company:judicial watch

  • (Lire absolument – et recoupements souhaités.) 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document : West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime” – “This is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want

    On Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch published a selection of formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department through a federal lawsuit.

    While initial mainstream media reporting is focused on the White House’s handling of the Benghazi consulate attack, a much “bigger picture” admission and confirmation is contained in one of the Defense Intelligence Agency documents circulated in 2012: that an ‘Islamic State’ is desired in Eastern Syria to effect the West’s policies in the region.


    The DIA report, formerly classified “SECRET//NOFORN” and dated August 12, 2012, was circulated widely among various government agencies, including CENTCOM, the CIA, FBI, DHS, NGA, State Dept., and many others.

    The document shows that as early as 2012, U.S. intelligence predicted the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as an enemy, the report envisions the terror group as a U.S. strategic asset.

    À la une du Akhbar aujourd’hui :

    Ça me semble suffisamment énorme pour que les gens de bon goût t’expliquent que c’est rien qu’une théorie du complot et que tu ne devrais pas trop en parler.

    • traduction de l’article en français

      L’Occident facilite la montée de l’État Islamique « afin d’isoler le régime syrien »
      samedi 23 mai 2015 - Brad Hoff - Traduction : - Dominique Muselet

      Le lundi 18 mai, Judicial Watch, le groupe de vigilance du gouvernement conservateur, a publié une sélection de documents autrefois classifiés obtenus du Département américain de la Défense et du Département d’État grâce à un procès fédéral.

      Alors que les grands médias se concentraient sur le traitement par la Maison Blanche de l’attaque du consulat de Benghazi, un bien plus « grand tableau » se dégage de la lecture d’un document de la Defense Intelligence Agency rédigé en 2012 : à savoir que l’avènement d’un « État islamique » dans l’est de la Syrie est souhaitable pour que l’Occident puisse arriver à ses fins dans la région.

      De manière surprenante, le rapport récemment déclassifié stipule que pour « l’Occident, les pays du Golfe et la Turquie [qui] soutiennent l’opposition [syrienne]... il y a la possibilité d’établir une principauté salafiste officielle ou pas, dans l’est de la Syrie (Hasaka et der Zor), et c’est exactement ce que veulent les puissances qui soutiennent l’opposition, afin d’isoler le régime syrien ... ».

    • Les gros médias n’arrivent plus à bouger.

      Le Renseignement US avait prédit que le soutien US aux rebelles en Syrie entraînerait la chute de Ramadi
      Moon of Alabama - May 21, 2015 | Traduction : Dominique Muselet - 24 mai 2015

      Je pense moi aussi qu’il y a de toute évidence un plan derrière les progrès apparemment coordonnés d’Al-Qaïda-Syrie, sous le nom de Jabhat al-Nusra ou maintenant également d’Armée de Conquête, et l’avance de l’État islamique en Syrie et en Irak. Non seulement les faits, mais aussi le rapport DIA attestent d’un tel plan.

      Le troisième élément d’intérêt est fourni par un rapport de Reuters qui relaie des informations qui n’avaient jusqu’à présent circulé qu’en Turquie : Exclusif : les renseignements turcs ont participé à l’envoi d’armes vers les zones tenues par les rebelles islamistes syriens :

      Des témoignages d’officiers de gendarmerie notés dans des documents judiciaires examinés par Reuters laissent penser que des pièces détachées de roquettes, des munitions et des obus de mortier semi-finis ont été envoyés dans des camions escortés par des fonctionnaires de l’Agence de renseignement de l’État (MIT), il y a plus d’un an, vers des zones de la Syrie sous contrôle islamiste.

      Du fait de la publication des rapports de la DIA, des rapports sur le soutien militaire turc actif aux Islamistes d’Al-Qaïda et d’articles qui reconnaissent le soutien américain à l’offensive actuelle d’Al-Qaïda en Syrie, l’administration Obama va probablement subir des pressions pour changer de cap. La prise de Syrte en Libye par l’État Islamique s’ajoute sans doute à la pile. L’administration Obama pourrait au moins être pressée de ne pas soutenir plus longtemps Al-Qaïda en Syrie et en Irak.

      Mais, c’est bien connu, l’administration Obama ne connait pas la honte et, dans le doute, elle choisit toujours la pire solution. Le mieux que nous puissions espérer est que des informations comme celle-ci se répandent et qu’avec le temps elles imprègnent assez l’opinion publique pour que l’Administration soit obligée de changer de politique.

    • @nidal, j’ai trouvé trois sources mainstream qui évoquent ce document explosif :
      1° - le site de Foxnews :
      2° - le Sunday Times :
      3° - le site de Russia Today :

      En passant Foxnews dit avoir vérifié la véracité des documents :

      The DIA report, which was reviewed by Fox News, was obtained through a federal lawsuit by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.

    • Why is the media ignoring Israel’s alliance with al-Qaeda?

      The Defense Intelligence Agency report stated that “there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime”. Today, the so-called Islamic State’s power base is in the east and north of Syria, and it controls most of the regions around Deir al-Zor, the regional capital of that eponymous eastern region. The city itself is still contested between regime and ISIS forces.

      The report (revealed by an American conservative group’s freedom of information request) clarifies in a preceding paragraph that “supporting powers” is a reference to “Western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey”. The term “western countries” here is likely supposed to include Israel. In any event, such intelligence is likely to have been shared with Israel.

      So with Israel aware that the West was engaged in such cynicism with al-Qaeda-type groups in Iraq and Syria, it’s no wonder Israel feels itself permitted to engage in an active alliance with al-Qaeda in Syria.

    • Article du Washingon Times (journal conservateur US) qui se
      concentre sur la libye et les mensonges d’Obama et Clinton lors de la mort de l’ambassadeur US à Benghazi mais qui évoque en passant le rapport sur la Syrie :

      On another terrorism development that has wide implications today, one DIA report in August 2012 predicted the rise of the Islamic State, which was then emerging in Syria. It now controls wide sections of eastern Syria and northern and western Iraq, and is committing mass slaughter of Christians, Kurds and Muslims of rival sects or clans.
      Mr. Obama downplayed the Islamic State as the “JV” in January 2014 when the terrorist army made its first incursions into western Iraq.

    • Et sur le site Yahoo (rubrique Finance !?) :

      Another DIA report, written in August 2012 (the same time period the U.S. was monitoring weapons flows from Libya to Syria), said that the opposition in Syria was driven by al Qaeda and other extremist Muslim groups: “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.” The growing sectarian direction of the war was predicted to have dire consequences for Iraq, which included the “grave danger” of the rise of ISIS:

      The deterioration of the situation has dire consequences on the Iraqi situation and are as follows:

      This creates the ideal atmosphere for AQI [al Qaeda Iraq] to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi, and will provide a renewed momentum under the presumption of unifying the jihad among Sunni Iraq and Syria, and the rest of the Sunnis in the Arab world against what it considers one enemy, the dissenters. ISI could also declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.

      Some of the “dire consequences” are blacked out but the DIA presciently warned one such consequence would be the “renewing facilitation of terrorist elements from all over the Arab world entering into Iraqi Arena.”

    • Au tour du Guardian :

      A revealing light on how we got here has now been shone by a recently declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012, which uncannily predicts – and effectively welcomes – the prospect of a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria and an al-Qaida-controlled Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. In stark contrast to western claims at the time, the Defense Intelligence Agency document identifies al-Qaida in Iraq (which became Isis) and fellow Salafists as the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” – and states that “western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey” were supporting the opposition’s efforts to take control of eastern Syria.

      L’introduction de l’article n’est pas moins savoureuse :

      On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.

      The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead withthe trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive support” to the armed Syrian opposition.

    • Article d’Alaistair Crooke dans le Huffington Post :

      Coincidentally, a highly redacted U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment from August 2012 has been released through a federal lawsuit. It states that “If the situation unravels [in Syria], there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime.” The assessment says that the creation of such a Salafist principality would have “dire consequences” for Iraq and would possibly lead to the creation of an Islamic State and would “create the ideal atmosphere for AQI to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi.”

      A few days after the release of the DIA assessment report, John Bolton lent weight to its claims: “I think the Sunni Arabs are never going to agree to be in a state [Iraq] where the Shia outnumber them 3-1. That’s what ISIS has been able to take advantage of. I think our objective should be a new Sunni state out of the western part of Iraq, the eastern part of Syria run by moderates or at least authoritarians who are not radical Islamists.”

  • Slew of court challenges threaten NSA’s relationship with tech firms | World news |

    That’s what the conservative group Judicial Watch is attempting. The organization filed a class-action suit last month against the internet companies named as participating in the NSA’s Prism program, including Microsoft, AOL, Facebook, Google and Apple. Cases like that have long frightened the NSA.

    The NSA and its allies in Congress have gone to great lengths to legally shield the private-sector telephone and internet companies it works with. A 2008 law that broadened the scope of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, known as the Fisa Amendments Act, retroactively immunized any participating telecom firm from legal liability. According to an internal NSA history of the program, several firms specifically requested NSA compel them to comply through Fisa court orders, fearing an eventual court case.

    Underscoring how delicately the NSA treats the sanctity of its private-sector partners, the NSA would only refer to them even in a classified internal document as “Company A” and similar pseudonyms.

    That sensitivity exists because the telecommunications firms largely own and operate the infrastructure used to make phone calls, send emails and conduct web searches, unlike in authoritarian countries like China, North Korea and the former East Germany. Without the companies’ participation, the NSA could still perform so-called “upstream” collection, such as accessing data as it transmits, for instance, across fiberoptic cables before the companies process them. “But they can’t get a complete copy of everything without going to the companies,” Binney said.