company:sydney morning herald

  • McLibel: full documentary

    Hello. This is the official, full-length (81 min) version of our 2005 documentary, McLibel. This film was made completely independently (no studio/broadcaster backing) over four long years. We’re a tiny independent film company always struggling to make ends meet, so if you watch for free here, please make a donation - - and also sign up to our email list: . Thanks v much and enjoy the film, Franny & Lizzie from Spanner Films
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    The first documentary from renowned director Franny Armstrong (The Age of Stupid, Drowned Out), McLibel tells the true story of two ordinary people who battle McDonald’s in what became known as “the biggest corporate PR disaster in history” (Channel 4 News). The Seattle Times called the film an “irresistible David and Goliath tale... you can’t help but cheer along” and the Sydney Morning Herald described it as “an often-hilarious exposé of big business arrogance... and an extraordinary example of independent filmmaking”.

    McDonald’s often used the English libel laws to suppress criticism. Major media organisations like the BBC, Channel 4 and The Sun had backed down in the face of their legal threats. But then they sue single father Dave Morris (41) and gardener Helen Steel (34). In what became England’s longest-ever trial, the “McLibel Two” represent themselves for three and a half years in court against McDonald’s £10 million legal team. Every aspect of the corporation’s business is cross-examined, from junk food and McJobs, to animal cruelty, environmental damage and advertising to children.

    McDonald’s try every trick in the book against the pair, including legal manoeuvres, secret settlement negotiations, a visit from Ronald McDonald and even spies. Seven years later, in February 2005, the marathon legal battle finally concludes at the European Court of Human Rights - will the result take everyone by surprise?

    Filmed over ten years, with courtroom reconstructions directed by Ken Loach, McLibel features the first interview with a McDonald’s spy, as well as in-depth contributions from Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation) and Keir Starmer (then Helen and Dave’s pro bono lawyer, now the UK’s Director of Public Prosecutions).

    The McLibel trial became a cause-celebre in the UK, resulting in changes both to UK law and to McDonald’s itself. It is often cited as influencing works which followed, including Fast Food Nation, Jamie’s School Dinners and Super Size Me. The producers estimate that more than 26 million people have seen McLibel on TV, cinema, DVD and at local screenings worldwide.
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    More about the film:

  • What’s holding so many well-educated women back when it comes to work?
    Jackie Dent, The Sydney Morning Herald, le 11 juin 2017

    most women are working beneath their level of competence.

    “Men recruit what they know, and support and encourage what they know, and not what is potentially right for the role,” she says. "We don’t have a vertical network similar to men to help us navigate those senior jobs.

    “The situation won’t really change for women until many more men are working nonfull-time and in non-traditional patterns of work. So far, the trend has been for women to converge on male patterns – it’s all women looking more like men. Now we need to make more men look like women. We need a full spread where both men and women can have a range of different shapes and types of jobs and careers.”

    #Paula_Principle #Principe_de_Paula #Tom_Schuller
    #femmes #discrimination #sexisme #recrutement #promotion #travail #plein_temps #temps_partiel

  • Australian journalist resigns after controversial reaction to Gaza column

    An Australian journalist resigned on Tuesday after one of his columns on Gaza caused widespread controversy and his responses to some readers led editors to ask for his suspension.

    In a July 26 column entitled “Israel’s rank and rotten fruit is being called fascism,” Mike Carlton of the Sydney Morning Herald denounced the brutal Israeli offensive on Gaza, calling it “a monstrous distortion of the much-vaunted right of self defense.”

    “Fascism in Israel? At this point the Australian Likudniks, as Bob Carr calls them, will be lunging for their keyboards,” Carlton wrote. “There will be the customary torrent of abusive emails calling me a Nazi, an anti-Semite, a Holocaust denier, an ignoramus. As usual they will demand my resignation, my sacking. As it’s been before, some of this will be pornographic or threatening violence.”

  • La conférence mondiale sur le sida frappée par le crash en Ukraine

    Une centaine des 283 passagers de l’avion malaisien qui s’est écrasé jeudi en Ukraine étaient en route pour la conférence mondiale sur le #sida qui démarre ce week-end à Melbourne, avançaient vendredi les médias australiens. Chercheurs, praticiens et militants, tous spécialisés dans le domaine du sida, représentaient un bon tiers des passagers du vol #MH17, rapportent les quotidiens The Australian et le Sydney Morning Herald, dont les informations ne pouvaient pas être confirmées dans l’immédiat.

    via @caroiza

    • Mise à jour :

      Au départ, les autorités évoquaient le chiffre d’une centaine de spécialistes tués dans le crash. Ce samedi matin, la Société internationale sur le sida (IAS) revoit ce chiffre à la baisse : ils seraient six experts à avoir été tué alors qu’ils se rendaient à la conférence de l’IAS à Melbourne. « Le nombre que nous avons confirmé à travers nos contacts avec les autorités australiennes, malaisiennes et néerlandaises est de six personnes. Cela pourrait être un peu plus élevé mais pas autant que les chiffres qui ont été annoncés », précise l’IAS. 

      (...) Parmi les victimes figure le chercheur néerlandais Joep Lange. Ce professeur de l’Université d’Amsterdam a consacré sa vie à la recherche sur le VIH et fut notamment président de l’IAS, la Société Internationale du Sida, de 2002 à 2004.

  • A lire pour ceux qui veulent suivre l’affaire.
    Report : Zygier planned to pass info to Hezbollah - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4360818,00.html

    At the time of his arrest, Ben Zygier, also known as ‘Prisoner X,’ was carrying a disk containing sensitive information, which he planned to pass onto a Hezbollah informant, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Monday.
    According to the report, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah knew about Zygier’s communication with the informant, who Zygier had tried to recruit as a double agent.
    On Sunday German newspaper Der Spiegel reported that information passed on by Zygier led to the capture of two Mossad informants in Lebanon by the Hezbollah. Reuters reported that Zygier was planning to sneak into Syria.

    #Ben-Zygier #Mossad #Hezbollah

  • Google investigated for tax evasion - Shifted money off shore | TechEye

    According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Google had cut its taxes by $3.1 billion in the three years prior using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda.

    Amongst the financial geniuses, who bought us the world economic crisis, Google cut its worldwide tax bill by about $1 billion a year using a pair of strategies called the “Double Irish” and “Dutch Sandwich”. These move profits through units in Ireland, the Netherlands and Bermuda.

    This meant that it could report an effective tax rate of 18.8 percent in the second quarter, less than half the average combined US and state statutory rate of 39.2 percent.

    #évasion #fiscale #impôts #uncut