Résoudre les lenteurs au démarrage de Ubuntu-Mint – Blog Libre
Résoudre les lenteurs au démarrage de Ubuntu-Mint – Blog Libre
Arcana Research - StartupSound.prefPane
#StartupSound.prefPane is the software which controls the volume of the startup sound of your Macintosh computer. StartupSound.prefPane mute the startup sound without changing the output volume setting. And StartupSound.prefPane limits the startup volume so that it may not become loud even if you make the output volume louder.
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Arcana Research - StartupSound.prefPane
“StartupSound.prefPane is the software which controls the volume of the startup sound of your Macintosh computer. StartupSound.prefPane mute the startup sound without changing the output volume setting.”
Featured Mac Download: Silence your Mac’s Startup Sound - Lifehacker
The signature Mac boot up sound can’t even be silenced by plugged-in headphones, but the Startup Sound preference pane does the job.