• L’Affaire Khaled #El-Masri

    Détenu illégalement par la CIA, l’Allemand Khaled El-Masri a dû mener un long combat pour faire reconnaître la violation des droits dont il a été victime. Retour sur une tragique affaire mardi 31 août à 22:55 sur ARTE.

    En 2003, Khaled El-Masri, un citoyen allemand d’origine libanaise, père de cinq enfants, franchit la frontière macédonienne. Immédiatement arrêté, il est remis aux services de renseignements américains car il porte le même nom que celui d’un proche d’Al-Qaida, recherché par les États-Unis.

    Détenu illégalement pendant cinq mois par la CIA, il est interrogé et régulièrement torturé. La méprise découverte, Khaled El-Masri est relâché, mais un long combat commence alors pour lui afin de rétablir sa dignité et de faire reconnaître la violation des droits dont il a été victime.

    Malgré ses efforts pour rendre son histoire publique, traumatisé par ce qui lui est arrivé, El-Masri enchaîne les actes violents et, après avoir frappé le maire de Neu-Ulm, est condamné à deux ans de prison. Jusqu’à ce que des avocats spécialisés dans les droits de l’homme parviennent à contraindre la CIA à divulguer des documents secrets prouvant son innocence...

    Revenant sur les rouages de cette dramatique affaire, ce documentaire montre comment Berlin, en se soumettant aux intérêts géopolitiques de son allié américain, a brisé la vie de Khaled El-Masri et celle de sa famille, qui ont décidé de quitter l’Allemagne en 2014.

    #film #film_documentaire #documentaire
    #kidnapping #Allemagne #CIA #enlèvement #Macédoine #anti-terrorisme #war_on_terror #Afghanistan #Mallorca #11_septembre_2001 #rendition_flights #Salt_Pit #Dick_Marty #Otto_Schily #Franz-Walter_Steinmeier #Joshka_Fischer #BKA #Albanie #extraordinary_renditions #Khaled_El-Masri

  • #Black_sites Turkey

    In a near-repeat of the CIA’s ‘#extraordinary_renditions’, the regime of Turkish president Erdoğan is kidnapping dozens of members of the Gülen movement from around the world. Victims are now raising a serious accusation: secret torture sites are part of the repression. A team of nine media organizations from eight countries, coordinated by CORRECTIV, investigates.

    #Turquie #torture #prisons_secrètes #répression #enlèvement #persécution #extradition #CIA
    cc @isskein @fil

    • Angriffe, Empörung, Schadenfreude – Die Reaktionen auf unsere Recherche #BlackSitesTurkey

      Unsere Recherche über das weltweite Entführungsprogramm des türkischen Geheimdiensts schlägt hohe Wellen: die türkische Regierungspresse rückt uns in die Nähe von angeblichen Terroristen, viele deutsche Politiker äußern sich empört. Auch in Saudi-Arabien wird die Recherche #BlackSitesTurkey aufmerksam verfolgt: viele sind erleichtert, dass sich nach dem Mord an dem saudischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul internationale Medien mit den Verbrechen der Regierung von Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan beschäftigen.

      Neun von CORRECTIV koordinierte internationale Medien enthüllten in dieser Woche das ganze Ausmaß des staatlichen Entführungsprogramms der Türkei: der türkische Geheimdienst entführt aus Ländern wie dem Kosovo oder Malaysia Anhänger der Gülen-Bewegung. Dutzende Opfer sind so bereits in türkischen Gefängnissen gelandet. Einige von ihnen warten noch Monate später auf eine Anklage. Zugleich deckten wir ernstzunehmende Hinweise auf einen zweiten, bisher unbekannten Teil der Unterdrückungsmaschinerie auf: einige Opfer berichten, dass sie in der Türkei in geheime Folterstätten verschleppt und dort monatelang misshandelt worden seien.

      Unsere Fragen zu diesen Vorwürfen ließ die türkische Regierung unbeantwortet. Die Reaktion folgte einen Tag nach der Veröffentlichung. Die pro-ErdoğanZeitung Yeni Şafak titelte am Mittwoch: „Sie sind zum Angriff übergegangen“.
      Angriff auf die Förderer

      Es folgt ein krudes Pamphlet, in dem CORRECTIV Nähe zur PKK und zur Gülen-Bewegung vorgeworfen wird. Auch dass CORRECTIV Projektfinanzierung von der Open Society Foundations von George Soros erhalten hat, ist für die Zeitung ein Vorwurf. Auch die Brost Stiftung sowie die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hält die Zeitung als Förderer von CORRECTIV für erwähnenswert.

      Am Donnerstag legte die Zeitung noch einmal nach: CORRECTIV sei auch vom „tiefen Staat“ in Deutschland finanziert.

      Auch die Tageszeitung Avrupa Sabah widmete ihre Titelseite am Mittwoch der Recherche #BlackSitesTurkey. Die Recherche sei eine von Can Dündar gesteuerte Schmierenkampagne. Dündar ist Chefredakteur von #ÖZGÜRÜZ, der türkischen Schwesterredaktion von CORRECTIV. Dündar musste wegen seiner Recherchen die Türkei verlassen. Weder an der Recherche noch an der Veröffentlichung von #BlackSitesTurkey waren Dündar und die Redaktion von #ÖZGÜRÜZ beteiligt.
      Screenshot Zeitung Sabah

      Sonst griffen türkische Medien die Recherche nicht auf. Allerdings übersetzte der türkische Dienst des Fernsehsenders Euronews sie ins Türkische. Die Öffentlichkeit in der Türkei, der kaum noch unabhängige Medien zur Verfügung stehen, kann sich damit über die Recherche informieren.

      Auch in der deutschen Politik fand die Recherche erhebliches Echo. Der Grünen-Abgeordnete Omid Nouripour sagte, dass es früher bereits Geheimgefängnisse in der Türkei gegeben habe. „Wenn es jetzt wieder welche gibt, dann ist das ein Riesen-Skandal und gehört auf die Tagesordnung der internationalen Gemeinschaft,“sagte der Politiker. Auch die Europaabgeordnete Eva Sommer von der EVP-Fraktion kritisierte das Entführungsprogramm der Türkei. „Das ist etwas, was wirklich untragbar ist.“

      Unsere Kollegen von Frontal21 haben diese und weitere Stimmen aus der deutschen Politik zusammen getragen. Das ZDF-Magazin war einer von insgesamt neun Medienpartnern der Recherche, zu denen unter anderem auch die Zeitungen Le Monde, El Pais und Haaretz zählten.
      Freude in Saudi-Arabien

      In Schweden, wo die Nachrichtenagentur TT zu den Recherchepartnern von #BlackSitesTurkey zählte, reagierte die größte Tageszeitung des Landes mit einem deutlichen Kommentar.

      Der Autor verurteilte die Verfolgung von Kritikern der Erdoğan-Regierung. „Die Ermordung eines Journalisten in Istanbul durch Saudi-Arabien wurde richtiger Weise von Erdoğan verurteilt. Aber seine eigene Bilanz bei Menschenrechten ist zum Haare sträuben.“

      Damit bezieht sich die Zeitung auf Jamal Khashoggi. Der saudische Dissident und Journalist wurde im Oktober im saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul auf brutale Weise ermordet. Mitglieder des US-Senats sagten nach einer Vorstellung von CIA-Erkenntnissen über den Mord, dass der saudische Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman, kurz MBS, tief in den Mord vertrickt gewesen sei.

      Der türkische Präsident Erdoğanhatte die Ermordung Khashoggis geschickt für seine Außenpolitik genutzt und Saudi-Arabien sowie den Kronprinz MBS stark unter Druck gesetzt.

      Anhänger der saudischen Königsfamilie reagierten daher erfreut über die Recherche #BlackSitesTurkey, die die Aufmerksamkeit wieder auf die Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der Türkei richtet.

      Ein Twitter-Nutzer versah ein Video, in dem unser Chefredakteur Oliver Schröm über die Recherche spricht, mit arabischen Untertiteln und fügte zudem unseren Trailer zur Recherche hinzu. Das so gestaltete Video wurde über 50.000 Mal aufgerufen.


  • #Dick_Marty - Un grido per la giustizia

    Dopo gli attentati dell’11 settembre 2001, il governo americano stipula degli accordi segreti con i governi europei per combattere il terrorismo. Sono accordi che prevedono che la #Cia abbia pieni poteri per rapire e torturare delle persone sospette. Una violazione flagrante dei trattati internazionali, dello stato di diritto e delle leggi dei paesi europei, e uno schiaffo ai diritti dell’uomo. Quando il Washington Post nel 2005 rivela questo patto segreto, il Consiglio d’Europa incarica il parlamentare svizzero Dick Marty di indagare. Questo documentario è la storia di questa indagine e il ritratto di una persona fuori dal comune.

    Un racconto dettagliato e ricco di testimonianze che ci porta dentro ad una spy story degna delle più fantasiose sceneggiature: per Dick Marty la sete di verità è stata il motore di una ricerca minuziosa, condotta con pochi mezzi e con la pazienza di unire un tassello all’altro, sbrogliando una matassa più che ingarbugliata. Si sente davvero di poter contare qualcosa, quando ci si trova davanti a un gigante come i servizi segreti americani? Sarà proprio lui - l’ex procuratore pubblico con “Una certa idea di giustizia”, come recita il titolo del suo libro appena pubblicato per Favre - a portare la propria testimonianza anche nella parte in studio di questa puntata, unendo così il racconto più umano alla ricostruzione dei fatti.

    Nel documentario :

    «Io se dovessi sapere e tacere mi sentirei complice. Allora preferisco dire, denunciare, gridare, e non essere complice pur sapendo che il mio grido magari serve a poco»

    «Siamo sulla Terra per compiere qualcosa, non semplicemente per far passare il tempo. Ho l’impressione che finché uno ha la capacità di indignarsi di fronte all’ingiustizia, ci si sente vivi e si ha ancora il coraggio di guardarsi nello specchio»

    «Denunciare. E’ il compito di ogni testimone di un’ingiustizia. E ritengo complici tutti coloro che di fronte a un’ingiustizia stanno zitti. Ritengo che la rivolta di chi assiste all’ingiustizia permette di far progredire la nostra civiltà»

    #justice #terrorisme #film #documentaire #CIA #torture #prisons_secrètes #anti-terrorisme #war_on_terror #USA #Etats-Unis #ennemi_combattant #Convention_de_Genève #extraordinary_renditions #transferts_aériens #Black_sites #Pologne #Roumanie #Abu_Omar (imam disparu à Milan) #Aviano #Italie #Guantanamo #zero_zone #extra-territorialité #torture_codifiée


    #Dick_Marty, une très rares personnes pour laquelle j’ai vraiment un profond respect...

    Dans l’interview de présentation du film sur Dick Marty...

    Giornalista: «Tra giustizia e legalità, Lei dove si mette?»
    Dick Marty: «Io sarei dalla parte di Antigone e non di Creonte.»
    Giornalista: «Antigone che vuole dare sepoltura a suo fratello...»
    Dick Marty: «... violando la legge. La legge del potente. Sono chiaramente dalla parte di Antigone. E’ vero che nella maggior parte delle cose si è necessariamente dalla parte della giustizia. Però ci sono dei momenti cruciali in cui devi ribellarti. E questi atti di ribellione hanno fatto progredire l’umanità. E se ci fossero state più ribellioni... penso al tempo del Terzo Reich... forse avremmo evitato delle catastrofi umanitarie terribili.»
    Giornalista: «Ribellarsi non è facile però...»
    DM: «Certo, bisogna saper staccarsi dal gruppo. Bisogna saper gridare la propria rivolta, la propria verità. E questo chiede un certo impegno»

    • Une certaine idée de la justice

      Ses enquêtes, dignes des meilleurs romans d’espionnage ont fait la une de la presse mondiale. De la plus grande saisie d’héroïne jamais réalisée en Suisse aux prisons secrètes de la CIA, du trafic d’organes au Kosovo à la situation des droits de l’homme en Tchétchénie, Dick Marty s’est engagé successivement dans les trois pouvoirs de l’État. Ce livre n’est pas seulement le récit inédit de ces investigations souvent périlleuses, mais aussi une réflexion critique sur des sujets politiques controversés.


      #livre #Tchétchénie #drogue #Kosovo

    • Dick Marty, un cri pour la justice

      Procureur, politicien, enquêteur spécial, le Tessinois Dick Marty est une figure internationale connue pour sa droiture et perspicacité. Infatigable, il a mené l’enquête sur les #prisons_secrètes que la #CIA avait créées en Europe après le 11 septembre pour les terroristes présumés. La torture y était largement pratiquée avec la bénédiction de Washington. Portrait d’un homme à qui rien ne fait peur.



    • Selected CIA Aircraft Routes and Rendition Flights 2001-2006

      The image is a map of selected CIA aircraft routes between 2001 and 2006, some of which transported prisoners to foreign countries to be interrogated and tortured.

      I worked with artist and geographer #Trevor_Paglen who provided the data. Trevor spent several years tracking down the flight information, and has a book out on his investigations, Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA’s Rendition Flights (https://www.mhpbooks.com/books/torture-taxi). See this interview with him (https://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/09/15/1342250) on Democracy Now! with co-author, journalist A.C. Thompson.

      The map was also published in An Atlas of Radical Cartography (http://www.an-atlas.com), Domus magazine as was displayed at MoMA PS1 and as a public billboard in Los Angeles in September 2006 as part of a series of public art installations about the war. Clockshop, a public arts organization in Los Angeles, funded the display.


    • Torture Taxi. On the Trail of the CIA’s Rendition Flights

      It’s no longer a secret: Since 9/11, the CIA has quietly kidnapped more than a hundred people and detained them at prisons throughout the world. It is called “extraordinary rendition,” and it is part of the largest U.S. clandestine operation since the end of the Cold War.

      Some detainees have been taken to Egypt and Morocco to be tortured and interrogated. Others have been transported to secret CIA-run facilities in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, where they, too, have been tortured. Many of the kidnapped detainees have ended up at the U.S. detention camp at Guantánamo, but others have been disappeared entirely.

      In this first book to systematically investigate extraordinary rendition, an award-winning investigative journalist and a “military geographer” explore the CIA program in a series of journeys that takes them around the world. They travel to suburban Massachusetts to profile a CIA front company that supplies the agency with airplanes; to Smithfield, North Carolina, to meet pilots who fly CIA aircraft; to the San Francisco suburbs to study with a “planespotter” who tracks the CIA’s movements; and to Afghanistan, where the authors visit the notorious “Salt Pit” prison and meet released Afghan detainees.

      They find that nearly five years after 9/11, the kidnappings have not stopped. On the contrary, the rendition program has been formalized, colluding with the military when necessary, and constantly changing its cover to remain hidden from sight.


    • The Council of Europe’s investigation into illegal transfers and secret detentions in Europe: a chronology

      The European Court of Human Rights has so far delivered three judgments concerning CIA rendition and secret detention operations in Council of Europe member states (one against “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and two against Poland), and individual applications are currently pending against other states (Italy, Lithuania and Romania), many drawing on Senator Dick Marty’s investigations. The Court has published a thematic fact-sheet on cases involving secret detentions.

      22 April 2015: In remarks to German news magazine Der Spiegel, former Romanian President Ion Iliascu admits to the existence of a secret CIA “site” in Romania. PACE President Anne Brasseur responds: “it is now up to the Romanian prosecutorial authorities to conduct a serious investigation into the facts, and to hold to account the perpetrators of any crimes committed in this context.”

      11-12 March 2015: The deputies of the Council of Europe’s ministerial body - which oversees the execution of Court judgments - say they are concerned Mr Al Nashiri and Mr Abu Zubaydah, now interned at Guantanamo Bay, could face “flagrant denials of justice” if tried by Military Commission and ask the Polish authorities to urgently seek assurances from the US that they will not be tried using torture evidence or subjected to the death penalty. Poland swiftly does so.

      24 July 2014: The European Court of Human Rights delivers landmark judgments in the Abu Zubaydah and Al Nashiri cases, finding that Poland was complicit in “CIA rendition, secret detention and interrogation operations on its territory” and that, by enabling the CIA to detain the applicants, it was exposing them to a serious risk of torture. After an appeal by the government is turned down on 16 February 2015, the rulings became final.

      3 December 2013: The European Court of Human Rights holds a joint Chamber hearing in the Abu Zubaydah and Al Nashiri cases against Poland, listening to submissions from all parties, and posts the video online. It also holds a confidential hearing with the parties the day before the public hearing.
      10 October 2013: The European Parliament, in a fresh resolution, deeply deplores the failures to respond to its earlier demands, and renews the call for proper investigations in Lithuania, Romania and Poland. It suggests the “climate of impunity” surrounding the CIA’s rendition programme may have enabled the mass surveillance by the NSA, recently revealed.

      9 July 2013: In addition to his case against Lithuania, Mr Zubaydah also brings a case before the Strasbourg Court against Poland, similar to the case already brought by Mr Al Nashiri.

      14 December 2012: The Court communicates to the Lithuanian Government the case of Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania. Mr Zubaydah says he was illegally held and ill-treated in a secret prison in Lithuania run by the CIA.

      13 December 2012: The European Court of Human Rights issues its first judgment in a case involving secret prisons on European soil when its Grand Chamber finds “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” in violation of the Convention for its part in the torture and rendition of German car-salesman Khaled El-Masri. It is greeted as a landmark judgment.

      18 September 2012: The Strasbourg Court communicates to the Romanian Government the case of Al Nashiri v. Romania. Mr Al Nashiri – who also brought the earlier case against Poland – alleges Romania knowingly and intentionally enabled the CIA to detain him and has refused to date to properly acknowledge or investigate any wrongdoing.

      11 September 2012: PACE President Jean-Claude Mignon welcomes the latest resolution of the European Parliament, adopted on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which calls on Lithuania, Poland and Romania to open or resume independent investigations into allegations that they colluded with the CIA to hold and interrogate terrorism suspects in secret prisons. National investigations so far have been “painfully inadequate”, he points out, but the process of accountability continues.

      10 July 2012: The European Court of Human Rights communicates to the Polish Government the case of Al Nashiri v. Poland. Mr Al Nashiri, suspected of terrorist acts and now in Guantanamo, says he was tortured in Poland while in US custody following rendition, and that Poland “knowingly and intentionally” enabled his secret detention.

      16 May 2012: The European Court of Human Rights holds its first hearing on a rendition-related case, in the El-Masri case, and posts the video online. This case is heard before the Grand Chamber, an indication of its significance.

      8 December 2011: Reacting to reported confirmation of a secret CIA prison in Romania, Dick Marty says: “Five years ago we put forward substantial elements of proof of a secret CIA prison in Romania. There have been years of official denials since then. But the ‘dynamic of truth’ has run its course [...]. Those responsible for the crimes committed – and their cover-up – should now be held to account in a court of law.”

      24 November 2011: Reporting on a September 2010 visit to Romania, the Council of Europe’s Anti-Torture Committee (CPT) questions the absence of a judicial inquiry into the allegations of a secret CIA prison in the country. In their response, the Romanian authorities repeat that there is no evidence of this, and that – in the absence of proof – for them the subject is closed.

      22 November 2011: The European Court of Human Rights communicates to the Italian Government the case of Nasr and Ghali v. Italy, and asks the parties to answer a number of questions. Egyptian imam Abu Omar alleges he was kidnapped in Rome and transferred to Egypt with Italian involvement, and then detained in secret for several months in inhuman conditions.

      6 October 2011: In his last report for PACE, Dick Marty evaluates the various judicial or parliamentary inquiries launched after his reports five years ago named European governments which had hosted CIA secret prisons or colluded in rendition and torture. Overall, he concludes that unjustified resort to the doctrine of “state secrets” is still too often shielding secret services from scrutiny of involvement in human rights violations.

      5 September 2011: In two comments marking the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks – addressing, in turn, renditions and secret detentions – Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg echoes Dick Marty’s repeated calls for accountability on the part of European governments.

      19 May 2011: Reporting on a June 2010 visit to Lithuania, the Council of Europe’s Anti-Torture Committee (CPT) questions both the promptness and thoroughness of the Lithuanian Prosecutor General’s pre-trial investigation into abuse of office, then under way. In their response, the Lithuanian authorities report that “no objective data concerning the fact of abuse (or another criminal act) were collected during the pre-trial investigation” and therefore no charges will be brought.

      28 September 2010: The European Court of Human Rights becomes involved in the first specific case involving rendition and secret prisons when it communicates the case of El-Masri v. “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” to the authorities, and asks the parties to answer a number of questions. Mr El-Masri, apparently mistaken by the CIA for another man of the same name, was kidnapped and interrogated in a Skopje hotel for 23 days before being transferred to US agents.

      21 August 2009: Reacting to a news report that Lithuania was the site of a third secret CIA prison in Europe, Dick Marty says his own sources seem to confirm this information, and calls for “a full, independent and credible investigation” into what occurred on the outskirts of Vilnius: “Denial and evasion are no longer credible,” he says.

      6 November 2008: Testifying at the Milan trial of CIA and Italian secret service agents accused of kidnapping Abu Omar, Dick Marty says this is one of the few cases involving the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program to come to court. The invocation of ’state secrets’ by the Italian government must not - as in other judicial or parliamentary procedures in the US and Germany - be allowed to block the trial: “Let justice take its course!” he declares.

      4 April 2008: In a statement, Dick Marty criticises the Committee of Ministers for its response and accuses European governments of “hypocrisy” for continuing to deny their involvement in secret detentions and illegal renditions, unless forced to do so. “The United States made a choice - which I think was a wrong choice - to fight the war on terror using illegal means, but they at least made it openly and defend it,” he points out.

      16 January 2008: In a reply, the Committee of Ministers – representing the 47 Council of Europe governments – says only that it will “carefully consider” the Secretary General’s proposals to control the activities of foreign intelligence services in Europe, noting that they “reached deeply into sensitive areas of national security, law and practice”. To date, it has not yet implemented any of these proposals.

      27 June 2007: The plenary Assembly – bringing together over 300 legislators from 47 European countries – backs Mr Marty’s report and urges better oversight of foreign intelligence services operating in Europe. The use of “state secrecy” laws to protect wrongful acts by secret services should be limited, the parliamentarians say.

      8 June 2007: Presenting a second report following several months of additional inquiry, Swiss Senator Dick Marty reveals evidence that US “high-value detainees”, including alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, were held in secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania. Based on extensive, cross-referenced testimony from serving and former intelligence agents, he also alleges a series of partly secret decisions among NATO allies in 2001 which enabled the CIA to carry out illegal activities in Europe.

      14 February 2007: In a report, the European Parliament comes to similar conclusions to Mr Marty, saying EU countries “turned a blind eye” to extraordinary renditions across their territory and airspace.

      6 September 2006: The Committee of Ministers – representing the 47 governments of the Council of Europe – decides only to “take note” of the Secretary General’s proposals for greater control over the activities of security services operating in Europe, declining any immediate follow-up. The decision comes on the very same day that US President George Bush admits the existence of secret CIA prisons. On the other hand, PACE President René van der Linden reacts by declaring that kidnapping people and torturing them in secret “is what criminals do, not democratic governments”. Such activities will not make citizens safer in the long run, he says. The admission is a vindication of Senator Marty’s work, he adds.

      30 June 2006: Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis makes concrete proposals to European governments for laws to control the activities of foreign intelligence services in Europe, reviewing state immunity, and making better use of existing controls on over-flights, including requiring landing and search of civil flights engaged in state functions.

      27 June 2006: The plenary Assembly debates Mr Marty’s first report and calls for the dismantling of the system of secret prisons, oversight of foreign intelligence services operating in Europe and a common strategy for fighting terrorism which does not undermine human rights.

      14 June 2006: Analysing a second round of replies from governments to his inquiry, Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis concludes in a supplementary report that laws to protect Europeans against human rights violations by foreign intelligence agents are “the exception rather than the rule”. Confirming his earlier conclusions, he says current controls on civil air traffic are inadequate, while State aircraft in transit are rarely checked.

      7 June 2006: Presenting his first report, Dick Marty says he has exposed a global “spider’s web” of illegal US detentions and transfers, and alleges collusion in this system by 14 Council of Europe member states, 7 of whom may have violated the rights of named individuals.

      17 March 2006: In an opinion, legal experts from the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission say that, under the European Convention on Human Rights and other international laws, member states should refuse to allow transit of prisoners where there is a risk of torture. If this is suspected, they should search civil planes or refuse overflight to state planes.

      1 March 2006: Analysing governments’ replies to a separate inquiry using powers under the European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis says Europe appears to be “a happy hunting-ground for foreign security services”. Presenting a first report, he says that the rules governing activities of secret services – especially foreign ones – appear inadequate in many member states, and that current air traffic regulations do not safeguard against abuse. Immunity for foreign agents who commit crimes in Europe should not extend to serious human rights violations.

      7 November 2005: Following media reports, the Parliamentary Assembly appoints Senator Dick Marty, a Swiss former prosecutor, to conduct a parliamentary inquiry into “alleged secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states”. PACE President René van der Linden declares: “This issue goes to the very heart of the Council of Europe’s human rights mandate.”



    • Deuxième rapport de Dick Marty, 08.06.2007

      Dick Marty: ‘high-value detainees’ were held at secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania

      PACE rapporteur Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE) today revealed new evidence that US “high-value detainees” were held in secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania during the period 2002-5 and alleges a series of partly secret decisions among NATO allies in October 2001 which provided the basic framework for illegal CIA activities in Europe.

      In an explanatory memorandum made public today, Mr Marty says he has cross-referenced the credible testimonies of over 30 members of intelligence services in the US and Europe with analysis of “data strings” from the international flight planning system.


  • #Jordanie : le roi nomme un nouveau Premier ministre - Nouvelobs.com

    Le roi Abdallah II de Jordanie a nommé Maarouf Bakhit pour remplacer Samir Rifaï à la tête du gouvernement et l’a chargé de mener de « réelles réformes politiques », a annoncé mardi le palais royal après plusieurs manifestations de l’opposition au cours des dernières semaines.

    • Marrant : ancien militaire, déjà nommé premier ministre de 2005 à 2007, avec pour but premier de « lutter contre le terrorisme ».

      Comme en Égypte, c’est donc un maître tortionnaire, ami des néoconservateurs et ayant sévi à l’époque des #extraordinary_renditions, qui est nommé pour « accompagner » les réformes vers plus de démocratie.

    • c’est souvent comme ça les transitions, cf. l’Espagne menée à la démocratie par les deux « héritiers » (civil et royal) du franquisme... discutant au final avec les communistes etc.

  • WikiLeaks cables: Turkey let US use airbase for rendition flights | The Guardian

    Turkey allowed the US to use its airbase at Incirlik in southern Turkey as part of the “extraordinary rendition” programme to take suspected terrorists to Guantánamo Bay, according to a US diplomatic cable.

    Turkey’s involvement in the controversial programme was revealed in a cable dated 8 June 2006, written by the then US ambassador to Turkey, Ross Wilson. The cable described Turkey as a crucial ally in the “global war on terror” and an important logistical base for the US-led war in Iraq.

    “The Turkish military had allowed us to use Incirlik as a refuelling stop for Operation Fundamental Justice detainee movement operations since 2002, but revoked this permission in February of this year. We understand OSD [office of the secretary of defence] and JCS [joint chiefs of staff] have been discussing whether to approach Turkey to seek to reverse this decision,” the cable said.

    #cablegate #extraordinary_renditions #Turquie