
    • Je ne retrouve pas de version complète du dossier en ligne, juste une version archivée mais très incomplète :

      Seule la partie « Les activistes » affiche encore la liste des heureux sélectionnés (hommes, blancs, pas trop de femmes s’il vous plaît) :

      Le seul élément qui permet de se faire une idée des autres heureux élus, c’est un récapitulatif dans la version 2002, évoquant ce que sont devenus ceux de 2001. Où l’on se souviendra qu’à cette époque, pour les médias, le Web commençait à sérieusement se limiter aux formidables entreprenautes de la nouvelle économie.

      Ils étaient dans le trombi. net en 2001...

      ... ils sont en place

      Thierry Ehrmann, président du groupe Serveur, poursuit l’aventure d’Artprice. Anne-Sophie Pastel, PDG d’Aufeminin, le premier portail féminin français. Laurent Alexandre, président de Medcost, a réorienté sa société vers l’ingénierie informatique. Patrick Chêne, président du portail Sporever qui s’est spécialisé dans la fourniture de contenus sportifs à des sites et chaînes de télévision. Isabelle Bordry, toujours à la tête de Yahoo France. Patrice Legrand, PDG de Boursorama, toujours bénéficiaire. Gauthier Picquart, directeur général de Rueducommerce, proche de l’équilibre. Roland Coutas, toujours chez Travelprice où il a fait venir Marc Rochet, ex-président d’AOM-Air Liberté, qui est appelé à devenir président du directoire. Jacques Rosselin, à la tête de Canalweb, devenu prestataire de solutions pour la diffusion de programmes audiovisuels sur le Net, en redressement judiciaire.

      ... ils ont revendu leur société

      Jean-Pierre Arbon travaille dans la maison d’édition en ligne revendue à Gemstar TV Guide, le leader des technologies de livre électronique Ebook. Pierre-François Grimaldi a revendu le site d’enchères en ligne iBazar à Ebay. Christophe Agnus a revendu le mensuel Transfert au groupe l’Ile des Médias mais reste directeur de la rédaction. Laurent Edel a revendu sa participation dans l’incubateur Republic Alley. Il a fondé un cabinet de conseil aux contours encore flous mais au nom optimiste : Good Futur...

      ... ils ont bougé

      Marie-Christine Levet a quitté la direction générale de Lycos France pour prendre la tête de Club-Internet. Jean Ferré n’est plus président de l’association des start-up parisiennes Silicon Sentier, aujourd’hui disparue, et a aussi quitté la direction de l’éditeur de logiciels Arisem, revendu. Anne Sinclair, « virée » (selon-elle) de la vice-présidence de e-TF1, travaille pour Netgem (décodeurs pour la télé interactive) en tant que conseillère du Président.

  • Aux Etats-Unis, des centaines de villes, croulant sous leurs déchets, ne recyclent plus

    Depuis que la Chine, jusqu’alors la destination numéro un des déchets américains – et pas seulement –, a choisi de ne plus être la « poubelle du monde », des centaines de municipalités à travers les Etats-Unis découvrent ce qu’il en coûte de consommer, et donc de produire des tonnes de déchets. Et se voient obligés de réinventer la gestion de leurs déchets. [...]

    Conséquence : le tri du papier, des plastiques, du métal et du verre, ainsi que la recherche de débouchés pour ces produits se révèlent aujourd’hui des opérations trop onéreuses pour nombre de communes américaines. Même pour la plus grande ville de Pennsylvanie, dont les habitants produisent 400 tonnes de déchets recyclables par jour.

    Lorsqu’ils étaient recyclés, la municipalité de Philadelphie gagnait de l’argent : en 2012, Republic Services, l’un des géants de la gestion du secteur, versait 67,35 dollars (environ 60 euros) à la ville pour le traitement d’une tonne de déchets. Mais après la décision des autorités chinoises, la donne a changé. A l’été 2018, lorsque Republic Services renégociait le contrat, l’entreprise envisageait de facturer 170 dollars le recyclage d’une tonne de déchets.

    Trop cher pour la ville, qui a décidé de recourir aux services d’un concurrent, Waste Management. Mais celui-ci n’est en mesure de traiter que la moitié des ordures municipales, pour 78 dollars la tonne. Le reste est incinéré par Covanta Energy, un autre acteur du secteur des déchets et de l’incinération. « La plupart d’entre nous pensent que le recyclage est un service offert par notre ville, mais c’est en réalité un business », rappelle le site Earther.

    #déchets #consommation #surconsommation

  • Streaming : la réalité angoissante des influenceurs chinois de YY

    Le documentaire « People’s Republic of Desire », réalisé par Hao Wu et projeté pour la première fois en France mardi 12 mars à China Connect, montre l’envers du décor de la plate-forme chinoise de live-stream YY. Le film, tourné façon Black Mirror, suit le quotidien de deux influenceurs.

    Comme tous les jours, Shen Man, 22 ans, se remaquille avant de commencer son show en live sur YY, plate-forme chinoise équivalente à Twitch. Elle est dans son appartement, derrière un ordinateur, équipée d’un casque, d’un micro et d’une webcam. Shen Man salue, sourire aux lèvres, les personnes qui la regardent, chante de temps en temps, raconte des blagues, parle de sa poitrine, répond à quelques questions que lui posent ses dizaines milliers de spectateurs. Shen Man, est l’une des protagonistes du documentaire « People’s Republic of Desire » de Hao Wu, projeté pour la première fois en France mardi 12 mars lors de l’événement China Connect à Paris, et disponible sur la plate-forme Amazon Prime.

    Contrairement à Youtube ou Instagram, le modèle de YY ne repose pas sur des marques voulant faire de la publicité via les influenceurs, mais sur un système de votes et de cadeaux. Similaire aux systèmes de tips et d’abonnement de Twitch en plus exacerbé. Pour devenir populaire et gagner de l’argent, les influenceurs doivent récolter un maximum de cadeaux virtuels, des fleurs et des bijoux notamment, de la part de leurs spectateurs. Ces cadeaux sont ensuite reconvertis en argent. De quoi permettre à Shen Man de gagner environ 40 000 dollars par mois. Le salaire de certains atteint 200 000 dollars mensuel.
    Losers et nouveaux riches

    Les fans les plus pauvres - que les utilisateurs de la plate-forme appellent parfois les « Diaosis », c’est-à-dire « losers » - ne peuvent se permettre que de petits cadeaux. Certains sont tout de même capable de dépenser une grande partie de leur salaire pour faire plaisir à leur idole, qu’ils considèrent comme un ami virtuel voire plus. L’une des fans interrogés dans le documentaire dit que Shen Man représente tout ce qu’elle aimerait être, un autre dit que c’est la petite amie idéale. Shen Man et Big Li sont eux-mêmes d’anciens « Diaosis » devenus riches.

    Les gros sous ne viennent pas de ces fans, mais de spectateurs plus riches appelés « Tuhao » (nouveaux riches). En offrant des cadeaux chers, ils se font repérer par l’hôte qui les remercie en direct. Reconnaissance ultime pour les utilisateurs de YY. « J’ai un certain contrôle sur l’hôte et je suis mis sur un piédestal par les fans », résume l’un de ces spectateurs riches dans le documentaire. Parmi cette catégorie d’utilisateurs, certains dépensent des sommes colossales. Les live-streamers les plus populaires sont généralement sponsorisés par l’un de ses spectateurs ultra-riches, un « patron », qui lui-même fait partie d’une agence. Pendant le concours annuel organisé par YY pour élire les hôtes les plus populaires, les patrons peuvent payer plusieurs millions de dollars pour faire gagner leurs poulains. Les agences sont aussi là pour coacher les hôtes et hôtesses, et prennent une commission de 20 % sur leurs revenus. La plate-forme YY prend, quant à elle, 60 % de leur revenu selon le documentaire.

    #Live_stream #Chine #Télévision #Internet

  • Nancy Pelosi and Israel: Just how hawkish is the likely next speaker of the house? - Israel News -

    Plus pro-israélien, on ne peut pas imaginer ! la probable future présidente de la chambre des représentants

    Pelosi has also held staunchly pro-Israel views that have at times even out flanked the GOP from the right.
    In 2005, while addressing AIPAC, Pelosi had waxed poetic about her personal experiences in Israel and how they shaped her views: “This spring, I was in Israel as part of a congressional trip that also took us to Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. One of the most powerful experiences was taking a helicopter toward Gaza, over the path of the security fence. We set down in a field that belonged to a local kibbutz. It was a cool but sunny day, and the field was starting to bloom with mustard. Mustard is a crop that grows in California, and it felt at that moment as if I were home.”
    Pelosi, who was the 52nd Speaker of the House, previously served from 2007 to 2011 in the position which coincided with the 2008-2009 Israel-Gaza war known as Operation Cast Lead. In 2009, Pelosi sponsored a resolution that passed the House by a 390-5 majority blaming the Palestinian side for the violence and reaffirming U.S. support for Israel and a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    The resolution quoted then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who said in 2008, “We strongly condemn the repeated rocket and mortar attacks against Israel and hold Hamas responsible for breaking the cease-fire and for the renewal of violence there.”
    Stephen Zunes, author and professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of San Francisco, pointed out at the time that the language in the House decision was even to the right of the Bush administration, which supported the UN Security Council resolution condemning “all acts of violence and terror directed against civilians” - the congressional resolution only condemns the violence and terror of Hamas.
    Pelosi’s resolution also called for “the immediate release of the kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who has been illegally held in Gaza since June 2006.”
    The Shalit kidnapping was a personal issue for Pelosi, who in 2008, while meeting with then Israeli Knesset speaker Dalia Itzik, held up dog tags of three Israeli soldiers kidnapped in 2006. Two of them belonged to Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, whose bodies were repatriated to Israel earlier that year. The third belonged to Gilad Shalit, who at the time was still believed to be held by Hamas in Gaza. Shalit was famously freed in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange deal.
    Pelosi said she kept them as a “symbol of the sacrifices made, sacrifices far too great by the people of the state of Israel.”
    However, she hasn’t always been been on the right side of the pro-Israel divide. In 2014 Pelosi was criticized for suggesting Hamas is a humanitarian organization. On CNN she said, “And we have to confer with the Qataris, who have told me over and over again that Hamas is a humanitarian organization.” The host of the segment Candy Crowley then interrupted her to ask, “The U.S. thinks they’re a terrorist organization though, correct? Do you?” Pelosi responded with, “Mmm hmm.”
    After receiving a lashing from the likes of Megyn Kelly on Fox News and The Republican Jewish Coalition Matthew Brook, Pelosi’s office released a statement, “As Leader Pelosi reiterated in her CNN interview, Hamas is a terrorist organization.”
    Pelosi was also a vocal critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress denouncing then-President Obama’s nuclear deal, which she supported.
    After the speech she released a very harshly worded condemnation saying, “That is why, as one who values the U.S. – Israel relationship, and loves Israel, I was near tears throughout the prime minister’s speech – saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation.”
    Pelosi, who was endorsed this week by J Street in her bid for speaker, addressed the 2017 AIPAC Policy Conference by reading a J Street-backed letter, which was signed by 191 members of Congress, mostly Democrats, urging U.S. President Donald Trump to support a two-state solution.
    “As strong supporters of Israel, we write to urge you to reaffirm the United States’ long-standing, bipartisan commitment to supporting a just and lasting two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Pelosi said.
    “It is our belief that a one-state outcome risks destroying Israel’s Jewish and democratic character, denies the Palestinians fulfillment of their legitimate aspirations, and would leave both Israelis and Palestinians embroiled in an endless and intractable conflict for generations to come,” she continued.
    Pelosi, at 78, represents the Democratic establishment’s traditional position on Israel, coupling unwavering support for Israeli defense and the two-state solution for peace between Israel and Palestinians, a bipartisan position that courts both AIPAC and J Street and doesn’t diverge too far from that of centrist Republicans. Unlike some new members of her caucus who criticize Israel for “occupying” the West Bank or for human rights abuses, Pelosi reservers her criticism only for Israeli leaders or policies she disagrees with, most prominently Netanyahu.

  • U.S. Navy Commences Oil Removal from Capsized German Cruiser ’Prinz Eugen’ in Marshall Islands – gCaptain

    The U.S. Army, in partnership with the U.S. Navy and the Republic of the Marshall Islands, are safely recovering oil from the capsized World War II German heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen in the Kwajalein Atoll.
    U.S. Navy Photo by LeighAhn Ferrari

    The Prinz Eugen was transferred to the U. S. Navy as a war prize from the British Royal Navy after the war, and in 1946, it was loaded with oil and cargo and used to test the survivability of warships during the Operation Crossroads atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll.

    During the test, the cruise withstood the initial blast but sustained heavy damage. Five months later, however, she capsized and sank in Kwajalein Lagoon, approximately 3.6 miles from Kwajalein.

    The wreck contained about 2,767 metric tons of oil when it sank, and an assessment of the wreckage has shown that there remains a high risk of a spill of more than 1,000 metric tons.

    A U.S. Navy report on the oil spill risk conducted in 1974 recommended that oil be removed from the wreck within 30 years, but Ownership of the wreckage was eventually transferred to the Republic of Marshall Islands in 1986.

    • German cruiser Prinz Eugen - Wikipedia

      The ship survived two atomic bomb blasts: Test Able, an air burst on 1 July 1946 and Test Baker, a submerged detonation on 25 July. Prinz Eugen was moored about 1,200 yards (1,100 m) from the epicenter of both blasts and was only lightly damaged by them; the Able blast only bent her foremast and broke the top of her main mast. She suffered no significant structural damage from the explosions but was thoroughly contaminated with radioactive fallout. The irradiated ship was towed to the Kwajalein Atoll in the central Pacific, where a small leak went unrepaired due to the radiation danger. On 29 August 1946, the US Navy decommissioned Prinz Eugen.

      By late December 1946, the ship was in very bad condition; on 21 December, she began to list severely. A salvage team could not be brought to Kwajalein in time, so the US Navy attempted to beach the ship to prevent her from sinking, but on 22 December, Prinz Eugen capsized and sank.

    • Je viens de remonter le temps avec gg:earth sur l’embouchure du détroit de Johor, la progression des terres à partir de 1995 est assez impressionnante.

      Quant aux paquets de bateaux qui sont mouillés en rade, la vingtaine qui sont devant les chantiers navals de ces nouvelles terres a l’air d’être là depuis un bon bout de temps (au minimum 3 ans) et on les voit éviter au fil des vents et des courants… Ceci dit, ils sont dans les eaux malaisiennes, la délimitation remontant à avant les polders passe maintenant presque à toucher la côte singapourienne.

      Je me demande, d’ailleurs, pour cette « flotte fantôme » s’il y a une quelconque forme de gardiennage et, donc, dans quel état se trouvent les navires ? En particulier l’équipement de passerelle (radar, radio, compas, …) et les apparaux de manœuvres. Ont-ils été démontés avant abandon, laissés en place en vue d’une réactivation éventuelle du navire (une partie est censée avoir été « mise sous cocon » ou vandalisés par les pirates dont la renommée n’est plus à faire dans ces détroits ?…

      On trouve quelques (en fait, pas temps que ça) photos des files de navires, mais jamais vues des ponts ou des machines. Bon, il faut déjà pouvoir grimper à bord et ce doit être une sacrée expédition. La surveillance singapourienne doit (devrait ?) être relativement sérieuse, mais qu’en est-il de celle exercée par les autorités de Malaisie ?

      Peut-être terrain glissant…

    • U.S. Navy Salvage Team Completes Oil Removal from Former German Cruiser Prinz Eugen – gCaptain

      The U.S. Army, in partnership with the U.S. Navy and the Republic of the Marshall Islands, are safely recovering oil from the capsized World War II German heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen in the Kwajalein Atoll.
      U.S. Navy photo by LeighAhn Ferrari, chief mate, U.S. Naval Ship Salvor

      A U.S. Navy-led salvage team has successfully removed 229,000 gallons of oil from the sunken World War II vessel ex-Prinz Eugen located in the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

      229000 gallons -> 866 mètres cube (à peu près autant de tonnes, entre 1/3 et 1/4 de piscine olympique, pour prendre les éléments de comparaison habituels ;-)

  • Opinion | Democrats Appealing to the Heart? Yes, Please - The New York Times

    It is a longstanding stereotype that, when it comes to political combat, Democrats aim for the electorate’s head while Republicans aim for its gut. The emotional route tends to be discussed in largely negative terms, with Republicans accused of fearmongering on issues ranging from gay marriage to crime to immigration. There is maybe no more glaring case study of this than the 2016 matchup between Hillary Clinton, with her reputation as an overachieving wonk incapable of connecting with voters, and Donald Trump, with his know-nothing, visceral demagogy. Candidate Trump had few policy ideas and may have known less about how government works than any nominee in the history of the Republic. But he was, and is, a master at connecting — albeit on a dark, primordial level.

    But this trend goes beyond any specific contest. Reams have been written about how Democrats more often operate with an eye toward wooing voters with more rational, data-driven appeals. As Drew Westen, a professor of psychology at Emory University and the author of the 2005 book “The Political Brain,” has noted, “Democrats typically bombard voters with laundry lists of issues, facts, figures and policy positions, while Republicans offer them emotionally compelling appeals, whether to their values, principles or prejudices.” In that sense, there’s truth to the Republican attack line that Democrats are a bunch of know-it-all elitists who think they are so much smarter than “regular” Americans: Democratic politicians all too often convey the impression that, if only they could make the electorate understand the superiority of their policies, victory would follow.

    Except that most voters don’t vote on policy specifics. Despite fancying themselves rational creatures, people are often more influenced by tribal identification or the personal appeal of a candidate.

    Of course, this political stereotype, like all stereotypes, is an oversimplification — and one with notable exceptions. (Two words: Bill Clinton.) But it does suggest that Democrats could work a bit harder on their emotional savvy.

    #Politique_USA #Communication #Publicité_politique

  • Adelson refuses to back Netanyahu as PM faces possible police call for indictment - Israel News -

    The once-warm relationship between U.S. billionaire Sheldon Adelson and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have frosted over completely. In an Israeli radio interview broadcast on Monday, the GOP megadonor declined to say – not once, but twice – he wishes the Israeli leader won’t be indicted over graft suspicions.[…]
    In the investigation the police call #Case_2000, it is alleged that Netanyahu tried to strike a deal with the publisher of Israel’s biggest paid newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, which would give him better coverage in exchange for weakening its rival, the free daily Israel Hayom. The latter is a staunchly pro-Netanyahu newspaper, published by Adelson, which quickly surpassed Yedioth’s circulation.

    Netanyahu was taped telling Yedioth publisher Arnon Mozes that if his daily were to ease its hard stance on him, the prime minister would talk to Adelson about Israel Hayom refraining from publishing its weekend edition.

    Last June, Adelson and his wife Miriam were questioned about the affair by police in Israel. They reportedly told investigators they were disappointed and angry when they found out about the alleged negotiations and Netanyahu’s taped commitments to weaken their paper.

  • Republic Wireless Bring Their Free Texting App to Linux

    Republic Wireless customers on Linux can send and receive texts from their desktop, as the innovative network has made its ’Anywhere’ app available on Linux. This post, Republic Wireless Bring Their Free Texting App to Linux, was written by Joey Sneddon and first appeared on OMG! Ubuntu!.

  • What happens in the #Democratic_Republic_of_Congo after December 19th?

    The presidential term of #Joseph_Kabila, in power in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2001, is suppose to end in less than two weeks on December 19th. Kabila is barred from running for another term. The next day Congo should have a new government. For the last year, opposition groups have demanded the electoral […]

    #AFRICA_IS_A_COUNTRY #POLITICS #DRC #Etienne_Tshisekedi #Rassemblement

  • #Diego_Maradona’s misguided political statement on Western Sahara

    Diego Maradona is considered as the greatest footballer of all time and scorer or the “Goal of the Century.” And now, it seems, a willing apologist for the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. According to a number of news reports, as well as posts on Maradona’s official Facebook page and the Twitter account of former […]

    #FOOTBALL_IS_A_COUNTRY #SPORTS_PAGE #colonialism #Morocco #Sahrawi_Republic

  • Congo Blues

    Last month, on September 19, protestors descended on the streets of Kinshasa, the capital of the #Democratic_Republic_of_Congo (DRC), barricaded roads and burned tyres. At issue was forcing President Laurent Kabila to agree to a calendar for the 2016 presidential #elections. (In February 2012, the country’s electoral commission scheduled the next presidential elections […]

    #POLITICS #DRC #Joseph_Kabila

  • Republicans see Obama as bigger threat than Putin and Assad, says poll | US news | The Guardian

    A Reuters/Ipsos online poll this month asked 2,809 Americans to rate how much of a threat a list of countries, organisations and individuals posed to the United States on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being no threat and 5 being an imminent threat.

    The poll showed 34% of Republicans ranked Obama as an imminent threat, ahead of Putin (25%), who has been accused of aggression in the Ukraine, and Assad (23%). Western governments have alleged that Assad used chlorine gas and barrel bombs on his own citizens.

    Given the level of polarisation in American politics the results are not that surprising, said Barry Glassner, a sociologist and author of “The Culture of Fear: Why Americans are afraid of the wrong things.

    There tends to be a lot of demonising of the person who is in the office,” Glassner said, adding that “fear mongering” by the Republican and Democratic parties would be a mainstay of the US 2016 presidential campaign.

    The TV media here, and American politics, very much trade on fears,” he said.

    The Ipsos survey, done between March 16 and March 24, included 1,083 Democrats and 1,059 Republicans.

    Twenty-seven percent of Republicans saw the Democratic Party as an imminent threat to the United States, and 22% of Democrats deemed Republicans to be an imminent threat.

    People who were polled were most concerned about threats related to potential terror attacks. Islamic State militants were rated an imminent threat by 58% of respondents, and al Qaeda by 43%. North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un was viewed as a threat by 34%, and Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei by 27%.

    Cyber attacks were viewed as an imminent threat by 39%, and drug trafficking was seen as an imminent threat by a third of the respondents.

    Democrats were more concerned about climate change than Republicans, with 33% of Democrats rating global warming an imminent threat. Among Republicans, 27 percent said climate change was not a threat at all.

    The data was weighted to reflect the U.S. population and has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of plus or minus 2.1 percentage points for all adults (3.4 points for Democrats and 3.4 points for Republicans.)