city:san francisco

  • Silicon Valley no more?

    Startups are not concentrated in any one place any longer, but just sort of diffused everywhere.Photo by Jakub Gorajek on UnsplashWhen Sam Altman says it, it must be true. Silicon Valley is changing and it’s no longer the obvious place for startups.The president of seed accelerator Y Combinator and co-chairman of non-profit artificial intelligence research firm OpenAI has recently took to Twitter to talk about how San Francisco and the Bay Area are changing.“I think 2017 was around when it stopped being an obviously good idea for startups to be in the Bay Area, but it’s been somewhat obscured by a massive surge in availability of cheap seed funding,” Altman elaborated on a Twitter thread.body[data-twttr-rendered="true"] background-color: transparent;.twitter-tweet margin: auto !important;I (...)

  • Hacker Noon Dev Stories at #github’s SF HQ on Feb 28

    But first, shout out to our investors of the week: Steve Konves, Nick Caldwell, and Margus Eha ?Our equity crowdfund is up to $1.01M from 1,060 investors, and is ending soon.Lets share dev stories! Join us Thursday Feb 28 at GitHub’s San Francisco HQ. These 5 minute talks will be loaded with technical details, cleverness and real world applications. This event wouldn’t be possible without PubNub’s and GitHub’s support of San Francisco’s developers, makers, and free thinking tech professionals.Hacker Noon Dev Stories at GitHub HQEvent Schedule6:30–7:00 Meet and Greet7:00–8:15 Awesome Dev Storytelling Time. Introduction by Hacker Noon Founder/CEO David Smooke and MCed by COO Linh Dao Smooke.8:15–8:45 Talk and LeaveTech Talks (5 minutes each):“How Humans Create Technology and How Technology Creates (...)

    #dev-storytelling-time #github-hackernoon #dev-story

  • Quand le climat fait sa première victime en Bourse - Les Echos

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company, l’EDF de la Californie, vient de se déclarer en faillite, la plus importante depuis Lehman Brothers. Sa chute en dit long sur la façon dont les changements climatiques peuvent affecter les entreprises. Le monde financier ne peut désormais plus y rester insensible.

    • Les malheurs de PG & E commencent en novembre dernier, lorsque de violents incendies ravagent la Californie . L’incendie Camp Fire dévaste 14.000 maisons et fait 86 morts dans la petite ville de Paradise. L’opérateur basé à San Francisco est rapidement pointé du doigt. Un de ses pylônes à haute tension est situé au beau milieu de la zone du Camp Fire. PG & E a lui-même notifié qu’il avait été victime d’un incident quelques minutes avant le début de l’incendie. Selon une piste explorée par les enquêteurs, une attache défaillante a pu laisser une ligne de 115.000 volts entrer en contact avec le pylône métallique, provoquant des étincelles qui auraient enflammé la végétation voisine, mal entretenue.

      La cause exacte de la plupart des incendies de Californie reste indéterminée. Mais on sait que les conditions climatiques et hydrologiques de l’Etat sont propices à de tels embrasements. Car, à l’ouest des Etats-Unis, le réchauffement global ces dernières années a réduit l’accumulation du manteau neigeux durant les hivers froids et humides, et a avancé le début du printemps. Les étés sont secs et plus longs. Les sols et la végétation sont asséchés, et les bourrasques automnales qui poussent de l’air chaud vers la Californie alimentent amplement les feux de forêt. Selon l’étude « sigma » de Swiss Re, référence sur les catastrophes naturelles, les gros incendies faisaient rage pendant six jours en moyenne entre 1973 et 1982 avant d’être maîtrisés. Depuis, cette durée est passée à plus de 50 jours...

      On savait le réchauffement climatique responsable de la multiplication des ouragans dévastateurs dans le golfe du Mexique. Il est aussi à l’origine de l’augmentation de la fréquence et de la gravité des incendies en Californie - leur coût avait déjà dépassé 14 milliards de dollars en 2017. Et il vient donc de faire sa première victime boursière avec la faillite de PG & E.

      #effondrement #collapsologie #catastrophe #fin_du_monde #it_has_begun #Anthropocène #capitalocène

      On l’ajoute à la troisième compilation :

  • Mapping All of the Trees with Machine Learning – descarteslabs-team – Medium

    All this fuss is not without good reason. Trees are great! They make oxygen for breathing, suck up CO₂, provide shade, reduce noise pollution, and just look at them — they’re beautiful!
    8th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn last May. Look at those beautiful trees!

    The thing is, though, that trees are pretty hard to map. The 124,795 trees in the San Francisco Urban Forest Map shown below, for example, were cataloged over a year of survey work by a team of certified arborists. The database they created is thorough, with information on tree species and size as well as environmental factors like the presence of power lines or broken pavement.

    But surveys like this are expensive to conduct, difficult to maintain, and provide an incomplete picture of the entire extent of the urban tree canopy. Both the San Francisco inventory below and the New York City TreesCount! do an impeccable job mapping the location, size and health of street trees, but exclude large chunks within the cities, like parks.

    #arbre #arbres #cartographie #machine_learning

  • Mis en cause dans les incendies en Californie, Pacific Gas and Electric Company déclare faillite AFP Los Angeles - 14 janvier 2019 - La Presse CA

    Mis en cause dans les incendies meurtriers qui ont ravagé le nord de la Californie en 2017 et 2018, avec des dommages et intérêts colossaux à la clef, le fournisseur d’énergie Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) a annoncé lundi qu’il allait se déclarer en faillite d’ici la fin du mois.

    Son cours de Bourse a chuté de près de 50 % après cette annonce. Photo Richard Drew, Associated Press

    Son cours de Bourse a chuté de près de 50 % après cette annonce.

    La compagnie basée à San Francisco est notamment visée par la plainte de victimes de l’incendie « #Camp_Fire », qui a détruit en novembre dernier la petite ville de #Paradise et fait au moins 86 morts. Selon la plainte, l’incendie de forêt aurait été déclenché par des « étincelles » provoquées par une ligne à haute tension de #PG&E dans la zone.

    La société est également mise en cause dans d’autres incendies survenus en 2017 dans le nord de la Californie (qui ont causé la mort de plus de 40 personnes au total) et fait l’objet d’enquêtes fédérales.

    L’origine exacte de ces incendies n’a pas encore été identifiée, mais si les enquêtes concluaient à la responsabilité de PG&E dans les morts et destructions de milliers de bâtiments, la firme s’exposerait à des dommages et intérêts colossaux, estimés à quelque 30 milliards de dollars au total.

    Sans préjuger de l’issue de ces enquêtes, PG&E a annoncé lundi dans un communiqué transmis à l’AFP qu’il allait se placer sous la protection du « chapitre 11 », une disposition de la loi américaine qui permet à une organisation de continuer à fonctionner normalement à l’abri de ses créanciers.

    Cette mesure doit entrer en vigueur à l’issue du délai légal de 15 jours, soit aux alentours du 29 janvier, précise le communiqué.

    PG&E « ne prévoit aucun impact de la procédure du chapitre 11 sur la fourniture d’électricité ou de gaz naturel à ses clients », au nombre de 16 millions environ dans le nord et le centre de la Californie.

    La société « reste engagée aux côtés des communautés touchées par les incendies en Californie du Nord et va poursuivre ses efforts en vue de la reconstruction », ajoute le texte.

    Dimanche, PG&E avait annoncé la démission de sa directrice générale, Geisha Williams, sans fournir d’explications sur les raisons de son départ.

    #électricité #énergie #Haute_tension #incendies

  • Accros aux smartphones : six lanceurs d’alerte à écouter de toute urgence - Médias / Net - Télé,n591

    “L’abus de smartphone rend-il idiot ?” est la question posée en “une” de “Télérama” cette semaine. Aux Etats-Unis, les lanceurs d’alerte issus de la Silicon Valley cherchent la meilleure façon de répondre à cette question. Et insistent sur le même message : face aux écrans, nous sommes tous vulnérables.

    En 2016, un ingénieur et designer de Google, Tristan Harris (31 ans à l’époque), décide de partager dans un serveur interne une longue note exprimant ses doutes à propos du travail mené par l’équipe qu’il dirige (et plus largement l’entreprise qui l’emploie). Spécialiste de l’ergonomie des alertes et notifications (ces signaux qui nous suivent partout depuis que nos téléphones portables sont devenus de ordinateurs mobiles), Harris considère que Google va désormais trop loin dans « la guerre à l’attention ».

    « Chers collègues (...) aider les gens à gérer leurs messageries, leurs sources d’info, très bien. Mais tout faire pour agripper leur attention en permanence, est-ce bien éthique ? » En 24 heures, sa note fait le tour de l’entreprise ; beaucoup chez Google pensent comme lui mais n’osent le dire… Depuis, Tristan Harris a fait beaucoup de choses. Il a démissionné. A donné une interview qui a marqué les esprits – pour l’émission 60 minutes en avril 2017 –, y comparant le rapport de millions d’utilisateurs à leur smartphone à celui des joueurs de casino face aux machines à sous et n’hésitant pas à parler de « brain hacking ».

    Puis il a lancé un groupe d’actions, The Center for Humane Technology, basé à San Francisco, dans le but d’alerter le grand public aux risques d’addiction aux écrans. Un combat porté par de plus en plus de voix aux Etats-Unis, parmi lesquels les six lanceurs d’alerte ici présentés.

    #Economie_attention #Ecologie_attention #Nudge #Smartphone

  • Partout, tout le temps : tous accros à nos smartphones ? - Le monde bouge - Télé,-tout-le-temps-tous-accros-a-nos-smartphones,n5908086.php

    Programmé pour capturer sans relâche notre attention, le téléphone connecté a bouleversé notre rapport au monde. Reportage à San Francisco, où des ingénieurs repentis tentent de lutter contre les addictions au tout petit écran.

    Son enfance, Aza Raskin l’a passée au milieu des circuits intégrés et des microprocesseurs – à la maison, il y en avait partout, dans le salon, le garage, la cuisine. La famille habite au sud de San Francisco, dans la Silicon Valley. Lorsque Aza vient au monde, en 1984, la réputation et la fortune de son père sont déjà faites : cinq ans plus tôt, Jef Raskin, ingénieur au sein d’une petite entreprise nommée Apple, a inventé rien de moins que l’ordinateur du futur, le Macintosh. « J’ai toujours entendu mon père dire que l’informatique, c’était la porte d’entrée vers une civilisation nouvelle, un gigantesque potentiel de bienfaits pour l’humanité, sourit l’ingénieur de 34 ans dans son lumineux bureau de Berkeley. Jef était quelqu’un d’enthousiaste, bondissant d’une idée à l’autre. Il se fichait d’avoir marqué l’histoire de l’ordinateur, il ne pensait qu’à l’avenir et à sa prochaine trouvaille. »
    Aza raskin, inventeur du “scroll” et repenti du Web

    Raskin junior est un pur produit de la Silicon Valley et du déterminisme social. A 10 ans, il maîtrise plusieurs langages informatiques. A 13, il crée des logiciels. A 22, multidiplômé, il entre chez Mozilla, qui s’apprête à lancer le système d’exploitation Firefox. « Je suis devenu “creative director”, c’est-à-dire le patron des designers, les gens qui vous donnent envie de cliquer sans réfléchir. J’ai fait ce travail avec passion, jus­qu’au moment où j’ai commencé à m’interroger sur la toute-puissance des outils à notre disposition. Sur le Web, le design est discret, mais c’est une arme de persuasion terriblement efficace : on peut vite rendre les gens passifs et dépendants. A un moment, je me suis dit que des jeunes geeks comme moi, majoritairement blancs et travaillant tous en Californie, avaient hérité d’un pouvoir démesuré et dangereux. Tout l’inverse des valeurs progressistes et partageuses inculquées par mon père. »

    #Economie_attention #Ecologie_attention #Nudge

  • How Hyperbolic Discounting Leads to Terrible Life Choices

    Nir’s Note: This guest post is written and illustrated by Lakshmi Mani, a product designer working in San Francisco.Have you ever had a mounting pile of work you know you need to do but for some reason didn’t? There’s an important deadline looming, your boss is breathing down your neck, the pressure is on — all signs are pointing to you getting it done. Yet you put it off, turn on Netflix, and fantasize about how you’re going to crush it tomorrow.Hyperbolic discounting is a cognitive bias, where people choose smaller, immediate rewards rather than larger, later rewards.Nir’s note: I’ve created a handy research-based workbook to help you to overcome hyperbolic discounting and stay productive. Download the free PDF “How to Keep Hyperbolic Discounting from Killing Your Productivity” (...)

    #startup #marketing #self-improvement #tech #business

  • Why Decent’s serving freelancers first

    The future of work deserves the future of health #insurance.Before starting Decent, I spent six months working as a freelancer. I did paid growth projects from a hot desk at a coworking space in San Francisco, and got to know the other freelancers there — gifted developers, creatives, and business professionals with the courage and skill to bet on themselves. And I learned what every working freelancer already knows: this profession is exhilarating, but it’s not easy. It’s often lonely. The work is feast or famine. And the lack of affordable health insurance hurts.Freelancing in America survey, 2018My family of four was paying more for health insurance than for anything else in our budget — including rent in the Bay Area. It felt wrong, and it is.My familyHealth insurance premiums and out of (...)

    #startup #healthcare #freelance-health #insurance-for-freelancers

  • États-Unis : Une start-up facture 8000 $ le litre de sang des jeunes pour le vendre à des clients fortunés [Vidéos]

    Ça se confirme, et c’est même devenu un business.... Mais ça, c’est le sommet de l’iceberg ne loupez pas la vidéo au milieu de l’article sur le plasma humain.... Ces financiers me donne envie de gerber... Quand à la croix rouge on les avait déjà épinglés....

    Une société basée en Floride tente de lutter contre le processus de vieillissement en prélevant le sang d’enfants et en le transfusant à des patients âgés de 30 ans et plus, dans le cadre d’une nouvelle lubie douteuse qui déferle sur les États-Unis.

    Ambrosia, fondée en 2016 par Jesse Karmazin, diplômé de la Stanford Medical School, a déjà ouvert des centres de transfusion dans cinq villes des États-Unis : Los Angeles, Tampa, Omaha, Houston et San Francisco. Leurs traitements aux allures macabres commencent à seulement 8000 dollars pour un (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_scientifiques #Sciences

  • Building a remote-friendly company: an interview with #webflow CEO Vlad Magdalin

    Vlad Magdalin shares his insights on building a remote culture at a startup. Find out why worrying that remote workers won’t work is an immature fear, how writing can replace whiteboarding to improve decision-making, and why connecting with coworkers is just as important as connecting with the mission — if not more so.Webflow gives creatives the power to build completely custom, responsive websites — visually. They’re based in San Francisco where brothers Vlad and Sergie Magdalin launched the company in 2013, but they have team members scattered across the globe. Vlad sat down with me to talk about early fears, aha moments, highs, and lows of managing a decentralized team.I’m one of Webflow’s far-flung people — well, sort of. I’m only flung about 1500 km (900ish miles) north of San Francisco where (...)

    #company-culture #remote-working

  • Paris, terrain de jeu de l’innovation, Laetitia Van Eeckhout et Claire Legros

    Si la capitale fait tout pour séduire les entreprises de pointe, elle doit aussi faire face aux plates-formes numériques de l’économie de partage, qui déstabilisent les politiques de la ville.

    Avec sa structure de bois et de métal, ses façades largement vitrées, ses toitures végétalisées et sa cheminée solaire, le bâtiment ressemble à une proue de navire. Il accueillera en 2022, dans le 13e arrondissement de Paris, le nouveau campus parisien de 9 700 mètres carrés de l’université de Chicago (Illinois).

    Si le fleuron universitaire américain a choisi Paris pour construire son siège pour l’Europe, l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient, c’est pour « sa concentration de pôles de recherche » et ses « sources culturelles et intellectuelles extraordinaires ». « Un signe fort de l’attractivité croissante de la métropole parisienne », se félicite Jean-Louis Missika, adjoint à la maire de Paris chargé de l’urbanisme, du développement économique et de l’attractivité.

    L’élu en a fait l’objectif de ses deux mandatures : transformer Paris en « hub mondial de l’#économie de l’innovation ». Depuis dix ans, l’équipe municipale déploie les grands moyens pour séduire chercheurs et entrepreneurs, en particulier dans le domaine du numérique. Entre 2008 et 2014, plus d’un milliard d’euros ont été investis dans l’accompagnement de start-up, selon les chiffres de la Ville de Paris. Les programmes se sont multipliés pour attirer les entreprises innovantes : fonds Paris Innovation Amorçage, lancé en 2009 en partenariat avec la Banque publique d’investissement pour offrir un financement aux start-up qui choisissent un incubateur parisien ; création en 2015 de l’agence de développement économique Paris & Co, puis de l’Arc de l’innovation pour promouvoir l’innovation au-delà du périphérique en partenariat avec une vingtaine de communes du Grand Paris…

    « Ingénieurs bien formés »
    A la course aux podiums des #métropoles_mondiales, la capitale se hisse désormais dans le peloton de tête des villes les plus attractives, de la troisième à la neuvième place selon les classements. Une dynamique dopée par le contexte international. « Le coût de la vie et le niveau élevé du prix du foncier et des salaires à San Francisco amènent des entrepreneurs à se tourner vers Paris, de même qu’avec le Brexit, beaucoup renoncent à se lancer à Londres », constate Roxanne Varza, directrice de #Station_F, l’incubateur fondé par Xavier Niel, patron de Free (et actionnaire à titre personnel du Monde). Dans ce paradis des geeks et de l’innovation, un tiers des 3 000 #start-up accueillies sont portées par des entrepreneurs étrangers, venant principalement des Etats-Unis, de Grande-Bretagne, mais aussi de Chine et d’Inde.

    Le contexte international n’explique pas à lui seul le succès de la capitale. Avec son maillage d’universités et de laboratoires publics de recherche, Paris bénéficie d’atouts. « Ce qui fait l’attractivité de la métropole, ce sont ses pôles de recherche et la population des 25-45 ans qui va avec », estime Dominique Alba, directrice de l’Atelier parisien d’urbanisme, qui audite la capitale pour le compte de la Ville de Paris.

    « Pour une start-up, Paris, riche d’une culture scientifique et technique très forte, avec des ingénieurs bien formés, offre un environnement bien plus bénéfique que Londres », assure l’entrepreneur Bertrand Picard, qui a lancé en 2013 Natural Grass, une start-up de fabrication de gazon hybride pour stades de football. Cet ancien banquier chez Rothschild, à Londres, pensait initialement créer son entreprise outre-Manche, mais il a trouvé à Paris le soutien de laboratoires publics de recherche, comme le CNRS ou l’université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie.

    Incubateurs spécialisés
    Selon la dernière étude de l’Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme d’Ile-de-France, Paris compte quelque 150 #incubateurs, souvent spécialisés, dans tous les secteurs ou presque, du tourisme au sport, de l’alimentation à l’aéronautique, en passant par la santé. Peu à peu, les fonds privés ont pris le relais. Et les grandes entreprises, comme Renault ou la SNCF, viennent y frotter leurs unités de recherche et développement aux méthodes agiles des start-up, dans une démarche d’open innovation.

    Pour autant, Paris souffre aussi de faiblesses. Les sociétés d’investissement y sont moins nombreuses qu’à Londres ou New York. Si l’écosystème parisien s’est fortement renforcé en fonds d’amorçage, « il reste difficile d’y trouver des partenaires pour grandir », observe Bertrand Picard. Pour lui, « à la différence des entreprises californiennes comme Uber qui, de #levée_de_fonds en levée de fonds, peuvent étendre leurs services, les boîtes parisiennes qui atteignent un chiffre d’affaires de quelques dizaines de millions d’euros sont souvent amenées à être rachetées pour continuer de croître. » La multiplication des champs d’innovation peut conduire à disperser les forces. « On a d’excellentes boîtes mais on ne les valorise pas, confirme Stéphane Distinguin, président du pôle de compétitivité Cap Digital. Plutôt que d’investir en masse dans un domaine où l’on déciderait d’exceller, on saupoudre. On est encore très loin du modèle qui a permis à la Silicon Valley d’exister. »

    En matière d’emploi, le bilan est aussi mitigé. L’attractivité profite surtout à l’ activité non salariée, en progression de 19 % dans la métropole du Grand Paris de 2011 à 2016 . Au sein de l’Arc de l’innovation, qui concentre la moitié des lieux d’innovation de la métropole, près de 60 000 établissements ont été créés en 2017, la majorité sous le régime de #micro-entrepreneur. Des emplois pour partie portés par le développement des #plates-formes numériques de l’économie de partage.

    « En 2016, en à peine quatre ans d’existence, les sociétés de VTC [voiture de transport avec chauffeur] avaient créé 22 000 emplois en Ile-de-France, ou plutôt 22 000 autoentrepreneurs. Uber occupe le premier rang des créations d’emploi en Seine-Saint-Denis. Certes, aucune entreprise traditionnelle n’aurait été capable d’en faire autant. Mais ces nouveaux emplois d’#autoentrepreneurs posent une sérieuse question de #précarisation et de couverture sociale », relève Thierry Marcou, de la Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération, coauteur de l’étude « Audacities », parue en avril 2018, sur le thème « Innover et gouverner dans la ville numérique réelle ».

    Crise du logement
    Car de l’innovation, Paris connaît aussi le revers de la médaille. Si son dynamisme séduit les start-up, il profite également aux plates-formes numériques, souvent d’origine américaine, qui ont transformé Paris en terrain de jeu de l’économie de partage. Créatrices de nouveaux services mais aussi d’emplois souvent précaires, celles-ci viennent déstabiliser les politiques de la ville.

    En dix ans, le nombre d’appartements entiers proposés sur le site de location de courte durée Airbnb a explosé dans la capitale, passant de 56 544 en octobre 2016 à 88 670 en mars 2018 (sur 101 873 offres totales) selon l’, fondé par Matthieu Rouveyre, conseiller municipal de Bordeaux. Un phénomène qui accentue la crise du logement, même si, pour Airbnb, « la forte hausse de la part de logements inoccupés date en réalité de la fin du XXe siècle, bien avant l’arrivée des plates-formes de locations meublées touristiques ».
    Entre la start-up californienne et la Ville de Paris, la guerre est déclarée. Depuis le 1er décembre 2017, les règles se sont durcies : les loueurs doivent être enregistrés auprès de la mairie et ne pas dépasser cent vingt nuitées par an, faute de quoi ils encourent une amende. Mais ces mesures restent largement inappliquées : à peine 10 % des loueurs ont obtempéré.

    La collectivité s’en prend donc maintenant à Airbnb, qu’elle a assigné en justice afin qu’il supprime les annonces illégales, sous peine d’une astreinte de 1 000 à 5 000 euros par jour et par annonce. « Airbnb a des effets positifs, bien sûr. Il représente un complément de revenus pour les Parisiens et a obligé les hôtels à se réinventer mais, en même temps, il ne respecte pas les règles et représente un danger majeur pour le centre de Paris », souligne Jean-Louis Missika, tandis que Ian Brossat, le maire-adjoint au logement, va plus loin et plaide pour l’interdiction de la plate-forme dans les arrondissements du centre.

    Gouvernance de l’espace public
    Comment #gouverner_la_ville quand on ne dispose pas des leviers de régulation nécessaires ? L’irruption des services de partage de véhicules en free floating (ou « sans station ») rebat aussi les cartes de la gouvernance de l’espace public. Pas moins de six applications de partage de trottinettes se sont lancées sur le bitume parisien en 2018, offrant « une alternative à la voiture individuelle en diminuant les risques de congestion », soutient Kenneth Schlenker, directeur de Bird France, société californienne installée à Paris depuis cinq mois. Mais ces nouveaux services posent aussi de sérieux problèmes de sécurité, sur les trottoirs ou les voies de circulation.

    Contrairement à celle des Vélib’, l’activité des plates-formes ne fait pas l’objet d’une délégation de service public. « Aujourd’hui, on n’a aucun moyen d’obliger Amazon à utiliser des véhicules propres pour ses livraisons au dernier kilomètre. Dans la mesure où elle sous-traite la livraison, l’entreprise ne règle même pas ses contraventions », relève Jean-Louis Missika.

    Une charte de bonnes pratiques pour les véhicules en free floating est en chantier. La future loi d’orientation sur les mobilités, dont la présentation au Parlement est prévue fin mars, devrait aussi apporter de nouveaux leviers de régulation, que Jean-Louis Missika verrait bien aller jusqu’à la création de « licences délivrées par la Ville ». A Londres, ce dispositif a permis d’imposer à Uber des contraintes plus strictes en matière de sécurité du public. Une façon aussi d’accéder aux données et de peser sur l’impact environnemental des véhicules.

    Economie circulaire
    En attendant, des acteurs alternatifs tentent de trouver leur place dans le grand bazar parisien des plates-formes. Ils revendiquent une autre vision, non plus collaborative mais coopérative, où les données sont vraiment partagées et les revenus, plus équitablement répartis. C’est le cas de CoopCycle, une coopérative de livreurs à vélo qui vient de se lancer dans la capitale et se revendique comme une alternative à Deliveroo et Foodora.

    Selon Antoinette Guhl, maire-adjointe à l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) et à l’économie circulaire, il existe « une vraie demande des habitants de nouveaux modes de production, de distribution et d’entrepreneuriat ». Avec un poids non négligeable sur l’économie : toutes structures confondues (associations, entreprises, mutuelles), l’ESS contribue à 10 % du PIB de la capitale, tandis que l’économie circulaire représente 70 000 emplois directs. « L’urgence climatique nous oblige à penser l’innovation dans une logique plus locale, à taille humaine et qui répond aux grands défis sociaux et écologiques », insiste l’adjointe.

    La #Ville_de_Paris mise désormais sur la chaîne de production, source de création d’emplois, en favorisant l’émergence de fab labs et de makerspaces, dont une partie travaille dans le secteur de l’économie circulaire. En 2018, elle a intégré le réseau des fab cities qui testent de nouveaux modèles urbains pour développer les productions locales.

  • AWIP Announces Inaugural Executive Summit to Advance Female Leadership Across Technology Industry…

    AWIP Announces Inaugural Executive Summit to Advance Female Leadership Across Technology Industry — AP NewsSAN FRANCISCO — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Nov 6, 2018 — Advancing Women in Product (AWIP), the organization empowering high potential female product and tech leaders through professional education and executive mentorship, is announcing the organization’s inaugural Advancing Women in Product Executive Summit 2018. The summit will take place on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 in San Francisco, California with programming designed to help emerging women leaders land more senior roles in tech. The event will feature an intimate networking portion highlighting AWIP’s goals of enhancing personal and professional growth through executive networking and educational opportunities.Additional featured speakers (...)

    #product-management #women-in-tech #press-release

  • TRON Summit: How BitTorrent will drive mass adoption for the #blockchain

    TRON Summit: How the battle for BitTorrent might just lead to mass adoption of blockchain$BTT ICO announced for 1/28, airdrop for 2/11TRON CEO & Founder Justin Sun onstage with NBA legend Kobe Bryant at the Nitron Summit in San Francisco (photo credit: Martine Paris)TRON was the third top mover this past Monday with its #cryptocurrency TRX jumping 5.03%, now the 9th largest cryptocurrency ranked by market capitalization, according to ForbesCrypto Markets. This coming off the heels of its debut NiTROn Summit, a developer conference held in San Francisco last week that impressed even the most skeptical in the EOS community.TRON’s charismatic 28 year old CEO and founder, Justin Sun, took the stage during opening remarks proudly donning his BitTorrent hoodie and talking about how its (...)

    #bittorrent-blockchain #tron-summit #technology

  • Facebook Artist In Residence Program 5 Year Anniversary

    Broken mirrors, multicolored string, silk organza, rhinestones, vinyl records, and dollhouse furniture are just some of the less-than-expected materials you’ll find in Facebook offices around the world. They hang from the walls, are suspended from light shafts, and decorate otherwise dark corners in 26 of the company’s offices.
    All of these materials are part of artwork that has been produced by members of Facebook’s Artist in Residence program (AIR), a project that began at the company’s Menlo Park headquarters in 2012 and has since expanded globally. This year, the program saw its largest expansion yet, arriving in offices in Asia and Latin America. Facebook is celebrating that growth and the program’s five-year anniversary with a new book, Open Form, which pulls together 225 of the pieces (the number created as of May 2017) under one binding.
    While Facebook, like almost every other tech company, struggles with the gender gap, its Artist in Residence program is a bright spot. There is an almost equal ratio of male to female artists, with 114 men and 108 women included thus far. When you consider the fact that many museums are still called out for institutional sexism, this becomes even more impressive. While gender parity in one niche program doesn’t signal the end of the need for progress, it is still heartening to see.
    “Initially, it took work to try to achieve the gender split,” Drew Bennett, the founder and director of Facebook’s AIR program, told Refinery29. “But as my curatorial team and I have gone deeper, we’ve found we’re only naturally finding women we want to work with. It’s funny to get to that point where we’re like ’Oh, shoot, we should probably find a man.’”
    In Open Form, you’ll find work by Swoon, a mixed media artist who rose to fame for her street art; she created an image of a woman breastfeeding for Facebook’s Menlo Park office. Then there’s the colorful creation by Black Salt Collective, a group of four women who address contemporary non-linear identity in their work. Their piece includes various wheatpasted prints, featuring sayings such as “Your Body Your Ship” and “Respect And Protect The Black Woman.”
    Bennett argues that the art in Facebook’s offices is a bit different from what you’ll find in a typical corporate space, since the company puts a premium on finding artists whose work and creative process both reflects and challenges the beliefs of its employees.
    “More traditionally, art would come in through a third party person and the artist would never visit the place where the art is,” Bennett said.
    This is also shown in how the program is run: When an artist is invited to join AIR, they work in the office, alongside everyone else, from the programmers to the janitors. Bennett refers to it as a “social model,” with the artist and those who will view the art on a daily basis interacting and seeing each other’s problem solving methods. This process is befitting of the social network’s ethos, and artists in the program seem to embrace it, too: Val Britton, a San Francisco-based artist who spent hours suspending 600 individually-cut pieces of paper from string inside a light shaft between floors, said the amount of engagement during the installation was the most enjoyable part of the process.
    Val Britton/Courtesy of Facebook.
    At the beginning of the AIR program, Bennett says he focused on looking for artists who “shared a sense of hacker spirit,” by using materials in innovative and expressive ways that mirrored the company’s value of experimentation. But as the program grew, that emphasis has shifted. Now, Bennett says he looks for those who “come from a culture or background that is not the predominant one” and will express a unique worldview in their art.
    “The greater diversity we can bring aesthetically and in terms of the identities of the artists, the better we can try to promote empathy in our spaces physically and visually,” he explains.
    This thinking is in line with the shift in Facebook’s mission statement, which Mark Zuckerberg laid out at the beginning of 2017. Instead of simply connecting users with their already existing communities, the company’s redefined goal is to build an inclusive “global community,” Zuckerberg wrote in a post, where users are consistently exposed to new ideas.
    This mission is an aspirational one. Facebook can show diversity on its walls, but the desire to create an inclusive, diverse community still has a long way to go before it is realized online. In the past few weeks the company has reckoned with anti-Semitic ad targeting and the role it played in the 2016 presidential election. As these issues are addressed, the hope is that life will imitate art.

    #Facebook #Art_residence #Marketing #Blurb

  • Why I joined Parabola

    A few months ago, I embarked on a job search. In addition to the usual litmus test, considering the product, team, role, etc., I was adding some complexity. I wanted to continue my work as an educator.Last year, my research interests had taken me as far as Chile, where I taught computer science in public high schools as a Fulbright Scholar. My research question was simple — what should skills-based #education look like?Back in San Francisco, I was disappointed to find there weren’t all that many EdTech companies that inspired me.Enter Parabola. On the surface, the product might not look like it has much to do with education, but I saw an opportunity. Parabola gives knowledge workers the capabilities of engineers—a visual way of creating scripts to analyze data.This happens all the time. You (...)

    #job-hunting #engineering #software-development #job-search

  • FYI France: Tom Paine!

    Une lecture critique du livre «Révolution Paine» (C&F éditions) par Jack Kessler depuis San Francisco.

    A new book which can remind us all, again, of what France and the US have in-common... at a good time for remembering all this, on both similarly-beleaguered sides of The Pond right now...

    Révolution Paine: Thomas Paine penseur et défenseur des droits humains, by Thomas Paine, Peter Linebaugh (pref.), Nicolas Taffin (dir.),

    (C&F éditions, 35 C rue des Rosiers, 14000 Caen, t., fx.,; août 2018) ISBN: 978-2-915825-85-5

    Tom Paine was British, it must be remembered — but then so were we all, back then, in revolutionary “America”, citizens of an empire which spanned the globe until very recently, our “shots heard round the world” the first of many which ultimately would bring that empire and others to heel and create new ways of thinking about government for the modern world.

    In all that mælstrom we very much needed ideas, and cheerleaders, for encouraging and inspiring ourselves and our fellow citizens, and Tom Paine was that. Whatever his opponents and most severe critics — and there were many — thought of him, and even friends and fans worried about him, but he was encouraging and inspiring, and for careful and conservative American “colonists” like the wealthy plantation-owner George Washington and the gentleman-printer Benjamin Franklin and the Boston lawyer John Adams, Paine’s encouragement and inspiration were enough, and at times they were very badly needed in fact.

    And the French were there for us, very different but close in spirit to the Americans, and always needed, for their spirit & their money & their guns & for many other resources and reasons — at the very least they were enemies of our enemies and so our friends, on whom we could rely for insight, breadth of vision, even occasionally at their own ruinous expense...

    France entertained Paine the rebellious Brit after the excitements of the British colonies had hosted him for a long while — in both places his own exciting language and the clarity of his vision helped citizens greatly, in the great troubles of their times — so now a glimpse of Tom Paine may help again, both to see our current troubles more clearly too, and to remember what we and the French share in-common in all this. When things change, for the US and France, neither of us is ever alone.

    The book is a “reader” — not a compendium, but a comfortable and thoughtful armchair-piece to browse-through and then keep handy, as headline-events of current troubled-times pour in, descending upon us daily.

    First comes a preface — avant-propos — by Nicolas Taffin, outlining why and how the idea for the book occurred to him: 2018 saw the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he says, and still we face troubles that first were defined for us by events of 1789 — after such a long time the birthday-celebration required a renewal of the effort, he thought, and who better than Tom Paine who first inspired it, in both the US and France, and the “Human Rights” and “Commons” forms in which the ideas were first presented.

    Then comes an elegant introduction to Paine and his works by historian Peter Linebaugh, translated from l’américain...

    It is a useful thing, to know Paine’s history, as he landed somewhat un-announced upon the Americans with his outrageous views and funny accent (?) and stunning phrasings. That he had a tradition, and a context, back home in also-turbulent England, only makes sense — and that early-on England experimented with many of the ideas the colonists were confronting later in their own contests with the Crown, deserves recalling, many of the same conflicts were heard before in early Industrial Revolution England, as workers and owners confronted one another, and governments moved to tax and otherwise control the new techniques.

    Paine and his East Anglia neighbors had rehearsed many of the confrontations he was to witness and comment upon in his sojourns in the American colonies — the issues were similar, new techniques & how to cope with change & the sharing of burdens and benefits & working conditions & and of course taxes... not exactly “taxation without representation”, there at-home in England, but taxation all-the-same...

    Whether Paine was a Che Guevara, as Linebaugh I-hope-playfully suggests, whether the Introduction successfully demonstrates that Americans of that time, “ambitiously risked class warfare on a global scale”, well, other readers will have to read and judge... Linebaugh, described by Wikipedia as a “Marxist historian”, does weave through initial attributions of Paine’s ideas to his having been, “conscious of classes, sensible to differences in power and wealth” — he describes Paine’s concerns for “Agrarian Justice” as involving “class injustice”.

    It matters that Paine’s life in mid-18th c. England greatly preceded the writings of Marx a century later; but also of course there may have been historical connections, workers’ lives a century earlier were very much what the historicist Marx was interested in and wrote about. Linebaugh carefully outlines that Paine, “lived at the time of an industrial revolution, of commercial expansion & urbanization & population increase” — he grants that Paine’s views did not fall cleanly into any contest between “communism and capitalism”, terms which, apparently per Edmund Burke, were, “still cartilaginous, not yet well defined or formed”.

    But Paine had a good sense for “the commons”, he insists, “and of its long presence in English history”, a matter which he says has not been well considered in previous studies of Paine. “A long anti-capitalist tradition in England”, Linebaugh believes he’s found, through Tom Paine, “one which contributes to our understanding about current notions of ‘revolution’ and ‘constitution’ in modern Britain” — for this suggestion alone, Linebaugh’s Introduction makes for some very interesting reading.

    Beyond this Introduction there are excerpts, then, from Paine’s own “Rights of Man” — fascinating, the differences, between one culture’s “emotive” language and another’s — French easily is the equal of English in this regard...

    And finally a fascinating Post-Script by editor Nicolas Taffin: he takes “Tom Paine of Thetford” several significant steps further than the little local American Revolution — several steps further, even, than the nascent Class Warfare of the Levellers and workers’-revolts of East Anglia which maybe-led to the Marxian revolutions of the 19th century — Taffin going-further finds, in Paine, the freeing of the human imagination, from the illusory securities and comforts and oppressions of the previous era’s religion-controlled philosophies, the emergence of the Enlightenment’s idealisms into a modern world of “real” rights and responsibilities and true-freedom, governed by reason alone...

    Paine may have had a glimmer. The American Founders who fought our little revolution here certainly had some glimpse as well... Certainly the young Virginia lawyer who boldly wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident” and then chafed as the elders to whom he submitted that draft picked it apart... Jefferson had read much of what the young Paine had read as well — in 1776, when arguably they both were at their most-inspired, Jefferson was age 33, Tom Paine was age 37 — as Wordsworth observed of youth in a slightly-later revolution, “Bliss was it in that Dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven”.

    But the true significance of what they all were doing did not emerge until much, much later... as late as the 1820s the two then very elderly American patriots Jefferson and Adams, both preparing for death and fondly reminiscing in their dotage-correspondance, could recall what they had done for the little United States, and for Britain, but only the more daring Jefferson seriously considered what they may have done ‘way back then to, “free the human spirit in general”...

    Taffin gives Paine the greater credit. Well, history has benefit of hindsight... Whether Paine himself, or truly his contemporaries, really understood what he was accomplishing with his amazing writings, back then, seems questionable. There are crackpots writing this sort of thing about The Future today — just as there were in East Anglia long before Paine’s birth there, which later he read, a few of them, in the Old School at Thetford — so qua-dreamer Paine’s contribution may well have been fortuitous, simply a matter of good timing... The poet appears to have felt this about his own contribution to the French Revolution, and others have suggested Paine contributed little there too...

    But ideas have lives of their own, and History has control of this. Taffin doubtless is correct that if we are “free” today — universally — then some part of that is due to the writings of Tom Paine, almost regardless of how exactly that happened and what agencies promoted it and why, Marxist or Liberal or French, English, American, or other... Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi Minh both are said to have read Tom Paine, I expect Steve Bannon has as well, and Marion (Le Pen) Maréchal (age 29) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (age 29) are reading Paine now...

    So the mystery of origins and influences continues, but so do the ideas. Read Taffin’s fascinating rendition here of Tom Paine’s context and continuing influence, and see what you yourself think... it is what many of us are worrying about in both the US and France, now, & that particular “common-concern” coincidence has made vast historical waves before...


    And now a Note:

    Tom Paine in epigrams, 1737-1809: & now I understand better why Ben Franklin must have enjoyed his company so much... —

    “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

    “I love the man that can smile in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.”

    “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”

    “To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

    “The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.”

    “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”

    “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

    “’Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.”

    “Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.”

    “Reason obeys itself, and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it.”

    “Moderation in temper is a virtue, but moderation in principle is a vice.”

    “Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.”

    “The most formidable weapon against errors is reason.”

    — and the following three Tom Paine épigrammes seem of particular relevance to our present Franco & américain mutual Times-of-Troubles —

    “Character is much easier kept than recovered.”

    “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.”

    “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”

    Jack Kessler

    #Révolution_Paine #C&F_éditions #Peter_Linebaugh #Droits_humains

  • Zuckerberg San Francisco General’s aggressive tactics leave patients with big bills - Vox

    On April 3, Nina Dang, 24, found herself in a position like so many San Francisco bike riders — on the pavement with a broken arm.

    A bystander saw her fall and called an ambulance. She was semi-lucid for that ride, awake but unable to answer basic questions about where she lived. Paramedics took her to the emergency room at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, where doctors X-rayed her arm and took a CT scan of her brain and spine. She left with her arm in a splint, on pain medication, and with a recommendation to follow up with an orthopedist.

    A few months later, Dang got a bill for $24,074.50. Premera Blue Cross, her health insurer, would only cover $3,830.79 of that — an amount that it thought was fair for the services provided. That left Dang with $20,243.71 to pay, which the hospital threatened to send to collections in mid-December.


    Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG), recently renamed for the Facebook founder after he donated $75 million, is the largest public hospital in San Francisco and the city’s only top-tier trauma center. But it doesn’t participate in the networks of any private health insurers — a surprise patients like Dang learn after assuming their coverage includes a trip to a large public ER.

    #prix #santé #etats-unis

  • Pan Am Flight 103 : Robert Mueller’s 30-Year Search for Justice | WIRED

    Cet article décrit le rôle de Robert Mueller dans l’enquête historique qui a permis de dissimuler ou de justifier la plupart des batailles de la guerre non déclarée des États Unis contre l’OLP et les pays arabes qui soutenaient la lutte pour un état palestinien.

    Aux États-Unis, en Allemagne et en France le grand public ignore les actes de guerre commis par les États Unis dans cette guerre. Vu dans ce contexte on ne peut que classer le récit de cet article dans la catégorie idéologie et propagande même si les intentions et faits qu’on y apprend sont bien documentés et plausibles.

    Cette perspective transforme le contenu de cet article d’une variation sur un thème connu dans un reportage sur l’état d’âme des dirigeants étatsuniens moins fanatiques que l’équipe du président actuel.

    THIRTY YEARS AGO last Friday, on the darkest day of the year, 31,000 feet above one of the most remote parts of Europe, America suffered its first major terror attack.

    TEN YEARS AGO last Friday, then FBI director Robert Mueller bundled himself in his tan trench coat against the cold December air in Washington, his scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. Sitting on a small stage at Arlington National Cemetery, he scanned the faces arrayed before him—the victims he’d come to know over years, relatives and friends of husbands and wives who would never grow old, college students who would never graduate, business travelers and flight attendants who would never come home.

    Burned into Mueller’s memory were the small items those victims had left behind, items that he’d seen on the shelves of a small wooden warehouse outside Lockerbie, Scotland, a visit he would never forget: A teenager’s single white sneaker, an unworn Syracuse University sweatshirt, the wrapped Christmas gifts that would never be opened, a lonely teddy bear.

    A decade before the attacks of 9/11—attacks that came during Mueller’s second week as FBI director, and that awoke the rest of America to the threats of terrorism—the bombing of Pan Am 103 had impressed upon Mueller a new global threat.

    It had taught him the complexity of responding to international terror attacks, how unprepared the government was to respond to the needs of victims’ families, and how on the global stage justice would always be intertwined with geopolitics. In the intervening years, he had never lost sight of the Lockerbie bombing—known to the FBI by the codename Scotbom—and he had watched the orphaned children from the bombing grow up over the years.

    Nearby in the cemetery stood a memorial cairn made of pink sandstone—a single brick representing each of the victims, the stone mined from a Scottish quarry that the doomed flight passed over just seconds before the bomb ripped its baggage hold apart. The crowd that day had gathered near the cairn in the cold to mark the 20th anniversary of the bombing.

    For a man with an affinity for speaking in prose, not poetry, a man whose staff was accustomed to orders given in crisp sentences as if they were Marines on the battlefield or under cross-examination from a prosecutor in a courtroom, Mueller’s remarks that day soared in a way unlike almost any other speech he’d deliver.

    “There are those who say that time heals all wounds. But you know that not to be true. At its best, time may dull the deepest wounds; it cannot make them disappear,” Mueller told the assembled mourners. “Yet out of the darkness of this day comes a ray of light. The light of unity, of friendship, and of comfort from those who once were strangers and who are now bonded together by a terrible moment in time. The light of shared memories that bring smiles instead of sadness. And the light of hope for better days to come.”

    He talked of Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and of inspiration drawn from Lockerbie’s town crest, with its simple motto, “Forward.” He spoke of what was then a two-decade-long quest for justice, of how on windswept Scottish mores and frigid lochs a generation of FBI agents, investigators, and prosecutors had redoubled their dedication to fighting terrorism.

    Mueller closed with a promise: “Today, as we stand here together on this, the darkest of days, we renew that bond. We remember the light these individuals brought to each of you here today. We renew our efforts to bring justice down on those who seek to harm us. We renew our efforts to keep our people safe, and to rid the world of terrorism. We will continue to move forward. But we will never forget.”

    Hand bells tolled for each of the victims as their names were read aloud, 270 names, 270 sets of bells.

    The investigation, though, was not yet closed. Mueller, although he didn’t know it then, wasn’t done with Pan Am 103. Just months after that speech, the case would test his innate sense of justice and morality in a way that few other cases in his career ever have.

    ROBERT S. MUELLER III had returned from a combat tour in Vietnam in the late 1960s and eventually headed to law school at the University of Virginia, part of a path that he hoped would lead him to being an FBI agent. Unable after graduation to get a job in government, he entered private practice in San Francisco, where he found he loved being a lawyer—just not a defense attorney.

    Then—as his wife Ann, a teacher, recounted to me years ago—one morning at their small home, while the two of them made the bed, Mueller complained, “Don’t I deserve to be doing something that makes me happy?” He finally landed a job as an assistant US attorney in San Francisco and stood, for the first time, in court and announced, “Good morning your Honor, I am Robert Mueller appearing on behalf of the United States of America.” It is a moment that young prosecutors often practice beforehand, and for Mueller those words carried enormous weight. He had found the thing that made him happy.

    His family remembers that time in San Francisco as some of their happiest years; the Muellers’ two daughters were young, they loved the Bay Area—and have returned there on annual vacations almost every year since relocating to the East Coast—and Mueller found himself at home as a prosecutor.

    On Friday nights, their routine was that Ann and the two girls would pick Mueller up at Harrington’s Bar & Grill, the city’s oldest Irish pub, not far from the Ferry Building in the Financial District, where he hung out each week with a group of prosecutors, defense attorneys, cops, and agents. (One Christmas, his daughter Cynthia gave him a model of the bar made out of Popsicle sticks.) He balanced that family time against weekends and trainings with the Marines Corps Reserves, where he served for more than a decade, until 1980, eventually rising to be a captain.

    Over the next 15 years, he rose through the ranks of the San Francisco US attorney’s office—an office he would return to lead during the Clinton administration—and then decamped to Massachusetts to work for US attorney William Weld in the 1980s. There, too, he shined and eventually became acting US attorney when Weld departed at the end of the Reagan administration. “You cannot get the words straight arrow out of your head,” Weld told me, speaking of Mueller a decade ago. “The agencies loved him because he knew his stuff. He didn’t try to be elegant or fancy, he just put the cards on the table.”

    In 1989, an old high school classmate, Robert Ross, who was chief of staff to then attorney general Richard Thornburgh, asked Mueller to come down to Washington to help advise Thornburgh. The offer intrigued Mueller. Ann protested the move—their younger daughter Melissa wanted to finish high school in Massachusetts. Ann told her husband, “We can’t possibly do this.” He replied, his eyes twinkling, “You’re right, it’s a terrible time. Well, why don’t we just go down and look at a few houses?” As she told me, “When he wants to do something, he just revisits it again and again.”

    For his first two years at so-called Main Justice in Washington, working under President George H.W. Bush, the family commuted back and forth from Boston to Washington, alternating weekends in each city, to allow Melissa to finish school.

    Washington gave Mueller his first exposure to national politics and cases with geopolitical implications; in September 1990, President Bush nominated him to be assistant attorney general, overseeing the Justice Department’s entire criminal division, which at that time handled all the nation’s terrorism cases as well. Mueller would oversee the prosecution of Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, mob boss John Gotti, and the controversial investigation into a vast money laundering scheme run through the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, known as the Bank of Crooks and Criminals

    None of his cases in Washington, though, would affect him as much as the bombing of Pan Am 103.

    THE TIME ON the clocks in Lockerbie, Scotland, read 7:04 pm, on December 21, 1988, when the first emergency call came into the local fire brigade, reporting what sounded like a massive boiler explosion. It was technically early evening, but it had been dark for hours already; that far north, on the shortest day of the year, daylight barely stretched to eight hours.

    Soon it became clear something much worse than a boiler explosion had unfolded: Fiery debris pounded the landscape, plunging from the sky and killing 11 Lockerbie residents. As Mike Carnahan told a local TV reporter, “The whole sky was lit up with flames. It was actually raining, liquid fire. You could see several houses on the skyline with the roofs totally off and all you could see was flaming timbers.”

    At 8:45 pm, a farmer found in his field the cockpit of Pan Am 103, a Boeing 747 known as Clipper Maid of the Seas, lying on its side, 15 of its crew dead inside, just some of the 259 passengers and crew killed when a bomb had exploded inside the plane’s cargo hold. The scheduled London to New York flight never even made it out of the UK.

    It had taken just three seconds for the plane to disintegrate in the air, though the wreckage took three long minutes to fall the five miles from the sky to the earth; court testimony later would examine how passengers had still been alive as they fell. Nearly 200 of the passengers were American, including 35 students from Syracuse University returning home from a semester abroad. The attack horrified America, which until then had seen terror touch its shores only occasionally as a hijacking went awry; while the US had weathered the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, attacks almost never targeted civilians.

    The Pan Am 103 bombing seemed squarely aimed at the US, hitting one of its most iconic brands. Pan Am then represented America’s global reach in a way few companies did; the world’s most powerful airline shuttled 19 million passengers a year to more than 160 countries and had ferried the Beatles to their US tour and James Bond around the globe on his cinematic missions. In a moment of hubris a generation before Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, the airline had even opened a “waiting list” for the first tourists to travel to outer space. Its New York headquarters, the Pan Am building, was the world’s largest commercial building and its terminal at JFK Airport the biggest in the world.

    The investigation into the bombing of Pan Am 103 began immediately, as police and investigators streamed north from London by the hundreds; chief constable John Boyd, the head of the local police, arrived at the Lockerbie police station by 8:15 pm, and within an hour the first victim had been brought in: A farmer arrived in town with the body of a baby girl who had fallen from the sky. He’d carefully placed her in the front seat of his pickup truck.

    An FBI agent posted in London had raced north too, with the US ambassador, aboard a special US Air Force flight, and at 2 am, when Boyd convened his first senior leadership meeting, he announced, “The FBI is here, and they are fully operational.” By that point, FBI explosives experts were already en route to Scotland aboard an FAA plane; agents would install special secure communications equipment in Lockerbie and remain on site for months.

    Although it quickly became clear that a bomb had targeted Pan Am 103—wreckage showed signs of an explosion and tested positive for PETN and RDX, two key ingredients of the explosive Semtex—the investigation proceeded with frustrating slowness. Pan Am’s records were incomplete, and it took days to even determine the full list of passengers. At the same time, it was the largest crime scene ever investigated—a fact that remains true today.

    Investigators walked 845 square miles, an area 12 times the size of Washington, DC, and searched so thoroughly that they recovered more than 70 packages of airline crackers and ultimately could reconstruct about 85 percent of the fuselage. (Today, the wreckage remains in an English scrapyard.) Constable Boyd, at his first press conference, told the media, “This is a mammoth inquiry.”

    On Christmas Eve, a searcher found a piece of a luggage pallet with signs of obvious scorching, which would indicate the bomb had been in the luggage compartment below the passenger cabin. The evidence was rushed to a special British military lab—one originally created to investigate the Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament and kill King James I in 1605.

    When the explosive tests came back a day later, the British government called the State Department’s ambassador-at-large for combating terrorism, L. Paul Bremer III (who would go on to be President George W. Bush’s viceroy in Baghdad after the 2003 invasion of Iraq), and officially delivered the news that everyone had anticipated: Pan Am 103 had been downed by a bomb.

    Meanwhile, FBI agents fanned out across the country. In New York, special agent Neil Herman—who would later lead the FBI’s counterterrorism office in New York in the run up to 9/11—was tasked with interviewing some of the victims’ families; many of the Syracuse students on board had been from the New York region. One of the mothers he interviewed hadn’t heard from the government in the 10 days since the attack. “It really struck me how ill-equipped we were to deal with this,” Herman told me, years later. “Multiply her by 270 victims and families.” The bombing underscored that the FBI and the US government had a lot to learn in responding and aiding victims in a terror attack.

    INVESTIGATORS MOVED TOWARD piecing together how a bomb could have been placed on board; years before the 9/11 attack, they discounted the idea of a suicide bomber aboard—there had never been a suicide attack on civil aviation at that point—and so focused on one of two theories: The possibility of a “mule,” an innocent passenger duped into carrying a bomb aboard, or an “inside man,” a trusted airport or airline employee who had smuggled the fatal cargo aboard. The initial suspect list stretched to 1,200 names.

    Yet even reconstructing what was on board took an eternity: Evidence pointed to a Japanese manufactured Toshiba cassette recorder as the likely delivery device for the bomb, and then, by the end of January, investigators located pieces of the suitcase that had held the bomb. After determining that it was a Samsonite bag, police and the FBI flew to the company’s headquarters in the United States and narrowed the search further: The bag, they found, was a System 4 Silhouette 4000 model, color “antique-copper,” a case and color made for only three years, 1985 to 1988, and sold only in the Middle East. There were a total of 3,500 such suitcases in circulation.

    By late spring, investigators had identified 14 pieces of luggage inside the target cargo container, known as AVE4041; each bore tell-tale signs of the explosion. Through careful retracing of how luggage moved through the London airport, investigators determined that the bags on the container’s bottom row came from passengers transferring in London. The bags on the second and third row of AVE4041 had been the last bags loaded onto the leg of the flight that began in Frankfurt, before the plane took off for London. None of the baggage had been X-rayed or matched with passengers on board.

    The British lab traced clothing fragments from the wreckage that bore signs of the explosion and thus likely originated in the bomb-carrying suitcase. It was an odd mix: Two herring-bone skirts, men’s pajamas, tartan trousers, and so on. The most promising fragment was a blue infant’s onesie that, after fiber analysis, was conclusively determined to have been inside the explosive case, and had a label saying “Malta Trading Company.” In March, two detectives took off for Malta, where the manufacturer told them that 500 such articles of clothing had been made and most sent to Ireland, while the rest went locally to Maltese outlets and others to continental Europe.

    As they dug deeper, they focused on bag B8849, which appeared to have come off Air Malta Flight 180—Malta to Frankfurt—on December 21, even though there was no record of one of that flight’s 47 passengers transferring to Pan Am 103.

    Investigators located the store in Malta where the suspect clothing had been sold; the British inspector later recorded in his statement, “[Store owner] Anthony Gauci interjected and stated that he could recall selling a pair of the checked trousers, size 34, and three pairs of the pajamas to a male person.” The investigators snapped to attention—after nine months did they finally have a suspect in their sights? “[Gauci] informed me that the man had also purchased the following items: one imitation Harris Tweed jacket; one woolen cardigan; one black umbrella; one blue colored ‘Baby Gro’ with a motif described by the witness as a ‘sheep’s face’ on the front; and one pair of gents’ brown herring-bone material trousers, size 36.”

    Game, set, match. Gauci had perfectly described the clothing fragments found by RARDE technicians to contain traces of explosive. The purchase, Gauci went on to explain, stood out in his mind because the customer—whom Gauci tellingly identified as speaking the “Libyan language”—had entered the store on November 23, 1988, and gathered items without seeming to care about the size, gender, or color of any of it.

    As the investigation painstakingly proceeded into 1989 and 1990, Robert Mueller arrived at Main Justice; the final objects of the Lockerbie search wouldn’t be found until the spring of 1990, just months before Mueller took over as assistant attorney general of the criminal division in September.

    The Justice Department that year was undergoing a series of leadership changes; the deputy attorney general, William Barr, became acting attorney general midyear as Richard Thornburgh stepped down to run for Senate back in his native Pennsylvania. President Bush then nominated Barr to take over as attorney general officially. (Earlier this month Barr was nominated by President Trump to become attorney general once again.)

    The bombing soon became one of the top cases on Mueller’s desk. He met regularly with Richard Marquise, the FBI special agent heading Scotbom. For Mueller, the case became personal; he met with victims’ families and toured the Lockerbie crash site and the investigation’s headquarters. He traveled repeatedly to the United Kingdom for meetings and walked the fields of Lockerbie himself. “The Scots just did a phenomenal job with the crime scene,” he told me, years ago.

    Mueller pushed the investigators forward constantly, getting involved in the investigation at a level that a high-ranking Justice Department official almost never does. Marquise turned to him in one meeting, after yet another set of directions, and sighed, “Geez, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you want to be FBI director.”

    The investigation gradually, carefully, zeroed in on Libya. Agents traced a circuit board used in the bomb to a similar device seized in Africa a couple of years earlier used by Libyan intelligence. An FBI-created database of Maltese immigration records even showed that a man using the same alias as one of those Libyan intelligence officers had departed from Malta on October 19, 1988—just two months before the bombing.

    The circuit board also helped makes sense of an important aspect of the bombing: It controlled a timer, meaning that the bomb was not set off by a barometric trigger that registers altitude. This, in turn, explained why the explosive baggage had lain peacefully in the jet’s hold as it took off and landed repeatedly.

    Tiny letters on the suspect timer said “MEBO.” What was MEBO? In the days before Google, searching for something called “Mebo” required going country to country, company to company. There were no shortcuts. The FBI, MI5, and CIA were, after months of work, able to trace MEBO back to a Swiss company, Meister et Bollier, adding a fifth country to the ever-expanding investigative circle.

    From Meister et Bollier, they learned that the company had provided 20 prototype timers to the Libyan government and the company helped ID their contact as a Libyan intelligence officer, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, who looked like the sketch of the Maltese clothing shopper. Then, when the FBI looked at its database of Maltese immigration records, they found that Al Megrahi had been present in Malta the day the clothing was purchased.

    Marquise sat down with Robert Mueller and the rest of the prosecutorial team and laid out the latest evidence. Mueller’s orders were clear—he wanted specific suspects and he wanted to bring charges. As he said, “Proceed toward indictment.” Let’s get this case moving.

    IN NOVEMBER 1990, Marquise was placed in charge of all aspects of the investigation and assigned on special duty to the Washington Field Office and moved to a new Scotbom task force. The field offce was located far from the Hoover building, in a run-down neighborhood known by the thoroughly unromantic moniker of Buzzard Point.

    The Scotbom task force had been allotted three tiny windowless rooms with dark wood paneling, which were soon covered floor-to-ceiling with 747 diagrams, crime scene photographs, maps, and other clues. By the door of the office, the team kept two photographs to remind themselves of the stakes: One, a tiny baby shoe recovered from the fields of Lockerbie; the other, a picture of the American flag on the tail of Pan Am 103. This was the first major attack on the US and its civilians. Whoever was responsible couldn’t be allowed to get away with it.

    With representatives from a half-dozen countries—the US, Britain, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, France, and Malta—now sitting around the table, putting together a case that met everyone’s evidentiary standards was difficult. “We talked through everything, and everything was always done to the higher standard,” Marquise says. In the US, for instance, the legal standard for a photo array was six photos; in Scotland, though, it was 12. So every photo array in the investigation had 12 photos to ensure that the IDs could be used in a British court.

    The trail of evidence so far was pretty clear, and it all pointed toward Libya. Yet there was still much work to do prior to an indictment. A solid hunch was one thing. Having evidence that would stand up in court and under cross-examination was something else entirely.

    As the case neared an indictment, the international investigators and prosecutors found themselves focusing at their gatherings on the fine print of their respective legal code and engaging in deep, philosophical-seeming debates: “What does murder mean in your statute? Huh? I know what murder means: I kill you. Well, then you start going through the details and the standards are just a little different. It may entail five factors in one country, three in another. Was Megrahi guilty of murder? Depends on the country.”

    At every meeting, the international team danced around the question of where a prosecution would ultimately take place. “Jurisdiction was an eggshell problem,” Marquise says. “It was always there, but no one wanted to talk about it. It was always the elephant in the room.”

    Mueller tried to deflect the debate for as long as possible, arguing there was more investigation to do first. Eventually, though, he argued forcefully that the case should be tried in the US. “I recognize that Scotland has significant equities which support trial of the case in your country,” he said in one meeting. “However, the primary target of this act of terrorism was the United States. The majority of the victims were Americans, and the Pan American aircraft was targeted precisely because it was of United States registry.”

    After one meeting, where the Scots and Americans debated jurisdiction for more than two hours, the group migrated over to the Peasant, a restaurant near the Justice Department, where, in an attempt to foster good spirits, it paid for the visiting Scots. Mueller and the other American officials each had to pay for their own meals.

    Mueller was getting ready to move forward; the federal grand jury would begin work in early September. Prosecutors and other investigators were already preparing background, readying evidence, and piecing together information like the names and nationalities of all the Lockerbie victims so that they could be included in the forthcoming indictment.

    There had never been any doubt in the US that the Pan Am 103 bombing would be handled as a criminal matter, but the case was still closely monitored by the White House and the National Security Council.

    The Reagan administration had been surprised in February 1988 by the indictment on drug charges of its close ally Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, and a rule of thumb had been developed: Give the White House a heads up anytime you’re going to indict a foreign agent. “If you tag Libya with Pan Am 103, that’s fair to say it’s going to disrupt our relationship with Libya,” Mueller deadpans. So Mueller would head up to the Cabinet Room at the White House, charts and pictures in hand, to explain to President Bush and his team what Justice had in mind.

    To Mueller, the investigation underscored why such complex investigations needed a law enforcement eye. A few months after the attack, he sat through a CIA briefing pointing toward Syria as the culprit behind the attack. “That’s always struck with me as a lesson in the difference between intelligence and evidence. I always try to remember that,” he told me, back when he was FBI director. “It’s a very good object lesson about hasty action based on intelligence. What if we had gone and attacked Syria based on that initial intelligence? Then, after the attack, it came out that Libya had been behind it? What could we have done?”

    Marquise was the last witness for the federal grand jury on Friday, November 8, 1991. Only in the days leading up to that testimony had prosecutors zeroed in on Megrahi and another Libyan officer, Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah; as late as the week of the testimony, they had hoped to pursue additional indictments, yet the evidence wasn’t there to get to a conviction.

    Mueller traveled to London to meet with the Peter Fraser, the lord advocate—Scotland’s top prosecutor—and they agreed to announce indictments simultaneously on November 15, 1991. Who got their hands on the suspects first, well, that was a question for later. The joint indictment, Mueller believed, would benefit both countries. “It adds credibility to both our investigations,” he says.

    That coordinated joint, multi-nation statement and indictment would become a model that the US would deploy more regularly in the years to come, as the US and other western nations have tried to coordinate cyber investigations and indictments against hackers from countries like North Korea, Russia, and Iran.

    To make the stunning announcement against Libya, Mueller joined FBI director William Sessions, DC US attorney Jay Stephens, and attorney general William Barr.

    “We charge that two Libyan officials, acting as operatives of the Libyan intelligence agency, along with other co-conspirators, planted and detonated the bomb that destroyed Pan Am 103,” Barr said. “I have just telephoned some of the families of those murdered on Pan Am 103 to inform them and the organizations of the survivors that this indictment has been returned. Their loss has been ever present in our minds.”

    At the same time, in Scotland, investigators there were announcing the same indictments.

    At the press conference, Barr listed a long set of names to thank—the first one he singled out was Mueller’s. Then, he continued, “This investigation is by no means over. It continues unabated. We will not rest until all those responsible are brought to justice. We have no higher priority.”

    From there, the case would drag on for years. ABC News interviewed the two suspects in Libya later that month; both denied any responsibility for the bombing. Marquise was reassigned within six months; the other investigators moved along too.

    Mueller himself left the administration when Bill Clinton became president, spending an unhappy year in private practice before rejoining the Justice Department to work as a junior homicide prosecutor in DC under then US attorney Eric Holder; Mueller, who had led the nation’s entire criminal division was now working side by side with prosecutors just a few years out of law school, the equivalent of a three-star military general retiring and reenlisting as a second lieutenant. Clinton eventually named Mueller the US attorney in San Francisco, the office where he’d worked as a young attorney in the 1970s.

    THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY of the bombing came and went without any justice. Then, in April 1999, prolonged international negotiations led to Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi turning over the two suspects; the international economic sanctions imposed on Libya in the wake of the bombing were taking a toll on his country, and the leader wanted to put the incident behind him.

    The final negotiated agreement said that the two men would be tried by a Scottish court, under Scottish law, in The Hague in the Netherlands. Distinct from the international court there, the three-judge Scottish court would ensure that the men faced justice under the laws of the country where their accused crime had been committed.

    Allowing the Scots to move forward meant some concessions by the US. The big one was taking the death penalty, prohibited in Scotland, off the table. Mueller badly wanted the death penalty. Mueller, like many prosecutors and law enforcement officials, is a strong proponent of capital punishment, but he believes it should be reserved for only egregious crimes. “It has to be especially heinous, and you have to be 100 percent sure he’s guilty,” he says. This case met that criteria. “There’s never closure. If there can’t be closure, there should be justice—both for the victims as well as the society at large,” he says.

    An old US military facility, Kamp Van Zeist, was converted to an elaborate jail and courtroom in The Hague, and the Dutch formally surrendered the two Libyans to Scottish police. The trial began in May 2000. For nine months, the court heard testimony from around the world. In what many observers saw as a political verdict, Al Megrahi was found guilty and Fhimah was found not guilty.

    With barely 24 hours notice, Marquise and victim family members raced from the United States to be in the courtroom to hear the verdict. The morning of the verdict in 2001, Mueller was just days into his tenure as acting deputy US attorney general—filling in for the start of the George W. Bush administration in the department’s No. 2 role as attorney general John Ashcroft got himself situated.

    That day, Mueller awoke early and joined with victims’ families and other officials in Washington, who watched the verdict announcement via a satellite hookup. To him, it was a chance for some closure—but the investigation would go on. As he told the media, “The United States remains vigilant in its pursuit to bring to justice any other individuals who may have been involved in the conspiracy to bring down Pan Am Flight 103.”

    The Scotbom case would leave a deep imprint on Mueller; one of his first actions as FBI director was to recruit Kathryn Turman, who had served as the liaison to the Pan Am 103 victim families during the trial, to head the FBI’s Victim Services Division, helping to elevate the role and responsibility of the FBI in dealing with crime victims.

    JUST MONTHS AFTER that 20th anniversary ceremony with Mueller at Arlington National Cemetery, in the summer of 2009, Scotland released a terminally ill Megrahi from prison after a lengthy appeals process, and sent him back to Libya. The decision was made, the Scottish minister of justice reported, on “compassionate grounds.” Few involved on the US side believed the terrorist deserved compassion. Megrahi was greeted as a hero on the tarmac in Libya—rose petals, cheering crowds. The US consensus remained that he should rot in prison.

    The idea that Megrahi could walk out of prison on “compassionate” ground made a mockery of everything that Mueller had dedicated his life to fighting and doing. Amid a series of tepid official condemnations—President Obama labeled it “highly objectionable”—Mueller fired off a letter to Scottish minister Kenny MacAskill that stood out for its raw pain, anger, and deep sorrow.

    “Over the years I have been a prosecutor, and recently as the Director of the FBI, I have made it a practice not to comment on the actions of other prosecutors, since only the prosecutor handling the case has all the facts and the law before him in reaching the appropriate decision,” Mueller began. “Your decision to release Megrahi causes me to abandon that practice in this case. I do so because I am familiar with the facts, and the law, having been the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the investigation and indictment of Megrahi in 1991. And I do so because I am outraged at your decision, blithely defended on the grounds of ‘compassion.’”

    That nine months after the 20th anniversary of the bombing, the only person behind bars for the bombing would walk back onto Libyan soil a free man and be greeted with rose petals left Mueller seething.

    “Your action in releasing Megrahi is as inexplicable as it is detrimental to the cause of justice. Indeed your action makes a mockery of the rule of law. Your action gives comfort to terrorists around the world,” Mueller wrote. “You could not have spent much time with the families, certainly not as much time as others involved in the investigation and prosecution. You could not have visited the small wooden warehouse where the personal items of those who perished were gathered for identification—the single sneaker belonging to a teenager; the Syracuse sweatshirt never again to be worn by a college student returning home for the holidays; the toys in a suitcase of a businessman looking forward to spending Christmas with his wife and children.”

    For Mueller, walking the fields of Lockerbie had been walking on hallowed ground. The Scottish decision pained him especially deeply, because of the mission and dedication he and his Scottish counterparts had shared 20 years before. “If all civilized nations join together to apply the rules of law to international terrorists, certainly we will be successful in ridding the world of the scourge of terrorism,” he had written in a perhaps too hopeful private note to the Scottish Lord Advocate in 1990.

    Some 20 years later, in an era when counterterrorism would be a massive, multibillion dollar industry and a buzzword for politicians everywhere, Mueller—betrayed—concluded his letter with a decidedly un-Mueller-like plea, shouted plaintively and hopelessly across the Atlantic: “Where, I ask, is the justice?”

    #USA #Libye #impérialisme #terrorisme #histoire #CIA #idéologie #propagande

  • What is Salesforce? Four days, 170,000 people, and one Metallica concert later, I figured out what Salesforce is — Quartz

    I had not registered for this session, and had to convince the conference bouncers that my press pass allowed me entry. They allowed me to attend on the condition that I wouldn’t take up a precious chair.

    What dawned on me over the course of this discussion was the sheer ubiquity of software.
    I agreed and sat in a chair at the far end of the room. Slowly, several people, all of them white, nearly all of them women, joined our table. One worked for a community bank in Wisconsin. Another for Freddie Mac. Two of the women, it turned out, worked for the company my brother co-founded, which often helps financial firms with Salesforce.

    This was the closest I had come to understanding what Salesforce is actually good for, beyond throwing swanky parties. Everyone at the table had used Salesforce to solve problems at their companies. It had worked well. They had many more problems, and wanted to figure out the best way to use the platform to solve those, too. As they discussed how best to “leverage Financial Services Cloud,” their heads nodded.

    What dawned on me over the course of this discussion was the sheer ubiquity of software. Yes, it is several years now since Marc Andreessen wrote that “software is eating the world.” But it’s not just the smartphones and websites that we have come to be familiar with as “software.” It’s literally everything. Do anything in a modern city and it will trigger a long string of computational processes. Test-drive a car, express interest in an insurance plan, apply for a loan, contribute to a nonprofit, use a credit card, call airline customer service, change a t-shirt order from “large” to “medium,” and you will be entered into a database, added to annual reports, sent automated emails, plugged into “people who buy X also buy Y” algorithms. This is obviously true for hip startups like AirBnb. It is also true for boring, ancient, bailed-out behemoths like Freddie Mac.

    Usually, the software that runs in the dark server rooms of non-tech companies either comes with hefty license fees or is barely functional, hacked together over years by in-house coders who have come and gone. Information relevant to the company may be spread across hundreds of spreadsheets and thousands of emails, accessible only from certain computers or networks. One of the chief complaints of the woman from Freddie Mac was that the company has “a lot of legacy systems” that need to be modernized.

    “Enterprise software”—specifically “customer relationship management” software—aims to solve, or at least alleviate, such problems. Benioff’s insight was to do so using the “cloud.” Instead of charging people for a license to use your software, a la Windows XP, have them pay for a subscription to use your service, which can be accessed anywhere. It’s like Gmail, but for all of the mind-numbing tasks of the modern salesperson, customer service representative, or middle manager, like inputting what happened on a call with a customer or generating inventory reports. No more understaffed IT departments, no more inaccessible spreadsheets, no more massive upfront costs.

    These days, most people use several cloud-based services, like Spotify or Dropbox. It’s why the Google Chromebook can be a thing, and why Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, can get by without ever using a computer. It’s why Salesforce can count among its several mascots SaaSy, named after “Software as a Service,” a dancing white circle with arms and legs, but no face, that displays the word “software” in a red circle with a red line crossing it out. Nothing to install, just the cloud. That is sassy.

    But Benioff was onto the idea early. Less than 20 years have passed since he staged a sassy fake protest at the annual conference of the incumbent CRM giant, Siebel Systems, with protesters chanting, “The internet is really neat, software is obsolete!” Now 89 of the companies on the Fortune 100 use Salesforce. For the past three years, Salesforce has grown over 20% year-over-year every single quarter.

    What is Salesforce? Four days, 170,000 people, and one Metallica concert later, I figured out what Salesforce is — Quartz

    Giving more people access to high-paying tech jobs. Looks great.

    Soon after that, though, a darker, less altruistic interpretation of “inclusive capitalism” began to emerge. One that sees it not primarily as a way to bring in the excluded, but to boost the Salesforce brand, to fortify the cult, to attract talent and investors. To establish a place in history.

    After the PepUp Tech video, another told the story of billionaire Italian fashion designer Brunello Cucinelli, who uses Salesforce at his company. Cucinelli was himself in attendance. After the video finished, he took the microphone and spoke directly to Benioff in rapid-fire Italian, through an interpreter, as if he were the effusive prognosticator of an ancient king.

    “For your birthday,” Cucinelli pronounced, “I have a special request to submit to you.” This was how I learned that the keynote speech was happening on the day of Benioff’s 54th birthday.

    If “inclusive capitalism” has any chance of succeeding, one could hope for no better agent than Benioff.
    “I would like you, in this special world, which is the cradle of genius, you should envision something that lasts for the next 2,000 years,” Cucinelli continued. “In ancient Greece, Pericles 2,500 years ago stated, ‘as long as our Parthenon is standing, our Athens will be standing, too.’ In ancient Rome, Hadrian stated, ‘I feel responsible for the beauty in the world,’ and he states, ‘my Rome will be there forever.’ In my Florence, during the Renaissance, there is Lorenzo the Magnificent, another genius, who basically sits around the same table, Michelangelo, Leonardo, all together, and they design and plan for eternity…I think you, Marc, you could be the new Lorenzo the Magnificent of this side of the world.”

    Benioff was certainly positive about the first video, but this speech appeared to affect him in a deeper way. Salesforce Tower is now the tallest building in San Francisco. There is a children’s hospital in the city with his name on it. Maybe not quite 2,000 years, but those will last. And with Time under his belt, Benioff is in a position to become known as the guy who figured out how to improve the world while making loads of cash. He has deflected suggestions that he intends to run for political office by saying he can do even more good as a CEO.

    If “inclusive capitalism” has any chance of succeeding, one could hope for no better agent than Benioff. He’s a large, imposing, wealthy white man with ties to cultural icons and A-level politicians, but also to community leaders and local activists. Instead of making grand, world-changing gestures to “cure all diseases,” his focus is local, on things he has a personal stake in and can observe, like the well-being of the Bay Area. He has a chief philanthropy officer. Salesforce develops tools that make charitable giving easier for companies and organizations. His intentions appear to be good.

    But it’s also true that Benioff probably couldn’t have bought Time magazine, or built such a tall tower, if not for the exclusive capitalism that he hopes to rid the world of. This is the hard thing about being a billionaire who wants to do good: they only feel responsible for the beauty in the world so long as they still get to have lots and lots and lots of money. Benioff can donate tens of millions of dollars, marginally expanding the set of people who benefit from the status quo, without really losing any of his own wealth. And if anything, it raises his status even further.

    But if “inclusive” and “capitalism” turn out to be incompatible, would he be willing to give it all up for the greater good?

    #USA #capitalisme #action_charitable #affaires

  • Les ombres de la Silicon Valley | Portfolios | Mediapart

    Photographe indépendante, Mary Beth Meehan saisit les habitants des États-Unis dans des portraits qui s’affichent en grande dimension. Professeur de communication à Stanford (Californie), ancien journaliste, Fred Turner se passionne pour les racines et ramifications idéologiques et culturelles de la Silicon Valley et pour ses inventeurs – souvent « des entrepreneurs mâles et blancs », écrit-il ici – qu’il a fait connaître dans une « histoire inédite de la culture numérique », publiée en français (en 2013) sous le titre Aux sources de l’utopie numérique. Les deux se sont associés pour composer une autre représentation de la région, quelques dizaines de kilomètres qui s’étirent au sud de San Francisco. Car il n’y aurait pas de Tesla « sans le travail des corps transpirants de milliers de riveteurs, emballeurs et chauffeurs », écrit Turner, pas de Google « sans des légions de codeurs, de cuisiniers, de concierges et d’employés de maison ». Avec 47 milliardaires recensés en 2018, la Silicon Valley « est l’une des régions les plus riches des États-Unis ». Mais malgré un salaire moyen deux fois plus élevé qu’ailleurs dans le pays, c’est aussi « l’une de celles où les inégalités sont les plus marquées ». Voyage aux portes du mythe.

    #Visages_silicon_valley #Mary_Beth_Meehan #C&F_éditions

  • Chronique du cinéma palestinien : la renaissance d’un cinéma sans État
    Lou Mamalet, Middle East Eye, le 3 novembre 2018

    Quand il s’agit de définir les contours du cinéma palestinien, la réponse n’est jamais évidente. Il est en effet complexe de délimiter les frontières d’un art sans État. Le cinéma palestinien est un territoire fragmenté qui s’ancre dans différents espaces temporels et géographiques, conséquence d’un passé intrinsèquement lié à l’exil et à la dispersion.

    Malgré les difficultés économiques de cette industrie en quête permanente de financement, elle continue de porter à l’écran ceux que l’on a essayé de rendre invisibles, notamment à travers une nouvelle vague de jeunes réalisateurs, tels Rakan Mayasi ou Muayad Alayan , qui se sont fait remarquer lors de festivals de films internationaux.

    Début du XIX e siècle : premiers pas du cinéma palestinien

    Les prémices du cinéma palestinien remontent au début du XX e siècle, à l’occasion d’une visite du roi d’Arabie saoudite Ibn Saoud en Palestine en 1935. Accompagné par le mufti de Jérusalem Amin al-Husseini, son périple est immortalisé par Ibrahim Hassan Sirhan, réalisateur palestinien autodidacte, qui filme l’événement avec un appareil de fortune acheté à Tel Aviv.

    Sirhan s’associe plus tard à Jamal al-Asphar, un autre réalisateur palestinien, avec qui il filme The Realized Dreams (« les rêves réalisés »), un documentaire de 45 minutes sur les orphelins palestiniens.

    Considérés comme les pères fondateurs du cinéma palestinien, Sirhan et Asphar sont les premiers autochtones à faire des films en Palestine ; les premières images du pays avaient jusqu’alors été tournées par les frères Lumières ou d’autres sociétés européennes empreintes d’une forte dimension orientaliste, se contentant de dépeindre des sujets folkloriques et traditionnels.

    Dix ans plus tard, Ibrahim Hassan Sirhan ouvre le premier studio de production cinématographique en Palestine avec Ahmad al-Kalini, un compatriote ayant étudié le cinéma au Caire. Le duo produira plusieurs longs métrages, dont aucune trace ne demeure de nos jours, comme la majeure partie des réalisations de cette époque.

    La déclaration Balfour en 1917 et la création de l’État d’Israël trente ans plus tard dessinent cependant un autre destin pour le cinéma palestinien. En 1948, plus de 700 000 Palestiniens sont forcés à l’exil lors de la Nakba (« catastrophe »), assénant un coup dur à la production cinématographique palestinienne. Le peuple est traumatisé et doit faire face à une nouvelle situation, ne laissant derrière lui presqu’aucun document. C’est le commencement d’une longue période de silence cinématographique de plus de deux décennies.

    Fin des années 1960, début des années 1970 : le cinéma de la révolution

    Ce mutisme prend fin en 1968, après la défaite arabe de la guerre des Six Jours (la Naksa) et ses conséquences politiques : l’occupation israélienne de la Cisjordanie, de Jérusalem-Est et de Gaza.

    Cette tragédie renforce le statut de l’Organisation de libération de la Palestine (OLP) et d’autres institutions palestiniennes, qui sont alors perçues comme les derniers symboles d’espoir et de résistance arabe. Sous leurs auspices, un nouveau cinéma militant apparaît afin de documenter la lutte palestinienne et la vie des réfugiés dans les camps.

    Certains réalisateurs palestiniens ayant étudié à l’étranger rejoignent ainsi les rangs de l’OLP à Amman, puis à Beyrouth. Parmi eux, Sulafa Jadallah Mirsal, une jeune photographe palestinienne qui a étudié au Caire. Dans sa cuisine, elle monte une unité photographique avec des équipements basiques et se focalise sur les photographies des martyrs de guerre.

    En 1968, son travail est transféré à Amman où se situe le siège du Fatah, principal parti de l’OLP dirigé par Yasser Arafat, et pour la première fois, un département de photographie est créé.

    Elle est très rapidement rejointe par deux réalisateurs palestiniens : Mustafa Abu Ali , qui a par ailleurs travaillé avec Jean-Luc Godard sur son film Ici et ailleurs (1974), et Hani Jawharieh, avec qui elle mettra en place la première Unité du film palestinien (PFU).

    Ils sortent en 1969 No to a Peace Solution (« Non à une solution de paix »), un film de vingt minutes qui documente les manifestations de civils contre la solution de paix proposée par le secrétaire d’État américain de l’époque William Rogers.

    Suite au conflit entre l’OLP et le roi Hussein de Jordanie qui débouche, en 1970, sur les événements de Septembre noir , l’organisation de Yasser Arafat doit quitter la Jordanie et se relocalise au Liban. Durant cette période, plus de 60 documentaires sont tournés malgré les difficultés économiques et le début de la guerre civile libanaise, comme With our Souls and our Blood (« avec nos âmes et notre sang »), qui narre les massacres de septembre 1970.

    On assiste alors à l’accélération d’une prise de conscience de l’importance du cinéma et des images comme outil politique dans la promotion des idéaux révolutionnaires de la cause palestinienne.

    En 1974, est ainsi produit par Mustafa Abu Ali They Do Not Exist (« ils n’existent pas »), un documentaire dépeignant la vie des Palestiniens dans un camp de réfugiés du Sud-Liban et dont le titre est inspiré des déclarations négationnistes de Golda Meir (Première ministre israélienne de l’époque) au sujet des Palestiniens.

    Comme l’explique à Middle East Eye Hanna Atallah, réalisateur palestinien et directeur de FilmLab Palestine , une association qui supporte l’industrie cinématographique palestinienne, « Il s’agissait de construire un récit-réponse à celui des Israéliens, de trouver une alternative au discours selon lequel la Palestine était une terre sans habitants uniquement peuplée de bédouins. Les Israéliens ont vite compris qu’écrire l’histoire était un instrument politique, chose que les Palestiniens n’avaient pas réalisée jusqu’alors ».

    Un outil politique qui nécessite de centraliser les œuvres réalisées, ce à quoi s’attèle Mustafa Abu Ali en créant l’Archive du film palestinien en vue de réunir les efforts des réalisateurs palestiniens du monde entier et de préserver l’identité palestinienne en donnant une certaine reconnaissance à son cinéma.

    Cette archive contient une vaste quantité de documents sur le siège de Beyrouth, les batailles des fédayins, mais aussi des interviews de politiciens et d’intellectuels. Malheureusement, elle disparaîtra lors de l’invasion du Liban par Israël en 1982.

    Des efforts seront toutefois déployés par plusieurs réalisateurs – comme Monica Maurer, cinéaste allemande ayant autrefois opéré au sein de l’Unité du film palestinien de l’OLP, et l’artiste palestinienne Emily Jacir – afin de restaurer et digitaliser les rushes de cette période, à l’instar de ceux de Tel al-Zaatar , un film sur le siège du camp de réfugiés palestiniens du même nom à Beyrouth par les milices chrétiennes, initialement filmé par le cinéaste libanais Jean Khalil Chamoun et le Palestinien Mustafa Abu Ali.

    Une période également documentée dans Off Frame a.k.a. Revolution Until Victory (2016) de Mohanad Yaqubi, cinéaste palestinien et fondateur de Idiom , une société de production basée à Ramallah. Après un long travail de recherche dans le monde entier, Yaqubi est parvenu à exhumer des images d’archives inédites montrant le travail de cinéastes militants durant les années 60-70, un résultat qui réfléchit aussi sur la lutte palestinienne dans sa représentation d’elle-même et la réappropriation de son récit à travers l’établissement de l’Unité du film palestinien.

    1980-1990 : cinéma indépendant et réalisme social

    Les années 1980-1990 sont particulièrement difficiles pour les Palestiniens. Face à la persistance de l’occupation israélienne et à l’échec des tentatives de paix, les nouvelles générations commencent à perdre espoir en l’avenir. La crise économique, le chômage et l’augmentation des colonies dans les territoires occupés sont autant de facteurs qui précipitent l’éclatement de la première Intifada , le 9 décembre 1987.

    Un tournant politique qui marque aussi l’avènement d’une nouvelle génération de réalisateurs palestiniens ayant étudié à l’étranger. D’un cinéma de la révolution, principalement militant et documentaire, on passe alors au récit de la vie sous occupation et de la résistance.

    Parmi eux, Michel Khleifi , qui revient dans sa ville natale de Nazareth, en Galilée, après avoir passé dix ans en Belgique. Il produit son premier long métrage, Fertile Memory (mémoire fertile), en 1980, une fiction empruntant au documentaire qui raconte l’histoire de deux femmes palestiniennes dont l’une est forcée de travailler dans une entreprise de textile israélienne après avoir vu sa terre expropriée par Israël.

    Cette nouvelle vague est également représentée par les œuvres de Mai Masri , une réalisatrice palestinienne qui a grandi à Beyrouth et étudié à San Francisco. Dans Wild Flowers : Women of South Lebanon (1987), réalisé avec Jean Khalil Chamoun, elle filme la vie de femmes libanaises résistant durant l’occupation militaire israélienne du Sud Liban.

    Après les accords d’Oslo en 1993, on assiste à une certaine désillusion de la société palestinienne, qui se ressent à l’écran. Le cinéma s’éloigne de l’esprit révolutionnaire des années 1970 et de la nostalgie des années 1980 pour migrer vers un réalisme social traitant des problèmes que rencontrent les Palestiniens dans leur vie quotidienne.

    Comme le souligne Hanna Atallah, « Il n’est plus question de la vision romanesque et fantasmée de la Palestine perdue, avec ses champs d’orangers et d’oliviers. On parle du quotidien, des check-points et du mur ».

    Une situation tragique souvent tournée au ridicule par les réalisateurs, à l’instar d’Elia Suleiman, qui se met toujours en scène dans ses films comme observateur passif du délitement de l’identité palestinienne.

    Avec Chronique d’une disparition (1996), il dresse un portrait caustique de la réalité palestinienne sous occupation, entre anecdotes personnelles et discours politique sur Israël. Dans Intervention divine (2002), il raconte les déboires d’un couple de Palestiniens qui, pour se voir, l’un vivant à Jérusalem-Est et l’autre à Ramallah, doit se donner rendez-vous dans un terrain vague proche du check-point.

    Des difficultés de l’occupation aussi décrites par Rashid Masharawi. Qu’il s’agisse de Couvre-feu , description de celui imposé à son village de la bande de Gaza pendant 40 jours en 1993 (film qui lui fait gagner le prix UNESCO au festival de Cannes 1993), de L’Attente , qui suit Ahmad, un réalisateur faisant passer des auditions dans différents camps de réfugiés du Proche-Orient afin de constituer la troupe du futur théâtre palestinien (2006), ou de L’Anniversaire de Leïla (2008), qui raconte les obstacles d’un juge forcé de devenir chauffeur de taxi, le réalisateur évoque la douleur d’un peuple qui doit subir un état d’apartheid.

    Des années 2000 à nos jours : nouvelle vague et changement de récit

    Depuis les années 2000, si la politique reste en toile de fond des films palestiniens, elle n’est plus nécessairement au cœur du sujet, faisant place à des fictions au ton décalé et aux intrigues inattendues.

    De nouveaux thèmes sont abordés par de jeunes réalisateurs qui explorent la complexité de la réalité palestinienne, tels les écarts de perception entre les Palestiniens restés sur place et ceux revenus après avoir commencé une nouvelle vie à l’étranger ou encore les différences intergénérationnelles.

    C’est le cas de Wajib – L’invitation au mariage d’Annemarie Jacir (2017) , un long métrage qui illustre avec humour et tendresse la situation palestinienne à travers le regard de deux générations. Alors que le fils reproche au père d’inviter un ami juif, qu’il suspecte de travailler pour les services de renseignement israéliens, au mariage de sa sœur, le père en veut à son fils d’être en couple avec la fille d’un membre de l’OLP à qui il reproche de ne pas se soucier du sort des Palestiniens.

    Autre exemple, Love, Theft and Other Entanglements (« Amours, larcins et autres complications », 2015) des frères Muayad et Rami Musa Alayan, une fable absurde aux allures de western qui met en scène les aventures au milieu des milices palestiniennes et des services d’intelligence israéliens d’un petit magouilleur palestinien qui espère pouvoir se payer un visa de sortie du pays en volant une voiture appartenant à un Israélien et qui se retrouve enfermé dans le coffre de la voiture volée avec le soldat israélien qu’il a kidnappé.

    Des œuvres qui n’hésitent donc pas à utiliser l’humour et le symbolisme pour dénoncer le quotidien tragique des Palestiniens sous occupation, à l’instar de The Wanted 18 (« les dix-huit fugitives »), film d’animation intégrant des images d’archives qui raconte l’histoire vraie de Palestiniens du village de Beit Sahour, en Cisjordanie, tentant de maintenir clandestinement une industrie de vaches laitières pendant la première Intifada. Réalisé par Amer Shomali et Paul Cowan, le film a reçu le prix du meilleur documentaire au Festival du film d’Abou Dabi.

    Les courts-métrages ne font pas exception à la règle. En témoigne Farawaleh (« fraises »), la dernière création de la jeune réalisatrice palestinienne Aida Kaadan, lauréate du festival Palest’In & Out 2018, qui décrit l’épopée de Samir, responsable d’un magasin de chaussures à Ramallah qui n’a jamais vu la mer et qui décide, pour accomplir son rêve, de traverser la frontière israélienne parmi des ouvriers du bâtiment palestiniens.

    Un autre court-métrage, réalisé par le cinéaste Rakan Mayasi, raconte pour sa part l’histoire d’un couple palestinien qui, pour faire un enfant, décide de sortir clandestinement du sperme de la prison israélienne où l’époux purge sa peine. Bonboné (« bonbon ») a cumulé les prix de festivals (notamment meilleur scénario au Festival du court-métrage méditerranéen de Tanger , meilleur film au Twin Cities Arab Film Festival ).

    Bien que jamais très loin, la politique est devenue le personnage secondaire de ces nouvelles fictions qui font la part belle aux Palestiniens et à leur histoire, laquelle n’est plus cantonnée à une simple quête identitaire. The Reports on Sarah and Saleem , de Muayad Alayan, présenté au Festival des cinémas arabes de l’Institut du monde arabe en juillet dernier, retrace ainsi une histoire d’adultère banale entre une juive israélienne et un livreur palestinien, qui se transforme en affaire politique.

    Un changement de paradigme dans les intrigues regretté par certains, qui y voient une perte des valeurs propres à la cause palestinienne, comme l’explique à MEE Mohanad Yaqubi.

    « Le cinéma palestinien doit rester militant et engagé dans son essence. Avant, les réalisateurs parlaient un langage commun : celui du droit au retour. Aujourd’hui, l’identité palestinienne est dissoute et perd en force, alors que faire partie du peuple palestinien, c’est appartenir à une lutte pour l’auto-indépendance, que le cinéma doit soutenir », estime-t-il.

    Une mission pour l’avenir de cette industrie qui a su se renouveler sur la forme et sur le fond, malgré une situation politique stagnante....

    #Palestine #Cinéma

  • Taxi 2.0: The Bumpy Road to the Future of Cabs - Motherboard

    After a typical honeymoon period of unquestioning and often oblivious tech culture praise, Uber and its taxi app brethren are getting some real, overdue scrutiny. Thank cabbies in part, for highlighting the fact that much of Uber’s business model success has to do with bypassing basic taxi regulations, safety checks, and continuous commercial insurance coverage, in a monoplistic bid for all sides of the taxi market. Protests and lawsuits and injunctions now follow close behind these companies into nearly every new city they zoom into, with the requisite lawyers and lobbyists in the backseat.

    At the same time, anyone who’s experienced a city knows that licensed taxi companies are due for an upgrade, and maybe some of these apps’ success has to do with the old industry’s disinterest in adaptation. Shutting out the Uber model—and its rather edgier “rideshare” kin, like Lyft and SideCar and UberX—from the ride-for-hire ecosystem is as poor an answer as allowing it to persist without the institution of new checks and rules.

    In the short documentary “Taxi 2.0,” filmmaker Max Maddox attacks the issue from street-level in San Francisco by talking to taxi and Uber and Lyft drivers and the people that use each. No one comes away looking great. Everyone’s trying to figure out what it all means. (Where, exactly, is the sharing in this sharing economy? And how are these taxis called “rideshares” when there’s no real ride-sharing going on?) Apart from concerns about unfair competition, says Maddox, “taxi proponents say these rideshares are unsafe for the public. In the midst of this drama, drivers on both sides of the playing field struggle just to put bread on the table.”

    Here we see the specter not only of a new labor war in the taxi industry, between established hacks and amateur upstarts armed with GPS maps, but a of a stratified ride-for-hire future, in which taxis are left carrying the unconnected lower classes, while Uber and the like carry the relative big money. Technology has a way of dividing us like that.

    I usually feel half-guilty when I get in a TNC, but the cab system is far from perfect at the same time.

    Maddox, a broadcasting student at San Francisco State University whose interest was piqued after seeing “so many mustached cars drive by,” came away from the months-long project with mixed feelings about the future of cabs.

    “After interviewing all these guys, I’m still on the fence about transportation network companies, or rideshares, whatever you want to call them,” Maddox says. “I usually feel half-guilty when I get in a TNC, but the cab system is far from perfect at the same time. I can’t endorse one platform over the other. I just hope something changes so they can coexist.”

    ’Taxi 2.0’ Credits: Producer: Max Maddox; Editor: Jarod Taber; Photographer: Asger Ladefoged; Writer: Ben Mitchell; Sound: Gabe Romero Associate Producer: Jason Garcia

    #Taxi #Uber #USA #San_Francisco

  • Grounded in San Francisco; a story about knee surgeries and more

    September 23, 2018“This is it. I’m going to die”. That’s the last thought I had before I crashed.I’m cycling in Dolores Park for the first time in years (I’m more of a runner, and Classpass studio lover), and in a few seconds, I find myself in a predicament: a car is coming behind me, and I’m stuck between the trolley tracks. What to do; Option A: get run over by the car behind me, Option B: I try to cross the tracks with my bike.I try to do the latter. And that’s when it happened. The 80 pound electric JUMP bike catapulted me out of my seat and into the air and I smashed onto the ground while it fell on top of me — crushing my right rib, and my left knee so badly cartilage was exposed.Holy shit, I screamed. The pain was unbearable. I grabbed my knee, wishing I could reverse the last few minutes. (...)

    #health #love #life #surgery #happiness