• Uber muss 1 Million Euros Bußgeld zahlen, seine Chefs je 50K€ und 70K€
    In Frankreich ist auch nicht alles schön, aber seine Justiz schützt französische Unternehmen wirksam vor illegalen Konkurrenten.

    Thibaud Simphal (34) und Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty (31) vor der ersten Zivilkammer im Justizpalast von Paris

    Für die Vermittllung illegaler Taxis riskieren die Uber- Manager Strafen bis zu 3.00.000 Euro und zwei Jahren Gefängnis. Im Wiederholungsfall werden die Gerichte deshalb härtere Sanktionen verhängen.

    Les accusés sont poursuivis en particulier pour avoir enfreint l’article L3124-13 du code des transports créé par la loi Thévenoud et validé en septembre dernier par le Conseil constitutionnel. Cet article interdit « d’organiser un système de mise en relation de clients avec des personnes qui se livrent aux activités [de transport de personnes] sans être ni des entreprises de transport routier pouvant effectuer les services occasionnels […], ni des taxis, des véhicules motorisés à deux ou trois roues ou des voitures de transport avec chauffeur ». Il prévoit une peine maximale de 2 ans de prison et 300 000 euros d’amende.

    Und es kommt noch besser. Zum Kernstraftatbestand kommen diverse Nebenvergehen hinzu, die mit bis zu fünf Jahren Gefängnis und 1,5 Millionen Euros bestraft werden können. Da ist sozusagen noch viel Luft drin in den Gesetzen.

    Selon l’AFP, les prévenus sont aussi poursuivis pour pratique commerciale trompeuse, complicité d’exercice illégal de la profession de taxi, traitement et conservation illégaux de données informatiques, et enregistrement de données à caractère personnel. Des chefs d’accusation dont les peines théoriques pouvaient monter jusqu’à 5 ans de prison et 300 000 euros d’amende pour les deux dirigeants, et 1,5 millions d’euros d’amende pour la société Uber France.

    Warum geht das nicht in Deutschland ?

    siehe auch
    Uber : les fédérations de taxis réclament plus de 100 millions d’euros de dommages et intérêts http://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2016/02/12/les-federations-de-taxis-reclament-plus-de-100-millions-d-euros-de-dommages-
    Au tribunal, Uber illustre son rapport particulier à la loi (paywall) https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/economie/130216/au-tribunal-uber-illustre-son-rapport-particulier-la-loi http://seenthis.net/messages/460540

    #Uber #disruption #Taxi #Frankreich

    • a high-profile member of Facebook’s board of directors, the venture capitalist #Marc_Andreessen, sounded off about the decision to his nearly half-a-million Twitter followers with a stunning comment.

      #Anti-colonialism has been economically catastrophic for the Indian people for decades,” Andreessen wrote. “Why stop now?”

      After that, the Internet went nuts.

      Andreessen deleted his tweet, apologized, and underscored that he is “100 percent opposed to colonialism” and “100 percent in favor of independence and freedom.” Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, followed up with his own Facebook post to say Andreessen’s comment was “deeply upsetting” to him, and not representative of the way he thinks “at all.”

      #disruption #colonialisme #venture_capitalists #oops

      “users” is a term that Facebook now discourages, favoring “people” instead. Though “users” was, at least, an improvement over “dumb fucks,” which is what Zuckerberg called the people who signed up for Facebook when it was new

  • Les #disruptions numériques dans les professions libérales

    Cela fait un peu plus d’un an que la mode de la frayeur des disruptions numériques bat son plein en France. Elle est alimentée par la thématique de l’#uberisation, une notion utilisée à tors et à travers. Je m’en étais fait l’écho dans une série de six articles publiée début 2015 sur “Comment éviter de se faire uberiser”.

    L’uberisation a été souvent mal interprétée car le modèle “Uber contre les taxis” a des caractéristiques particulières qui sont loin d’être reproductibles dans les autres secteurs d’activité. Il existe bien d’autres formes et variantes de disruptions par le numérique. C’est ce que nous allons revoir ici, pour l’appliquer ensuite aux professions libérales et évaluer les menaces et opportunités qui les concernent.

    Segmenter l’origine des disruptions numériques

    Dans ma série d’articles, j’avais d’abord segmenté les générateurs de disruptions en cinq pans et en fournissant à chaque fois quelques pistes d’action pour les entreprises : les insatisfactions clients, les mécanismes de défragmentation de marchés, la redistribution du travail, l’automatisation et les nouveaux modes de financement des startups et des unicorns.

  • Cheap cab ride? You must have missed Uber’s true cost | Evgeny Morozov | Opinion | The Guardian

    Uber is already taking higher percentages from its drivers’ fares (this number is reported to have gone up from 20% to 30%), while also trying to pass on more costs related to background checks and safety education directly to its drivers (through the so-called safe rides fee).

    The only choice here is between more precarity for drivers and more precarity for passengers, who will have to accept higher rates, with or without controversial practices like surge pricing (prices go up when demand is high).

    Moreover, the company is actively trying to solidify its status as a default platform for transport. During the recent squabbles in France – where taxi drivers have been rioting to get the government to notice their plight – Uber has offered to open up its platforms to any professional taxi drivers who would like a second job.

    Needless to say, such platforms – with properly administered and transparent payment, reputation and pricing systems – ought to have been established by cities a long time ago.

    In Berlin gibt es das alles bereits - als Kombination aus Taxivermittlungen, Personenbeförderungsgesetz und städtischer Aufsichtsbehörde. Das ist der Grund für den begrenzten Erfolg von Uber in der Stadt.

    cf. http://seenthis.net/messages/456320

    #Uber #disruption #platform_capitalism #silicon_valley #taxi

  • Le vrai coût d’Uber - The Guardian

    Evgeny Morozov signe pour le Guardian une tribune très intéressante sur le vrai coût d’Uber. Pour nous expliquer cela, il revient sur la fermeture du service de #transport public innovant finlandais, Kutsuplus : un service de minibus à la demande permettant aux gens de commander un transport public leur permettant d’aller là où ils le souhaitent (voir l’article que lui consacrait Wired en 2013). Kutsuplus, une startup lancée par une université, se voulait l’Uber du transport public. Malgré son succès, le service “coûteux” a fermé, faute de #financement. Or, Uber, lui, ne semble pas coûteux. Et pour cause, ironise Morozov, son prix abordable vient largement du fait qu’Uber brûle des milliiards de dollars provenant de ses généreux investisseurs qui ne savent pas quoi faire de l’argent qu’ils ont gagné, coincé (...)

    #politiques_publiques #innovation

  • Die »Kalifornische Ideologie« und die #Linke « Zeitschrift LuXemburg

    Ein gegenwärtiges Beispiel für diese angestrebte Revolutionierung der Arbeits- und Dienstsleitungswelt ist #Uber, ein fast schon klassisches Start-up aus dem #Silicon_Valley, das inzwischen nicht nur in US-amerikanischen Städten mit Hilfe einer App zwischen privaten Fahrern und potenziellen Fahrgästen vermittelt. Warum Uber für Anbieter und Nutzer so attraktiv ist, liegt auf der Hand. Die Fahrer verfügen über ein Auto, haben aber vielleicht gerade keinen festen Job. Vielleicht wollen sie weder in einem Büro noch langfristig als #Taxifahrer arbeiten. Uber bietet ihnen eine willkommene Einkommensquelle. Uber-Fahrer sind oft jung und up to date. Inzwischen lässt sich sogar die eigene Spotify-Playlist in UberWagen abspielen. Es gibt aber auch Vorteile für die Nutzer: Weil Uber an keine fixen #Tarife gebunden ist, sind die Fahrten oft günstiger als die mit einem Taxi oder vergleichbaren Transportmöglichkeiten. Auf den ersten Blick scheint es so, wie die Fürsprecher der »kalifornischen Ideologie« sagen: Das Leben wird irgendwie einfacher und entspannter.

    Schaut man genauer hin, sieht die Sache etwas anders aus: In einer #Gesellschaft, in der sich eine solche sharing economy zum dominanten Modell entwickelt, existiert keine Trennung mehr zwischen Freizeit und Arbeit. Jeder ist sein eigener #Unternehmer. #Kündigungsschutz, #Elternzeit, Krankentage und so etwas wie #Feierabend sind überflüssige Relikte vergangener Zeiten. Schlechte Laune wird es nicht mehr geben, denn die kann sich keiner leisten – in der #sharing_economy sind alle von den guten #Bewertungen ihrer Kunden abhängig.

    Vielleicht liegt die mangelnde Auseinandersetzung der hiesigen Linken mit der »kalifornischen Ideologie« auch daran, wie in #Deutschland diese Debatte insgesamt geführt wird. Da der #Technikoptimismus der Kalifornier so unschuldig und fortschrittlich daherkommt, steht jede Kritik daran unter dem Verdacht, konservativ zu sein. Selbst unter Linken.



    The “sharing economy” wasn’t supposed to be this way. Aided by the tiny computers most of us carry with us all day, every day, we would be free from the burdens of ownership and making money in our spare time by renting out our unused possessions. The vison was—or at least appeared to be—an idealistic one. Even before they enter kindergarten, every child learns the value of sharing, and here were the beneficent forces of Silicon Valley bringing us innovative new tools to strengthen our communities, disrupt outdated ways of doing business, and maybe even reduce our carbon footprints.

    The reality turned out to be a little different. Sure, Uber and its ilk offer remarkable convenience and a nearly magical user experience, but their innovation lies just as much in evading regulations as in developing new technology. Behind the apps lies an army of contract workers without the protections offered to ordinary employees, much less the backing of a union. This new economy is not really about sharing at all. Rather, as Trebor Scholz argues in this study, it is an on-demand service economy that is spreading market relations deeper into our lives.


    #uber #disruption

  • What Is Disruptive Innovation?

    First, a quick recap of the idea: “Disruption” describes a process whereby a smaller company with fewer resources is able to successfully challenge established incumbent businesses. Specifically, as incumbents focus on improving their products and services for their most demanding (and usually most profitable) customers, they exceed the needs of some segments and ignore the needs of others. Entrants that prove disruptive begin by successfully targeting those overlooked segments, gaining a foothold by delivering more-suitable functionality—frequently at a lower price. Incumbents, chasing higher profitability in more-demanding segments, tend not to respond vigorously. Entrants then move upmarket, delivering the performance that incumbents’ mainstream customers require, while preserving the advantages that drove their early success. When mainstream customers start adopting the entrants’ offerings in volume, disruption has occurred.


  • Industrie 4.0 - eine deutsche Geschichte ?

    Laut eines Wikpedia-Eintrags bezeichnet Industrie 4.0 bezeichnet die Informatisierung der Fertigungstechnik und der Logistik bei der Maschine-zu-Maschine-Kommunikation.

    Die Industrie-nahe Bundesregierung zeigt Flagge und kündigt die kommende Umwandlung der Produktionsprozesse in digitalisierte supply chains als politisch gesteuerten Prozeß an. Das entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Komik, denn unter der neoliberalen Haube des Gefährts lugt die kapitalistische Planwirtschaft hervor.


    Im Gegensatz zur sozialistischen Planwirtschaft ist sie nicht im Interesse der Arbeitenden gedacht, und so kündigt die „Arbeitsministerin“ denn auch schon Einschnitte in die Beschäftigten an, geschickt verpackt als Forderung nach Sicherheit für die selben.

    Arbeitsministerin Nahles: Digitalisierte Industrie 4.0 geht nicht ohne Sicherheit für Beschäftigte

    In Berlin wird schon mal munter weiter politisiert und geplant.

    Industrie 4.0 in Berlin - Berlin.de

    Tagung Berliner Industrie 4.0 | Projekt Zukunft Berlin

    Mit der Plattform Industrie 4.0, einem gemeinsamem Projekt der drei Industrieverbände BITKOM, VDMA und ZVEI, soll diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden. Ziel der Plattform Industrie 4.0 ist es, die vierte industrielle Revolution aktiv mitzugestalten und so den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland zu stärken. Im branchenübergreifenden Austausch sollen Technologien, Standards, Geschäfts- und Organisationsmodelle entwickelt und die praktische Umsetzung vorangetrieben werden. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Plattform Industrie 4.0 einen raschen Transfer wichtiger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsergebnisse in die industrielle Praxis.
    Industrie 4.0 in Berlin

    Die Verbindung und gezielte Vernetzung von Wirtschaft/Industrie mit Forschung und Entwicklung unter dem Aspekt „smart production“ wird für Berlin eine zunehmende Rolle spielen. Berlin ist derzeit an 17 Projekten im Rahmen von Teilprojekten internationaler und nationaler Industrie 4.0 Programme beteiligt. Diese Aktivitäten müssen weiter ausgebaut werden und sind Voraussetzung für einen auch künftig attraktiven und erfolgreichen Industriestandort.

    Zum Glück ist die HTW nun eine Uni und kann standesgemäße Kongresse ausrichten.

    Tagung / WTT-Kooperationsforum, Programm am 09. Oktober 2015, 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
    Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW Berlin), Campus Wilhelminenhof

    Was das alles soll erläutert eine Potenzialanalyse, flapsig gesagt zum Thema wat könn wa denn so in Balin : https://www.berlin.de/industriestadt/industrie-4-0/potenzialanalyse-i4-0-vortragipk.pdf

    #Berlin #disruption #technologie #auf_deutsch

  • Le marché du sexe berlinois révolutionné par des startups libertaires ?
    Il est loin le monde de Christopher Isherwood et de Bob Fosse et la chanson « Money makes the world go round » interprétée par Sally Bowles, ce personnage immoral cotoyant les pédés et les prostituées dans un monde éphémère ayant disparu avec l’avènement du fascisme allemand.

    Aujourd’hui on est au temps du first app for paid dating proposé dans l’anglais incontournable pour Berlin, Frankfurt (Main), Munich et Hamburg sous Ohlala.com , nom de domaine á l’allure vaguement francaise, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire ...

    Home Gentlemen - Ohlala

    We’re up for it. Are you?
    Meet a beautiful woman. Pay for the date.
    Reliable. Casual. Fun.

    Le métier d’entremetteur est toujours difficile, la preuve est que malgré des millions de clics et une campagne de presse impressionnante (pas étonnant, avec un tel sujet ;-) ) PEPPR n’a pas eu le succès visé.

    Escort Berlin / Frankfurt - Privat Modelle, Escortgirls - PEPPR.it

    Escortservice Berlin ♡ Escort Frankfurt ♡ Traumgirls für schöne Stunden ♡ diskret & vertrauenswürdig ☛ Buchen Sie jetzt ihre Callgirls in Berlin!

    Face à ce défi les gérants d’Ohlala ont compris qu’il ne suffit pas de chanter l’hymne de la liberté et du sexe propre comme ils l’ont fait pour Peppr.

    “We’re trying to revolutionize the image of sex work in general … We’re trying to get it away from its shabby image.”

    Actuellement ils abordent les client et investissuers pontentiels avec des déclarations légèrement modifiées :

    A key aspect is this is that the old tradition of women being “picked” by men is turned on its head and puts the power back in the hands of the women.

    The old escort-booking process worked like this: a guy sends a booking request to a lady and asks if she has time. She most likely won’t reply immediately. He will be frustrated and will cancel. With Ohlala, the women decide who they want to show their profile to.

    “Other sites all go for a list model. We instead flip the booking process in order to realise the on-demand aspect,” Poppenreiter says.

    On Ohlala, the guy says what he is looking for. He pitches a price per hour, duration, place and personal preferences and sends it to available ladies near by. If they find the request interesting they reply to his booking request and then are then able to chat on the platform. But only if the woman explicitly agrees. Until then, her profile is private.

    Malgré toute la bonne volonté du monde on ne change pas les éléments clé des affaires.

    Ohlala plans to verify each profile by having a short phone call in the beginning with the escorts, to ensure they get the “right people” on board. With the men/customers, they won’t verify, but they will manage the sign-ups to balance supply and demand.

    Si vous avez envie de vous engager dans l’industrie du sexe, n’hésitez pas à contacter les gentils investisseurs d’ Ohlala .

    Ohlala closed a small seed round in June to finance the launch, but will fundraise again shortly. The investors are Kodama UG (Ben Kubota); Daniela Klenke; Andreas Hoffelder; Ertler Holding (immonet); Grashopper Holding and Dewald Holding.

    Je trouve ces proxénétres digitaux tout aussi dégôutants que leurs collègues du golden age of porn , à la seule différence que la digitalisation rajoute à la sauce un leger arôme de mutilation á distance type drône US.

    Le marché s’en branle de mon opinion. Avec la disparition de l’ancienne garde la voie et libre pour les jeunes. Pourtant j’ai l’impression qu’il ont tendance á ignorer la lecon du Prince du Stutti qui attribue sa survie au fait qu’il ne s’est jamais faché avec les chefs de la mafia russe.

    Steffen Jacob : Der leise Tod des Puff-Prinzen vom Stutti

    Steffen Jacob wollte nur der Prinz im Rotlichtmilieu bleiben. „König ist man nur, wenn man vier Fuß tief unter der Erde liegt“, sagte er einmal.

    Sex in the City ? Club Lady Nina, Berlins most erotic nightclub is the place to be

    Le prince est mort au mois aôut 2014 et ce novembre on an enterré le patron du plus ancien bordel de luxe berlinois Lady Nina . Les filles étaient au rendez-vous, la patronne et la famille venue de loin. L’ambiance était conviviale, tout le monde se connaissait, et je crains le pire si un système de réservation digital remplace le peu de confiance personnelle qui peut exister dans un métier si difficile.

    C’est sans doute aussi l’avis des filles, mais l’app est en train de créer un nouveau marché qui sera brutal malgré les affirmations des nouveaux maques.

    Un article dans l’Exberliner arrive implicitement à la même conclusion.

    So what with the Russians beefing up the action on one side and cleaner-than-thou Americans on the other (wait, why does that sound familiar?) may be it is time, as the great Erich Schumacher said, to think “small is beautiful.”

    Let the big guys tough it out for real estate around Bahnhof Zoo and high-end call-girl rings. We’ll just stick with the small and medium-sized (sexual services enterprises, that is).

    #Berlin #sexe #prostitution #startups #disruption

  • Why Uber Has To Start Using Self-Driving Cars - Facts So Romantic

    In the span of nearly 5 years, Uber has gone from a limited launch in San Francisco to offering rides in more than 300 cities worldwide. In China alone, despite existing in a legal gray zone, the company claims it arranges 1 million rides per day. That means 35 Chinese people hop into an Uber there every time you blink.But are there limits to how much Uber can scale? There might be: Us.Driving’s for robots: The futurism of the 1950s envisioned privately owned self-driving cars. But might we end up sharing autonomous vehicles instead?America’s Power Companies “The natural end point has to rely on autonomous driving technology”—not humans, says Emilio Frazzoli, director of the Transportation@MIT Initiative. He thinks robots could be taking the wheel in the next 15 years, certainly within the (...)

  • Uber to Unveil Big E-Commerce Delivery Program With Retailers in the Fall | Re/code

    The popular ride-hailing service is planning a partnership announcement this fall with big retailers and fashion brands that could number in the dozens, as it looks to make Uber an express delivery option for shoppers on a wide range of shopping websites and apps, according to three sources. Uber could announce the partnerships as soon as late September or early October, these people said.

    Two people familiar with the rollout say it will start in New York City and include among its partnerships some flashy, luxury brands whose flagship stores are usually found on or around Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Partnerships with retailers in San Francisco will be announced at the same time or soon after, another source said. It’s not clear which specific retailers and brands will be included in the initial launch.

    In an effort to increase its number of partners, Uber has also been in talks with software companies like Bigcommerce and Shopify, which help small businesses set up online storefronts. Uber’s thinking, according to sources, is that by integrating with these software companies, it can make its delivery option available to a large number of small brick-and-mortar stores — potentially thousands in San Francisco and New York alone — without having to integrate with each and every one.

    Zuerst drücke ich die Löhne und Preise für Beförderungen aller Art, dann baue ich ein neues Geschäftsmodell auf, dass als Ergebnis dieses Sozial- und Lohndumping möglich geworden ist. Ich suche mir Partner und Kunden, die ich auf mittlere Sicht, wenn ich mir ihre Expertise angeeignet habe, mit Gewinn fressen kann.

    Klasse. So der Plan.
    Ob das klappt ?

    Wann kommt Uber an seine Beresina ?


    #disruption #buiness_development #uber

  • NYC’s Taxis Finally Launch an App to Compete With Uber

    New York is launching the Uber of taxis.

    Insiders of the city’s taxi industry are finally launching an app that lets users hail cabs and pay for rides using a smartphone. It’s such a great idea you have to wonder what took so long.

    The app is called Arro and, as first reported by Crain’s, it’s in beta testing with 7,000 New York City cabs and could launch within weeks. Here’s how it works: A user launches the app, which gives a nearby cabbie the passenger’s name, pickup address, and cross street. The user, meanwhile, gets the driver’s name and ID number. The app saves credit card info, letting passengers pay the metered fare and tip automatically. Another advantage is no surge pricing; the app developers told Crain’s that fares always will be meter-based.

    Once a sure bet, taxi medallions becoming unsellable

    Until recently in America’s big cities, purchasing a taxi medallion—the city-issued license to operate cabs —was about as sound of an investment as they come.

    But with the rise of Uber and other ridesharing services, the value of taxi medallions are plummeting, leading cabbies and fleet owners throughout the USA worried that their industry will be decimated if local and state government doesn’t intervene.

    “I have had a pretty successful thing,” said Gary Karczewski, 65, a Chicago cabbie who inherited his medallion from his father 28 years ago and earned enough to purchase two homes and help send his two daughters to college by driving the equivalent of 80 times around the world. “My hope was to wind down soon and give whatever I could sell the medallion for to my mother. But I am not confident there’s a market now.”

    In Chicago, which has the country’s second biggest fleet with roughly 7,000 taxis, the median sale price for a medallion hovered around $70,000 in 2007 before reaching a median sales peak of $357,000 in late 2013.

    Since reaching that high point more than a year ago, the value of medallions in the Windy City have sharply declined and sales have ground to a near halt—with the city recording only seven medallion transfers in the first quarter of 2015—as the median sale price fell to about $270,000.

    The steady slide, which also is on display in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and elsewhere, has left many owner-operators and big fleet managers pessimistic about their once prized assets.

    Cabbies around the country complain that drivers for services like Uber, which use a smartphone app to connect riders with freelancers using their own vehicles, are disrupting the market and playing with an unfair advantage.

    Medallion owners also grumble that rideshare services in many markets aren’t subject to the same rules of the road. Uber’s contract drivers don’t face as stringent vehicle inspections, their drivers aren’t required to obtain a chauffeurs license, and they can adjust their fares based on demand.
    Taxi medallion values are plummeting in big U.S. cities

    The changing landscape has been put into stark relief by the diminishing value of the taxi medallion in once plum markets like New York, where in recent years they proved to offer a better return on investment than gold, oil and real estate.

    As a result of the booming value, the vast majority of medallions in big metros like New York and Chicago were gobbled up over the last several decades by investors and companies that rent the medallions to drivers.

    But times are changing. The upstart Uber, which has a reported valuation of $50 billion, collected more than $750 million in just New York City during its first four years of business there. Investor Carl Icahn announced on Friday that he was making a $100 million investment in Uber rival Lyft, calling the company a “tremendous bargain.”

    “What I think has happened is that competition for consumers has not caused a drop in medallion prices, because medallion values in no way are tied to the riding public,” said Uber global policy director Corey Owens. “What’s happened is that drivers have found they have better opportunities.”

    Earlier this month, the Philadelphia Parking Authority, which regulates the city’s taxi industry, had sold newly-created medallions for wheel-chair accessible taxis for $80,000 each. The bargain price came after the authority put the medallions on the market last fall, with an initial asking price of $475,000, but received no bids.

    In New York, taxi mogul Evgeny Friedman is locked in a court battle with Citibank, to whom he owes some $31 million after some medallion loans matured.

    Citibank is looking to seize 87 of Freidman’s 900 medallions in New York, which has seen medallion prices drop to about $870,000 last fall from a peak of about $1.2 million last spring. Freidman, the biggest medallion owner in the USA, also owns fleets in Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, and Philadelphia.

    In an April letter to creditors, New York taxi commission officials and other stakeholders, Freidman’s attorney, Brett Berman, called on industry regulators and medallion lenders to restructure and extend loans for his client and reform the industry.

    “If you want to ensure that medallion industry nationwide continues to operate, if you want to have services available to riders that don’t have iPhones, if you want to have drivers that are vetted, then there’s going to have to be a major change nationwide and city-by-city in terms of how they’re going about enforcing the rules,” said Ronn Torossian, a spokesman for Freidman.

    Even in Nevada, where the taxi industry has successfully fought off attempts by Uber to establish a beachhead in recent years, there are signs that government resistance to rideshare services is softening. Last week, the Nevada Senate approved legislation that would create regulations that would allow people to hail a ride using a smartphone.

    There are other signs that medallion industry’s vitality is on unsteady footing.

    Earlier this month, Medallion Financial Group—one of the country’s largest creditors to medallion owners—reported in its financial disclosures that nearly 4.1% of its loans were late 31 days or more in the first three months of 2015, up from 2.2% in the previous quarter.

    Charles Goodbar, a Chicago attorney who helps secure loans for medallion owners, said that financing has all but dried up. At the same time, new regulations, as well competition from ridesharing services, has reduced how much fleet owners in Chicago and elsewhere can lease their vehicles to cabbies.

    “There’s zero market,” said Goodbar, who also owns 59 medallions. “In my case, a buyer would have to come to the table with about $220,000 in cash per medallion, because there isn’t any financing available.”
    An UBER application is shown as cars drive by in Washington,

    An UBER application is shown as cars drive by in Washington, DC on March 25, 2015. (Photo: ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS, AFP/Getty Images)

    Ancillary industries are also feeling the pain.

    Carriage News, a New England industry newsletter closed shop in March, as medallion financing agencies slowed issuing loans, making advertising unnecessary.

    “The demise of Carriage News can be laid directly at the feet of the TNCs [transportation network companies] and the do-nothing politicians who allow these ... operations to continue to erode the taxi industry,” publisher Bob Keeley wrote in a front-page editorial announcing the 45-year-old publication’s demise.

    The taxi industry isn’t going out without a fight.

    In New York and Chicago, the industry has backed efforts for a universal hailing app in a bid to compete with rideshare outfits for riders that prefer the convenience of finding a ride with a couple of taps on their smartphone.

    And the trade association Taxicab, Limousine and Paratransit Association (TLPA) has launched a vigorous media nationwide campaign called “Who’s Driving You?” in an attempt to raise questions about Uber and other ridesharing companies safety record. The TLPA maintains a long list of alleged crimes and other embarrassing incidents by Uber drivers and drivers for other ridesharing outfits.

    After the latest high-profile incident last month in Houston, an alleged sexual assault by an Uber driver, the company faced an ultimatum from Mayor Annise Parker to tighten its oversight of drivers or face expulsion from the city. The company quickly responded to the city with a memo detailing how it would it planned to bolster vetting and dismiss drivers that aren’t registered

    In New York, the Taxi and Limousine Commission is weighing a proposal that would create an agency that oversee the implementation of smartphone apps used in the taxi industry.

    Under the proposal, the smartphone app operators would be required to approval before modifying their apps or face fines—a regulation that a powerful coalition of Silicon Valley companies told New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio would stifle innovation.

    “While we do not develop software for transportation providers, we are gravely concerned by the unprecedented decision to subject software available around the world to pre-release review by a city agency,” wrote the Internet Association, the tech coalition that includes Facebook, Google and Twitter.

    While more regulation on ridesharing companies may be inevitable, many medallion owners say that their best days are now in the rearview mirror.

    “It’s now become a race to the bottom,” said Karczewski, the Chicago medallion owner. “I’m at the end of my career, but guys who have a lot of skin in the game...What are they going to do?”

    #taxi #usa #uber #disruption

  • Comment Pôle emploi s’est fait uberiser - L’Express L’Expansion

    Le Bon Coin, acteur low cost du #recrutement, domine le segment des #jobs peu qualifiés. Au-dessus d’eux trônent les agrégateurs, des métamoteurs comme Jobijoba ou Indeed qui centralisent des dizaines de milliers d’offres déjà publiées sur d’autres sites. 

    En marge de ce #marché principal, on trouve aussi les jobeurs comme YoupiJob ou SeFaireAider.com pour les besoins ponctuels qui ne seraient probablement pas passés par #Pôle_emploi (femme de ménage, jardinier, baby-sitter...). Les fonctions du haut de la pyramide demeurent l’apanage des chasseurs de têtes.

    #travail #emploi #précarité

  • The Uber-ization of Activism

    “It wasn’t just conventional pressure — ads, money, #lobbying — that caught the mayor off guard. #Uber mobilized its customers, leveraging the power of its app to prompt a populist social-media assault, all in support of a $50 billion corporation.”


  • Tech’s Enduring Great-Man Myth (Putting Elon Musk and Steve Jobs on a Pedestal Misrepresents How Innovation Happens) | Amanda Schaffer, MIT Technology Review

    l’inverse du portrait habituel de l’entrepreneur mythique self-mad-man-qui-a-tout-inventé

    #SpaceX is not driving the future of space exploration. It is capitalizing on a deep pool of technology and highly trained people that already existed, and it is doing so at a moment when national support for #NASA has diminished and the government is privatizing key aspects of space travel.

    (...) the great-man narrative carries costs. First, it has helped to corrode the culture of #Silicon_Valley. Great-man lore helps excuse (or enable) some truly terrible behavior.

    (...) If tech leaders are seen primarily as singular, lone achievers, it is easier for them to extract disproportionate wealth. It is also harder to get their companies to accept that they should return some of their profits to agencies like NASA and the National Science Foundation through higher taxes or simply less tax dodging.

    And finally, technology hero worship tends to distort our visions of the future. Why should governments do the hard work of fixing and expanding California’s mass transit system when Musk says we could zip people across the state at 760 miles per hour in a “hyperloop”? Is trying to colonize Mars, at a cost in the billions of dollars, actually the right direction for future space exploration and scientific research? We should be able to determine long-term technology priorities without giving excessive weight to the particular visions of a few tech celebrities.

    #disruption #silicon_army #énergie #automobile #espace #privatisation #start-ups

    (ajoutons à cet article que ces “great men” ne contribuent pas à valoriser la place des femmes dans la technologie)

  • Mehrfahrgelegenheit | Der Kampf um die Zukunft von Berlins Straßen

    So wurden die Carsharing-Bewegungen analysiert

    Die Daten, die die Grundlage unserer Visualisierungen bilden, wurden durch regelmäßiges Aufrufen der Mobilitätsanbieter-Aggregatorseite Mobility Map im Zeitraum vom 9. Mai bis zum 14. Juni erhoben. Für die Animation auf der Startseite wurden die Ergebnisse daraufhin mit Hilfe von PostgreSQL und PostGIS analysiert und mithilfe des Valhalla-Routendienstes von Mapzen geroutet. Die Visualisierung erfolgte mit CartoDB und Unfolding, entwickelt von Till Nagel . Verwendet wurde der Visualisierungs-Codes von Daniele Ciminieri. Zum Clustering der Datensätze für die Heatmap wurde der DBSCAN-Algorithmus verwendet. Das Flussdiagram (Alluvial diagram) zum Verkehr zwischen den Kiezen wurde mit Hilfe von RAW erstellt, einer Entwicklung von Density Design. Alle anderen Diagramme wurden mit der Software Tableau Public erstellt.Das Projekt wurde bei Hack Your City 2015 weiter entwickelt. Wir danken allen Entwicklern hervorragender Open Source Software für ihre Arbeit, ohne die unsere nie möglich wäre.

    Ausleihorte von car2go- und DriveNow-Autos von 9.5.-14.6.15

    #cartographie #berlin #circulation #carsharing #disruption

  • La class action qui peut avoir la peau d’Uber

    C’est le genre de décisions qui peut faire date dans l’histoire. La société de transport Uber va tenter d’obtenir à San Francisco l’annulation d’une « class action », une procédure judiciaire collective.


    [C]’est non seulement le modèle économique de la plus grosse start-up de la planète qui pourra être remis en cause, mais aussi celui de ses consœurs de la Silicon valley.


    Dans ce tribunal californien, se joue donc à la fois un bouleversement économique, un mode de consommation, mais aussi un mode de vie professionnel.

    C’est intéressant de voir qu’on commence à prendre de la distance avec les modèles économiques de ces entreprises. Uber cristallise le problème en le poussant à son paroxysme, mais la situation est similaire avec Airbnb par exemple et dans une certaine mesure avec les Google, Facebook et consorts.

    Le vent tourne : on peut penser en France au rapport de Collin & Colin qui mettait en débat l’idée (enterrée) d’une taxe sur les données personnelles, ou bien récemment au États-Unis avec la prise de position, certe timide, de la candidate Hillary Clinton sur le sujet.

    Pour autant, je ne suis pas certain que la tendance soit de « revenir » au modèle classique du salariat. Il y a donc du champ pour de nouveaux modèles, comme une vrai économie pair à pair, avec la production de communs.

    Il ne faut pas confondre économie pair à pair et capitalisme distribué, comme dirait à peu près Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation).

    #Numérique #Politique #Silicon_Valley #Uber_(entreprise) #Économie_numérique

  • Uber: Bürgerrechtler schalten US-Handelsaufsicht ein | heise Autos

    Die Bürgerrechtsorganisation EPIC hat eine Beschwerde gegen die neuen Datenschutzregeln des umstrittenen US-Fahrdienstvermittlers eingereicht. Der bekommt unterdessen frisches Geld aus China, was Spekulationen über einen möglichen Börsengang befeuert.

    Was macht Uber mit den Daten seiner Nutzer? Zu viel, finden US-Bürgerrechtler. Vergrößern
    Bild: dpa Der Druck auf den Fahrtenvermittler Uber steigt auch in dessen Heimatland USA. Dort hat die Bürgerrechtsorganisation EPIC eine Beschwerde gegen die angekündigten neuen Datenschutzregeln des Unternehmens bei der US-Handelsaufsicht Federal Trade Commission eingereicht. Die Bürgerrechtler kritisieren Ubers ausschweifende Datennutzung und fordern von der FTC, eine Untersuchung einzuleiten und die Verwendung von Nutzerdaten zu untersagen, sofern sie nicht für die unmittelbare Dienstleistung nötig ist.


  • What is It? | SuperTasker.com

    SuperTasker is the latest innovation by PeoplePerHour - a leader in the fast-growing freelance economy since 2008.

    SuperTasker’s vision is to be your ’Digital HelpDesk in the Cloud’, allowing you to outsource and manage high volumes of small tasks, super fast, to a pool of curated experts.

    Unlike with existing marketplace models where there is a lot of friction in selection, price setting and delivery, SuperTasker uses intelligent algorithms to route the work to the most suited available taskers with a proven track record, so the work starts immediately. Delivery is time-boxed so you only pay for results, and price is set dynamically based on availability and demand in real time.

    The goal of SuperTasker is to be your digital hub, a one-stop-solution for all tasks digital : from content production, editing and distribution across all digital channels. To make this easier SuperTasker has API integrations with popular cloud solutions like Magento, Shopify, Dropbox and more, so you can pull in content easily, edit it, and push it back out seamlessly.

    #cloud #exploitation #disruption

  • Uber-Taxi und der Übermensch

    Nietzsche’s idea of “the overman” (Ubermensch) is one of the most significant concept in his thinking

    An overman as described by Zarathustra, the main character in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, is the one who is willing to risk all for the sake of enhancement of humanity. In contrary to the “last man” whose sole desire is his own comfort and is incapable of creating anything beyond oneself in any form.

    This should suggest that an overman is someone who can establish his own values as the world in which others live their lives, often unaware that they are not pregiven. This means an overman can affect and influence the lives of others. In other words, an overman has his own values, independent of others, which affects and dominates others lives that may not have predetermined values but only herd instinct.

    An overman is then someone who has a life which is not merely to live each day with no meanings when nothing in the past and future is more important than the present, or more precisely, the pleasure and happiness in the present, but with the purpose for humanity.

    Ach so ist das. Na, wenn ich mir die Übermenschen so ansehe, habe ich Zweifel, ob die den Job hinkriegen.


    Peter T.

    Joseph G.


    Travis K.

    Hermann G.


    Marc Z.

    Heinrich H.



    Alles klar ?

    #disruption #Arno_Breker #Übermensch #Uber