• Austrian government wants to outsource asylum procedures to Africa

    The Austrian government aims to outsource applications for asylum procedures to third states such as Rwanda in a move that would reduce migration significantly, Chancellor #Karl_Nehammer told die Welt on Monday.

    In June, EU countries reached a controversial agreement on a new EU migration deal that would tighten European migration rules to reduce migration into the bloc, such as introducing fast-track asylum procedures at EU borders.

    But Austria wants the EU to go one step further.

    “Austria will continue to do its utmost in the EU to create the political and legal conditions for asylum procedures to be carried out already outside the EU. We will not give in,” Nehammer told die Welt on Monday.

    “Corresponding agreements with third countries are possible, as the example of Rwanda shows – the African country has already reached an agreement with Denmark,” Nehammer added.

    Such a move would reduce migration significantly as migrants would not set foot on European soil in the first place and would “no longer be able to go into hiding in the EU or apply for asylum in several European countries at the same time”, the chancellor said.

    A prime example of this shift is the controversial deal the EU struck with Tunisia in July, which aims to reduce migration flows. “The agreement between Tunisia and the EU on limiting illegal migration is groundbreaking,” he stated in the interview.

    However, the deal with Rwanda may not be entirely legal.

    The United Kingdom agreed with Rwanda to pay more than $152 million in development funding, plus processing and integration costs for asylum seekers from the UK. Those seeking to file for asylum in Britain would be sent to Rwanda, processed, and if approved, they would be granted protection in the African state and not allowed to come to the UK.

    However, the British government’s plan has hit several stumbling blocks, not least a legal decision from one of the country’s top courts, which rejected it as unlawful. It is not known how Vienna’s plan will sit with the country and EU laws.

    While member states have already agreed on their position, the final migration deal has yet to be negotiated with the European Parliament. A majority of EU lawmakers already said they would take a softer approach and will oppose some of the more restrictive positions of the member states.

    #Autriche #asile #migrations #réfugiés
    #offshore_asylum_processing #externalisation #procédure_d'asile #Afrique


    Tentative déjà lancée en 2018 :
    Österreich plant mit einigen EU-Ländern Aufnahmelager außerhalb der EU

    voir aussi la métaliste sur les tentatives d’autres pays européens d’externaliser la #procédure_d'asile :

  • L’avancée des frontières européennes

    Titre : L’avancée des frontières européennes : la politique de voisinage — 2010 Mots-clés : #frontières #UE #Europe #politique_migratoire #politique_de_voisinage #marges #asile #politique_d'asile Auteur : Olivier Clochard et Philippe Rekacewicz Date : Juin 2010 L’avancée des frontières européennes Olivier Clochard et Philippe Rekacewicz, juin 2010. #Collection_cartographique

  • Migrants : Gérald Darmanin demande aux maires RN d’ouvrir des centres de rétention administratifs dans leurs communes

    Selon les informations d’Europe 1, le ministre de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer, #Gérald_Darmanin, a demandé aux maires du Rassemblement national d’ouvrir des centres de rétention administratifs (#CRA) sur le territoire de leur commune.

    Les membres du Rassemblement national sont favorables à la construction de nouveaux centres, mais selon le courrier du ministre de l’Intérieur, aucun maire n’aurait fait une demande officielle pour en accueillir un.

    « Mes services n’ayant reçu à ce jour aucune proposition de la part de communes dirigées par le Rassemblement national, je tenais à vous signaler personnellement l’importance de ce programme de construction pour l’efficacité de notre politique migratoire », aurait écrit Gérald Darmanin dans ce courrier.

    Ce rappel de Gérald Darmanin aux maires RN sur les CRA pour « la maîtrise des flux migratoires » agace

    En novembre 2022, alors que la loi LOPMI était en discussion au Parlement, la députée RN Edwige Diaz avait notamment jugé « insuffisant » les 1700 places supplémentaires prévues en CRA. « Ce sont des milliers de CRA qu’il faudrait, et la volonté politique de le faire », déclarait-elle alors.

    Mais les élus RN n’ont guère apprécié ce rappel. « Ce n’est pas de CRA dont la France a besoin mais de #frontières et d’une réforme du #droit d’asile. Plus aucune #demande d’asile ne doit être traitée sur notre sol mais uniquement dans les pays d’origine, comme nous le demandons depuis des années », a cinglé en réponse le maire [danois] de Fréjus David Rachline.


    La France comptait 25 de ces centres de rétention en 2022, pour 1936 places disponibles. Le gouvernement espère atteindre 3000 places d’ici 2027 mais les conditions de vie à l’intérieur font régulièrement l’objet de critiques.

    #RN #expulsion #étrangers #LOPMI #asile #racisme #construction_de_centres_de_rétention #extrême_droite #xénophobie_d'État #externalisation_des_demandes_d'asile

  • Unpicking the notion of ‘safe and legal’ routes


    The last ten years have brought a growing recognition of the need to address the issue of mixed and irregular migratory movements through the introduction of pathways that enable people to move from one country and continent to another in a safe and legal manner. As well as averting the need for refugees and migrants to embark on dangerous and expensive journeys involving unscrupulous human smugglers, such routes promise to mitigate the negative perceptions of states with respect to the impact of such movements on their sovereignty, security, and social stability.

    This essay examines the context in which the discourse on safe and legal routes has emerged and identifies the different types of organised pathways that have been proposed by states and other stakeholders. Focusing particularly on population movements from the global South to the global North, it discusses the opportunities, difficulties, and dilemmas associated with this approach to the governance of cross-border mobility. More specifically, it scrutinises the increasingly popular assumption that the introduction of such routes will lead to significant reductions in the scale of mixed and irregular migration.
    The context

    In the mid-1980s, the world’s most prosperous states began to express concern about the growing number of foreign nationals arriving irregularly on their territory, many of whom subsequently submitted applications for refugee status. Regarding such movements as a threat to their sovereignty, and believing that many of those applications were unfounded, over the next two decades those countries introduced a range of restrictive measures designed to place new physical and administrative barriers in the way of unwanted new arrivals, especially those originating from the global South.

    The limitations of these measures were dramatically exposed in 2015-16, when up to a million people, initially from Syria but subsequently from several other countries, made their way in an unauthorised manner to the European Union, many of them travelling via Türkiye. Reacting to this apparent emergency, the EU adopted a strategy pioneered in earlier years by Australia and the United States, known as “externalisation”. This involved the provision of financial and other incentives to low- and middle-income states on the understanding that they would obstruct the outward movement of irregular migrants and readmit those deported from wealthier states.

    At the same time, governments in the developed world were beginning to acknowledge that mixed and irregular movements of people could not be managed by exclusionary measures alone. This recognition was due in no small part to the efforts of human rights advocates, who were concerned about the negative implications of externalisation for refugee and migrant protection. They also wanted to highlight the contribution that foreign nationals could make to destination countries in the global North if they were able to move there in a regular and orderly manner. The common outcome of these different discourses was a growing degree of support for the notion that the establishment of safe and legal routes could minimise the scale and mitigate the adverse consequences of mixed and irregular movements.

    This was not an entirely new approach. As then UN secretary-general Kofi Annan had argued in the early 2000s, international migration, if governed in an appropriate manner, could have “win-win outcomes”, bringing benefits to countries of origin, countries of destination, and migrants alike. But to attain those outcomes, certain conditions had to be met. In the words of the Global Commission on International Migration (GCM), a body established by Mr. Annan:

    It is in the interest of both states and migrants to create a context in which people migrate out of choice and in a safe and legal manner, rather than irregularly and because they feel they have no other option. Regular migration programmes could reinforce public confidence in the ability of states to admit migrants into their territory on the basis of labor market needs. Programmes of this kind would also help to create a more positive image of migrants and foster greater public acceptance of international migration.

    Migration governance initiatives

    In recent years, and especially since the so-called “European migration crisis” of 2015-16, this notion has been taken up by a number of different migration governance initiatives. Focusing primarily on labour migration, the 2018 Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration (GCM) cited “enhanced availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration,” as one of its key objectives. Endorsed by the majority of UN member states, the GCM extended this approach to the realm of forced migration, encouraging the international community to “develop or build on existing national and regional practices for admission and stay of appropriate duration based on compassionate, humanitarian or other considerations for migrants compelled to leave their countries of origin.”

    At the same time, the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), also adopted in 2018 and which was even more widely endorsed by the international community, underlined the necessity for people who were fleeing persecution and armed conflict to have access to safe and legal routes. “There is a need,” it said, “to ensure that such pathways are made available on a more systematic, organised and sustainable basis, that they contain appropriate protection safeguards, and that the number of countries offering these opportunities is expanded overall.”

    Similar approaches have emerged in the context of regional migration governance initiatives. The EU’s 2011 Global Approach to Migration and Mobility, for example, acknowledged the importance of “preventing and reducing irregular migration and trafficking in human beings” by “organising and facilitating legal migration and mobility.” The more recent EU Pact on Migration and Asylum also “aims to reduce unsafe and irregular routes and promote sustainable and safe legal pathways for those in need of protection.” “Developing legal pathways,” it says, “should contribute to the reduction of irregular migration.”

    In 2022, the Summit of the Americas, a meeting of states that focussed on the issue of human mobility in the western hemisphere, endorsed the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Using language similar to that of the EU Pact, it committed participating states to “a shared approach to reduce and manage irregular migration,” and to “promoting regular pathways for migration and international protection.” Signatories expressed their commitment “to strengthen fair labor migration opportunities in the region,” and “to promote access to protection and complementary pathways for asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons.”

    As indicated by the declaration’s reference to “labor migration opportunities”, the recognition of the need for safe and legal pathways to be established is closely linked to another recent development: a growing and global shortage of workers. In many industrialised states, members of the existing labour force are aging, taking retirement, quitting, or changing their jobs. The Covid-19 pandemic prompted those countries to introduce new border controls and stricter limits on immigration. Taking advantage of these circumstances, employees have been able to demand better wages and working conditions, thereby pushing up the cost of producing goods and providing services. Confronted with these threats to their profitability, the private sector has been placing growing pressure on governments to remove such restrictions and to open the door to foreign labour.
    Safe and legal routes

    As demonstrated by the migration governance initiatives described in the previous section, there is now a broad international consensus on the need to provide safe and legal routes for people who wish or feel obliged to leave their own country. There is also an agreement, supported by a growing volume of academic research, that the provision of such routes has a role to play in reducing the scale of mixed and irregular migration and in boosting the economies of destination states. But what specific forms might those safe and legal routes take? The next section of this essay answers that question by describing the principal proposals made and actions taken in that respect.
    Labour migration programmes

    One such proposal has been labour migration programmes established on a permanent, temporary, or seasonal bases. The rationale for such programmes is that they would allow people from poorer countries who are in need of employment to fill gaps in the labour markets of more prosperous states. As well as boosting the economies of destination countries, such programmes would allow the migrants concerned to enhance their skills and to support their countries of origin by means of remittances.

    Until recently, for example, there have been only limited legal opportunities for the citizens of Central and South American countries, especially those with lower levels of skill, to join the US workforce. At the 2022 Summit of the Americas, however, President Biden indicated that he would introduce a package of measures designed to manage northward migration more effectively, including the establishment of safe and legal routes for Latin Americans. According to one US spokesperson, “we will have announcements related to labor pathways as part of the Los Angeles Declaration, designed to ensure that those pathways meet the highest labor standards and are not used for abuse or for a race to the bottom.”

    Mexico, another signatory to the declaration, has already taken steps in this direction, offering border worker visas to Guatemalans and Belizeans wishing to work in the country’s southernmost states—an initiative intended to meet the labour needs of the area while reducing the number of people from those two countries arriving and working in an irregular manner.

    Turning next to Germany, in 2015-16, at a time when the country was receiving large numbers of new arrivals from the Western Balkan states, most of whom submitted unsuccessful asylum claims, a new employment regulation was introduced. This opened the labour market for nationals of those countries, on condition that they had a valid job offer from a German employer.

    Since that time, EU member states more generally have begun to acknowledge the need to recruit employees from outside the bloc. Thus in April 2022, the European Commission launched what it described as “an ambitious and sustainable legal migration policy,” including “specific actions to facilitate the integration of those fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine into the EU’s labour market.” In the emphatic words of the commissioner for home affairs, “legal migration is essential to our economic recovery […] while reducing irregular migration.”

    A more preemptive approach to the issue has been taken by Australia, whose Pacific Labour Mobility Scheme allows businesses to recruit seasonal and temporary workers from ten Pacific island states. The purpose of the scheme is to meet Australia’s domestic labour market needs, to promote regional cooperation and development, and, in doing so, to avert the kind of instability that might provoke unpredictable and irregular movements of people.
    Refugee-related programmes

    When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, large numbers of people displaced by the hostilities began to make their way to neighbouring and nearby member states of the European Union. While the EU has made vigorous and often inhumane efforts to exclude asylum seekers originating from other parts of the world, even if they had strong claims to refugee status, in the case of Ukraine steps were quickly taken to regularise the situation of the new arrivals. Refugees from Ukraine were allowed to enter the EU without a visa, to enjoy residence and work rights there for up to three years, and to move freely from one member state to another.

    This arrangement, known as “temporary protection”, was based on a number of considerations: the geographical proximity of Ukraine to the EU, the great difficulty that the EU would have had in trying to obstruct the movement, a humanitarian concern for people who had been obliged to flee by the conflict, and a particular readiness to support the citizens of a friendly country that was suffering from the aggression committed by Russia, a state with a long history of enmity to the EU and NATO. While it remains to be seen how effectively the Ukrainians can be absorbed into the economies and societies of EU member states, in the short term at least, the temporary protection system provided a means of channeling a very large and rapid movement of people into routes that were safe and legal.

    Looking beyond the specifics of the Ukrainian situation, UNHCR, the UN’s agency for refugees, has in recent years made regular calls for governments—predominantly but not exclusively in the global North—to establish and expand the scale of state-sponsored refugee resettlement programmes. Such efforts enjoy limited success, however, partly because of the serious cuts made to the US resettlement quota by the Trump administration, and partly because of the restrictions on movement introduced by many other countries as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the aftermath of the 2015-16 “migrant crisis”, moreover, European countries were reluctant to consider the admission of additional refugees, even if they were to arrive in an organised manner.

    In a more positive development, the decade since the beginning of the Syrian refugee emergency in 2012 has delivered a new focus on the establishment of privately- sponsored resettlement programmes, enabling families as well as neighbourhood, community, and faith-based groups in the global North to sponsor the reception and initial integration of refugees from countries of asylum in the global South. Canada has taken a particular lead in this respect, establishing private sponsorship programmes for Afghan, Syrian, and Ukrainian refugees, with Australia, the US, and some European countries also experimenting with this particular form of safe and legal route.

    A similar approach can be seen with respect to the notion of “humanitarian corridors”, an initiative taken by Italian church-affiliated groups. Self-funded but closely coordinated with the government in Rome, this programme has enabled religious communities in Italy to welcome hundreds of refugees from Ethiopia, Greece, and Lebanon. Discussions are currently underway with a view to expanding this model to other European states.

    Recent years have seen a growing interest in the notion of labour mobility for refugees, arrangements whereby refugees with specific skills and qualifications are allowed to leave their country of asylum in order to take up pre-arranged employment opportunities in another state. An approach first proposed more than a decade ago but largely unimplemented since that time, the potential of such initiatives has now been recognised by Australia, Canada, and the UK, all of which have recently established pilot programmes of this type.

    In similar vein, humanitarian organisations have promoted the notion that refugees in developing countries of asylum should be able to benefit from scholarship programmes in states that are better equipped to provide them with appropriate education at the secondary and tertiary levels. The implementation of this approach has been boosted considerably by the emergencies in Syria and Ukraine, both of which have prompted universities around the world to make special provisions for refugee students.

    When people move from one country to another in the context of a refugee crisis, a common consequence is for family members to be separated, either because some have been left behind in the country of origin, or because they lose contact with each other during their journey to a safer place. In response to this humanitarian issue, the international community has for many years supported the notion of family reunification programmes, organised with the support of entities such as the International Organization for Migration, UNHCR, and the Red Cross movement. Most recently, there has been a recognition that such programmes also have a role to play in reducing the scale of irregular movements, given the frequency with which people engage in such journeys in an attempt to reunite with their relatives.
    Relocation and evacuation programmes

    Other arrangements have been made to enable refugees and migrants to relocate in a safe and legal manner from countries that are not in a position to provide them with the support that they need. In the EU, efforts—albeit largely unsuccessful—have been made recently to establish redistribution programmes, relocating people from front-line states such as Greece and Italy, which have large refugee and migrant populations, to parts of Europe that are under less pressure in this respect.

    In a more dramatic context, UNHCR has established an evacuation programme for refugees and migrants in Libya, where they are at serious risk of detention and human rights abuses, and where escape from the country by boat also presents them with enormous dangers. A safe and legal alternative has been found in an arrangement whereby the most vulnerable of these people are transferred to emergency transit centres in Niger and Rwanda, pending the time when other countries accept them as permanent residents.

    Finally, proposals have been made with respect to the establishment of arrangements that would allow people who are at risk in their country of origin to move elsewhere in a safe and legal manner. For individuals and families, this objective could be attained by means of humanitarian visas issued by the overseas embassies of states that wish to provide sanctuary to people who are threatened in their homeland.

    On a larger scale, orderly departure programmes might be established for designated categories of people who feel obliged to leave their own country and who might otherwise have no alternative but to move by irregular means. An important—but as yet unreplicated— precedent was set in this respect by a 1980s programme that allowed some 800,000 Vietnamese citizens to relocate to the US and other western countries with the authorisation of the Hanoi government, sparing them from the dangerous journeys that the “boat people” had undertaken in earlier years.
    The potential of regular pathways

    It is not surprising that the notion of safe and legal routes has attracted so much attention in recent years. They are in the interest of refugees and migrants, who would otherwise have to embark on difficult and often dangerous journeys. They are in the interest of states, who have much to gain from the orderly and authorised movement of people. And they are in the interest of international organisations that are struggling to respond to large-scale and unpredicted movements of people, and which are trying to ensure that human mobility is governed in a more effective, human and equitable manner.

    At the same time, there is a need to scrutinise the popular assumption that such measures can substantially reduce the scale of mixed and irregular migratory movements, and to address the many difficulties and dilemmas associated with the establishment of such pathways.
    Scaling up

    Despite all of the rhetorical support given to the notion of regular pathways in recent years, the number of people who are able to access them is still very modest. And there are a number of reasons why they might not be scaled up to any great extent. First, the Covid-19 pandemic, which erupted unexpectedly not long after the GCM and GCR had been negotiated, caused many governments to act with a new degree of caution in relation to the cross-border movement of people. And while the pandemic has subsided, states may well prefer to retain some of the immigration restrictions they introduced in the context of the pandemic.

    Second, and more recently, the need for states in Europe and beyond to admit large numbers of refugees from Afghanistan and Ukraine seems certain to limit their enthusiasm and capacity for the establishment of safe routes for people from other parts of the world. With many thousands of people from those two countries left without jobs and in temporary accommodation, the introduction or expansion of other pathways would simply exacerbate this problem.

    While the admission of overseas workers appears to be a way of addressing the demographic deficits and labour market needs of the industrialised states, are the citizens and politicians of those countries ready to acknowledge the need to admit more foreign nationals, even if they arrive in a managed manner? Immigration has become a toxic issue in many of the world’s more prosperous states, and few governments or opposition parties are willing to run on electoral platforms that advocate an increase in the number of new arrivals from other parts of the world.

    In the context described above, it should come as no surprise that most of the orderly pathway initiatives introduced in recent years (such as privately sponsored resettlement, humanitarian corridors, evacuation, and relocation programmes) have all operated on a modest scale and have often been established on a pilot basis, with no guarantee of them being expanded.

    For example, when in 2021 the British home secretary introduced a new labour mobility programme for refugees, she boldly announced that “those displaced by conflict and violence will now be able to benefit from access to our global points-based immigration system, enabling them to come to the UK safely and legally through established routes”. In fact, only 100 Syrian refugees from Jordan and Lebanon will benefit from the programme over the next two years.

    And the UK is not an isolated case. According to a recent study, in 2019 the OECD countries provided complementary pathways to fewer than 156,000 people from seven major refugee-producing countries. Two-thirds of them were admitted on the basis of family reunion, with the remaining third split equally between people granted visas for work and for educational purposes. That 156,000 constituted just 0.6 percent of the global refugee population.
    Reducing irregular migration

    Even if safe and legal routes could be established and expanded, what impact would that have on the scale of irregular migration? That is a difficult question to answer, partly because the evidence on this issue is so limited, and partly because it is methodologically challenging to establish causal linkages between these two phenomena, as demonstrated by two recent studies.

    With respect to the German labour programme in the Western Balkans, one analyst has suggested that although the number of asylum applications from that region did indeed drop after the new initiative was introduced, “one cannot credibly single out the exact effect the Western Balkan Regulation had on reducing irregular migration from the region to Germany”. The author goes on to say that “the regulation was only one of many policy measures at the time, including many restrictive measures and faster processing times of asylum applications as well as the ‘closure’ of the Western Balkan route.” Consequently, “it is not possible to isolate the exact causal role the Western Balkan Regulation may have played.”

    A case study of Mexico and the US reaches a similar conclusion, suggesting “there is evidence that lawful channels for migration between Mexico and the US have suppressed unlawful migration, but only when combined with robust enforcement efforts,” including the intensification of border controls that facilitated the apprehension and return of migrants crossing the frontier in an irregular manner. This conclusion on the close relationship between safe pathways and enforcement, shared by both studies, is ironic, given that some of the strongest NGO advocates for the former are most vocal in their opposition to the latter!

    A more general review of the evidence on this matter also casts doubt on the notion that an expansion of safe and legal routes will necessarily lead to a reduction in irregular movements. Looking specifically at labour migration programmes, the study says that they are often proposed “on the basis of an assumption of a rerouting effect, whereby migrants who would otherwise arrive and enter the asylum system or stay in a country without legal status will be incentivised to try and access a legal work permit from home rather than migrate illegally.” But the validity of that assumption “will depend on the capacity of legal pathways to accommodate the number of low-skilled workers who want to migrate, but lack permission to enter their desired destination.”

    That statement concerning the number of people who would like to or have been obliged to migrate but who have been unable to do so in a safe and legal manner is readily substantiated in numerical terms. Most estimates suggest that around 15 million irregular migrants are to be found in the US and Europe alone, with millions more in countries such as India, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. According to UNHCR, there are some 30 million refugees worldwide and more than 4.5 million asylum seekers who are waiting for their applications to be processed. A worldwide survey undertaken in 2018 concluded that some 750 million people, 15 percent of all the world’s adults, would move to another country if they had the opportunity to do so.

    Given the growing demand for migration opportunities in poorer regions of the world, coupled with the general reluctance of the industrialised states to facilitate the large-scale admission of people who want to move there, it is difficult to see how this square can be circled. The most likely scenario is that the supply of opportunities for regular migration will be unable to meet the demand, meaning that aspirant migrants who are not selected for regular entry will still have a strong incentive to move in an irregular manner.

    Indeed, it can also be argued that the establishment of safe and legal routes intensifies the social networks linking countries of origin and destination, enabling those migrants who move in a regular manner to inform the compatriots they have left behind of the opportunities that exist in the countries to which they have moved and to send remittances to people at home that can be used to pay the costs of a clandestine journey to the same location. In this respect, instead of reducing levels of irregular migration, the establishment of safe and legal routes might actually contribute to their growth.
    Selection criteria and processes

    In addition to the scale of the routes that might be established and their potential impact on levels of irregular migration, a number of other issues must be considered in the context of this discourse.

    First, the notion of safe and legal pathways is based on the idea that states should control the arrival of foreign nationals on their territory, determining how many should be admitted, what countries they should come from, why they wish or need to move to another country, what their demographic profile is, and what skills they should have. In other words, for safe and legal routes to work effectively, states and other stakeholders have to establish selection criteria and processes that allow the admission of some people who would like to move, while refusing entry to others. This is not a principle accepted by some refugee and migrant advocates, for whom the notion of safe and legal routes has become a disguised proxy for “open borders”.

    Almost inevitably, moreover, different constituencies within receiving states will be pushing for priority to be given to certain categories of people. Humanitarians will want the emphasis to be on refugees. Diaspora families and communities will favour family reunification programmes and community-sponsored resettlement. The private sector will argue the case for the admission of people with the skills and capacity to fill gaps in the labour market in a cost-effective manner. Universities will argue the case for visas to be granted to refugees and other foreign citizens with the necessary qualifications or academic aptitude. The selection process is therefore likely to be a contested and controversial one, potentially limiting governmental enthusiasm for the notion of safe and legal routes.
    Status and rights

    Second, as the attempt to regularise migratory movements proceeds, some important questions will have to be addressed in relation to the status and rights of the new arrivals and the organisation of such programmes. In the context of labour migration programmes, for example, would people be admitted on a temporary or permanent basis, and in the latter case would they eventually be able to acquire permanent resident rights or citizenship? Would they be tied to a single employer or allowed to move freely in the labour market? Would they enjoy the same pay, rights, and working conditions as citizens of the countries in which they are employed?

    A somewhat different set of issues arises in the context of labour mobility initiatives for refugees. Will they be allowed to leave their countries of asylum by the governments of those states and, more importantly, would they be able to return to it if employed abroad on a temporary basis? As some refugee lawyers have mooted, would they be at risk of being deported to their country of origin, and thereby be at risk of persecution, if their country of first asylum refused to readmit them? And if they were readmitted to their country of first asylum, would they have full access to the labour market there, or find themselves returning to a refugee camp or informal urban settlement where only informal and low-income livelihoods opportunities exist?

    With respect to privately sponsored resettlement, there is some evidence, especially from Canada, that refugees who arrive by this route fare better than those who are admitted by means of state-sponsored programmes. But there are also risks involved, especially in emergency situations where the citizens of resettlement countries are, for good humanitarian reasons, eager to welcome refugees into their homes and neighbourhoods, and where the state is only too happy to devolve responsibility for refugees to members of the community.

    A particular case in point is to be found in the UK’s sponsorship scheme for Ukrainian refugees, in which some of the new arrivals have found themselves matched with inappropriate sponsors in isolated rural locations and with few affordable options available with respect to their long-term accommodation.
    State manipulation

    Third, the establishment and expansion of safe and legal routes could have adverse consequences if misused by destination countries. With respect to resettlement, for example, UNHCR has always insisted that refugees should be selected on the basis of their vulnerability, and not in terms of what the organisation describes as their “integration potential”.

    That principle might prove more difficult to uphold in a context where alternative pathways are being discussed, specifically targeted at people on the basis of their skills, qualifications, language abilities, family connections and value to the labour market. Rather than expanding their refugee resettlement programmes, as UNHCR would like them to do, will destination countries prefer to make use of pathways that enable them to cherry-pick new arrivals on the basis of perceived value to the economy and society?

    At the same time, there is a risk that states will use the establishment of organised pathways as a pretext for the exclusion of asylum seekers who arrive in an independent manner and by irregular means. That has long been the approach adopted by Australia, whose policy of interception at sea and relocation to remote offshore processing facilities is justified by the government on the grounds that the country has a substantial refugee resettlement programme. Rather than taking to boats and “ jumping the queue”, the authorities say, refugees should wait their turn to be resettled from their country of asylum, however difficult that might be in practice.

    Taking its cue from Australia, the UK is in the process of establishing a formalised two-tier asylum system. On one hand, “bespoke” admissions programmes will be established for refugees from countries in which the UK has a particular geopolitical interest, most notably Afghanistan and Ukraine. On the other hand, the asylum claims of people arriving in the UK in an irregular manner, such as by boat across the English Channel (including those from Afghanistan and Ukraine) are now deemed inadmissible, and many of those arriving in this way are detained and liable to deportation to Rwanda without the possibility of returning to the UK, even if their refugee claim is recognised by the authorities in Kigali. At the time of writing, however, there is no evidence that this policy will have its intended effect of deterring irregular arrivals, nor indeed whether it will ever be implemented, given the legal challenges to which it is being subjected.

    Finally, while much of the recent discourse on irregular migration has focused on the extent to which its scale and impact can be minimised by the establishment of safe and legal pathways, it must not be forgotten that many destination countries already have substantial populations of people who are officially not authorised to be there: so-called “illegal immigrants”, unsuccessful asylum seekers, and foreign nationals who have overstayed their visas, to give just three examples.

    No serious attempt to address the issue of irregular migration can avoid the situation and status of such people, although questions relating to their regularisation, whether by means of amnesties or by other measures. have not featured at all prominently in the recent discourse on international mobility.

    Interestingly, the GCM avoids the issue completely, presumably because it is deemed to be a matter that lies within the jurisdiction of sovereign states. If an attempt had been made to include the question of regularisation in the compact, it would almost certainly have been endorsed by fewer states. Nevertheless, any discussion of irregular migration must involve a consideration of those people who are living and working in countries where they do not have a legal status, as countries such as Spain, Ireland, and Italy have started to recognise. It is an issue that warrants much more attention at the national and multilateral levels, irrespective of its controversial nature.

    A strong case can be made for the introduction and expansion of safe and legal migratory routes, as has been recognised by a plethora of recent initiatives relating to the governance of international mobility. But expectations of them should be modest.

    While such routes may have a limited role to play in reducing the scale and impact of mixed and irregular movements, they appear unlikely to have the transformative effect that some participants in the migration discourse have suggested they might have. Such routes are also likely to be a contentious matter, with some states using the notion of safe and legal routes as a pretext for the introduction of draconian approaches to the issue of irregular migration, and with migrant advocates employing the same concept as a means of avoiding the more controversial slogan of “open borders”.

    As indicated in the introduction, this essay has focused to a large extent on mixed and irregular migration from the global South to the global North, as it is those movements that have prompted much of the recent discourse on safe and legal routes. But it should not be forgotten that most migratory movements currently take place within the global South, and that some 85 percent of the world’s refugees are to be found in low and middle-income countries.

    Looking at the migration and refugee scenario in the developing world, there are perhaps greater grounds for optimism than can be found by focusing on the industrialised states. With some exceptions (South Africa being a prime example), countries in the global South are less exercised by the issue of irregular migration.

    Two regions—South America and West Africa—have established rather successful freedom-of-movement arrangements for their citizens. And despite some restrictive tendencies, encouraged in many instances by the externalisation policies of the global North, developing countries have kept their borders relatively open to refugees, as demonstrated by the presence of so many Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh, South Sudanese in Uganda, Syrians in Jordan and Lebanon, and Venezuelans in a host of neighbouring and nearby states.

    In an ideal world, the cross-border movement of people would indeed take place in an exclusively voluntary, safe, and orderly manner. But that scenario cannot be envisaged in an era that is characterised by failures of global governance, widespread armed conflict, growing regional inequalities, intensifying environmental disasters, and the climate crisis, not to mention the general unwillingness of politicians and the public to countenance large-scale immigration and refugee arrivals. Looking to the future, there is every reason to believe that large numbers of people will have to move out of necessity rather than choice, in an unpredictable and irregular manner.


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #voies_sures #voies_légales #frontières #1980s #menace #2015 #externalisation #refugee_compact #pacte_migratoire #global_compact_for_safe_orderly_and_regular_migration #global_compact_on_refugees #global_compact #relocalisation #régularisation #ouverture_des_frontières #Jeff_Crisp #safe_routes #legal_routes

  • #Niger coup: increasing instability, forced displacement & irregular migration across the #Sahel

    Niger coup: increasing instability, forced displacement & irregular migration across the Sahel, amidst billions of EU Trust Fund for Stability investments.

    On July 26, a military coup took place in Niger, when the democratically elected president was deposed and the commander of the presidential guard declared himself the leader. A nationwide curfew was announced and borders were closed. The military junta justified its actions claiming it was in response to the continuing deterioration of the security situation. On August 10, the leaders of the coup declared a new government, naming 21 ministers, including several generals, but with civilian economist Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine as the new prime minister.

    This was the latest in a series of seven military coups in West and Central Africa since 2020, including in neighbouring Mali and Burkina Faso. In Mali, a coup within a coup took place in May 2021, when the junta leader of the 2020 coup stripped the president and prime minister of their powers and declared himself president. Burkina Faso suffered two military coups in 2022; in September 2022, the head of an artillery unit of the armed forces ousted the previous junta leader who had led a coup in January 2022, and declared himself president of Burkina Faso.

    To add to further potential instability and escalation in the region, the military governments of Burkina Faso and Mali quickly warned – in response to remarks by ECOWAS – that any military intervention against last week’s coup leaders in Niger would be considered a “declaration of war” against their nations. The coup leaders ignored an August 6 deadline by ECOWAS to relinquish power and release the detained elected president. At the August 10 ECOWAS emergency summit in Abuja, West African heads of state repeated that all options remain on the table to restore constitutional order in Niger and ordered the activation of its standby force.
    Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso: military coups in the three major recipients of the EU Trust Fund for Stability and addressing the root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in the Sahel

    Interestingly, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso have been prime target countries in the European Union’s efforts to increase stability in the region and address the root causes of irregular migration and displacement.

    In 2015, the European Union established the “EU Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa”. Of a total fund of 5 billion EUR, the Sahel and Lake Chad is the biggest funding window, with 2.2 billion EUR committed between the start of the programme and the end of December 2022, across 214 projects.

    The three biggest recipient countries in the Sahel and Lake Chad region are indeed Niger (294 million), Mali (288 million) and Burkina Faso (190 million), in addition to 600 million for regional projects. Among the four various strategic objectives, overall the largest share of the budget (34%) went to security and governance activities (the other strategic priorities are economic opportunities, strengthening resilience and improved migration management). The security and governance objective has been the main priority in Mali (49% of all EUTF funding), Niger (42%) and Burkina Faso (69%) (as well as in Nigeria and Mauritania).

    However, the most recent EUTF monitoring report on the Sahel window offers a sobering read on the state of stability and security in these three countries. In summary:

    “In Burkina Faso, 2022 was marked by political instability and deepening insecurity. Burkina Faso has suffered from attacks from armed groups. The conflict has sparked an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Burkina Faso is facing the worst food crisis in a decade”.

    In Mali, “the political process remains at risk considering the country’s worsening security situation and strained diplomatic relations. In an increasingly insecure environment, 8.8 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance in January 2023. In 2022, 1,378 events of violence were reported, causing 4,862 fatalities, a 31% and 155% increase, respectively, compared to 2021”.

    In Niger, it was estimated the country would “face an unprecedented food crisis during the 2022 lean season, resulting from conflict, drought, and high food prices. The humanitarian crisis is strongly driven by insecurity. The number of internal displacements and refugees in Niger kept rising.” These conclusions on Niger date from before the July 2023 coup.

    The report also concluded that 2022 was the “most violent and deadliest year on record for the countries of the Sahel and Lake Chad window, driven by the profound and continuing security crises in Nigeria, Mali, and Burkina Faso. Fatalities recorded in the ACLED database in Mali (4,867) and Burkina Faso (4,266) were the highest ever recorded, more than doubling (144% and 119%, respectively) compared to the average for 2020-2021.” Meanwhile, UNICEF reported 11,100 schools are closed due to conflict or threats made against teachers and students. The number of attacks on schools in West and Central Africa more than doubled between 2019 and 2020.

    In other words: despite billions of funding towards stability and addressing the root causes of irregular migration and displacement, we are seeing increasing instability, conditions in these countries actually driving more displacement and no lasting drop in irregular migration.
    Increasing forced displacement and irregular migration

    Indeed, as of July 2023, UNHCR reports a total of almost 3.2 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Sahel, compared to just under 50,000 when the EUTF was established in 2015. Similarly, UNHCR reports almost 1.5 million refugees and asylum seekers in the Sahel, compared to over 200,000 when the EUTF was established in 2015.

    Irregular migration across the Mediterranean between North Africa and Europe is also on the rise again. According to ISPI, the latest surge in irregular arrivals that Italy is experiencing (136,000 migrants disembarked in Italy in the twelve-month period between June 2022 and May 2023) is almost comparable, in magnitude, to the period of high arrivals in 2014-2017, when on average 155,000 migrants landed each year, which was one of the major drivers for establishing the EUTF. Between 2014 and 2017 close to 80% of all irregular arrivals along the Central Mediterranean route were citizens from sub-Saharan Africa. While figures for 2020-2022 show that the share of arrivals from sub-Saharan Africa fell – suggesting that the efforts to reduce migration may have had an impact – the trend has now reversed again. In the first five months of 2023, sub-Saharan Africans make up more than half of all arrivals again.
    Instability, displacement and irregular migration: because, despite, or regardless of billions of investments in stability and addressing root causes?

    Of course, despite all of the above, we cannot simply conclude the EUTF actually contributed to instability, more displacement and more irregular migration. We cannot even conclude that it failed to have much positive effect, as it not possible to establish causality and we do not have a counterfactual. Perhaps the situation in the Sahel would have been even worse without these massive investments. Surely, the billions of euros the EUTF spend on the Sahel have contributed to successful projects with a positive impact on people’s lives. However, we can conclude that despite these massive investments, the region is more unstable and insecure and faces much more forced displacement than when the EUTF investments started.

    As outlined in an earlier Op-Ed in 2020, the ‘root causes’ approach to migration is both dishonest and ineffective. One of the warnings referred to in that Op-Ed came from a 2019 report by the UK Foreign Affairs Committee concluding that the “EU’s migration work in the Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa risks exacerbating existing security problems, fuelling human rights abuses, and endorsing authoritarian regimes. Preventing local populations from crossing borders may help cut the numbers arriving in Europe in the short term, but in the long term it risks damaging economies and creating instability—which in itself can trigger displacement”. This warning seems to be more valid then ever when looking at the current situation across the Sahel.

    In response to the latest coup in Niger, the EU announced immediate cessation of budget support and indefinite suspension of all cooperation actions in the domain of security. Similarly, France suspended all development aid and budget support with immediate effect. However, Niger has been a prime partner of the EU in fighting the jihadist insurgency in the Sahel and in curbing irregular migration to Europe. Niger’s new military leaders – when looking at the EU’s dealings with third countries to address irregular migration, most recently with Tunisia and Egypt, as well as earlier deals with Morocco and Turkey – are aware of the importance of migration cooperation with third countries for the EU. As such, they may use these issues as leverage in negotiations and to force acceptance of the new regime. It remains to be seen to what extent – and for how long – the EU will be able to maintain its current stance, and resist the pressure to engage with the new regime and resume cooperation, given the political importance that the EU and its member states accord to stemming irregular migration.
    Changing course, or not?

    The bigger question remains: it is becoming increasingly clear the current approach of addressing so-called root causes and trying to create stability to reduce migration and forced displacement is not really working. Now that we have seen military coups in all three major recipient countries of EUTF funding in the Sahel, will there be a significant change in the EU’s external migration policy approach in Africa and the Sahel going forward? Or will the current approach prevail, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? What is ultimately needed is a more humane, rational, coherent and comprehensive approach to migration governance, which not only takes into account all aspects of migration (including visa policies, returns, labour migration, etc.), but goes beyond migration and migration-related objectives, and takes into account other policy areas, including trade, agriculture, arms and commodities exports, peace building and conflict resolution. When we are discussing the root causes of migration, we need honest debate and actions that include the real and very serious causes of migration and displacement.


    #coup_d'Etat #migrations #politiques_migratoires #instabilité_politique #externalisation #EU_Emergency_Trust_Fund #Trust_Fund #Mali #Burkina_Faso #causes_profondes #root_causes #EUTF #insécurité #déplacés_internes #sécheresse

    ping @_kg_

  • #Bibby_Stockholm en 2023... des bateaux au large de la #Jamaïque pour « accueillir » des #réfugiés_haïtiens qui demandaient l’asile aux #USA en 1994...

    The likely agreement would allow the United States to anchor or dock large ships in a Jamaican port or at least close to shore, the officials said.




    The United States has reached an agreement with Jamaica to set up a facility on the Caribbean island to process Haitian refugees, according to officials close to negotiations that have been taking place between the two nations for several days.

    The agreement is likely to be announced today in Kingston, the officials said. This is the first time another government has offered to help the Clinton administration share the burden of handling those who flee Haiti’s military regime by taking to the sea, most of them seeking political asylum in the United States.

    Aside from providing a diplomatic boost to the administration’s efforts, Jamaica has helped resolve logistical problems that have bedeviled U.S. officials for weeks.

    The United States asked Jamaica to consider hosting a refugee facility last week and since then U.S. and Jamaican officials have been engaged in almost continuous discussions, here and in Kingston.

    The likely agreement would allow the United States to anchor or dock large ships in a Jamaican port or at least close to shore, the officials said. The ships would be used to house Haitians picked up by the Coast Guard and would serve as a processing center where their applications for refugee status would be heard and adjudicated. U.S. officials could be housed on land along with all facilities needed to support the ships.

    President Clinton’s special advisor on Haiti, former House member William H. Gray III, was to arrive in Jamaica yesterday afternoon and begin meetings with top Jamaican officials today. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott is due to begin a visit to Kingston Thursday.

    A formal agreement on a processing facility could be announced during these meetings, officials said, and the first Haitians could be brought to Jamaica as early as the beginning of next week.

    “We are encouraged by the progress that has been made in the talks and we are hopeful progress will continue and that we will be able to say something more on this soon,” a senior U.S. official said. In recent weeks Clinton repeatedly has emphasized his desire to pursue a policy on Haiti with international and especially regional support.

    He was able to win such backing for tighter economic sanctions against Haiti, which went into effect on May 21. But it has proved more difficult for Clinton to get help with the other half of his Haitian dilemma, the handling of boat people.

    After protests by civil rights groups and refugee advocates, Clinton on May 8 ended a policy of automatically returning all Haitians picked up at sea without giving them a chance to seek the shelter of refugee status.

    Instead he promised to set up facilities that would let the Haitians apply for refugee status, which entitles them to permanent resettlement in the United States. Clinton insisted, however, that most boat people were likely to be rejected and sent back.

    Although it has held discussions with a number of governments in the regions, the only expression of support the administration had received thus far was an agreement with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees to cooperate on handling the boat people.

    Last week the United States sought permission to locate a processing facility on the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British dependency, but has yet to receive a response.



    Jamaica to Let U.S. Anchor Ship Off Coast

    Jamaica agreed today to let the United States anchor ships in its waters so American officials can hold shipboard hearings to determine whether fleeing Haitians qualify for refugee status.

    The Jamaican decision represents a diplomatic victory for the Clinton Administration, which promised last month to provide individual hearings for Haitian boat people rather than forcibly send them back without hearings. Later, the Administration realized it did not have a suitable place to conduct such hearings.

    The Clinton Administration has been eager to find processing centers in third countries because fleeing Haitians who are processed in the United States often remain for years even if their asylum applications are rejected because Federal courts can permit them to stay until their appeals are exhausted.

    The Administration has been under pressure to set up the shipboard processing as soon as possible because it has been in the embarrassing position of continuing to summarily repatriate Haitians without interviews even though President Clinton announced on May 8 that he was abandoning this policy.

    [ The United States Coast Guard returned 63 fleeing Haitians to Port-au-Prince Wednesday, the third group repatriated in a week, Reuters reported. That brought to 1,439 the number of refugees brought back to their homeland since Washington said it would halt the practice. ] Ship Heads for Kingston

    After the United States and Jamaica announced their agreement, Administration officials said they hoped to have a large American ship anchored in Kingston harbor within several days to begin interviewing Haitian emigrants.

    “They’d like to start this at the beginning of next week,” said Barbara Francis, the United States spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which is working with the Clinton Administration on setting up the processing.

    The plan is for a 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship to arrive in Jamaica this week so it can begin processing what American officials expect to be a steady stream of fleeing Haitians. In light of a recent United Nations decision to tighten the trade embargo against Haiti, Administration officials fear an accelerating exodus.

    About 300 Americans will work on the hospital ship, including Immigration and Naturalization Service officials who will conduct hearings and Navy personnel who run the ship.
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    In addition, about 10 employees of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees will work on the ship to provide training for the American hearing officers and will counsel the Haitian applicants. U.S. to Cover All Costs

    Christine Shelly, a State Department spokeswoman, said the United States will cover all costs connected to the shipboard processing.

    Jamaica has not asked Washington for any payment for allowing American ships to anchor in its waters, but Jamaican officials have conveyed their displeasure that the Clinton Administration has not appointed an Ambassador to Jamaica and is cutting economic aid to the island.

    Under the Administration’s plan, Coast Guard cutters will pick up Haitian boat people in the Caribbean and take them to Kingston Harbor. Haitians who are found to have a well-founded fear of persecution in their homeland will be transported to the United States, or perhaps another country. Those whose claim of persecution is declared to be not well-founded will be taken back to Haiti.

    “We would hope they would go not only to the U.S., but that other countries would step forward to accept some of them,” an Administration official said concerning those granted asylum. Hope for Turks and Caicos

    United States officials say they still hope that the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British-ruled group of small islands off the Bahamas, will agree to allow Washington to set up processing centers there.

    The legislative council of those islands is scheduled to meet on Friday to consider Washington’s request.

    Turks and Caicos officials have offered the United States an uninhabited island, but Washington is concerned about the lack of docking facilities and potable water on the island.

    The United States sent a second ship to Jamaica today. That ship, a leased, 700-bed Ukrainian cruise ship, will be anchored in Kingston to handle the spillover from the Navy hospital ship, or it will be anchored off the Turks and Caicos Islands, officials said. -------------------- Haitian Files Suit

    A Haitian refugee who was chopped with a machete and left for dead in her homeland filed a $30 million lawsuit in Brooklyn yesterday against a far-right political group in Haiti.

    The refugee, Alerte Belance, who now lives in Newark, N.J., sued the Haitian Front of Advancement and Progress in Federal Court for an attack last fall that cost her a right arm and left her with deep gashes on her neck and across her face.

    Her suit is based on a ruling that allows some victims of human rights abuses committed abroad to seek redress in an American court.


    #USA #asile #migrations #bateau #réfugiés #Etats-Unis #externalisation #procédure_d'asile

    Sur la #Bibby_Stockholm :

    Et la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • EU Commission gifts Egypt patrol boats to become a gatekeeper for migration, following Tunisian model

    The EU Commission wants to conclude a migration defense agreement with Egypt and is upgrading the country’s land and sea borders. However, hardly any refugee boats leave from Egyptian shores for Europe.

    The government in Cairo is to receive two new ships for its coast guard. A corresponding tender worth €23 million was published by the EU Commission in May. This was confirmed by Neighborhood Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi in a response to a question from MEP Özlem Demirel. Accordingly, the funds come from the NDICI fund, which is intended to provide financial support for the EU’s Neighborhood Policy. As a purpose, the Commission states border management and search and rescue operations. Egypt will also receive thermal imaging cameras, satellite tracking systems and other surveillance equipment.

    With the donations, the Commission wants to build Egypt into a new partner in migration defense. In 2021, the government had sent a “list” of border protection equipment to Brussels for this purpose. EU Migration Commissioner Ylva Johansson then traveled to the Egyptian capital to negotiate them, followed by a visit by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in 2022.

    Before the end of this year, the Commission intends to conclude an “Operational Partnership to Combat People Smuggling” with Egypt. Tunisia recently became the first African country to sign such a deal with the EU. However, this “partnership” violates EU treaties. This is because the Commission should actually have obtained the approval of the 27 member states before concluding the contract with Tunisia.

    Egypt is also upgrading its land borders with EU funds. To this end, the Commission has promised the country a further €87 million – a significant increase on plans from last year, which still envisaged €57 million. For the “protection of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants,” the government in Cairo will receive an extra €23 million.

    In addition, 20 million will be used to take in people who have fled Sudan because of the civil war. Two months ago, however, the Egyptian government drastically tightened conditions for displaced Sudanese, who must now apply for a visa to cross the border. Since then, thousands have been stranded at the border in dire humanitarian conditions, writes the organization Human Rights Watch.

    The Egyptian government continues to oppose the stationing of Frontex in Egypt. As early as 2007, the EU states had commissioned their border agency to negotiate a working agreement with Cairo, but this has not yet come to pass. However, Frontex coordinates “Joint Return Operations” of rejected asylum seekers to Egypt.

    With about 108 million inhabitants, Egypt is one of the EU’s neighbors with the largest population. A third of them are under 24 years old. Many of them seek a better future in Europe and cross the Mediterranean Sea by boat to do so. According to the Commission, the number of these irregular entries into the EU increased sixfold in 2021 compared to the previous year.

    Most border crossings by Egyptian nationals take place in Italy. However, these depart mainly from Libya, the Commission confirms: not even one percent of the crossings started from Egyptian shores, according to the figures. This also applies to refugees from other countries after they have passed through Egypt as a transit country.

    However, the refugee route via Libya is also becoming increasingly closed: In recent years, Egypt has significantly strengthened its military border surveillance to the neighboring country. Refugees are therefore increasingly reliant on aid workers, who are also facing more persecution. The “Law No. 82 on Combating Illegal Migration and Smuggling of Migrants,” enacted in 2016 and strengthened in 2022, allows authorities to take tougher action against any kind of aid to escape.

    Refugees are also criminalized in this way, confirms human rights lawyer Muhammad Al Kashef, who is active in the Alarmphone project and the Abolish Frontex campaign: “Thousands of people have been arrested under Law No. 82 for trying to enter or leave the country irregularly.” Egypt’s poor human rights record is compounded by its new partnership with the EU, Al Kashef told “nd.”

    Not all migration from Egypt is unwanted in Europe. EU states want to benefit from skilled workers from Egypt and facilitate their entry. Egypt is therefore one of the priority countries to be won over for a so-called “Talent Partnership”. The Commission began negotiations on this in June.


    #externalisation #asile #réfugiés #contrôles_frontaliers #frontières #Egypte #accord #gardes-côtes #aide_financière #militarisation_des_frontières #surveillance #matériel #Operational_Partnership_to_Combat_People_Smuggling #partenariat


  • Remote Atlantic Ocean rock could host migrants, UK says

    The UK is threatening to deport irregular migrants to Ascension Island if its plan to send people to Rwanda fails, amid another lethal shipwreck in the Mediterranean.

    British officials briefed national press anonymously on the Ascension Island idea on Sunday (6 August).

    “It’s pragmatic to consider all options and it makes sense to draw up proposals to stop the boats that could work alongside our Rwanda policy,” a “senior government source” told The Sunday Times.

    “We’re still confident that our Rwanda scheme is lawful, but having alternative proposals on the table would provide us with a back-up if we’re frustrated legally,” the source said.

    “All options were on the table”, British home secretary Suella Braverman also told the Mail on Sunday.

    Ascension Island is part of the Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha British overseas territory in the South Atlantic Ocean.

    The volcanic outcrop is just 88 km squared and located 6,000 km away from Europe.

    Braverman had planned to start deporting people to Rwanda on flights in January to act as a deterrent.

    But this was ruled illegal by the Court of Appeal in June over deficiencies in Rwanda’s asylum system, with a final verdict due by the Supreme Court in late autumn.

    Other “Plan B” locations alongside Ascension Island included Alderney in the Channel islands, a British military base in Cyprus, Ghana, Nigeria, Namibia, and Morocco, the Sunday Times reported.

    Niger had been on the list, but a coup in Niamey in July now threatened to see military intervention by neighbouring states, making the region a source of even higher numbers of refugees.

    The Falkland Islands had also been considered, but were deemed too sensitive due to the 1982 Falklands War between Britain and Argentina.

    And British officials cited Australia’s policy of processing asylum claims on Nauru in the South Pacific as a model for their far-flung schemes.

    The Rwanda Plan A has been pasted by human-rights groups as demonisation of vulnerable people by Britain’s ruling Conservative Party, which trails in polls ahead of elections likely in 2024.

    About 15,000 have crossed to the UK on small boats from France so far this year, down 15 percent on the same period in 2022.

    But arrivals to Europe are on the rise, via dangerous Mediterranean crossings and Turkey.

    Over 127,300 people came in the first seven months of this year compared to 189,600 in all of last year, according to the International Organisation for Migration, a UN limb.

    More than 2,330 people lost their lives or went missing, compared to 2,965 in 2022.

    Another woman and child died and 30 were still missing after two boats capsized near the Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday, Italian authorities said.

    The coastguard saved 57 people so far.

    They also airlifted 34 others, including two pregnant women and a child, who had been clinging to a cliff face on Lampedusa since Friday following a previous shipwreck.
    Unwelcoming mood

    The right-wing government of Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni has been accused of complicating rescues by forcing charity ships to disembark at far-away ports, echoing the UK approach.

    And migration is likely to feature heavily in the European Parliament elections next year, just as in post-Brexit Britain.

    Germany’s far-right AfD party declared the EU a “failed project” and promised to crack down on migrants in its programme for next June’s vote, unveiled on Sunday.

    It called for the EU to reform as a “federation of European nations” that protected “different identities” in Europe.

    It also spoke of a “Europe of fatherlands, a European community of sovereign, democratic states”.

    The AfD is poles apart from the old German spirit under former conservative chancellor Angela Merkel, who welcomed refugees in 2015.

    But the far-right party is now polling at 19 to 22 percent, making it the second strongest political force in the EU’s largest member state.


    #UK #Atlantique #Angleterre #île #île_de_l'ascension #externalisation #modèle_australien #asile #migrations #réfugiés #océan_atlantique

    L’île de l’Ascension après d’autres magnifiques idées :
    – le Rwanda : https://seenthis.net/messages/966443
    – la Bibby Stockholm : https://seenthis.net/tag/bibby_stockholm

    Et ça rappelle farouchement ce que les Australiens ont mis en place (la #Pacific_solution) sur l’île de #Nauru : https://seenthis.net/tag/nauru

    D’ailleurs, je découvre grâce aux archives seenthis (#merci @seenthis) qu’en 2020, la #Grande-Bretagne avait déjà imaginé d’envoyer les demandeurs d’asile sur une autre île au milieu de l’Atlantique qui leur appartient : l’île de #Saint-Hélène : https://seenthis.net/messages/881888


    ajouté à la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

    • L’ultima idea di Londra per i richiedenti asilo: «spedirli» su un’isola in mezzo all’Atlantico

      All’Ascensione, territorio dipendente da Sant’Elena. Intanto da ieri decine spostati su una chiatta a Portland

      La buona notizia è che, causa golpe, è tramontata definitivamente l’ipotesi di spostare i migranti in Niger. La cattiva notizia? Tutto il resto.

      Gli arrivi record nel Regno Unito stanno mettendo a durissima prova il governo Sunak, anche se tra i presunti vantaggi di Brexit c’era proprio quello di «riprendere il controllo dei confini britannici» sottraendoli agli odiati burocrati di Bruxelles.

      Così l’ultima ipotesi è quella di portare migliaia di persone — in attesa di verdetto sulla richiesta d’asilo — su un’isola sperduta tra costa africana (1.600 chilometri) e costa sudamericana (2.300 chilometri), l’Isola dell’Ascensione, nell’amministrazione di Sant’Elena di napoleonica memoria. Charles Darwin, che durante il suo viaggio con il veliero Beagle la visitò nel 1836, la definì «orribile».

      L’esilio agli antipodi dei migranti non è neanche il problema più urgente di Sunak, che peraltro è in vacanza negli Stati Uniti con la famiglia, sadicamente pedinato dai tabloid inglesi anche alla lezione di spinning in una palestra di lusso a Santa Monica con accompagnamento musicale di Taylor Swift.

      È cominciato infatti ieri pomeriggio il trasferimento di alcune decine di migranti su una chiatta, la Bibby Stockholm, ancorata nel porto di Portland . Arrivano da alberghi di Oxford, Bristol, Torbay e Bournemouth: proprio il problema degli hotel è quello più urgente. Il governo paga infatti sei milioni di sterline al giorno (sette milioni di euro) per ospitare in albergo migliaia di migranti. L’idea della chiatta è venuta, semplicemente, per risparmiare mentre le lista d’attesa per le richieste d’asilo si allungano spaventosamente.

      Neanche i tabloid stanno facendo sconti al governo: due mesi fa campeggiava sulle loro prime pagine la protesta dei migranti iraniani che rifiutavano la sistemazione in un albergo londinese di Pimlico (centralissimo, 175 euro a notte) perché pretendevano camere singole, e per questo si erano accampati in strada.

      La capacità ricettiva dell’apparato dello Stato britannico pare uscita da un vecchio sketch dei Monty Python, e sarebbe un brutto gesto, oggi, quello di rinfacciare alla fazione pro-Brexit le vecchie critiche alle (effettive) falle nell’accoglienza ai migranti targata Ue. Ma certo è che il «piano B» è una priorità del governo Sunak: s’intende l’idea di trasferire fuori dai confini nazionali i migranti finché non sarà definito l’esito delle loro richieste d’asilo. Soltanto quattordici mesi fa, quando il governo Johnson ormai al capolinea ipotizzò di utilizzare il Ruanda come parcheggio per i migranti desiderosi di vivere nel Regno Unito stringendo con Kigali un accordo di cooperazione da 160 milioni di euro, l’allora principe Carlo con una clamorosa e inedita violazione della tradizionale neutralità politica della Corona — sempre silente sulle scelte governative — lasciò trapelare di essere rimasto «allibito».

      Un trasferimento di seimila chilometri nel territorio britannico d’oltremare nell’Atlantico meridionale provocherebbe, al netto di ogni altra considerazione politica e umanitaria, una serie di complessi problemi organizzativi, dato che l’isola di 88 chilometri quadrati ha soltanto ottocento abitanti e non è ovviamente attrezzata per diventare un campo profughi. Perfino il Daily Mail, giornale per nulla favorevole all’apertura delle frontiere, la definiva ieri «una pietra vulcanica in mezzo al nulla».

      Al momento il piano di collaborazione con Kigali è stato bloccato da un tribunale, ma il governo aspetta il pronunciamento definitivo della Corte suprema in ottobre.


  • Immigration : après la #Tunisie, l’Union européenne viserait des #partenariats_migratoires avec l’#Egypte et le #Maroc

    L’#Union_européenne souhaite négocier avec l’Égypte et le Maroc des partenariats similaires à celui qu’elle vient de conclure avec la Tunisie, portant sur la lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière.

    L’UE et la Tunisie ont signé ce dimanche 16 juillet à Tunis un protocole d’accord pour un « #partenariat_stratégique », qui concerne aussi le développement économique du pays et les énergies renouvelables.

    Sur le volet migratoire, il prévoit une aide européenne de 105 millions d’euros destinée à empêcher les départs de bateaux de migrants vers l’UE depuis les côtes tunisiennes et lutter contre les passeurs.

    Mais aussi à faciliter les retours dans ce pays de Tunisiens qui sont en situation irrégulière dans l’UE, ainsi que les retours depuis la Tunisie vers leurs pays d’origine de migrants d’Afrique subsaharienne.

    La présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen a dit souhaiter que ce partenariat soit un #modèle pour de futurs #accords avec les pays de la région.

    L’Égypte et le Maroc sont deux pays qui pourraient être concernés, a indiqué un haut responsable européen s’exprimant sous couvert de l’anonymat, soulignant les bénéfices de ce type de partenariat pour les deux rives de la Méditerranée.

    Mais cet accord avec Tunis a aussi suscité des critiques en raison du traitement des migrants d’Afrique sub-saharienne dans ce pays du Maghreb. Des centaines de migrants ont été arrêtés en Tunisie puis « déportés » par la police, selon les ONG, vers des zones inhospitalières aux frontières avec Algérie et Libye.


    #externalisation #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #partenariat #modèle_tunisien


    ajouté à la métaliste sur le #memorandum_of_understanding avec la Tunisie :

    ping @_kg_

  • Braverman plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda unlawful, appeal court rules

    Rishi Sunak announces government will seek supreme court appeal, but Labour says policy is unravelling after judges’ decision

    Court of appeal judges have ruled that it is unlawful to send asylum seekers to Rwanda to have their claims processed, in a judgment that delivers a potential hammer blow to government policy.

    Rishi Sunak said in a statement that the government would now seek permission to appeal against the decision at the supreme court as he insisted that Rwanda was a safe country and said that the court had agreed with this.

    The ruling follows a four-day hearing in April against a high court decision last December that it was lawful to send some asylum seekers, including people arriving on small boats, to Rwanda to have their claims processed rather than dealing with their applications for sanctuary in the UK.

    The court ruled that due to deficiencies in the Rwandan asylum system there was a real risk that people sent to Rwanda would be returned to their home countries, where they face persecution or other inhumane treatment, when in fact they had a good claim for asylum.

    The court’s conclusion was that Rwanda was not a “safe third country” even though assurances provided by the Rwandan government were provided in good faith.

    “While I respect the court, I fundamentally disagree with their conclusions,” Sunak said. “I strongly believe the Rwandan government has provided the assurances necessary to ensure there is no real risk that asylum seekers relocated under the Rwanda policy would be wrongly returned to third countries, something that the lord chief justice agrees with.”

    He added: “The policy of this government is very simple: it is this country – and your government – who should decide who comes here, not criminal gangs. And I will do whatever is necessary to make that happen.”

    The illegal migration bill, now passing through parliament, states that all asylum seekers arriving by “irregular means” could face being forcibly removed to Rwanda.

    However, Labour claimed the government’s policy on so-called small boats crossing the Channel was now “completely unravelling”. The shadow home secretary, Yvette Cooper, said the Rwanda scheme was “unworkable, unethical and extortionate”.

    The home secretary, Suella Braverman, said she was disappointed by the ruling, adding: “The British people want to stop the boats, and so does this government. That’s what I am determined to deliver and I won’t take a backward step from that.”

    Lord Burnett, who heard the appeal with Sir Geoffrey Vos and Lord Justice Underhill, said the court had ruled by a majority that the policy of removing asylum seekers to Rwanda was unlawful, though he disagreed with the other two judges.

    Those who supported the appeal against the ruling included the UN’s refugee agency UNHCR, lawyers, charities and a group of asylum seekers.

    The court heard from UNHCR that Rwanda had a record of human rights abuses towards refugees within its borders, including refoulement – forced removal to countries where they are at risk – expulsions and arbitrary detention. The refugee agency said the Home Office would not be able to guarantee the safety of asylum seekers who were deported to the east African country.

    But Sir James Eadie KC, counsel for the home secretary, said she was confident that the government of Rwanda would abide by undertakings given in a memorandum of understanding signed by the two countries.

    Ten asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Sudan and Albania who arrived in the UK by irregular means, crossing the Channel in small boats, brought the case along with the charity Asylum Aid.

    The key issue before the court was whether Rwanda was capable of delivering reliable outcomes on asylum claims and whether there was a risk that asylum seekers would be forcibly removed to their home countries after arriving in Rwanda, even if they had strong asylum claims.

    The judges found that sending asylum seekers to Rwanda would be a breach of article 3 of the European convention on human rights.

    The judges unanimously rejected other grounds of appeal in the case.


    #illégalité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #UK #légalité #justice #externalisation


    ajouté à cette métaliste sur la mise en place de l’#externalisation des #procédures_d'asile au #Rwanda par l’#Angleterre

  • [Échauder les esprits.] Avec l’arrivée de France Travail, certains chômeurs, précaires et conseillers Pôle emploi craignent le renforcement de « la police des travailleurs »

    Une centaine de personnes ont défilé mardi à Paris contre la réforme de #Pôle_emploi contenue dans le projet de loi « plein emploi », qui doit être étudié en juillet à l’Assemblée. Mais le texte suscite souvent la crainte des premiers concernés.

    "On est là, on est là !" Ils sont une centaine, mardi 27 juin, à arpenter en chantant le kilomètre de bitume parisien qui sépare le ministère de l’Economie du siège de l’Unédic, l’organisme qui gère le régime d’assurance-chômage. Une fois arrivée au pied des locaux de l’institution, la petite foule – à majorité des adhérents de la CGT – installe sono et barbecue, pour demander au conseil d’administration de l’association, qui se tient quelques étages au-dessus, de revaloriser significativement le montant des #allocations_chômage.

    L’inflation importante ces derniers mois et la diminution d’un quart de la #durée_d'indemnisation des demandeurs d’emploi, en février, avaient déjà échaudé les esprits des syndicats et associations de #chômeurs. Mais la présentation en juin du projet de loi « #plein_emploi », qui acte notamment la transformation de Pôle emploi en #France_Travail, a fini d’inquiéter ces organisations. Celles-ci ont appelé à défiler mardi.

    En théorie, le texte du gouvernement a pourtant de quoi séduire : un #accompagnement_renforcé pour les demandeurs d’emploi qui ne sont pas autonomes, une meilleure coordination entre tous les acteurs de l’emploi et une meilleure insertion des personnes en situation de handicap ou avec des difficultés sociales. Avec un objectif : atteindre le plein-emploi (5% de chômage, contre 7% actuellement) d’ici à la fin du quinquennat.

    Mais plusieurs mesures du projet font craindre le pire à certains. Parmi elles, l’obligation pour les futurs inscrits de signer un « contrat d’engagement » avec, à la clé, 15 heures à 20 heures d’#activité_obligatoires (une durée qui ne devrait finalement pas figurer dans la loi) pour les bénéficiaires du #RSA, ou la création d’une nouvelle #sanction en cas de non-respect de cette obligation. "Les gens seront pris dans une machine qui précarise", avance ainsi Mirabelle Lemaire, secrétaire générale du SNU TefiI-FSU, qui regroupe notamment des agents de Pôle emploi. 

    "Nous ne sommes pas du tout dans une logique de travail gratuit ou de bénévolat obligatoire, mais de grande diversité et de personnalisation des activités dans le futur contrat d’engagement", a tenu à rassurer le ministre du Travail, Olivier Dussopt, dans une interview accordée aux Echos. Sans nécessairement réussir à calmer les inquiétudes. Alors que l’examen du texte doit débuter en juillet à l’Assemblée, franceinfo a interrogé cinq manifestants qui exposent leurs craintes.

    Roxanne, demandeuse d’emploi non indemnisée : "J’aurais besoin d’un véritable accompagnement"

    "J’ai été diplômée de la fac de droit de Nice il y a cinq mois. Depuis, je n’ai pas réussi à trouver de travail, d’autant plus que je suis en situation de handicap. Comme je n’ai jamais cotisé, je ne touche pas d’allocations chômage. Mais comment peut-on trouver un emploi si on finit à la rue ? Heureusement, mon père est en mesure de m’aider.

    J’aurais besoin d’un véritable accompagnement dans ma recherche, notamment pour déterminer quels sont les emplois qui sont adaptés à ma situation, et comment adapter ceux qui peuvent l’être. Mais aux yeux de Pôle emploi, on n’existe pas quand on n’est pas indemnisé. Je n’ai rencontré qu’une seule fois ma conseillère, à ma demande. Depuis, mon dossier est passé entre les mains de l’équipe chargée du handicap, mais je n’ai eu aucun retour. Malgré les promesses du gouvernement, je pense que ça sera pareil avec France Travail. A chaque réforme de Pôle emploi, on promet de mieux accompagner les chômeurs. Mais, à chaque fois, c’est un peu plus la #police_des_travailleurs."

    Mirabelle Lemaire, secrétaire générale du SNU Tefi-FSU : "On part des besoins des entreprises et non des gens"

    "Le projet France Travail est très flou. Au début, Pôle emploi devait être à la manœuvre de ce nouveau service de l’emploi, et maintenant, on ne nous parle plus que d’un rôle d’appui. Le risque, c’est que nous ne soyons plus que de simples exécutants, et que la politique de l’emploi soit décidée localement, par les présidents de région et les préfets.

    On voit bien qu’il y a un changement de logique : au lieu de partir des projets professionnels des gens pour les accompagner, on part des besoins des entreprises pour former de la main-d’œuvre, comme c’est le cas avec la réforme des lycées professionnels. Au lieu de former à des métiers, on ne forme qu’à des bouts de métiers, ou sur des outils précis, pour telle ou telle entreprise.

    Par exemple, quand la fibre est arrivée, on a formé à tour de bras des ’tireurs de câbles’ pour venir procéder aux installations chez les gens. Une fois que la fibre a été installée quasiment partout, ces gens ont de nouveau été au chômage. France Travail va accentuer ce phénomène : on nous dit qu’il faut remettre les gens au #travail, immédiatement. Mais accompagner un demandeur d’emploi, cela demande du temps !"

    Andrés, ex-cadre désormais au RSA activité : "Le sale boulot a déjà commencé"

    "En 2013, j’ai été licencié de mon emploi de cadre dirigeant à l’occasion de la vente de mon entreprise. Comme j’avais beaucoup contesté cette opération financière, je me suis grillé dans mon secteur et je n’ai pas réussi à retrouver d’emploi. J’ai été au #chômage, jusqu’à épuisement de mes droits. Désormais, je fais à peu près n’importe quoi comme boulot – agent d’entretien, saisonnier, préparateur de sandwiches, etc. Je touche aussi le RSA, et parfois la #prime_d'activité.

    Depuis que je ne suis plus cadre, j’ai découvert à quel point les travailleurs non-qualifiés sont mal traités : vous faites de l’#intérim, mais la paie arrive avec un mois de retard, amputée de plusieurs heures de travail pourtant effectuées. Du côté de Pôle emploi, j’ai déjà reçu un avertissement de #radiation car je ne m’étais pas rendu à une formation, alors que je leur avais envoyé un mail expliquant que j’avais un contrat ce jour-là ! Tous les dysfonctionnements du système sont mis au service de la radiation des demandeurs d’emploi. Je n’ai pas besoin d’attendre de voir ce que donnera France Travail : le sale boulot a déjà commencé."

    Gary*, conseiller Pôle emploi : "Il faut des embauches"

    "France Travail va continuer l’#externalisation du marché de l’accompagnement des demandeurs d’emploi, qui est déjà à l’œuvre. Entre 2020 et 2023, dans mon agence de Seine-Saint-Denis, nous sommes passés d’environ 250 demandeurs d’emploi avec un suivi actif par conseiller au double. Comme Pôle emploi ne peut pas répondre à toute la demande, il externalise une partie de l’activité à des prestataires privés. 

    En théorie, l’accompagnement renforcé voulu par le gouvernement, avec des portefeuilles de demandeurs d’emploi moins nombreux, c’est génial. Mais comme aucune hausse des moyens n’a été annoncée, en pratique, les collègues seront obligés d’externaliser l’accompagnement. On veut faire correctement notre métier, mais pour cela, il faut des embauches. En 2019, une étude de la CGT Pôle emploi Ile-de-France avait démontré que pour respecter les normes d’accompagnement édictées par Pôle emploi lui-même, il faudrait deux à trois fois plus de conseillers sur les six agences de l’ouest de la Seine-Saint-Denis !"

    Dominique, autoentrepreneuse au RSA : "Pôle emploi devrait indemniser 100% des chômeurs"

    "Je suis titulaire d’un bac +3 en histoire de l’art et archéologie. Malgré mes 58 ans, je n’ai jamais réussi à travailler suffisamment longtemps pour recharger durablement mes droits au chômage, alors je dépends majoritairement du RSA depuis la fin de mes études. J’ai fait plein de formations : photographie, graphisme, menuiserie… Les offres d’emploi auxquelles je postule ensuite restent les trois quarts du temps sans réponse. Et quand j’en reçois, on me dit le plus souvent que je ne suis pas assez formée, ou alors au contraire trop diplômée !

    Après ma dernière #formation, j’en ai eu marre et j’ai décidé de monter ma propre autoentreprise pour créer et réparer des meubles, monter des cuisines, etc. Mais la Chambre de commerce n’acceptait de me prêter de l’argent que si je décrochais un prêt bancaire. Je suis allée voir toutes les banques, mais elles ont refusé de me prêter de l’argent, en invoquant ma situation précaire. Ce n’est pas de France Travail dont j’ai besoin, mais que Pôle emploi indemnise 100% des chômeurs, c’est-à-dire des personnes privées d’emploi, qu’elles aient ou non suffisamment travaillé."

    Le plein emploi, c’est la loi. Chômer est un crime.


  • Sending asylum seekers to #Rwanda will cost £169k a person, says Home Office

    ‘Impact assessment’ of the illegal migration bill reignites bitter rows over the controversial scheme

    The cost of sending a single person seeking asylum to Rwanda could be nearly £170,000, according to government analysis, which has immediately reignited bitter rows over the controversial scheme.

    A long-awaited “impact assessment” of the illegal migration bill has conceded that ministers do not know the overall costs of implementing plans to detain and deport anyone who arrives in the UK by irregular means.

    The disclosure comes at the start of a pivotal week for the government’s flagship policy, which is meant to “stop the boats”, one of Rishi Sunak’s five key promises.

    Peers have already threatened to derail the bill when it returns to the upper chamber on Wednesday.

    On Thursday, the court of appeal is expected to rule on whether it is legal to deport people seeking asylum, including women and children, to Rwanda.

    Enver Solomon, the head of the Refugee Council, said the assessment failed to evaluate the true costs and consequences of the government’s proposed legislation.

    “If enacted in its current form, the bill would leave tens of thousands of refugees unable to access the protection they are entitled to under international law. It would cause hardship, cost billions of pounds, and do nothing to alleviate the current crisis and pressures within the asylum system,” he said.

    Suella Braverman, the home secretary, said the assessment examining the costs of the illegal migration bill showed the government would save at least £106,000 for every person deterred from entering the UK by irregular means.

    “Our impact assessment shows that doing nothing is not an option.

    “I urge MPs and peers to back the bill to stop the boats, so we can crack down on people smuggling gangs while bringing our asylum system back into balance,” she said.

    But the assessment also claimed that locating an individual to the central African country or another third country is estimated to cost £169,000, based on a previous government scheme.

    It said that “an estimated unit cost of £169,000 is found for relocating an individual … This cost will only be incurred for people who arrive in the UK illegally.” A Home Office source said the figure is based on a “theoretical exercise on costs under the bill”.

    The assessment said it is “not possible to estimate with precision the level of deterrence” the bill will have.

    It noted academic consensus is that there is “little to no evidence” policy changes deter people leaving their home countries and seeking refuge.

    Instead, shared language, culture and family ties were accepted to be “strong factors” influencing choice of final destination.

    The Home Office has refused to publish the payments agreed with the Rwandan government, citing “commercial sensitivities”, on top of a £140m payment handed over as part of a deal signed under Boris Johnson’s government.

    In passages that undermine the government’s plan to detain and deport everyone who arrives by irregular means, the assessment said constraints on capacity meant the illegal migration bill might only be applied to a proportion of arrivals.

    “This could lead to additional costs associated with bailing individuals and providing non-detained accommodation, a reduced deterrent effect observed and further process issues such as migrants absconding while not detained,” the report said.

    Braverman’s plan to house people seeking asylum on barges was called “unworkable” on Monday as she missed her own target for the first vessel to be in place.

    The Bibby Stockholm accommodation vessel, which would house about 500 people, was not yet in Portland Port, Dorset, despite the home secretary’s promise it would be in the dock a week ago.

    The release of the document came after peers threatened to delay the bill until after the government had published facts and figures showing the financial impact.

    The government awaits a court of appeal judgment on the legality of its plans to deport people seeking asylum including women and children to Rwanda.

    Organisations, including the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, have warned the proposals are in breach of international law and set a dangerous precedent for other countries in their treatment of people seeking refuge.

    Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary, said the assessment was a “complete joke” and that the illegal migration bill could cost taxpayers billions more.

    “By its own admission, this failing Conservative government is totally clueless on how much this bill will cost or what the impact of any of its policies will be.

    “The few figures the Home Office has produced show how chaotic and unworkable their plans are. It suggests that if Rishi Sunak were actually able to deliver on his promise to remove every asylum seeker who arrives in the UK it would cost billions of pounds more even than the Tories’ broken asylum system today,” Cooper said.

    Shami Chakrabarti, the human rights barrister who has led criticisms of the bill in the Lords, compared the assessment to a press release. “Is this the much awaited document, so carefully prepared that it could not be published at any stage during such a contentious bill’s passage through the House of Commons?

    “The so-called impact assessment is about the length of a Home Office press release and similar in style and content. It’s all about deterrence but the financial and human costs are ‘untested’, the delivery plan still ‘being developed’ and international law is completely ignored,” she said.

    #coût #prix #asile #migrations #réfugiés #externalisation #UK #Angleterre


    ajouté à cette métaliste:

  • #Vidéo sur l’#externalisation des #politiques_migratoires européennes

    Migreurop documente depuis sa création l’externalisation des politiques migratoires européennes. Ces politiques d’externalisation ont pour objectif de tenir les exilé·e·s au plus loin de l’espace européen en sous-traitant la gestion des mouvements migratoires aux pays dits « tiers » (d’origine ou de transit), quelles qu’en soient les conséquences sur les droits des personnes migrantes. Par le biais d’un #marchandage, l’UE et ses États membres se déchargent ainsi sur des pays non-membres des obligations qui leur incombent en vertu des conventions internationales qu’ils ont ratifiées.

    L’externalisation fonctionne selon quatre principes :

    - #Délocalisation : Les pays européens délocalisent le #contrôle_frontalier et exportent leurs politiques migratoires répressives dans des États dits « tiers » qui ne sont pas soumis aux mêmes lois et obligations en matière de respect des droits des personnes. Ils déplacent ainsi de fait les frontières européennes au-delà du territoire européen.

    - #Sous-traitance : L’UE délègue le contrôle migratoire à des États non-membres, transformés en garde-frontières d’une Union européenne qu’ils aspirent à rejoindre (comme les pays des Balkans) ou dont ils sont en partie dépendants (comme le Maroc, le Niger ou la Turquie).

    #Privatisation : Les États délèguent également de nombreuses prérogatives à des acteurs privés, comme les #compagnies_aériennes qui deviennent elles aussi garde-frontières, tandis que les demandes de #visas sont gérées par des sociétés privées, tout comme la #sécurité dans les camps d’exilés.

    - #Déresponsabilisation : En externalisant leurs politiques migratoires dans des pays non-signataires des principaux textes internationaux de protection des personnes migrant·e·s et réfugié·e·s, l’UE et les États européens contournent le droit. Ils cherchent à invisibiliser les violations des droits des personnes migrantes et fuient leurs #responsabilités.

    L’externalisation bafoue en toute impunité les droits des personnes exilées et met leurs vies en péril. Elle n’empêche pas les migrations, mais les rend plus dangereuses. Stop à l’externalisation et à l’#impunité des États !


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #externalisation_des_frontières #droits_humains #refoulements #principe_de_non-refoulement #marchandage #droits_fondamentaux #responsabilité #ressources_pédagogiques

  • Bulgaria and Romania speed up asylum and deportation procedures with EU support

    #Pilot_projects” intended to beef up border controls, accelerate asylum and deportation proceedings, and reinforce the role of EU agencies in Bulgaria and Romania have just begun - yet EU legislation intended to do the same is yet to be approved.

    Pilot projects

    In February the European Council confirmed its support for Commission-funded “border management pilot projects,” and two such projects have been launched in recent months, in Bulgaria (€45 million) and Romania (€10.8 million).

    As revealed by Statewatch in March, “the key border between Bulgaria and Turkiye,” was to be the first target of €600 million being made available to reinforce border controls and speed up removals.

    Of that funding, the Commission recently announced that it will make €140 million available “for the development of electronic surveillance systems at land external borders” and €120 million to “support reception and asylum systems,” in particular for the reception of unaccompanied minors and “reception capacity at the border”.

    Both Bulgaria and Romania have recently circulated notes within the Council to update other member states on the projects, and the Commission also trumpeted the “progress made” in a press release.


    According to the Bulgarian note, (pdf) the project “foresees the implementation by Bulgaria of targeted tools for border management and screening of third country nationals, conduct of an accelerated asylum and return procedure and cooperation in the fight against migrant smuggling.”

    The project is being implemented “with the operational and technical support of the relevant JHA agencies (EUAA, Europol and Frontex). It builds on Bulgaria’s good practices and experience, including its excellent cooperation with its neighboring countries and the EU agencies present in Bulgaria. The duration of the pilot is 6 months.”

    The country is “improving the digitalization of the asylum and return systems,” while:

    “Work is ongoing on legislative amendments for issuing of a return decision at the same time with a negative decision for international protection. Bulgaria is also working on drawing up a list with designated safe countries of origin in line with the Asylum Procedure Directive. Negotiations are ongoing with EUAA on an updated Operational plan in the field of asylum.”

    A “Roadmap for strengthened cooperation” with Frontex is “pending finalization”, which will allow for “provision of technical equipment and increased deployment of personnel.”

    However, Frontex presence in the country has already been stepped up, according to the Commission’s press release, with the agency providing “additional support to Bulgaria through return counsellors and interpreters.”

    The note also states an intention to a sign a Joint Action Plan on Return “in the margins of JHA Council,” presumably the meeting on 8 and 9 June, but the Council’s press release makes no mention of this.


    While the Bulgarian note is not particularly detailed, it offers more information than the one circulated by Romania (pdf).

    The Romanian note states that agreement with the European Commission on launching the pilot project was reached on 17 March, and that it aims to implement “key operational actions in the area of border protection, asylum and return. One of the targeted operational actions foresees setting up pilot projects in interested Member States for fast asylum and return procedures.”

    While the Bulgarian note mentions the need for legal reforms to accelerate asylum and removal proceedings, the Romanian note says that this “showcase” of “Romania’s best practices in the areas of asylum, return, border management and international cooperation.. is based on EU and applicable Romanian legislation, as well as on Romania’s very good cooperation with neighbouring countries and EU agencies.”

    According to the Commission, however, Romania has changed national law in two respects: “to allow for the participation of EUAA [EU Asylum Agency] experts in the registration and assessment of asylum applications,” and - as in Bulgaria - “to allow for the issuing of a negative decision on international protection together with a return decision.”

    The country has also been cooperating with Frontex on align its national IT systems for deportations with the agency’s own, and “Romanian authorities will host and use the first Frontex Mobile Surveillance Vehicles at Romanian - Serbian border section of the Terra 2023 operational area.”

    Terra 2023 is presumably a continuation of the Frontex operation Terra 2022.


    - European Commission press release: Migration management: Update on progress made on the Pilot Projects for asylum and return procedures and new financial support for Bulgaria and Romania: https://www.statewatch.org/media/3932/eu-com-pilot-projects-bulgaria-romania-pr-7-6-23.pdf
    - Bulgarian delegation: Pilot project at the Bulgarian-Turkish border. Council doc. 9992/23, LIMITE, 5 June 2023, pdf: https://www.statewatch.org/media/3930/eu-council-bulgaria-pilot-project-migration-asylum-9992-23.pdf
    - Romanian delegation: Pilot project in the area of asylum, returns, border management and international cooperation, Council doc. 9991/23, LIMITE, 5 June 2023: https://www.statewatch.org/media/3931/eu-council-romania-pilot-project-migration-asylum-09991-23.pdf

    #Bulgarie #Roumanie #renvois #expulsions #contrôles_frontaliers #financement #EU #UE #aide_financière #JHA #Europol #Frontex #EUAA #externalisation #externalisation_des_contrôles_frontaliers #digitalisation #directive_procédure #pays_sûrs #militarisation_des_frontières #Joint_Action_Plan_on_Return #Frontex_Mobile_Surveillance_Vehicles #Mobile_Surveillance_Vehicles #Terra_2023 #frontières

  • La Tunisia rifiuta i respingimenti collettivi e le deportazioni di migranti irregolari proposti da #Meloni e #Piantedosi

    1.Il risultato del vertice di Tunisi era già chiaro prima che Giorgia Meloni, la presidente della Commissione europea Von del Leyen ed il premier olandese Mark Rutte incontrassero il presidente Saied. Con una operazione di immagine inaspettata, il giorno prima del vertice, l’uomo che aveva lanciato mesi fa la caccia ai migranti subsahariani presenti nel suo paese, parlando addirittura del rischio di sostituzione etnica, si recava a Sfax, nella regione dalla quale si verifica la maggior parte delle partenze verso l’Italia, e come riferisce Il Tempo, parlando proprio con un gruppo di loro, dichiarava : “ Siamo tutti africani. Questi migranti sono nostri fratelli e li rispettiamo, ma la situazione in Tunisia non è normale e dobbiamo porre fine a questo problema. Rifiutiamo qualsiasi trattamento disumano di questi migranti che sono vittime di un ordine mondiale che li considera come ‘numeri’ e non come esseri umani. L’intervento su questo fenomeno deve essere umanitario e collettivo, nel quadro della legge”. Lo stesso Saied, secondo quanto riportato dalla Reuters, il giorno precedente la visita, aggiungeva che di fronte alla crescente mobilità migratoria “La soluzione non sarà a spese della Tunisia… non possiamo essere una guardia per i loro paesi”.

    Alla fine del vertice non c’è stata una vera e propria conferenza stampa congiunta, ma è stata fatta trapelare una Dichiarazione sottoscritta anche da Saied che stabilisce una sorta di roadmap verso un futuro Memorandum d’intesa (MoU) tra la Tunisia e l’Unione europea, che si dovrebbe stipulare entro il prossimo Consiglio europeo dei capi di governo che si terrà a fine giugno. L’Ue e la Tunisia hanno dato incarico, rispettivamente, al commissario europeo per l’Allargamento Oliver Varheliy e al ministro degli Esteri tunisino Nabil Ammar di stilare un memorandum d’intesa (Memorandum of Understanding, MoU) sul pacchetto di partnership allargata, che dovrebbe essere sottoscritto dalla Tunisia e dall’Ue “prima di fine giugno”. Una soluzione che sa tanto di rinvio, nella quale certamente non si trovano le richieste che il governo Meloni aveva cercato di fare passare, già attraverso il Consiglio dei ministri dell’Unione europea di Lussemburgo, restando poi costretto ad accettare una soluzione di compromesso, che non prevedeva affatto -come invece era stato richiesto- i respingimenti collettivi in alto mare, delegati alla Guardia costiera tunisina, e le deportazioni in Tunisia di migranti irregolari o denegati, dopo una richiesta di asilo, giunti in Italia dopo un transito temporaneo da quel paese.

    Secondo Piantedosi, “la Tunisia è già considerata un Paese terzo sicuro da provvedimenti e atti ufficiali italiani” e “La Farnesina ha già una lista formale di Stati terzi definiti sicuri. Sia in Africa, penso al Senegal, così come nei Balcani”. Bene che nella sua conferenza stampa a Catania, censurata dai media, non abbia citato la Libia, dopo avere chiesto la collaborazione del generale Haftar per bloccare le partenze verso l’Italia. Ma rimane tutto da dimostrare che la Tunisia sia un “paese terzo sicuro”, soprattutto per i cittadini non tunisini, generalmente provenienti dall’area subsahariana, perchè il richiamo strumentale che fa il ministro dell’interno alla lista di “paesi terzi sicuri” approvata con decreti ministeriali ed ampliata nel corso del tempo, riguarda i cittadini tunisini che chiedono asilo in Italia, e che comunque possono fare valere una richiesta di protezione internazionale, non certo i migranti provenienti da altri paesi e transitati in Tunisia, che si vorrebbero deportare senza troppe formalità, dopo procedure rapide in frontiera. Una possibilità che ancora non è concessa allo stato della legislazione nazionale e del quadro normativo europeo (in particolare dalla Direttiva Rimpatri 2008/115/CE), che si dovrebbe comunque modificare prima della entrata in vigore, ammsso che ci si arrivi prima delle prossime elezioni europee, del Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo recentemente approvato a Lussemburgo.

    La Presidente della Comissione Europea, nella brevissima conferenza stampa tenuta dopo la chiusura del vertice di Tunisi ha precisato i punti essenziali sui quali si dovrebbe trovare un accordo tra Bruxelles e Tunisi, Fondo monetario internazionale permettendo. Von der Leyen ha confermato che la Ue è pronta a mobilitare 900 milioni di euro di assistenza finanziaria per Tunisi. I tempi però non saranno brevi. “La Commissione europea valuterà l’assistenza macrofinanziaria non appena sarà trovato l’accordo (con il Fmi) necessario. E siamo pronti a mobilitare fino a 900 milioni di euro per questo scopo di assistenza macrofinanziaria. Come passo immediato, potremmo fornire subito un ulteriore sostegno al bilancio fino a 150 milioni di euro”. Come riferisce Adnkronos, “Tunisi dovrebbe prima trovare l’intesa con il Fondo Monetario Internazionale su un pacchetto di aiuti, a fronte del quale però il Fondo chiede riforme, che risulterebbero impopolari e che la leadership tunisina esita pertanto ad accollarsi”. Secondo Adnkronos, L’Ue intende “ripristinare il Consiglio di associazione” tra Ue e Tunisia e l’Alto Rappresentante Josep Borrell “è pronto ad organizzare il prossimo incontro entro la fine dell’anno”, ha sottolineato la presidente della Commissione Europea Ursula von der Leyen al termine dell’incontro. L’esecutivo comunitario è pronto ad aiutare la Tunisia con un pacchetto basato su cinque pilastri, il principale dei quali è costituito da aiuti finanziari per oltre un miliardo di euro. Il primo è lo sviluppo economico. “Sosterremo la Tunisia, per rafforzarne l’economia. La Commissione Europea sta valutando un’assistenza macrofinanziaria, non appena sarà trovato l’accordo necessario. Siamo pronti a mobilitare fino a 900 milioni di euro per questo scopo. E, come passo immediato, potremmo fornire altri 150 milioni di euro di sostegno al bilancio“. “Il secondo pilastro – continua von der Leyen – sono gli investimenti e il commercio. L’Ue è il principale investitore straniero e partner commerciale della Tunisia. E noi proponiamo di andare oltre: vorremmo modernizzare il nostro attuale accordo commerciale. C’è molto potenziale per creare posti di lavoro e stimolare la crescita qui in Tunisia. Un focus importante per i nostri investimenti è il settore digitale. Abbiamo già una buona base“. Sempre secondo quanto riferito da Adnkronos, “La Commissione Europea sta lavorando ad un memorandum di intesa con la Tunisia nelle energie rinnovabili, campo nel quale il Paese nordafricano ha un potenziale “enorme”, mentre l’Ue ne ha sempre più bisogno, per alimentare il processo di elettrificazione e decarbonizzazione della sua economia, spiega la presidente. L’energia è “il terzo pilastro” del piano in cinque punti che von der Leyen ha delineato al termine della riunione”.

    Quest’anno l’Ue “fornirà alla Tunisia 100 milioni di euro per la gestione delle frontiere, ma anche per la ricerca e il soccorso, la lotta ai trafficanti e il rimpatrio”, annuncia ancora la presidente. Il controllo dei flussi migratori è il quarto pilastro del programma che von der Leyen ha delineato per i rapporti bilaterali tra Ue e Tunisia. Per la presidente della Commissione europea, l’obiettivo “è sostenere una politica migratoria olistica radicata nel rispetto dei diritti umani. Entrambi abbiamo interesse a spezzare il cinico modello di business dei trafficanti di esseri umani. È orribile vedere come mettono deliberatamente a rischio vite umane, a scopo di lucro. Lavoreremo insieme su un partenariato operativo contro il traffico di esseri umani e sosterremo la Tunisia nella gestione delle frontiere”.

    Nel pacchetto di proposte comprese nel futuro Memorandum d’intesa UE-Tunisia, che si dovrebbe sottoscrivere entro la fine di giugno, rientrerebbero anche una serie di aiuti economici all’economia tunisina, in particolare nei settori dell’agricoltura e del turismo, e nuove possibilità di mobilità studentesca, con programmi tipo Erasmus. Nulla di nuovo, ed anche una dotazione finanziaria ridicola, se si pensa ai 200 milioni di euro stanziati solo dall’Italia con il Memorandum d’intesa con la Tunisia siglato da Di Maio per il triennio 2021-2023. Semmai sarebbe interessante sapere come stati spesi quei soldi, visti i risultati sulla situazione dei migranti in transito in Tunisia, nelle politiche di controllo delle frontiere e nei soccorsi in mare.

    2. Non è affatto vero dunque che sia passata la linea dell’Italia per due ragioni fondamentali. L’Italia chiedeva una erogazione immediata degli aiuti europei alla Tunisia e una cooperazione operativa nei respingimenti collettivi in mare ed anche la possibilità di riammissione in Tunisia di cittadini di paesi terzi ( non tunisini) giunti irregolarmente nel nostro territorio, o di cui fosse stata respinta la domanda di protezione nelle procedure in frontiera. Queste richieste della Meloni (e di Piantedosi) sono state respinte, e non rientrano nel Memorandum d’intesa che entro la fine del mese Saied dovrebbe sottoscrivere con l’Unione Europea (il condizionale è d’obbligo).

    Gli aiuti europei sono subordinati all’accettazione da parte di Saied delle condizioni poste dal Fondo Monetario internazionale per l’erogazione del prestito fin qui rifiutato dal presidente. Un prestito che sarebbe condizionato al rispetto di paramentri monetari e di abbattimento degli aiuti pubblici, e forse anche al rispetto dei diritti umani, che in questo momento non sono accettati dal presidente tunisino, ormai di fatto un vero e proprio autocrate. Con il quale la Meloni, ormai lanciata verso il presidenzialismo all’italiana, si riconosce più di quanto non facciano esponenti politici di altri paesi europei. Al punto che persino Mark Rutte, che nel suo paese ha attuato politiche migratorie ancora più drastiche di quelle propagandate dal governo italiano, richiama, alla fine del suo intervento, l’esigenza del rispetto dei diritti umani delle persone migranti, come perno del nuovo Memorandum d’intesa tra la Tunisia e l’Unione Europea.

    Per un altro verso, la “lnea dell’Italia”, dunque la politica dei “respingimenti su delega”, che si vorrebbe replicare con la Tunisia, sul modello di quanto avviene con le autorità libiche, delegando a motovedette, donate dal nostro paese e coordinate anche dall’agenzia europea Frontex, i respingimenti collettivi in acque internazionali, non sembra di facile applicazione per evidenti ragioni geografiche e geopolitiche.

    La Tunisia non e’ la Libia (o la Turchia), le autorità centrali hanno uno scarso controllo dei punti di partenza dei migranti e la corruzione è molto diffusa. Sembra molto probabile che le partenze verso l’Italia continueranno ad aumentare in modo esponenziale nelle prossime settimane. Aumentare le dotazioni di mezi e i supporti operativi in favore delle motovedette tunisine si è già dimostrata una politica priva di efficacia e semmai foriera di stragi in mare. Sulle stragi in mare neppure una parola dopo il vertice di Tunisi. Non è vero che la diminuzione delle partenze dalla Tunisia nel mese di maggio sia conseguenza della politica migratoria del governo Meloni, risultando soltanto una conseguenza di un mese caratterizzato da condizioni meteo particolarmente sfavorevoli, come ha riconosciuto anchel’OIM e l’Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati (UNHCR), e come tutti hanno potuto constatare anche in Italia. Vedremo con il ritorno dell’estate se le partenze dalla Tunisia registreranno ancora un calo.

    La zona Sar (di ricerca e salvataggio) tunisina si limita alle acque territoriali (12 miglia dalla costa) ed i controlli affidati alle motovedette tunisine non si possono svolgere oltre. Difficile che le motovedette tunisine si spingano nella zona Sar “libica” o in quella maltese. Continueranno ad intercettare a convenienza, quando i trafficanti non pagheranno abbastanza per corrompere, ed i loro interventi, condotti spesso con modalità di avvicinamento che mettono a rischio la vita dei naufraghi, non ridurranno di certo gli arrivi sulle coste italiane di cittadini tunisini e subsahariani. Per il resto il futuribile Memorandum d’intesa Tunisia-Libia, che ancora e’ una scatola vuota, e che l’Unione europea vincola al rispetto dei diritti umani, dunque anche agli obblighi internazionali di soccorso in mare, non può incidere in tempi brevi sui rapporti bilaterali tra Roma e Tunisi, che sono disciplinati da accordi bilaterali che si dovrebbero modificare successivamente, sempre in conformità con la legislazione ( e la Costituzione) italiana e la normativa euro-unitaria. Dunque non saranno ogettto di nuovi accordi a livello europeo con la Tunisia i respingimenti collettivi vietati dall’art.19 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea e non si potranno realizzare, come vorrebero la Meloni e Piantedosi, deportazioni in Tunisia di cittadini di altri paesi terzi, peraltro esclusi dai criteri di “connessione” richiesti nella “proposta legislativa” adottata dal Consiglio dei ministri dell’interno di Lussemburgo. E si dovranno monitorare anche i respingimenti di cittadini tunisini in Tunisia, dopo la svolta autoritaria impressa dall’autocrate Saied che ha fatto arrestare giornalisti e sindacalisti, oltre che numerosi membri dei partiti di opposizione. In ogni caso non si dovranno dimenticare le condanne ricevute dall’Italia da parte della Corte europea dei diritti dell’Uomo, proprio per i respingimenti differiti effettuati ai danni di cittadini tunisini (caso Khlaifia). Faranno morire ancora centinaia di innocenti. Dare la colpa ai trafficanti non salva dal fallimento politico e morale nè l’Unione Europea nè il governo Meloni.


    Saied, inaccettabili centri migranti in Tunisia

    (ANSA) – TUNISI, 11 GIU – Il presidente tunisino Kais Saied, nel suo incontro con la presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, della presidente della Commissione Ue, Ursula von der Leyen e del primo ministro olandese Mark Rutte “ha fatto notare che la soluzione che alcuni sostengono segretamente di ospitare in Tunisia migranti in cambio di somme di denaro è disumana e inaccettabile, così come le soluzioni di sicurezza si sono dimostrate inadeguate, anzi hanno aumentato le sofferenze delle vittime della povertà e delle guerre”. Lo si legge in un comunicato della presidenza tunisina, pubblicato al termine dell”incontro. (ANSA).

    2023-06-11 18:59


    ANSA/Meloni e l”Ue incassano prima intesa ma Saied alza posta

    (dell”inviato Michele Esposito)

    (ANSA) – TUNISI, 11 GIU – Una visita lampo, una dichiarazione congiunta che potrebbe portare ad un cruciale memorandum d”intesa, un orizzonte ancora confuso dal continuo alzare la posta di Kais Saied. Il vertice tra Ursula von der Leyen, Giorgia Meloni, Mark Rutte e il presidente tunisino potrebbe segnare un prima e un dopo nei rapporti tra l”Ue e il Paese nordafricano. Al tavolo del palazzo presidenziale di Cartagine, per oltre due ore, i quattro hanno affrontato dossier a dir poco spigolosi, dalla gestione dei migranti alla necessità di un”intesa tra Tunisia e Fmi. La luce verde sulla prima intesa alla fine si è accesa. “E” un passo importante, dobbiamo arrivare al Consiglio europeo con un memorandum già siglato tra l”Ue e la Tunisia”, è l”obiettivo fissato da Meloni, che ha rilanciato il ruolo di prima linea dell”Italia nei rapporti tra l”Europa e la sponda Sud del Mediterraneo. Nel Palazzo voluto dal padre della patria tunisino, Habib Bourguiba, von der Leyen, Meloni e Rutte sono arrivati con l”ideale divisa del Team Europe. I tre, di fatto, hanno rappresentato l”intera Unione sin da quando, a margine del summit in Moldavia della scorsa settimana, è nata l”idea di accelerare sul dossier tunisino. I giorni successivi sono stati segnati da frenetici contatti tra gli sherpa. Il compromesso, iniziale e generico, alla fine è arrivato. L”Ue sborserà sin da subito, e senza attendere il Fondo Monetario Internazionale, 150 milioni di euro a sostegno del bilancio tunisino. E” un primo passo ma di certo non sufficiente per Saied. Sulla seconda parte del sostegno europeo, il pacchetto di assistenza macro-finanziaria da 900 milioni, l”Ue tuttavia non ha cambiato idea: sarà sborsato solo dopo l”intesa tra Saied e l”Fmi. Intesa che appare ancora lontana: poco dopo la partenza dei tre leader europei, la presidenza tunisina ha infatti invitato il Fondo a “rivedere le sue ricette” ed evitare “diktat”, sottolineando che gli aiuti da 1,9 miliardi, sotto forma di prestiti, “non porteranno benefici” alla popolazione. La difficoltà di mettere il punto finale al negoziato tra Ue e Tunisia sta anche in un altro dato: la stessa posizione europea è frutto di un compromesso tra gli Stati membri. Non è un caso, ad esempio, che sia stato Rutte, portatore delle istanze dei Paesi del Nord, a spiegare come la cooperazione tra Ue e Tunisia sulla gestione dei flussi irregolari debba avvenire “in accordo con i diritti umani”. La dichiarazione congiunta, in via generica, fa riferimento ai principali nodi legati ai migranti: le morti in mare, la necessità di aumentare i rimpatri dell”Europa degli irregolari, la lotta ai trafficanti. Von der Leyen ha messo sul piatto sovvenzioni da 100 milioni di euro per sostenere i tunisini nel contrasto al traffico illegale e nelle attività di search & rescue. Meloni, dal canto suo, ha annunciato “una conferenza su migrazione e sviluppo in Italia, che sarà un ulteriore tappa nel percorso del partenariato” tra l”Ue e Tunisi. Saied ha assicurato il suo impegno sui diritti umani e nella chiusura delle frontiere sud del Paese, ma sui rimpatri la porta è aperta solo a quella per i tunisini irregolari. L”ipotesi che la Tunisia, come Paese di transito sicuro, ospiti anche i migranti subsahariani, continua a non decollare. “L”idea, che alcuni sostengono segretamente, che il Paese ospiti centri per i migranti in campo di somme di danaro è disumana e inaccettabile”, ha chiuso Saied. La strada, insomma, rimane in salita. La strategia dell”Ue resta quella adottata sin dalla prima visita di un suo commissario – Paolo Gentiloni – lo scorso aprile: quella di catturare il sì di Saied con una partnership economica ed energetica globale e di lungo periodo, in cui la migrazione non è altro che un ingranaggio. Ma Tunisi, su diritti e rule of law, deve fare di più. “L”Ue vuole investire nella stabilità tunisina. Le difficoltà del suo percorso democratico si possono superare”, ha detto von der Leyen. Delineando la mano tesa dell”Europa ma anche la linea rossa entro la quale va inquadrata la nuova partnership. (ANSA).

    2023-06-11 19:55


    Statement 11 June 2023 Tunis
    The European Union and Tunisia agreed to work together on a comprehensive partnership package (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_23_3202)

    European Commission – Statement
    The European Union and Tunisia agreed to work together on a comprehensive partnership package
    Tunis, 11 June 2023

    Building on our shared history, geographic proximity, and strong relationship, we have agreed towork together on a comprehensive partnership package, strengthening the ties that bind us in a mutually beneficial manner.
    We believe there is enormous potential to generate tangible benefits for the EU and Tunisia. The comprehensive partnership would cover the following areas:

    - Strengthening economic and trade ties ,

    - A sustainable and competitive energy partnership

    - Migration

    - People-to-people contacts

    The EU and Tunisia share strategic priorities and in all these areas, we will gain from working together more closely.
    Our economic cooperation will boost growth and prosperity through stronger trade and investment links, promoting opportunities for businesses including small and medium sized enterprises. Economic support, including in the form of Macro Financial Assistance, will also be considered. Our energy partnership will assist Tunisia with the green energy transition, bringing down costs and creating the framework for trade in renewables and integration with the EU market.
    As part of our joint work on migration, the fight against irregular migration to and from Tunisia and the prevention of loss of life at sea, is a common priority, including fighting against smugglers and human traffickers, strengthening border management, registration and return in full respect of human rights.
    People-to-people contacts are central to our partnership and this strand of work will encompass stronger cooperation on research, education, and culture, as well as developing Talent Partnerships, opening up new opportunities for skills development and mobility, especially for youth.

    Enhanced political and policy dialogue within the EU-Tunisia Association Council before the end of the year will offer an important opportunity to reinvigorate political and institutional ties, with the aim of addressing common international challenges together and preserving the rules-based order.
    We have tasked the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad and the
    Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement to work out a Memorandum of Understanding on the comprehensive partnership package, to be endorsed by Tunisia and the European Union before the end of June.


    #Tunisie #externalisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Memorandum_of_Understanding (#MoU) #Italie #frontières #externalisation_des_frontières #réadmission #accord_de_réadmission #refoulements_collectifs #pays_tiers_sûr #développement #aide_au_développement #conditionnalité_de_l'aide #énergie #énergies_renouvelables


    • EU offers Tunisia over €1bn to stem migration

      Brussels proposes €255mn in grants for Tunis, linking longer-term loans of up to €900mn to reforms

      The EU has offered Tunisia more than €1bn in a bid to help the North African nation overcome a deepening economic crisis that has prompted thousands of migrants to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Italy.

      The financial assistance package was announced on Sunday in Tunis after Ursula von der Leyen, accompanied by the prime ministers of Italy and the Netherlands, Giorgia Meloni and Mark Rutte, met with Tunisian president Kais Saied. The proposal still requires the endorsement of other EU governments and will be linked to Tunisian authorities passing IMF-mandated reforms.

      Von der Leyen said the bloc is prepared to mobilise €150mn in grants “right now” to boost Tunisia’s flagging economy, which has suffered from surging commodity prices linked to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Further assistance in the form of loans, totalling €900mn, could be mobilised over the longer-term, she said.

      In addition, Europe will also provide €105mn in grants this year to support Tunisia’s border management network, in a bid to “break the cynical business model of smugglers and traffickers”, von der Leyen said. The package is nearly triple what the bloc has so far provided in migration funding for the North African nation.

      The offer of quick financial support is a boost for Tunisia’s embattled president, but longer-term support is contingent on him accepting reforms linked to a $1.9bn IMF package, a move Saied has been attempting to defer until after presidential elections next year.

      Saied has refused to endorse the IMF loan agreement agreed in October, saying he rejected foreign “diktats” that would further impoverish Tunisians. The Tunisian leader is wary of measures such as reducing energy subsidies and speeding up the privatisation of state-owned enterprises as they could damage his popularity.

      Meloni, who laid the groundwork for the announcement after meeting with Saied on Tuesday, has been pushing Washington and Brussels for months to unblock financial aid for Tunisia. The Italian leader is concerned that if the north African country’s economy imploded, it would trigger an even bigger wave of people trying to cross the Mediterranean.

      So far this year, more than 53,000 migrants have arrived in Italy by boat, more than double compared with the same period last year — with a sharp increase in boats setting out from Tunisia one factor behind the surge.

      The agreement was “an important step towards creating a true partnership to address the migration crisis,” Meloni said on Sunday.

      In February, Saied stoked up racist violence against people from sub-Saharan African countries by saying they were part of a plot to change Tunisia’s demographic profile.

      His rhetoric has softened in an apparent bid to improve the image of the deal with the EU. Visiting a camp on Saturday, he criticised the treatment of migrants “as mere numbers”. However, he added, “it is unacceptable for us to play the policeman for other countries”.

      The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights think-tank criticised the EU’s visit on Sunday as “an attempt to exploit [Tunisia’s] political, economic and social fragility”.

      The financial aid proposal comes days after European governments agreed on a long-awaited migration package that will speed up asylum proceedings and make it easier for member states to send back people who are denied asylum.

      The package also includes proposals to support education, energy and trade relations with the country, including by investing in Tunisia’s renewable energy network and allowing Tunisian students to take part in student exchange programme Erasmus+.

      The presence of the Dutch prime minister, usually a voice for fiscally conservative leaders in the 27-strong bloc, indicated that approval of the package would not be as difficult to achieve as other foreign funding requests. The Netherlands, while not a frontline country like Italy, has also experienced a spike in so-called secondary migration, as many of the people who arrive in southern Europe travel on and apply for asylum in northern countries.

      Calling the talks “excellent”, Rutte said that “the window is open, we all sense there’s this opportunity to foster this relationship between the EU and Tunisia”.


    • Migrations : les yeux doux de #Gérald_Darmanin au président tunisien

      Pour promouvoir le Pacte sur la migration de l’Union européenne, le ministre de l’Intérieur en visite à Tunis a flirté avec les thèses controversées de Kais Saied, présentant le pays comme une « victime » des flux de réfugiés.

      Quand on sait que l’on n’obtiendra pas ce que l’on désire de son hôte, le mieux est de porter la faute sur un tiers. Le ministre français de l’Intérieur, Gérald Darmanin, a fait sienne cette stratégie durant sa visite dimanche 18 et lundi 19 juin en Tunisie. Et tant pis pour les pays du Sahel, victimes collatérales d’un échec annoncé.

      Accompagné de son homologue allemande, Nancy Faeser, le premier flic de France était en Tunisie pour expliquer au président tunisien Kais Saied le bien-fondé du Pacte sur la migration et l’asile en cours de validation dans l’Union européenne. Tel quel, il pourrait faire de la Tunisie un pays de transit ou d’établissement pour les migrants refoulés au nord de la Méditerranée. La Tunisie n’a jamais accepté officiellement d’être le gardien des frontières de l’Europe, même du temps du précédent président de la République, Béji Caïd Essebsi – officieusement, les gardes-côtes ont intercepté plus de 23 000 migrants de janvier à mai. Ce n’est pas le très panarabisant Kais Saied qui allait céder.

      Surtout que le chef de l’Etat aux méthodes autoritaires avait déjà refusé pareille proposition la semaine dernière, lors de la visite de la présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, accompagnée de Giorgia Meloni et Mark Rutte, chefs du gouvernement italien et néerlandais, malgré les promesses de plus d’un milliard d’euros d’aides à long terme (des projets budgétés de longue date pour la plupart). Kais Saied avait encore réitéré son refus au téléphone le 14 juin à Charles Michel, le président du Conseil européen.
      « Grand remplacement »

      Peu de chance donc que Gérald Darmanin et Nancy Faeser, « simples » ministres de l’Intérieur aient plus de succès, bien que leurs pays pèsent « 40 % du budget de l’Union européenne », comme l’a malicieusement glissé le ministre français. Alors pour ne pas repartir complètement bredouille, le locataire de la place Beauvau a promis du concret et flirté avec les thèses très controversées de Kais Saied.

      La France a promis une aide bilatérale de 25,8 millions d’euros pour « acquérir les équipements nécessaires et organiser les formations utiles, des policiers et des gardes-frontières tunisiens pour contenir le flux irrégulier de migrants ». Darmanin a surtout assuré que la Tunisie ne deviendra pas « la garde-frontière de l’Union européenne, ce n’est pas sa vocation ». Au contraire, il a présenté l’ancienne puissance carthaginoise comme une « victime » du flux migratoire.

      « Les Tunisiens qui arrivent de manière irrégulière sur le territoire européen sont une portion très congrue du nombre de personnes qui traversent à partir de la Tunisie la Méditerranée pour venir en Europe. Il y a beaucoup de Subsahariens notamment qui prennent ces routes migratoires », a ajouté le ministre de l’Intérieur français. Un argument martelé depuis des mois par les autorités tunisiennes. Dans un discours reprenant les thèses du « grand remplacement », Kais Saied, le 21 février, avait provoqué une campagne de haine et de violence contre les Subsahariens. Ces derniers avaient dû fuir par milliers le pays. Sans aller jusque-là, Gérald Darmanin a joué les VRP de Kais Saied, déclarant qu’« à la demande de la Tunisie », la France allait jouer de ses « relations diplomatiques privilégiées » avec ces pays (Côte d’Ivoire, Sénégal, Cameroun, notamment) pour « prévenir ces flux ». Si les migrants arrivant par bateaux en Italie sont, pour beaucoup, des Subsahariens – le nombre d’Ivoiriens a été multiplié par plus de 7 depuis le début de l’année par rapport à l’an dernier à la même période –, les Tunisiens demeurent, selon le HCR, la première nationalité (20 %) à débarquer clandestinement au sud de l’Europe depuis 2021.
      Préférence pour Giorgia Meloni

      Gérald Darmanin a quand même soulevé un ancien contentieux : le sort de la vingtaine de Tunisiens radicalisés et jugés dangereux actuellement présents sur le territoire français de façon illégale. Leur retour en Tunisie pose problème. Le ministre français a affirmé avoir donné une liste de noms (sans préciser le nombre) à son homologue tunisien. En attendant de savoir si son discours contribuera à réchauffer les relations avec le président tunisien – ce dernier ne cache pas sa préférence pour le franc-parler de Giorgia Meloni, venue deux fois ce mois-ci – Gérald Darmanin a pu profiter de prendre le café avec Iheb et Siwar, deux Tunisiens réinstallés dans leur pays d’origine via une aide aux retours volontaires mis en place par l’Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration. En 2022, les Tunisiens ayant eu recours à ce programme étaient… 79. Quand on est envoyé dans une guerre impossible à gagner, il n’y a pas de petite victoire.

      #Darmanin #France

    • Crisi economica e rimpatri: cosa stanno negoziando Ue e Tunisia

      Con l’economia del Paese nordafricano sempre più in difficoltà, l’intreccio tra sostegno finanziario ed esternalizzazione delle frontiere si fa sempre più stretto. E ora spunta una nuova ipotesi: rimpatriare in Tunisia anche cittadini di altri Paesi

      Durante gli ultimi mesi di brutto tempo in Tunisia, il governo italiano ha più volte dichiarato di aver compiuto «numerosi passi avanti nella difesa dei nostri confini», riferendosi al calo degli arrivi di migranti via mare dal Paese nordafricano. Ora che il sole estivo torna a splendere sulle coste del Sud tunisino, però, le agenzie stampa segnalano un nuovo «aumento delle partenze». Secondo l’Ansa, durante le notti del 18 e 19 giugno, Lampedusa ha contato prima dodici, poi altri quindici sbarchi. Gli arrivi sono stati 18, con 290 persone in totale, anche tra la mezzanotte e le due del 23 giugno. Come accadeva durante i mesi di febbraio e marzo, a raggiungere le coste siciliane sono soprattutto ivoriani, malesi, ghanesi, nigeriani, sudanesi, egiziani. I principali porti di partenza delle persone che raggiungono l’Italia via mare, nel 2023, si trovano soprattutto in Tunisia.

      È durante questo giugno piovoso che la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni è atterrata a Tunisi non una ma ben due volte, con l’intento di negoziare quello che ha tutta l’aria di uno scambio: un maggior sostegno finanziario al bilancio di una Tunisia sempre più in crisi in cambio di ulteriori azioni di militarizzazione del Mediterraneo centrale. Gli aiuti economici promessi da Bruxelles, necessari perché la Tunisia eviti la bancarotta, sono condizionati alla firma di un nuovo accordo con il Fondo monetario internazionale. Il prezzo da pagare, però, sono ulteriori passi avanti nel processo di esternalizzazione della frontiera dell’Unione europea. Un processo già avviato da anni che, come abbiamo raccontato nelle precedenti puntate di #TheBigWall, si è tradotto in finanziamenti alla Tunisia per un valore di 59 milioni di euro dal 2011 a oggi, sotto forma di una lunga lista di equipaggiamenti a beneficio del ministero dell’Interno tunisino.

      Che l’Italia si stia nuovamente muovendo in questo senso, è stato reso noto dalla documentazione raccolta tramite accesso di richiesta agli atti da IrpiMedia in collaborazione con ActionAid sull’ultimo finanziamento di 12 milioni di euro approvato a fine 2022. A dimostrarlo, è anche l’ultima gara d’appalto pubblicata da Unops, l’Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i Servizi di Progetto, che dal 2020 fa da intermediario tra il inistero degli Affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale italiano (Maeci) e il ministero dell’Interno tunisino, per la fornitura di sette nuove motovedette, in scadenza proprio a giugno.

      Le motovedette si sommano al recente annuncio, reso noto da Altreconomia a marzo 2023, della fornitura di 100 pick-up Nissan Navara alla Guardia nazionale tunisina. Con una differenza, però: Roma non negozia più da sola con Tunisi, ma si impone come mediatrice tra il Paese nordafricano e l’Unione europea. Secondo le informazioni confidenziali diffuse da una fonte diplomatica vicina ai negoziati Tunisia-Ue, la lista più recente sottoposta dalla Tunisia alla Commissione europea includerebbe anche «droni, elicotteri e nuove motovedette per un totale di ulteriori 200 milioni di euro». Durante la visita del 19 giugno, anche la Francia ha annunciato un nuovo sostegno economico a Tunisi del valore di 26 milioni di euro finalizzato a «contrastare la migrazione».

      Il prezzo del salvataggio dalla bancarotta sono i migranti

      Entro fine giugno è attesa la firma del nuovo memorandum tra Unione europea e Tunisia. Ad annunciarlo è stata la presidente della Commissione Ue Ursula Von der Leyen, arrivata a Tunisi l’11 giugno insieme a Giorgia Meloni e a Mark Rutte, il primo ministro olandese.

      La visita ha fatto seguito al Consiglio dell’Ue, il vertice che riunisce i ministri competenti per discutere e votare proposte legislative della Commissione in cui sono stati approvati alcuni provvedimenti che faranno parte del Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo. L’intesa, che dovrebbe sostituire anche il controverso Regolamento di Dublino ma deve ancora essere negoziata con l’Europarlamento, si lega alle trattative con la Tunisia. Tra i due dossier esiste un parallelismo tracciato dalla stessa Von Der Leyen che, a seguito del recente naufragio di fronte alle coste greche, ha dichiarato: «Sulla migrazione dobbiamo agire in modo urgente sia sul quadro delle regole che in azioni dirette e concrete. Per esempio, il lavoro che stiamo facendo con la Tunisia per stabilizzare il Paese, con l’assistenza finanziaria e investendo nella sua economia».

      Nel frattempo, in Tunisia, la situazione economica si è fatta sempre più complicata. Il 9 giugno, infatti, l’agenzia di rating Fitch ha declassato il Paese a “-CCC” per quanto riguarda l’indice Idr, Issuer default ratings, ovvero il misuratore della capacità di solvenza di aziende e fondi sovrani. Più è basso, più è alta la possibilità, secondo Fitch, che il Paese (o la società, quando l’indice Idr si applica alle società) possa finire in bancarotta. Colpa principalmente delle trattative fallite tra il governo di Tunisi e il Fondo monetario internazionale (Fmi): ad aprile 2023, il presidente Kais Saied ha rifiutato pubblicamente un prestito da 1,9 miliardi di dollari.

      Principale ragione del diniego tunisino sono stati i «diktat», ha detto Saied il 6 aprile, imposti dal Fmi, cioè una serie di riforme con possibili costi sociali molto alti. Al discorso, sono seguite settimane di insistente lobbying da parte italiana, a Tunisi come a Washington, perché si tornasse a discutere del prestito. Gli aiuti promessi da Von Der Leyen in visita a Tunisi (900 milioni di euro di prestito condizionato, oltre ai 150 milioni di sostegno bilaterale al bilancio) sono infatti condizionati al sì dell’Fmi.

      La Tunisia, quindi, ha bisogno sempre più urgentemente di sostegno finanziario internazionale per riuscire a chiudere il bilancio del 2023 e a rispettare le scadenze del debito pubblico estero. E le trattative per fermare i flussi migratori si intensificano. A giugno 2023, come riportato da AnsaMed, Meloni ha dichiarato di voler «risolvere alla partenza» la questione migranti, proprio durante la firma del Patto sull’asilo a Bruxelles. Finanziamenti in cambio di misure di controllo delle partenze, quindi. Ma di che tipo? Per un’ipotesi che tramonta, un’altra sembra prendere corpo.
      I negoziati per il nuovo accordo di riammissione

      La prima ipotesi è trasformare la Tunisia in un hotspot, una piattaforma esterna all’Unione europea per lo smistamento di chi avrebbe diritto a una forma di protezione e chi invece no. È un’idea vecchia, che compariva già nelle bozze di accordi Ue-Tunisia fermi al 2018, dove si veniva fatto esplicito riferimento ad «accordi regionali di sbarco» tra Paesi a Nord del Mediterraneo e Paesi a Sud, e a «piattaforme di sbarco […] complementari a centri controllati nel territorio Ue». All’epoca, la Tunisia rispose con un secco «no» e anche oggi sembra che l’esito sarà simile. Secondo una fonte vicina alle trattative in corso per il memorandum con l’Ue, «è improbabile che la Tunisia accetti di accogliere veri e propri centri di smistamento sul territorio».

      L’opinione del presidente tunisino Kais Saied, infatti, è ben diversa dai toni concilianti con i quali ha accolto i rappresentanti politici europei, da Meloni ai ministri dell’Interno di Francia (Gérald Darmanin) e Germania (Nancy Faeser), questi ultimi incontrati lo scorso 19 giugno. Saied ha più volte ribadito che «non saremo i guardiani dell’Europa», provando a mantenere la sua immagine pubblica di “anti-colonialista” e sovranista.

      Sotto la crescente pressione economica, esiste comunque la possibilità che il presidente tunisino scenda a più miti consigli e rivaluti l’idea della Tunisia come hotspot. In questo scenario, i Paesi Ue potrebbero rimandare in Tunisia non solo persone tunisine a cui è negata la richiesta d’asilo, ma anche persone di altre nazionalità che hanno qualche tipo di legame (ancora tutto da definire nei dettagli) con la Tunisia. Il memorandum Tunisia-Ue, quindi, potrebbe includere delle clausole relative non solo ai rimpatri dei cittadini tunisini, ma anche alle riammissioni di cittadini di altri Paesi.

      A sostegno di questa seconda ipotesi ci sono diversi elementi. Il primo è un documento della Commissione europea sulla cooperazione estera in ambito migratorio, visionato da IrpiMedia, datato maggio 2022, ma anticipato da una bozza del 2017. Nel documento, in riferimento a futuri accordi di riammissione, si legge che la Commissione avrebbe dovuto lanciare, «entro la fine del 2022», «i primi partenariati con i Paesi nordafricani, tra cui la Tunisia». Il secondo elemento è contenuto nell’accordo raggiunto dal Consiglio sul Patto. Su pressione dell’Italia, la proposta di legge prevede la possibilità di mandare i richiedenti asilo in un Paese terzo considerato sicuro, sulla base di una serie di fattori legati al rispetto dei diritti umani in generale e dei richiedenti asilo più nello specifico.
      I dubbi sulla Tunisia, Paese terzo sicuro

      A marzo 2023 – durante il picco di partenze dalla Tunisia a seguito di un violento discorso del presidente nei confronti della comunità subsahariana nel Paese – la lista dei Paesi di origine considerati sicuri è stata aggiornata, e include ormai non solo la Tunisia stessa, sempre più insicura, come raccontato nelle puntate precedenti, ma anche la Costa d’Avorio, il Ghana, la Nigeria. Che rappresentano ormai le prime nazionalità di sbarco.

      In questo senso, aveva attirato l’attenzione la richiesta da parte delle autorità tunisine a inizio 2022 di laboratori mobili per il test del DNA, utilizzati spesso nei commissariati sui subsahariani in situazione di regolarità o meno. Eppure, nel contesto la situazione della comunità subsahariana nel Paese resta estremamente precaria. Solo la settimana scorsa un migrante di origine non chiara, ma subsahariano, è stato accoltellato nella periferia di Sfax, dove la tensione tra famiglie tunisine in situazioni sempre più precarie e subsahariani continua a crescere.

      Malgrado un programma di ritorno volontario gestito dall’Organizzazione internazionale delle migrazioni (Oim), continua a esistere una tendopoli di fronte alla sede dell’organizzazione internazionale. La Tunisia, dove manca un quadro legale sul diritto di asilo che tuteli quindi chi viene riconosciuto come rifugiato da UNHCR, continua a non essersi dotata di una zona Sar (Search & Rescue). Proprio a questo fa riferimento esplicito la bozza del nuovo patto sull’asilo firmato a Bruxelles. Una delle condizioni richieste, allora, potrebbe essere proprio quella di notificare all’Organizzazione marittima internazionale (Imo) una zona Sar una volta ottenuti tutti gli equipaggiamenti richiesti dal ministero dell’Interno tunisino.

      #crise_économique #UE #externalisation

    • Pour garder ses frontières, l’Europe se précipite au chevet de la Tunisie

      Alors que le régime du président #Kaïs_Saïed peine à trouver un accord avec le #Fonds_monétaire_international, la Tunisie voit plusieurs dirigeants européens — notamment italiens et français — voler à son secours. Un « soutien » intéressé qui vise à renforcer le rôle de ce pays comme garde-frontière de l’Europe en pleine externalisation de ses frontières.

      C’est un fait rarissime dans les relations internationales. En l’espace d’une semaine, la présidente du Conseil italien, Giorgia Meloni, aura effectué deux visites à Tunis. Le 7 juin, la dirigeante d’extrême droite n’a passé que quelques heures dans la capitale tunisienne. Accueillie par son homologue Najla Bouden, elle s’est ensuite entretenue avec le président Kaïs Saïed qui a salué, en français, une « femme qui dit tout haut ce que d’autres pensent tout bas ». Quatre jours plus tard, c’est avec une délégation européenne que la présidente du Conseil est revenue à Tunis.

      Accompagnée de la présidente de la Commission européenne #Ursula_von_der_Leyen et du premier ministre néerlandais #Mark_Rutte, Meloni a inscrit à l’agenda de sa deuxième visite les deux sujets qui préoccupent les leaders européens : la #stabilité_économique de la Tunisie et, surtout, la question migratoire, reléguant au second plan les « #valeurs_démocratiques ».

      Un pacte migratoire

      À l’issue de cette rencontre, les Européens ont proposé une série de mesures en faveur de la Tunisie : un #prêt de 900 millions d’euros conditionné à la conclusion de l’accord avec le Fonds monétaire international (#FMI), une aide immédiate de 150 millions d’euros destinée au budget, ainsi que 105 millions pour accroitre la #surveillance_des_frontières. Von der Leyen a également évoqué des projets portant sur l’internet à haut débit et les énergies vertes, avant de parler de « rapprochement des peuples ». Le journal Le Monde, citant des sources bruxelloises, révèle que la plupart des annonces portent sur des fonds déjà budgétisés. Une semaine plus tard, ce sont #Gérald_Darmanin et #Nancy_Faeser, ministres français et allemande de l’intérieur qui se rendent à Tunis. Une #aide de 26 millions d’euros est débloquée pour l’#équipement et la #formation des gardes-frontières tunisiens.

      Cet empressement à trouver un accord avec la Tunisie s’explique, pour ces partenaires européens, par le besoin de le faire valoir devant le Parlement européen, avant la fin de sa session. Déjà le 8 juin, un premier accord a été trouvé par les ministres de l’intérieur de l’UE pour faire évoluer la politique des 27 en matière d’asile et de migration, pour une meilleure répartition des migrants. Ainsi, ceux qui, au vu de leur nationalité, ont une faible chance de bénéficier de l’asile verront leur requête examinée dans un délai de douze semaines. Des accords devront également être passés avec certains pays dits « sûrs » afin qu’ils récupèrent non seulement leurs ressortissants déboutés, mais aussi les migrants ayant transité par leur territoire. Si la Tunisie acceptait cette condition, elle pourrait prendre en charge les milliers de subsahariens ayant tenté de rejoindre l’Europe au départ de ses côtes.

      Dans ce contexte, la question des droits humains a été esquivée par l’exécutif européen. Pourtant, en mars 2023, les eurodéputés ont voté, à une large majorité, une résolution condamnant le tournant autoritaire du régime. Depuis le mois de février, les autorités ont arrêté une vingtaine d’opposants dans des affaires liées à un « complot contre la sûreté de l’État ». Si les avocats de la défense dénoncent des dossiers vides, le parquet a refusé de présenter sa version.

      L’allié algérien

      Depuis qu’il s’est arrogé les pleins pouvoirs, le 25 juillet 2021, Kaïs Saïed a transformé la Tunisie en « cas » pour les puissances régionales et internationales. Dans les premiers mois qui ont suivi le coup de force, les pays occidentaux ont oscillé entre « préoccupations » et compréhension. Le principal cadre choisi pour exprimer leurs inquiétudes a été celui du G 7. C’est ainsi que plusieurs communiqués ont appelé au retour rapide à un fonctionnement démocratique et à la mise en place d’un dialogue inclusif. Mais, au-delà des proclamations de principe, une divergence d’intérêts a vite traversé ce groupement informel, séparant les Européens des Nord-Américains. L’Italie — et dans une moindre mesure la France — place la question migratoire au centre de son débat public, tandis que les États-Unis et le Canada ont continué à orienter leur communication vers les questions liées aux droits et libertés. En revanche, des deux côtés de l’Atlantique, le soutien à la conclusion d’un accord entre Tunis et le FMI a continué à faire consensus.

      La fin de l’unanimité occidentale sur la question des droits et libertés va faire de l’Italie un pays à part dans le dossier tunisien. Depuis 2022, Rome est devenue le premier partenaire commercial de Tunis, passant devant la France. Ce changement coïncide avec un autre bouleversement : la Tunisie est désormais le premier pays de départ pour les embarcations clandestines en direction de l’Europe, dans le bassin méditerranéen. Constatant que la Tunisie de Kaïs Saïed a maintenu une haute coopération en matière de #réadmission des Tunisiens clandestins expulsés du territoire italien, Rome a compris qu’il était dans son intérêt de soutenir un régime fort et arrangeant, en profitant de son rapprochement avec l’Algérie d’Abdelmadjid Tebboune, qui n’a jamais fait mystère de son soutien à Kaïs Saïed. Ainsi, en mai 2022, le président algérien a déclaré qu’Alger et Rome étaient décidées à sortir la Tunisie de « son pétrin ». Les déclarations de ce type se sont répétées sans que les autorités tunisiennes, d’habitude plus promptes à dénoncer toute ingérence, ne réagissent publiquement. Ce n’est pas la première fois que l’Italie et l’#Algérie — liées par un #gazoduc traversant le territoire tunisien — s’unissent pour soutenir un pouvoir autoritaire en Tunisie. Déjà, en 1987, Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali a consulté Rome et Alger avant de déposer le président Habib Bourguiba.

      L’arrivée de Giorgia Meloni au pouvoir en octobre 2022 va doper cette relation. La dirigeante d’extrême droite, élue sur un programme de réduction drastique de l’immigration clandestine, va multiplier les signes de soutien au régime en place. Le 21 février 2023, un communiqué de la présidence tunisienne dénonce les « menaces » que font peser « les hordes de migrants subsahariens » sur « la composition démographique tunisien ». Alors que cette déclinaison tunisienne de la théorie du « Grand Remplacement » provoque l’indignation, — notamment celle de l’Union africaine (UA) — l’Italie est le seul pays à soutenir publiquement les autorités tunisiennes. Depuis, la présidente du Conseil italien et ses ministres multiplient les efforts diplomatiques pour que la Tunisie signe un accord avec le FMI, surtout depuis que l’UE a officiellement évoqué le risque d’un effondrement économique du pays.

      Contre les « diktats du FMI »

      La Tunisie est en crise économique au moins depuis 2008. Les dépenses sociales engendrées par la révolution, les épisodes terroristes, la crise du Covid et l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie n’ont fait qu’aggraver la situation du pays.

      L’accord avec l’institution washingtonienne est un feuilleton à multiples rebondissements. Fin juillet 2021, avant même la nomination d’un nouveau gouvernement, Saïed charge sa nouvelle ministre des Finances Sihem Namsia de poursuivre les discussions en vue de l’obtention d’un prêt du FMI, prélude à une série d’aides financières bilatérales. À mesure que les pourparlers avancent, des divergences se font jour au sein du nouvel exécutif. Alors que le gouvernement de Najla Bouden semble disposé à accepter les préconisations de l’institution financière (restructuration et privatisation de certaines entreprises publiques, arrêt des subventions sur les hydrocarbures, baisse des subventions sur les matières alimentaires), Saïed s’oppose à ce qu’il qualifie de « diktats du FMI » et dénonce une politique austéritaire à même de menacer la paix civile. Cela ne l’empêche pas de promulguer la loi de finances de l’année 2023 qui reprend les principales préconisations de l’institution de Bretton Woods.

      En octobre 2022, un accord « technique » a été trouvé entre les experts du FMI et ceux du gouvernement tunisien et la signature définitive devait intervenir en décembre. Mais cette dernière étape a été reportée sine die, sans aucune explication.

      Ces dissensions au sein d’un exécutif censé plus unitaire que sous le régime de la Constitution de 2014 trouvent leur origine dans la vision économique de Kaïs Saïed. Après la chute de Ben Ali, les autorités de transition ont commandé un rapport sur les mécanismes de corruption du régime déchu. Le document final, qui pointe davantage un manque à gagner (prêts sans garanties, autorisations indument accordées…) que des détournements de fonds n’a avancé aucun chiffre. Mais en 2012, le ministre des domaines de l’État Slim Ben Hmidane a avancé celui de 13 milliards de dollars (11,89 milliards d’euros), confondant les biens du clan Ben Ali que l’État pensait saisir avec les sommes qui se trouvaient à l’étranger. Se saisissant du chiffre erroné, Kaïs Saïed estime que cette somme doit être restituée et investie dans les régions marginalisées par l’ancien régime. Le 20 mars 2022, le président promulgue une loi dans ce sens et nomme une commission chargée de proposer à « toute personne […] qui a accompli des actes pouvant entraîner des infractions économiques et financières » d’investir l’équivalent des sommes indument acquises dans les zones sinistrées en échange de l’abandon des poursuites.

      La mise en place de ce mécanisme intervient après la signature de l’accord technique avec le FMI. Tandis que le gouvernement voulait finaliser le pacte avec Washington, Saïed mettait la pression sur la commission d’amnistie afin que « la Tunisie s’en sorte par ses propres moyens ». Constatant l’échec de sa démarche, le président tunisien a préféré limoger le président de la commission et dénoncer des blocages au sein de l’administration. Depuis, il multiplie les appels à un assouplissement des conditions de l’accord avec le FMI, avec l’appui du gouvernement italien. Le 12 juin 2023, à l’issue d’une rencontre avec son homologue italien, Antonio Tajani, le secrétaire d’État américain Anthony Blinken s’est déclaré ouvert à ce que Tunis présente un plan de réforme révisé au FMI.

      Encore une fois, les Européens font le choix de soutenir la dictature au nom de la stabilité. Si du temps de Ben Ali, l’islamisme et la lutte contre le terrorisme étaient les principales justifications, c’est aujourd’hui la lutte contre l’immigration, devenue l’alpha et l’oméga de tout discours politique et électoraliste dans une Europe de plus en plus à droite, qui sert de boussole. Mais tous ces acteurs négligent le côté imprévisible du président tunisien, soucieux d’éviter tout mouvement social à même d’affaiblir son pouvoir. À la veille de la visite de la délégation européenne, Saïed s’est rendu à Sfax, deuxième ville du pays et plaque tournante de la migration clandestine. Il est allé à la rencontre des populations subsahariennes pour demander qu’elles soient traitées avec dignité, avant de déclarer que la Tunisie ne « saurait être le garde-frontière d’autrui ». Un propos réitéré lors de la visite de Gérald Darmanin et de son homologue allemande, puis à nouveau lors du Sommet pour un nouveau pacte financier à Paris, les 22 et 23 juin 2023.


    • Perché oggi Meloni torna in Tunisia

      È la terza visita da giugno: l’obiettivo è un accordo per dare al paese aiuti economici europei in cambio di più controlli sulle partenze di migranti

      Nella giornata di domenica è previsto un viaggio istituzionale in Tunisia della presidente del Consiglio italiana Giorgia Meloni, insieme alla presidente della Commissione Europea Ursula von der Leyen e al primo ministro olandese #Mark_Rutte. Per Meloni è la terza visita in Tunisia in poco più di un mese: era andata da sola una prima volta il 6 giugno, e poi già insieme a von der Leyen e Rutte l’11 giugno.

      Il motivo delle visite è stata una serie di colloqui con il presidente tunisino, l’autoritario Kais Saied, per firmare un “memorandum d’intesa” tra Unione Europea e Tunisia che ha l’obiettivo di fornire un aiuto finanziario al governo tunisino da circa un miliardo di euro. Questi soldi si aggiungerebbero al prestito del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (#FMI) da 1,7 miliardi di euro di cui si parla da tempo e che era stato chiesto dalla Tunisia per provare a risolvere la sua complicata situazione economica e sociale.

      Il memorandum, di cui non sono stati comunicati i dettagli, secondo fonti a conoscenza dei fatti impegnerebbe la Tunisia ad applicare alcune riforme chieste dall’FMI, e a collaborare maggiormente nel bloccare le partenze di migranti e richiedenti asilo che cercano di raggiungere l’Italia via mare.

      Nell’incontro dell’11 giugno le discussioni non erano andate benissimo, e avevano portato solo alla firma di una dichiarazione d’intenti. La visita di domenica dovrebbe invece concludersi con una definizione degli accordi, almeno nelle intenzioni dei leader europei. «Speriamo di concludere le discussioni che abbiamo iniziato a giugno», aveva detto venerdì la vice portavoce della Commissione Europea Dana Spinant annunciando il viaggio di domenica.

      Il memorandum d’intesa prevede che l’Unione Europea offra alla Tunisia aiuti finanziari sotto forma di un prestito a tassi agevolati di 900 milioni di euro – da erogare a rate nei prossimi anni – oltre a due contributi a fondo perduto rispettivamente da 150 milioni di euro, come contributo al bilancio nazionale, e da 100 milioni di euro per impedire le partenze delle imbarcazioni di migranti. Quest’ultimo aiuto di fatto replicherebbe su scala minore quelli dati negli anni scorsi a Libia e Turchia affinché impedissero con la forza le partenze di migranti e richiedenti asilo.

      Dell’accordo si è parlato molto criticamente nelle ultime settimane per via delle violenze in corso da tempo nel paese, sia da parte della popolazione locale che delle autorità, nei confronti dei migranti subsahariani che transitano nel paese nella speranza di partire via mare verso l’Europa (e soprattutto verso l’Italia). Da mesi il presidente Kais Saied – che negli ultimi tre anni ha dato una svolta autoritaria al governo del paese – sta usando i migranti come capro espiatorio per spiegare la pessima situazione economica e sociale in cui si trova la Tunisia.

      Ha più volte sostenuto che l’immigrazione dai paesi africani faccia parte di un progetto di «sostituzione demografica per rendere la Tunisia un paese unicamente africano, che perda i suoi legami con il mondo arabo e islamico». Le sue parole hanno causato reazioni razziste molto violente da parte di residenti e polizia nei confronti dei migranti, con arresti arbitrari e varie aggressioni. L’ultimo episodio è stato segnalato all’inizio di luglio, quando le forze dell’ordine tunisine hanno arrestato centinaia di migranti provenienti dall’Africa subsahariana e li hanno portati con la forza in una zona desertica nell’est del paese al confine con la Libia.


    • Firmato a Tunisi il memorandum d’intesa tra Tunisia e Ue, Meloni: «Compiuto passo molto importante»

      Saied e la delegazione Ue von der Leyen, Meloni e #Rutte siglano il pacchetto complessivo di 255 milioni di euro per il bilancio dello Stato nordafricano e per la gestione dei flussi migratori. 5 i pilastri dell’intesa

      E’ stato firmato il Memorandum d’intesa per una partnership strategica e globale fra Unione europea e Tunisia. L’Ue ha diffuso il video della cerimonia di firma, alla quale erano presenti la presidente della Commissione Ue Ursula von der Leyen, la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni, il premier dell’Olanda Mark Rutte e il presidente tunisino Kais Saied. Al termine della cerimonia di firma è iniziato l’incontro fra i tre leader europei e Saied, a seguito del quale sono attese dichiarazioni alla stampa. L’incontro si svolge nel palazzo presidenziale tunisino di Cartagine, vicino Tunisi. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo Bruxelles ha proposto un pacchetto di aiuti (150 milioni a sostegno del bilancio dello Stato e 105 milioni come supporto al controllo delle frontiere), su cui era stato avviato un negoziato.

      «Il Team Europe torna a Tunisi. Eravamo qui insieme un mese fa per lanciare una nuova partnership con la Tunisia. E oggi la portiamo avanti». Lo scrive sui social la Presidente della Commissione Ue, Ursula Von der Leyen, postando foto con lei, Meloni, Rutte e Saied.

      E nella conferenza stampa congiunta con Saied, Meloni e Rutte la presidente ha affermato che la Ue coopererà con la Tunisia contro i trafficanti di migranti.

      «Abbiamo raggiunto un obiettivo molto importante che arriva dopo un grande lavoro diplomatico. Il Memorandum è un importante passo per creare una vera partnership tra l’Ue e la Tunisia». Lo ha detto la premier Giorgia Meloni al termine dell’incontro con Kais Saied nel palazzo di Cartagine. L’intesa va considerata «un modello» perle relazioni tra l’Ue e i Paesi del Nord Africa.

      L’obiettivo iniziale era di firmare un Memorandum d’intesa entro lo scorso Consiglio europeo, del 29 e 30 giugno, ma c’è stato uno slittamento. L’intesa con l’Europa, nelle intenzioni di Bruxelles, dovrebbe anche facilitare lo sblocco del finanziamento del Fondo monetario internazionale da 1,9 miliardi al momento sospeso, anche se in questo caso la trattativa è tutta in salita.

      Anche oggi, nel giorno della firma del Memorandum di Intesa tra Unione europea e Tunisia, a Lampedusa - isola simbolo di migrazione e di naufragi - sono sbarcati in 385 (ieri quasi mille). L’obiettivo dell’accordo voluto dalla premier Meloni e il presidente Saied è soprattutto arginare il flusso incontrollato di persone che si affidano alla pericolosa via del mare per approdare in Europa. Un problema che riguarda i confini esterni meridionali dell’Unione europea, come ha sempre sottolineato la presidente del Consiglio, che oggi arriverà a Tunisi per la seconda volta, con la presidente della Commissione Ursula von der Leyen e con il collega olandese Mark Rutte.

      Le dichiarazioni della premier Giorgia Meloni

      «Oggi abbiamo raggiunto un risultato estremamente importante, il memorandum firmato tra Tunisia e Ue è un ulteriore passo verso la creazione di un vero partenariato che possa affrontare in modo integrato la crisi migratoria e lo sviluppo per entrambe le sponde del Mediterraneo».

      Così la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni nel punto stampa dopo la firma del Memorandum.

      «Il partenariato con la Tunisia- ha aggiunto Meloni- rappresenta per noi un modello per costruire nuove relazioni con i vicini del Nord Africa. Il memorandum è un punto di partenza al quale dovranno conseguire diversi accordi per mettere a terra gli obiettivi che ci siamo dati».

      Infine la presidente del Consiglio ha ricordato che «domenica prossima 23 luglio a Roma ci sarà la conferenza internazionale sull’immigrazione che avrà come protagonista il presidente Saied e con lui diversi capi di Stato e governo dei paesi mediterranei. E’ un altro importante passo per affrontare la cooperazione mediterranea con un approccio integrato e io lo considero come l’inizio di un percorso che può consentire una partnership diversa da quella che abbiamo avuto nel passato».

      Le dichiarazioni della Presidente della Commisisone Europea

      Per Ursula Von der Leyen l’accordo odierno è «un buon pacchetto di misure», da attuare rapidamente «in entrambe le sponde del Mediterraneo» ma ha anche precisato che «L’ assistenza macrofinanziaria sarà fornita quando le condizioni lo permetteranno».

      La Presidente ha elencato i 5 pilastri del Memorandum con la Tunisia:

      1) creare opportunità per i giovani tunisini. Per loro «ci sarà una finestra in Europa con l’#Erasmus». Per le scuole tunisine stanziati 65 milioni;

      2) sviluppo economico della Tunisia. La Ue aiuterà la crescita e la resilienza dell’economia tunisina;

      3) investimenti e commercio: "La Ue è il più grande partner economico della Tunisia. Ci saranno investimenti anche per migliorare la connettività della Tunisia, per il turismo e l’agricoltura. 150 milioni verranno stanziati per il ’#Medusa_submarine_cable' tra Europa e Tunisia;

      4) energia pulita: la Tunisia ha «potenzialità enormi» per le rinnovabili. L’ Europa ha bisogno di «fonti per l’energia pulita. Questa è una situazione #win-win. Abbiamo stanziato 300 milioni per questo progetto ed è solo l’inizio»;

      5) migranti: «Bisogna stroncare i trafficanti - dice Von der Leyen - e distruggere il loro business». Ue e Tunisia coordineranno le operazioni Search and Rescue. Per questo sono stanziati 100 milioni di euro.

      Le dichiarazioni del Presidente Kais Saied

      «Dobbiamo trovare delle vie di collaborazione alternative a quelle con il Fondo Monetario Internazionale, che è stato stabilito dopo la seconda Guerra mondiale. Un regime che divide il mondo in due metà: una metà per i ricchi e una per i poveri eche non doveva esserci». Lo ha detto il presidente tunisino Kais Saied nelle dichiarazioni alla stampa da Cartagine.

      «Il Memorandum dovrebbe essere accompagnato presto da accordi attuativi» per «rendere umana» la migrazione e «combattere i trafficanti. Abbiamo oggi un’assoluta necessità di un accordo comune contro la migrazione irregolari e contro la rete criminale di trafficanti».

      «Grazie a tutti e in particolare la premier Meloni per aver risposto immediatamente all’iniziativa tunisina di organizzare» un vertice sulla migrazione con i Paesi interessati.

      #memorandum_of_understanding #développement #énergie #énergie_renouvelable #économie #tourisme #jeunes #jeunesse #smugglers #traficants_d'êtres_humains #aide_financière

    • La Tunisie et l’Union européenne signent un partenariat sur l’économie et la politique migratoire

      La présidente de la Commission européenne s’est réjouie d’un accord destiné à « investir dans une prospérité partagée », évoquant cinq piliers dont l’immigration irrégulière. La Tunisie est un point de départ pour des milliers de migrants vers l’Europe.

      L’Union européenne (UE) et la Tunisie ont signé dimanche 16 juillet à Tunis un protocole d’accord pour un « partenariat stratégique complet » portant sur la lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière, les énergies renouvelables et le développement économique de ce pays du Maghreb. La présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, s’est réjouie d’un accord destiné à « investir dans une prospérité partagée », évoquant « cinq piliers », dont les questions migratoires.

      La Tunisie est un point de départ pour des milliers de migrants qui traversent la Méditerranée vers l’Europe. Les chefs de gouvernement italien, Giorgia Meloni, et néerlandais, Mark Rutte, accompagnaient la dirigeante européenne après une première visite il y a un mois, pendant laquelle ils avaient proposé ce partenariat.

      Il s’agit « d’une nouvelle étape importante pour traiter la crise migratoire de façon intégrée », a dit Mme Meloni, qui a invité le président tunisien, Kais Saied, présent à ses côtés, à participer dimanche à Rome à un sommet sur les migrations. Celui-ci s’est exprimé à son tour pour insister sur le volet de l’accord portant sur « le rapprochement entre les peuples ».

      « Nouvelles relations avec l’Afrique du Nord »

      Selon Mme Meloni, le partenariat entre la Tunisie et l’UE « peut être considéré comme un modèle pour l’établissement de nouvelles relations avec l’Afrique du Nord ». M. Rutte a pour sa part estimé que « l’accord bénéficiera aussi bien à l’Union européenne qu’au peuple tunisien », rappelant que l’UE est le premier partenaire commercial de la Tunisie et son premier investisseur. Sur l’immigration, il a assuré que l’accord permettra de « mieux contrôler l’immigration irrégulière ».

      L’accord prévoit une aide de 105 millions d’euros pour lutter contre l’immigration irrégulière et une aide budgétaire de 150 millions d’euros alors que la Tunisie est étranglée par une dette de 80 % de son produit intérieur brut (PIB) et est à court de liquidités. Lors de sa première visite, la troïka européenne avait évoqué une « assistance macrofinancière de 900 millions d’euros » qui pouvait être fournie à la Tunisie sous forme de prêt sur les années à venir.

      Mme von der Leyen a affirmé dimanche que Bruxelles « est prête à fournir cette assistance dès que les conditions seront remplies ». Cette « assistance » de l’UE est conditionnée à un accord entre la Tunisie et le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) pour un nouveau crédit du Fonds, un dossier qui est dans l’impasse depuis des mois.


    • Les députés reprochent à la Commission européenne d’avoir signé un accord avec un « cruel dictateur » tunisien

      Des eurodéputés ont dénoncé mardi le protocole d’accord signé par l’UE avec la Tunisie.

      L’accord a été conclu dimanche après une réunion à Tunis entre le président tunisien Kaïs Saïed et la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen, accompagnée de la Première ministre italienne Giorgia Meloni et du Premier ministre néerlandais Mark Rutte.

      Le texte, qui doit encore être précisé, prévoit l’allocation d’au moins 700 millions d’euros de fonds européens, dont certains sous forme de prêts, dans le cadre de cinq piliers : la stabilité macroéconomique, l’économie et le commerce, la transition verte, les contacts interpersonnels et les migrations.

      Ursula von der Leyen a présenté le mémorandum comme un « partenariat stratégique et global ». Mais les eurodéputés ont adopté un point de vue très critique sur la question. Ils dénoncent les contradictions entre les valeurs fondamentales de l’Union européenne et le recul démocratique en cours en Tunisie. Ils ont également déploré l’absence de transparence démocratique et de responsabilité financière.

      La figure de Kaïs Saïed, qui a ouvertement diffusé des récits racistes contre les migrants d’Afrique subsaharienne a fait l’objet des reproches de la part des parlementaires.


      « Il est très clair qu’un accord a été conclu avec un dictateur cruel et peu fiable », a dénoncé Sophie in ’t Veld (Renew Europe). « Le président Saïed est un dirigeant autoritaire, ce n’est pas un bon partenaire, c’est un dictateur qui a augmenté le nombre de départs ».

      S’exprimant au nom des sociaux-démocrates (S&D), Birgit Sippel a accusé les autorités tunisiennes d’abandonner les migrants subsahariens dans le désert « sans nourriture, sans eau et sans rien d’autre », un comportement qui a déjà été rapporté par les médias et les organisations humanitaires.

      « Pourquoi la Tunisie devrait-elle soudainement changer de comportement ? Et qui contrôle l’utilisation de l’argent ? » interroge Birgit Sippel, visiblement en colère.

      « Nous finançons à nouveau un autocrate sans contrôle politique et démocratique au sein de cette assemblée. Ce n’est pas une solution. Cela renforcera un autocrate en Tunisie », a-t-elle ajouté.


      En face, la Commissaire européenne en charge des Affaires intérieures Ylva Johansson, a évité toute controverse et a calmement défendu le mémorandum UE-Tunisie. La responsable suédoise a souligné que le texte introduit des obligations pour les deux parties.

      « Il est clair que la Tunisie est sous pression. Selon moi, c’est une raison de renforcer et d’approfondir la coopération et d’intensifier le soutien à la Tunisie », a-t-elle répondu aux députés européens.

      Selon Ylva Johansson, 45 000 demandeurs d’asile ont quitté la Tunisie cette année pour tenter de traverser la « route très meurtrière » de la Méditerranée centrale. Cette « augmentation considérable » suggère un changement du rôle de la Tunisie, de pays d’origine à pays de transit, étant donné que « sur ces 45 000, seuls 5 000 étaient des citoyens tunisiens ».

      « Il est très important que notre objectif principal soit toujours de sauver des vies, d’empêcher les gens d’entreprendre ces voyages qui finissent trop souvent par mettre fin à leur vie, c’est une priorité », a poursuivi la Commissaire.

      Les députés se sont concentrés sur les deux enveloppes financières les plus importantes de l’accord : 150 millions d’euros pour l’aide budgétaire et 105 millions d’euros pour la gestion des migrations, qui seront toutes les deux déboursées progressivement. Certains eurodéputés ont décrit l’aide budgétaire, qui est censée soutenir l’économie fragile du pays, comme une injection d’argent dans les coffres privés de Kaïs Saïed qui serait impossible à retracer.

      « Vous avez financé un dictateur qui bafoue les droits de l’homme, qui piétine la démocratie tunisienne que nous avons tant soutenue. Ne nous mentez pas ! », s’est emporté Mounir Satouri (les Verts). « Selon nos analyses, les 150 et 105 millions d’euros sont une aide au Trésor (tunisien), un versement direct sur le compte bancaire de M. Kaïs Saïed ».


      Maria Arena (S&D) a reproché à la Commission européenne de ne pas avoir ajouté de dispositions supplémentaires qui conditionneraient les paiements au respect des droits de l’homme.

      « Nous donnons un chèque en blanc à M. Saïed, qui mène actuellement des campagnes racistes et xénophobes, soutenues par sa police et son armée », a déclaré l’eurodéputée belge.

      « Croyez-vous vraiment que M Saïed, qui a révoqué son parlement, qui a jeté des juges en prison, qui a démissionné la moitié de sa juridiction, qui interdit maintenant aux blogueurs de parler de la question de l’immigration et qui utilise maintenant sa police et son armée pour renvoyer des gens à la frontière (libyenne), croyez-vous vraiment que M. Saïed va respecter les droits de l’homme ? Madame Johansson, soit vous êtes naïve, soit vous nous racontez des histoires ».

      Dans ses réponses, Ylva Johansson a insisté sur le fait que les 105 millions d’euros affectés à la migration seraient « principalement » acheminés vers des organisations internationales qui travaillent sur le terrain et apportent une aide aux demandeurs d’asile, comme l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), bien qu’elle ait admis que certains fonds seraient en fait fournis aux agents tunisiens sous la forme de navires de recherche et de sauvetage et de radars.


      « Permettez-moi d’insister sur le fait que la Commission européenne, l’UE, n’est pas impliquée dans le refoulement de ressortissants de pays tiers vers leur pays d’origine. Ce que nous faisons, c’est financer, par l’intermédiaire de l’OIM, les retours volontaires et la réintégration des ressortissants de pays tiers », a souligné la Commissaire.

      « Je ne suis pas d’accord avec la description selon laquelle la Tunisie exerce un chantage. Je pense que nous avons une bonne coopération avec la Tunisie, mais il est également important de renforcer cette coopération et d’augmenter le soutien à la Tunisie. Et c’est l’objectif de ce protocole d’accord ».


  • UK provided £3m to Turkish border forces to stop migrants, FOI reveals

    Investigation shows Home Office funds ‘return and reintegration assistance’ and provides equipment and training to Turkish police

    The Home Office has provided more than £3m in funding to Turkish border forces in the last year to prevent migrants reaching the UK, an investigation for the Guardian has found.

    Funding to Turkey’s border force operations has increased substantially from 2019, when £14,000 was given to Turkish police and coastguard for maritime border security training, according to documents obtained through freedom of information (FOI) requests. That figure rose to £425,000 in 2021-22 for training and equipment and up to £3m this year for “return and reintegration assistance”, training and personnel.

    The funding was diverted from the official development assistance (ODA) budget and delivered through Home Office International Operations, part of the department’s Intelligence Directorate.

    In addition to funding, the Home Office has also supplied Turkish border forces, including the National Police and the coastguard, with equipment and training. In June 2022, nine vehicles were handed over by the UK’s deputy high commissioner to the Turkish National Police on the border with Iran.

    Last year Turkey said it “turned back” 238,448 migrants at its eastern border with Iran. Video evidence seen by the Guardian shows cases of extreme violence and force used against Afghan migrants attempting to cross the border into Turkey. This includes the authorities firing live bullet rounds as people flee, including at the feet of children; beatings using rifle butts; robberies; humiliation tactics and pushing people back to the other side of the border.

    Mahmut Kaçan, a Turkish lawyer working on asylum and human rights abuses, said the deaths and pushbacks on the border began escalating two years ago. “The UNHCR never criticises or mentions what Turkey is doing at the border. They are complicit in the deaths of these people, as are the EU and other countries that are giving money to Turkey for border security.”

    A source with knowledge of the Home Office International Operations team said Turkey had become “a country of emerging importance [to the UK government] in the last two to three years and is now seen as strategically crucial to border securitisation”.

    “We offer our expertise and provide officials [locally] with evidence, showing the routes we think illegal migrants or gangs are operating along,” the source said. “It’ll probably be along the lines of: ‘This is a route smugglers and illegal migrants use to get to the UK, we need to do more to stop it.’ The Turkish government will then respond by saying: ‘This is what we need to be able to do that’, and then we fund it, basically.”

    The source added: “We don’t tend to hold local forces to account with any targets but certainly if we say: ‘We need to bolster X area of border security’, Turkey might respond by saying they need Y in order to boost border officer numbers and we’ll help them to do that.”

    Another source familiar with the work of the Home Office International Operations unit said: “Us paying for stuff like that builds our soft power credentials in other areas, such as possible returns agreements. It’s like a mini FCDO [Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office] inside the Home Office.”

    Sources added that Home Office operations overseas involved intelligence gathering through interviews with migrants who had arrived in the UK. Information from those interviews is then passed on to border forces locally to “put an operational plan in place to stop it”.

    Documents obtained through an FOI request also show that the Home Office has increased the number of its staff deployed to work at post, with sources from the FCDO saying Home Office staff now outnumbers diplomats working in Turkey.

    “The Home Office is seen by international partners as quite hostile, quite adversarial,” said a senior government source with knowledge of the department’s operations in Turkey. “The FCDO, on the other hand, is viewed as relatively collegiate and collaborative. In this context, there are obvious tensions in the approach and the culture among staff.”

    The department’s 2025 Border Strategy states that one of its key priorities is to “improve our use of upstream illegal migration countermeasures to prevent irregular entry into the UK”.

    It also stipulates the department will “prevent entry into the UK through improved border security and through work with source and transit countries to support them in addressing irregular migration challenges within their region”.

    Mary Atkinson, campaigns and networks manager at JCWI, said: “This government has shown that it will break international law to prevent people from exercising the fundamental human right to seek safety.

    “Whether on the border between Turkey and Iran, or those of France or Belgium, this government is covertly funding others to do its dirty work, while at the same time ramping up its xenophobic rhetoric against the few that do finally make it here.”

    In response to the findings of the investigation, a spokesperson for the Home Office said: “Like many other European states, the UK works tirelessly at home and abroad on a range of priorities, including tackling illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and modern slavery. This includes mutually beneficial close working with our operational counterparts in a range of partner countries, like Turkey, to tackle these and wider socially damaging issues.”


    #externalisation #contrôles_frontaliers #UK #Angleterre #Turquie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #renvois #réintégration #financement #aide_financière #militarisation_des_frontières #aide_au_développement #développement #coopération_au_développement #refoulements #push-backs #complexe_militaro-industriel #2025 _Border_Strategy #Home_Office

  • Carrefour ouvre une nouvelle vague de départs, les salariés s’inquiètent

    Il s’agit du cinquième plan de réduction des effectifs depuis l’arrivée d’Alexandre Bompard aux manettes du distributeur. En quatre ans, le groupe s’est séparé de 30 000 salariés en France selon les calculs des syndicats.


    Pour les salariés, ce n’est toutefois pas une surprise. Le 8 novembre 2022, lors de l’annonce du plan stratégique pour quatre ans, baptisé « Carrefour 2026 », le PDG, Alexandre Bompard, avait laissé entrevoir de nouvelles coupes dans les effectifs. « Carrefour a besoin d’un choc de simplification » [belle reprise du langage technocratique] , avait-il déclaré. Tout en précisant que cette nouvelle organisation se traduirait « par des réductions d’effectifs significatives » dans les sièges du groupe et que « chaque pays y contribuera ». Cette transformation devait permettre au distributeur, implanté dans près de quarante pays, de dégager 4 milliards d’euros d’économies.


    En octobre 2022, #Carrefour a annoncé le basculement de 41 magasins en #location-gérance en 2023 (dont 16 hypermarchés), un an après en avoir sorti 43 autres de son réseau intégré. « Depuis 2018, 268 magasins sont passés en location-gérance, dont 64 hypermarchés », selon les chiffres de Sylvain Macé, pour qui cela devient une « parade » pour réduire les frais de personnels et « dénoncer les accords d’entreprise qui ont été contractés depuis plus de vingt ans ». Les syndicats songent même à alerter la direction générale du travail car « cela va au-delà des seuls magasins déficitaires ».
    Le procédé semble faire fait tache d’huile. Auchan, qui possède 634 magasins, a indiqué aux syndicats, le 25 mai, la cession de sept supermarchés où « travaillent au total près de 250 salariés », et surtout sa volonté de « s’engager sur le terrain de la #franchise », raconte Gilles Martin, délégué syndical CFDT du groupe. Environ 15 % seulement des magasins Auchan sont actuellement exploités en franchise, selon ses calculs. Il doit y avoir « un accompagnement social et collectif à partir du moment où les magasins portent le nom de l’enseigne », lance M. Martin [l’âne qui s’occupe poids des chaînes]. A Auchan aussi, les syndicats se demandent s’ils ne vont pas finir par interpeller le législateur.

    Plus de patrons, moins de #salaire

    #travail #grande_distribution #externalisation

    • Ça fait un moment qu’ils font ça  : le Champion du coin a été revendu à un comptable, en franchise. Là, t’as un gus qui possède 2 - 3 magasins et dont, l’ancienneté, les délégués, les intéressements du groupe, tous les avantages sociaux = adios.
      Les salariés, ils se retrouvent direct à ancienneté 0, 0 prime, tout leur est enlevé, il leur reste le SMIC sec.

      Dans un monde fini, ta croissance, tu la fais en bouffant la laine sur le dos du peuple.

  • « #Albanie : enjeux migratoires dans les Balkans. Transit, émigration, retours forcés : des mobilités entravées »

    Cette note d’analyse vise à mieux comprendre les enjeux migratoires actuels en Albanie. Elle propose de contribuer à la compréhension de la place de l’Albanie dans cette double dimension : la situation des personnes étrangères en #transit ainsi que les #expulsions des ressortissant·e·s albanais·e·s depuis la France par le concours de l’agence européenne de garde-côtes et de gardes-frontières, Frontex. Les informations collectées proviennent des constats issus d’une mission de La Cimade menée en Albanie en juin 2022 et du travail de recherche effectué en amont par l’équipe du Pôle Solidarités Internationales-Europe.
    Au Sommaire :

    UE-Albanie : une coopération de longue date maîtrisée par l’UE

    - Albanie : l’Union européenne comme horizon
    - Un laboratoire des contrôles migratoires externalisés dans les Balkans

    La situation des personnes en transit en Albanie

    – Filtrage aux frontières : la procédure de pré-identification
    - 2020 : coup d’arrêt pour la demande d’asile aux frontières

    Les Albanais·es cibles de la #machine_à_expulser de l’UE

    - Les #charters #Frontex : instrument privilégié pour expulser vers l’Albanie
    - Les « charters Frontex du mardi » : la routine de l’expulsion des Albanais·es depuis la France
    – Bannissement de l’UE et interdiction de sortir d’Albanie ?
    – En amont des expulsions : dissuader les projets migratoires


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #renvois #France #réfugiés_albanais #migrants_albanais #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #machine_à_expulsion #externalisation #dissuasion

    • Enregistrement webinaire Albanie

      A l’occasion de la sortie de la Note d’analyse « Albanie : enjeux migratoires dans les Balkans. Transit, émigration, retours forcés : des mobilités entravées », La Cimade a organisé un webinaire afin de présenter nos observations et analyses.


  • The Migration Managers

    How a little-known organization far from public scrutiny is helping to shape Europe’s migration policy.

    “Making Migration Better” is what the #International_Centre_for_Migration_Policy_Development (#ICMPD) promises its members. ICMPD advises countries in the background, creates international networks and also becomes active itself in border regions of the EU. ICMPD is an organization that is known to only a few, but at the same time has become an important player in EU migration policy.

    Together with a team of international journalists, we investigated what exactly ICMPD does. We filed numerous requests under the EU and German Freedom of Information laws and received hundreds of documents in response. Additionally, we were able to view internal ICMPD documents, some of which we are also publishing today after thorough examination and careful consideration. We shared our findings in advance with ZDF Magazin Royale and the Austrian daily DerStandard, and jointly coordinated articles.

    Our investigation led to the EU’s external borders in the Western Balkans and to North Africa; to training camps for border guards and “dead body management”, and the roleplayed not only by ministries and governments, but also by the German Federal Police, a former Austrian Vice Chancellor, and the now internationally wanted white-collar criminal Jan Marsalek.
    Our research shows:

    – As an international organization, ICMPD is subject to few transparency obligations. This allows ICMPD to create and host spaces where member states like Germany can discuss migration policy out of the public eye.
    - ICMPD directly and indirectly influences European migration policy. Strengthening of asylum law, which is publicly proposed by politicians, was partly worked out beforehand in informal meetings or outlined in documents of ICMPD.
    – ICMPD directly and indirectly supports border and coast guards in Libya, Morocco and Tunisia - authorities that are accused of grave human rights violations. In doing so, ICMPD is helping to push the EU’s external border towards North Africa. Currently, the EU is also discussing border procedures at the EU’s external borders as part of the asylum system reform.
    - ICMPD co-developed ideas for a dubious asylum project - including for Germany. In the process, ICMPD also worked closely with Jan Marsalek, a white-collar criminal who has since gone underground.

    ICMPD was founded in 1993. The organization’s purpose was to make it possible to exchanges views on migration policy. Due to the ongoing conflict in Yugoslavia,, the focus was mainly on the Balkans. Nearly two decades later, ICMPD’s focus would radically shift.

    Michael Spindelegger was appointed as he ICMPD’s Director General in 2016. He is a former Austrian vice chancellor, former Secretary General of ÖVP, the countrys’ biggest governing party, and the political foster father of Austria’s former chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Commenting on his arrival at ICMPD, Spindelegger said in an interview, “I want to give the organization more political weight and visibility.”

    Since Spindelegger took office, ICMPD’s projects, staff and annual budget have steadily increased. While the budget was 16.8 million euros in 2015, it was already 74.5 million in 2022. 56 percent of the money ICMPD received in 2022 came from the EU Commission. The rest came from EU member states, transit countries and countries of origin: the members of the ICMPD.

    Technocratic terms to disguise the true essence

    ICMPD describes its main business as a three-pillar model of “migration management”: research, dialogue and capacity building. The organization writes studies on migration, it brings states to the table for negotiations, and then implements what governments have decided. But what sounds mundane in theory has far-reaching consequences in practice.

    “I think the notion of migration management appeals to a lot of people because it makes migration more of a technocratic issue,” explains Jeff Crisp. Crisp was a senior staff member of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and is an expert on migration. The term migration management, according to him, is so popular among governments and organizations because it obscures the true nature of their actions and there is no need to talk openly about restriction and deterrence.

    In 2020, ICMPD’s chief Spindelegger described how he envisions successful “migration management” in several interviews. EU states should enter into more partnerships with countries of origin for a “more efficient return policy,” i.e., deport more people. Asylum applications should be processed in a few days near the border, which human rights organizations criticize as insufficient time for a fair process. Similarly, the ICMPD chief argued that migrants should be selected according to the needs of companies in the destination countries.

    These ideas have been widely criticized by human rights activists and lawyers, but they fit into the political line of many European governments, especially in view of the current debate about reforming the EU asylum system.

    In early 2023, the need for deportations and cooperation with third countries is now publicly the dogma of EU migration policy. In Germany, the governing coalition came to conclusions after a summit which are in fact contrary to the coalition agreements: the government wants more deportations, asylum procedures at the EU’s external borders, agreements with third countries, as shown by a document we recently published. To enforce more deportations, Germany has even created its own special envoy since the beginning of the year.

    This strategic orientation has been discussed for some time, but in an informal setting: at negotiation rounds, events and congresses such as those organized by ICMPD. So far, however, little of this has reached the outside world, because ICMPD has almost no transparency obligations.
    Backroom Talks and Racist Comments

    Legally, ICMPD is an “International Organization” - an intergovernmental association to carry out a supranational task. It has the same status as, for example, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). As an international organization, ICMPD does not pay taxes, is difficult to prosecute in court, and cannot be summoned before any parliament for information.

    This special status seems to be welcomed, above all, by EU states whose migration policies are particularly controversial. For example, according to the minutes of a meeting with Spindelegger in July 2020, the then-deputy migration minister of Greece said, “ICMPD can provide a flexible and informal forum (for discussions) without the pressure of the media; A forum to solve problems.” One solution he may have wanted to discuss at the time was a heavily criticized asylum law which contemplated rejected asylum seekers to be detained on a blanket basis.

    In the informal setting provided by ICMPD, some seem to dare to formulate what would probably be strongly criticized publicly. A representative of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, in an informal exchange with representatives of EU states and EU institutions in May 2020 on “The Protection of Human and Public Security in the New Migration Agenda,” said that the “Refugee Treaty is not the issue”, but the European Convention on Human Rights is. According to the representative, “the right to request asylum makes migration management” very difficult”.

    Insights into the inner workings of ICMPD are provided by an internal diversity report from 2019, which we were able to view. Half of the respondents said they believe that not all employees have the same opportunities. More than one in three said they had been discriminated against or harassed while working at ICMPD. Similarly, the report found that employees regularly made racist and discriminatory comments about people from regions where ICMPD works - especially from the African continent.

    When asked, ICMPD said that “internal steps” have been taken since then and “will be subject to a new review soon.”
    Externalization of the EU’s external borders

    In 2015, the EU launched the Trust Fund for Africa with a funding budget of five billion euros. It was an indirect reaction to the increasing number of migrants coming to Europe. Since then, EU funds have been flowing to North African states and their border institutions for technological and personnel development, among other things - and ICMPD is helping with this.

    Exactly what that looks like is revealed at a meeting in January 2019 between Spindelegger and the EU Commission. It says that an agreement with Morocco for ICMPD “border management assistance operations” had been concluded. A previous investigation shows that, in the course of this project, surveillance technologies that allow access to secured phones had been delivered. According to a former ICMPD employee, there were no mechanisms to prevent abuses by Morocco, such as using this technology to target activists, academics and journalists.

    Furthermore, the meeting between ICMPD and the EU Commission relates to border security through “provide training and technical assistance” in Libya. The EU stresses that ICMPD’s involvement is “instrumental” to moving this forward quickly - for example, with regard to the “White Paper,” a strategy document that, while not binding on the parties involved, sets the political direction and next steps.

    For several years, journalists and human rights organizations have reported on how migrants are systematically pushed back along the central Mediterranean and the inhumane detention conditions that await them in Libya. The fact that the EU and some member states support Libya is also an issue. What is less known, however, is what mediating role ICMPD had in the elaboration of the strategy.

    Just a few months after the EU highlighted ICMPD’s mediating role in the process, representatives from the EU, UN, Libya, France, Italy, and ICMPD met in Tunis in June 2019. The aim of this meeting was to start the elaboration of a strategy paper for a “fully-fledged border security and management system”.
    Training and coordination with the so-called Libyan Coast Guard

    We had filed a request under the EU Freedom of Information law for the white paper from the EU Commission, but it was denied. The reason given was that, if the document became public, the relationship between the EU and Libya would be endangered. Nevertheless, we have obtained the document and publish it after a thorough examination. It is a version from December 2019, which is described as final.

    The document justifies why the preparation of such a strategy document is necessary: Libya would need to reform its structures in order to regain full control over its borders. The reason given is that the country faces “immense challenges” from “the flow of migrants, who, to a large extent, intend to use Libya as a transit route to Europe.” Migration “has complicated an already fragile political situation” and is “undermining the security, stability, and social wellbeing of the Libyan state and society.

    What should follow from this, with the participation of ICMPD among others, is shown in an EU document from 2021: A training center for the so-called Libyan coast guard is to be established. Likewise, mechanisms are to be created to forge cooperation between Libya, the EU and neighboring countries - for the Border Guard Training Academy and the Libyan Maritime Rescue Coordination Center.

    Human rights organizations call this approach the “externalization of the EU’s external borders,” which means the outsourcing of border protection and migration management tasks to third countries. Likewise, cooperation with the Libyan Maritime Rescue Coordination Unit would lead to more pull-backs. This means that third countries, with the support of the EU, would prevent fleeing people from reaching Europe.

    “The support given by the EU to the Libyan coast guard in terms of pull-backs, pushbacks, (and) interceptions led to violations of certain human rights,” said Chaloka Beyani in late March 2023, who was a member of the Fact-Finding Mission to Libya of the U.N. Human Rights Council, which released its report in the process.

    “You can’t push back people to areas that are unsafe, and the Libyan waters are unsafe for the embarkation of migrants,” Beyani continued. He added that the EU and its member states are not found to be responsible for war crimes, but “the support given has aided and abetted the commission of the crimes.”
    Atmosphere of hatred towards migrants

    ICMPD is not only active in Libya, but also in Tunisia - and since 2019, on a much larger scale.

    That same year, Tunisia elected a new president who is now not only pushing the state system towards dictatorship, but also creating an atmosphere of hatred towards migrants. At the end of February 2023, he called on Tunisian security forces to take urgent measures against migrants.

    Romdhane Ben Amor, spokesman for the Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights, tells us exactly what that looks like. “There is a political pressure on the coast guard to prevent people from leaving, no matter what the cost, no matter what the damage. That’s how the violence started, and the Coast Guard is responsible for a lot of it.”

    Reports of human rights abuses by the Tunisian coast guard are mounting. Alarmphone writes about this, saying that the Tunisian coast guard beats migrants with sticks, demands money for rescues, and even steals the boat engines.

    And it is these security forces that continue to be supported and trained by ICMPD with the support of the EU, Germany, Austria and Denmark. In fact, this cooperation is even being expanded, as EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson reiterated at a meeting in Tunis in late April 2023.

    When asked about this, ICMPD says that it learned about the violence emanating from the Tunisian coast guard through the media and therefore cannot comment further.
    Active support of the German Federal Police

    Regarding EU support to the Tunisian coast guard, a dossier was prepared in 2019 jointly with ICMPD. “Preferred options in line with the National vision” had been identified, as well as “requests for equipment and capacity building measures.” Underwater drones, radars and even a dedicated IT system, the Integrated System for Maritime Surveillance, or ISMariS, were to be provided.

    Germany was presented with the plans for Tunisia at a meeting in January 2020 between the Federal Police and ICMPD. The goal: “Make migration and mobility of people orderly, safe and regular.” To this end, the coast guards of North African states are to be trained and provided with equipment. Two training centers are being built in Tunisia for this purpose, one in the south and one in the north of the country. The northern center is financed by Germany.

    The minutes of a meeting in January 2022 show how Germany is continuing to provide support: the Federal Police have equipped the Tunisian coast guard with 12 speedboats. Likewise, the Federal Police was “involved in SAR-connected trainings”. In an email written after the meeting, the Federal Police representative again advocates that Tunisia’s fleet be further expanded through “donor support.” For the following years, he proposed “boating training for Fast Control Boats” and “modernization of the boat fleet.”

    We were unable to find out in detail what curriculum ICMPD, the German Federal Police and other authorities of EU member states use to train the Tunisian coast guard. However, the minutes of various meetings provide an insight into the subject areas. French security authorities organized for example a “training course on the management of dead bodies at sea.”

    When asked, the German Federal Police confirmed that it was supporting the Tunisian coast guard with “training, advisory and procurement services.” In response to criticism of its involvement in Tunisia, the Federal Police pointed out that Tunisia was described as a “safe port” on the UNHCR website. However, this description can no longer be found on the UNHCR website.
    More deportations through migration diplomacy

    ICMPD is very active not only on the African continent, but also along the so-called Balkan route.

    In July 2020, the “Salzburg Forum”, a meeting of 18 EU interior ministers, EU commissioners, EU agencies such as Frontex and ICMPD took place in Vienna. The result was, among other things, the establishment of the “Joint Cooperation Platform on Irregular Migration”. This was chaired by the former deputy director of Frontex Berndt Körner.

    According to preparatory documents and an email, ICMPD elaborated on why such a platform was needed at a follow-up meeting in February 2021. “Irregular economic migration” is a shared problem, ICMPD said, and therefore there is a need to build capacity for “quick procedures, quick returns, and to coordination border closures again”.

    ICMPD will not only assist with training and capacity building, it said, but will also help with the “implementation of a regional returns mechanism” - meaning deportations. Through “migration diplomacy,” ICMPD would support the negotiation of agreements with third countries.

    Previous experience in supporting deportations has been gained by ICMPD in Turkey. The project, with the acronym FRMON, aims to “strengthen the capacity to conduct return operations in Turkey.” The duration was from 2021 to 2022, during which time Human Rights Watch wrote that deportations from Turkey to Afghanistan had increased by 150 percent. Many other states had suspended this after the Taliban took power.
    More money for migration management

    Those who try to enter the EU via the so-called Western Balkan route often arrive from Bosnia-Herzegovina and want to get to Croatia. In recent years, journalists and activists have documented how Croatian border officials use batons to push back migrants, preventing them from applying for asylum in an EU country.

    The Western Balkan states, where many of the migrants are then stranded, are therefore of great importance to the EU. Bosnia-Herzegovina has been an official candidate for EU membership since 2022 and must therefore fulfill certain conditions. For this purpose, a so-called Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) fund was set up years before. Part of the money goes to migration and border management.

    What this means exactly is revealed in documents from meetings between ICMPD and Bosnian authorities, which we have obtained and will publish following a detailed examination.

    In January 2021, shortly before the second meeting of the coordination platform, Spindelegger made a phone call on behalf of ICMPD to then-Bosnian Security Minister Selmo Cikotić. According to the minutes, the telephone call had been initiated by ICMPD. We have the preparatory documents.

    ICMPD criticized that EU funds “for the management of migration would be mainly provided for humanitarian needs." Ninety percent of the budget has been used on basic needs of migrants and only 10 percent for “migration management,” he said. Therefore, according to ICMPD, it “became evident that it is necessary to intensify the efforts aimed at strengthening the capacities of the migration management authorities in BiH”. For a good “migration management” ICMPD will provide equipment, training but also personnel.

    The Lipa camp, whose detention center had been reported on several times in the previous weeks, was also discussed. The security minister was pleased that ICMPD had sent a “project proposal” regarding Lipa.

    500,000 € had been paid by the EU Commission to ICMPD for the construction of the detention unit. According to the documents, the order was for “temporary detention facilities
    for migrants within the multi-purpose reception centre Lipa in line with European and international standards.”. When asked, ICMPD did not answer what was meant by this term. The detention unit would be built to “support the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to further develope and implement capacity in the area of returns in order to adress irregular migration.”

    We publish the “Action Plan” prepared by ICMPD with the EU.
    Dialogue only

    Another point raised in the conversation between ICMPD and Bosnia’s minister is a “facilitation of dialogue between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and Slovenia regarding readmission and prevention of push-backs.” It is true that there has been a so-called “readmission” agreement between Bosnia and Croatia since 2007. This allows a state to send migrants back to another country. So far, however, this agreement has not been implemented, and Croatia was not yet a member of the EU at the time of the agreement.

    The Border Violence Monitoring Network reports that migrants who enter Croatia through Bosnia and Herzegovina are apprehended, imprisoned, and forced to sign a document in Croatian agreeing to be sent back to Bosnia. According to a conversation with representatives of the network and a report by Human Rights Watch, this is made possible by the revival of the readmission agreement – the dialogue that ICMPD wanted to promote.
    A dubious card project

    Even before Germany became a member of ICMPD, the organization had come up with something very special for German “migration management.” The now internationally wanted white-collar criminal Jan Marsalek and the now insolvent financial services provider Wirecard were a part of it.. Their plan: a “digital refugee card”. Asylum seekers were no longer to receive cash, but all financial support was to be paid out digitally.

    According to the project description, which we are now publishing, this card should not be limited to the payment function. The “usability of certain functions, such as payment transactions” should be limited to “certain geographies” and “deployment scenarios.” Similarly, the card “could be extended to include the possibility of direct retrieval of cardholder data with government/police terminals/equipment.”

    The project should not be limited to Bavaria, according to documents we received following a Freedom of Information Act request to the German Federal Ministry of the Interior. Bavarian State Secretary Joachim Herrmann wrote in a letter to then-Interior Minister Horst Seehofer in October 2020 that he planned to "implement this new payment system in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Spindelegger and ICMPD. He said it could “serve as a model for similar projects in Europe.” In his response, Seehofer called the project a “lighthouse project.”

    “If a German politician were to propose introducing an identity card that is also a bank card that all Germans use to pay for their purchases, and which could then be read by all authorities, including the police, one thing would be certain: he would be out of a job within hours,” said Matthias Spielkamp of AlgorithmWatch. “But the fact that Seehofer and others call it a lighthouse project to force people seeking protection to use such a card shows abundantly clear their contempt for the human rights of those who need protection the most.”

    What Herrmann and Seehofer’s emails do not mention, however, is who was originally intended to carry out the project alongside ICMPD. The project description comes from a mail in November 2019 for preparation of a meeting between state secretaries from Bavaria and Brandenburg, a CDU politician, ICMPD head Michael Spindelegger and Jan Marsalek, at that time still CFO of Wirecard. Another email we publish shows that Marsalek had already had a conversation with a company about the idea of a Digital Refugee Card in July 2019 and had helped develop the idea.

    As the report from Wirecard’s investigative committee shows, Marsalek had a very unique idea when it came to migrants. He wanted to pay for a border guard force of 15,000 to 20,000 “militiamen” to stop people trying to get to Europe via Libya and the central Mediterranean Sea as early as Libya’s southern border.

    Wirecard is now insolvent and is considered Germany’s biggest financial scandal. However, the “Digital Refugee Card” project is not completely on hold. In Bavaria, the legal framework for the project has already been adjusted accordingly. An email from the State Ministry to the BMI in March 2021 states that a “private sector payment service provider” will provide the cards. An “involvement of NGOs” is not planned.

    In response to a press inquiry, the Bavarian Ministry of Interior said that it was currently looking for an implementing company.


    #lobby #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #lobbying #influence #politique_migratoire #externalisation #Afrique_du_Nord #Tunisie #route_des_Balkans #Jan_Marsalek #gardes-côtes_libyens #Maroc #Libye #Michael_Spindelegger #migration_management #Spindelegger

  • Migranti, #Piantedosi in Tunisia: rimpatri volontari assistiti per chi rinuncia ad attraversare il Mediterraneo

    Nuova missione del ministro dell’Interno dopo quella annullata con la commissaria europea Johansson e i colleghi di Francia e Germania. Nessun sostegno economico in vista da parte di Fmi ed Europa, l’Italia può promettere solo nuovi mezzi per la Guardia costiera.

    Rispedire nei Paesi d’origine il maggior numero di migranti subsahariani arrivati in Tunisia per evitare che possano imbarcarsi per tentare la traversata verso l’Europa. È questo il nuovo obiettivo dell’accordo raggiunto oggi a Tunisi tra il ministro dell’Interno Matteo Piantedosi e il suo omologo #Kamel_Fekih.

    #Tunisie #migrations #asile #réfugiés #externalisation #renvois #expulsions #accord #retours_volontaires #migrants_sub-sahariens #Matteo_Piantedosi

    ping @_kg_

    • Piantedosi in missione in Tunisia, obiettivo rafforzare la cooperazione sulla sicurezza e il contrasto ai trafficanti di esseri umani

      Il Ministro dell’Interno, Matteo Piantedosi, si è recato in visita in Tunisia dove è stato ricevuto dal Presidente della Repubblica Kaïs Saïed, e ha incontrato il Ministro dell’Interno, Kamel Fekih.

      Al centro dei colloqui, il comune obiettivo di rafforzare la cooperazione sul piano della sicurezza e su quello del contrasto ai trafficanti di esseri umani.

      Durante gli incontri tenutisi oggi a Tunisi è stato più volte sottolineato come i rapporti tra i due governi siano solidi, fondati sulla leale collaborazione e sulla comunanza di vedute.

      L’Italia ha ben presente che la Tunisia sta facendo moltissimo per bloccare le partenze e contrastare i trafficanti, che mettono a serio rischio la vita dei migranti e la stessa incolumità dei soccorritori. In questo contesto si è discusso di implementare programmi congiunti di rimpatrio volontario assistito dalla Tunisia verso i Paesi di origine dei migranti.

      Gli sbarchi in Italia sarebbero molto più numerosi senza l’attività messa in campo dalle autorità tunisine che si trovano a contrastare un forte flusso dai Paesi sub-sahariani.

      Piantedosi ha espresso a Fekih “il pieno apprezzamento per il rilevante sforzo compiuto dalla Tunisia per sorvegliare le frontiere marittime e terrestri, per contrastare le reti di trafficanti e confiscare le loro imbarcazioni, per soccorrere in mare i migranti e riportarli sulla terraferma prestando loro assistenza”.

      Il sostegno dell’Italia al governo di Tunisi per il controllo delle frontiere terrestri e marittime è concreto e si sta realizzando per mezzo di piani di assistenza tecnica e forniture.
      Nel corso dell’incontro i due Ministri hanno condiviso un metodo di lavoro, e forme più intense di collaborazione sul fronte migratorio, anche sul piano investigativo.

      L’Italia è anche impegnata per il miglioramento delle condizioni e delle prospettive di vita della popolazione più giovane e per l’attivazione di canali legali di migrazione per istruzione/lavoro e per vulnerabili bisognosi di protezione internazionale. Ciò nel quadro di una cooperazione che affronti il fenomeno migratorio con un approccio globale.

      Lavorare tutti insieme, in collaborazione con l’Unione europea e le organizzazioni internazionali, per affrontare e governare i flussi migratori è fondamentale. L’Italia è grata alle autorità tunisine per l’impegno su questo delicato fronte, e sono già stati fissati ulteriori incontri a livello tecnico per proseguire con azioni congiunte in attuazione delle strategie elaborate.


  • Assurance retraite : le « dérapage financier » au profit de cabinets d’expertise - POLITIS

    « Un mastodonte », « un projet pharaonique ». Les superlatifs ne manquent pas pour décrire l’ampleur du projet du répertoire de gestion des carrières unique (RGCU) voté lors de la réforme des retraites de 2010 et complété par la loi dite Touraine en 2014. Le concept est simple : « Réunir sur une même base les 15 milliards de données-carrières de tous ceux qui ont cotisé en France à la maille la plus fine possible », explique Renaud Villard, directeur général de la Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse (CNAV).

    Depuis 2014 donc, la CNAV planche sur la mise en place de ce gigantesque répertoire, présenté par tous nos interlocuteurs comme une avancée « révolutionnaire » pour le suivi des carrières des assurés et pour le traitement des dossiers. À ce RGCU, la CNAV a voulu y adosser un second outil, nommé Syrca pour s’appuyer justement sur ces « avancées révolutionnaires ». « Avec une base carrière magnifique, on s’est demandé ce qu’on allait offrir de plus aux assurés. Faire mieux, faire plus pour nos assurés, c’est ça le service public », souligne Renaud Villard.

    Sauf que ces deux outils n’ont été mis en place que de manière partielle à partir de 2020 et 2021. Ils continuent d’être encore inaboutis aujourd’hui, entraînant un mal-être au travail croissant chez de très nombreux agents, comme nous le révélons cette semaine dans nos colonnes. « J’assume le fait d’avoir voulu déphaser le lancement de Syrca. Mais déphaser de deux ans ce n’était pas l’intention, clairement », reconnaît Renaud Villard qui ajoute que « ce sont des projets extrêmement conséquents ». « Je comprends parfaitement le ressenti des équipes mais cela ne remet pas en cause l’intérêt du projet », se justifie-t-il.

    Face à ce retard – notamment quand on connaît l’impact qu’il a sur la santé de ses salariés – la question de son coût et des responsabilités se posent forcément. Or, ces outils ont été conçus à la fois par le service informatique de la CNAV mais aussi par des prestataires extérieurs. « Les moyens internes étaient largement insuffisants pour développer des outils de cet acabit », confie Jérôme*, informaticien depuis plusieurs années à la CNAV.

    Le prénom a été modifié.
    « Tenir le cap »

    En effet, outre la réduction des effectifs, pas forcément conséquente au service informatique, la faiblesse des salaires par rapport au marché entrave le recrutement d’informaticiens compétents. « Dans le privé, je gagnerai entre 6 000 à 10 000 euros de plus par an », note Baptiste. « À l’Assurance retraite, la valeur du point a augmenté de 4 % en 10 ans. Sur la même période, le Smic a augmenté de 27 % », souffle Pascal Cros, délégué syndical CFDT à la CNAV. « On a plus de turnover que dans d’autres secteurs, c’est vrai. Mais on arrive quand même à recruter. On a plus d’entrées de personnels que de sorties », assure Renaud Villard.

    Le recours à ces cabinets d’expertise a notamment pris beaucoup d’importance au cœur du développement informatique des projets, entre 2018 et 2019. Et les prestataires ne sont pas des PME. On y retrouve des entreprises comme ATOS, GFI Informatique ou… Capgemini, célèbre pour avoir été épinglée pour des prestations loin d’être satisfaisantes par le rapport sénatorial sur le recours aux prestations de conseils et informatiques au sein de l’État, paru au printemps dernier. « Je ne fais pas partie de ceux qui pensent que le renfort prestataire est scandaleux, surtout quand ça permet de monter en compétences », assume Renaud Villard, qui assure malgré tout que ces projets n’ont pas nécessité « d’externalisation massive ».

    Malgré tout, selon nos informations, le recours à ces prestataires informatiques aurait coûté entre 30 et 55 millions d’euros depuis 2016. Un montant colossal au vu de ce qui a été livré. « Le produit rendu par les prestataires n’était pas du tout celui attendu. Malgré tout, il y a eu cette volonté absolue de tenir le cap pour avoir des outils prêts à la date annoncée ce qui fait que depuis presque 4 ans, il y a encore des services essentiels qui ne tournent pas », raconte Jérôme.

    Interrogé sur le rendu fourni par ces prestataires, Renaud Villard nous a indiqué avoir « dénoncé un marché », en 2019. « La qualité des livrables fournis par un de nos gros prestataires n’était pas eu rendez-vous, j’ai donc pris cette décision ». Le nom de cette entreprise ne nous a pas été communiqué.
    Gouffre financier

    Surtout, dès 2017, un rapport sénatorial s’inquiétait du gouffre financier qu’allait coûter le développement du RGCU. « Le budget du projet qui était évalué en juillet 2014 à 85 millions d’euros, pourrait en réalité plus que doubler pour atteindre, selon la mission d’audit, 188 millions d’euros. Le dérapage financier, qui n’a fait l’objet d’aucune alerte, souligne la faiblesse du pilotage du projet », précise le rapport.

    Or, depuis ce rapport, la mise sur pied du RGCU a de nouveau pris du retard. De quoi encore augmenter la prévision des coûts ? Pas pour Renaud Villard, qui estime qu’en calculant en « jour/homme », le coût du RGCU devrait plus tourner autour de 150 millions d’euros. Nos interlocuteurs les plus alarmistes, eux, estiment que le développement du RGCU et de SYRCA aurait coûté « entre 300 et 400 millions d’euros ».

    Alors qu’il devait être totalement opérationnel fin 2022, le RGCU ne le sera pas avant 2025 voire 2028 selon les plus pessimistes. Pour Renaud Villard, malgré ce retard, il reste une « magnifique réussite de toutes les équipes et un pur produit Cnavien malgré du recours à de la prestation ». Le lancement de la seconde phase de Syrca devrait, si tout se passe bien, avoir lieu en fin d’année, une fois l’ouragan de la mise en place de la réforme des retraites passé. Enfin un bol d’air pour des agents asphyxiés ?

    #cabinets_d'expertise #externalisation #incurie

  • Mission accomplie ? Les effets mortels du contrôle des frontières au #Niger


    Le 26 mai 2015, le Parlement du Niger a adopté la #loi n° #2015-36 sur le #trafic_illégal_de_migrants, qui a donné lieu à une approche répressive et sécuritaire de la gestion des migrations. La loi a été rédigée sous l’égide de l’Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), et le soutien financier de l’Italie et du Danemark.

    Les prestataires de services aux migrants (tels que transporteurs, hôtes, courtiers, etc.) qui, jusqu’alors, opéraient au grand jour dans le contexte d’une infrastructure de mobilité transsaharienne socialement et économiquement cruciale, se sont retrouvés soudainement criminalisés et exposés à des sanctions sévères ainsi qu’à des peines d’emprisonnement.

    De nouvelles formes de contrôle des frontières ont été mises en place, avec le soutien technique r et financier des institutions de l’UE et des États membres désireux de contenir la migration à travers le Sahara. Au cours années suivantes i, des milliers de décès et de disparitions de migrants ont été enregistrés dans le nord du Niger. Le gouvernement nigérien, les médias et les agences de l’UE telles que Frontex ont imputés la responsabilité de l’augmentation du nombre de décès et de disparitions aux transporteurs , désormais considérés comme des passeurs négligents et cupides. Grâce à sa fermeté, le Niger a été érigé en modèle en matière de “lutte contre le trafic illicite de migrants”. Le gouvernement nigérien et ses partenaires internationaux ont ainsi développé un discours de “mission accomplie”, se vantant d’avoir réussi à réduire le nombre de “migrants” transitant par le Niger et soulignant la protection des migrants contre les passeurs.

    Ce récit a été remise a été contesté par de nombreux journalistes, activistes et chercheurs , soutenant au contraire, que cette loi n’a fait qu’exacerber les dangers de mort auxquels sont confrontés les migrants i. Ils ont mis en évidence le rôle du Niger en tant que lieu stratégique clé du contrôle de la mobilité dans le cadre des politiques d’externalisation des frontières de l’UE, à travers lesquelles l’UE a étendu le contrôle de ses frontières au-delà de son périmètre, y compris toujours plus au sud dans la bande Saharo-sahélienne. Leurs analyses ont montré que les effets de la loi, ainsi que les nombreuses formes de contrôle aux frontières qui se sont développées ces dernières années, ont contraint les trajectoires les transporteurs dans des zones plus reculées du désert, créant ainsi des situations dangereuses et souvent fatales lorsqu’un véhicule tombe en panne ou que les transporteurs abandonnent leurs passagers et s’enfuient afin d’éviter d’être appréhendés. Des activistes, des journalistes et des chercheurs travaillent sans relâche depuis des années pour attirer l’attention sur la façon dont la mise en œuvre de la loi a conduit à un désastre humanitaire pour les migrants et les Nigériens, ainsi qu’à une précarité économique et à la crainte d’amendes sévères et d’emprisonnement parmi les locaux, en particulier pour ceux qui vivent dans la région d’Agadez.

    En dépit de ces efforts, le nombre réel de décès de migrants dans le reste inconnu. En effet, les sanctions sévères prévues par la loi ont contraint les mouvements transsahariens à l’intérieur du Niger à se poursuivre dans la clandestinité et dans les zones les plus reculées du désert, où les incidents peuvent facilement passer inaperçus. Par conséquent, il est devenu encore plus difficile de recueillir des données fiables sur les décès.

    Dans ce rapport, l’enquête de Border Forensics mobilise des méthodologies nouvelles et uniques d’analyse géospatiale et de télédétection pour contribuer à une meilleure analyse empirique des effets mortels de la loi 2015-36 et du renforcement des contrôles aux frontières qui en découle. Nous détaillons d’abord le contexte sous-jacent aux changements spectaculaires obervées dans l’approche de la migration au niveau national au Niger, et le rôle des acteurs européens dans le développement des contrôles frontaliers au Niger à partir de 2015 pour contenir la migration vers l’Europe. Puis, nous discutons des défis liés à la collecte de données et limitant la disponibilité de preuves empiriques pour documenter les effets de la loi 2015-36. Ensuite, nous décrivons les méthodologies uniques que nous avons développées et les sources de données auxquelles nous avons eu accès, avant de les appliquer à une étude de cas multi-sites le long d’une section de la route Agadez-Sabha qui s’étend de la ville civile de Séguédine au poste frontalier de Toummo à la frontière nigéro-libyenne, en passant par le poste militaire de Madama. Après une brêve description de chacun des sites, nous décrivons les analyses géospations et de télédétection que nous avons déployées sur chacun d’eux. Enfin, nous discutons des implications de ces résultats pour déterminer les responsabilités des dangers accrus des traversées transsahariens au Niger dans le sillage de la loi 2015-036.

    Bien que nos analyses de chaque site révèlent des dynamiques variées de pratiques frontalières et d’éclatement des trajectoires, un modèle récurrent émerge, indiquant une corrélation claire entre le renforcement des contrôles frontaliers et la dispersion des trajectoires des migrants. Nous démontrons ensuite comment cette dispersion voit les trajectoires des migrants s’enfoncer dans le désert, où les chances de survie sont considérablement réduites dans les cas d’incidents récurrents tels que les pannes de véhicule, d’abandon, ou de passagers à court d’eau. Nous rendons ainsi visible et mesurable l’un des plus grands risques encourus lors de cette traversée du désert du Sahara : un état de déshydratation potentiellement mortel dans les zones moins fréquentées et moins surveillées.

    Les méthodologies innovantes présentées dans ce rapport sont destinées à servir de base à l’élargissement de la base de preuves sur les effets de l’externalisation des frontières. Ces éléments de preuves peuvent soutenir les appels à une plus grande responsabilisation de tous les acteurs engagés dans la gestion des frontières, notamment le gouvernement nigérien, l’UE et ses États membres, ainsi que les agences de l’ONU.


    #frontières #externalisation #migrations #réfugiés #asile #répression #morts_aux_frontières #létalité #décès #mourir_aux_frontières #criminalisation #contrôles_frontaliers #passeurs #transporteurs #Agadez #déshydratation #désert #responsabilité #Border_forensics

    a contribué à l’enquête @rhoumour

    • ’Migrants abandoned in the Sahara Desert have no chance of surviving’ — Border Forensics

      A new report released by Border Forensics concludes that migrants have almost no chance of surviving when crossing the desert from Niger to Libya. Ever since the introduction of border control laws in 2015, migrants have been forced to take more remote and deadly paths, according to Border Forensics.

      Border Forensics, an agency that uses spatial analysis to investigate practices of border violence, recently published an investigation on the consequences of new border control mechanisms between Niger and Libya. The collective, composed of researchers and geographers, has shown how crossing the desert to reach Libya has become increasingly deadly since 2015.

      That year, Niamey adopted a law making transporting and hosting migrants illegal. Consequently, traffickers had to find new routes that were further away from the main roads and less visible to the authorities.

      According to the Border Forensics report, the death toll in the Sahara Desert has never been higher than it is today.

      InfoMigrants interviewed Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta, a member of Border Forensics and a PhD student in political geography at the University of Grenoble.

      InfoMigrants: What techniques did you use for this investigation?

      Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta: We used geospatial data. The aim was to measure the effect of the Nigerien law of 2015 on the routes taken by migrants through the Sahara desert.

      We focused on the route linking Agadez, in northern Niger, to Sabha, in Libya.

      We analyzed high-resolution satellite images to understand the new paths that migrants take in order to avoid the authorities. With satellite data, it is possible to obtain very clear images and see the smallest details very precisely. For example, you can see a wrecked vehicle or streams of people.

      We also analyzed the risks associated with dehydration using a technique which is also used by researchers working on the route from Mexico to the United States.

      We conducted interviews with drivers [members of an irregular immigration network responsible for transporting migrants in vehicles through Niger, editor’s note] who detailed the new zones of trajectories to us.

      We compared these trajectories with the main routes and then we considered several factors — like elevation, heat or the wind. We also analyzed how much a person sweats, specifically how many liters of water a migrant will lose as they try to reach the main road after being abandoned in the desert.

      With the accumulated factors, we can now say that the migrants abandoned in the Sahara Desert have no chance of surviving.

      The migrants are too far away from main roads to be spotted and helped in the case of an accident. The human body cannot last that long.

      In addition, by analyzing the field of vision, meaning the visibility or invisibility of the routes, we show the correlation between invisibility and the dangers that migrants face. The less visible the routes, the more deadly the situation becomes for migrants. The main cause of death is always the same: lack of water.

      IM: In the report, you state that the “Sahara is an open tomb”. You write that bodies can be found months or even years after death.

      Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta: In the Sahara desert, sandstorms and windstorms are frequent. Vehicle tracks disappear quickly. If you put an object in the sand, it quickly disappears.

      The same rule applies to cadavers. Some remain buried forever.

      Windstorms can also unearth bodies. There are very regular reports of macabre discoveries in the desert. We find dried up bodies, suddenly exposed by the movements of sand.

      IM: Why do you carry out this type of research work and for what purpose?

      Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta : The purpose of this investigation is to provide evidence. For years, journalists, researchers and organizations have said the 2015 law has caused a lot of suffering by making the road to Libya much more dangerous. Except there was no proof.

      This report shows how border policies have accentuated the dangers faced by migrants on the road between Niger and Libya.

      New empirical data of the mechanisms through which border controls have led to increased danger for migrants now exists.

      There is also another objective: to highlight the violence of the migration policies implemented in Niger.

      IM: Who is accountable for the increased death and suffering of migrants?

      Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta: There have always been deaths in the desert but never as many as now.

      The 2015 law in Niger has had devastating effects and the main actor responsible for the migratory dramas is Niger. Yet, without European and UN funding, Niger would never have been able to implement its policy.

      One of the main partners in migration control in Niger is the International Organization for Migration (IOM): it is involved in the construction of border posts and the strengthening of Niger’s defense and security forces.

      The UN agency is Niamey’s main partner. The EU funds the partnership.

      European players therefore play an important role. The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa has provided about €300 million to Niger.

      All actors operating in Niger believe the mission of stopping migratory flows has been partially accomplished. This is false, the policy has simply forced migrants to take increasingly distant and dangerous paths.


    • Europas Wüste

      Die EU möchte Migration verhindern – und das bereits außerhalb ihrer eigentlichen Grenzen. Welche Auswirkungen das hat, zeigt ein Blick auf die Situation im Niger.

      Die Bundesregierung hat sich kürzlich auf eine gemeinsame Strategie zur Reform des europäischen Asylrechts geeinigt. In Auffanglagern an den EU-Außengrenzen soll das Schicksal tausender Geflüchteter im Schnellverfahren entschieden werden. Dabei gibt sich die europäische Gemeinschaft größte Mühe, Migrant:innen proaktiv von ihren eigenen Grenzen fernzuhalten.

      Ein Beispiel: Die Bundeswehr wird sich an der »EU Military Partnership Mission In Niger« beteiligen. Im Sinne der Friedensstiftung in der Sahelzone sollen Maßnahmen getroffen werden, um die Geflüchteten möglichst schon mitten in Afrika an der Weiterreise zu hindern. So wird die Sahara-Wüste zum großen und tödlichen Hindernis – und zur ersten Grenze der EU mitten in Afrika – wie es Menschenrechtsaktivist:innen vor Ort nennen.

      In dieser Folge von Global Trouble sprechen wir mit Kerem Schamberger über die Situation im Niger. Er ist in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von medico international für den Bereich Flucht und Migration zuständig und hat das westafrikanische Land besucht. Gemeinsam mit den medico-Partnerorganisationen „Alarmphone Sahara“ und „Border Forensics“ blicken wir auf die Folgen von Europas Externalisierung des Grenzregimes.


    • Sahara : La collaboration entre le Niger et l’UE pour renforcer les contrôles aux frontières met en danger la vie des migrants

      Border Forensics a développé de nouvelles méthodes d’analyse géospatiale pour mesurer l’impact du renforcement des contrôles sur les risques encourus par les migrants lors de la traversée du désert du Sahara nigérien.

      Une loi sur le “trafic illicite de migrants” adoptée par le Niger en 2015 et mise en oeuvre avec le soutien décisif des États, institutions et agences européens, a provoqué une crise humanitaire tant pour les migrants que pour les Nigériens empruntant les routes transsahariennes du Niger. L’enquête publiée par Border Forensics s’appuie sur des méthodes innovantes d’analyse géospatiale pour apporter de nouvelles preuves sur la manière dont ces politiques et pratiques ont accentué les risques de perte de vies humaines.
      Afin de prévenir la migration à travers le nord du Niger vers la Libye, le Gouvernement nigérien, Dans le but de contrecarrer la migration à travers le nord du Niger vers la Libye, les autorités européennes ont criminalisé les prestataires de services aux migrants (transporteurs, hôtes, courtiers, etc.), qui constituaient jusqu’alors une infrastructure vitale de la mobilité transsaharienne. Ils ont établi de nouvelles formes de contrôle aux frontières. Celles-ci n’ont pas mis fin à la mobilité dans la région, au contraire, elles ont forcé les trajectoires des transporteurs vers des zones encore plus reculées du désert, créant ainsi des conditions dangereuses et souvent fatales lorsqu’un véhicule tombe en panne ou que les transporteurs abandonnent leurs passagers en fuyant d’être appréhendés.
      “En raison des sanctions sévères prévues par la loi et du renforcement des contrôles aux frontières, les mouvements transsahariens à l’intérieur du Niger ont été contraints à la clandestinité. Ce faisant, on ignore l’ampleur réelle des décès de migrants dans le désert. Pour pallier ce manque de données fiables et contribuer à une meilleure analyse empirique des effets meurtriers de la loi de 2015-36, nous avons dû développer de nouvelles méthodes d’analyse géospatiale, en nous appuyant notamment sur le travail des activistes et des chercheurs qui ont documenté les décès de migrants dans le désert de Sonora, à la frontière entre les États-Unis et le Mexique.” – Tara Plath.
      L’enquête de Border Forensics mobilise ces méthodologies géospatiales et de télédétection novatrices pour analyser la relation entre les pratiques frontalières, les changements spatiaux dans les trajectoires des migrants et les dangers accrus de la traversée du desert du Sahara nigérien.
      Le rapport a déployé ces méthodes pour une étude de cas sur plusieurs sites le long d’une section de la route reliant Agadez, dans le nord du Niger, à Sabha, en Libye : la ville civile de Séguédine, le poste militaire avancé de Madama et le poste de contrôle de Toumo à la frontière nigéro-libyenne. Les analyses menées par Border Forensics sur chaque site révèlent un schéma clair établissant un lien entre le renforcement des contrôles aux frontières et les changements de trajectoire des migrants, qui s’enfoncent dans le désert, où les chances de survie sont considérablement réduites en cas d’incidents récurrents tels que la panne du véhicule, d’abandon ou de pénurie d’eau. L’enquête permet ainsi de rendre visible et mesurable les dangers accrus rencontrés par les migrants à travers l’un des plus grands risques encourus dans ces voyages transsahariens : un état de déshydratation potentiellement mortel dans les zones les moins fréquentées et les moins visibles. La corrélation observée entre le niveau d’invisibilité des pistes alternatives utilisées par les migrants pour éviter les contrôles aux frontières et le niveau de danger potentiel rencontré le long de ces pistes post-2015 suggère une relation de cause à effet.

      Au-delà des pertes tragiques en vies humaines, la loi 2015-36 a eu aussi d’autres effets néfastes. Elle a contribué à saper le tissu social, économique et politique des communautés affectées au Niger et au-delà. Elle a eu un impact sur les moyens de subsistance des populations locales mettant ainsi en péril leur stabilité économique et leur bien-être, tout en restreignant la mobilité au Niger des citoyens de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest qui, conformément aux accords régionaux, devraient pourtant bénéficier de la liberté de circulation et du droit de résider et de s’installer au Niger. Ces éléments peuvent appuyer les appels à une plus grande responsabilisation de tous les acteurs engagés dans la gestion des frontières, en particulier le gouvernement nigérien, l’UE et ses États membres, ainsi que les agences de l’ONU.
      “Tous les acteurs – qu’ils soient nigériens, européens, des agences de l’ONU ou autres – impliqués dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de cette loi devraient être tenus responsables de l’augmentation des décès et des souffrances des migrants qu’elle a entraînée. Le gouvernement du Niger devrait mettre fin à la criminalisation des nombreux acteurs qui transportent ou interagissent avec les migrants, tandis que l’Union européenne, ses agences et ses États membres devraient immédiatement cesser de soutenir des politiques migratoires néfastes au Niger et au-delà par le biais de l’externalisation de leur dispositifs de contrôle des frontières.”


  • UK to fund France detention site as leaders agree migration deal

    The UK will help fund a detention centre in France as part of a financial package to tackle irregular migration.
    France and the United Kingdom have agreed on a multiyear financial package to stop migration across the Channel, days after the UK government drew criticism for a bill barring unauthorised arrivals.

    As part of the deal announced on Friday, the UK will help fund a detention centre in France while French authorities will deploy a new dedicated permanent policing unit and enhanced technology to patrol the country’s beaches, including drones and aircraft.

    The agreement also involves doubling the number of personnel deployed to northern France to tackle small-boat crossings, half of whom will be in place by the end of 2023.

    It will see a new 24-hour zonal coordination centre with permanent British liaison officers that will bring all relevant French authorities together to coordinate the response.

    Officers from both countries will also look to work with countries along the routes favoured by people traffickers.

    The UK said it would contribute roughly $581m in funding over the next three years to help pay for the new measures, adding that it expected France to contribute “significantly more funding”. France did not provide any cost estimates.

    British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and French President Emmanuel Macron said at a news conference after meeting in Paris that the two sides had agreed to work more closely together.

    “It is time for a new start,” Macron said.

    Sunak, who took office in October 2022, said the two countries shared “the same beliefs” and had “taken cooperation to an unprecedented level”.

    “Criminal gangs should not get to decide who comes to our country. Within weeks of my coming into office, we agreed our largest ever small boats deal and today we’ve taken our cooperation to an unprecedented level to tackle this shared challenge,” he said.

    The two leaders also discussed further cooperation on defence, as well as the joint training of Ukrainian troops.

    Sunak has made stopping boat arrivals one of his five priorities after the number of people arriving on the south coast of England increased to more than 45,000 last year.

    Camille Le Coz, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute, told Al Jazeera that in terms of policy, “what we are seeing is more of the same.”

    UK-French cooperation over controls at their shared borders has been formalised in the past through a series of bilateral agreements.

    “What the UK really wants is to be able to return people to France, and this is something that has not been agreed and won’t be agreed by France,” Le Coz said.

    Al Jazeera’s Natacha Butler, reporting from Paris, said ties between the two countries have been rocky since the UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016, but have been fortified by the countries’ support for Ukraine since Russia’s invasion last year.

    Friday’s summit was the first in five years, Butler said, and the realignment was partly due to “a common sense of purpose” forged by the ongoing conflict.
    UK plan to stop Channel crossings

    The new deal came on the heels of criticism in the UK of new draft legislation – dubbed the “Illegal Migration Bill” – barring the entry of asylum seekers arriving by unauthorised means, such as in small boats across the Channel.

    The legislation would enable the detention of people without bail or judicial review for the first 28 days after arrival.

    It would also disqualify people from using modern slavery laws to challenge government decisions to remove them in the courts.

    Sunak said the government would “take back control of our borders, once and for all”.

    Diane Abbott, a member of Parliament with the main opposition Labour Party, said the bill was “mistreating migrants and their rights” and would not work “in the real world”.

    Ylva Johansson, the European Union’s commissioner for home affairs, said she believed the plans breached international law.

    Opposition parties and rights organisations have questioned the morality and practicality of the government’s longstanding migration policies, including deporting some asylum seekers to Rwanda.

    UK home secretary Suella Braverman admitted on Tuesday that the government had “pushed the boundaries of international law”.


    #UK #Angleterre #France #Channel #migrations #asile #militarisation_des_frontières #frontières #drones #rétention #détention_administrative #externalisation #accord

  • UK-Rwanda migration deal expanded

    THE United Kingdom’s Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, and Rwanda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vincent Biruta, on Saturday, March 18, signed an addendum that will expand the scope of the existing UK-Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership.

    Braverman made the announcement at a press briefing in Kigali.

    She did not reveal details about the addendum.

    “Today, we have signed an addendum to the Migration and Economic Development Partnership, which will expand the provision of support to people being relocated to Rwanda,” she said.

    In April 2022, UK and Rwanda signed a migration and economic development partnership that seeks to give a dignified life to people who leave their countries to seek asylum in European countries.

    Under the deal, some of these people will be relocated to Rwanda where they will be empowered through different initiatives.

    “There is a global migration crisis. Many countries around the world are grappling with unprecedented numbers of illegal migrants and I sincerely believe that this world leading partnership between two allies and two friends, the United Kingdom and Rwanda, will lead the way in finding a solution which is both humanitarian and compassionate and also fair and balanced,” said the UK Home Secretary.

    Earlier, she visited Norrsken Africa, a regional tech hub based in Kigali and Bwiza estates to assess the skills, services and the welfare program the migrants would be accorded upon arrival in Rwanda.

    “I’ve been incredibly impressed with my visit today, both to meet local innovators and entrepreneurs and to see the job and wealth creation going on in the vibrant economy of Rwanda. Also, I have been impressed with Bwiza estates; its extensive construction work, some of which (the estates) will be used for the resettlement and integration of migrants coming from the UK,” she said.

    Biruta believes the partnership between the two countries will contribute to addressing the global migration crisis.

    “This innovative partnership represents an important development in our efforts to address irregular migration and we are glad to be working closely with the UK on this. The UK is investing in Rwanda’s capability to offer better opportunities for migrants and Rwandans as well,” he said.

    In 2022, the UK received 45,000 migrants which reflected a 60 per cent increase compared to the previous year.

    “We look forward to working together to create a new model which helps to address the root causes of the global migration crisis. This will not only help dismantle criminal human smuggling networks but also save lives and contribute to correcting the global imbalance in human development opportunities,” he said.

    Under the UK-Rwanda migration deal, those who will benefit from the partnership will have the option of applying for asylum, locally, and be facilitated to resettle in Rwanda or to be facilitated to return to their home countries, having received support through the programme.

    The UK will fund the programme, initially releasing an upfront investment of £120 million, which will fund invaluable opportunities for the migrants and Rwandans as well.

    This includes “secondary qualifications, vocational and skills training, language lessons, and higher education.”

    The UK will also support in terms of accommodation prior to local integration and resettlement.

    According to the deal, they will be entitled to full protection under Rwandan law, equal access to employment, and enrollment in healthcare and social care services.


    #Angleterre #UK #asile #migrations #réfugiés
    #offshore_asylum_processing #externalisation #Rwanda


    voir la métaliste sur la mise en place de l’#externalisation des #procédures_d'asile au #Rwanda par l’#Angleterre :

    • #Addendum to the #Memorandum_of_Understanding

      Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding


      The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


      The Government of the Republic of Rwanda

      For the Provision of a Partnership Arrangement to strengthen shared international commitments on the protection of refugees and migrants

      This document is an addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) and the Government of the Republic of Rwanda (“Rwanda”), together the Participants and in singular the Participant, signed on 13th April 2022. The Participants,

      WISHING to continue the excellent bilateral relations between both countries and to develop new and evolving ways of addressing the illegal migration challenge, including bridging gaps in human capital, in order to counter the business model of the human smugglers, preventing people from taking dangerous journeys thereby preventing injury and loss of life, and protecting the most vulnerable;

      REAFFIRMING the commitments of both Participants under the arrangement to facilitate co-operation between the Participants in order to contribute to the prevention and combating of illegally facilitated and unlawful cross border migration, in a way that will also allow anyone with genuine protection needs to seek and be provided with safety and supported with opportunities to build a new life;

      HAVING regard to the Participants’ commitment to upholding fundamental human rights and freedoms without discrimination, as guaranteed by the Participants’ national legislation, by their strong histories of implementing the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees and by their other respective international legal obligations;

      CONSIDERING the United Kingdom’s desire to encourage asylum seekers to claim asylum in the first safe country they reach and deter dangerous onward travel and subsequent illegal entry;

      CONSIDERING the United Kingdom’s desire to respond to the current challenges presented by illegal migration and apply the principle of the partnership to all individuals who enter or arrive in the UK illegally regardless of whether they have made a protection claim, human rights claim or claim to be a victim of modern slavery or human smuggling and have not come directly from a territory where their life and freedom was threatened;

      REAFFIRMING the commitment to support people in need of protection through safe and legal routes, the United Kingdom will seek to maintain such routes and create more to redress the balance between illegal and legal migration routes;

      CONSIDERING Rwanda’s commitment to finding long-term solutions to the major challenge of illegal migration caused by the global imbalance in human capital that drive economic migrants to make perilous journeys. Rwanda will be providing development opportunities to migrants and Rwandans through sustainable bilateral partnerships;

      DECIDED as follows:
      1 Introduction, Definitions and Interpretations

      1.1 In this Addendum Arrangement:

      a. “Addendum Arrangement” means this Addendum Memorandum of Understanding to the Arrangement.

      b. “Arrangement” means the Memorandum of Understanding between the United Kingdom and Rwanda signed on 13th April 2022.

      c. “Joint Committee” means the committee established under paragraph 21 of the Arrangement.

      d. “Relocate” means the removal of an individual from the United Kingdom to Rwanda under this Addendum Arrangement.

      e. “Relocated Individual” means an individual who is being or has been removed from the United Kingdom and that the Participants have agreed is to be or has been relocated to Rwanda under the provisions of this Addendum Arrangement.

      1.2 References to the singular include the plural, and vice versa.

      1.3 References in this Addendum Arrangement to Paragraphs are references to the clauses and sub-clauses of this Addendum Arrangement unless otherwise specified.

      1.4 The headings in this Addendum Arrangement are for ease of reference only and will not affect the interpretation or construction of the Addendum Arrangement.

      1.5 Any references to policy bulletins, enactments, orders, statutes, rules, regulations or other similar instruments will be construed as a reference to the policy bulletin, enactment, order, statute, rules, regulation or instrument as amended or replaced by any subsequent policy bulletin, enactment, order, statute, rules, regulation, or instrument.

      1.6 This Addendum Arrangement will not be binding in international law.
      2 Objectives

      2.1 The objective of this Addendum Arrangement is to create a mechanism for the relocation to Rwanda of individuals arriving illegally in the United Kingdom, who do not make an asylum claim or raise a formal application for protection in the United Kingdom, with the aims of:

      2.1.1 deterring dangerous and illegal journeys which are putting people’s lives at risk;

      2.1.2 disrupting the business model of people smugglers who are exploiting vulnerable people;

      2.1.3 providing an option for people who desire asylum or protection to make such a claim in Rwanda or otherwise make another type of immigration application in accordance with Rwandan domestic law, the Refugee Convention, current international standards, including in accordance with international human rights law.

      2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the commitments set out in this Addendum Arrangement are made by the United Kingdom to Rwanda and vice versa and do not create or confer any right on any individual, nor shall compliance with this Addendum Arrangement be justiciable in any court of law by third-parties or individuals.
      Part 1 : Relocation arrangements
      3 Details of relocation arrangements

      The Participants will make arrangements for the relocation of Relocated Individuals under this Addendum Arrangement in the same manner as provided for individuals in Part 1 of the Arrangement.
      Part 2: Responsibilities of the participants
      4 Application of the terms of the Arrangement

      4.1 Paragraphs 4 to 8, 11, 12, 14 and 17 of the Arrangement will apply in respect of Relocated Individuals and their relocation under this Addendum Arrangement in the same manner as those provisions apply in respect of those relocated and their relocation under the Arrangement, except that the reference in paragraph 5.1 to “asylum seekers” will be read as “individuals”.

      4.2 Personal data shared between the Participants for the purpose of relocation of individuals or to give effect to this Addendum Arrangement will be subject to the same controls and safeguards as personal data shared under the Arrangement. In particular, Part 3 and Annex A of the Arrangement will have effect.
      5 Assurances as to treatment of Relocated Individuals under this Addendum Arrangement

      5.1 Rwanda will provide Relocated Individuals arriving under the terms of this Addendum Arrangement with information detailing how to raise a claim for asylum or humanitarian protection upon arrival and adequate opportunity to raise such a claim.

      5.2 In the case of a Relocated Individual who raises an asylum or humanitarian protection claim once they have arrived in Rwanda, the assurances and processes set out in paragraphs 9.1.1 to 9.1.3 and paragraph 10 of the Arrangement will be followed in the case of the Relocated Individual.

      5.3 In the case of a Relocated Individual who does not raise an asylum claim or a protection claim in Rwanda, Rwanda will:

      5.3.1 offer an opportunity for the Relocated Individual to apply for permission to remain in Rwanda on any other basis in accordance with its domestic immigration laws and ensure the Relocated Individual is provided with the relevant information needed to make such an application;

      5.3.2 ensure the Relocated Individual has the same rights as other individuals making an application under Rwandan immigration laws;

      5.3.3 provide adequate support and accommodation for the Relocated Individual’s health and security until such a time as their status is regularised or they leave or are removed from Rwanda; and

      5.3.4 for those Relocated Individuals who have no basis upon which to remain in Rwanda, only remove such a person to a country in which they have a right to reside. If there is no prospect of such removal occurring for any reason Rwanda will regularise that person’s immigration status in Rwanda.
      6 Monitoring of assurances

      6.1 Implementation of the assurances in this Addendum Arrangement will be monitored by the Joint Committee and the Monitoring Committee established under the Arrangement in the same way those Committees monitor the implementation of the assurances in the Arrangement.

      6.2 The access and other arrangements in paragraph 13 of the Arrangement will apply equally to monitoring of the relocation of Relocated Individuals under this Addendum Arrangement.
      Part 3: Financial arrangements
      7 Financial arrangements

      The Participants will make financial arrangements in support of the relocation of individuals prior to any relocations under this Addendum Arrangement.
      Part 4: Other arrangements
      8 Amendments to the Addendum Arrangement

      This Addendum Arrangement may be amended by the written consent of both Participants.
      9 Disputes

      The Participants will make all reasonable efforts to resolve between them all disputes concerning this Addendum Arrangement. Neither Participant will have recourse to a dispute resolution body outside of this.
      10 Duration and Effect

      10.1 This Addendum Arrangement will last for the duration of the Arrangement, unless it ceases to have effect by virtue of paragraph 10.3.

      10.2 During any period referred to in paragraph 23.3.1 and paragraph 23.3.2 of the Arrangement, the terms of this Addendum Arrangement will continue to apply in relation to a Relocated Individual who has been relocated in accordance with its provisions.

      10.3 This Addendum Arrangement will cease to have effect upon agreement by both Participants.
      11 Coming into effect

      This Addendum Arrangement will come into effect upon signature by both Participants.

      In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by the respective Governments, have signed this Arrangement.

      Signed in Kigali, 18 March 2023
      The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

      The Rt Hon Suella Braverman MP, Secretary of State for the Home Department
      The Government of the Republic of Rwanda

      Vincent Biruta, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-Operation
