Riot Games commencera à enregistrer les discussions vocales à compter du 13 juillet
À terme, les algorithmes doivent permettre de retrouver les auteurs d’insultes et autres comportements jugés intolérables, mais uniquement sur la base de signalements d’autres joueurs.
VALORANT Voice Evaluation Update
On July 13 we will begin a background launch of the voice evaluation system in North America/English-only to help train our language models and get the tech in a good enough place for a beta launch later this year.
Voice evaluation during this period will not be used for disruptive behavior reports. That will only begin with the future beta. And we know that before we can even think of expanding this tool, we’ll have to be confident it’s effective, and if mistakes happen, we have systems in place to make sure we can correct any false positives (or negatives for that matter).
Riot Games se prépare à enregistrer les dialogues audio des joueurs de League of Legends et de Valorant pour modérer, a posteriori, les propos déplacés.
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