
  • Les reportages des #médias des #Etats-Unis « les plus puant » de l’année 2014 colligés par le site #FAIR
    The 2014 P.U.-litzers

    - #Torture Without Torture Award: #Washington_Post

    One thing was missing in the Washington Post’s reporting (12/9/14) on the Senate investigation of CIA torture: The word “torture.” The paper employed all the familiar euphemisms—"harsh interrogation measures," “painful procedures,” etc.—but would only say these vicious operations were “deemed torture by program critics.” Avoiding giving torture an accurate label is a longstanding Post policy: As an editor explained in 2010, “After the use of the term ‘torture’ became contentious... we decided that we wouldn’t use it in our voice.”


    - Wrong Victims Award: #Diane_Sawyer, #ABC News

    On July 8, ABC World News anchor Diane Sawyer brought viewers the latest on the Israel/Gaza war: “We take you overseas now to the rockets raining down on Israel…. And here an Israeli family trying to salvage what they can, one woman standing speechless among the ruins.”
    One problem: The photos on the screen depicted destruction in Gaza—caused by Israel, not in Israel. ABC would run a correction two days later.


    Rewriting as Whitewashing Award: #New_York_Times

    One of the Israeli attacks on the #Gaza Strip particularly captured international media attention. An early headline in the New York Times (7/16/14) told the story perfectly clearly: “Four Young Boys Killed on Gaza Beach.” Too clearly, apparently; the headline was subsequently changed to “Boys Drawn to Gaza Beach, and Into Center of Mideast Strife.”
