• K. Marx - Le Capital Livre I : XXV.I

    La religion fleurit surtout là où les prêtres subissent le plus de macérations, de même que la loi là où les avocats crèvent de faim (William Petty)

    Der Akkumulationsprozeß des Kapitals - 23. Das allgemeine Gesetz der kapitalistischen Akkumulation

    Die Religion blüht am besten, wenn die Priester am meisten kasteit werden, wie das Recht am besten, wo die Advokaten verhungern.

    William Petty - 26 May 1623 – 16 December 1687

    Sir William Petty FRS (26 May 1623 – 16 December 1687) was an English economist, scientist and philosopher. He first became prominent serving Oliver Cromwell and Commonwealth in Ireland. He developed efficient methods to survey the land that was to be confiscated and given to Cromwell’s soldiers. He also managed to remain prominent under King Charles II and King James II, as did many others who had served Cromwell.

    He was Member of the Parliament of England briefly and was also a scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur, and was a charter member of the Royal Society. It is for his theories on economics and his methods of political arithmetic that he is best remembered, however, and to him is attributed the philosophy of laissez-faire in relation to government activity.

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