Britain has a #Daily_Express problem, not an immigration problem
#presse #médias #migrations #préjugés #afflux #UK #Angleterre #invasion #discours_médiatique
ping @karine4
Britain has a #Daily_Express problem, not an immigration problem
ping @karine4
Deeply Talks: Picturing Refugees
In our latest Deeply Talks we explored why images of refugees and migrants are dominated by “boats and camps.” Award-winning photographer #Kalpesh_Lathigra and researcher #Jelena_Jovicic talk to our senior editor, Daniel Howden, about shifting dominant perceptions.
#photographie #réfugiés #migrations #asile #représentations #image #perceptions #camps #bateaux
Page internet de Jelena Jovicic (doctorante), Université de Stockholm:
My PhD project explores the criminalization of certain forms of migration through visual framing.
By looking at the developments in the mainstream media discourses – I deconstruct the images that frame the prison-like conditions in which many people fleeing find themselves on their journeys. While photography in the journalistic and activist context can be a highly powerful tool for addressing the inhumane conditions of strandedness and flight, I move beyond the mere content and point to the intersections of racialized and gendered imagery often constructing what the audience makes of the visual information and who a ‘refugee’ might be.
#médias #discours_médiatique