
  • Plans fast-tracked to normalise Vuwani

    JOHANNESBURG - The Limpopo government says it wants the situation in Vuwani to return to normal by Monday and plans to rebuild the community are being fast-tracked.

    Vuwani was declared a disaster area yesterday following violent protests which resulted in schools being burnt to the ground.

    Government is now able to free up funds to start rebuilding schools and providing mobile facilities and clinics.


  • Sophie Didier, géographe

    Après la musique et la cuisine, il est temps de découvrir la géographie de la ville du Cap. Pour cela, la Nouvelle Internationale était en ligne avec Sophie Didier, géographe et maître de conférences à Paris 13, qui a contribué à la rédaction de l’ouvrage Le Cap après l’#apartheid.

    Elle a vécu plusieurs à Johannesburg, où elle a dirigé l’Institut Français d’Afrique du Sud. Elle s’est intéressée plus particulièrement à la problématique de la sécurité dans l’espace public, sachant que #Cape_Town fait partie des dix villes les plus dangereuses du monde, selon une étude publiée en janvier 2016. C’était aussi l’occasion d’évoquer la #ségrégation_spatiale qui frappe la ville du Cap : là bas, les #townships noirs font face à de luxueuses villas, et les traces de l’apartheid sont encore loin d’être effacées.
    #Afrique_du_Sud #urban_matter #Le_Cap

  • The world’s fastest growing cities | World Economic Forum

    J’ai un peu honte de signaler le WEF mais c’est pour la référence

    By 2025, the Chinese city of Shenzhen will be home to more than 12 million people. In 1950, it was a fishing village with only 3,148 citizens.

    In 1960, the only city in sub-Saharan Africa with a population of over 1 million people was Johannesburg. Ten years later, there were four. By 2010, that number had sky-rocketed to 33 cities.

    Worldwide, urban areas are expanding. It is estimated that by 2050, 70% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas.

    #urban_matter #villes #agglomération

  • ROAPE | South Africa’s May 1968: Decolonising Institutions and Minds

    Throughout 2015 students at South African universities rose up in a mass revolt. They made their voices heard from their campuses, from the streets, from the grounds of Parliament in Cape Town, and the lawns of the Union Buildings, the seat of national government in Pretoria. Students brought down a symbol of colonialism and exploitation, they fought against fee increases in higher education, they called for the end of racism and of neo-liberal outsourcing practices of support services at universities. Students demanded free education in more than one sense. As students are returning for the new academic year, and tensions have already flared up again at some universities it is appropriate to mull over the movement’s practice and theory.

    Decolonizing institutions, decolonizing knowledge, decolonizing the mind; have been the tags of the new generation of activists who have dominated South Africa’s Fanonian moment, the term coined by the political philosopher of post-colonialism, Achille Mbembe, who is a professor at the University of the Witwatersrand (“Wits”) in Johannesburg. The Fanonian moment, as Mbembe explains, occurs at a time when twenty years or so after the country’s initial independence a new generation enters the social scene and asks new questions regarding the incomplete decolonisation. South Africa’s student activists have asked new questions, they have challenged the country’s old and new establishments; they have also forged new alliances and have engaged new political forms. Their activism has drawn on new, distinctive theoretical intersections combining recent theories of intersectionality with the writings of Frantz Fanon, the militant philosopher of revolutionary, anticolonial humanism.[1]

    #afrique_du_sud #colonisation

  • Afrique du Sud : des bourses universitaires réservées aux jeunes filles vierges (L’Express)

    Une municipalité sud-africaine offre des bourses universitaires à des jeunes filles à condition qu’elles soient vierges, une initiative « choquante » pour les féministes qui ont dénoncé vendredi une atteinte à la dignité.

    #éducation #université #bourses #sexisme #virginité #Afrique_du_Sud

    • Sur Libération également :

      N’offrir des bourses d’études qu’aux jeunes filles vierges qui s’engagent à le rester pendant leur scolarité. Qu’elle prenne pour prétexte le besoin de voir les jeunes filles se concentrer sur leurs études ou la lutte contre la propagation du sida, la mairie d’Uthukela, une ville de 670 000 habitants au sud-est de l’Afrique du Sud, a pris une décision contestée. Et l’abstinence, bien sûr, n’est demandée qu’aux femmes. [...] Si la bourse scolaire ne récompense (ou ne stigmatise) que des jeunes filles, c’est parce que selon les autorités municipales, elles sont vulnérables à des grossesses précoces et aux MST. [...] En Afrique du Sud, les tests de virginité sont encore légaux même si l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) les considère comme une violence sexuelle. L’organisation exhorte d’ailleurs les autorités sanitaires partout dans le monde à supprimer ces pratiques intrusives. De plus, l’Afrique du Sud étant l’un des pays où les viols et les agressions sexuelles sont les plus nombreux, ce type d’initiative ne peut qu’accentuer l’ostracisation des victimes. [...] Selon une étude de 2009 du Medical Research Council (MRC), seule une agression sexuelle sur 13 serait déclarée. Il y aurait donc eu l’an dernier quelque 8000 agressions sexuelles pour la seule ville d’Uthukela. « Les jeunes filles qui auraient perdu leur virginité à la suite d’un viol ou d’une agression sexuelle […] seront pénalisées pour l’obtention de la bourse, ce qui ne peut qu’aggraver leur traumatisme », s’insurge Jennifer Thorpe. [...]Mais boycotter cette mesure, pour les jeunes Sud-Africaines, est cependant difficile tant les études coûtent cher dans ce pays. La plupart des étudiants ont besoin d’une aide financière pour mener à terme leurs études supérieures. La majorité ne peut même pas faire face aux frais de scolarité. A l’université de Witwatersrand à Johannesburg par exemple, l’année coûte entre 1930 euros et 3800 euros alors que le revenu moyen d’un salarié ne dépasse pas 979 euros par mois.

      #femme #discrimination

  • Rendez-vous avec un tueur, sur la tombe d’Escobar

    Puis je leur ai expliqué qui était Jhon Jairo Velásquez, sicaire de Pablo Escobar et « assassin professionnel » selon ses propres dires. Un homme qui, sans état d’âme, a abattu « 250 personnes, peut-être davantage » et commandité quelque 3.000 autres meurtres, pour le compte de l’ancien baron de la cocaïne. Les yeux écarquillés, mes mômes ont arrêté de se gondoler de rire. L’incrédulité et l’inquiétude ont voilé leur regard, surtout celui de ma fille adoptive qui a grandi à Tembisa, l’un des pires townships de la banlieue de Johannesburg et garde en mémoire la violence des gangs. « Tu n’y vas pas seule au moins ? », s’est-elle exclamée. « Mais non », l’ai-je rassurée, lui parlant du photographe, Raul Arboleda, qui serait avec moi pour interviewer Popeye sur la tombe de Pablo Escobar, « le patron », son « ami ». (...)

  • Farmers bear brunt of South Africa’s severe drought: ’All we can do is pray’ | Global development | The Guardian

    South Africa is in the midst of its worst drought since 1982, with 2.7m households facing water shortages. The lack of rain has been accompanied by soaring temperatures in many areas, including record highs in Johannesburg (36C) and Pretoria (39.8C). Some cities, including Johannesburg, have implemented water restrictions, drastically reducing the amount of water residents can use on their gardens and limiting showers to just three minutes.

    But South Africa’s farmers are the hardest hit. “If that person is a crop farmer, if it doesn’t rain then he can’t plant. So he must watch the clouds and pray for rain,” said Kosie van Zyl, a senior consultant with Agri SA, a major agricultural association. “Look at our country, we’re actually a semi-desert. If there’s no rain, what can the farmers do? The problem is nature.”


    For Mike Muller, a former director of the Department of Water Affairs, there is a long-term solution, besides prayer – but it lies outside the country. “We need to be taking more advantage of the fact that when it’s dry here, it tends be wet in northern Zambia, Angola and Mozambique,” he said.

    “We could all be more resilient if we weren’t reliant on one climate zone. The big strategic goal is far more cooperation through the region, and we’re not seeing that. We need to see agriculture happening in places which are more sensible, with more irrigation potential.”

    #sécheresse #agriculture #eau #El_Niño #Afrique_du_Sud

  • Il y a dix ans, la révolte des banlieues. Lire « Une révolte française », par Ignacio Ramonet (octobre 2006)

    La banlieue est une caractéristique française. Non pas, bien entendu, la réalité socio-urbaine ainsi désignée : celle-là est universelle — on le vérifiera en lisant les encadrés littéraires qui parsèment les pages de ce numéro et qui évoquent de semblables situations à Berlin, Rome, São Paulo ou Johannesburg. Mais bien le terme lui-même, « banlieue », et les connotations dévalorisantes, dégradantes, discriminantes, voire criminalisantes, qui lui demeurent attachées. [#st] via Le Monde diplomatique

  • Des milliers d’étudiants manifestent devant le siège du parti au pouvoir Afrique du Sud

    Des milliers d’#étudiants ont manifesté jeudi contre l’augmentation de leurs #frais_de_scolarité devant le siège du parti au pouvoir en Afrique du Sud, maintenant la pression sur le gouvernement à la veille d’une rencontre entre les leaders estudiantins et le président Jacob Zuma.

    Parmi les étudiants qui scandaient leur slogan « Fees must fall » (les frais de scolarité doivent baisser), certains brandissaient des panneaux "#Education_gratuite. (...)

    Quelques heures plus tôt, des gardes de sécurité avaient tenté d’empêcher des étudiants de pénétrer sur le campus de l’Université de Johannesburg en les repoussant à coups de gaz lacrymogène.

    Les manifestants ont cependant réussi à pénétrer, selon un photographe de l’AFP, dans l’enceinte du campus, l’un des points névralgiques de la contestation avec les universités du Wits, de Pretoria et du Cap notamment.

    L’université du Cap a de son côté annoncé que les examens de fin d’année qui devaient commencer le 27 octobre étaient suspendus et qu’une « nouvelle date serait fixée après avoir consulté les étudiants et l’administration ».

    « Nous allons demander au gouvernement d’intervenir pour que les étudiants dans le besoin ne subissent pas de hausse des frais de scolarité en 2016 », a ajouté le vice-chancelier de l’université, Max Price.

    Mercredi, des heurts entre étudiants et police anti-émeutes avaient éclaté devant le Parlement sud-africain au Cap. La police avait dispersé les manifestants à coups de grenades assourdissantes.

    Les 29 étudiants arrêtés au Cap, dont six pour entrée illégale dans l’enceinte du parlement, ont été libérés jeudi. Ils comparaîtront tous devant la justice le 23 février 2016 pour violence sur la voie publique et rassemblement illégal.

  • Israel’s ’Jewish Majority’ Obsession
    What can we say about the Jewish majority if it’s a majority for fascism, racism and hatred of Arabs and foreigners?

    Gideon Levy Sep 13, 2015
    read more: Haaretz

    It’s all based on an obsession: Israel must be a Jewish state at any cost. Just or unjust, good or not good, flourishing or not flourishing — the main thing is that it be Jewish. And as with any obsession, few can explain why and no one is allowed to doubt it.
    On the day Israel shakes this obsession and becomes a country like any other, a democracy like any other, it will become a safer and more just place. For the time being, we have a major stumbling block.
    To celebrate the Jewish New Year this evening, there’s no need for a Jewish state. In New York, Johannesburg and Uman, Ukraine (and even in Tehran), the holiday will be marked the right way. To maintain a Jewish lifestyle there is no need for a Jewish state. Freedom of religion exists in many countries. But then things get complicated.
    Almost all Israeli Jews (and most of the world) think Jews deserve a national home; Jewish Israelis also want to live in a country where most of the citizens — preferably all the citizens — are Jewish. The first aspiration is legitimate and has come true, the second is illegitimate and nationalist. It also lacks real meaning.
    Peter Beinart explained in Haaretz Friday that there’s no such thing anymore as the American Jewish community: “In 2015, knowing that an American is Jewish doesn’t tell you much about how she lives or thinks either. There are today basically two American Jewish communities … each of which has more in common with a group of American gentiles than with each other.”
    These words are even truer regarding the Israeli Jewish community — it’s subdivided into loosely connected communities. And yet the obsession about the “Jewish majority” is intensifying, uniting the Jewish right and left.
    In most enlightened countries, no one dares ask what a person’s religion is. In Israel it’s key. When Zionist Union MK Nachman Shai says his goal is for “the percentage of Arabs in the country not to rise,” he’s expressing the height of Israeli political correctness. There are countries (and Israel should be one of them) where such a statement would be one’s last as a legislator. But when the name of the game is Jewish majority, such harmful words are no problem.
    There are no Jewish values or Jewish morals — there are universal values and universal morals. A mother should hope her son becomes a good man, not a good Jew. A Jewish restaurant is an Eastern European restaurant, and Jewish sites are ultra-Orthodox or religious in general. Israel must stop busying itself with its “Jewish character” and Jewish majority all the time. It must start worrying about progress, justice, morality and values.
    The Jewish state was established long ago; now is the time to establish a democratic, egalitarian and just state. It will not become this if it does not shake the obsession of its Judaism. A state that shakes its obsessive preoccupation with its Judaism will also shake its anxieties and stoke less hostility — it will be more just.
    And what can we say about the Jewish majority if it’s a majority for fascism, racism and hatred of Arabs and foreigners? What is Jewish character for most of us if it means a country of religion? Why should a liberal Israeli want to live in a country with a Jewish majority based on settlers and nationalists? Wouldn’t it be better to establish a community of democratic, liberal, secular people fighting the fundamentalists, anti-democrats and nationalists?
    Sixty-seven years after Israel’s founding, now is the time for the second war of liberation — a war of liberation from Israel’s Judaism.

  • South African Jews Vow Not Be ’Bullied’ by Calls to Cut Dual Israeli Citizenship - Jewish World News - Haaretz

    An attack on the Jewish community – that is how South African Jewish community organizations are describing proposed changes to the country’s dual-citizenship laws.
    A deputy cabinet minister and senior official in the ruling African National Congress (ANC) made headlines at the weekend when he was quoted as saying that the government should look at changing current laws so as to prevent South African citizens from fighting for the Israel Defense Forces.
    The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) and South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) condemned the comments made by Obed Bapela, who is also head of the ANC’s national executive committee’s panel on international relations. 
    “He has undermined the very core value of South Africa’s democracy by proposing a change to our law purely to prevent one sector of our society, in this case, South African Jews, from having a relationship with Israel,” the SAJBD and SAZF said.
    “The South African Jewish community will not be bullied or intimidated by his threats and have sought a meeting with President Jacob Zuma and will request further meetings to clarify Bapela’s statement.”
    SAJBD chairwoman Mary Kluk told Haaretz that she didn’t know how many South Africans have served with the IDF in recent years.
    Asked if she believed that Bapela’s views reflected those of the senior ANC leadership, she said: “No. I strongly believe that these are Bapela’s personal views and that he uses every opportunity provided to him to put them out there.”
    Bapela rejected the notion that the proposed policy changes were aimed only at Israel.
    In a radio interview, he said that Israel was used as simply an example, but that the government was also concerned about South Africans serving with other nations’ armies.
    Several citizens had served with the American and British militaries during the invasion of Iraq, he said, and that others take part in mercenary wars and escape prosecution by adopting another country’s citizenship.
    Responding to the assertion that the South African Jewish community was being singled out, Bapela said: "Not at all. We are not anti-Jewish. We are not anti-Semitic. That is why even the policy says ’the Israeli state co-existing with that of Palestine.’

    Pro-Gaza, anti-Israel demonstrators in Cape Town, August 9, 2014.Reuters
    “That’s recognition of Israel as an independent state and the Jewish community as citizens of the world. It’s the policies of the government of Israel we oppose and are against.”
    He added, however, that if a “specific group” is sending boys to a country every year to receive military training, it was something that goes against ANC policies and would have to be looked at.
    Speaking to Haaretz, SAZF President Avrom Krengel said that although the organization doesn’t keep track of how many South Africans have served in the IDF in recent years, it was definitely far less than the number who serve in the British armed forces.
    “A year or two ago, the U.K. High Commissioner said that there were over 1,000 South Africans serving as British Marines,” Krengel said.
    He added that while the children of South Africans who make aliyah would eventually end up in the IDF when they reached conscription age, it could not be interpreted as a case of South African Jews sending their children to Israel to be part of the army.
    The fewer than 200 families who make aliyah every year come from a big cross-section of the community and are motivated to immigrate to Israel for various reasons, Krengel said.
    “They are not going there to join the IDF,” he said.
    He described Bapela as being part of a very vociferous anti-Israel camp in the ANC, but said his views weren’t shared by the country’s president, deputy president or senior cabinet ministers.
    The mooted change to the law also drew sharp criticism from Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who for 10 years served as Minister of Home Affairs and is head of the opposition Inkatha Freedom Party.
    Buthelezi said he felt frustrated by the ANC’s intention to “instruct” government to change its citizenship laws “purely on the basis that a few South Africans are also citizens of Israel, and a few among them may be receiving military training in Israel.”
    Buthelezi pointed out that under current laws a citizen can only lose his or her citizenship for serving in the armed forces of a country with which South Africa is at war.
    “We are not at war with Israel,” he noted.
    “One can reach no other conclusion than that the ANC has moved from being ’pro-Palestine’ to being ’anti-Israeli’.”
    Bapela was in the news less than two months ago for comments related to Israel.
    He had harsh words for South African students who visited Israel under the auspices of the South Africa-Israel Forum, saying that they had brought the ANC into disrepute and promising to launch a probe.
    At the time he accused Israel of “offering free trips and holidays to embarrass the ANC."
    Bapela was also a featured speaker at a protest in March of this year against the South Africa-Israel Expo in Johannesburg.
    During the BDS event, participants were heard shouting “You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you!” and “You Jews do not belong here in South Africa!”

  • South African Jews Vow Not Be ’Bullied’ by Calls to Cut Dual Israeli Citizenship
    Official in the ruling ANC party said that the government should look at changing the laws to prevent South Africans from fighting for IDF.

    Michael Campbell Sep 07, 2015

    An attack on the Jewish community – that is how South African Jewish community organizations are describing proposed changes to the country’s dual-citizenship laws.
    A deputy cabinet minister and senior official in the ruling African National Congress (ANC) made headlines at the weekend when he was quoted as saying that the government should look at changing current laws so as to prevent South African citizens from fighting for the Israel Defense Forces.
    The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) and South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) condemned the comments made by Obed Bapela, who is also head of the ANC’s national executive committee’s panel on international relations. 
    “He has undermined the very core value of South Africa’s democracy by proposing a change to our law purely to prevent one sector of our society, in this case, South African Jews, from having a relationship with Israel,” the SAJBD and SAZF said.
    “The South African Jewish community will not be bullied or intimidated by his threats and have sought a meeting with President Jacob Zuma and will request further meetings to clarify Bapela’s statement.”
    SAJBD chairwoman Mary Kluk told Haaretz that she didn’t know how many South Africans have served with the IDF in recent years.
    Asked if she believed that Bapela’s views reflected those of the senior ANC leadership, she said: “No. I strongly believe that these are Bapela’s personal views and that he uses every opportunity provided to him to put them out there.”
    Bapela rejected the notion that the proposed policy changes were aimed only at Israel.
    In a radio interview, he said that Israel was used as simply an example, but that the government was also concerned about South Africans serving with other nations’ armies.
    Several citizens had served with the American and British militaries during the invasion of Iraq, he said, and that others take part in mercenary wars and escape prosecution by adopting another country’s citizenship.
    Responding to the assertion that the South African Jewish community was being singled out, Bapela said: "Not at all. We are not anti-Jewish. We are not anti-Semitic. That is why even the policy says ’the Israeli state co-existing with that of Palestine.’

    Pro-Gaza, anti-Israel demonstrators in Cape Town, August 9, 2014.Reuters
    “That’s recognition of Israel as an independent state and the Jewish community as citizens of the world. It’s the policies of the government of Israel we oppose and are against.”
    He added, however, that if a “specific group” is sending boys to a country every year to receive military training, it was something that goes against ANC policies and would have to be looked at.
    Speaking to Haaretz, SAZF President Avrom Krengel said that although the organization doesn’t keep track of how many South Africans have served in the IDF in recent years, it was definitely far less than the number who serve in the British armed forces.
    “A year or two ago, the U.K. High Commissioner said that there were over 1,000 South Africans serving as British Marines,” Krengel said.
    He added that while the children of South Africans who make aliyah would eventually end up in the IDF when they reached conscription age, it could not be interpreted as a case of South African Jews sending their children to Israel to be part of the army.
    The fewer than 200 families who make aliyah every year come from a big cross-section of the community and are motivated to immigrate to Israel for various reasons, Krengel said.
    “They are not going there to join the IDF,” he said.
    He described Bapela as being part of a very vociferous anti-Israel camp in the ANC, but said his views weren’t shared by the country’s president, deputy president or senior cabinet ministers.
    The mooted change to the law also drew sharp criticism from Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who for 10 years served as Minister of Home Affairs and is head of the opposition Inkatha Freedom Party.
    Buthelezi said he felt frustrated by the ANC’s intention to “instruct” government to change its citizenship laws “purely on the basis that a few South Africans are also citizens of Israel, and a few among them may be receiving military training in Israel.”
    Buthelezi pointed out that under current laws a citizen can only lose his or her citizenship for serving in the armed forces of a country with which South Africa is at war.
    “We are not at war with Israel,” he noted.
    “One can reach no other conclusion than that the ANC has moved from being ’pro-Palestine’ to being ’anti-Israeli’.”
    Bapela was in the news less than two months ago for comments related to Israel.
    He had harsh words for South African students who visited Israel under the auspices of the South Africa-Israel Forum, saying that they had brought the ANC into disrepute and promising to launch a probe.
    At the time he accused Israel of “offering free trips and holidays to embarrass the ANC."
    Bapela was also a featured speaker at a protest in March of this year against the South Africa-Israel Expo in Johannesburg.
    During the BDS event, participants were heard shouting “You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you!” and “You Jews do not belong here in South Africa!”

    • Quand est-ce qu’en France on refuse la nationalité à ceux qui participent à une armée israélienne raciste, coloniale et (c’est un pléonasme) coupable de crimes de guerre ?

      Qui aura le courage de le réclamer ?

  • Pioneer Jewish South African freedom fighter calls Israel ’apartheid state’
    Denis Goldberg, aided by Israel in 1985 release from S.A. prison, says even Israel’s treatment of Arab citizens counts as apartheid.
    By Haaretz | Jul. 28, 2015 Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

    Veteran Jewish anti-apartheid activist Denis Goldberg, whose release after two decades in a South African prison was aided by Israel, and who then lived briefly in the Jewish state before leaving in protest, told a Johannesburg gathering that Israel is an apartheid state, the Middle East Monitor reported on Tuesday.

    Noting that critics of this view protest that Palestinian citizens of Israel, unlike blacks in apartheid South Africa, vote and serve in their country’s parliament, Goldberg said, “You don’t need to be like South Africa to be an apartheid state, there is a definition in international law through the UNESCO declaration on apartheid,” he said.

    Apartheid exists, he said, in states that enforce laws and policies that discriminate between people on the basis of race or religion, and this holds true in Israel proper as well as in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. He was one of a panel of anti-apartheid activists discussing the lessons that struggle holds for the Palestinian cause.

    Goldberg, 82, one of the original members of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress, was sentenced with Nelson Mandela and other activists to life in prison in the 1964 Rivonia treason trial. He was released in 1985 with Israel’s intercession, then went to live on a kibbutz, but moved to London months later, denouncing Israel’s war in Lebanon, its occupation of the Palestinian territories, and its close ties with South Africa.

    “There is no doubt in my mind that Israel is an apartheid state,” Goldberg told the gathering. “Having lived through apartheid in South Africa, I cannot allow in my name the same kind of oppression to go on.”

    He added, “I have to be an opponent of the exclusionist policies of Zionism, but let me say straight away that I have to be opposed to the exclusionary policies of the feudal Arab states of the Middle East as well.”

  • Radioactive city: how Johannesburg’s townships are paying for its mining past | Cities | The Guardian

    Residents here fear the wind most. When it blows, fine particles from these man-made dumps are carried up into the air and deposited on to residents’ homes. It is no ordinary dust, either: the residue of decades of mining, it can contain traces of everything from copper and lead to cyanide and arsenic.

    “During August and September, the dust is terrible. You stop cleaning the floor after a while. It’s just useless,” says Plaatjies.

    In the local clinic, respiratory cases such as tuberculosis and asthma are ubiquitous across all age groups, says Musa Mbatha, chairman of the clinic’s civic committee. Rashes and skins diseases are commonplace, too.

    “People can’t afford to buy food every day, so they leave the food and it gets contaminated,” Mbatha adds. “The government said that it would do a survey of the health impacts of the mining dust, but until today it hasn’t happened.”

    An even more dangerous pollutant is lurking in Johannesburg’s mine dumps, however: radioactive waste. According to one university study, an estimated 600,000 metric tonnes of radioactive uranium are buried in waste rock in and around Johannesburg – around three times what was exported during the Cold War.

    “[Johannesburg] is undoubtedly the most uranium-contaminated city in the world,” says Dr Antony Turton, a professor at the University of Free State’s Centre for Environmental Management.

    Uranium naturally occurs in reefs alongside gold, meaning the two are often excavated at the same time. For every tonne of gold mined in the Witwatersrand gold fields – the southern sections of which border western Johannesburg – between 10 and 100 tonnes of uranium were also mined.

    #extraction_minière #uranium #radioactivité #santé #pollution #afrique_du_sud @fil

  • Les femmes, le Burundi et le terrorisme au menu du sommet de l’UA - Afrique - RFI

    Le sommet de l’Union africaine s’est ouvert ce jeudi 11 juin à Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud. Le thème officiel de ce 25e sommet est l’autonomisation des femmes. Jeudi et vendredi, ce sont les ministres des Affaires étrangères qui se réunissent, avant les chefs d’Etat ce week-end. Au menu, l’intégration des femmes, mais également la crise au Burundi, les différents conflits qui pèsent sur le continent et les questions liées au terrorisme.

    C’est un discours résolument positif qu’a prononcé la présidente de la Commission de l’Union africaine Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. Elle a salué la création d’un marché commun entre l’Afrique de l’Est et l’Afrique australe, ratifié en Egypte cette semaine. « Il s’agit d’un premier pas vers la création d’une zone de libre-échange continentale », a-t-elle ajouté.

    #afrique #droit_des_femmes

  • Afrique - Des milliers de Sud-Africains dans la rue pour dénoncer les violences xénophobes - France 24

    En réponse à la vague de violences xénophobes qui a fait sept morts ces dernières semaines en Afrique du Sud, des milliers de personnes ont manifesté jeudi à Johannesburg.

    #Afrique #Afrique_du_Sud #xénophobie

  • Afrique du Sud : les violences xénophobes relancent le débat - Afrique - RFI

    Une grande manifestation est prévu, ce jeudi à Johannesburg, alors que depuis trois l’Afrique du Sud fait face à une vague de violences contre les étrangers. Au moins sept personnes ont été tuées lors de ces incidents qui ont fait ressurgir au coeur du débat politique la question de la politique migratoire.

    #Afrique_du_Sud #xénophobie #migrants #migration #Afrique

  • South Africa: say no to xenophobia

    Johannesburg, 20 April 2014 – The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) strongly condemns the ongoing attacks and fear of reprisals in KwaZulu-Natal province, Johannesburg and other parts of the country. The shop lootings and direct attacks over the past two weeks have left five people dead and have displaced nearly 2,500 Malawian, Zimbabwean, Mozambican and Burundian, among other, nationals. In a country of 50 million people with high unemployment rates, perpetrators of the violence accuse the five million migrants of taking the jobs from South Africans.
    #Afrique_du_Sud #xénophobie

  • A flash of xenophobic rage

    JOHANNESBURG, April 17, 2015 – Outbreaks of xenophobic violence are a recurring problem in South Africa, and particularly in Johannesburg, which is home to large communities of foreigners from other parts of Africa. On April 15, a rumour starts spreading on social media, warning that foreign-owned stores in the city centre are about to be attacked by looters. We set off right away, a team of three including myself, a text and a video reporter.
    #racisme #xénophobie #Afrique_du_Sud