
  • Saudi Arabia is carrying out a second oppressive mass slaughter in the era of King Salman, including children, protestors, and activists – European-Saudi Organisation for Human Rights

    Without the knowledge of the victims’ families, the Saudi government today circulated awful news of the execution of 37 people, including minors, protestors, and the disabled. Many of them were linked to the Arab Spring protests that took place in Saudi Arabia, particular in the governorate of Qatif beginning on 17 February 2011. Others were charged by Saudi Arabia with spying for Iran, although most of the charges did not include evidence of actual acts of espionage.

    Among the names were at least six minors: Abdullah Salman Al Sarih and Abdulkarim Mohammad al-Hawaj, whose charges go back to when they were 16 years of age, and Said Mohammad al-Sakafi, Salman Amin Al Quraysh, Mujtaba Nadir al-Sweiket, and Abdulaziz Hassan Al Sahwi, whose charges date back to when they were 17. There are also suspicions that others are likely minors, but the European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights (ESOHR) was unable to obtain further details.

    Furthermore, among the shocking executions was Haidar Mohammad Al Laif, who according to Saudi Arabia – in its reply to the UN on 13 December 2017 – was given a final sentence of eight years.

    Many of the charges leveled against the individuals whose executions were announced by the Ministry of Interior were not classified as serious or terroristic crimes. For example, there were charges related to the right to expression, peaceful protest, peaceful association, signing political statements, possessing political documents and information on political detainees. Similarly, some of them have been accused of spreading Shi’ism and practicing non-traditional religious activities involving Shiites in the governorate of Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia.

    The trials of most of the victims of today’s massacre, the details and proceedings of which the ESOHR has followed, have severely lacked the conditions for a fair trial. The trials have taken place in total secrecy and isolation from any of the victim’s relatives or in semi-secrecy, attended by only a few of the victim’s relatives – one to three at most. On the government’s part, select official media entities can attend, as well as members of executive agencies, such as the Mabahith (secret police), and members of the official human rights establishment. Meanwhile, no one from the public or members of civil society can be found at the trial.


    In a report issued in February 2019 following a field visit to Saudi Arabia, the former Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Ben Emerson, called for “a prompt review of all current cases of prisoners charged and convicted of terrorist offenses who are facing the death penalty, in order to ensure that minimum international standards are met in each case.” He stressed that this means that the death penalty may not be imposed except for the most serious crimes leading to loss of life and may not be imposed on people who were minors at the time of their crimes or people with mental or cognitive disabilities. Ben Emerson’s report included a clear reference to those who were executed today, stating that when 24 people were brought to trial in June of 2016 because of pro-democracy protests in 2011, the Specialized Criminal Court sentenced 14 of them to death. This again confirms that the trials did not fulfill the required legal processes and the standards of a fair trial and that the accused were subjected to torture and were not able to have a lawyer. This case is a source of serious concern.

    The rapporteur also expressed particular concern vis-à-vis “a pattern of systematic oppression in the Eastern Province where most of the Shiite population lives,” noting that death sentences were issued against many members of the Shiite minority – who were facing imminent execution – for their participation in pro-democracy demonstrations in Eastern Province in 2011 and 2012.

    The brutal executions carried out by Saudi Arabia today blatantly ignored the many urgent appeals of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Special Rapporteurs, and various committees. These appeals included many of the names of people who were killed by Saudi Arabia today:


    With the executions today, the number of victims of execution since 2019 to today totals 105, while at this point in 2018 there were 48 executions. The rate has more than doubled by 50% compared to last year.

    As stipulated in Saudi Arabia, executions are carried out only after the signature of the king or his deputy, which makes King Salman directly and explicitly responsible for the executions carried out today.

    The ESOHR does not have information about some of the names mentioned as executed today. This goes back to the Saudi government’s closure of all spaces for civil society and the intimidation surrounding the families of the victims. The ESOHR also emphasizes the lack of confidence in the accounts offered by the state under the justification of “terrorism.”

    The ESOHR believes that Saudi Arabia has entered into a bloody era since the ascension of King Salman and his Crown Prince and their absolute control over the country, both internally and externally. The first and most heinous manifestation of this internal control was the mass execution of 2 January 2016. This was followed by numerous crimes, culminating in today’s crime of executing 37 citizens – among them minors, the disabled, and demonstrators – on charges that fall within freedom and opinion and expression and are not classified as criminal.

    After this heinous crime, the ESOHR calls for an international investigation to be opened in order to hold accountable all those responsible for the crimes and violations that have occurred. The ESOHR believes that this is the response that may bring this bloodshed to an end. The ESOHR also calls for a review of Saudi Arabia’s membership in various UN agencies and committees.

    The ESOHR is raising profound concerns about dozens of people threatened with becoming victims of other executions in the future and advocates all legal means to save their lives.

    #arabie_saoudite notre cliente et alliée

  • Saudi Arabia paying Jamal Khashoggi’s children thousands each month – report | World news | The Guardian

    The children of murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi have received multimillion-dollar homes and are being paid thousands of dollars per month by the kingdom’s authorities, the Washington Post has reported.

    Khashoggi – a contributor to the Post and a critic of the Saudi government – was killed and dismembered in October at the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul by a team of 15 agents sent from Riyadh. His body has not been recovered.

    The payments to his four children – two sons and two daughters – “are part of an effort by Saudi Arabia to reach a long-term arrangement with Khashoggi family members, aimed in part at ensuring that they continue to show restraint in their public statements”, the Post said.
    Saudi crown prince wanted to go after Jamal Khashoggi ’with a bullet’ – report
    Read more

    The houses given to the Khashoggi children are located in the port city of Jeddah and are worth up to $4m, the newspaper reported.

    #arabie_saoudite #khashoggi ... beurk

  • Saudi crown prince receives American Christian leaders

    JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received a delegation of US Christian leaders in Riyadh on Thursday.

    The group, who are on a tour of the region, affirmed the importance of exerting joint efforts in promoting co-existence, tolerance and combating extremism and terrorism.

    #états-unis #insignifiance_obscène

  • قرار سعودي بمنع الطلاب السوريين واليمنيين من الدراسة في المدارس السعودية الحكومية فرض رسوم إضافية على المقيمين دفع الآلاف لمغادرة البلاد | القدس العربي Alquds Newspaper

    En Arabie saoudite, à Jeddah précisément, on donne officiellement instruction aux écoles gouvernementales de ne pas accepter les enfants de familles syriennes ou yéménites.

  • L’interview de la mère d’Oussama Ben Laden, Alia Ghanem, par Martin Chulov dans le Guardian est l’évènement médiatique du moment :
    L’article a été largement signalé et commenté (positivement) dans les grands médias français.

    Or, en dehors d’Angry Arab, personne ne semble vouloir remarquer que l’interview reprend tous les talking points de la propagande séoudienne de l’ère Mohamed Bin Salman.

    D’entrée de jeu, Chulov admet qu’il interviewe la famille Ben Laden sous le contrôle du régime séoudien :

    Now, Saudi Arabia’s new leadership – spearheaded by the ambitious 32-year-old heir to the throne, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – has agreed to my request to speak to the family. (As one of the country’s most influential families, their movements and engagements remain closely monitored.)

    Voilà l’une des dictatures les plus violentes de la planète, où le déplaisir du prince vous vaudra la ruine, ou la prison, ou la réclusion à vie dans une résidence privée, ou quelques centaines de coups de fouets, voire la décapitation. Un pays où des milliardaires parmi les plus puissants ont été retenus dans un hôtel, possiblement torturés, avant d’être proprement ruinés. Où un Premier ministre étranger a été retenu et démissionné d’office.

    Mais si la famille accepte enfin de parler – avec l’accord de la nouvelle direction du régime – c’est, selon Chulov, pour éviter de « réouvrir d’anciennes plaies » :

    Unsurprisingly, Osama bin Laden’s family are cautious in our initial negotiations; they are not sure whether opening old wounds will prove cathartic or harmful. But after several days of discussion, they are willing to talk.

    L’idée qu’il n’est pas bien sain, d’un point de vue journalistique, de présenter dans de telles conditions la parole de ces gens comme un authentique entretien, est soulevée dans la fin de l’article par une demi-sœur de Ben Laden installée (réfugiée ?) à Paris. Objection balayée d’une phrase et l’euphémisme « complicated status in the kingdom » :

    From her home in Paris, she later emailed to say she strongly objected to her mother being interviewed, asking that it be rearranged through her. Despite the blessing of her brothers and father, she felt her mother had been pressured into talking. Ghanem, however, insisted she was happy to talk and could have talked longer. It is, perhaps, a sign of the extended family’s complicated status in the kingdom that such tensions exist.

    D’ailleurs la conversation se fait ouvertement en présence d’un commissaire politique du régime mais, précise notre grand reporter : qui ne fait aucune tentative pour influencer la conversation…

    When we meet on a hot day in early June, a minder from the Saudi government sits in the room, though she makes no attempt to influence the conversation.

    On est heureux de constater que les méthodes séoudienness se sont affinées depuis l’interview grotesque de Saad Hariri.

    Bref, l’entretien commence.

    D’entrée de jeu, premier élément de langage tiré de la propagande officielle saoudienne : Oussame Ben Laden s’est radicalisé sous l’influence d’un membre des Frères musulmans. Subtile…

    “The people at university changed him,” Ghanem says. “He became a different man.” One of the men he met there was Abdullah Azzam, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who was later exiled from Saudi Arabia and became Osama’s spiritual adviser.

    Un autre élément de langage, central, reviendra plusieurs fois dans l’interview : en Afghanistan, Ben Laden est un type très bien : il n’est pas encore un jihadiste (jusqu’en 1999…).

    “[…] He spent all his money on Afghanistan – he would sneak off under the guise of family business.” Did she ever suspect he might become a jihadist? “It never crossed my mind.”

    Tant qu’à faire, le petit détail sectaire qui ne trompe pas : la maman de Ben Laden est alaouite :

    Ghanem begins to relax, and talks about her childhood in the coastal Syrian city of Latakia, where she grew up in a family of Alawites, an offshoot of Shia Islam.

    Évidemment, le bon fan-boy de la rébellitude syrienne ne tarde pas à en faire la bonne lecture : la mère de Ben Laden est alaouite « comme les Assad ». Par exemple Sam Dagher te conseille l’article en commençant par cette remarque (subtile) :

    Must read by ⁦@martinchulov⁩ on Bin Laden’s mother. She’s Syrian Alawite like the Assads. […]

    Un autre talking point typique de MBS : l’Arabie séoudite était un pays relativement libéral dans les années 70 (ah ah… comment traduire « freewheeling » ici sans paraître totalement ridicule), mais a adopté une interprétation rigoriste du wahhabisme en réaction à la révolution iranienne (dont le but, écrit-il, était d’exporter le chiisme dans le monde arabe sunnite).

    Osama bin Laden’s formative years in Jeddah came in the relatively freewheeling 1970s, before the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which aimed to export Shia zeal into the Sunni Arab world. From then on, Saudi’s rulers enforced a rigid interpretation of Sunni Islam – one that had been widely practised across the Arabian peninsula since the 18th century, the era of cleric Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab.

    Ah, il faut te dire qu’à ce moment de ce long article, l’interview proprement dite de la mère de Ben Laden est terminée depuis longtemps, et n’a dû occuper que deux gros paragraphes…

    À la place, on part dans des considérations enthousiastes sur cette nouvelle direction saoudienne, sous l’influence de Bin Salman, qui voudrait instaurer un « islam modéré » en Arabie (Chulov est d’ailleurs sans surprise coupable, dans le Guardian, de plusieurs articles enthousiastes sur les femmes séoudiennes autorisées à conduire) :

    In 2018, Saudi’s new leadership wants to draw a line under this era and introduce what bin Salman calls “moderate Islam”. This he sees as essential to the survival of a state where a large, restless and often disaffected young population has, for nearly four decades, had little access to entertainment, a social life or individual freedoms. Saudi’s new rulers believe such rigid societal norms, enforced by clerics, could prove fodder for extremists who tap into such feelings of frustration.

    Reform is beginning to creep through many aspects of Saudi society; among the most visible was June’s lifting of the ban on women drivers. There have been changes to the labour markets and a bloated public sector; cinemas have opened, and an anti-corruption drive launched across the private sector and some quarters of government. The government also claims to have stopped all funding to Wahhabi institutions outside the kingdom, which had been supported with missionary zeal for nearly four decades.

    Such radical shock therapy is slowly being absorbed across the country, where communities conditioned to decades of uncompromising doctrine don’t always know what to make of it. Contradictions abound: some officials and institutions eschew conservatism, while others wholeheartedly embrace it. Meanwhile, political freedoms remain off-limits; power has become more centralised and dissent is routinely crushed.

    Toujours plus éloigné du sujet initial (la maman d’Oussama), le prince Turki al-Faisal, l’« érudit » ancien chef des services secrets saoudiens :

    I meet Prince Turki al-Faisal, who was the head of Saudi intelligence for 24 years, between 1977 and 1 September 2001 (10 days before the 9/11 attacks), at his villa in Jeddah. An erudite man now in his mid-70s, Turki wears green cufflinks bearing the Saudi flag on the sleeves of his thobe.

    Lequel te synthétise l’élément de langage central de l’article : en Afghanistan c’est un combattant de la liberté, et c’est après que ça se gâte :

    “There are two Osama bin Ladens,” he tells me. “One before the end of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, and one after it. Before, he was very much an idealistic mujahid. He was not a fighter. By his own admission, he fainted during a battle, and when he woke up, the Soviet assault on his position had been defeated.”

    As Bin Laden moved from Afghanistan to Sudan, and as his links to Saudi Arabia soured, it was Turki who spoke with him on behalf of the kingdom. In the wake of 9/11, these direct dealings came under intense scrutiny.

    Et une autre explication totalement tirée par les cheveux : si la plupart des terroristes du 11 Septembre étaient séoudiens, ce n’était pas parce que les Séoudiens vivent dans un environnement toxique depuis l’enfance, mais parce que Ben Laden voulait tourner le monde occidental contre l’Arabie… Oui, c’est une très jolie théorie du complot dans laquelle on présente le royaume comme une victime du 11 Septembre :

    “There is no doubt that he deliberately chose Saudi citizens for the 9/11 plot,” a British intelligence officer tells me. “He was convinced that was going to turn the west against his ... home country. He did indeed succeed in inciting a war, but not the one he expected.”

    Et pour terminer, enfonçons le clou sur l’authentique conviction réformatrice (« mais pourra-t-il réussir ? ») de ce brave Mohammed Bin Salman :

    While change has been attempted in Saudi Arabia before, it has been nowhere near as extensive as the current reforms. How hard Mohammed bin Salman can push against a society indoctrinated in such an uncompromising worldview remains an open question.

    Saudia Arabia’s allies are optimistic, but offer a note of caution. The British intelligence officer I spoke to told me, “If Salman doesn’t break through, there will be many more Osamas. And I’m not sure they’ll be able to shake the curse.”

  • Malcolm X: "When you hear me say “by any means necessary,” I mean exactly that. I believe in anything that is necessary to correct unjust conditions-political, economic, social, physical, anything that is necessary."

    Photo: A Saudi woman tries on a mask at a shop during a festival to celebrate Ramadan in the Saudi coastal city of Jeddah on June 25, 2015.

  • سعوديات يطلقن العنان لسيقانهن احتفالا بعيد المرأة

    Des Saoudiennes courrent à Jeddah dans le cadre de la journée des droits de la femme. La photo a-t-elle été pompée dans un magazine de mode ? En tout cas, la abaya de sport est superbe !


  • جدل بعد نفي شركة بن لادن السعودية استحواذ الدولة عليها | القدس العربي Alquds Newspaper

    Situation tout de même assez étrange en Arabie saoudite avec des femmes dans les stades, des milliardaires en prison et parmi les plus grosses sociétés du pays quelques-unes dont on ne sait plus qui les possède ! Le groupe Bin Laden (oui, la famille bien connue) annoncé comme ayant passé sous contrôle de l’Etat il y a deux jours ( affirme être resté une société privée...

    Wikipedia : Saudi Binladin Group were during 2011 signed to a US$1.23 billion contractual agreement to construct the tallest building in the world, Jeddah Tower in Jeddah, and in addition are bound to a US$3.4 billion agreement to construct the Doha Metro located at Doha


  • Mohammed Assaf in US to raise funds for Palestinian refugees | Arab News

    JEDDAH: Palestinian pop singer Mohammed Assaf, who is currently on a US tour, has raised more than $275,000 for Palestinian refugees through the first leg of the tour in Seattle.
    The “Promise for Palestine” tour features Assaf and Palestinian-American civil rights activist Linda Sarsour, and is presented by Islamic Relief USA.
    “Thanks to my dear fellows in Seattle for your support of your full presence on Sunday. With your generous contributions, we have been able to raise more than $275,000, all of which will go to Palestine refugees,” tweeted Assaf, who is also a goodwill ambassador for peace for The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.
    In a video posted on Twitter before the Seattle gig, Assaf said: “My greetings to my beloved American community and to America. I just arrived in Seattle. I am glad to make this tour for our friends and families in Palestine. And a special thanks to all those who will attend and to Islamic Relief USA. I am looking forward to seeing you all in my concerts, Insha’Allah.”
    The fundraising event for Palestine humanitarian aid will span seven cities, giving participants a chance to witness Assaf’s live performance.


  • New agreement strengthens UK-Saudi Arabia Defence relationship - GOV.UK

    The governments of the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have announced a new Military and Security Cooperation Agreement, signed today in Jeddah by the Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon and the Saudi Crown Prince HRH Mohammed bin Salman.


  • She’s Fighting to Empower Saudi Women Through Sports

    It was a good week. On July 11 — a decade and a half into Lina Al Maeena’s fight for women’s sports in Saudi Arabia — the Education Ministry announced that physical education classes in public schools will begin this fall. “It’s a big, big deal,” Al Maeena tells OZY. “It’s like your Title IX,” she adds, referring to the 1972 federal law prohibiting U.S. high schools and colleges from discriminating on the basis of gender in any activity, including sports.
    #arabie_saoudite #femmes #sport #empowerment #Al_Maeena #Jeddah_United_team

  • L’ambition secrète d’#Israël et de l’#Arabie_saoudite : sur la bonne voie ? | Middle East Eye
    Yossi Melman
    5 juillet 2017

    Israël dispose d’un chemin de fer de 60 kilomètres reliant le port de Haïfa à Beït Shéan, dans la vallée du Jourdain. Il veut prolonger la ligne de 6 kilomètres jusqu’au passage frontalier israélo-jordanien. Cela permettrait de transporter des marchandises en train, plutôt qu’en camion, vers et depuis la Jordanie.

    La prochaine étape, selon le plan israélien, est que la #Jordanie construise sa propre extension ferroviaire jusqu’à la voie ferrée israélienne. De là, les lignes se dirigeraient vers l’Arabie saoudite et les émirats du Golfe. Les responsables israéliens et jordaniens ont discuté de cette idée il y a trois ans et ont récemment renouvelé ces discussions

    Un document publié par le gouvernement israélien, intitulé « Les rails de la paix régionale », décrit Israël comme un « pont terrestre » et la Jordanie comme un « carrefour »

    Il indique que « l’initiative contribuera à l’économie d’Israël et renforcera l’économie stressée de la Jordanie », en plus de « relier Israël à la région et consolider le camp pragmatique vis-à-vis de l’Iran et de l’axe chiite ».

  • Five Years on, Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi’s Family Repeats Call for His Release · Global Voices

    Activists are calling for the release of Saudi activist Raif Badawi, who has completed five years of his 10-year sentence in prison.

    In 2013, a criminal court in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia sentenced Badawi to seven years in prison and 600 lashes on a charge of “insulting Islam through electronic channels”.

    Badawi was prosecuted for creating the blog “Saudi Arabian Liberals”, an online forum he launched in 2008 debating the role of religion in the conservative kingdom.

    In 2014, his sentence was increased to 10 years and 1,000 lashes.

    #badawi #droits_humains #arabie_saoudite

  • Saudi Arabia’s new crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is good news for Israel and U.S.

    Saudi crown prince Bin Salman agrees with U.S. on Russia, Assad, Iran and ISIS and according to some reports, he’s also met with top Israeli officials

    Zvi Bar’el Jun 21, 2017
    read more:

    New Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s appointment as Saudi Arabia’s heir apparent was only a matter of time. The “boy,” who will mark his 32nd birthday in August, has been leading the country de facto anyway. He already calls the shots on foreign policy. Many expect that in the not-too-distant future, King Salman, who is ill, will step down and hand the scepter to his son.
    Bin Salman has been undergoing training for the throne since Salman’s coronation two and a half years ago, both through foreign missions carried out on behalf of his father, and also through the war in Yemen that – as defense minister – he planned and carried out (albeit not particularly successfully).
    >>Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro: The impulsiveness of the king-in-waiting should worry Israel and the U.S.
    Before the new crown prince’s advent, his cousin, Mohammed bin Nayef, had been in charge of relationships with Washington, especially with the CIA. In short order, Nayef was pushed out and the Americans understood exactly who the strong man in town was.
    Bin Salman became the contact not only between the kingdom and Washington, but also with Russia: the new heir met with President Vladimir Putin several times to coordinate policy on Syria and Iran.
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    Until now, Mohammed bin Salman has been good news for Israel and the United States, as his firm anti-Iranian positions make him an important partner – and not only in the struggle against Iran. Bin Salman agrees with America on the need to thwart Russian influence in the region; to topple President Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria; and to act firmly against ISIS and other radical organizations, from the Muslim Brotherhood to Hezbollah. During the last two years, several Arab websites have reported that bin Salman also met with top Israelis.

    File photo: US President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the White House on March 14, 2017.NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP
    >> Cluster bombs and yachts: 5 things you should know about Saudi Arabia’s new crown prince
    According to these reports, one such meeting took place in Eilat in 2015; another on the margins of the Arab summit in Jordan this March, and there are regular meetings between Saudi and Israeli officers in the joint war room where Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United States coordinate. What is not yet known is to what extent Bin Salman can and might want to advance the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, as part of U.S. President Donald Trump’s plan, and whether he can turn around relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
    In a series of tweets this week, the Saudi blogger known as “Mujtahidd” revealed a “plot” by Crown Prince bin Salman and the heir to the Abu Dhabi throne, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to stage a coup in Qatar.
    Mujtahidd – many of whose tweets have proven accurate, and who apparently relies on whispers from the Saudi Arabia monarchial court – wrote, among other things, that the two heirs intended to send Blackwater mercenaries (of Iraqi notoriety) to Qatar, together with forces from the UAE, to seize the government. After that, somebody from the ruling Al-Thani family who would be loyal to them would be appointed. Thusly, according to Mujtahidd, the two thought to reduce the crisis and bend Qatar to Saudi Arabia’s will. Based on these tweets, it was the United States that pressed, indirectly, to torpedo the notion.
    By the way, this information has not been verified, and there is no certainty that these tweets rely on any actual fact. But what is unquestionable is the depth of relations between the two young heirs, a relationship that has created an axis of youth confident of the global mission – or at least Arab mission – placed on their shoulders, and confident that none but them are suited to run the Middle East.

    Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (R) talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, June 19, 2017. HANDOUT/REUTERS
    This is a new generation that includes the ruler of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, 37. It is a generation that came late to the Gulf states, having been predated by youthful leaders in Morocco, Jordan and Syria.
    Arab leaders like Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi and King Abdullah have felt the whip of Saudi foreign relations. Both have been lashed over their “behavior” – and they were punished, too. Saudi Arabia cut off the oil supply to Egypt six months ago because of Cairo’s support for the Russian proposal on Syria, and because what Saudi Arabia felt was Egypt’s retreat from the proposal to return the Sanafir and Tiran islands in the Red Sea to it. Saudi Arabia also suspended aid to Jordan until recently because Jordan refused to let Gulf forces operate from its territory against Syrian forces.

    Mohammed bin Salman, newly appointed as crown prince, left, kisses the hand of Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, June 21, 2017./AP
    But the hardest blow was suffered, of course, by Qatar, which was declared non grata by the Gulf nations, Egypt, Yemen and Jordan, which turned the terrestrial and aerial blockade of the Gulf state into an economic one.
    The new crown prince was the living spirit behind all these decisions, which required no more than a formal nod from his father.
    The appointment, which has passed without opposition so far, and with the overwhelming support of the Allegiance Council (which, under the constitution, has the power to approve the appointment of heirs) is not expected to cause any new jolts in the kingdom.
    Potential opponents have already been “summoned for a chat” in the king’s court. The new interior minister, Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef, is another youngster, just 34, and is very close to Mohammed bin Salman. From now on, he will be the one responsible for managing the struggle against internal terrorism. He will also be the crown prince’s partner in oppressing subversion.
    To gratify the subjects ahead of the change, King Salman announced the extension of Id al-Fitr (to mark the end of Ramadan) by another week. He also returned all the financial emoluments that were recently taken away from government and army officials. A pay raise is a time-honored way of maintaining quiet calm in the Saudi kingdom.

  • إعلان الإلحاد على تويتر موضة أم حقيقةميديا+واونلاين/98535/إعلان-الإلحاد-على-تويتر-موضة-أم-حقيقة

    Une « mode », tout à fait singulière en Arabie saoudite, en particulier pour les jeunes femmes : déclarer son athéisme sur Twiotter (sous des noms empruntés bien entendu).

    وفي فبراير الماضي، أصدرت المحكمة الجزائية بمدينة جدة السعودية، حكما بالسجن 10 سنوات وألفي جلدة ودفع غرامة تقدر قيمتها بـ20 ألف ريال بحق شاب سعودي (28 عاما) بعد إدانته بنشر أكثر من 600 تغريدة إلحادية عبر حسابه بموقع التواصل الاجتماعي تويتر.

    « En février dernier, le Trbunal de Jeddah a prononcé une peine de 10 ans de prison et de 2000 coups de fouet en plus d’une amende de 20 000 rials à l’encontre d’un jeune Saoudien (28 ans) accusé d’avoir publié plus de 600 messages athés sur son compte Twitter. »

    #arabie_saoudite #athéisme


    Saudi Stock Market Falls Sharply on Weak Oil, Austerity Steps

    Saudi Arabia’s stock market fell sharply for a second straight day on Wednesday, leading the entire region down, in response to weak oil prices and government austerity measures.

    The Saudi equities index, which had retreated 3.8 percent on Tuesday, sank a further 3.4 percent to 5,534 points, its lowest finish since Jan. 21. It has tumbled 19.5 percent from a peak in April.

    Trading volume climbed to a two-month high as the index fell below technical support on the February low of 5,551 points, though it closed off its intra-day low. It has stronger support at the January low of 5,349 points.

    Brent oil futures had fallen about 3 percent to around $46 a barrel on Tuesday after Iran rejected an offer from Saudi Arabia to limit its oil output in exchange for Riyadh cutting supply.

    This hit petrochemical stocks, with Saudi Basic Industries sliding 4.0 percent on Wednesday. PetroRabigh outperformed the sector, dropping only 2.1 percent, after saying it would proceed eventually with a rights issue that has been delayed since 2015.

    The Saudi insurance sector also suffered after the government said this week that it would reduce bonuses and perks for public sector workers; insurance stocks are favored by local retail investors, who will have less disposable income because of the austerity drive.

    “In Saudi Arabia it is very common to see an average public sector employee trading in the stock market, because someone from his family once made a fat profit – but those days are long gone now. They simply won’t have the financial flexibility with these austerity moves,” said a Jeddah-based broker.

    Among other stocks directly exposed to consumer sentiment, travel agent Al Tayyar plunged 8.2 percent.

    Some telecommunications firms and utilities, seen as defensive shares, performed relatively well and Zain Saudi was one of only four rising stocks, gaining 3.1 percent.

    Elsewhere in the Gulf, Dubai’s index fell 0.4 percent in thin trade as Emaar Properties lost 1.0 percent. Abu Dhabi dropped 0.5 percent with another real estate firm, Aldar Properties, falling 1.5 percent.

    Qatar edged down only 0.1 percent, supported by a 1.2 percent gain by Industries Qatar.

    In Egypt, the index dropped 0.5 percent in a broad-based decline. But textile producer Kabo jumped 10 percent in its highest trading volume since January after posting a 14 percent rise in net profit for the year to June 30.

    Source: Reuters

  • Making a Killing: The € 1.2 Billion Arms Pipeline to Middle East

    As Belgrade slept on the night of Nov. 28, 2015, the giant turbofan engines of a Belarusian Ruby Star Ilyushin II-76 cargo plane roared into life, its hull laden with arms destined for faraway conflicts.

    Rising from the tarmac of Nikola Tesla airport, the hulking aircraft pierced the Serbian mist to head towards Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

    It was one of at least 68 flights that in just 13 months transported thousands of tons of Central and Eastern European weapons and ammunition to Middle Eastern states and Turkey which, in turn, funneled arms into brutal civil wars in Syria and Yemen, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has found. The flights are just a small part of € 1.2 billion in arms deals between the countries since 2012, when parts of the Arab Spring turned into an armed conflict.
    #Serbie #armes #Moyen-Orient #commerce_d'armes #armement #Turquie #Yémen #chiffres #cartographie #visualisation
    cc @reka @fil @albertocampiphoto

  • Un kamikaze se fait exploser près d’un consulat américain en Arabie saoudite (VIDEO)
    4 juil. 2016, 06:20

    Au moins deux responsables de la sécurité ont été blessés dans un attentat suicide près du consulat des Etats-Unis à Jeddah, sur la côte ouest saoudienne.

    Dans la nuit du 3 au 4 juillet, à la veille de la fête nationale des Etats-Unis, une explosion a ravagé le parking de l’hôpital Souleiman Faqeeh, qui se trouve face au consulat américain à Jeddah.(...)

    • Arabie : attentat suicide dans la ville sainte de Médine
      AFP / 04 juillet 2016 20h16
      Ryad - Un attentat suicide s’est produit devant la Mosquée du prophète à Médine, l’un des lieux les plus sacrés de l’islam, la troisième attaque à frapper l’Arabie saoudite lundi, a indiqué la télévision à capitaux saoudiens Al-Arabiya.

      La télévision a montré des images de flammes qui se dégagent d’un parking réservé selon elle aux forces de sécurité, avec au moins un corps gisant à proximité.

      Plus tôt, un kamikaze s’est fait exploser près d’une mosquée chiite dans la ville de Qatif dans l’est de l’Arabie saoudite, ont indiqué à l’AFP des habitants, en affirmant que l’attaque n’avait pas fait de victimes.

      Tôt le matin, un autre attentat suicide a eu lieu près d’une mosquée située à proximité du consulat des Etats-Unis à Jeddah (ouest).

      Ces attaques n’ont pas été encore revendiquées.

  • #Yémen : près de 40 morts dans un raid de la coalition menée par l’#Arabie_saoudite

    Des raids aériens menés par la coalition conduite au Yémen par l’Arabie saoudite auraient fait près de 40 morts samedi près de Sanaa. L’attaque a touché un marché de Nehm, dans la province de Sanaa. La plupart des victimes seraient des #civils.


  • Soirée de lancement Contre-attaque(s) le 8 février 2016 à Paris

    Le lundi 8 février à partir de 18h30 à Paris, Contre-attaque(s), nouveau site d’information de mobilisation pour en finir avec l’islamophobie, vous invite pour sa soirée de lancement. Au programme projection du film Mariam en présence de la réalisatrice Faiza Ambah et Louis Blin, ancien consul général à Jeddah. La projection sera suivi d’une présentation de l’équipe Contre-attaque(s) et de notre site internet. L’occasion de nous rencontrer et d’échanger avec vous des suites à venir. Retrouvez notre (...)


    / #carousel, Actualités

  • Soirée de lancement Contre-attaque(s)

    Ce lundi 18 janvier à partir de 18h30 à Paris, Contre-attaque(s), nouveau site d’information de mobilisation pour en finir avec l’islamophobie, vous invite pour sa soirée de lancement. Au programme projection du film Mariam en présence de la réalisatrice Faiza Ambah et Louis Blin, ancien consul général à Jeddah. La projection sera suivi d’une présentation de l’équipe Contre-attaque(s) et de notre site internet. L’occasion de nous rencontrer et d’échanger avec vous des suites à venir. Retrouvez notre (...)


    / #carousel

  • La sœur du blogueur saoudien Raef Badaoui arrêtée

    Amnesty International a dénoncé l’arrestation par l’Arabie saoudite de #Samar_Badaoui, la sœur du blogueur saoudien #Raef_Badaoui. Elle a été arrêtée mardi matin à Jeddah, avec sa fille de 2 ans, avant d’être interrogée par la police pendant quatre heures, puis incarcérée à la prison de Dhahran, a indiqué l’ONG sur son site Internet.

    Selon #Ensaf_Haidar, l’épouse de Raef Badaoui, elle « a été arrêtée sous l’accusation d’avoir animé le compte Twitter @WaleedAbulkhair » de son ex-mari, militant des droits de l’homme qui purge, lui, une peine de quinze ans de prison. « Samar Badaoui a été transférée à la prison centrale de Dhahran, où Raef Badaoui et #Waleed_Abdulkhair se trouvent aussi », a écrit sur son compte Twitter Ensaf Haidar, réfugiée au Québec avec ses trois enfants, deux fillettes et un garçon.

    #arabie_saoudite #liberté_d'expression #répression

  • Somalians say Saudi #obsession with smoking Hookah destroying forests

    Saudi newspaper Arab News website on November 24:

    JEDDAH: Somalia has blamed Saudi Arabia for contributing to the decline of 90 percent of the forests that once covered that country.

    In an official report, submitted to the United Nations, the African country has alleged that one of the main reasons for deforestation is cutting of trees, particularly the mahogany species, to meet the charcoal demand of hookah or shisha smokers in the kingdom.

    The report, which comes ahead of the conference on climate change to be held in Paris, says that only 10.5 per cent of Somalia’s dense forests remain – a very different situation from what existed prior to the outbreak of the civil war in that country in the 1980s.

    The report indicates that charcoal is exported in enormous quantities to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to be used for shisha. The report adds that other quantities are exported to Yemen and India, leading to the disappearance of the forest cover, and to increased drought and desertification.

    The report warned that the deforestation has led to dwindling acreages allocated to growing frankincense or olibanum (aromatic resin used in incense and perfumes, obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia) and to lower volumes of crops of bananas, cotton, rice, mangoes, and citrus.

    #Somalie #Emirats_Arabes_unis #E.A.U #Arabie_Saoudite #climat #narguilé #déforestation