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  • Cette semaine, le journal israélien Haaretz a confirmé une chose dont l’Electronic Intifada fait état depuis des années...

    Confirmation du rôle du Mossad dans la guerre d’Israël contre BDS
    Asa Winstanley, Electronic Intifada, le 14 juin 2019

    En privé les forces israéliennes anti-BDS admettent que leur campagne ne marche pas malgré les dizaines de millions de dollars lancés dans cette guerre contre des militants de la société civile œuvrant pour la justice et l’égalité. Un rapport secret de 2017 émanant d’un think tank lié au ministère, admet avec candeur l’échec d’Israël à stopper « une croissance impressionnante » et des « succès significatifs » de BDS. Le rapport qu’a obtenu l’Electronic Intifada, établit qu’en dépit de la multiplication par 20 des dépenses anti BDS, « les résultats restent hors d’atteinte ».

    L’article en question de Haaretz :

    Mossad Involved in Anti-boycott Activity, Israeli Minister’s Datebooks Reveal
    Noa Landau, Haaretz, le 12 juin 2019

    #Palestine #BDS #mossad

  • Comment les services de renseignement israéliens collaborent à la lutte contre #BDS à travers le monde

    Mossad involved in anti-boycott activity, Israeli minister’s datebooks reveal - Israel News -

    The datebooks of Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan for 2018 reveal that he cooperated with the Mossad in the fight against the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

    The diaries, which were released in response to a Freedom of Information request, show that Erdan met with Mossad head Yossi Cohen about “the struggle against the boycott.” The request was made by the Hatzlaha movement, an organization promoting a fair society and economy, to all ministers, deputy ministers and ministry directors-general.

    Officials in the Strategic Affairs Ministry are proud of their work with the state’s security agencies, but hide the content and full scope of these activities on grounds that if these would be revealed, it would undermine the covert efforts being made against BDS and its leaders. Officials in Erdan’s office said that the meeting with Cohen was merely a “review,” but sources familiar with the ministry’s activities told Haaretz that the ministry indeed cooperates with the Mossad.

    Erdan’s datebooks also show meetings with the head of the National Security Council and the head of the NSC’s intelligence branch, as well as meetings with representatives of numerous Jewish organizations, including the American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, the American Jewish Congress, the umbrella organization of French Jewry, the U.S. Reform Movement and others. There are also logs of various meetings and phone calls that Erdan’s chief of staff held with foreign leaders and diplomats, as well as meetings with settler leaders, including the heads of the Samaria Regional Council and the Hebron Hills Regional Council.

    Many of Erdan’s meetings in 2018 were devoted to establishing a public benefit corporation which at first was called Kella Shlomo but whose name was later changed to Concert. Its aim was to covertly advance “mass awareness activities” as part of “the struggle against the campaign to delegitimize” Israel globally. This corporation, which received 128 million shekels (about $36 million) in government funding and was to also collect 128 million shekels in private contributions, is not subject to the Freedom of Information Law.

    In early 2018 Haaretz published the list of shareholders and directors in the company, which include former Strategic Affairs Ministry director general Yossi Kuperwasser; former UN ambassador Dore Gold, a former adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; former UN ambassador Ron Prosor; businessman Micah Avni, whose father, Richard Lakin, was killed in a 2015 terror attack in Jerusalem; Amos Yadlin, who heads Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies; Miri Eisin, who served as the prime minister’s adviser on the foreign press during the Second Lebanon War; former National Security Council chief Yaakov Amidror; and Sagi Balasha, a former CEO of the Israeli-American Council.
    Demonstrators wear shirts reading “Boycott Israel” during a protest in Paris, Dec. 9, 2017.
    Demonstrators wear shirts reading “Boycott Israel” during a protest in Paris, Dec. 9, 2017. AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu

    According to a government resolution, the funding was granted to implement part of the ministry’s activities related to the fights against delegitimization and boycotts against the State of Israel. It says the company would raise the private portion of its financing for the initiative from philanthropic sources or pro-Israel organizations. A steering committee was to be appointed for the initiative to comprise representatives of the government and the other funding partners.
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    According to a ministry document revealed by The Seventh Eye website, the organization was expected to carry out mass awareness activities and work to exploit the wisdom of crowds, “making new ideas accessible to decision-makers and donors in the Jewish world, and developing new tools to combat the delegitimization of Israel.”

    Elad Mann, Hatzlacha’s legal adviser, said, “Revealing the date books of senior and elected officials is crucial to understanding how the government system works and it has great value taken together with other details of information. This is how to monitor the government and its priorities or the actions it takes with more efficiency and transparency.”

    Erdan’s office said that he “met during this past term with heads of the security echelons to give them a survey of the ministry’s activities in the struggle against the delegitimization and boycott of Israel.”

    Josh Breiner contributed to this report.

  • La stratégie du Mossad contre les BDS
    Asa Winstanley - Publié sur Middle East Monitor le 27 novembre 2014. Traduction pour ce site : JM Flémal.

    (...) La première leçon qu’on peut tirer du nouvel article de Shabtai Shavit dans Haaretz, c’est celle-ci : Israël est sérieusement préoccupé par l’impact du mouvement mondial de boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions dirigé contre lui par les Palestiniens. Israël n’a aucune idée de la façon de s’y prendre contre cette « menace » à l’égard de sa politique d’occupation.

    « Le mouvement BDS mondial », écrit Shavit, « a pris de l’ampleur et même quelques Juifs en font partie. » Ceci constitue un aveu significatif à deux égards.

    Primo, cet ancien chef des renseignements israéliens admet que le mouvement a eu un impact croissant sur la lutte contre les crimes de guerre, le racisme et d’autres formes d’injustice commis par Israël contre le peuple palestinien.

    Secundo, le fait qu’il a remarqué le « nombre d’étudiants juifs qui se détournent d’Israël ». C’est important, puisque « les campus universitaires de l’Occident (...) sont les pépinières de la future direction de leurs pays ».

    L’allusion à la participation juive au mouvement BDS est importante, du fait qu’elle sape la prétention arrogante et fallacieuse d’Israël de vouloir représenter tous les Juifs du monde entier. Netanyahu a même prétendu un jour (en 2011, alors qu’il s’adressait au Congrès américain) que, en tant que Premier ministre, « je m’exprime au nom du peuple juif » - plutôt qu’au nom de tous les citoyens israéliens (puisque ceci aurait dû alors inclure quelque 1,5 million de Palestiniens de prétendue citoyenneté israélienne). Elle sape également un élément typique (et de moins en moins gobé) de la propagande israélienne à propos des activistes palestiniens de la solidarité prétendant que c’est l’antisémitisme qui les motive. (...)