Network surveillance: #Qosmos, a tool provider for Syria’s leader al-Assad
Translation from this paper in french by legum, Turquoise, SwissTengu, 4k and four anonymous plus one mysterious eraser Mediapart and start together a three part inquiry on Qosmos, a french company that sells a digital intelligence tool known as DPI. Qosmos is now within the scope of a legal investigation in France for « complicity […]
#A_la_Une #Bienvenue_chez_Qosmos #Deep_Packet_Inspection #Amesys #Area_SPA #Asfador #Aurélia_Devos #Bachar_el-Assad #Bloomberg #Bull #Damas #Erik_Larsson #FIDH #ixEngine #Justice #LDH #Orange #Philippe_Vannier #Sébastien_Synold #Sofrecom #STE #Syrian_Telecom_Establishment #Thibaut_Bechetoille #Utimaco