• Des trajectoires immobilisées : #protection et #criminalisation des migrations au #Niger

    Le 6 janvier dernier, un camp du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de la ville nigérienne d’Agadez est incendié. À partir d’une brève présentation des mobilités régionales, l’article revient sur les contraintes et les tentatives de blocage des trajectoires migratoires dans ce pays saharo-sahélien. Depuis 2015, les projets européens se multiplient afin de lutter contre « les causes profondes de la migration irrégulière ». La Belgique est un des contributeurs du Fonds fiduciaire d’urgence de l’Union européenne pour l’Afrique (FFUE) et l’agence #Enabel met en place des projets visant la #stabilisation des communautés au Niger

    #immobilité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Agadez #migrations #asile #réfugiés #root_causes #causes_profondes #Fonds_fiduciaire #mécanisme_de_transit_d’urgence #Fonds_fiduciaire_d’urgence_pour_l’Afrique #transit_d'urgence #OIM #temporaire #réinstallation #accueil_temporaire #Libye #IOM #expulsions_sud-sud #UE #EU #Union_européenne #mise_à_l'abri #évacuation #Italie #pays_de_transit #transit #mixed_migrations #migrations_mixtes #Convention_des_Nations_Unies_contre_la_criminalité_transnationale_organisée #fermeture_des_frontières #criminalisation #militarisation_des_frontières #France #Belgique #Espagne #passeurs #catégorisation #catégories #frontières #HCR #appel_d'air #incendie #trafic_illicite_de_migrants #trafiquants


    Sur l’incendie de janvier 2020, voir :

    ping @karine4 @isskein :
    Cette doctorante et membre de Migreurop, Alizée Dauchy, a réussi un super défi : résumé en 3 pages la situation dans laquelle se trouve le Niger...


    Pour @sinehebdo, un nouveau mot : l’#exodant
    –-> #vocabulaire #terminologie #mots

    Les origine de ce terme :

    Sur l’origine et l’emploi du terme « exodant » au Niger, voir Bernus (1999), Bonkano et Boubakar (1996), Boyer (2005a). Les termes #passagers, #rakab (de la racine arabe rakib désignant « ceux qui prennent un moyen de trans-port »), et #yan_tafia (« ceux qui partent » en haoussa) sont également utilisés.


    • Hundreds of migrants stuck in Niger amid #coronavirus pandemic

      While countries across Africa have been closing their borders as part of efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic, migrants and people on the move are paying a high price.

      Over the past two weeks, hundreds of women, men and children have been stuck in Niger, a country that represents a traditional corridor of transit for seasonal labourers from West Africa heading to Libya or Algeria, as well as people hoping to move further to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea.

      “We’re being overwhelmed by requests of support,” said Barbara Rijks, Niger director for the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

      Deportations from Algeria to Niger have been a continuing trend since late 2016, with figures decreasing last year only to begin growing again from February onwards. The migrants, who were arrested during police roundups in Algeria’s coastal cities and forced to travel for days in overloaded trucks, were usually offered assistance by the IOM to return to their countries of origin.

      But now amid the pandemic, they are forced to quarantine in tent facilities set up in the military border post of Assamaka, where temperatures touch 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), or in the southern city of Arlit.

      With borders closed all across West Africa, they risk being stuck in Niger much longer than they expected.

      “We’re extremely worried,” said Abderahmane Maouli, the mayor of Arlit, a city that hosts one of the six IOM transit centres in Niger and a new facility for those that end their quarantine in Assamaka.

      “Despite the border closure, we see that movements are continuing: People travel through minor routes to avoid border controls and reach Arlit without going through the quarantine, and this is a major public health issue for our community,” Maouli told Al Jazeera.

      The deportation of more than 8,000 people by Algeria since January this year, he says, had already put local welfare services under strain.

      Migrants receiving assistance in Madama, a military outpost close to the border between Niger and Libya [ Courtesy: IOM Niger]

      An uncommon push-back operation happened also in late March at the border between Niger and Libya, where a convoy of travellers was intercepted and sent back in the middle of the desert, forcing the IOM to organise humanitarian assistance.

      The quarantine of these groups and other travellers - in a makeshift camp set up in record time - fosters worries from both migrants and local communities in a country already standing at the bottom of the United Nations human development index and facing deadly seasonal outbreaks of malaria and measles. Some 1,400 doctors are operational in Niger, according to the government, serving a population of about 22 million.

      “A first warning sign,” Rijks told Al Jazeera, “was the arrival of 767 people, half of which foreigners, at the border between Niger and Algeria, on March 19: From that moment on, we registered continuous arrivals and each one of these people needs to quarantine for 14 days.”

      Later in March, a convoy of pick-up cars carrying 256 people was pushed-back by Libyan militiamen close to Tummo, a military outpost marking the frontier between Niger and Libya, some 900 kilometres (559 miles) northeast of Agadez, where their perilous desert crossing started.

      Blocked in the garrison village of Madama, Nigeriens and migrants mostly from Nigeria, Ghana and Burkina Faso suffered the unmerciful Saharan heat for days before receiving humanitarian assistance by the IOM and Niger’s Civil Protection Department that organised their transfer to Agadez. Their drivers were arrested for breaching anti-smuggling rules.

      The new quarantine center set up in Agadez by IOM, for people returning from Libya [Courtesy: IOM Niger]

      In Agadez, a once-coveted tourist destination for Europeans willing to explore Saharan dunes, they were lodged in a tent facility set up by the IOM alongside the main sports arena, where football games have been temporarily suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.

      “It’s been a huge challenge, we had to boost our activities in less than one week, adopting hygienic measures in our six transit centres, that are already at full capacity, and opening up new structures to lodge people quarantining,” Rijks said.

      Another 44 people were found at Assamaka in the night between April 4-5 and welcomed at IOM’s quarantine site, where Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) and the International Federation of the Red Cross provide medical and psychosocial assistance.

      ’Humanitarian corridors’

      IOM operations in Niger scaled up after the government enforced anti-smuggling measures in 2015, to prevent migrants from taking dangerous Saharan trails to Libya or Algeria.

      In the span of a few years, the number of crossings reduced, from about 330,000 in 2016 to 100,000 in 2018, while hundreds of “passeurs” - the French word for smugglers and middlemen active in the transportation business - were jailed.

      As a consequence, more and more people ended up being blocked in the country and turned to the organisation’s voluntary return programmes. From 2017 to early 2020, some 32,000 migrants returned home from Niger with IOM assistance.

      “People were usually staying for a few weeks in transit centres, where we arranged travel documents with consulates, before going back to their country of origin, while now they’re stuck in our transit centres and this adds frustrations,” said Rijks.

      She hopes that - despite border closures - governments in West Africa will agree soon on organising “humanitarian corridors to return their citizens from Niger”.

      While Rijks noted that countries are willing to receive back their citizens, the closure of land and air transportation routes, coupled with the need to set up costly quarantine facilities for returnees on arrival, put more strain on an already fragile logistic organisation.

      Currently, 2,371 people - mostly Nigerians, Guineans, Cameroonians and Malians - are lodged in the IOM’s six transit centres, Rijks said, while the size and number of new facilities set up to quarantine migrants are increasing by the day.

      ’Perfect storm’

      Niger has confirmed 342 coronavirus cases and 11 deaths as of Thursday, with the vast majority of cases found in the capital, Niamey. The country has introduced a series of containment measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, including the closure of international borders, a ban on gatherings and non-essential activities and a night curfew.

      In addition to migrants on the move, humanitarian organisations are particularly concerned about the fate of 420,000 refugees and internally displaced Nigeriens who escaped violence by armed groups along the country’s borders with Nigeria, Chad, Mali and Burkina Faso. These people often live in crowded settlements, where physical distancing is a luxury.

      “On top of displacement caused by jihadists, malnutrition risks and socio-economic vulnerability, COVID-19 represents the perfect storm for Niger,” said Alessandra Morelli, country director for the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), pointing also at the interruption of evacuation flights for refugees from Libyan detention centres who are temporarily hosted in Niger while awaiting opportunities to resettle to Europe or North America.

      Morelli said the programme was launched in 2017 to offer “a vital lifeline” for the most vulnerable refugees detained in Libya.

      “We took them out of prisons, brought them here by plane and assisted them in their asylum and resettlement claim.”

      About 3,000 people have been evacuated to Niger so far and more than 2,300 resettled to Canada, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, France and other countries.

      All operations are currently suspended.

      While the number of coronavirus cases grow by the day, with deepening worries over the effect of a severe outbreak in already fragile countries in the region, some refugees hosted in the reception centre of Hamdallaye started producing soap for local communities.

      “It’s a sign of hope in the midst of this situation,” said Morelli, whose WhatsApp account blinks continuously with information on new displacements and violence along Niger’s sealed borders.


  • Interior expulsa a otros 36 malienses a Mauritania desde Canarias

    Un nuevo vuelo de #Frontex partió desde Tenerife Norte el pasado 17 de febrero con 51 personas a bordo, de las cuales ninguna era mauritana.

    El Ministerio del Interior continúa expulsando a migrantes desde Canarias hacia un país que no es el suyo. El pasado lunes 17 de febrero febrero, un nuevo vuelo de la Agencia Europea de Fronteras (Frontex), el tercero en lo que va de año, partió desde el aeropuerto de Tenerife Norte hacia Mauritania con 51 personas a bordo. Tal y como ha reconocido el Mecanismo Nacional de Prevención de la Tortura, ninguna de ellas tenía nacionalidad mauritana. En concreto, la mayoría de ellas procedía de Malí (36), 13 eran senegalesas, una de Gabón y otra de Costa de Marfil.

    Durante el operativo de deportación los técnicos examinaron las condiciones del embarque, la documentación relativa a las devoluciones y, además, se realizaron tres entrevistas durante el vuelo. No ha sido hasta este miércoles 19 cuando se han notificado en el Defensor del Pueblo los detalles de la deportación, a pesar de que Televisión Española ya había adelantado este martes que un vuelo de Frontex con medio centenar de migrantes había salido desde Tenerife.

    A pesar de las denuncias sociales que han recibido estas expulsiones ejecutadas por el Gobierno de España, ya son 139 los migrantes deportados por el Ejecutivo, aprovechando el acuerdo bilateral que firmó en 2003 con Mauritania. De esta cifra, 106 son malienses, de los cuales al menos 14 expresaron su voluntad de solicitar protección internacional por la situación de conflicto que atraviesa su país de origen, donde, según Acnur, a diario se detectan secuestros, ataques a escuelas y hospitales, asesinatos, vulnerabilidad infantil y agresiones sexuales. Aún así, este grupo fue internado en el CIE de Hoya Fría y enviado a Mauritania el 20 de enero.

    Interior justifica estas devoluciones asegurando que el acuerdo con Mauritania se aplica también a quienes, a pesar de no tener nacionalidad mauritana, hayan pisado el país durante su itinerario. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con los autos de internamiento a los que tuvo acceso Canarias Ahora, estas 14 personas coincidieron en que habían partido desde Senegal hacia el Archipiélago de forma directa.

    Distintas ONG como la Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) o el Servicio Jesuíta a Migrantes así como la Unión Progresista de Fiscales han denunciado estas expulsiones exprés. Además, CEAR ha asegurado que, una vez en manos de las autoridades mauritanas, los malienses son trasladados hasta la frontera con Malí, quedando de nuevo expuestos ante la guerra.


    #expulsions_sud-sud #asile #migrations #réfugiés #expulsions #renvois #déportation #réfugiés_maliens #Mauritanie #Espagne #Canaries #îles_canaries

    ping @karine