
  • JDK9, les nouveautés

    Préalables pratiques List, Set, Map of Les modules, Java Platform Module System (JPMS) ou encore Jigsaw Gestion des processus systèmes Jshell Nouvelles méthodes pour la classe Stream Javadoc _ underscore est un mot clé La classe Optional se dote de nouvelles méthodes Numérotation des versions Algorithmes de hashages supplémentaires Réduction de l’espace de stockage des chaines Support d’unicode 8.0 http2 La classe InputStream se dote également de nouvelles méthodes La classe Flow, le producteur et le consommateur Quelques points non détaillés

    Alors que JDK 10 est sorti le 20 mars, je vous parle de JDK 9. Chaque chose en son temps…

    Préalables pratiques

    Pour tester JDK9, j’utilise Netbeans. Netbeans 8.1 et Netbeans 8.2 ne permettent pas d’utiliser JDK9. Il est nécessaire d’installer une version (...)

  • Alphabet Is Using Google’s Ad Technology To Take On ISIS | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

    An experimental division of Google parent Alphabet is harnessing Google’s advertising technology to help stop the spread of ISIS.

    “ISIS is a terrorist group unlike any that we’ve seen before,” says Yasmin Green, the head of research and development at Jigsaw, an internal tech incubator focusing on international security issues. “They’ve been successful in capturing both physical territory and digital territory.”

    The extremist group has reportedly lost physical territory in Iraq and Syria in recent months, but security experts have long warned that its sophisticated media strategy—involving videos, social media, and even glossy print publications—still enables the group to attract supporters from around the world.

    “With the widespread horizontal distribution of social media, terrorists can identify vulnerable individuals of all ages in the United States—spot, assess, recruit, and radicalize—either to travel or to conduct a homeland attack,” Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey told Congress last year. “The foreign terrorist now has direct access into the United States like never before.”

    Jigsaw, formerly known as Google Ideas, concluded an 8-week pilot program earlier this year, using the same technologies that let commercial advertisers target internet users most likely to be interested in their products to identify users demonstrating sympathies toward ISIS. Then, says Green, online ads pointed them toward content, in both English and Arabic, delivering alternative viewpoints in ways that can actually change their minds.

    #ei #daesh