
    • French village opens its chateau as home from home for refugees

      Pessat-Villeneuve is a typical village in the Puy de Dôme region in central France. It has rows of detached houses with gardens, an elegant Romanesque church, a schoolyard where children play and shout, a French flag flying from the town hall, and a park with a chateau which was once a summer camp and is now owned by the town council.

    • Gérard Dubois, maire de Pessat-Villeneuve

      Après avoir accueilli des migrants, trois années de suite, dans le cadre d’un Centre d’Accueil et d’Orientation, la petite commune puydômoise de Pessat-Villeneuve candidate pour une structure pérenne. Elle a répondu à un appel à projet pour accueillir un Centre Provisoire d’Hébergement pour des personnes ayant le statut de réfugiés. Les explications du maire de la commune, Gérard Dubois.

    • Puy-de-Dôme : Pessat-Villeneuve pérennise l’accueil de réfugiés

      Depuis trois ans, la commune de Pessat-Villeneuve accueille des migrants. Une solidarité clairement affichée par son maire, menacé de mort pour s’être engagé pour cette cause. Aujourd’hui il vient d’obtenir l’ouverture d’une centre provisoire d’hébergement pour pérenniser cet accueil.

    • French village sets an example of how to welcome refugees

      For four months, residents and volunteers in Pessat-Villeneuve in central France have been helping 60 evacuees from Africa build new lives.

      It is nearly 5 pm on a cold January evening in Pessat-Villeneuve and the first snow of the year is falling. The atmosphere is quiet as a group of African refugees take a break from French classes.

      It is an important day. In keeping with tradition, the mayor, Gérard Dubois will present his New Year wishes to villagers and their refugee guests at a reception in the evening.

      Besides its 653 inhabitants, the village, in the Puy de Dôme region in central France, hosts 60 refugees resettled from Niger and Chad. They arrived four months ago and are accommodated in the village’s château.

      Sudanese refugee Alfatih, 25, is one. He jokes outside the school, where he has been learning French for nearly four months.

      “The first thing I noticed in Pessat-Villeneuve is that there are many good people here,” Alfatih says. “They help us a lot. Pessat-Villeneuve is nice.”

      “When I arrived there, I was very, very tired of running.”

      Just four months earlier, Alfatih was in Goz Beïda, in eastern Chad. He has never seen snow before and wonders how it feels.

      In 2018, France undertook to resettle 3,000 refugees from Chad and Niger by the end of 2019, including some of those evacuated from Libya.

      The refugees are accommodated in the château under the care of a local non-governmental organization, CeCler.

      The NGO’s social workers and educators help them navigate administrative procedures, and find housing and work, while volunteers guide them through daily life, such as shopping and sports activities.

      Alfatih fled Sudan when he was a child. He was 10 when the Janjawid militia attacked his village and killed his father in front of him.

      “My father was at the mosque on a Friday,” he recalls. “My mother told me to run and to tell my father that the village was being attacked. In the panic, everyone ran in another direction and I couldn’t find anyone. When I returned home, I saw my father killed in front of me.”

      During the attack, Alfatih was separated from his mother, brothers and sisters.

      The group took him to the forest, where the beat him then abandoned him. “I cried a lot. I didn’t know what I could do.”

      For months, he searched for his family from village to village without success. He found an uncle who took him under his wing and together they fled to Chad. There, they were taken to Goz Amer refugee camp by UNHCR, the UN refugee agency.

      “When I arrived there, I was very, very tired of running,” he says. “I was very sad until I found my mother, my sisters and my brothers.”

      Alfatih resumed his education and passed the Sudanese baccalaureate in Chad. He also took a course in agriculture.

      More than once he thought of taking the dangerous road to Libya and discussed it with his friends, but stayed behind in Chad.

      “My mother had an operation in Goz Beïda,” he says. “Her health is not good. Her heart is bad. Sometimes, she could be happy, sometimes, she could be ill. We don’t have a dad who can support us, who could help us, and we need to study.”

      Alfatih was the only member of the family who had any vocational training but his prospects were poor and life was difficult.

      “We could not return to Sudan. We said to each other that our only choice was to go to Libya and after that to try anything. We needed to study. We were in the camp for a long time.

      “A lot of my friends went to Libya. I don’t know where they are now.”

      The French government resettled Alfatih’s mother, his two younger brothers and sister in Dijon. Alfatih, another brother and sister were taken to Pessat-Villeneuve.

      Resettlement is a way to protect the most vulnerable refugees and shield them from dangerous journeys.

      In its latest report, (to be published on Jan 30), on the routes refugees are taking to find safety, UNHCR notes that numbers may be falling in some places but that the perils of such journeys remain undimmed.

      In particular, the report, entitled Desperate Journeys, details how the death rate has increased for people crossing the Mediterranean and stresses how people like Alfatih have had to face increased dangers of kidnapping and torture for ransom, and the threat from traffickers even before facing the deadliest sea crossing in the world.

      “A lot of my friends went to Libya. I don’t know where they are now.”

      However, the report found that patterns of movement changed in 2018. More people crossed the sea to Spain from May onwards, making it the main entry point to Europe for the first time since 2008.

      Smugglers made the journey more accessible at a time when it had become harder to cross via Libya,

      Spain, France, and Germany undertook to relocate the largest numbers of people after their arrival in Europe, it said.

      Among its recommendations, the report called for a coordinated response to rescue at sea, greater support for the countries where most refugees and migrants arrive and further steps to hold perpetrators of crimes against refugees and migrants, including traffickers, accountable.

      Ibrahim, a 30-year-old refugee from Eritrea, also lives in the Pessat-Villeneuve reception centre. He was resettled from Niger to France after being evacuated from Libya by UNHCR.

      Previously, he made five unsuccessful attempts to undertake the dangerous sea voyage from Libya to Europe. During one of the attempts, he was among the few who survived when their boat capsized.

      “Out of 148 people, only 20 people survived,” he says. He and six others clung to a wooden section of the boat and managed to stay afloat.

      Now that they are safe, Alfatih and Ibrahim want to resume their studies.

      Alfatih has ambitions to be become a doctor or a social worker so he can help others. Ibrahim wants to work in the food industry.

      “I believe you can do anything if you really want to”, Alfatih says.

      “In what I learn from life in France, what strikes me too, is that here, I live in a democracy.”

      In his speech at the reception, Mayor Dubois reviews the highlights of the year. With pride he mentions the opening of the refugee reception in the château.

      “I will always be here to defend our village, its interests, its residents, its employees, its officials, its values,” he says. “I will be the shield against hared, xenophobia, populism and mediocrity.

      “Friends, we are on Gallic soil. Before you enjoy the dishes made for you, I will pass on a secret recipe, the one for Pessat-Villeneuve’s magic potion. Although it’s a secret, I give you permission to share it with the whole world.

      “You take one quarter liberty, one quarter equality and one quarter brotherhood. And you need a pinch of secularism. Mix in a good dose of optimism. Don’t forget to water it generously with mutual support.

      “And there, before your eyes, is a commune like Pessat-Villeneuve, a place full of humanity and the qualities that together define us: free, fraternal, supportive and, quite simply, human.”

    • 24 réfugiés sont arrivés au centre d’accueil de Pessat-Villeneuve (Puy-de-Dôme)

      Trois petits minibus ont déposé hier matin 24 réfugiés, hommes et femmes, venus principalement d’Érythrée, au centre d’accueil de Pessat-Villeneuve (Puy-de-Dôme). Tout un symbole en ce jour de journée mondiale des migrants.

      Même s’il a pris le pli, Gérard Dubois, maire de Pessat-Villeneuve, ressent toujours cette même « petite pointe au cœur » à chaque arrivée de réfugiés. « C’est toujours une émotion. Je sais à quel point c’est exceptionnel pour eux, et j’imagine le choc qu’ils ressentent. »
      « C’est une goutte d’eau dans la mer… Mais c’est essentiel »

      Pas de routine donc, malgré les 453 migrants et réfugiés que le centre, depuis son ouverture, aura vu passer, en comptant l’arrivée de 48 nouvelles familles prévue le 3 juillet. Bénévole depuis le début de l’aventure, le 3 novembre 2015, Sylvie reste fidèle au poste. « C’est toujours une émotion particulière quand ils arrivent… Et quand ils partent aussi d’ailleurs. On tisse tellement de belles histoires », évoque la professeur de Français multicasquettes. « Je donne des cours, mais je fais aussi du covoiturage et des courses. » Et une motivation intacte, malgré les deux années et demi écoulées.

      « C’est de l’humanité, c’est mon histoire personnelle. Mes parents étaient réfugiés et la République m’a tout offert, ça doit être pareil pour eux. C’est une goutte d’eau dans la mer… Mais c’est essentiel. »

      Encadrés par l’association Cecler, les réfugiés vont pouvoir entamer les procédures de régularisation et d’intégration. À compter d’octobre, le Centre d’accueil des réfugiés réinstallés (CARR) de Pessat deviendra un Centre provisoire d’hébergement (CPH), un statut qui permettra aux réfugiés de résider neuf mois au lieu de quatre actuellement.

    • "Je suis condamné à mort sur un site d’extrême droite" : un maire bataille depuis cinq ans pour faire accepter des réfugiés installés dans sa commune

      Pessat-Villeneuve, en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, a été l’une des premières communes à accueillir des migrants de Calais en 2015. Une décision qui a valu au maire une série de menaces et d’appels malveillants. Gérard Dubois reste pourtant seul candidat à sa succession.

      « J’en tremble encore presque d’émotion ». Gérard Dubois, le maire DVG de Pessat-Villeneuve, une petite commune du Puy-de-Dôme de 670 habitants, se souvient comme si c’était hier de ce soir de novembre 2015 où il s’apprête à recevoir ses premiers réfugiés après le démantèlement de la jungle de Calais. « Et donc ils sont 48 jeunes hommes, fatigués, dénutris, qui arrivent directement de Calais en bus et qui déboulent ici en Auvergne, dans un tout petit village. Moi, je me suis positionné dans une posture d’urgence humanitaire », explique le maire.
      « Ça commence à déraper sérieux ! »

      Dans cette urgence, il n’a pas eu le temps de prévenir ses administrés, ce qui lui vaut dès le lendemain des menaces et des coups de fils anonymes. « On a eu jusqu’à 200 coups de fil, des horreurs, des courriers anonymes… Le premier que je vois arriver je l’ouvre, et le lendemain je me rappelle qu’il y en a un autre qui arrive. Celui-là, je mets des gants pour l’ouvrir. Je suis condamné à mort sur un site d’extrême droite. Et du coup, c’est un peu la trouille de se dire : ’Mais bon sang, ça commence à déraper sérieux !’ », raconte Gérard Dubois. Il organise une réunion publique et s’y rend sous protection policière. La salle est comble.

      Quelques mois plus tard, un autre bus arrive. De nouveau les réseaux sociaux se déchainent mais le maire tient bon. « On m’avait tellement promis des choses terribles, que ça allait cramer, qu’il y aurait des déchets partout, les viols, tout ça… Le moindre incident, je sais que je vais trinquer », se souvient-il.

      Mais tout se passe bien. Et les bénévoles sont de plus en plus nombreux pour aider les réfugiés. Ils sont 70 à être hébergés aujourd’hui sur la commune et pour son hospitalité et sa solidarité, Gérard Dubois a reçu la légion d’honneur. Brigitte est l’une des bénévoles et elle affiche un soutien ému à son maire.

      Brigitte reconnaît cependant que la question de l’accueil de ces réfugiés est « encore compliquée pour certains ». Ce que confirme Gérard Dubois : « J’ai eu encore un courrier d’un habitant de Pessat qui a soi-disant un problème d’eau qui entre chez lui. Et il écrit : ’Arrête de ne t’occuper que des migrants ! Occupe-toi de nous !’ Tant que je serai maire, il y aura toujours des réfugiés à Pessat-Villeneuve. Si le maire n’est pas porteur d’un petit village comme ça, ça ne marche pas. »

      Mais la rancune est tenace chez certains."Je ne suis pas d’accord d’accueillir des gens comme ça", explique un habitant qui n’a jamais accepté les réfugiés. Je suis pour les aider. Il faudrait les aider chez eux", poursuit-il. Et de préciser qu’il ne votera pas pour Gérard Dubois aux municipales, même si ce dernier, seul candidat à sa succession, est assuré d’être réélu.❞

    • LETTRE ANONYME. Hier soir, 9 mars 2020, en relevant le courrier de la mairie j’ai eu la désagréable surprise de recevoir une lettre anonyme. Cette lettre vient compléter une « abjecte collection » qui a commencé en novembre 2015. Ma récente médiatisation dans les médias nationaux, RMC, France Info et le journal La Croix, sans oublier la Montagne bien entendu, cette médiatisation a provoqué de nombreuses réactions sur les sites de ces médias, du négatif, beaucoup, mais aussi du positif, beaucoup aussi... L’extrême-droite est à l’affût prête à répandre sa propagande nauséabonde. Ne leur déplaise je suis là et bien là pour protéger et continuer à accueillir. Comme je l’ai dit sur France Info, je ne lâcherai pas, je ne lâcherai jamais.
      Au fond, les agressions, qu’elles que soient leurs formes, me rendent plus fort plus combatif et me confortent dans mon engagement dans l’accueil digne, solidaire de ces enfants, de ces femmes et de ces hommes qui ont souffert. C’est le plus beau combat que je n’aurais jamais pensé mener.

    • Libya signs borders control agreement with southern neighboring countries

      Libya’s Foreign Ministry announced that Libya had signed an agreement with its southern neighboring countries Niger, Chad and Sudan to secure the joint borders against human trafficking and weapons smuggling.

      The Foreign Minister Mohammed Sayala signed on Thursday in the capital of Chad N’Djamena the agreement which will help jointly secure the borders, according to the ministry’s statement.

      “Libya is working on supporting joint relations between the four countries and is keen to support all efforts to combat terrorism, transnational organized crime, smuggling of all kinds, illegal migration, mercenaries, arms smuggling, and smuggling of all kinds of subsidized commodities and petroleum derivatives." Sayala said, according to the statement.

      Libya has lately announced the launching of a new operation to combat IS remaining militants and to fight the threats to the security and chaos caused by criminals, smugglers and human traffickers.
      #Niger #Soudan #accord

    • Subject: Sudanese Rapid Support Forces as beneficiaries of EU funds

      The Sudanese government has deployed its militia, the #Rapid_Support_Forces (#RSF), at the borders with Libya to prohibit irregular migration and combat human trafficking. The RSF’s crimes against humanity and war crimes are well documented (i.a. by the International Criminal Court). Amnesty International reports that the Sudanese government may also have used chemical weapons against civilians in Darfur in 2016.

      The EU cooperates with the Sudanese government in the area of migration, notably through the project ‘Better Migration Management (Khartoum Process)’ and, according to the relevant Action Fiche, provides i.a. capacity building support to front-line officials. The Action Fiche lists ‘provision of equipment and trainings to sensitive national authorities diverted for repressive aims’ as a risk. However, it does not indicate any direct mitigation measure to address this.

      1. Are the RSF direct or indirect beneficiaries of EU funds in the context of this or any other project?

      2. Does the EU consider the RSF eligible for future EU capacity-building projects in support of security and development (CBSD)?

      3. Why are there no direct mitigation measures to counter the serious risk inherent in this project, and how will the EU ensure compliance with international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and prevent complicity in serious human rights abuses, war crimes and crimes against humanity?

  • Beyond Help: Taking Shelter From #Boko_Haram in Chad’s Remote Swampland

    Hundreds of thousands of families fleeing Boko Haram are now stranded in a remote and harsh border region, beyond the reach of humanitarian aid. Photojournalist #Ashley_Hamer documents the challenges facing the displaced who have found themselves in the Lake Chad Basin.
    #Tchad #asile #migrations #réfugiés #photographie #Nigeria
    cc @albertocampiphoto

  • Boko Haram’s terror ripples through the region

    The report outlines the massive internal displacement caused by militant group Boko Haram not only in north-east #Nigeria, ground zero of the crisis, but also by waves of attacks carried out in neighboring Cameroon, Chad and #Niger. The effects of the crisis are reverberating across the wider #Sahel, a region suffering chronic levels of #malnutrition.

    Marking one year since Boko Haram kidnapped more than 200 schoolgirls from #Chibok, the report also highlights how gender is an increasingly significant component of the group’s tactics, messaging and #violence and how large-scale abductions have escalated over the past year.
    #Tchad #Cameroun #genre

  • Two New #Polio Cases In #Nigeria Are The First Detected In Africa In More Than Two Years : Goats and Soda : NPR

    Health officials in Nigeria are gearing up for a massive emergency polio immunization drive after two children were paralyzed by the disease.

    The two new polio cases in Nigeria are the first detected on the African continent in more than 2 years.

    Nigerian health officials plan to vaccinate nearly 5 million kids across the northeast of the country in an effort to contain this latest outbreak.

    The re-emergence of polio in Nigeria is a major setback for global efforts to eradicate the disease.

    Prior to this week the polio virus appeared to be on the verge of defeat: Afghanistan and Pakistan were the only countries reporting ongoing transmission of the virus. Including these two children who’ve been paralyzed in Nigeria there’ve been only 21 polio cases reported anywhere in the world this year.

    The two Nigerian cases were found in the volatile northeastern state of Borno along the border with Chad. The area is a stronghold of Boko Haram, which has made routine immunization drives difficult. The terror group has publicly denounced the #vaccination campaigns as a Western plot, killed immunizers and made it difficult for government health officials to even enter some parts of the country.

  • Across Africa, the worst famine since 1985 looms for 50 million | Global development | The Guardian

    Malawi, Mozambique, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Madagascar, Angola and Swaziland have already declared national emergencies or disasters, as have seven of South Africa’s nine provinces. Other countries, including Botswana and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, have also been badly hit. President Robert Mugabe has appealed for $1.5bn to buy food for Zimbabwe and Malawi is expected to declare that more than 8 million people, or half the country, will need food aid by November.

    More than 31 million people in the region are said by the UN to need food now, but this number is expected to rise to at least 49 million across almost all of southern Africa by Christmas. With 12 million more hungry people in Ethiopia, 7 million in Yemen, 6 million in Southern Sudan and more in the Central African Republic and Chad, a continent-scale food crisis is unfolding.

    #climat #famine #Afrique #El_Nino #sécheresse

  • Narcissism Is a Bad Sign: CEO Signature Size, Investment, and Performance by Charles (Chad) Ham, Nicholas Seybert, Sean Wang

    Using the size of CEO signatures in SEC filings to measure individual narcissism, we find that it is associated with several negative firm outcomes. We first validate signature size as a measure of narcissism in a laboratory experiment. We then use CEO signatures to study the relation between CEO narcissism, the firm’s investment policies, and firm performance. CEO narcissism is associated with overinvestment, particularly in the form of R&D and M&A expenditures, but not capital expenditures. Firms led by narcissistic CEOs are associated with lower innovative productivity in the form of patents and lower financial productivity in the form of profitability and operating cash flows. Despite this negative performance, narcissistic CEOs enjoy higher absolute and relative compensation. Using an options-based measure of overconfidence, we document our results are not driven by CEO overconfidence.

  • Sudan: The ICC and the Crime of Genocide

    The International Criminal Court (hereafter the ICC) first indicted the Sudanese head of State, Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, in March 2009 for the crimes committed by the Sudanese Armed Forces, the National Intelligence and Security Service, and affiliated Arab militias in the course of the Darfur civil war that broke out in early 2003.

    Western media, NGOs or governments have occasionally embraced the depiction of the Darfur conflict made by the Sudanese government.That is: a conflict opposing autochthonous African rebels – mainly factions belonging to the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) – to the Arab government of Sudan over issues such as power-sharing, resource-sharing, or traditional land rights. This common representation of the conflict obscures the fact that Arab tribes instrumentalized by the government of Sudan suffer the same structural and systemic discrimination as African tribes do in Darfur. It also begs the question of former transnational affiliations of JEM and SLA factions to Chad or Libya.


  • الجزائر تضغط على تونس لمعرفة طبيعة السلاح القطري لليبيا بقلم :الجمعي قاسمي

    Suite des missiles Stinger au Sahara : Pressions décrites comme « sérieuses » des autorités algériennes sur la Tunisie pour que celle-li lui fournisse la nature des armes qataries passées en contrebande en Libye depuis le territoire tunisien en 2011 et 2012...

    ضغوط جزائرية وصفها بـ”الجدية” على تونس من أجل مدها بكشوفات الأسلحة القطرية التي تم تسريبها إلى ليبيا عبر الأراضي التونسية خلال العامين 2011 و2012، وذلك في الوقت الذي عاد فيه خطر الصواريخ أرض/ جو المحمولة على الكتف، ليطفو على السطح من جديد في دول المنطقة المغاربية وبعض العواصم الأوروبية.

    Perso, je n’aurais jamais pu croire que les « révolutionnaires libyens » auraient pu être aidés par ces riches islamistes du Golfe amoureux de la liberté.

    #libye #algérie #tunisie #qatar #catastrophe_arabe

    • Qui plus est les stocks militaires de Kadhafi comprenaient des missiles Sol-air portatifs (donc des bidules genre Stinger, Manpad en anglais) qui se sont ensuite retrouvés un peu partout dans la région :
      Dépêche Reuters 2014 :

      Shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles have been trafficked out of Libya to Chad, Mali, Tunisia, Lebanon and likely Central African Republic, with attempts made to send them to Syrian opposition groups, according to a U.N. report on Tuesday.
      An independent panel of experts monitoring U.N. sanctions on Libya, that include an arms embargo imposed at the start of the 2011 uprising that ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi, reported that the weapons, known as MANPADs, that were found in Mali and Tunisia “were clearly part of terrorist groups’ arsenals.”[..]
      The panel said that weapons found aboard a ship, the Letfallah II, when it was seized by Lebanese authorities in 2012 “proved there had been attempts to transfer MANPADs to the Syrian opposition from Libya.”

  • New French “Pentagon”: The Male Architect and His Military Toy

    “Last November was inaugurated in South Paris the new building of France’s Ministry of Defense, immediately nicknamed “Pentagon” by journalists for its massiveness and its imperial iconography (something that the journalists did not seem to mind). The list of problematic points regarding this new building is long and, despite the fact that some of them are specific to France, I have no doubt that it can stand as an example of many other similar buildings in the world.

    The first of these problematic point has to do with the building’s function, of course, since it hosts the national military headquarters. Although we can see how delusional are France’s successive Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs when they think of their country like an indispensable actor in world’s geopolitics, its army remains an important interventionist force currently deployed in nine countries (Chad, Mali, Central African Republic, Lebanon, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, UAE, Gabon, Senegal). Eight of these countries are former French colonies, and the army is also deployed in the ultra marine departments and territories that never accessed to independence. Of course, the architect as no agency over military decisions, but just like for any other building’s program, he — I will consistently use “he” and “his” in this article for reasons that are made obvious in the title — necessarily contributes to the political agenda of the individual or collective form for which he designs.

    The second point concerns the budget allocated to the building’s construction: more than one billion of euros. Of course, comparisons of national-scale infrastructure with the multitude of individual economic struggles are easy to make and sometimes, lack of rigor, but when it comes to a building designed to accommodate the military headquarters of a warrior country, this type of comparison certainly leads us to perceive this country’s priorities — in April 2012, the city of Paris also sued the construction permit that prevented the municipality to build social housing instead. Moreover, part of the reason this budget is so high may be because of the crooked partnership between the French State and the construction company Bouygues Construction whose owner is no-one else than billionnaire Martin Bouygues, good friend of Nicolas Sarkozy, then President of France when the bill was won. The profits made by Bouygues and its partners are massive, since the public-private partnership make the State only the tenant of this space, not the owner. Beyond the likely corruption that is currently under judicial investigation, the precise item billing may be indicative of how profits are also made in aggregate details: electric plugs billed for 1,000 EUR each, printers setup for 13,000 EUR, a door being changed from one opening direction to another, billed for 2,000 EUR. This kind of overpriced agreements remind one of the many judicial investigations in which Sarkozy is currently subjected, when his 2012 presidential campaign was billed for overpriced events (some of which never actually occurred) by a friend’s company.”

  • Nouvel e-mail déclassifié, au titre de la FOIA, reçu par Hillary Clinton au State Department, envoyé par son conseiller Sydney Blumenthal, et daté d’avril 2011, un mois après le début des opérations de la « coalition » contre Kadhafi.
    Cet e-mail évoque une série de motifs ayant incité Sarkozy à attaquer le régime libyen dont notamment le fait que Kadhafi projetait d’utiliser ses importantes réserves d’or et d’argent (143 tonnes d’or) pour établir une monnaie panafricaine adossée à un dinar libyen en or qui constituerait une alternative au franc CFA dans les pays de l’Afrique francophone :

    On April 2, 2011 sources with access to advisors to Salt al-Islam Qaddafi stated in strictest confidence that while the
    freezing of Libya’s foreign bank accounts presents Muammar Qaddafi with serious challenges, his ability to equip and
    maintain his armed forces and intelligence services remains intact. According to sensitive information available to this
    these individuals, Qaddafi’s government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver. During late March, 2011
    these stocks were moved to SABHA (south west in the direction of the Libyan border with Niger and Chad); taken from
    the vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli.
    This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency
    based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an
    alternative to the French.franc (CFA).

    (Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7
    billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the
    factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.
    According to these
    individuals Sarkozy’s plans are driven by the following issues:
    a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,
    b. Increase French influence in North Africa,
    c. Improve his intemal political situation in France,
    d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,
    e. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in
    Francophone Africa)

    RT a brièvement traité l’information :

    • Via site Levant Report :
      L’article analyse cet e-mail et plusieurs autres de la même période (mars-avril 2011), déclassifiés en décembre 2015.
      Ainsi dans un e-mail du 27 mars 2011, Blumenthal évoque des cas d’exécutions sommaires de combattants/mercenaires pro-Kadhafi par les milices de la rébellion.
      Il évoque aussi l’entraînement et l’assistance directe que reçoivent ces milices de la part des Forces spéciales de la France, du Royaume-Uni et de l’Egypte qui surveillent le transfert des armes dont elles bénéficient :

      An extremely sensitive source added that the rebels are receiving direct assistance and training from a small number of Egyptian Special Forces units, while French and British Special Operations troops are working out of bases in Egypt, along the Libyan border. These troops are overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels.

      Rappel : quelques jours auparavant la résolution au CS de l’ONU comportait un embargo sur les armes...

      Par ailleurs dans le même email le conseillerde Clinton prétend que Sarkozy s’inquièterait d’informations faisant état de l’infiltration au sein du Conseil National Libyen d’al-Qaïda au Maghreb Islamique et du GCL (branche libyenne d’al-Qaïda) et qu’il aurait demandé à un sociologue (nom masqué) ayant des contacts en Israël, en Syrie et dans d’autres pays du Moyen-orient d’évaluer ce risque :

      Sarkozy is also concerned about continuing reports that radical/terrorist groups such as the Libyan Fighting Groups and Al Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) are infiltrating the NLC and its military command. Accordingly, he asked sociologist
      who has long established ties to Israel, Syria, and other nations in the Middle East, to use his contacts to determine the level of influence AQIM and other.
      terrorist groups have inside of the NLC. Sarkozy also asked for reports setting out a clear picture of the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the rebel leadership.

  • Why is Indonesia not in the Saudi-led Sunni coalition against terror? | Voices | The Independent

    Tout le monde n’aime pas Robert Fisk, mais qu’est-ce qu’il écrit bien !

    ❝The Saudis love coalitions. The Sunni monarchy had the Americans, the British, the French and sundry other oil importers on their side to drive Saddam’s legions out of Kuwait in 1991. Earlier this year, the Saudi military – for which read the youngest defence minister in the world and the ambitious Deputy Prime Minister, Mohamed bin Salman al-Saud – struck at the Kingdom’s Shia Houthi enemies in Yemen in yet another coalition. This included not only Saudi fighter-bombers but jets from Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Sudan.

    But now – with all the drama of a new Hollywood franchise – the Saudis have announced their new multinational military epic against the “disease” of Islamic “terror”, starring more Muslim and would-be Muslim states than ever before assembled since the time of the Prophet. Once more, as in the Yemen adventure (already plagued by humanitarian catastrophe and credible accounts of the slaughter of civilians under Saudi air attacks), Prince Mohamed, aged 31, is leading his country.

    In all seriousness, he announced that the battle of this latest “coalition” – which includes countries as mythical as “Palestine”, as corrupt as Afghanistan and as powerless as Lebanon, with bankrupt Chad and the Islamic Republic of the Comoros thrown in for good measure – would require “a very strong effort to fight”. Few spotted, however, the curious absence from the 34-strong “coalition” of Indonesia, which has the world’s largest Muslim population.

    This is very strange, since the 2002 Bali bombings, which killed 202 mostly foreign civilians, brought al-Qaeda into Indonesia’s own “war against terror”. Surely Indonesia, with a Sunni population of more than 200 million, would have an interest in joining their fellow Sunni Muslims in this unprecedented “coalition”? Or could it be that with more than 30 Indonesian maids on Saudi Arabia’s death row after grotesquely unfair trials, the country wants an end to this injustice before committing its army to the Kingdom?

    Le reste est à l’avenant.

    • Indonesia yet to decide on Saudi-led military coalition

      The government has denied joining a new Saudi-led Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, with a Foreign Ministry official saying it has yet to decide on the matter due to the unclear modalities of the coalition.

      Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir said on Wednesday that Indonesia was not among the 34 countries that had supported or signed-up to the military coalition, since the government had not yet seen the details of the coalition’s scope of cooperation and terms of reference so could not decide its position.

      “The government is still observing and waiting to see the modalities of the military coalition formed by Saudi Arabia,” Arrmanatha told


      A statement released by state-owned Saudi Press Agency stated that more than 10 countries, including Indonesia, had “expressed their support” for the alliance and “appropriate arrangements” would be developed for coordination between “friendly peace-loving nations” and international bodies to support international efforts to combat terrorism.

      “In this context, Indonesia is not supporting the coalition, but instead supporting Saudi Arabia’s effort to combat terrorism and extremism,” said Arrmanatha.


  • Après avoir été élue pour présider le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies, l’Arabie saoudite est en train de monter une coalition ("islamique") contre le terrorisme.
    Voila, voila...

    Saudi Arabia on Tuesday announced the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, according to a joint statement published on state news agency SPA.
    “The countries here mentioned have decided on the formation of a military alliance led by Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism, with a joint operations centre based in Riyadh to coordinate and support military operations,” the statement said.
    A long list of Arab countries such as Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, together with Islamic countries Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan and Gulf Arab and African states were mentioned.
    The announcement cited “a duty to protect the Islamic nation from the evils of all terrorist groups and organizations whatever their sect and name which wreak death and corruption on earth and aim to terrorise the innocent.”
    Shi’ite Muslim Iran, Sunni Saudi Arabia’s arch rival for influence in the Arab world, was absent from the states named as participants, as proxy conflicts between the two regional powers rage from Syria to Yemen.
    Asked if the new alliance would focus just on Islamic State, bin Salman said it would confront not only that group but “any terrorist organisation that appears in front of us.”
    Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Arab neighbours have been locked in nine months of warfare with Iran-allied rebels in neighbouring Yemen, launching hundreds of air strikes there.

  • Ukraine and Japan Among Latest Members of U.N. Security Council - The New York Times

    Five countries, representing five regions, were elected, unopposed, on Thursday to two-year seats on the United Nations Security Council: Egypt, Japan, Senegal, Ukraine and Uruguay.
    The five replace Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania and Nigeria.

    Pour un mandat de deux ans.
    Les 5 membres non permanents dont le mandat se termine en 2016, sont l’Angola, la Malaisie, la Nouvelle-Zélande, l’Espagne et le Venezuela.

  • U.S. Special Forces Expand Training to Allies With Histories of Abuse

    (The Intercept, 9 septembre 2015)

    Since 9/11, Special Ops forces have expanded in almost every conceivable way — from budget to personnel to overseas missions. Many were conducted with security forces implicated in human rights violations.

    While the U.S. military is barred by law from providing aid to foreign security forces that violate human rights, JCETs [Joint Combined Exchange Training] have been repeatedly conducted in Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Chad and many other nations regularly cited for abuses by the Department of State. Under the so-called “Leahy Law,” a vetting process is meant to weed out foreign troops or units implicated in “gross human rights violations” — including extrajudicial killing, forced disappearances, and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. But the State Department office responsible for the vetting process receives only a tiny fraction of funding compared to the projects it oversees, and a spokesperson noted that “State does not track cases in a way that is easily quantifiable.” SOCOM, for its part, was evasive about whether the military command was aware of individuals or units disqualified by Leahy vetting. “If you have questions about who has been barred, I recommend you contact the State Department,” SOCOM’s McGraw wrote in an email.

    Reports on the training of Special Operations forces, submitted to Congress and obtained through the Freedom of Information Act from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, show that the U.S.’s most elite troops trained in 77 foreign nations alongside nearly 25,000 foreign troops under the JCET program in just 2012 and 2013. Both the number of planned missions and foreign nations involved in JCETs are forecast to rise next year, according to a separate set of documents publicly available from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).

    #US #Forces_spéciales #armée #coopération_militaire #droits_humains #dictatures #régimes_autoritaires #dip

  • What former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré’s trial next month Senegal means to his victims

    Next month former president Hissène Habré, who ruled my native #Chad from June 7, 1982 to December 1, 1990, goes on trial in Senegal, in a special tribunal set up.....

    #FRONT_PAGE #Hisséne_Habré #human_rights

  • Mediterranean #Manifesto: The Future of #civilisation

    The Mediterranean as a great means of communication, Interaction and exchange of ideas between three continents [Asia, Africa and Europe].

    Once the Mediterranean becomes a great centre of communication, of exchange of ideas, between the West and the East, between the North and the South, this can generate economic activity that would rejuvenate the whole area around the Mediterranean north and south, east and west, creating a civilization based on human equality. In Africa, this development can and should extend not only to Saharan countries (Senegal, Mauritania, Chad, Mali, Niger, Sudan) but also to sub-Saharan Africa up to its southern tip.

    In Asia it will create links, through Syria, between Turkey, Israel/Palestine (I envisage a federation between them) – all Mediterranean countries – with not only the oil producing countries of the Middle-East but also beyond, to Japan and China. In other words, the re-activation and re-opening of the old silk route, through a network of railways. In the West, new shipping lines should be established which would carry not only cargo but also passengers – between north-west countries of Africa (Senegal, Guinea, and Mauritania) and in particular Central and South America (Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Mexico, etc). The harbours of north-west Africa are then connected to the Mediterranean countries of Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, through the rail network passing through Mali, Chad, Niger, Sudan, etc. This rail network is also connected to another rail network extending up to South Africa. Northern and Southern countries are linked with an extensive shipping lines.
    #manifeste #Méditerranée #visualisation #région_méditerranéenne

  • Lebanon ranked eighth worst country for gender equality

    BEIRUT: Lebanon is the world’s eighth worst country in terms of gender equality and ranks second worst for women’s participation in politics, according to a recent report by the World Economic Forum.

    Lebanon ranked 135 out of 142 surveyed countries, with only the Ivory Coast, Iran, Mali, Syria, Chad, Pakistan and Yemen scoring lower on the 2014 Gender Gap Index.


    Since 2010, Lebanon’s ranking has sunk from 116 to 135.


    Lebanon was the eighth worst country in the world in terms of female participation in the workforce, and ninth worst in terms of income for women.

    According to health criteria, the country did much better, coming in at No. 62, but education was another disappointment.

    Although literacy rates in Lebanon are at 86 percent and enrollment in primary education is at 90 percent, the numbers were still behind those of progressive countries, which pushed Lebanon down the table to spot No. 103 and 128 in those two categories respectively.

  • Boko Haram: behind the violence, by Elizabeth Pearson and Jacob Zenn

    In a video released on May 5, 2014, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau announced he would “sell” more than 270 schoolgirls kidnapped by the Islamist insurgents in Chibok, Borno State as “slaves in the market.” Soon after, Boko Haram reportedly transferred many of the girls from Nigeria to bases in Cameroon and Chad.

  • Countries with highest and lowest life expectancies for people born in 2013 charted - Telegraph

    Countries with highest and lowest life expectancies for people born in 2013 charted

    Monaco is the place with the highest life expectancy for a child born in 2013 while Chad has the lowest life expectancy - explore the ratings for the rest of the world by clicking on the sheet below to zoom

    #démographie #espérance_de_vie

  • #Saudi_Arabia obtains #UN_Security_Council seat for the first time

    Saudi Arabia on Thursday won a UN Security Council seat for the first time in a new show of determination to make its voice heard, joining Chad, Chile, Lithuania and Nigeria in taking places on the key body. All five countries stood unopposed in an election by the 193 member UN General Assembly. They will replace Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan and Togo on the 15-nation council on January 1. Saudi Arabia, despite its oil power, has never competed for a place on the United Nations’ (...)


  • US: Act to Protect Children in Conflict

    In 2008, the US adopted a groundbreaking law, the Child Soldiers Prevention Act, which prohibits several categories of US military assistance to governments using child soldiers. However, President Barack Obama has invoked the law’s presidential waiver to allow continued military aid to governments using child soldiers including Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, South Sudan, Sudan, and Yemen. (...)

    Former child soldiers, including those who have been forcibly recruited into armed groups, face hurdles to asylum or refugee protection in the US. The US considers nearly all non-state armed forces to be “terrorist organizations” for purposes of immigration law, and people who fought with such groups are considered ineligible for asylum.
