facility:american university of beirut

  • AUB - Events - In-Transit - Displacement and Seeking Refuge, as Seen Through Comics

    #comics #bd #migrants #arabes

    Voir aussi : Comics expo draws crowds in Beirut (https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/03/drawing-a-bigger-picture-at-beirut-comic-exhibition.html)

    Dozens of artists from the Middle East came to Beirut on March 11 to be part of the exhibition at the Beit Beirut cultural space, held in tandem with the Mahmoud Kahil Award ceremony. The winners will receive $36,000 in several categories such as editorial cartoons, graphic novels, comic strips, graphic illustrations and children’s book illustrations.

    Organized by the Mu’taz and Rada Sawwaf Arab Comics Initiative at the American University of Beirut, the exhibition explored the role of comics as documentation on issues of displacement, exile and homeland. It was preceded by a March 9 symposium in which experts and artists discussed displacement.

  • Vous avez peut-être suivi ça, Steve Salaita (américain d’origine Nicaraguayenne et Palestinienne), spécialiste entre autres du racisme anti-arabe aux USA, avait été embauché comme professeur de Science Politique à l’University of Illinois en 2013. Sa permanence avait été révoquée en 2015 à cause de quelques tweets critiques d’israel.

    Le processus avait été entaché d’irrégularités, mais Salaita avait négocié son départ contre une somme d’argent, ayant entre temps obtenu un poste à la American University of Beirut. Un an après, ce poste aussi n’avait pas été renouvelé et, black listé, aucune autre offre ne lui fut offerte.

    Aujourd’hui, il est chauffeur de bus, et il raconte cette expérience dans ce très beau texte (que je trouve quand même très triste) :

    An Honest Living
    Steve Salaita, le 17 février 2019

    You hear ex-professors say it all the time and I’ll add to the chorus: despite nagging precariousness, there’s something profoundly liberating about leaving academe, whereupon you are no longer obliged to give a shit about fashionable thinkers, network at the planet’s most boring parties, or quantify self-worth for scurrilous committees (and whereupon you are free to ignore the latest same-old controversy), for even when you know at the time that the place is toxic, only after you exit (spiritually, not physically) and write an essay or read a novel or complete some other task without considering its relevance to the fascist gods of assessment, or its irrelevance to a gang of cynical senior colleagues, do you realize exactly how insidious and pervasive is the industry’s culture of social control.

    There are tragic elements to this adventure, sure. A political symbolism informs my academic career. After months without work, my family suffered financial hardship. And I didn’t matriculate through 22nd grade in order to land a job that requires no college. Then again, neither did I attend so many years of college in order to be disabused of the notion that education is noble.

    I pitched honest living to my parents when I told them about the new job. Despite being aware of academe’s ruthless memory, they hoped that I’d one day be a professor again. They probably still do. In a better world, my redemption would happen in the United States. I wanted to quell that expectation. “Even if Harvard offered me a job I’d say no,” I proclaimed with earnest hyperbole.

    They feigned support but didn’t believe me. I understand why. It’s hard to imagine coming of age in reverse. Hollywood doesn’t make inspirational movies about struggling to overcome material comfort. We don’t aspire to the working class. Personal fulfillment occurs through economic uplift. We go from the outdoors to the office, from the ghetto to the high-rise, from the bar rail to the capital. That’s the dream, to become a celebrity or a tycoon or, in humbler fantasies, a bureaucrat. But forward progress as material comfort is cultivated through the ubiquitous lie that upward mobility equals righteousness. Honest living is a nice story we tell ourselves to rationalize privation, but in the real world money procures all the honesty we need.

    For immigrants, these myths can be acute. I could see my parents struggling between a filial instinct to nurture and an abrupt recognition of their failure. My mom, a retired high school teacher, seemed interested in the logistics of transporting students, but my dad, the original professor, clenched his hands and stared across the table. It’s the only time I’ve seen him avoid eye contact.

    #Steve_Salaita #USA #Palestine #université #criminalisation_des_militants #censure

  • Le projet nucléaire jordanien abandonné, ou du moins reconfiguré à la baisse sans certitude que la nouvelle solution sera plus réaliste financièrement.
    Auteurs: Ali Ahmad is director of the Energy Policy and Security in the Middle East Programme at the Issam Fares Institute at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. M. V. Ramana is the Simons Chair for Disarmament, Global and Human Security at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Canada and author of “The Power of Promise: Examining Nuclear Energy in India” (Penguin Books, 2012).
    HTRs will not help establish nuclear power in Jordan | Jordan Times

    Chairman of Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Khaled Toukan, has announced that the organisation is in “serious and advanced” talks with China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to build a 220 megawatt High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTR) in the Kingdom. Viewed in light of earlier announcements by JAEC and its failure to realise any of its proposed plans since 2007, this pronouncement suggests that the Kingdom is downsizing its nuclear plans in a desperate bid to keep alive the possibility of building a nuclear plant in the country. But this effort is as misguided as prior ones and the best option is to stop investing any more effort, or money, into developing nuclear power.

    Perhaps the most important earlier announcement worth recalling is from three years ago, when, amid much fanfare, Jordan signed an inter-governmental agreement with Russia to build two 1,000-megawatt reactors, at a total cost of $10 billion. The two reactors were “expected to be operational by 2022”. Reports suggested that Russia was to finance 50.1 per cent of the project and Jordan would find financing for the other half. But Jordan struggled to come up with its share.

    Although there has been no official announcement to that effect, the project is likely dead. This is presumably why there is now talk of a smaller reactor.

    #énergie #nucléaire #jordanie #électricité

  • Le premier ministre libanais, Saad Hariri, annonce sa démission

    Le premier ministre libanais, Saad Hariri, a annoncé sa démission, samedi 4 novembre, à la surprise générale. Il a accusé le Hezbollah chiite et son allié iranien de « mainmise » sur le Liban et a affirmé avoir peur d’être assassiné.

    « J’annonce ma démission du poste de premier ministre », a ainsi déclaré M. Hariri, qui se trouve actuellement en Arabie saoudite, dans un discours retransmis par la chaîne satellitaire Al-Arabiya. Selon les informations du Monde, un des conseillers de M. Hariri lui avait déjà suggéré de démissionner il y a quelques semaines, mais l’idée avait alors été écartée.

    « L’Iran a une mainmise sur le destin des pays de la région (…). Le Hezbollah est le bras de l’Iran non seulement au Liban mais également dans les autres pays arabes », a dénoncé le premier ministre démissionnaire. Et « ces dernières décennies, le Hezbollah a imposé une situation de fait accompli par la force de ses armes », a-t-il ajouté.

    Bien entendu, le Monde-avec-AFP (ainsi que l’ensemble des médias francophones) qualifie la démission de Hariri de « totalement inattendue »… Si ces gens faisaient un tout petit peu leurs devoirs, ils sauraient que le renversement du gouvernement et la mise en accusation du Hezbollah ont été très clairement annoncés lundi par les Séoudiens :
    que Hariri s’était déjà rendu en Arabie séoudite ce même lundi, et y et retourné hier :

    Le chef du gouvernement libanais se rend à Riyad pour une visite de travail. Lors de son dernier déplacement, il avait été reçu par le prince héritier saoudien, Mohammad Ben Salmane. M. Hariri avait affirmé être totalement en phase avec Riyad pour ce qui a trait à la stabilité du Liban.

    • L’aspect évidemment ridicule de l’événement, c’est que Saad se rend deux fois en Arabie séoudite en quelques jours, applique ce qui a été annoncé par un ministre séoudien en début de semaine, rencontre le nouveau Séoud-en-chef ben Salmane et dans la foulée annonce sa démission depuis l’Arabie séoudite, tout ça paraît-il pour dénoncer la « mainmise » de l’Iran sur le Liban.

    • Malgré cet aspect ridicule, on peut être particulièrement inquiet. Que l’Arabie séoudite décide de porter (à nouveau) son affrontement régional sur la scène libanaise ne présage d’absolument rien de bon pour le pays (tu as vu l’état des pays où l’Arabie a prétendu « contrer » l’influence iranienne ?).

    • http://www.raialyoum.com/?p=772730
      Commentaire des Iraniens : "La démission de Hariri a été arrangée par Trump et Muhammad ben Salmane, en fionction d’une décision manifeste des Saoudiens de s’en prendre au Hezbollah."
      طهران : استقالة الحريري جاءت بترتيب من ترامب ومحمد بن سلمان وبقرار سعودي واضح لمواجهة “حزب الله”

    • November 2, 2017
      Targeting Lebanon Again
      Edito d’ABA. Cela date du 2 novembre mais, comme c’est en anglais, je suppose que cela a dû être publié un peu avant.

      We do not know what instructions Hariri was given when he met Saudi strongman Crown Prince Muhammad bin-Salman. But it would not come as a surprise to learn that he was told either to withdraw from the government or sack its Hezbollah ministers in order to create another government crisis in Lebanon. Hariri would have no option but to comply. That would mean the collapse of the hard-won political accommodation that enabled him to return to office and Gen. Michel Aoun to be elected president.

    • Angry Arab: Hariri resignation in Beirut

      It is funny: people of the Saudi and Israeli lobbies on social media are jubilant about Saad Hariri’s resignation (from Riyadh, no less and through Saudi regime media) and treating the matter as if it was a purely Lebanese matter. The resignation was days in the making. Saudi minister (for Gulf affairs but he also seems to be in charge of Lebanese affairs as well) has been threatening the Lebanese people and government for many days and warning of an impending action. In fact, he threatened hours before Hariri resignation that Saudi Arabia will “cut off” the hands of Iran—which was the same expression used by Hariri in the speech which was prepared for him. Hariri was sitting with Hizbullah ministers and defending the political arrangement in which all parties were represented against critics in his quarters. He also met with a senior Iranian delegation HOURS before his resignation (above) (the delegated was headed by Ali Akbar Welayeti, who said after the meeting that it was “constructive”). Just after the meeting, Hariri was summoned to Riyadh and he took a selfti with Minister Sabhan (the latter posted it on Twitter (above) and said it was after a long meeting), and then the speech of resignation was aired on Saudi media. Its text was counter to all the speeches that Hariri has been giving for many months. The best part is that Saudi regime media announced that there was an assassination attempt on Hariri’s life just before he departed for Saudi Arabia. The pro-Saudi branch of the Lebanese security services promptly told Lebanese media that they never heard of any of that and that they were not sources for this fable.

    • Au sujet de la prétendue tentative d’assassinat contre Hariri, le démenti des FSI (généralement pro-séoudienne et proches du camp Hariri) :

      La direction générale des FSI a démenti, ce samedi dans un communiqué, les informations qui circulent dans les médias, réseaux sociaux et sites électroniques, selon lesquelles son service de renseignements aurait déjoué une tentative d’assassinat contre le Premier ministre démissionnaire Saad Hariri.

      « La direction des FSI précise que ces informations sont erronées, qu’elle n’a fourni aucun détail et qu’elle ne dispose d’aucune donnée à cet égard », précise le communiqué.

    • Saad Hariri Quits as Lebanon Prime Minister, Blaming Iran - The New York Times

      On en est là, il faut lire un article du NYT pour se rendre compte combien les articles des MSM français et les reportages de France 24 sur le sujet sont lamentables.

      The surprise announcement — which shocked even his own staff — was an ominous sign of the escalating regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran, analysts said, indicating the growing dominance of Iran and Hezbollah as well as the Saudis’ increasingly assertive response.

      Lebanese and regional analysts, whether supporters or opponents of Hezbollah, said it appeared that Mr. Hariri had been pressured to resign by his patrons, the Saudis , as they and the United States ratchet up efforts to counter Iranian influence. The resignation came after weeks of sharp American and Saudi condemnations of Iran, including from President Trump, and new American sanctions against Hezbollah.

      By pushing out Mr. Hariri, analysts said, Saudi Arabia could deny Hezbollah a credible Sunni governing partner — an attempt to isolate it and deny it the fig leaf of a national unity government.

      “They concluded that Hariri was serving as more of a cover for Iranian and Hezbollah influence than as a counterweight to them,” said Rob Malley, a former special Middle East adviser to President Barack Obama and the vice president of the International Crisis Group.

      Yet the resignation also shows how few options Iran’s opponents have. Without Mr. Hariri in power, the United States and Saudi Arabia lose their main partner in the Lebanese government.

      Across the political spectrum, analysts and officials said the resignation ushered in new dangers. If the next government is more pro-Hezbollah, they said, that could lead to devastating sanctions. It could even increase the chances of a new war with Israel, which would see added justification for its argument that there is little distinction between Hezbollah and the Lebanese state.

      Mr. Hariri even raised the specter of internal violence. [si jamais des attentats contre le camp du 14 mars reprennent on aura été averti] He compared the atmosphere in Lebanon now to the days before the 2005 assassination of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, saying he believed his own life was in danger. “I sensed what’s being woven in secret to target my life,” he said.

      Mr. Hariri’s father was killed when his motorcade was bombed on Beirut’s seafront. Several Hezbollah members are being tried in absentia in a special United Nations-backed tribunal in The Hague, although the militant group has denied involvement in the assassination.


      Mr. Hariri headed a 30-member national unity cabinet that was crafted to protect the country from any spillover from the multisided war in neighboring Syria, where Iran backed the government and Saudi Arabia backed the insurgents.

      That mission has largely been successful , even though Hezbollah has sided with the Syrian government, Lebanese Sunni militants have joined insurgents there, and well over one million refugees flooded this small Mediterranean country.

      In Lebanon’s political system, power is divided between a prime minister, who must be Sunni; a president, who must be Maronite Christian; and a speaker of Parliament, who must be Shiite.

      The exercise of real power in the country is a more complicated affair of alliances, rivalries and division of spoils between the leaders of sectarian groups, including former warlords from Lebanon’s civil war.

      Hezbollah, which rose to prominence fighting the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon, is the strongest because of its powerful militia, which can act independently of the state and in recent years has served as an expeditionary force across Syria.

      In recent years Lebanon’s rival blocs have essentially agreed to confine their fight to Syria. But tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have only increased.

      In addition to Hezbollah’s decisive role in helping President Bashar al-Assad of Syria hold on to power, Iran has supported several militias in Iraq that have managed to defeat Islamic State forces in that country and remain a fighting force.

      Iranian leaders say their interference is needed to stop terrorism, and to create a security zone for their country. The country’s influence started to rise after the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq in 2011, leaving behind an incomplete army and a pro-Iranian government.

      Iran’s filling of the vacuum created by the departure of the United States military has been an extremely worrying development for Saudi Arabia and some other Arab states, who have seen their efforts to fight proxy wars with Iran largely fail.

      And now that the Syrian war seems to be entering a new phase, with Mr. Assad still ruling a devastated country, there are fears that tensions that had been pushed to the back burner — inside Lebanon, between Hezbollah and Israel, and elsewhere — could re-emerge.

      The United States has stepped up sanctions on Hezbollah in recent weeks after President Trump criticized Iran and the landmark nuclear deal it reached under Mr. Obama.

      “It signals a new phase of escalation,” said Ali Rizk, a pro-Hezbollah Lebanese analyst, adding that the imminent defeat of Islamic State by the United States would put new pressure on what it sees as Shiite extremists. “Lebanon is in for a hard time,” Mr. Rizk said.

      The resignation brought sharp words from Israel and Iran. Bahram Ghasemi, a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, said Mr. Hariri’s speech was driven by a Saudi, American and Israeli effort aimed at “creating tension in Lebanon and the region.”

      And in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the resignation “a wake-up call for the international community to take action against the Iranian aggression.”

      The pressure now is on the Lebanese president, Mr. Aoun, who will hold consultations with Parliament about appointing a caretaker government, said Imad Salamey, an analyst at the American University of Beirut.

      “If he indeed is going to bring in a pro-Hezbollah government, then he has to face the consequences,” such as new sanctions, Mr. Salamey said. “It will be a massive U.S. and Saudi response. The economy will collapse for sure.”

      In his speech, Mr. Hariri said he wanted to unite Lebanon and free it from outside influence. He pronounced himself “full of optimism and hope that Lebanon will be stronger, free, independent, with no authority over it except that of its own great people.”

      But in the streets of Tariq al-Jdeedeh, a mostly Sunni neighborhood of Beirut that is part of Mr. Hariri’s political base, anger and confusion contrasted with the posters of Mr. Hariri that festooned the buildings.

      “Hariri didn’t do this for Lebanon, he did this for Saudi against Iran,” said Nabil Idriss, who was tending his son’s fabric shop. “Now with this move, the picture is more transparent than ever. Saad Hariri was never in control.”

      #Liban #Hezbollah #Israel #Etats-Unis #Arabie_saoudite

  • France / Syrie / Lafarge : Arrestation de Firas Tlass aux Émirats Arabes Unis

    L’arrestation de Firas Tlass apparaît rétrospectivement comme un dommage collatéral de la guerre médiatique que se livrent 3 pétromonarchies contre le Qatar, en ce que la révélation de son lieu d’arrestation, les Émirats Arabes Unis, viserait à contrario à désigner Abou Dhabi comme un complice du financement du terrorisme international et à dédouaner en conséquence le Qatar de cette accusation.


    Officiellement son interpellation a été présentée comme étant liée à des problèmes concernant son passeport syrien à des questions financières : Lafarge Syrie, dont Firas Tlass était membre de son conseil d’administration, lui versait près de 100.000 dollars par mois en vue d’assurer la protection du site et de ses employés, dont l’homme d’affaires syrien en reversait le quart, soit 20.000 dollars, au groupement terroriste Daech.

    Détail savoureux, c’est le même Firas Tlass qui servait à expliquer (oui, encore en janvier dernier) que c’était Bachar Assad qui « sponsorise des jihadistes » : Quand Bachar al-Assad "favorisait l’idée du jihad en Syrie" pour faire revenir l’Occident vers lui

    Dans ce reportage, le réalisateur donne la parole à Firas Tlass, ex-proche du dictateur syrien, et aujourd’hui en exil. Ce dernier rappelle une chose utile : c’est Bachar al-Assad qui a favorisé l’émergence des jihadistes en Syrie pour ensuite, s’ériger en rempart contre le péril islamiste qui tétanise les occidentaux. Mieux, il explique comment le dictateur syrien sponsorise des jihadistes depuis 2003.

    (M’enfin avec la Syrie, ça fait bien longtemps qu’on a passé toutes les bornes du n’importe quoi…)

  • Today could have been Palestine’s 65th birthday
    The State of Palestine could have been 65 years old today if the UN partition plan of 1947 had been accepted by the Arab world. A just and lasting peace between two sovereign states is still prejudiced by the false narrative that Palestinians were the only refugees created in 1947.

    Irwin Cotler Nov 29, 2012
    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/today-could-have-been-palestine-s-65th-birthday.premium-1.481326

    Today, the Palestinian Authority is seeking Observer Status at the UN General Assembly with a view to securing a UN General Assembly vote later in the day. The November 29 is no random date – it marks the 65th anniversary of the UN Partition Resolution of 1947. It is sometimes forgotten – and often not even known – that this was the first-ever blueprint for an Israeli-Palestinian “two states for two peoples” solution. Regrettably, while Jewish leaders accepted the resolution, Arab and Palestinian leaders did not – which they had a right to do if they felt it did not comport with their objectives or interests.
    However, what they did not have a right to do was to launch a war of aggression against the nascent Jewish state. Nor did they have a right to launch a war against their own Jewish nationals – a documented pattern of state-sanctioned repression and persecution – disenfranchising them, dispossessing them of their – detaining, murdering and expelling them. This double aggression resulted in two sets of refugees: Palestinian refugees resulting from the Arab war against the Jewish State, and Jewish refugees resulting from the Arab war against their own Jewish nationals.
    Yet the false Middle East narrative – prejudicial to authentic reconciliation and peace between peoples as well as between states – continues to hold that there was only one victim population, Palestinian refugees; that Israel was responsible for the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) of 1947-8; and that, as Prof. Rami Khouri of the American University of Beirut recently wrote – during the Israel-Hamas hostilities – “As long as the crime of dispossession and refugeehood that was committed against the Palestinian people in 1947-48 is not redressed through a peaceful and just negotiation that satisfies the legitimate rights of both sides, we will continue to see enhancements in both the determination and the capabilities of Palestinian fighters.” In his words, “Only stupid or ideologically maniacal Zionists fail to come to terms with this fact”.
    But his revisionist view of history ignores the fundamental fact that had the UN Partition Resolution been accepted, there would have been no 1948 Arab- Israeli war, no refugees, and none of the pain and suffering of these past 65 years. Indeed, another event falling on today’s date - the annual UN-organized International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – could this year have been a day commemorating the 65th anniversary of the establishment of both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine.

  • AUB and UNRWA launch survey on the socioeconomic status of Palestine refugees in Lebanon

    Today, the American University of Beirut (AUB), together with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), launched a “Survey on the Socioeconomic Status of Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, 2015”. This publication updates the original flagship report from 2010, with leading academic research and analysis by the AUB.

    #réfugiés_palestiniens #Liban #réfugiés #asile #migrations

  • « WITH OR WITHOUT THE BROTHERS » un colloque à ne pas rater, aujourd’hui et demain à Sciences Po Paris.


    Organisé par Laurent Bonnefoy, François Burgat et Stéphane Lacroix, il réunit des chercheur-e-s français, arabes, etc dont les travaux sont des références.

    du 29/10 | 09h30 au 30/10 | 18h00

    Dans le cadre du projet ERC When Authoritarianism Fails in the Arab World

    En partenariat avec l’IREMAM, l’IFPO, et l’Université d’Oslo

    Thursday 29th of October, 2015

    9:30-9:45 Opening address by Alain Dieckhoff, Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS

    9:45-10:30 Keynote address by François Burgat, WAFAW, IREMAM
    From Ghannouchi to al-Baghdadi: The ubiquitous diversity of the Islamic lexicon

    Panel 1: Linking political exclusion to violence?


    Chair: Loulouwa Al-Rachid, WAFAW, Sciences Po-CERI

    Sari Hanafi, WAFAW, American University of Beirut
    Transnational movement of Islamic reform: New configurations

    Bjorn Olav Utvik, Oslo University
    Myths of Ikhwan disaster: Anatomy of the 2011-1013 power struggle in Egypt

    Amal-Fatiha Abbassi, IREMAM, Sciences Po Aix
    The Muslim Brotherhood and political disengagement. The consequences of an authoritarian situation

    11:45-12:00 Coffee break

    Monica Marks, WAFAW, Oxford University
    Survivalist club or dynamic movement? Generational politics in Ennahda today

    Joas Wagemakers, Utrecht University
    With or without the others: Consolidating divisions within the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood (2013-2015)

    Amel Boubekeur, SWP, Berlin
    Algerian Islamists and Salafis after the Arab Spring: Eroding or reloading the regime?

    Panel 2: A Resilient Muslim Brotherhood?


    Chair: Stéphane Lacroix, WAFAW, CERI-Sciences Po

    Rory McCarthy, Oxford University
    When Islamists lose an election

    Marc Lynch, George Washington University
    Evolving transnational networks and media strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood

    Marie Vannetzel, WAFAW, CURAPP
    #R4bia: The dynamics of the pro-Mursi mobilizations in Turkey

    Dilek Yankaya, WAFAW, IREMAM
    A “transnational Islamic business network”? Rethinking the connections between Turkish, Egyptian and Tunisian “Islamic businessmen” after the Arab Springs

    16:45-17:00 Coffee break

    17:00-17:45 Open discussion on contemporary Muslim Brotherhood dynamics


    Friday 30th of October, 2015

    Panel 3: The Iraqi/Syrian matrix of violence


    Chair: Bjorn Olav Utvik, Oslo University

    Loulouwa Al-Rachid, WAFAW, CERI-Sciences Po
    The Disarray of Iraqi Sunnis

    Truls Tonnesen, FFI, Oslo
    The Iraqi origins of the “Islamic State”

    Yahya Michot, Hartford Seminary
    Ibn Taymiyya in ’Dabiq’

    Thomas Pierret, Edinburgh University
    Farewell to the vanguard: Syria’s Ahrar al-Sham Islamic movement and wartime de-radicalisation

    Tine Gade, Oslo University
    Sunnism in Lebanon after the Syrian war

    11:30-11:45 Coffee break

    Panel 4: Al-Qaeda vs. the Islamic State

    Chair: François Burgat, WAFAW, IREMAM

    Hasan Abu Hanieh, Independent researcher
    New Jihadism: From harassment to empowerment (In Arabic)

    Brynjar Lia, Oslo University
    The jihadi movement and rebel governance: A reassertion of a patriarchal order?

    Stéphane Lacroix, WAFAW, CERI-Sciences Po
    Saudi Arabia, the Brothers and the others: the ambiguities of a complex relationship

    Abdulsalam al-Rubaidi, Al-Baidha University
    Ansar al-Sharia in South Yemen: configuration, expansion and discourse (In Arabic)

    Ismail Alexandrani, Independent researcher
    Sinai with and without the Brothers: did it matter?

    Panel 5: Muslim Brothers and their Islamist competitors

    Chair: Sari Hanafi, WAFAW, American University of Beirut

    Muhammad Abu Rumman, Jordanian University
    Dilemmas in Salafi dynamics in the wake of the Arab democratic revolutions (In Arabic)

    Stéphane Lacroix, WAFAW, CERI-Sciences Po
    Being Salafi under Sisi: Examining the post-coup strategy of the al-Nour party

    Ahmed Zaghlul, CEDEJ, Cairo
    The nationalization of the religious sphere in Egypt (In Arabic)

    Myriam Benraad, IREMAM
    Iraqi Muslim Brothers: Between the Islamic State and a hard place

    Nicolas Dot-Pouillard, WAFAW, IFPO
    Hizbullah and Muslims Brothers: A political rupture or a contract renegotiation?

    Laurent Bonnefoy, WAFAW, Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS)
    Islahis, Salafis, Huthis: reconfigurations of the Islamist field in war torn Yemen

    16:45-17:00 Coffee break

    17:00-18:00 Concluding remarks and discussion with François Burgat (WAFAW, IREMAM) and Bernard Rougier (Paris III University).

    Conference in English and Arabic (with translation)

    Responsables scientifiques: Laurent Bonnefoy (Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS), Stéphane Lacroix (Sciences Po-CERI),François Burgat (IREMAM), Bjorn Olav Utvik (Oslo University)

    Sciences Po-CERI: 56, rue Jacob 75006 Paris (salle de conférences)

    INSCRIPTION OBLIGATOIRE auprès de nathalie.tenenbaum@sciencespo.fr

    langueAnglaislieuSalle des conférences, Bâtiment SorganisateurCERI

  • Why is #AUB’s #rector selection process shrouded in mystery?

    The process of choosing a new rector for the #American_University_of_Beirut (AUB) has reached the final stages. So who will be the new rector? Who are the nominees for the post? Why are the AUB administration and board of trustees keeping a tight lid on the names, and what role do local Lebanese politics play in the making of the next rector?

    #Articles #AUBMC #Corruption #education #Lebanon #Lisa_Anderson #Marwan_Muasher #Mohammed_al-Sayegh #private_university

  • Si Ashraf Rifi accepte de relâcher des islamistes détenus par ISIS et Nusra en échange des soldats capturés à Ersal, est-ce qu’on aura le droit de soutenir la théorie selon laquelle il devient ainsi responsable du développement d’ISIS au Liban ? (Ou bien ce genre de logique ne fonctionne qu’avec Bachar Assad ?)

    Islamic state : Stalemate in Lebanon over soldiers taken by Islamists

    According to Hilal Khashan, political science professor at the American University of Beirut, the government will have to acquiesce eventually. “Once all the rhetoric is consumed they will have to face reality,” he said, dismissing the feasibility of a military solution. Professor Khashan predicts that non-Lebanese prisoners will be released first, under the stipulation that they will return to their country of origin. “Although I don’t condone it,” he added, “it doesn’t seem that they have any other options.”

    A surprise visit to the protesters on the Tripoli road by Lebanon’s justice minister Ashraf Rifi yesterday indicates the professor might be right. Family members said they were promised in private that their loved ones would be released, and alluded to the militants’ demands being met to achieve this. “I feel better, more relaxed,” said Samir Moghait as the minister’s motorcade took off. “But the only thing I trust in is God, not the government.”

  • #AUB confirms resignation of university’s president

    AUB President #Peter_Dorman speaks at a conference on the university’s campus on April 9, 2013 in Beirut, #Lebanon. (Photo: Haitham Moussawi)

    Updated at 3:00 pm: The American University of Beirut confirmed on Friday afternoon that its president, Peter Dorman, will be stepping down, in an e-mail sent to the AUB community. “The Board of Trustees of the American University of Beirut (“AUB”) announced today that its fifteenth president, Peter F. Dorman, an eminent scholar with deep and strong personal roots in Lebanon, will be stepping down as the University’s President after a successor is identified,” the e-mail read.

    Chloé Benoist

    read (...)

  • #AUB president resigns : sources

    The controversial president of one of the Middle East’s most prestigious universities has resigned, sources told Al-Akhbar Thursday. Peter #Dorman, president of the #American_University_of_Beirut (AUB), submitted his resignation to the Board of Trustees earlier this week. The sources did not explain the reasons behind the resignation. An official at AUB denied the “rumors” of Dorman’s resignation when contacted by Al-Akhbar for comment. When asked to speak with Dorman, the official said “he had travelled.” read more


  • Corruption at the American University of Beirut, Part II: The #BMH report

    Students walk through the main gate of the American University of Beirut. (Photo: AFP-Joseph Barrack ) Students walk through the main gate of the American University of Beirut. (Photo: AFP-Joseph Barrack )

    A detailed report by Blue Mark Holdings (BMH) on purchasing and supply chain processes within the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC) highlighted stunning cases of funds being mismanaged and that #AUBMC could save $12 million annually if it put an end to corruption within its institutions. Interestingly enough, BMH, which was paid $300 thousand, revealed in a message to #Mark_Cliff, who oversaw the work of the Ad Hoc Review Committee (AHRC), that #Mohammed_Sayegh, vice president for medical affairs at (...)

    #Economy #Ahmed_Dalal #AUB #Features #Lebanon #Peter_Dorman

  • Corruption at the American University of Beirut: Irregularities and anomalies, Part I

    A student walks past posters calling on #AUB students to occupy College Hall as part of ongoing protests against proposed tuition hikes. (Photo: Marwan Bou Haidar) A student walks past posters calling on AUB students to occupy College Hall as part of ongoing protests against proposed tuition hikes. (Photo: Marwan Bou Haidar)

    Protests by American University of Beirut (AUB) students this year did not target only tuition fee hikes, but also voiced demands related to transparency, participation in running the university, and tackling corruption. Al-Akhbar is publishing a two-part report summarizing the contents of documents and reports that AUB students were able to obtain, backing their claim about rampant misappropriation (...)

    #Economy #Adnan_Tahir #AUBMC #Features #Lebanon #Mohammed_Sayegh #Nabil_Shartouni

  • Syrian FM may undergo heart surgery in Beirut

    Syrian Foreign Minister Walid #Moallem is to undergo heart surgery at a hospital in #Lebanon, medical sources said on Friday. Moallem, 73, was admitted to the American University of Beirut Medical Center on Thursday, where coronary tests showed he needed an operation, the sources told Reuters. They did not say when the surgery would take place. Moallem, #syria's top diplomat since 2006, led the Syrian official government delegation to peace negotiations in Geneva. (Reuters)


  • Seventh victim dies from #Beirut blast

    A seventh victim succumbed to his wounds Saturday morning from the massive car bomb that killed former Finance Minster #Mohammed_Shattah in Beirut one day earlier. #Lebanon's National News Agency said Mohammed al-Shaar died Saturday morning at the American University of Beirut Medical Center from his injuries in an attack that wounded at least 70 others. The NNA identified the other victims from Friday’s blast as Shattah’s bodyguard Tarek Bader, Mohammed Nasser Mansour, Kevork Takajian and Syrian national Saddam Khanchoury. Another victim has yet to be identified. read more

    #MARCH_14 #Top_News

  • Passionnant : As‘ad Abukhalil sur les fondements missionnaires de l’AUB : The Unwritten History of Henry Jessup and the Early Founders of the American University of Beirut

    But AUB literature still offers glowing profiles of the early founders of AUB without bothering to reveal anything – not even in passing – about the missionary impulses and activities of the founder. New historians, like Ussama Makdisi and Betty Anderson, have shed new light on the early founding of AUB and on the role of American missionaries. AUB does not want to bring up that part of its history. The glowing profile of Henry Jessup is a good example. What is it about Jessup that has not been mentioned by the magazine?

    Those American missionaries did not travel in the 19th century to the Syrian lands in order to help the natives. Far from that, the missionaries – and AUB – sprung from the urge to make the Bible available to the natives in Arabic in order to drive them away from Islam. But the natives were not dumb: They were aware of the motives of the American missionaries in Lebanon, and Muslims largely stayed away from AUB. The Druze were the first non-Christians to join AUB. Jessup himself shed light on his mission in his own writings, if only Main Gate would have bothered.

    The missionary work of AUB founders (and later leaders) has to be exposed at last and the student and faculty community need to be educated that the motto of AUB, “That they have life and have it more abundantly,” is one of many deceptive slogans used by AUB to dupe the natives – who are assumed to be both evil and fools – unless they see the light and convert to Christianity.

    Plus généralement, cet article signé Jeremy Salt : American Missionaries in Anatolia and Ottoman Syria in the Nineteenth Century

    It was in this charged atmosphere that the American missionaries began seeking converts to the Protestant faith. Their activities generated not only the opposition of the Eastern churches but the suspicion of the Ottoman government. Yet they radiated confidence even in the most difficult and dangerous circumstances. Their mission was to carry Gospel truth to the ’nominal’ Christians of the Eastern churches and they would do it come what may: they also hoped to influence Muslims through their teaching and good example and perhaps one day approach them directly (which some of the missionaries did anyway). Their principal enemies were the priests and higher ecclesiastics of the Eastern churches who tried to check their advances by repeatedly anathematizing any of their flock who had dealings with the Protestants. In the abstract, the great enemy was ’untruth’; not just the ’untruth’ of the churches of the Eastern rites but of the whole edifice of Islam. Whatever they might declare about their good intentions, they freely expressed their hostility to the Eastern churches and to Islam in their private correspondence and in missionary journals published in the United States.

    Il n’est pas rare de rencontrer une nette défiance envers le protestantisme au Liban de la part, notamment, des maronites. Le rôle historique des missionnaires américains, rappelé ici, en est certainement la cause.

    Ces histoires rappellent également que, lorsque les Occidentaux prétendent s’intéresser au sort des « minorités » chrétiennes d’Orient, les chrétiens locaux savent assez bien à quoi s’en tenir quant aux réels sentiments de « fraternité » qu’ont longtemps entretenu les églises catholiques européennes et les églises protestantes américaines envers leurs versions du christianisme.

  • Court halts TV interview with AUB corruption whistleblower

    Lebanon’s MTV has canceled an investigative program episode featuring a businessman who has accused the American University of Beirut (AUB) of corruption in the past, after the university won an injunction to prevent the airing of the interview.

    Nabil Chartouni, a Lebanese businessman and former member of the AUB board of trustees, was expected to speak in the show, Tahqeeq, about financial mismanagement at the 7,000 student-strong institution, Al-Akhbar has learned.


    Chartouni has made up to $120,000 in annual donations to the university for roughly 12 years. In 2011, he compiled a report detailing “mismanagement, corruption and malpractice” that he estimates has cost the institution “millions of dollars each year”, sending the information to the board of trustees and Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star.

  • AUB-Gate: A Scandal in the Making? | Al Akhbar English

    Nabil Chartouni may become the whistle blower the American University of Beirut always knew about but failed to silence.

    After a decade of raising alarm bells inside the administration’s hallways about alleged multi-million dollar cases of corruption and malpractice, the wealthy Lebanese business man compiled a long list of allegations of corruption and mismanagement into a 500-page report last June and demanded a proper investigation.

    Allegations include supplying electricity to non-university users over three decades, multi-million endowment fund losses, inflated retirement compensation packages, and shady drug supply practices at the university’s renowned Medical Center.