed was behaving oddly, recalls Yusuf, who knew him well and was aware of his condition. Hamed seemed to have lost his way and also his senses; he ran back and forth below the army tower. Yusuf says he saw no soldiers while Hamed was running about between it and the surrounding barbed-wire fences. Hamed looked frightened. He had wanted to cut across the highway to the mosque, but couldn’t find his way out. He was like a caged animal; the barbed-wire fences were impassable. “It’s dangerous there, get out!” Yusuf shouted to him from across the road. Hamed didn’t respond – maybe he didn’t hear Yusuf.

      It’s crucial to note that Hamed was not holding anything in his hands. That is confirmed by Yusuf and by what the footage from the gas station’s camera shows: an unarmed civilian in a light-colored shirt, who apparently got confused and lost his way.

      Suddenly a few shots rang out. Hamed started to run frantically back toward the village. It’s not clear where the shots came from, but immediately afterward Yusuf saw a few soldiers emerge from the vegetation at the foot of the tower. Hamed kept running. More shots were fired at him, apparently by the soldiers, who had been in ambush. He was hit and fell to the ground. One bullet entered his back and exited through his chest, paramedic Yahya Mubarak, who took possession of the body, would report afterward.

      A., who lives in apartment No. 9 in the nearby Hurriya Tower building in Silwad, went out to his balcony when he heard shooting. What he told the field researcher corroborated Yusuf’s account: Hamed ran for his life until he was felled.

      Four soldiers rolled Hamed’s body over with their feet. He probably died instantly, though that’s not certain. An Israeli ambulance arrived about 15 minutes later, but Yusuf says he couldn’t see whether Hamed received medical aid. More troops arrived in a silver-gray civilian car. The body lay on the ground for some time before being removed by soldiers. A few hours later, the body was returned to the family, after it became clear to the IDF – which is rarely in a hurry to give back bodies – that Hamed had done nothing wrong and was killed in vain.

      The cardboard packages that contained IDF-issue bullets are scattered on the ground where Hamed went down. An IDF officer approaches us from the direction of the tower, and four soldiers emerge out of nowhere from another direction. Minutes later, another group of soldiers comes up from the valley. Maybe one of them killed Hamed?

      The soldier who fired the shot that killed him was questioned this week by the Military Police on suspicion of causing death by negligence and then sent back to his unit. He wasn’t so much as suspended from his duties.

      In the house of mourning is the father, Zakariya, 58, dignified and wearing a stylized embroidered galabia. With him are two of his sons, Yahya, 34, from Columbus, and Ahmed, 31, from Cleveland. Hamed’s fatherless offspring, 9-year-old Zakariya and 3-year-old Lian, are with their mother, newly widowed Narmine.

      “Come on, we are human beings, we don’t get shot at like that,” Yahya says. “Come on, we have kids. The soldier took a human life. It made me want to throw up when I read the reports of what happened in [the newspaper] Yedioth Ahronoth.”

      When they were here a month ago, on vacation, the brothers brought new clothes for Iyad as gifts. Iyad hadn’t worn them yet; he was saving them for Id al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice. Now he will never wear them, “because some soldier decided to kill him.” The faces of the brothers are contorted in grief again.

      Yahya: “Let’s say Iyad was behaving strangely. Why kill him? Shoot him in the leg. Why kill him? You’re not God. In the first intifada, they shot at the legs. You could talk with the soldiers. Now you reach a hand toward your pocket, and they kill you. Do you know what a tragedy the soldier who killed my brother caused? How many families he destroyed?”

      The children cuddle up to their two uncles. Lian blows up a balloon and floats it in the room. She has lazy eye, and wears thick glasses. She’s scheduled to have an operation for the condition in a few weeks; her father will not be there to accompany her.

      Yahya, who reads the English-language edition of Haaretz in the United States on his phone, says, “The children know that a Jewish soldier killed their father,” he says. “When they grow up, they are liable to hate Israel, and with good reason. You killed their father.

      “We are not a political family,” he continues. “We have never been in prison, we have never thrown a stone. Neither had Iyad. But what love will these children have for Israel when they grow up? You want to live here? Fine. But don’t kill us. Let us live, too. You love life – so do we. Everyone will tell you what a pure soul Iyad was. He never hurt anyone. I’d like to know what [Chief of Staff] Gadi Eisenkot will have to say about this killing. And what the soldier who killed Iyad is feeling. I heard he’s religious. Does that mean he has earlocks?

      “When I accidentally run over a cat on the road, I feel bad for a long time afterward,” Yahya says. “What does the soldier who killed my brother feel now?”

  • Where is “America” ?

    Last week marked the 523th anniversary of the day when Christopher #Columbus (or Cristoforo Colombo, or Cristóbal Colón, depending on which biography you believe) and his Spanish ships arrived to #America.....

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  • Airbus fournira les nouveaux hélicos des flics israéliens
    Lundi, 14 Septembre 2015

    C’est par le biais de sa filiale aux Etats-Unis, la « Airbus Helicopters Inc », dont l’usine est à Columbus (Missouri), que Airbus fournira six nouveaux hélicoptères à la police israélienne. Ces appareils seront utilisés pour des missions civiles mais aussi (surtout ?) pour « le contre-terrorisme, la sécurité des frontières et des missions de recherche et de sauvetage ».
    Ce qui en clair signifie que ces hélicos Airbus H125 et Airbus H145 seront directement utilisés pour la répression contre la résistance des Palestiniens à l’occupation et contre le vol de leurs terres, par exemple par la construction du « Mur de la Honte » par lequel Israël annexe de facto de larges parts de la Cisjordanie.

    Pour ce faire , ils seront équipés des équipements les plus sophistiqués comme des systèmes d’imagerie thermique (détection de personnes par la chaleur dégagée par leur corps) et des phares puissants pour éclairer au sol.

    Ces hélicos seront livrés d’ici la fin de l’année prochaine, via la société Elbit Systems Ltd, qui assure le financement de l’opération dans le cadre d’un marché qui inclut la maintenance, les pièces de rechange, etc…

  • Countries That Were Raided Or Settled By The Vikings Based On Modern Borders - Brilliant Maps

    While we tend to think of the Vikings as being based in and around Scandinavia, their activities took them a lot far further afield than that. The map above shows just how far.

    In the 11th century, they became the first Europeans to attempt to settle in the Americas, beating Columbus by 500 years.

    Their swords may have used used steel imported from modern day Afghanistan. And in the 9th century, they raided Constantinople, right at the heart of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire.

    #cartographie #visualisation #vikings

  • chinese cartography china beat columbus to it. perhaps...

    An ancient map that strongly suggests Chinese seamen were first round the world

    C’est pas tout récent mais très intéressant

    Jan 12th 2006

    THE brave seamen whose great voyages of exploration opened up the world are iconic figures in European history. Columbus found the New World in 1492; Dias discovered the Cape of Good Hope in 1488; and Magellan set off to circumnavigate the world in 1519. However, there is one difficulty with this confident assertion of European mastery: it may not be true.

    It seems more likely that the world and all its continents were discovered by a Chinese admiral named Zheng He, whose fleets roamed the oceans between 1405 and 1435. His exploits, which are well documented in Chinese historical records, were written about in a book which appeared in China around 1418 called “The Marvellous Visions of the Star Raft”.

    #cartographie #visualisation #histoire #columbus #chine

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    « Les spécificités de l’écriture pour environnements immersifs », c’est le thème du projet Projet Columbus, une rencontre laboratoire et exploratoire sur les nouveaux territoires narratifs. L’arrivée de contenus pour les dômes ou les casques 3D constitue « un changement majeur de paradigme ». Qu’est-ce que cela peut bien dire pour les créateurs, artisans, gestionnaires ? Comment s’adapter et modifier […]


  • Stop Saying Columbus ’Discovered’ the Americas—It Erases Indigenous History

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  • Red Hot Chili Peppers: Good Thoughts Bad Thoughts

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