company:hbgary federal

  • Themis : Looking at the aftermath of the HBGary Federal scandal - Security

    L’affaire #HBGary pourrait donner lieu à une enquête du Congrès pour savoir si, à travers les projets de manipulation des réseaux sociaux, d’infiltration d’#Anonymous et de « destruction » de #WikiLeaks, le gouvernement #US ne serait pas en train de faire des choses illégales, comme d’espionner des Américains…

    Team Themis consists of HBGary Federal, Palantir Technologies, and Berico Technologies. Both Berico and Palantir have distanced themselves from the plots, and denounced their implications. Aaron Barr resigned his post as CEO of HBGary Federal to focus on family and rebuilding his reputation.

    However, those actions did little to placate critics, and House Democrats called for hearings on Team Themis. Earlier this month, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Georgia 4th District), as well as 19 others, called for a Congressional investigation into the actions of Team Themis to determine if the contractors violated any federal laws.

  • Who is Anonymous’ Commander X ? Not this guy | ITworld

    L’affaire #HBGary/#Anonymous devient de plus en plus drôle, résumé du MacCarthysme post 9/11.

    Aaron Barr, le patron de la firme de sécurité HBGary, pense donc avoir identifié le chef des Anonymous :

    Benjamin Spock de Vries would like the world to know he is not a #cyber_terrorist.
    It seems Aaron Barr — the CEO of HBGary Federal who thought he’d make a big splash by outing the leadership of Anonymous and instead ended up getting ridden hard and put away wet by the very hackers he sought to expose — decided de Vries is in fact the mysterious Commander X, alleged puppetmaster of the Anonymous collective. So he said as much in some of the thousands of private email conversations the Anons just shared with the world.
    This did not make de Vries happy.

    Anonymous s’est vengé en piratant HBGary et en mettant du coup la main sur le code du virus #Stuxnet (

    Aaron Barr est tombé sur le dos d’un anarchiste décroissant :

    de Vries is not your average Joe. He’s a Certified #Permaculture Designer, which means he designs sustainable agricultural systems, as well as a bit of an anarchist. He says he wants to change the world not by computer hacking, but by “economic action of passive resistance, mainly by gardening.”

    Les fausses accusations se ramassent à la pelle, et peuvent conduire à des mois de prison et de torture par la CIA :

    The problem here is bigger than De Vries, Barr, HBGary, Anonymous or even WikiLeaks. It’s about what happens when you mine data from different sources, employ dubious assumptions, and leap to erroneous conclusions. It’s too easy to get the wrong guy. And if you think this doesn’t happen, ask Khaled Masri, a German citizen who was ‘rendered’ to Afghanistan by the CIA in 2003 and tortured for five months, based on a case of mistaken identity. Or Oregon attorney Brandon Mayfield, who was wrongly arrested for bombing a train in Madrid in 2004 and only got sprung because the Spanish police did their homework and found the actual bomber.

    If you believe the #NSA isn’t mining data to locate terrorist threats before they strike, you just haven’t been paying attention. If you fit the wrong profile or hit the wrong data points, you could be an innocent victim, like Masri, Mayfield, or de Vries. Let’s just hope they’re better at #data_mining than Aaron Barr is.