country:united states of america

  • Amid Confusion, TLR to Investigate Whether Former U.S. President Bill Clinton “Eventually Pardoned” an Innocent Man (TLR Note: Filed Under Keker & Van Nest’s Nonsensical Nonsense)

    Keker & Van Nest avers :

    “United States of America v. Lobbyist: We defended a prominent lobbyist charged with corrupting the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Our client, who was eventually pardoned, was acquitted at trial of all counts except one, which was tossed out in a post-trial motion.” (emphasis added)

    See source @:

    See also @:

  • The NDAA: A Clear and Present Danger to American Liberty | The Indypendent

    Yes, the worst things you may have heard about the National Defense Authorization Act, which has formally ended 254 years of democracy in the United States of America, and driven a stake through the heart of the bill of rights, are all really true. The act passed with large margins in both the House and the Senate on the last day of last year – even as tens of thousands of Americans were frantically begging their representatives to secure Americans’ habeas corpus rights in the final version.

    It does indeed – contrary to the many flatout-false form letters I have seen that both senators and representatives sent to their constituents, misleading them about the fact that the NDAA destroys their due process rights. Under the act, anyone can be described as a ’belligerent". As the New American website puts it,

    "[S]ubsequent clauses (Section 1022, for example) unlawfully give the president the absolute and unquestionable authority to deploy the armed forces of the United States to apprehend and to indefinitely detain those suspected of threatening the security of the ’homeland’. In the language of this legislation, these people are called ’covered persons’.

    “The universe of potential ’covered persons’ includes every citizen of the United States of America. Any American could one day find himself or herself branded a ’belligerent’ and thus subject to the complete confiscation of his or her constitutional civil liberties and nearly never-ending incarceration in a military prison.”

    And with a new bill now being introduced to make it a crime to protest in a way that disrupts any government process – or to get close to anyone with secret service protection – the push to legally lock down the United Police States is in full force.

  • Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8,500th Nuclear Weapon | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source,27325

    Amidst mounting geopolitical tensions, Iranian officials said Wednesday they were increasingly concerned about the United States of America’s uranium-enrichment program, fearing the Western nation may soon be capable of producing its 8,500th nuclear weapon. […] "Obviously, the prospect of this happening is very distressing to Iran and all countries like Iran. After all, the United States is a volatile nation that’s proven it needs little provocation to attack anyone anywhere in the world whom it perceives to be a threat.

  • The best American wall map: David Imus’ “The Essential Geography of the United States of America” - Slate Magazine

    The Greatest Paper Map of the United States You’ll Ever See
    Made by one guy in Oregon.

    By Seth Stevenson|Posted Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, at 7:38 AM ET

    American mapmaking’s most prestigious honor is the “Best of Show” award at the annual competition of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society. The five most recent winners were all maps designed by large, well-known institutions: National Geographic (three times), the Central Intelligence Agency Cartography Center, and the U.S. Census Bureau. But earlier this year, the 38th annual Best of Show award went to a map created by Imus Geographics—which is basically one dude named David Imus working in a farmhouse outside Eugene, Ore.

    Cartographie Etatsunis Visualisation