
  • #Oxfam marked by ‘racism, colonial behaviour and bullying behaviours’, report into sexual misconduct scandal finds

    The work environment at Oxfam is marked by “racism, colonial behaviour and bullying behaviours”, according to a new report.

    The interim report produced by the independent commission, set up by Oxfam International in the wake of the Haiti scandal in 2018 to assess the company’s culture, found it has a “toxic work environment”.


  • Why Doing Good Makes It Easier to Be Bad - Facts So Romantic

    Oscar Wilde, the famed Irish essayist and playwright, had a gift, among other things, for counterintuitive aphorisms. In “The Soul of Man Under Socialism,” an 1891 article, he wrote, “Charity creates a multitude of sins.”Oscar WildeWikicommonsSo perhaps Wilde wouldn’t have been surprised to hear of a series of recent scandals in the U.K.: The all-male charity, the President’s Club, which raised money for causes including children’s hospitals through high-valued auctions, was forced to close after the Financial Times uncovered sexual assault and misogyny at its annual dinner; executives of Oxfam, a poverty eradication charity, visited prostitutes while delivering aid in earthquake-stricken Haiti, and were allowed to slink off to other charities, rather than being castigated for their actions; (...)

  • G20: Launch of Africa Partnership and supporting protection in “regions of origin”

    Last week’s G20 meeting concluded with two initiatives towards migration and displacement. The first is the launch of the #G20_Africa_Partnership, the second, a commitment to step up “Coordination and Cooperation on Displacement and Migration.”

    Among the objectives of the G20 Africa Partnership is to address root causes of migration by improving inclusive economic growth and employment, developing quality infrastructure, especially in the energy sector and strengthening the framework for private finance in the form of investment compacts. Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia have already presented their commitments for entering “#Investment_Compacts.”

    The G20 Africa partnership has received criticism among others by Barbara Sennholz- Weihard of Oxfam Germany who stated: “The narrative is: More investment will lead to jobs being created and then people stay in their home countries. However, it is wrong to see private investment and development cooperation as a way to contain migration. (As it) dismisses many lessons learned during the past decades on how sustainable development cooperation should be done. Empirical evidence strongly suggests that migration makes a positive contribution to development due to migrants’ #remittances.”
    #externalisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Afrique #G20 #développement #investissements #infrastructure #croissance_économique #économie #travail #énergie #emploi #remises
    cc @reka

    Ici le texte de l’accord:

  • Yemen crisis: Oxfam critical of UK-Saudi arms deals - BBC News

    The aid agency Oxfam has accused UK ministers of “denial and disarray” over an agreement to sell arms to Saudi Arabia, which could be used in Yemen.
    Governments who sign up to it - such as the UK - are expected to review arms export contracts to ensure the weapons do not violate existing arms embargoes, will not be used for war crimes, human rights abuses or organised crime and will not be diverted for illegal use.

    Oxfam will use the second conference of states party to the treaty in Geneva on Tuesday to criticise the government’s position on sales to Saudi Arabia.

    Last year the British government approved more than £3bn worth of arms sales to Saudi Arabia. The United States approved £4bn worth and France almost £14bn.

  • Frontexit | Nouveau mandat de l’agence Frontex : L’UE s’obstine dans sa guerre contre les migrants et les réfugiés

    Depuis trois ans, la campagne inter-associative Frontexit dénonce l’incompatibilité de l’agence Frontex avec le respect des droits fondamentaux. La création d’un nouveau corps européen de garde-frontières en lieu et place de Frontex, validée par le Parlement européen le 6 juillet dernier, marque une étape supplémentaire dans la guerre menée par l’Union européenne (UE) contre les […]

    • #Super-Frontex approved, acclaimed and decried

      The European Parliament endorsed today (7 July) the Commission’s proposal to establish a European Border and Coast Guard Agency, beefing up the existing Frontex, a move acclaimed by the major political groups, but decried by the Greens and the leftist GUE/NGL because of its new powers.
      #Frontex #super-Frontex #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #migrations #asile #réfugiés


    • Genealogia della nuova Frontex

      Il 6 ottobre 2016 è stata ufficialmente lanciata la nuova Guardia costiera e di frontiera europea, che continuerà ad essere comunemente denominata Frontex, il cui regolamento istitutivo è stato pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’Unione europea il 16 settembre 2016, a soli nove mesi dalla proposta della Commissione. Senza ombra di dubbio si tratta di un risultato politico straordinario, anche considerando la complessità della procedura legislativa europea e la delicatezza della materia, che tocca una questione così sensibile per la sovranità nazionale quale il presidio delle frontiere.

    • #Frontex in Libia, grigiore oltre la nebbia

      Nel mese di dicembre è previsto l’inizio della partecipazione di Frontex, l’agenzia della guardia di frontiera e costiera europea, insieme alla missione Ue Sophia, alla formazione della guardia costiera libica. Lo ha annunciato il direttore di Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri. Si tratta di uno dei primi passi dall’avvenuta costituzione della guardia costiera europea. Tale missione avrà come obiettivo quello di migliorare la sicurezza nelle acque territoriali per le operazioni di ricerca e di soccorso. Ne abbiamo discusso approfonditamente con il professor Giuseppe Campesi, che insegna Sociologia dei fenomeni politici e Sociologia del diritto all’Università di Bari. Il suo profilo è particolarmente interessante perché professor Campesi si è soffermato in numerose pubblicazioni sulle questioni relative alle migrazioni e in alcune ha trattato espressamente il tema dello sviluppo dell’Euromediterraneo e del rapporto tra Frontex e il fenomeno migratorio.

      #Libye #opération_Sophia

    • European Border and Coast Guard Agency launches rapid intervention pool

      Starting today, Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, will be able to deploy as many as 1 500 border guards at short notice to assist member states in emergency situations at their EU’s external borders. The creation of the rapid reaction pool is a significant milestone in the development of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, which was launched in October.


    • Libya’s migration crisis is about more than just security

      The EU’s Operation Sophia, which aims to disrupt the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks, in part by taking apart the boats themselves, has come under fire for muddling the fight on traffickers and smugglers with stopping migration altogether.

      “Trying to stop slavery at the point of destroying boats in the middle of the Mediterranean doesn’t actually help people,” Claire Seaward, humanitarian campaign and advocacy manager at Oxfam, told IRIN. “As we are seeing, migrants will just use different types of boats. They used to be on large wooden boats and now they are on inflatable dinghies."

      Tim Eaton, a research fellow with the Middle East and North Africa programme at Chatham House, believes one of Operation Sophia’s major flaws is looking at migration – and migrants – through a one-dimensional lens, when it’s really about so much more, like economics and hope. “On a policy level, the problem comes when you look at this solely as a security problem,” Eaton told IRIN.

    • Protéger les frontières pour assurer la libre-circulation en Europe

      Gérer uniquement la migration comme un problème de sécurité ferait le jeu des extrémistes qui cherchent à défaire la construction européenne. Néanmoins, garantir des frontières sûres et controlées est un impératif qui passent nécessairement par des solutions européennes nouvelles et innovantes. La transformation en cours de Frontex en Agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes en est une. Elle nous permet d’aller au-delà de notre mandat initial – la gestion des flux migratoires – pour contribuer davantage à la sécurité des frontières extérieures de l’UE en participant plus activement à la lutte cruciale contre toutes les formes de criminalité organisée, terrorisme compris.
      Il s’agit là d’une tâche difficile. En plus de l’effort budgétaire conséquent, notre mandat élargi nous donnent pour mission d’évaluer les failles des dispositifs nationaux de contrôle des frontières et d’apporter des recommendations à vocation impérative : modernisation des équipements, déploiements de personnels supplémentaires dans certaines sections frontalière, formation des agents de controle de première ligne ou, notamment sur les sites les plus exposés , renforcement des installations d’accueil et d’enregistrement des migrants nouvellement arrivés.

      Avec près de 66 000 km de côtes et 13 000 km de frontières terrestres, la sécurité de l’Europe repose largement sur ses frontières extérieures. Comme le relève nos analystes, les menaces ne manquent pas sur les routes qui convergent vers l’UE, du trafic d’êtres humains jusqu’aux tonnes de drogues et d’armes saisies avec l’aide de Frontex et des 1 700 agents déployés par l’Agence aux frontières extérieures de l’UE pour soutenir les États membres. En parallèle, le nouveau mandat de l’Agence nous a également permis de constituer un vivier de 1 500 agents prêts à être rapidement engagés par les autorités nationales et déployés en cas de menaces avérées.

      Ainsi, Frontex passe progressivement d’un rôle de soutien à une mission de coordination en complémentarité de l’action des services nationaux, tendance qui ira en se renforcant au cours de la prochaine décennie. Naturellement, nous ne constituons qu’une pièce parmi d’autres, comme nos collègues de la Commission et du Parlement européens. Avec les services des garde-frontières et des gardes-côtes nationaux, nous formons la première ligne de contrôle et de sécurité aux frontières terrestres et maritimes de l’UE. C’est avec eux, et ensemble, que nous formons la garde-frontière et la garde-côtes européennes.

      Avec la création de l’Agence européennee de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes, l’UE a entamé une nouvelle étape de son parcours. Les défis sont tels qu’il n’y a pas un seul pays européen qui puisse seul protéger ses citoyens contre les menaces du crime organisé international tout en remplissant ses obligations humanitaires pour aider ceux qui fuient la persécution. Si la protection de nos frontières extérieures et la sauvegarde de la liberté de circulation nous importent vraiment, il est temps de défendre une approche européenne et d’affecter des ressources supplémentaires, nécessaires au niveau national et régional, pour éviter que la crise de 2015 ne vienne à se répéter. C’est notre intérêt commun ; c’est l’intérêt de chaque citoyen de l’UE.

  • Wealthy grabbing power, says Oxfam -

    Global inequality has increased to the extent that the £1 trillion combined wealth of the 85 richest people is equal to that of the poorest 3.5 billion - half of the world’s population - according to a new report from development charity Oxfam.
    And the report, entitled Working For The Few, claims that growing inequality has been driven by a “power grab” by wealthy elites, who have co-opted the political process to rig the rules of the economic system in their favour.

  • Asia Sentinel - Women’s rights in Afghanistan

    According to a report by the UK-based aid agency Oxfam, last year nearly 90 percent of Afghan women said they had experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence or been forced into marriage. Fattana Gailani, from the Afghanistan Women’s Council, says Afghan women suffer on a daily basis and have lost faith in foreign aid and institutions to improve their lives.

    “The Americans and Europeans are supporting this corrupt government. Even foreigners understand that corruption and the drug mafia is controlling this government. The Afghan people are becoming tired with this,” she says.

    The lack of education – particularly for girls – is a major cause of the problem, says Gailani.

    #femmes #Afghanistan