• Would You Hide a Jew From the Nazis?

    WHEN representatives from the United States and other countries gathered in #Evian, France, in 1938 to discuss the Jewish refugee crisis caused by the Nazis, they exuded sympathy for Jews — and excuses about why they couldn’t admit them. Unto the breach stepped a 33-year-old woman from Massachusetts named Martha Sharp.

    #délit_de_solidarité #histoire #asile #juifs #migrations #réfugiés

  • Migrants. Grèce : polémique autour de l’emprisonnement d’un “passeur” allemand

    Le retraité allemand #Bernd_Keller est-il un passeur ou a-t-il fait preuve de compassion envers une famille de Syriens en l’aidant à passer de Turquie en Grèce sur son bateau ? Un doute subsiste. Mais sa condamnation à seize ans de prison sème le trouble à Athènes et à Berlin.

    #passeurs #délit_de_solidarité #solidarité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Grèce

  • France culture | Passer les frontières, 4 histoires de frontières

    France culture propose quatre histoires de frontières. La première raconte comment un citoyen, le 7 octobre 2015, a fait passer illégalement et clandestinement la frontière franco-italienne à deux jeunes citoyens soudanais Ahmad et Ibrahim. Ceux-ci désiraient demander l’asile en France. Ils avaient été par deux fois refoulés vers l’Italie au mépris d’un droit inscrit dans […]

  • Mineurs non-accompagnés : pourquoi Lisa Bosia Mirra n’a rien commis d’illégal

     Jeudi 1er septembre, Lisa Bosia Mirra, députée socialiste au Grand conseil tessinois et fondatrice de l’ONG Firdaus, a été arrêtée à la frontière. Elle est accusée d’avoir facilité et organisé le passage clandestin de quatre mineurs non-accompagnés en ouvrant la route à un fourgon les transportant. Très présente auprès des migrants de Côme refoulés […]


  • Become an #escape_agent

    Become an escape agent and support people on their way to a better future! For instance, you could give refugees a ride in your car while returning from a holiday in southern Europe.

    #désobéissance_civile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #asile #solidarité #passeurs #Fluchthelfer #how_to #vidéo #film #délit_de_solidarité #solidarité
    cc @isskein


    @sinehebdo —> nouveau #mots #vocabulaire #terminologie : #escape_agent / #Fluchthelfer

  • Migrants : les bénévoles paient cher leur soutien

    Cet hiver, un jour de grand froid, Aubépine Dahan, 44 ans, a acheté trois bouteilles thermos grand format qu’elle a remplies de soupe bien chaude. Sur Marmiton, elle a cherché la recette du riz afghan et est allée servir son repas à la trentaine de migrants qui campaient, frigorifiés, place de la République. Cette docteur en sociologie n’avait jamais milité dans un syndicat ou un parti. Marquée par « ces images des colonnes de migrants de la route des Balkans à l’été 2015 », elle a décidé de leur venir en aide. Sans se douter que cet engagement la conduirait au tribunal.


    #délit_de_solidarité #migrations #asile #réfugiés #solidarité

    • #border_angels

      Border Angels is an all volunteer, non profit organisation that advocates for human rights, humane immigration reform, and social justice with a special focus on issues related to issues related to the US-Mexican border. Border Angels engages in community education and awareness programs that include guided trips to the desert to place water along migrant crossing routes as well as to the border to learn about the history of US-Mexico border policy and experience the border fence firsthand.

      Border Angels also works to serve San Diego County’s immigrant population through various migrant outreach programs such as Day Laborer outreach and our free legal assistance program held in our office every Tuesday. Border Angels works to dispel the various myths surrounding immigration in the United States and to bring back truth and justice.

      #solidarité #anges

    • Water in the desert. Inside the effort to prevent migrant deaths at the US-Mexico border

      “I had no idea how many people had died. I had no idea the extent of the humanitarian crisis.”

      In the lead-up to the US midterm elections, President Donald Trump has stoked fears about undocumented immigration. After repeatedly saying that immigrants from Latin America are criminals and peddling baseless claims that unidentified people from the Middle East are part of a “caravan of migrants” making its way north from Honduras, Trump ordered the deployment of more than 5,000 soldiers to the southern US border.

      Decades of acrimonious public debate over undocumented immigration in the United States has focused on security, crime, and economics while largely overlooking the people at the centre of the issue and the consequences of US attempts to prevent them from entering the country.

      One of the starkest facts about this humanitarian emergency is that at least 6,700 bodies have been found since 2000 – likely only a fraction of the actual number of people who have died trying to cross the southern US border over this period. More than a third of these bodies have been found in the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona, where migration routes have been pushed into increasingly harsh and remote terrain.

      Seldom reported and virtually unheard of outside the border region, these bodies have become a cause for a small constellation of humanitarian groups in southern Arizona, spawning an unlikely effort to prevent deaths by placing drinking water along migration trails in the desert.

      “I found it shocking,” Brian Best, a volunteer who moved to Arizona a couple years ago, says of the situation in the desert. “I had no idea how many people had died. I had no idea the extent of the humanitarian crisis.”

      Trying to save lives in this way is not uncontroversial. Undocumented immigration is one of the most polarising issues in US politics and aid groups operate in the same areas that cartels use to smuggle drugs into the country. Inevitably, humanitarian efforts are caught up in the politics and paranoia surrounding these two issues.

      The intensity of the situation has led to a strained relationship between the humanitarians and the Border Patrol, the federal agency tasked with preventing undocumented immigration. Nearly two decades after aid efforts began, the numbers crossing the border have reached a historic low but the proportion of people dying is rising.

      Early on a Friday morning, Stephen Saltonstall, 74, sits behind the steering wheel of a flatbed pickup as it shakes and rattles towards the US-Mexico border. The back of the truck is loaded with equipment: a 300-gallon plastic tank of drinking water, a gas operated pump to pull the water out, and a long, lead-free hose to deliver it into barrels at the water stations Humane Borders, the NGO Saltonstall volunteers with, maintains across southern Arizona.

      It’s mid-September and the temperature is already climbing. By midday it will reach well over 100 degrees (38 celsius), and there are no clouds to interrupt the sun as it bakes the hardscrabble landscape of the Sonoran Desert, surprisingly green from the recently departed monsoon rains. Scraggly mesquite trees and saguaro cactuses with comically tubular arms whir past as Saltonstall guides the truck along Route 286 southwest of Tucson. A veteran of the civil rights movement with a lifelong commitment to social justice – like many others involved in the humanitarian aid effort here – he has made this drive more than 150 times in the three years since moving to Arizona from the northeastern United States.

      Around mile marker 38 – signifying 38 miles north of the border – 13 miles north of an inland US Border Patrol checkpoint, Saltonstall eases the truck off to the side of the road. Stepping out, he walks to the top of a small hill about 10 feet from where the asphalt ends. Stopping next to a small wooden cross planted in the cracked earth, he puts his hands together and offers a silent prayer.

      “I’m sorry that you died an awful death here,” Saltonstall says when he’s finished praying. “Wherever you are now, I hope you are in a better place.”

      The cross is painted red and draped with a strand of rosary beads. It marks the spot – on top of this small hill, in plain sight of the road – where the body of someone who irregularly crossed the border into the United States was found in July 2017. The person likely succumbed to thirst or hyperthermia after spending days trekking through this harsh, remote environment. But no one knows for sure. By the time someone came across the remains, scavenging birds and animals had stripped the body down to a skeleton. There’s no official cause of death and the person’s identity is unknown.

      Nearly 3,000 human remains like this one have been found in southern Arizona since the year 2000. Many more are probably lost in this vast and sparsely populated desert, lying in areas too remote and infrequently trafficked to be discovered before they decompose and end up being carried off in pieces by feasting animals, scattered and rendered invisible.

      Prevention through deterrence

      It wasn’t always like this in southern Arizona.

      The office of Pima County medical examiner Dr. Greg Hess receives all the human remains found near the migration trails in three of the four Arizonan counties that border Mexico.

      “In the 1990s we would average about 15 of these types of remains being recovered every year,” says Hess. Starting in 2002, that average jumped to 160 bodies per year, he adds.

      Most people irregularly crossing the border used to simply sneak over in urban areas where it wasn’t too dangerous. But things started to change in the mid 1990s with the introduction of a federal policy called “prevention through deterrence”. The policy directed Border Patrol to concentrate agents and resources in the urban areas where most people were crossing. The architects of the strategy predicted that “illegal traffic will be deterred, or forced over more hostile terrain, less suited for crossing and more suited for enforcement.”

      The construction of border walls between urban areas in northern Mexico and their neighbouring towns and cities in the United States soon followed. That funnelled the movement of migrants decisively into remote areas like the desert in southern Arizona, but had no discernible impact on the number of people irregularly entering the United States.

      Corlata Wray, 62, watched in the early 2000s as federal policy brought a humanitarian crisis to her back yard. Born in Durango, Mexico, Wray has lived in the small, rural town of Arivaca, Arizona, 12 miles from the border, for the better part of four decades. A slow trickle of people has always moved through Arivaca given its location, but in the late 1990s the number of people trekking across the desert close to Wray’s home dramatically increased.

      In the early years people would knock on the door and Wray would give them water and a little bit of food before they continued on their way. Helping migrants in this way was a normal part of life, according to many people IRIN spoke to living in the border region. But as enforcement efforts ramped up, “everything changed”, says Wray, who now volunteers regularly with organisations providing aid and support to migrants. “I started to see more suffering with the migrants.”

      Now the people who end up on her property are usually in a desperate situation – parched and sunburnt, with bloodied and blistered feet and twisted or broken limbs. “They don’t know which way to go, and that’s when their life is in danger because they’re lost. They have no water. They have no food. And then the desert is not beautiful anymore. Es mortal,” Wray says, switching into Spanish – “It’s deadly”.
      “We have to do something”

      As the “prevention through deterrence” policy came into full effect in the early 2000s, the fact that migrants were dying in the desert at an alarming rate was hard for some people to overlook. Ila Abernathy, a long-time resident of Tucson, 65 miles north of the border, remembers a point in July 2002 when a dozen or more bodies were found in one weekend.

      Fifty-nine at the time, Abernathy had moved to Tucson as a young adult and had been active in the waning years of the sanctuary movement, which sought to provide safe-haven to refugees fleeing civil wars in Central America in the 1980s as the US government restricted their ability to seek asylum. A decade and half later, the network from that movement was still intact.

      Following the news of the deaths in July 2002, a meeting was called at the Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson. “This is a new crisis. We have to do something,” Abernathy recalls of the meeting’s conclusion. “We need to advocate and we need to get out there and search for people before they die.”

      In the beginning, that meant giving aid to people directly. Between 2002 and 2008, Border Patrol apprehended between 300,000 and 500,000 people every year in the area south of Tucson. “You’d just drive down the road early in the morning and there would be clusters of people either ready to give up or else already in Border Patrol capture,” Abernathy says.

      The group that formed out of the meeting at the Southside Presbyterian Church, the Tucson Samaritans, travelled the roads providing food, water, and medical aid to people in need. Two other groups, Humane Borders and No More Deaths, formed around the same time with similar missions. Their members tended to be active in multiple groups at the same time and were often veterans of the sanctuary or civil rights movements, like Abernathy and Saltonstall. Others were young people who came to the region on educational trips and decided to stay, or longtime residents of southern Arizona who had watched the crisis develop and felt compelled to try to help.

      But their work soon got harder. In 2006, the administration of US president George W. Bush announced a massive expansion of the Border Patrol. With nearly double the number of agents in the field and more resources, it became increasingly rare to find migrants along the roads, or even close to them, according to Abernathy. Unable to deliver aid to people directly, groups started hiking into the remote desert to find the trails migrants were using and leave behind gallon jugs of drinking water in the hope they would be found by people in need. It’s an effort that has continued now for close to 12 years.
      Into the desert

      On a Sunday morning, Best, 59, is picking his way along a migration trail deep in the Sonoran Desert with two other volunteers from the Tucson Samaritans. If you could travel in a straight line, the nearest paved road would be about 10 miles away. But moving in a straight line isn’t an option out here.

      Best and the other volunteers left their four wheel drive SUV behind some time ago after following the winding, rocky roads as far as they could. They are now hiking on foot towards the US-Mexico border. The landscape doesn’t distinguish between the two countries. In every direction, cactuses and mesquite trees carpet low, jagged hills. At the far limits of the vast, open expanse, towering mountains run like rows of crooked shark’s teeth along the horizon.

      This is the “hostile terrain” referred to by the architects of “prevention through deterrence” where migration routes have been pushed. There’s no man-made wall at the border here – just a rusted barbed wire fence. But someone would have to hike about 30 miles to make it north of the inland Border Patrol checkpoint on Route 286 to reach a potential pick-up point, or 60 miles to make it to Tucson. Humanitarian aid volunteers say the trip usually takes from three to 10 days.

      In the summertime the temperature reaches 120 degrees (49 celsius) and in the winter it drops low enough for people to die of hypothermia. There are 17 species of rattlesnakes in this desert, which is also home to the venomous gila monster lizard, tarantulas, scorpions, and other potentially dangerous animals. Natural water sources are few and far between, Border Patrol agents traverse the area in all-terrain vehicles and pickup trucks, on horseback and in helicopters; and there’s surveillance equipment laced throughout the landscape. “I’m really surprised that anybody gets through,” says one humanitarian volunteer, “but they do.”

      On the trail where Best is walking, the ground is uneven and rocks jut out at menacing angles. It’s easy to twist an ankle and impossible to move forward without getting scraped by mesquite branches or poked by cactus spines.

      Best has been visiting this area of the desert for a little over a year. In the beginning, there were a lot of signs that migrants were passing through – black plastic water bottles from Mexico, food wrappers with recent expiration dates, even discarded backpacks and clothing – so the Samaritans started putting jugs of water here hoping it would help fortify people against the dangers of the long journey ahead. But recently the jugs have been sitting untouched. It looks like the route has shifted elsewhere.

      During the second half of the morning Best will explore new territory – literally bushwhacking through the desert – to try to figure out where the route has moved to and where water should be placed. More than a decade after humanitarian aid groups started hiking out into the desert, there are still plenty of places they have yet to set foot in. Figuring out where people are moving and then putting out water is a time-consuming and labour-intensive process of trial and error. “It is very slow and inefficient in some ways, but I think really important,” Best says. “There’s no other way to do it.”

      In the 12 years since they started, over the course of innumerable hikes like this one, the Samaritans have mapped somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 miles of trails south of Tucson, according to volunteers. Two different groups go out every day, bringing water to hundreds of locations over the course of any given week. In total in the past two years, according to one volunteer, the group has placed 3,295 gallon jugs of water in the desert. No More Deaths, which also relies on volunteers to hike water into the desert, says it has put out 31,558 gallons in past three years, 86 percent of which was used.

      Humane Borders, the organisation that Saltonstall volunteers with, operates using a slightly different model. It maintains fixed water stations at 51 locations on public and private land in southern Arizona that it services by truck. Each station consists of a 55-gallon barrel with a blue flag flying high in the sky to mark its location. Last year the group put 70,000 gallons of water into these stations. Between the three groups, comprised of a couple hundred active volunteers, that’s equivalent to about 10 backyard swimming pools full of water placed along migration trails in the desert, one bottle or barrel at a time.
      Not so straightforward

      The terrain where the humanitarian aid groups put water is some of the most politically charged in the US, at the heart of debates about both undocumented immigration and the movement of illicit drugs into the country. Needless to say, not everybody supports what the groups are doing.

      Cartels have a strong presence in the towns and cities of northern Mexico, and control and profit from the movement of both people and drugs across the border. Critics of the humanitarian groups say they are helping people break the law both by assisting migrants who are irregularly entering the United States and by putting water out that cartel drug runners and scouts can drink just as easily as anyone else.

      Humane Borders receives public funding from the Board of Supervisors in Pima County, but the vote to approve the funding is split: three Democratic members in favour and two Republican members against. Both Republican supervisors declined to comment when IRIN asked about their opposition to the funding – a spokesperson for one said the vote “speaks for itself.”

      The relationship between the humanitarian aid groups and Border Patrol has also been rocky. In particular, No More Deaths has been openly critical of Border Patrol, documenting agents destroying water drops and arguing that the agency’s tactics are contributing to deaths and disappearances in the desert. Border Patrol says it doesn’t condone the destruction of humanitarian aid drops and that it ultimately views its work as humanitarian as well.

      Nine members of No More Deaths have also been arrested on various charges related to their humanitarian work, ranging from trespassing and littering to harbouring illegal aliens, in what volunteers see as an effort to criminalise aid activities in the desert. One of those arrested faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted, and the Intercept has reported that court documents and other evidence suggest some of the arrests were retaliation against No More Deaths for publicising Border Patrol abuses.

      As far as whether water drops are benefitting cartel members or helping people break the law, the questions aren’t really important to many volunteers. “The real basic, humane argument is that nobody should be dying out here,” Best, the Samaritans volunteer, says.

      A more important question is whether the water drops are effective at saving lives. There’s anecdotal evidence from migrants who are caught by Border Patrol and later deported to northern Mexico that it is reaching people in need, but there’s no way to tell how many.

      There’s also the fact that, even as the number of people crossing the desert south of Tucson has decreased, the number of bodies found has remained relatively consistent. Also, not every death in the desert is caused by dehydration. “If somebody has heat stroke it may not be a process of having water available,” explains Hess, the medical examiner. “They may have water with them. It’s just that you’re too hot.”
      “What value can you put on saving even one life?”

      Considering that Border Patrol apprehended an average of over 100 people per day south of Tucson last year, and that an untold number of others crossed without being caught, and that the water isn’t necessarily in all of the places where people are trekking, the volunteers are aware of the limits of what they do. One estimated that over the course of an eight- to 10-hour hike a group of four people could only put enough water out to sustain 15 migrants for one day.

      “What we do is small, and we know it does some good,” Abernathy says. “We don’t want to delude ourselves into thinking this is the solution… [But] what value can you put on saving even one life?”

      Short of a major change to the “prevention through deterrence” policy, many don’t see an alternative to what they are doing. And humanitarian aid efforts have expanded over the years westward from the area south of Tucson to even more remote and sparsely populated parts of the desert where people have to walk 85 to 100 miles through nearly empty wilderness before reaching a point where they can be picked up.

      The old copper mining town of Ajo, Arizona – home to around 3,000 people – is in the heart of one of these far flung, desolate places. One hundred and thirty miles west of Tucson, this outpost of old clapboard and adobe houses is bordered by a national park, wildlife refuge, and US Air Force bombing range that combined constitute a relatively uninhabited and untouched area of desert the size of the state of Connecticut.

      On a warm dry night, volunteers from various humanitarian aid groups are gathered here in the town square, under the light of dim street lamps and a nearly full moon, to pay homage to what binds their community together: the people who have died in the desert.

      Some of the volunteers will wake at 4:45am to try to avoid the heat as best they can and hike out along the trails carrying their gallon jugs of water. But tonight at this vigil they form a line and one by one pick up white wooden crosses, holding them in front of their bodies. Each one represents the remains of a person that were found in the area surrounding Ajo in 2017 and is inscribed with a name or the word desconocido – Spanish for “unknown”. There are about 30 volunteers, and they have to pass through the line more than once. There are more crosses than people to hold them.

      #eau #résistance #désert #frontières #mourir_aux_frontières #hostile_environment

    • Four women found guilty after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert

      A federal judge on Friday reportedly found four women guilty of misdemeanors after they illegally entered a national wildlife refuge along the U.S.-Mexico border to leave water and food for migrants.

      According to The Arizona Republic, the four women were aid volunteers for No More Deaths, an advocacy group dedicated to ending the deaths of migrants crossing desert regions near the southern border.

      One of the volunteers with the group, Natalie Hoffman, was found guilty of three charges against her, including operating a vehicle inside the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, entering a federally protected wilderness area without a permit and leaving behind gallons on water and bean cans.

      The charges reportedly stemmed from an August 2017 encounter with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife officer at the wildlife refuge.

      The three other co-defendants — Oona Holcomb, Madeline Huse and Zaachila Orozco-McCormick — were reportedly passengers in Hoffman’s truck at the time and were also charged with entering federally protected area without a permit and leaving behind personal property.

      Each of the women face up to six months in prison for the charges and a $500 fine after being found guilty.

      In his three-page order, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bernardo Velasco reportedly wrote that the defendants did not “get an access permit, they did not remain on the designated roads, and they left water, food, and crates in the Refuge."

      “All of this, in addition to violating the law, erodes the national decision to maintain the Refuge in its pristine nature,” he continued.

      He also criticized the No More Deaths group for failing to adequately warn the women of all of the possible consequences they faced for violating the protected area’s regulations, saying in his decision that “no one in charge of No More Deaths ever informed them that their conduct could be prosecuted as a criminal offense nor did any of the Defendants make any independent inquiry into the legality or consequences of their activities.”

      Another volunteer with No More Deaths, Catherine Gaffney, slammed Velasco’s ruling in a statement to The Arizona Republic.

      “This verdict challenges not only No More Deaths volunteers, but people of conscience throughout the country,” Gaffney said.

      “If giving water to someone dying of thirst is illegal, what humanity is left in the law of this country?” she continued.

      According to The Associated Press, the ruling marks the first conviction brought against humanitarian aid volunteers in 10 years.

      #délit_de_solidarité #solidarité
      signalé par @fil

    • Arizona: Four women convicted after leaving food and water in desert for migrants

      Federal judge finds activists guilty of entering a national wildlife refuge without a permit to give aid to migrants

      A federal judge has found four women guilty of entering a national wildlife refuge without a permit as they sought to place food and water in the Arizona desert for migrants.

      US magistrate Judge Bernardo Velasco’s ruling on Friday marked the first conviction against humanitarian aid volunteers in a decade.

      The four found guilty of misdemeanours in the recent case were volunteers for No More Deaths, which said in a statement the group had been providing life-saving aid to migrants.

      The volunteers include Natalie Hoffman, Oona Holcomb, Madeline Huse and Zaachila Orozco-McCormick.

      Hoffman was found guilty of operating a vehicle inside Cabeza Prieta national wildlife refuge, entering the federally protected area without a permit, and leaving water jugs and cans of beans there in August 2017.

      The others were found guilty of entering without a permit and leaving behind personal property.


    • Convicted for leaving water for migrants in the desert: This is Trump’s justice

      A FEW weeks ago, federal prosecutors in Arizona secured a conviction against four humanitarian aid workers who left water in the desert for migrants who might otherwise die of heat exposure and thirst. Separately, they dropped manslaughter charges against a U.S. Border Patrol agent who fired 16 times across the border, killing a teenage Mexican boy. The aid workers face a fine and up to six months in jail. The Border Patrol officer faces no further legal consequences.

      That is a snapshot of twisted frontier justice in the age of Trump. Save a migrant’s life, and you risk becoming a political prisoner. Kill a Mexican teenager, and you walk free.

      The four aid workers, all women, were volunteers in service to an organization, No More Deaths, whose religious views inform its mission to prevent undocumented migrants from dying during their perilous northward trek. They drove into the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, about 100 miles southwest of Phoenix, to leave water jugs along with some canned beans.

      The women — Natalie Hoffman, Oona Holcomb, Madeline Huse and Zaachila Orozco-McCormick — made no effort to conceal their work. Confronted by a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officer, they said they believed everyone deserved access to basic survival needs. One of them, Ms. Orozco-McCormick, compared the wildlife refuge to a graveyard, such is the ubiquity of human remains there.

      Since the turn of the century, more than 2,100 undocumented migrants have died in that sun-scorched region of southern Arizona, according to Humane Borders, a nonprofit group that keeps track of the numbers. Last year, according to the Pima County Medical Examiner’s Office, the remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered there.

      In the past, prosecutors declined to press charges against the volunteers who try to help by leaving water and canned food in the desert. But the four women, arrested in August 2017, were tried for the misdemeanor offenses of entering a refuge without a permit, abandoning personal property and, in the case of Ms. Hoffman, driving in a restricted area. U.S. Magistrate Judge Bernardo Velasco, who presided over the bench trial, said their actions ran afoul of the “national decision to maintain the Reserve in its pristine nature.”

      In fact, prosecutors have broad discretion in deciding whether to press such minor charges — just as they do in more consequential cases such as the manslaughter charge against Lonnie Swartz, the Border Patrol agent who killed 16-year-old José Antonio Elena Rodríguez in October 2012. According to Mr. Swartz, he opened fire on the boy, shooting 16 times in what the agent said was self-defense, through the fence that divides the city of Nogales along the Arizona-Mexico border. He said the boy had been throwing stones at him across the frontier.

      Mr. Swartz was acquitted on second-degree murder charges last spring, but the jury deadlocked on manslaughter charges. In a second trial, last fall, the jury also failed to reach a verdict on manslaughter. Last month, prosecutors declined to seek a third trial.

      While the aid workers seek to avoid prison time, Americans may well wonder about a system in which justice is rendered so perversely.


  • Aiutare i migranti è un reato. Tre attiviste di Udine sotto inchiesta per aver fornito assistenza e informazioni ai profughi

    Anche questo è un muro. Non bastassero i chilometri di filo spinato alle frontiere, anche la Procura ci mette del suo per far passare un pericoloso principio giuridico per il quale aiutare un profugo, anche solo fornendogli una semplice indicazione, diventa un reato perseguibile penalmente.

    #délit_de_solidarité #Udine #Italie #asile #migrations #réfugiés

  • EU Detains 29 Volunteers for Working with Refugees in Greece | Revolution News

    After clashes which started when Macedonian (FYROM) police and soldiers stopped refugees from crossing the Greek/Macedonian (FYROM) border on Sunday, some of the mainstream media are blaming activists who support refugees in Idomeni for inciting refugee protests.

    It seems that some of the media don’t believe that refugees are people like you and me, and capable of making their own decisions. In the last 2 days Greek anti-terror units have detained an estimated 45 people (29 today) from several European countries in Idomeni, many of them volunteers from the “Aid Delivery Mission”. The “Aid Delivery Mission” cooks thousands of warm meals each day for refugees who are still stuck in Idomeni.
    Not only the Greek government, but also the European Union (EU), are embarrassed because activists and volunteers from all over Europe are doing work that they should be doing – supplying refugees with basic needs like food, sanitary products, and medical help.

  • Un retraité jugé pour délit de solidarité, sous couvert d’état d’urgence

    Un retraité est poursuivi en #Justice pour avoir abrité des réfugiés. L’audience s’ouvre ce jeudi 7 avril à 8h30 au tribunal correctionnel de Bonneville, en Haute-Savoie. Fernand Bosson, ancien maire de la commune d’Onnion, hébergeait à titre gracieux une famille de Kosovars dans une maison familiale inoccupée. Cette famille, dont les enfants étaient scolarisés dans sa commune, avait été déboutée du droit d’asile. Fernand Bosson encourt cinq ans d’emprisonnement et une amende de 30 000 euros pour avoir « par (...)

    En bref

    / #Migrations, Justice, #Logement

  • Punis pour un abri

    Enquête. De plus en plus de citoyens suisses sont condamnés pour avoir hébergé un migrant sous leur toit. La statistique mélange passeurs et résidents aux motivations humanitaires.

    Ils ont déplié leur canapé pour leur cousin, venu de Syrie. Préparé la chambre d’amis pour la voisine de leur mère, débarquée d’Erythrée. Gonflé un matelas d’appoint pour un Afghan sans permis qui dormait dans la rue, sur un tas de cartons.

    Pour avoir ouvert leur porte à un étranger sans papiers, ces résidents suisses ont été condamnés par la justice de leur canton. Héberger un clandestin est strictement interdit au titre de l’article 116 de la loi fédérale sur les étrangers sur « l’incitation à l’entrée, à la sortie ou au séjour illégaux ». La peine peut aller jusqu’à un an de prison mais, dans la plupart des cas, les coupables écopent de jours-amendes, qui viennent noircir leur casier judiciaire et grever leur compte en banque.

    En 2014, 875 personnes ont été condamnées au titre de cet article 116 en Suisse. Un chiffre qui est en forte hausse ces trois dernières années : en 2013, elles n’étaient que 807 et 582 en 2012, selon les données de l’Office fédéral de la statistique.

    Lorsqu’elle a été promulguée, la loi sur les étrangers était censée renforcer la lutte contre les trafics d’êtres humains. A l’origine, l’article 116 permettait de punir notamment les passeurs et autres intermédiaires qui s’enrichissent sur le dos des migrants, en leur faisant payer très cher le chemin vers la liberté – et la Suisse. Mais depuis son entrée en vigueur, en 2008, les arrestations de trafiquants ont été rares.

    Nombreux cas romands

    L’article 116 est utilisé d’une tout autre façon. A Berne, le Ministère public ne donne pas de détails sur la manière dont il est appliqué. Mais, selon les informations de L’Hebdo, les affaires dont il est question concernent en grande majorité des citoyens qui ont offert le gîte à un migrant, qu’il soit clandestin illégal ou requérant en attente d’un permis.

    Entre un quart et un tiers de ces condamnations ont lieu en Suisse romande. En 2014, on n’en comptait pas moins de 107 dans le canton de Vaud au titre de l’article 116 alinéa 1 a, qui concerne en particulier les habitants hébergeant un étranger sans permis. La proportion est sensiblement la même à Genève.

    Chasse aux sorcières ?

    Comment expliquer l’entêtement de la justice à traquer ces familles, alors même que les tribunaux manquent de moyens ? Sans parler de « chasse aux sorcières », l’avocat Arnaud Moutinot estime qu’il y a une volonté ferme de poursuivre ces personnes, sans exception. « Avant la nouvelle loi sur les étrangers, les habitants qui hébergeaient des clandestins n’étaient que rarement embêtés, explique ce spécialiste, membre de la Commission des droits de l’homme de l’Ordre des avocats de Genève. Mais la nouvelle législation a durci la politique criminelle vis-à-vis des migrants et donc, par ricochet, également vis-à-vis de ceux qui les soutiennent. »

    Lorsqu’un clandestin entré illégalement en Suisse est arrêté par la police, il est immédiatement soumis à un interrogatoire. Mais, souvent, les officiers ne lui demandent pas s’il a eu recours à un passeur et combien il a payé pour franchir la frontière. En revanche, ils cherchent à savoir où il dormait. Une fois l’adresse donnée, le locataire, ou propriétaire, de l’appartement est systématiquement poursuivi. Arnaud Moutinot mentionne le cas d’une personne qui hébergeait un ami, étudiant à l’université. Le permis de séjour de son hôte n’a pas été renouvelé et le logeur a dû payer une amende… Pour l’avocat, mettre une telle énergie dans ces affaires est « regrettable, alors qu’on pourrait déployer ces ressources pour lutter contre les réseaux de passeurs et la criminalité autour de la migration ».

    D’autres avocats spécialisés dans les droits de l’homme confirment la multiplication des cas, mais ne les suivent que rarement dans la mesure où, souvent, ils sont traités par ordonnance pénale et ne finissent pas en procès.

    Pas de mobilisation en suisse

    Quelques affaires sont cependant remontées jusqu’au Tribunal fédéral. L’une d’entre elles est particulièrement parlante. En 2008, un Vaudois rencontre une Camerounaise, avec qui il a une relation amoureuse. A plusieurs reprises, elle dort chez lui, sans cependant s’y installer. « Il a prétendu ignorer totalement le fait que cette personne était sans papiers, expliquant qu’on ne demandait pas ses papiers à la personne avec qui on entretenait une relation amoureuse », est-il mentionné dans le jugement. L’homme a finalement été acquitté par le Tribunal fédéral. Mais, fréquemment, les condamnés paient leur amende et ne font pas recours.

    En France, depuis 2013, il n’est plus interdit d’aider un sans-papiers en lui offrant le gîte et le couvert. Le « délit de solidarité », comme la presse le surnommait, a été supprimé après les plaintes des associations qui viennent en aide aux clandestins de la jungle de Calais. En Suisse, aucune mobilisation politique n’a encore eu lieu sur le sujet.


    #Suisse #délit_de_solidarité #asile #migrations #réfugiés

  • The dangerous spread of crimes of solidarity

    The Guardian reports on the trial of high-profile Danish campaigner Lisbeth Zornig, who gave a lift to family of Syrians. She was fined DKr22,500 (£2,328). According to the article, she is one of 279 people who have been charged under people trafficking laws in the period from September 2015 to February 2016 in Denmark alone. In January, while Greek police pressed charges carrying prison sentences of up to 10 years in jail against a group of Spanish lifeguards who rescue refugees in Lesvos, in France a retired British soldier stood trial for attempting to bring a four-year-old Afghan girl from the Calais refugee camp to reunite with family the UK (see also a similar case in Norway).


  • Belgique : polémique après un appel à ne « pas nourrir les réfugiés »

    Le gouvernement de la province de Flandre occidentale essuie de vives critiques après avoir lancé un appel à ne « pas nourrir les réfugiés » qui ont quitté les camps de Calais et Dunkerque pour la Belgique.

    #délit_de_solidarité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #solidarité #Belgique


  • Une Anglaise condamnée à de la prison ferme en France pour avoir tenté de faire passer un migrant

    Une Britannique de 41 ans a été condamnée par la cour d’appel de Rouen, mercredi 20 janvier, à un an de prison, dont neuf mois avec sursis, pour avoir tenté de faire passer un adolescent syrien en Angleterre.


    #délit_de_solidarité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #solidarité #condamnation #prison

  • En Grèce, arrestation de cinq bénévoles ayant aidé des migrants

    Trois pompiers espagnols et deux ressortissants danois ont été arrêtés, jeudi 14 janvier, sur l’île grecque de #Lesbos. Ils sont accusés par les autorités grecques d’avoir facilité l’entrée sur le territoire grec de migrants en situation illégale, ce qui sous-entend – mais n’a pas été confirmé – que l’équipe serait intervenue dans les eaux territoriales turques.


    #délit_de_solidarité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Grèce

    • La Grèce fait-elle bien de réfréner le bénévolat ?

      GAZIANTEP, 20 janvier 2016 (IRIN) - La semaine dernière, cinq jeunes bénévoles européens ont été arrêtés sur l’île grecque de Lesbos, puis accusés de trafic de clandestins. Doit-on y voir un excès de zèle répressif à l’égard de groupes ne demandant qu’à aider, ou une tentative de juguler un effort de sauvetage amateur aux airs de dangereux n’importe quoi ?


    • Grecia, volontari arrestati mentre in mare i profughi continuano a morire

      Accade sull’isola di Lesvos: tre spagnoli e due danesi processati per direttissima per favoreggiamento all’immigrazione clandestina: quattro liberati su cauzione, uno ha l’obbligo di dimora. L’accusa? Avere soccorso un’imbarcazione in avaria. «Ma a bordo c’erano anche bambini e le attività di aiuto a chi è in fuga da guerre e persecuzioni va avanti da mesi, da parte di persone provenienti da tutto il mondo», spiega la volontaria italiana Caterina Amicucci. Nel frattempo nuovi morti vicino a Samos e nel Canale di Sicilia


  • Condamnée pour #délit_de_solidarité

    Le 13 juillet, Claire, maître de conférences retraitée, militante associative au sein de l’association Habitat et Citoyenneté est interpellée par la police aux frontières en gare d’Antibes alors qu’elle accompagnait un mineur et une jeune femme, tous deux Erythréens en situation irrégulière, pour prendre le train en direction du Nord de l’Europe.

    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #solidarité #France

  • Une bénévole est condamnée pour « délit de solidarité » avec les migrants

    Le délit de solidarité, qui consiste à aider des migrants dans le besoin, n’est pas mort, contrairement à ce qu’avait annoncé Manuel Valls en 2012. Une bénévole a été condamnée à Grasse vendredi pour avoir tenté d’aider deux Érythréens. Ailleurs en #France, les poursuites se multiplient.

    #délit_de_solidarité #Justice

  • Le délit de solidarité est de retour

    Le délit de solidarité, qui consiste à aider des migrants dans le besoin, n’est pas mort, contrairement à ce qu’avait annoncé Manuel Valls en 2012. Une bénévole a été condamnée à Grasse vendredi pour avoir tenté d’aider deux Erythréens. Ailleurs en #France, les poursuites se multiplient.

    #délit_de_solidarité #Justice

  • Une bénévole condamnée pour avoir aidé deux Erythréens en situation irrégulière

    Dénoncée par un agent de la SNCF

    Sollicitée par un mineur puis par une jeune femme, elle avait décidé de les emmener à la gare suivante, à Antibes, pour les soustraire au contrôle policier exercé ce jour-là dans la gare de Nice. #Dénoncée par un agent de la #SNCF, elle avait été arrêtée, placée en garde à vue et son domicile perquisitionné.

    Soutenue par de nombreux militants associatifs, #Claire_Marsol, qui a réuni plus de 3 700 signatures dans une pétition en sa faveur, a expliqué au tribunal avoir agi « pour préserver la #dignité et l’intégrité physique de ces personnes ».

  • Police use anti-terrorism powers to detain UK volunteers taking aid to Calais refugee camp

    British volunteers on a humanitarian aid run to refugees in Calais were detained by police under legislation meant to be used against suspected terrorists, an aid group has told the Independent.

    #asile #migrations #Calais #loi_anti-terroriste #terrorisme #aide #solidarité #délit_de_solidarité