city:gaza city

  • Un dirigeant tunisien d’al-Qassam assassiné par le Mossad à Sfax – 17 décembre 2016 | Traduit par AlManar à partir d’AlAkhbar

    La série des assassinats des dirigeants de la résistance palestinienne et libanaise par le Mossad ne connait toujours pas de répit.

    Quelques années après l’assassinat par l’entité du dirigeant palestinien des brigades Ezzeddine al-Qassam, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, à Dubaï en 2010, le Mossad a assassiné jeudi en Tunisie un des dirigeants de l’unité aérienne d’AlQassam, le martyr tunisien Mohammad Zouari.

    M.Zouari (49 ans) a été tué devant son domicile à Sfax. Les assaillants ont tiré six balles contre sa tête et son cœur.

    Selon l’enquête tunisienne, le martyr était rentré depuis 5 jours en Tunisie, après une brève visite au Liban et en Turquie.

    Le martyr a probablement été repéré grâce à une journaliste (tunisienne ?) qui vit en Hongrie. Celle-ci avait demandé une interview avec M.Zawari. Mais elle aurait quitté la Tunisie un jour avant son assassinat.

    Il convient de noter que la méthode d’exécution du Martyr Zouari est largement identique à l’assassinat du dirigeant de l’unité aérienne du Hezbollah, Hassan Laqis, exécuté en 2013 par des agents du Mossad devant son domicile dans la banlieue sud de Beyrouth.

    • Hamas : Tunisian engineer allegedly assassinated by Mossad was leader of military wing
      Dec. 17, 2016 8:11 P.M. (Updated : Dec. 17, 2016 8:43 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) – The Hamas movement’s military wing Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades Saturday evening released a statement confirming that the Tunisian aviation engineer Muhammad al-Zawahri who was allegedly assassinated on Thursday in Tunisia was one its leaders and manufactured drones for the movement.

      The statement described al-Zawahri, 45, as a “martyr of Palestine, Tunisia, and the Arab and Islamic nations,” adding that the slain official, who is believed to have been assassinated by the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, was a leader of Hamas’ military wing.

      Hamas directly accused Israel of the assassination, saying that “the coward Zionist hands assassinated the al-Qassam Brigades leader,” and called al-Zawahri the “pioneer of the Arab Spring and the sponsor of the Palestinian revolution and resistance.”

      The statement highlighted that the Ababil drones, the Iranian-developed drone reportedly manufactured by al-Zawahri, played a major role in the resistance during the 2014 Israeli military offensive on the besieged Gaza Strip.

      According to Hamas’ statement, al-Zawahri had joined Hamas’ military wing ten years ago following the “examples set” by several Arab and Muslim fighters who battled against the “Zionist enemy,” and defended Palestine.

      traduction française

      Le Mossad assassine Muhammad al-Zawahri, ingénieur de la résistance palestinienne
      17 décembre 2016 – Ma’an news – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

      Ma’an News – L’aile militaire du mouvement Hamas, les Brigades Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, a diffusé samedi soir une déclaration confirmant que l’ingénieur aéronaval tunisien Muhammad al-Zawahri, assassiné jeudi en Tunisie, était l’un de ses dirigeants et avait organisé la fabrication de drones pour le mouvement de la résistance islamique.

      Selon le communiqué, al-Zawahri, âgé de 45 ans, est un « martyr de la Palestine, de la Tunisie et des nations arabes et islamiques ». Toujours selon le communiqué, l’ingénieur aurait été assassiné par le Mossad, et était un des responsables de l’aile militaire du Hamas.

    • La branche armée du Hamas accuse Israël d’avoir tué un de ses ingénieurs en Tunisie
      MEE | 18 décembre 2016

      Alors que les Brigades Ezzedine al-Qassam accusent Israël d’être derrière le meurtre de Mohamed Zouari le 14 décembre dans le sud-est de la Tunisie, la plus grande confusion entoure cet assassinat

      Selon le substitut du procureur général Mourad Turki, la première autopsie a révélé que son corps avait été criblé d’une vingtaine de balles.

      Huit personnes soupçonnées de complicité dans l’affaire du meurtre ont été ont été arrêtées à Djerba, Tunis et Sfax. Parmi elles : une journaliste exerçant en Hongrie qui avait interviewé Zouari.

      Quatre voitures, deux pistolets, deux silencieux et des téléphones portables utilisés dans le crime ont été saisis par les forces de l’ordre.

      Israël n’a pas encore réagi à ces accusations. Le Mossad a été déjà impliqué dans plusieurs assassinats d’activistes palestiniens à l’étranger.

      En 2012, la déclassification de documents secrets liés au meurtre de Khalil al-Wazir, alias Abou Djihad, le numéro deux de l’Organisation de libération de la Palestine (OLP) tué en avril 1988 à Tunis, a permis de mettre au jour l’implication de commandos de l’armée israélienne.

      Un programme de fabrication d’avions sans pilote

      Dans une déclaration publiée sur son site internet, la branche armée du Hamas explique que le chef et combattant Mohamed Zouari était pleinement engagé dans le programme de fabrication des avions sans pilote « Ababil » lancé par les Palestiniens.

      « Les drones ‘’Ababil’’ des brigades Ezzedine al-Qassam avaient joué un rôle important notamment pendant l’opération « Bordure protectrice » qui a débuté en juillet 2014 », peut-on lire dans le communiqué.

      Selon le Hamas, Mohamed Zouari avait « rejoint la résistance palestinienne il y a à peine dix ans et adhéré ensuite aux brigades Ezzedine al-Qassam ».

      « Le sang versé par le martyr Mohamed Zouari ne restera pas impuni », menace également le Hamas dans la déclaration.

    • Assassinat de Mohamed Zouari : La Tunisie ripostera, selon Jhinaoui
      Par Webdo - 20 décembre 2016

      Lors de la réunion d’urgence des ministres arabes des Affaires étrangères, Khemaies Jhinaoui, ministre des Affaires étrangères est revenu sur l’assassinat de Mohamed Zouari, une affaire qui occupe l’opinion publique depuis des jours.

      Le ministre tunisien a fait savoir que la Tunisie condamne vivement l’assassinat « lâche » de Mohamed Zouari.

      Jhinaoui a indiqué que la Tunisie ripostera à toute partie qui porte atteinte à sa sécurité, stabilité ou à sa souveraineté et poursuivra tous les responsables.

    • Assassinat d’un Tunisien attribué à Israël : trois suspects placés en détention provisoire (justice)
      21 Déc, 2016

      La justice tunisienne a ordonné la détention provisoire de trois suspects dont une journaliste pour leur implication présumée dans l’assassinat d’un ingénieur tunisien attribué par le mouvement islamiste palestinien Hamas à Israël, a indiqué le porte-parole du parquet.

      « Après des interrogatoires ayant duré jusqu’à 03H00 (02H00 GMT), le pôle judiciaire antiterroriste a émis mercredi trois mandats de dépôt à l’encontre de trois suspects dont une journaliste pour le meurtre de Mohamed Zaouari » a précisé à l’AFP Sofiène Sliti.

      Les trois suspects font partie des dix personnes interpellées, toutes Tunisiennes, les sept autres ayant été libérées, a précisé M. Sliti.

      Le parquet de Sfax (est) avait annoncé auparavant l’implication d’une journaliste ayant récemment interviewé la victime.

      Mohamed Zaouari, 49 ans, qui possède également la nationalité belge, a été tué jeudi d’une vingtaine de balles alors qu’il était au volant de sa voiture, devant son domicile à Sfax.

      Selon le Hamas au pouvoir dans la bande de Gaza, l’Etat hébreu est responsable du meurtre de cet ingénieur, décrit comme un dirigeant du mouvement spécialisé dans le développement de drones.

      Marié à une Syrienne, Zaouari a longtemps vécu à l’étranger. Il était revenu en Tunisie après la révolution de 2011. Le Hamas a affirmé qu’il travaillait depuis 10 ans pour ce groupe et qu’il avait tenté de s’introduire en Israël en 2014.

    • Manifestation à Tunis en réaction à l’assassinat de Mohamed Zouari
      20 décembre 2016 à 16h30 — Mis à jour le 21 décembre 2016 à 12h22

      (...) La tension était vive dans les rues de la capitale tunisienne où plusieurs personnes scandaient des slogans contre l’État hébreu : « avec le sang, avec notre âme, nous te vengerons Palestine », « Résistance, résistance ! Ni réconciliation, ni chantage », « Non à la normalisation, la Tunisie n’est pas à vendre », a rapporté un journaliste de l’AFP.

      « Mohammed Zaouari est un martyr avec un M majuscule. (…) C’est une perte non pas pour la Tunisie mais pour la Palestine et le monde arabe », a déclaré à l’AFP un participant, Mohammed Ammar.

      Ces protestations sur l’avenue Habib Bourguiba répondaient à l’appel de plusieurs partis politiques comme Al-Joumhouri (centre) et le Front populaire (gauche). (...)

    • Le président tunisien pointe du doigt Israël pour le meurtre d’un ingénieur du Hamas
      Selon Béji Caïd Essebsi, “des mains étrangères ont mené le meurtre” et “il existe des soupçons” d’implication de l’Etat juif
      Times of Israel Staff 2 janvier 2017,

      Le président tunisien Béji Caïd Essebsi a déclaré dimanche soir qu’il existait « une suspicion qu’Israël soit impliqué » dans l’assassinat en décembre d’un ingénieur tunisien qui aurait dirigé le programme de drones du Hamas.

      Il s’agit de ses premières remarques sur le meurtre.

      Pendant un discours marquant la nouvelle année, Essebsi a déclaré, en s’appuyant sur des informations « provenant de l’enquête sur l’assassinat, [qu’] il apparait que des mains étrangères ont mené le meurtre » de Mohammed al-Zoari.

      Essebsi a également ajouté que « les autorités savent comment traiter avec Israël », et ne sont pas impuissantes.

      Le Hamas et le Hezbollah ont accusé le Mossad, les renseignements extérieurs israéliens, d’avoir tué Zoari, 49 ans, abattu au volant de sa voiture devant sa maison de Sfax en décembre.

      #Zoari #Zouari

  • Egypt to open Rafah crossing with Gaza for 3 days
    Dec. 16, 2016 10:21 A.M. (Updated : Dec. 16, 2016 10:21 A.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Egyptian authorities announced on Thursday that they would be opening the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip in both directions for three days starting on Saturday.

    The Gaza borders and crossings committee said in a Thursday statement that they were informed by Egyptian authorities that the Rafah crossing would be open from from Saturday to Monday.

    Separately, Egyptian security sources told Ma’an that the decision to open the border came upon order from Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi “to lessen the siege on the Gaza Strip by opening the crossing twice a month.”

    Les autorités égyptiennes ont fermé le passage frontalier de Rafah avec la bande de Gaza bloquée mardi matin après son ouverture pendant trois jours consécutifs, avec environ 2 000 passagers quittant l’enclave côtière assiégée et environ 1 500 arrivant d’Egypte.

    • Palestinian vehicles pass from Gaza into Egypt for first time in years
      Dec. 18, 2016 10:35 A.M. (Updated: Dec. 18, 2016 10:36 A.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — For the first time in several years Egyptian authorities on Sunday morning allowed Palestinian vehicles to travel into Egypt from Gaza through the Rafah border crossing.

      Palestinian security sources in Gaza told Ma’an that 40 vehicles passed through the Rafah crossing into Egyptian territory on Sunday morning.

      Sources added that allowing the entry of vehicles was a “positive step” taken by Egypt, and would serve as great a benefit for the more than 1.8 million people living under blockade in the coastal enclave, who typically travel in buses back and forth through the crossing.

      Egypt opened the Rafah crossing on Sunday for the second of a three-day opening to allow the entry of “humanitarian cases” — including patients, students, and holders of visas from foreign — from gaza into Egypt.

      The Gaza borders and crossings committee said in a statement that more than 600 passengers left the Gaza Strip to Egypt on Saturday, while 82 Palestinians arrived in Gaza from Egypt.

      Meanwhile, Egyptian authorities denied entry to 68 passengers from gaza without explanation.

    • Hundreds of Gazans travel through Rafah crossing on 2nd day of opening
      Dec. 19, 2016 5:29 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 19, 2016 5:29 P.M.)

      The Egyptian official said that a number of Palestinian travelers to Egypt spent the night inside the crossing’s waiting hall due to the security curfew imposed on the Egyptian towns of Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid, and that they were able to travel to Cairo Monday morning after the end of the curfew.

      Egyptian authorities also allowed 46 trucks financed by Qatar and loaded with construction materials to enter Gaza on Sunday, as part of a Qatari project to help rebuild the besieged coastal enclave, the source added.

      Meanwhile, the head of the car import union in Gaza Ismail Nakhala denounced Egyptian authorities’ decision to allow Palestinian vehicles to enter into Gaza from Egypt, telling Ma’an that the procedures were unclear and that the union would meet with Gaza’s Ministry of Transportation to clarify the issue.

      Nakhala said that cars imported through Rafah were only subjected to a 25 percent customs fee, whereas cars imported through the Erez crossing between Gaza and Israel were subjected to a 75 percent customs fee, severely affecting Palestinian car salespeople.

  • Départ vers Israël d’un bateau turc chargé d’aide pour Gaza

    Un navire turc transportant de l’aide destinée aux habitants de Gaza a pris le large vendredi depuis un port du sud du pays, une initiative qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la normalisation des relations entre Israël et Ankara annoncée en début de semaine.

    Chargé de plus de 10.000 tonnes d’aide humanitaire, le Lady Leyla a quitté le port de Mersin vers celui d’Ashdod en Israël, pour une traversée censée durer une trentaine d’heures, a indiqué la chaîne privée de télévision turque NTV, précisant que l’aide devait être livrée aux habitants de l’enclave palestinienne avant la fête de fin du ramadan prévue mardi.(...)


    • Arrivée de l’aide humanitaire turque pour Gaza à Ashdod
      Par i24news
      Publié: 03/07/2016 - 13:40, mis à jour: 14:10

      Les familles de trois Israéliens dont les corps sont détenus par le Hamas ont manifesté

      Le premier convoi d’aide humanitaire turque à destination de la bande de Gaza est arrivé ce dimanche au port d’Ashdod en Israël.

      Chargé de plus de 10.000 tonnes d’aide humanitaire, le Lady Leyla, navire battant pavillon panaméen, chargé de fournitures, avait quitté vendredi le port de Mersin vers celui de la ville côtière israélienne.

      Israël a autorisé l’envoi de marchandises vers le territoire palestinien et fournit 1.000 camions d’aide quotidienne pour leur transfert, après la conclusion d’un accord de normalisation avec Ankara la semaine dernière.

      De leurs cotés, les familles de trois Israéliens dont les corps sont détenus par le Hamas ont organisé une manifestation pour protester contre l’acheminement de cette aide.


      Turkish Ship With Humanitarian Aid for Gaza Strip Docks in Israeli Port

      Families of fallen and missing Israelis vow to block transfer of aid to Gaza in protest at the failure of the Israel-Turkey agreement to deal with the return of their sons.
      Almog Ben Zikri Jul 03, 2016

      A picture taken on July 1, 2016 shows the Panama flagged ship Lady Leyla setting off from the southern Turkish port of Mersin bound for Ashdod.Huseyin Kar, AFP

      A Turkish cargo ship bearing humanitarian equipment and food destined for the Gaza Strip docked in the southern Israeli port city of Ashdod on Sunday afternoon in accordance with the recent reconciliation agreement signed between Israel and Turkey.

      Israel and Turkey last week agreed to normalize relations after six years of diplomatic standoff between the two states. In terms of the agreement, Turkey is able to send aid to Gaza via Israel.

      Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim announced last Monday that the ship would set sail on Friday, carrying 20,000 tons of aid. Yildirim also said that the agreement with Israel reflects Turkey’s role as protector of oppressed peoples in the Middle East.

      The family of Oron Shaul, an Israeli soldier whose body is being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, arrived at the Kerem Shalom border crossing on Sunday morning, planning to block the transfer of the ship’s cargo to Gaza.

      The family, along with the families of other Israelis missing in Gaza and families of soldiers who died in 2014’s Operation Protective Edge, opposed the agreement with Turkey because it did not include the return of missing Israelis.

      “My son has been here, just over this fence, for two years already,” said Zehava Shaul, Oron’s mother. “Two years in which we didn’t open our mouths and sat in silence.”

      She criticized the Israeli government for allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza but neglecting the humanitarian problem of returning the missing to their families.

      “We aren’t opposed to this agreement,” Herzl Shaul, Oron’s father. “But it is a terrible deal for the families. Our boys are not mentioned in it. This is a prize to Hamas and a loss for Israel. The prime minister got two years of silence with countless promises that he would see to it that the boys would be returned home.”

      The issue of the missing soldier’s bodies was not part of the final agreement between Turkey and Israel, though Turkey issued a separate “letter of goodwill” in which it promised to work with Hamas for the release of the missing Israelis.

    • Arrivée d’une aide turque pour Gaza après l’accord de normalisation israélo-turc
      Ashdod (Israël) (AFP) 03.07.2016 - 18:31

      Un navire turc transportant de l’aide humanitaire à destination de la bande de Gaza est arrivé dans un port israélien dimanche, une semaine après la normalisation des relations entre Israël et la Turquie après six ans de brouille.

      Le navire cargo Lady Leyla est arrivé dimanche après-midi au port d’Ashdod, à une trentaine de kilomètres au nord de la bande de Gaza, après avoir quitté la Turquie vendredi, a constaté un journaliste de l’AFP.

      Sa cargaison est composée de 11.000 tonnes de denrées alimentaires de première nécessité et de jouets, selon l’agence nationale d’informations turque Anadolu.

      Elle sera inspectée par les autorités israéliennes avant d’être envoyée dans la bande de Gaza, contrôlée par le mouvement islamiste Hamas et durement touchée par trois guerres avec Israël depuis 2008 et par un blocus israélien.

      La Turquie avait d’abord exigé une levée du blocus du territoire palestinien pour normaliser ses relations avec Israël, ce que l’Etat hébreu avait refusé. Les deux pays ont finalement trouvé un compromis autorisant la Turquie à envoyer de l’aide humanitaire via le port d’Ashdod.

      Israël estime le blocus nécessaire pour empêcher le Hamas de recevoir des matériaux pouvant être utilisés à des fins militaires, notamment pour construire des tunnels permettant à des hommes armés de s’infiltrer en Israël.

      Des responsables de l’ONU ont de leur côté appelé à une levée du blocus en raison de la détérioration des conditions de vie dans l’enclave palestinienne.

    • Turkish delegation welcomes humanitarian aid to Gaza
      July 4, 2016 8:02 P.M. (Updated: July 4, 2016 11:07 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — An official delegation from Turkey arrived in the Gaza Strip on Monday to partake in an official ceremony to welcome Turkish humanitarian aid to Gaza, which arrived a day earlier on board a Turkish ship.

      The ceremony, held at the Kerem Shalom crossing, included the Turkish delegation, headed by ambassador to the Palestinian Authority Mustafa Sarni, as well as Palestinian officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Social Development.

      Ministry of Social Development in Gaza Undersecretary Yousif Ibrahim said that the 11,000 tons of aid — which include flour, sugar, rice, cooking oil, clothes, toys and diapers — would immediately be distributed to the needy in the besieged Gaza Strip.

      Israeli demonstrators on Saturday reportedly attempted to block the delivery of aid to the besieged Gaza Strip from the Turkish cargo ship Lady Leyla, which docked at Israel’s Ashdod port earlier that morning.

  • Plainte contre une société française pour complicité de #crimes de guerre à #Gaza

    La société #Exxelia Technologies

    Eté 2014 à Gaza : 50 jours de guerre, 2 000 victimes. Parmi elles, trois membres de la famille al-Shuheiber, trois enfants. Leur maison a été frappée par un missile israélien guidé grâce notamment à une technologie française.

    #victimes_civiles #Israel #Israël

    • Plainte pour complicité de crimes de guerre à Gaza contre l’entreprise française Exxelia Technologies
      Le 29 / 06 / 2016

      Une famille palestinienne porte plainte en France mercredi 29 juin pour complicité de crime de guerre et homicide involontaire contre l’entreprise française Exxelia Technologies. Les plaignants, assistés par l’ACAT, sont des membres d’une famille dont trois enfants ont perdu la vie lors d’une frappe israélienne en 2014.

      Une famille palestinienne porte plainte en France mercredi 29 juin pour complicité de crime de guerre et homicide involontaire contre l’entreprise française Exxelia Technologies. Les plaignants, représentés par le cabinet Ancile-avocats et assistés par l’ACAT, sont des membres de la famille Shuheibar résidant à Gaza City, dont trois enfants ont perdu la vie lors d’une frappe israélienne en 2014.

  • ’Return Train’ tours Bethlehem for Nakba anniversary

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A “Return Train” traveled through part of the occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem on Sunday morning, as a symbolic demonstration of the right of Palestinian refugees to return to the homes and villages they were forcibly displaced from 68 years ago during the creation of Israel.

    The train embarked from al-Duheisha refugee camp at 11 a.m., heading towards Bethlehem, where it drove past the separation wall. Organizers of the demonstration chanted the names of villages whose inhabitants were forcibly expelled or massacred in 1948.

    Several hundred Palestinians, many of them children, marched alongside the train waving Palestinian flags.

    Near the separation wall, Israeli forces fired two rounds of tear gas at demonstrators.


    • Palestinian factions call for national unity at Gaza Nakba rally
      May 15, 2016 4:12 P.M. (Updated: May 15, 2016 7:32 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Thousands of Palestinians took part Sunday in a rally in Gaza City organized by various political factions to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe, voicing renewed demands that Palestinians to return to the cities, villages, and lands that they were forced to leave in 1948 during the creation of the state of Israel.

      Waving Palestine flags, the participants marched from the Unknown Soldier Square to the headquarters of the United Nations.

      “Sixty-eight years have passed since the Nakba and our people have never forgotten their homeland, Palestine. We will return,” Fatah member Zakariyya al-Agha said during the rally.

      “Let the whole world know that our people will never accept an alternative to this homeland [...] no matter how far the distances or how high the occupier’s walls are,” al-Agha said.

      He added that all Palestinian factions should close ranks and maintain national unity because “(unity) is the bridge to Palestine and the line of defense in the face of all challenges and obstacles.”

    • PA forces prevent Nakba Day protesters in Ramallah from reaching Israeli checkpoint
      May 15, 2016 5:53 P.M. (Updated: May 15, 2016 5:55 P.M.)

      RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Palestinian security officers on Sunday prevented dozens of Palestinian demonstrators commemorating Nakba Day from reaching an Israeli military checkpoint near the illegal settlement of Beit El north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

      Dozens of young men marched in the main street of the town of al-Bireh near Ramallah to mark the 68th anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe, when more than 750,000 Palestinians were pushed into exile or driven out of their homes in the conflict surrounding Israel’s creation in 1948.

      The protesters, who were reportedly burning tires in the street, were stopped by Palestinian security officers as they came close to the Israeli military checkpoint, and were forced to step back.

      Palestinian security forces have tried to tamp down on Palestinian demonstrations near Israeli military positions in the past several weeks, amid renewed anger in Palestinian society regarding the Palestinian Authority’s security coordination with Israel since the Oslo Accords.

      An estimated five million Palestinians are descendants of those affected by the Nakba, living in refugee camps in the occupied West Bank or abroad. The anniversary of the Nakba is commemorated annually on May 15.

  • Israeli forces fire at Palestinian farmers in southern Gaza

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) – Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian farmers tending to their fields in the outskirts of the village of Khuzaa east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, locals said.

    Witnesses told Ma’an that the Israeli soldiers fired from machine guns prompting the farmers to leave their fields. No injuries were reported.

  • Toddlers burn to death in Gaza blaze blamed on power cuts | Middle East Eye | Mohammed Omer |
    Saturday 7 May 2016

    AL-SHATI REFUGEE CAMP, Gaza - The toddlers’ bed stands in the middle of the ash-scorched and smoke-stained room. Next to it lie the bodies of Yousra , aged three, Rahaf , aged two, and Naser al-Hindi , six months old, who all burnt to death here.

    The three bodies are distorted and unrecognisable. A few scorched toys are scattered around them while their heartbroken father, Mohammed al-Hindi, looks on in shock, hardly able to accept they are really his children.

    Walking through the once colourful small apartment in al-Shati, one of the poorest refugee camps in Gaza, it is almost impossible to tell which room was once the kitchen, the bedroom and the toilet because everything has melted into one.

    When the building caught fire late on Friday night, no one living nearby was able to break in, with neighbours eventually smashing a hole through the wall in a failed attempt to rescue the children.

    The deaths of the children has enraged local residents who believe that the fire is a cruel consequence of the impact of the decade-long blockade by Israel and Egypt and a local power struggle between Hamas and Fatah which has made living conditions increasingly intolerable.

    The incident has also reminded Gazans of the case of a family in the eastern city of Shejayeh who were burnt to death in a fire caused by a candle three years ago.

    Mahmood Dhier, 32, his wife Samar, and their four children, Mahmoud, six, Nabil, five, Farah, four, and Qamar, four months, all died in the blaze.


    • Hamas: Israel and its ’accomplices’ responsible for death of 3 siblings in Gaza fire
      May 7, 2016 5:28 P.M. (Updated: May 8, 2016 2:09 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A senior Hamas official blamed Israel and its “accomplices” — an implicit jab at the Palestinian Authority — for the house fire that killed three siblings and left three others seriously burned on Friday night in al-Shati refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

      On Saturday during the funeral for the three children, Ismail Haniyeh said: “The enemy’s warplanes have been burning lands and houses, while Israel’s crippling siege imposed on Gaza and its accomplices are now burning our children.”

      The house fire was caused by candles that the family used during a power cut, Gaza’s civil defense services told Ma’an Friday. Local medical sources identified the victims as three-year-old Yusra Muhammad Abu Hindi , two-year-old Rahaf Muhammad Abu Hindi , and two-month-old Nasser Muhammad Abu Hindi .

      “Should Gaza — whose people live under a crippling blockade — be blamed?” he asked, likely implying that Hamas, the Gaza Strip’s de facto ruling party, could not be held responsible for the besieged coastal enclave’s energy crisis.

      “Who has been taking $70 million dollars a month in taxes from Gaza? Who has been collecting fuel taxes? Who refused to enlarge the power supply from Egypt to the Gaza Strip and refused to build a pipeline to provide Gaza’s power station with gas to increase its capacity?” Haniyeh continued, listing a set of policy decisions imposed by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

  • Israeli soldier who killed injured Palestinian sent home for Passover | Middle East Eye

    Elor Azria, charged with manslaughter, is greeted by friends and family after being released from custody for Jewish holiday


    Israël : permission pour le soldat accusé d’avoir tué un terroriste palestinien
    Par i24news | Publié : 22/04/2016

    Le soldat Elor Azria, confiné dans sa base depuis l’incident, devra y revenir dimanche matin

    Un soldat israélien inculpé d’homicide pour avoir achevé un terroriste palestinien blessé a bénéficié de deux jours de permission pour célébrer en famille Pessah, la Pâque juive, a annoncé vendredi l’armée.

    Le soldat Elor Azria, confiné dans sa base, a « été libéré vendredi pour se rendre chez lui à l’occasion de la fête de Pessah », qui débute vendredi. Il devra être de retour dans sa base dimanche matin, a précisé l’armée dans un communiqué.

    Israel suspends Aqsa visits for Gazans over Jewish holiday
    April 22, 2016

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — The Israeli authorities suspended visits to Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Gazans on Friday due to the Jewish holiday of Passover.

    Israeli authorities prevented dozens of Palestinians over the age of 60 from traveling to Jerusalem via the Erez crossing for their weekly Friday worship at Al-Aqsa Mosque, sources at the Palestinian liaison office told Ma’an.

    Israeli forces implemented complete closures on crossings in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip for Palestinians on the Jewish holiday. The closure began midnight Thursday and is to be in effect until midnight Saturday.


  • Israel cancels weekly visit from Gaza to Al-Aqsa
    March 16, 2016 10:56 P.M. (Updated : March 18, 2016 10:41 A.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — The Israeli authorities on Wednesday cancelled a weekly visit allowing elderly Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to travel to occupied East Jerusalem for Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, according to Palestinian liaison officials.

    Sources at the Palestinian liaison office said that Israel had called off the agreement, which previously allowed 200 Gazans above the age of 60 to worship at the holy site as part of a ceasefire agreement that ended the 2014 Gaza war.

    850 Gaza Christians receive permits to celebrate Easter in Jerusalem
    March 19, 2016 7:50 P.M. (Updated : March 19, 2016 9:24 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Hundreds of Christian Palestinians from the Gaza Strip will travel to celebrate Easter in Bethlehem and occupied East Jerusalem after the Israeli authorities agreed to grant them permits, a Palestinian Authority official said Saturday.

    Muhammad al-Maqadma, a public information officer for the Palestinian Ministry of Civil Affairs, told Ma’an that Israel had granted around 850 permits to Gaza Christians of different ages to travel to the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

    Al-Maqadma said the permits were the result of “dedicated efforts” by Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh in order to enable hundreds of Christians to celebrate the holidays within a span of 45 days.

    This is the first time such a large number of Christians from Gaza received permits to travel to the West Bank and Jerusalem, al-Maqadma added.

  • Israeli airstrike kills 10-year-old Palestinian, injures 1
    March 12, 2016 9:31 A.M. (Updated : March 12, 2016 3:40 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A ten-year-old Palestinian was killed and his sister seriously injured in an Israeli airstrike launched early Saturday in the northern Gaza Strip after rockets were fired from the besieged enclave.

    Gaza Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra confirmed the death of Yasin Suleiman Abu Khusah,10 , and told Ma’an his six-year-old sister Israa had sustained serious head injuries during the strike.

    A Ma’an reporter based in Gaza said the children were in their house at the time of the strike, located in northwestern Beit Lahiya, adding that the family was still living in their home that was partially destroyed during the most recent Israeli offensive on Gaza in 2014.

    Israa was transferred to the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza City from the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahiya due to critical injuries, al-Qidra said.

    The Israeli army said the Israeli air force targeted four Hamas sites in the northern Gaza Strip after four rockets were fired from Gaza Friday evening.

    6-year-old Palestinian dies from wounds after Israeli airstrike
    March 12, 2016 2:56 P.M. (Updated : March 12, 2016 3:36 P.M.)
    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A six-year-old Palestinian girl on Saturday succumbed to wounds sustained earlier in the day when her home was hit during Israeli airstrikes in the northern Gaza Strip.

    Gaza’s Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra confirmed that Israa Abu Khussa had died due to critical injuries. Her death came hours after her 10-year-old brother,Yasin, was killed in the strike and buried in the al-Salatin cemetery.


    • Deux enfants tués dans un raid israélien nocturne à Gaza
      AFP / 12 mars 2016 17h35

      Gaza (Territoires palestiniens) - Une fillette palestinienne de six ans et son frère de 10 ans ont péri dans un raid aérien israélien mené samedi avant l’aube dans la bande de Gaza en représailles à des tirs de roquettes sur Israël, selon des sources médicales.

      Israa Abou Khoussa, six ans, a succombé après avoir été grièvement blessée lors d’un raid sur le village de Beit Lahiya dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, dans lequel son frère Yassine, 10 ans a été tué sur le coup, ont affirmé les sources médicales palestiniennes.

      Vendredi soir, l’armée israélienne a annoncé que des roquettes avaient été tirées depuis l’enclave palestinienne vers Israël, sans faire de victime.

      Comme après chaque tir similaire, l’aviation israélienne a riposté et mené avant l’aube quatre raids contre des bases de la branche armée du mouvement islamiste Hamas, au pouvoir à Gaza.

      En réaction à l’agression, l’armée de l’air a frappé quatre sites du Hamas dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, a indiqué l’armée dans un communiqué.

      La maison de la famille Abou Khoussa, dont un troisième jeune de 13 ans a également été blessé, se trouve à proximité de l’une des bases des brigades Ezzedine Al-Qassam. Les raids ont provoqué d’importants dégâts.

      Dans l’après-midi, des centaines de personnes ont participé aux funérailles du jeune Yassine, ont constaté des journalistes de l’AFP.

  • 5-year-old killed in Gaza as Israeli ordnance explodes

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A Palestinian child was killed and another seriously injured after an unexploded ordnance detonated in the Jabaliya area of the northern Gaza Strip.

    Medical sources told Ma’an that five-year-old Suhayb Saqir was killed and his brother Musab, 6, was seriously injured in the explosion.

    Sources said the injured child was taken to the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza Strip for treatment.

    Last summer five Palestinians were killed and over 30 injured when an unexploded ordnance went off while rubble was being cleared from a destroyed house in Gaza.

    All of those killed were members of the same family.

    Over 7,000 unexploded ordnance were left throughout the Gaza Strip following the 2014 war between Israel and Palestinian militant groups, according to officials of the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the Palestinian territories (OCHA).


  • Undeterred by closures, Hamas still boasts of tunnel advantage - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    On Jan. 29, speaking to thousands of mourners at the Great Omari Mosque in Gaza City for the funeral of seven al-Qassam Brigades fighters killed, Ismail Haniyeh, the deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau, stated that the tunnels have become a strategic weapon.

    Haniyeh said in his speech, "The tunnels played a crucial role in our victory. It is from these tunnels that the mujahedeen carried out the Nahal Oz operation. From these tunnels, the mujahedeen captured Israeli soldier Oron Shaul and fought the Israeli occupation from ground zero. … The mujahedeen went behind enemy lines … and returned safely to their bases.”

    Read more:

  • Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian teen in Gaza clashes
    Jan. 15, 2016 3:48 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 15, 2016 4:13 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli forces on Friday afternoon shot dead a Palestinian teenager during clashes east of al-Breij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, medical sources said.

    Doctors identified him as 19-year-old Muhammad Abu Zayed and said he had been shot in the head. His body was taken to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah.

    Medics added that at least 10 other Palestinian youths had been shot and wounded with live fire during the clashes.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that “multiple riots” were taking place along the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel on Friday.

    The spokesperson said that that a number of Palestinians had “breached the buffer zone” and “damaged” the fence in the central Gaza Strip before Israeli forces “called on them to halt and fired warning shots into the air.”


    • Israeli forces shoot dead 2 Palestinians in Gaza clashes
      Jan. 15, 2016 3:48 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 15, 2016 6:25 P.M.)

      Hours later, a second Palestinian died after being shot in the stomach during clashes in the same area.

      Gaza’s Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra identified the man as Muhammad Majdi Qaita , 26, from Khan Yunis. Qaita had been pronounced dead shortly after being taken to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, the spokesman added.


    • Deux morts et 30 blessés dans la bande de Gaza
      ce vendredi 15 janvier 2016
      Ziad Medoukh

      L’armée de l’occupation israélienne a tué deux jeunes palestiniens et a blessé trente dans la bande de Gaza lors des manifestations pacifiques organisées par les jeunes sur les frontières de la bande de Gaza en soutien au soulèvement populaire en Cisjordanie occupée.

      Les jeune tués sont : Mohamed Abou Zayed , âgé de 18 ans, de la ville de Burij, au Centre de la bande de Gaza, et Mohamed Quita , âgé de 25 ans, de la ville de Khan-younis au Sud de la bande de Gaza.

      Les soldats israéliens présents sur les frontières ont répondu à ces manifestations populaires par des tirs à balles réelles.

  • Palestinian killed, 3 injured by Israeli artillery fire in Gaza Strip

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was killed and three others were injured by Israeli artillery fire on Wednesday in the northern Gaza Strip after the Israeli army said the four planned to attack forces on the borderline.

    Palestinian medics and security sources told Ma’an that the man was killed and the others sustained serious injuries during a brief military incursion by Israeli forces. The man was identified as Mousa Zaiter , 23.

    Witnesses told Ma’an that Israeli military vehicles and bulldozers had crossed the border fence into the strip around 7 a.m. east of Beit Lahiya before leveling lands on the Palestinian side of the border.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that Israeli military forces in cooperation with the Israeli Security Agency targeted a “terrorist cell planning to detonate an explosive device against Israeli forces” stationed on the borderline.

    Israeli media reported that the alleged “terrorist cell” had been targeted in an airstrike.

    Peter Lerner, a head Israeli army spokesman, in a statement following the incident said: “Israeli forces guarding the border with Gaza face a growing threat from hostile terror groups attempting to destabilize the situation on the ground.”

    Lerner added that Israeli forces would “continue to protect the residents of Israel and the forces guarding them on the border.”

    Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri held Israel responsible for the attack, and warned against further Israeli military action in Gaza.


    • Gaza : un raid israélien fait un mort et trois blessés
      RFI - Publié le 13-01-2016 - Avec notre correspondante à Jérusalem, Murielle Paradon

      Un raid de l’armée israélienne à Gaza ce mercredi 13 janvier a fait un mort et trois blessés selon les autorités palestiniennes. Israël dit avoir ciblé « une cellule terroriste qui préparait une attaque contre des soldats israéliens à la frontière ».

      L’aviation israélienne a tiré ce mercredi 13 janvier sur ce qu’elle estime être une « cellule terroriste » qui se préparait à « placer une charge explosive contre les forces israéliennes stationnées le long de la frontière ».

      Les Israéliens n’avaient pas mené de frappes préventives sur le territoire palestinien depuis longtemps. Dernièrement, ils ont surtout riposté à des tirs de roquettes. « S’en prendre à nos citoyens, c’est jouer avec le feu », a réagi un haut responsable du Hamas, le mouvement islamiste au pouvoir à Gaza.

  • Local photographers provide snapshot of life in Gaza - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Award-winning photojournalist Mohammed al-Baba once again is receiving international accolades, being named one of The Guardian’s top 10 photographers for 2015. The Guardian recognized Baba, a cameraman for Agence France-Presse, for his work documenting the daily lives of citizens following Israel’s war on Gaza in 2014. He has received 14 international awards over the last 15 years.​

    #gaza #photographie

  • Gazan killed in tunnel collapse was Shalit prison guard
    Dec. 30, 2015 10:36 P.M.

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — The Hamas movement on Wednesday announced that one of the men who died when a tunnel in the Gaza Strip collapsed on Monday was a prison guard for former Israeli prisoner of Hamas, Gilaad Shalit.

    The movement released a photo of Abdelrahman al-Mubashir pointing at Shalit during the Israeli soldier’s internment with Hamas between 2006 and 2011.

    Hamas also released the names of four other deceased members of the Hamas military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, who took part in guarding Shalit for more than five years.

    The general leader of the al-Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Daif, identified the other four men as Sami al-Hamaydeh, Abdullah Ali Lubbad, Khalid Abu Bakra and Muhammad Rashid Daoud.

    The al-Qassam Brigades captured Shalit in a joint operation with Jaysh al-Islam and the al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades in June 2006 and held him for over 5 years until he was released in 2011 during an exchange deal which saw the release of 1027 Palestinian prisoners of Israel, dozens of which have been re-detained since.

  • Gazan succumbs to wounds sustained during Friday demonstration
    Dec. 28, 2015 2:41 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 29, 2015 11:26 A.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A Palestinian man on Monday died after being shot by Israeli forces during demonstrations in the central Gaza Strip days prior, medics said.

    Medical sources in Gaza told Ma’an that 48-year-old Yousif Abu Sbeikha al-Buheiri from the al-Maghazi refugee camp succumbed to gunshot wounds he sustained Friday when Israeli military forces opened fire on protestors.

    Sbeikha’s death came after another demonstrator, Hani Rafiq Wahdan, 22, was shot in the head near the al-Shujayyia neighborhood during protests in the Gaza Strip on the same day.

    Last Friday marked the third Friday in a row that Israeli forces shot dead Gazan demonstrators during weekly marches.


  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Gaza demo for 3rd Friday in a row
    Dec. 25, 2015 5:06 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 26, 2015 12:26 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian and injured several others during demonstrations in the Gaza Strip for the third Friday in a row, the Ministry of Health said.

    Hani Rafiq Wahdan , 22, was shot in the head near the al-Shujayyia neighborhood east of Gaza City, a spokesperson for Gaza’s Ministry of Health, Ashraf al-Qidra, told Ma’an. Nine others were hit by live fire.

    Clashes broke out between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli forces across the Gaza Strip, with four injured east al-Bureij refugee camp, including one shot with live fire in the chest, al-Qidra said.

    Six others were shot in the al-Faraheen area east of Khan Younis, and one Palestinian was shot near the Erez crossing, al-Qidra added.


  • Palestinian shot dead in Gaza demo near Khan Younis
    Dec. 18, 2015 7:21 P.M.

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli forces on Friday killed one Palestinian and shot 40 others during clashes in the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health said.

    A spokesperson for Gaza’s Ministry of Health, Ashraf al-Qidra, told Ma’an that 20-year-old Mahmoud Muhammad Saed al-Agha was shot dead by Israeli forces when clashes broke out near Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

    Al-Qidra said 31 others were shot and injured by live fire, 9 by rubber-coated steel bullets, and 14 suffered from severe tear gas inhalation.

    An Israeli army spokesperson did not have immediate information on Friday’s clashes in Gaza.


  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Gaza border clashes
    Dec. 11, 2015 4:41 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 11, 2015 4:58 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli military forces on Friday shot dead a Palestinian and injured 17 others in clashes east of al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials said.

    Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, identified the victim as Sami Shawqi Madhi , 41. He was shot in the chest and died instantly, al-Qidra added.

    Ten other Palestinians were injured during the clashes and taken to hospital for treatment.

    Israeli forces opened fire at demonstrators along the border east of al-Bureij refugee camp and at the Nahal Oz crossing, where protesters set fire to tires.

    Locals said Israeli snipers were deployed in the area.

    There were also reports of clashes near Khan Younis in southern Gaza, and the Erez crossing in the north, where seven were injured by live fire in their lower extremities, al-Qidra said.


  • Les leaders israéliens exploitent les attaques de Paris pour justifier les atrocités contre les Palestiniens

    Les dirigeants plus mainstream d’Israël, aussi de droite qu’ils sont, n’ont pas applaudi devant les attaques comme Lior l’a fait, pas plus qu’ils ne se sont moqués des victimes ou ont blâmé BDS. Au lieu de cela, ils ont utilisé les attentats de Paris comme une occasion de calomnier les Palestiniens, comme ils l’ont presque toujours fait après des attaques majeures dans les pays occidentaux. Source : Etat d’Exception

    • Gaza man shocked after being wrongly identified as Paris attacker
      Nov. 18, 2015 4:44 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 18, 2015 4:59 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A young man from the Gaza Strip has spoken of his shock after being falsely accused of being one of the IS militants involved in the Paris attacks on Friday, which killed over 130 people.

      Sami Abu Rus, a journalism student at Al-Aqsa University, told Ma’an that he was shocked after seeing his image posted online by Islamic State media groups praising him as one of the “lions” who attacked Paris.

      Abu Rus, who resides in al-Nuseirat refugee camp, said he has never left the Gaza Strip and only found out that his photo had been used after being told by friends.

      He initially dismissed it as a joke, before his photo was also published by a site affiliated with IS.

  • Palestinian shot, killed by Israeli forces in southern Gaza
    Nov. 6, 2015 4:09 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 6, 2015 4:20 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a 23-year-old Palestinian man in the Gaza Strip on Friday, Palestinian officials said, the second Palestinian to be killed after a 72-year-old woman was shot dead in the occupied West Bank earlier in the day.

    The Ministry of Health in Gaza identified the man as Salameh Moussa Abu Jame .

    He was shot east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip during clashes in the area.

    In northern Gaza, a Palestinian teenager was injured during clashes near the Erez crossing.

    A Ma’an reporter said that dozens of Palestinian youths protested at the border, with Israeli forces firing tear-gas canisters at demonstrators.

    An Israeli army spokesperson said “tens of Palestinians gathered and approached the security buffer zone and attempted to damage the security fence.”

    Israeli forces called for the perpetrators to stop, before firing at the “main instigator,” the spokesperson added, confirming an injury.


  • Palestinian killed after alleged car attack in Gush Etzion
    Oct. 20, 2015 4:10 P.M. (Updated : Oct. 20, 2015 6:06 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian man was shot and killed after allegedly ramming his car into a group of Israelis in the illegal Gush Etzion settlement bloc on Tuesday, injuring two Israelis, Israeli police said.

    Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld said there had been a “terrorist attack” near the Gush Etzion junction and the area was closed off after Israeli security and police arrived on the scene.

    A spokesperson at the Hadassah hospital confirmed two injured Israelis were being brought for treatment, but she was unable to confirm their condition.

    The Palestinian suspect was shot and killed. He was identified as Hamzeh Moussa al-Imla , 25, from Beit Ula north of Hebron.


    1 Palestinian killed, 14 injured in Gaza border clashes
    Oct. 20, 2015 6:05 P.M. (Updated : Oct. 20, 2015 7:02 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian, and injured nine others with live fire on Tuesday during clashes on the border of the northern and central Gaza Strip, a medical official said.

    Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, said Ahmad al-Sarhi , 27, was shot dead east of the al-Bureij refugee camp. Six others were injured with live fire.

    In northern Gaza, eight Palestinians were injured near the Erez crossing. Three Palestinians were shot and injured with live fire and five others suffered injuries from tear gas, at least one of which was hit with a tear gas canister.

    Un Palestinien tué par des tirs israéliens à la frontière avec Gaza
    AFP – 20 octobre 2015

    Un Palestinien a été tué mardi par des tirs israéliens dans la bande Gaza à la frontière avec Israël, ont indiqué les services de secours palestiniens.

    Ahmed al-Serhi, 27 ans, a été tué par balles durant des affrontements avec des soldats israéliens dans l’est de l’enclave palestinienne près de la barrière frontalière qui enferme la bande de Gaza, selon les services de secours. Les heurts ont en outre fait cinq blessés.

    Environ 200 jeunes, garçons et filles, ont jeté des pierres en direction des soldats israéliens, postés de l’autre côté de la barrière, selon un journaliste de l’AFP sur place.

    Les soldats ont riposté par des tirs de grenades lacrymogènes puis des balles en caoutchouc avant de tirer à balles réelles sur les manifestants afin de les disperser.

    L’armée israélienne a de son côté affirmé dans un communiqué que des soldats avaient « tiré vers des terroristes préparant une attaque dans le sud de la bande de Gaza contre les forces israéliennes ».

  • Palestinian shot, killed by Israeli forces in northern Gaza
    Oct. 16, 2015 4:25 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 16, 2015 4:54 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was killed and 27 others injured as Israeli forces opened fire at demonstrators in the Gaza Strip on Friday, medical sources said.

    Ashraf al-Qidra, Gaza’s Ministry of Health spokesperson said that Yahiya Abd al-Qader Farhat, 24, was killed after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza.

    He was taken to the al-Awda hospital in Jabalia, where he was pronounced dead. Farhat was from the Gaza neighborhood of al-Shujaiyya.

    At least 11 Palestinians were shot with live fire and 14 suffered tear gas inhalation during the demonstrations, al-Qidra added.

    Clashes also broke out east of the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, with Israeli forces firing tear gas at demonstrators, who set fire to tires.

    Demonstrations were reported near the Erez and Nahal Oz crossings in the northern Gaza Strip, as thousands of Palestinians marched following a call by the Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups.

    • 2 Palestinians shot, killed by Israeli forces during Gaza demos
      Oct. 16, 2015 4:25 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 16, 2015 5:56 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Two Palestinians were killed and at least 100 others injured as Israeli forces opened fire at demonstrators in the Gaza Strip on Friday, medical sources said.

      Ashraf al-Qidra, Gaza’s Ministry of Health spokesperson, said that Yahiya Abd al-Qader Farhat, 24, was killed after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza.

      He was taken to the al-Awda hospital in Jabalia, where he was pronounced dead. Farhat was from the Gaza neighborhood of al-Shujaiyeh.

      Mahmoud Hatim Hmeid , 22, was identified as the second victim. He was killed east of the al-Shujaiyeh neighborhood in northern Gaza.

    • Palestinian, 19, shot dead in Nablus by Israeli forces
      Oct. 16, 2015 6:52 P.M. (Updated : Oct. 16, 2015 6:59 P.M.)

      NABLUS (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli forces during clashes in the town of Beit Furik in Nablus on Friday evening, Palestinian officials said.

      The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed to Ma’an that Jihad Hanani , 19, was shot dead. Hanani was the fifth Palestinian to die in the occupied Palestinian territory today.

      Yahiya Abd al-Qader Farhat , 24, died after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza, and Mahmoud Hatim Hmeid, 22, was killed east of the al-Shujaiyeh neighborhood, according to Gaza’s ministry of health.

      Seperately, Eyad Khalil Awawdeh , 26, was shot dead after stabbing an Israeli soldier in the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement in Hebron.

      Earlier, Shawiq Jamal Jabr , 37, died from wounds sustained during a demonstration in the Gaza Strip last week.

    • Cisjordanie - 17 octobre 2015
      Vendredi : 5 Palestiniens tués et 300 blessés par les tirs de l’armée israélienne
      Par IMEMC

      Vendredi 16 octobre, dans les territoires palestiniens occupés, cinq Palestiniens ont été tués, et au moins 300 blessés par des tirs israéliens de balles réelles, de balles caoutchouc acier, de grenades de gaz lacrymogènes et de grenades à surpression, a déclaré le Ministère de la Santé palestinien.

      Vendredi : 5 Palestiniens tués et 300 blessés par les tirs de l’armée israélienne

      Ehab Jihad Hanani, âgé de 19 ans, a été abattu par des soldats israéliens pendant des affrontements à Naplouse, Yahia Abdul-Qader Farhat , âgé de 24 ans, et Mahmoud Hatem Hmeid , âgé de 22 ans, ont été tués pendant des manifestations qui se sont déroulées dans la Bande de Gaza, et Shafiq Jamal Jabr , âgé de 37 ans, est mort des suites de ses blessures, alors qu’il avait été blessé la semaine dernière lors d’une manifestation, également dans la Bande de Gaza.

      Le bureau du Croissant Rouge de Naplouse a indiqué que 22 Palestiniens ont été blessés lors d’affrontements à Huwwara et Beit Forik, à proximité de Naplouse.
      Les soldats ont également ouvert le feu sur une ambulance appartenant à la ville d’Aqraba, faisant exploser sa vitre arrière, près de Naplouse.
      De plus, l’armée a agressé plusieurs journalistes dans différents endroits du nord de la Cisjordanie et a tiré des grenades à surpression en direction de journalistes qui se trouvaient près du barrage militaire de Huwwara, avant de les forcer à dégager des lieux.

      Enfin, Eyad Khalil Awawdeh , âgé de 26 ans, a été tué après avoir attaqué au couteau un soldat israélien, devant la colonie illégale de Kiryat Arba, à Hébron.
      Vendredi a été un nouveau jour meurtrier dans les territoires palestiniens occupés où des combats opposant les Palestiniens aux forces militaires israéliennes ont lieu chaque jour depuis le début du mois.