facility:city plaza hotel

  • Migreurop | City Plaza Hôtel : un exemple emblématique de la solidarité à Athènes

    Dès la fermeture du « corridor migratoire » (printemps 2016), la capitale grecque a vu ses rues se peupler de plus de 25’000 de personnes sans abri. Les squats, ouverts par des collectifs militants locaux s’opposent à la « politique d’encampement » appliquée par le gouvernement grec. Ces modes d’accueil alternatifs font écho à d’autres mobilisations organisées par des […]

    • « City Plaza Hotel will become your home in Athens » / Entre lieu de vie et espace politique, les enjeux d’appropriation d’un squat athénien

      « Que vous soyez à Athènes pour affaires ou pour votre loisir, vous serez comme chez vous au City Plaza. »1 Cet extrait du site internet de l’hôtel City Plaza d’Athènes, non actualisé depuis sa fermeture en 2010, est une présentation à l’attention des touristes qui s’apprêtent à y séjourner quelques jours. Rénové grâce à des fonds de l’État octroyés à l’occasion des Jeux Olympiques de 2004 puis fermé après sa faillite sans indemnisation de ses employés, cet hôtel trois étoiles fait figure de symbole de la crise grecque. Huit ans plus tard, c’est un « chez-soi » (home) dénué de toute valeur marchande que le Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Space City Plaza, propose à ses nouveaux habitants. Le 22 avril 2016, une centaine de militants grecs et un groupe de réfugiés2 squattent le bâtiment pour fournir sur sept étages un logement à environ 350 réfugiés. Leur objectif est de montrer par un exemple concret et de grande envergure qu’une politique d’accueil solidaire au centre d’Athènes est possible. Ils placent en effet au cœur de leurs actions la critique « en pratique » (expression d’un local) de la politique migratoire de l’Union Européenne et du gouvernement grec, des conditions de vie dans les camps et des hotspots3. Pour cela, ils proposent en miroir un modèle incarné par l’appropriation d’un lieu commun et autogéré.


    • Greece’s Tower of Babel: An unusual place

      City Plaza functions collectively with refugees and activists cooking, cleaning, and making decisions together.

      From the outside, City Plaza Hotel might not look like much, just another shabby building in the Greek capital of Athens, neglected during the years of the economic crisis. Step inside its doors to find a unique space for hundreds of people from all over the world: refugees.

      Their plan was never to stay in Greece. They had hopes of reaching northern Europe. But, once the “Balkan Route” closed in March 2016, those who had made the dangerous trip in rubber dinghies from Turkey had nowhere else to go.

      That’s when activists in Athens intervened and occupied spaces such as City Plaza, a hotel that had been abandoned years earlier, to prevent the weary travellers from sleeping in overcrowded camps or, even worse, in the streets of Athens, as many who could not find shelter were forced to do.

      Since it was occupied, City Plaza has become home to some 400 refugees and migrants from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran and elsewhere. Unlike most refugee accommodations in Europe, City Plaza affords its guests a level of dignity they wouldn’t find elsewhere.

      People have private rooms and their own bathrooms. It’s an unusual space - where most asylum centres are hierarchical and segregated based on nationality, City Plaza functions collectively, with refugees and activists cooking, cleaning, living and making decisions together.

      In such a diverse space, things can easily get lost in translation. But people find a way to communicate, and when they can’t there are people such as Rabea, himself a refugee from Damascus, to make sure that Greek and international activists can communicate with the refugees and migrants living in City Plaza.


    • City Plaza, la #fin...
      Message reçu le 12.07.2019 de Vicky Skoumbi via la mailing-list de Migreurop:

      Après 39 mois de fonctionnement l’occupation City Plaza, un hôtel athénien transformé en lieu de vie et d’hébergement pour réfugiés a fermé. City Plaza avait accueilli 2.500 réfugiés dans un espace exemplaire, géré collectivement par les solidaires et par les réfugiés eux-mêmes. L’évacuation a été programmée par le collectif Solidarity 2 refugees qui a été à l’origine de l’occupation. La décision de ne plus continuer l’occupation fut prise en mai 2018 et depuis juin de la même année City Plaza n’acceptait plus de nouveaux arrivants. D’après le communiqué mise en ligne sur FB, la décision fut prise pour trois raisons :

      A) le refus de normaliser/légaliser une occupation qui s’est voulue un acte militant tandis que deux ordres successives d’évacuation du procureur restaient en attente.

      B) Un manque grandissant des moyens et de forces vives ; il fallait que chaque nuit un service de sécurité de huit personnes soit de garde afin d’assurer la sécurité des réfugiés qui pouvaient à n’importe quel moment devenir la cible d’une attaque de l’Aube Dorée ou d’autres groupuscules d’extrême droite, la possibilité d’une intrusion de la propriétaire accompagnée de ses sbires étant toujours en ligne de mire.

      C) Les élections et la formation d’un gouvernent de droite qui a déjà annoncé son intention d’y envoyer les CRS pour évacuer de force l’hôtel et en finir avec la soi-disant « anomie » de l’occupation ; ont précipité l’évacuation : il fallait protéger les migrants sans-papiers d’une arrestation qui pourrait être suivi d’un internement et d’une expulsion

      Tous les résidents de City Plaza ont été relogés dans des bonnes conditions, soit à d’autres occupations, soit à des appartements.

      Le collectif remercie tous ceux et celles ont soutenu d’une façon ou d’une autre et leur donne rendez-vous pour des nouveaux combats en commun

      Voir leur communiqué en anglais

      39 months City Plaza: the end of an era, the beginning of a new one. (here is the text in Greek https://urlzs.com/dtFsv)

      Yesterday, on 10th July 2019, the keys of squatted City Plaza were handed back to the former employees of the hotel, to whom the mobile equipment in the building belongs. All refugees living at City Plaza have been moved to safe housing within the city.

      On 22 April 2016, the Economic and Political Refugee Solidarity Initiative squatted the empty City Plaza building with a two-fold goal: to create, on the one hand, a space of safety and dignity in which to house refugees in the centre of the city and, on the other, to create a centre of struggle against racism, borders, and social exclusion. For the freedom of movement and for the right to stay.

      The decision to squat was taken at a critical political juncture. On 18th March 2016, one month before the squat opened, the EU-Turkey deal to restrict the movement of refugees to Europe was signed. It was the deal that marked the end of the “summer of migration” - the period which began in July 2015 when, under pressure from approximately one million people, the European borders “opened”. This was the deal that turned the islands of the Aegean into a sort of prison for migrants, and which turned mainland Greece into a trap for over 60,000 people. The SYRIZA-ANEL government, following its capitulation to the neoliberal management of the economic crisis, took on the the implementation of a policy of control, deterrence and discouragement of migration. With Frontex and NATO patrolling the Aegean, with detention centres such as Moria on the islands, with awful camps as the only policy for housing refugees on the mainland, by punishing solidarity and the struggle of refugees. During that time, the housing issue was very pressing. The refugees who had arrived in Athens were either homeless or were being housed in the awful camps of Elliniko, Malakasa, or the port of Piraeus, while hundreds of people slept in tents or cardboard boxes in city streets and squares.

      It was while these were happening that a discussion began within the Economic and Political Refugee Solidarity Initiative, which led to the decision to squat City Plaza, a hotel on Acharnon street which remained shut for seven years. The decision had certain features of voluntarism, and was not justified by the forces in our disposal, nor by the state of the anti-authoritarian movement at the time. Yet it was a move which addressed the political situation and the great struggle of the refugees who had, over the previous months, opened the borders of Fortress Europe and thus won their right to freedom of movement. It also matched the massive and spontaneous social solidarity movement which developed along the length of the migration route.

      City Plaza as an example of dignified housing, space for social solidarity and cooperation between locals and migrants.

      From its inception, City Plaza was organized around two key goals:
      – to create a space for safe and dignified housing for migrants in the centre of the city, a space of solidarity and cooperation between locals and migrants.
      – to function as a centre of struggle in which political and social demands by migrants and locals will interweave and complement each other.

      CP proved in practice that the state policy of “hospitality” towards refugees is a mixture of harshness, incompetence, and political expediency. Where the solidarity movement, without any funding from formal institutions, without any “experts” or employees, managed to create one of the best housing spaces in the centre of the city, the state continued to abide by the trapping of refugees in makeshift camps and tents in the mainland, and by imposing a regime of refuting the rights of refugees and detaining them in hot spots on the islands, at the threat of deportation.
      This contrast was the key element which led to mass support for CP at the beginning of its operation, by individual activists, organizations/collectives of the left, as well as by people who joined the movement for the first time there. Of course, because of the ownership status of the hotel, there were several attacks “from the left” which, fully aligned with the narrative of the owner and the petty bourgeois rhetoric on the “supreme human right to property”, attempt to belittle the effort, by spreading conspiracy theories (ranging from claims that we’re being funded by Soros, SYRIZA, the German State, to claims that we traffic drugs, firearms, children, and sex workers), slandering the collective and the activists who are part of it.

      City Plaza proved in practice that refugees and locals can live together when, instead of isolation, punishment, and hatred, there is solidarity, struggle, and community. At the opposite pole from the camps, located outside the cities and in awful conditions, CP managed, in a difficult neighbourhood, until recently patrolled by neonazis, to brighten the formerly dark corner between Acharnon and Katrivanou, by giving it the character of security truly valued by those from below: the security of dignified housing, community, solidarity, and vitality of the people selflessly fighting for better lives.

      At the same time, dozens of people showed their solidarity around the world. Through their daily presence, their participation in shifts, positive attitude and a large-scale international campaign for the financial support of the project. Dozens of crates of food and other essentials were sent to Plaza, thousands of people and groups made donations to support the project, which relied solely on donations for its survival.

      City Plaza also served as a centre for struggle. Aiming to internationally denounce the anti-refugee policies of the SYRIZA-ANEL government and the EU, we brought to the fore topics such as criminal responsibility for shipwrecks and loss of human life, the delay or obstruction of sea rescue, the practice of illegal pushbacks in Evros and the Aegean, the conditions of imprisonment in hotspots. City Plaza hosted dozens of open discussions on the border regime, racism, the struggle for rights, often featuring contributions by well-known intellectuals from around the world, such as Judith Butler, Angela Davis, David Harvey, Alain Badiou, Sandro Mezzandra, among others. Yet the goal was not just to highlight issues relating to migrant struggles, but also to link them to the struggles of locals. In the rallies for International Worker’s Day, the Polytechnic Uprising, antifascist and feminist protests, the City Plaza block was present throughout the three years.

      The City Plaza community: Practices, Rights, Cooperation.

      The answer to the question of what City Plaza is is known to the thousands of people who passed through its doors: CP is a project for the realisation of a conception of everyday life which aims to empower those “from below”, in the constitution of a space of freedom, which practically realises an aspect of the society we envision.

      Its mode of operation expressed a politics of everyday life which is in opposition to the dominant model of managing migration, especially to its “NGOisation”. At the core of this voluntary contribution of time, effort, and emotion was not the “provision of services” to “the vulnerable” but the attempt to combat insecurity and fear, to empower and encourage confidence and trust in the collective. Help to refugees was re-politicised - and became solidarity and common struggle. Self-organisation, shared responsibility and decision making were central, as was a constant reflection on the inequalities permeating relations within the project: localisation, class, gender, language, education, etc.

      Despite the inherent contradictions and difficulties, the collective experience of organising everyday life was the foundation for building a strong community of solidarity. At the same time, in this context, and in contrast to dominant victimising narratives, refugees and migrants became dynamic subjects with an active role on social and political life.

      Daily life at CP was based on the principle of participatory organisation and collective decision making and operations, processes particularly complex in a community of 350 people speaking different languages, and with different ethnic, class, and social backgrounds, and different plans for the future. Regular coordination meetings became the space in which equal discussion took place on issues of operation and organisation, while House meetings were - especially in the beginning - a real lesson in how we can and should discuss, operate, and co-implement, as refugees and as locals. The organisation of residents and solidarians into working groups was a component of organising the project but also an essential basis for developing personal and political relationships amongst ourselves. The working groups were: Reception, Education, Children’s Activities, Health Centre, Kitchen, Security, Economics, Cleaning, Communications, as well as a self-organized Women’s Space.

      In its 36 months of operation, City Plaza hosted over 2,500 refugees from 13 different countries. About 100 of the 126 rooms of the hotel hosted 350 refugees at any one time, while the remaining 26 either served as communal spaces (classrooms, women’s space, storage space) or to host solidarians from around the world. It was, after all, City Plaza’s political choice to not serve as a housing space “for” refugees but as a space of cohabitation and shared everyday life.

      Yet we will not provide statistics referring to countries of origin, ages or ‘vulnerable” cases. In contrast, we will provide “statistics” on the enormous amount of resources that the movement was able to mobilise in order to keep City Plaza going:

      812,250 hot meals were prepared by the kitchen team

      74,500 work hours on security shifts

      28,630 hours of shifts at reception

      5,100 hours of language teaching and creative educational activities

      * 69,050 rolls of toilet paper

      However, the most important things cannot be counted. They have to do with human relationships, mutual respect and solidarity, emotions and experiences, optimism born out of common struggle.

      The end of an era, the beginning of a new one

      Such a project demands enormous resources. It is not a political squat which can stay closed for a couple of days in August without any problems. It is a space which demands a daily commitment, responsibility, and presence. Besides, the way we see it, self-organization is not automatic. To the contrary, it requires many hours of work, often endless processes of shared decision making, and interminable difficulties. In other words, self-organization and solidarity are not theory. They are action in the here and now. Action full of contradictions and life’s problems. In a society in which authoritarianism, war, capitalism, and competition between the subjugated is considered normal, while multiple divisions and hierarchies permeate us all, because of our origins, genders, and class backgrounds, self-organisation is not a slogan. It is a struggle.

      Unfortunately, as often happens in many self-organized projects, enthusiasm, commitment, and participation dwindle over time - especially when circumstances are so demanding. The fact that the overwhelming majority of City Plaza residents are in transit made it impossible to hand the operation of the squat completely over to the refugees as most of them, sooner or later, left for Europe. At the same time, the material resources required for a project of such size - for food, hygiene products, medications, building maintenance - became harder to come by, despite the fact that comrades throughout Europe have demonstrated extraordinary commitment.

      On the basis of all of the above, shortly before City Plaza celebrated its two-year anniversary, and following calls to collectives and spaces which supported the project from its inception, there opened a difficult and contradictory discussion on how long City Plaza can carry on, or whether and how it should adapt, given that we did not wish to see the project decline. There was a dilemma on whether we would move towards the direction of “normalising/ legalising” the squat or towards completing the project, while also looking for new ways to keep the community it created alive in a different context.
      The first option was found to be politically undesirable, as it clashes with City Plaza’s character as a political alternative to NGOisation, and leads to a disconnect between the issues of safe housing and collective struggle and rights demands more generally.

      We decided that, despite it being a difficult choice, City Plaza should rightly close the way it began and operated: as a political project, by protecting the central element which turned it into a example, that is organisation from below, safe and dignified living, community of struggle, and addressed to society as a whole.

      During the House meeting of 26th May 2018, we jointly decided on this direction - not without contradictions and disagreements - and there was an extensive discussion about how to implement such a decision. Beginning in June 2018, City Plaza did not accept new residents, while there was a collective commitment that the project would not wind down until every resident had found acceptable accommodation. This commitment was not at all simple to implement. The wider circumstances of dealing with the refugee question - both from the point of view of the SYRIZA-ANEL government and from the point of view of NGOs, did not provide an opportunity to provide institutionally guaranteed housing to residents, while other spaces and squats could not house such a large number of refugees, despite positive attempts to support this.

      One year on, and while the project was winding down, the expected change in the political landscape, with the imminent re-election of New Democracy, made it imperative to once more address the pace at which the project is progressing towards its close, taking into account the fact that, over the past several months, several refugees had gradually moved to safe housing. Plaza has two pending court orders for its evacuation, while high-ranking New Democracy members made daily references to the “destruction of private property” and the “lawlessness” at City Plaza. In this respect, evacuation could be used as a deterrent, while many refugees, especially those with no fixed legal status, could face disproportionate consequences (deportation, detention, etc.). Even though, for some, an evacuation by New Democracy could be seen as a “heroic exit”, for which few political explanations would need to be given, nevertheless most City Plaza residents would be put in danger, especially in view of their already vulnerable and unstable status.

      This reconfirmed the decision to bring City Plaza to a close, on a collective basis and in our own terms. All refugees found safe housing. In the almost eighteen months between the decision to shut down and its implementation, most refugees moved on towards Northern Europe. Out of those who remained at City Plaza, some had the opportunity to rent their own place, as they had since found employment, while others still resorted to collective solutions. Through shared spaces and other housing projects which we have already put in place, along with the impossibly persistent network of all the people who actively participated in the project (refugees and solidarians), the community will continue to exist long after the building has been abandoned.

      City Plaza’s closure is linked to the wider movement’s inability to develop effective forms of organization, mobilisation, and discourse on the refugee questions, which match the demands of the time. It is true that many parts of the wider social movement decided on different degrees of involvement, being unable to support the project and/or develop similar ones, which would galvanise our efforts through a new dynamic. This position is not apportioning blame, but highlights the project as part of a wider social and political process, reflecting the ideological-political and organisational crisis within the movement, with which we will have to deal in the next phase.

      City Plaza was an invaluable political experience for all who took part, but also a political event far greater than the sum of its parts. Without exaggeration, CP was the pan-European symbol which concentrated resistance to the racist and repressive migration regime of the EU, following the closure of the borders after the EU-Turkey deal was signed. Equally, it served as a strong counter-example at a time of pessimism and demobilisation for the left, and a time of resurgence for the far right.

      City Plaza was a great struggle which, like all great struggles, cannot be counted as a clear victory or a clear defeat. It is a chapter in antiracist and migration struggles and, at the same time, an experiment in social movements, an unexpected mix of different needs, sociopolitical, gendered, and class experiences. This meeting, like every mixture, needs some time for the multiple experiences to settle and leave their trace on our individual and collective consciousness.In this milieu, new forms of resistance, struggle, and relationships of cooperation and solidarity will form - in Athens as well as in the dozens of cities at which City Plaza residents will arrive, as well as in the daily struggles against the barbarism or racism and repressive policies. Σ

      The City Plaza collective was, from the beginning, aware of its contradictory makeup. The alternative it proposed could not but me incomplete, dependent on the circumstances in which it was born and the subjective capacities of the movement and its people, with their brains, hearts, and bodies. Yet it was also restricted, like every struggle for rights and equal participation, which impinges on the power of capitalist exploitation, the imposition and reproduction of nationalist, racist, and gendered hierarchies and divisions.

      City Plaza is a link in a chain of struggles for social emancipation. A peculiar struggle, as it began from the small and the everyday, from how to cook the food and how to clean the building, and extended to resistance to the border regime and to multiple levels of discrimination. For those of us who took part in it, CP was an opportunity to redefine and to reflect on political thought and practice, relations of power, everyday life, cohabitation and its terms, self-organisation and its contradictions. We say goodbye to S(p)iti Plaza with one promise: to transfer this rich experience, to continue to enrich and broaden the ways and the places of common struggle.

      Solidarity will win!

  • An occupied hotel in Greece models how to welcome refugees

    Last month, the refugee squat at City Plaza Hotel marked its first anniversary with a celebration like no other. Hundreds of people danced cheerfully. The air was filled with Balkan clarinet music and the smell of spring. Over the course of the year, the hotel has provided decent housing for over 1,500 refugees — 400 at any one time — in times of undignified detention camps. It is a model of self-organization and solidarity with refugees — who share living quarters with locals — in times of rising racism and nationalism.


    #Health_care #Immigration #Europe #Housing #Anarchism #Occupations #Parallel_institutions #War

  • Keep City Plaza Open

    City Plaza is a refugee accommodation and solidarity space in the heart of Athens, Greece.

    Following the closure of the borders when the EU trapped almost 65,000 refugees in Greece, the Greek government created more than 49 detention centers, hotspots and camps. City Plaza offers a safe and dignified alternative to these places where the conditions are wretched, unclean and inhumane.
    On the 22nd of April 2016 refugees, volunteers and solidarity activists occupied City Plaza Hotel which had been closed for 7 years.
    126 rooms on 7 floors. A reception, bar, dining room, kitchen, storage, play ground, health care center, roof terrace, classroom and library.
    CIty Plaza is supported exclusively through political solidarity and individual donations.

    400 people live together at City Plaza.
    The numbers: More than 100 families 165 children, 100 men, 115 women, 35 locals, activists and volunteers.
    Refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan & Gambia

    Self-organisation is at the heart of City Plaza.
    The philosophy: We live together. We work together. We struggle together.
    The foundations of the day to day running of City Plaza lie in solidarity and collective participation. Refugees, locals, activists and volunteers work together in this way.

    Your donation will go towards the essential working groups of City Plaza
    – 3 meals a day for all, that’s 1,200 meals a day
    Health Care Center
    – Daily appointments with doctors and nurses & coordination with public hospitals, working to resolve refugee-specific health care services
    Storage space and distribution of supplies for basic needs
    – Everyday the people of City Plaza are given supplies to provide for basic needs (toiletries, washing powder, supplies for babies etc) but supplies are currently low.
    Maintenance of the building
    – A team of volunteers working for maintenance. City Plaza has not yet had enough funding to provide heating for the building.
    Language Classes
    – Greek for children, English for adults and children, German for adults and children


  • Hotel

    Signalé par Charles Heller à Genève, si vous chercher à vous loger à Athènes !

    Kein Pool, keine Minibar, kein Roomservice und trotzdem

    Das City Plaza ist ein Hotel im Herzen von Athen. Es war ein Symbol der griechischen Krise. Jahrelang war es geschlossen. Heute ist das City Plaza wieder geöffnet und voll belegt. Die neuen Gäste kommen von überall her. Aus Syrien, dem Irak, Pakistan, Iran oder Afghanistan. Die Menschen im Hotel kamen mit nichts und bezahlen nichts. Sie alle sind geflüchtet und viele gehören zu jenen 50.000 Verzweifelten, die derzeit in Griechenland im Nirgendwo und in Elendslagern ausharren, weil das Europa der Zäune sie ausgesperrt hat.



    No pool, no minibar, no room service, and nonetheless:

    The City Plaza is a hotel located in the heart of Athens. It was a symbol of the Greek crisis. For years it was closed because the owner could no longer pay out wages. Today, City Plaza is open again and fully occupied. The new guests come from around the world: from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. These current occupants of the hotel came with no belongings and do not need to pay. They all fled from their homes, and many belong to those 50,000 desperate individuals who are currently stranded in Greece, in no-man’s-land and disastrous camps, because fenced-off Europe has shut them out.

    At City Plaza, refugees find a place that allows for privacy, in an atmosphere of security and dignity. This is true for all 400 guests of the hotel, but in particular for the 185 children among them. The hotel was occupied in April by an activist group. Together with the refugees many people in solidarity now manage the hotel. There is no support from the state. But there are good food, clean hallways, a pharmacy, a hairdresser, as well as language courses, a library and legal support. Everything is maintained on a voluntary basis and supported through donations. And all decisions are made collectively.

    “We live together – solidarity will win” is the motto of the City Plaza Hotel. The hotel demonstrates every day anew that even in a situation of crisis and poverty it is possible to welcome people with open arms and to create dignified living conditions for all. To that end, the collectively run hotel requires further support: for 1000 meals a day, for electricity and water, medicine, clean laundry, school materials and many other things.

    And, first and foremost, in order to be and remain a political example: The City Plaza Hotel is a place of equality and solidarity, the lived antithesis to Fortress Europe and its borders of shame. It is a symbol of hope. Or simply: City Plaza is the best hotel in Europe.

    This is why we support the hotel with our signatures and donations and reserve a place here.

    Chai pas si ça fait #toctoc ça...

    • Κίνηση προστασίας ντόπιων και προσφύγων από την Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ

      Προκηρύχτηκε η ενοικίαση ξενοδοχείων προκειμένου να στεγαστούν ευάλωτες κατηγορίες αιτούντων άσυλο και να βγουν μέσα από τους καταυλισμούς προκειμένου να προστατευτούν από τον κορονοϊό

      –-> "Hôtels loués pour accueillir des demandeurs d’asile vulnérables et pour quitter des camps pour se protéger" (traduction google translate)

      Την ενοικίαση ξενοδοχείων για τη στέγαση αιτούντων άσυλο και προσφύγων που διαμένουν σε νησιά προκήρυξη χθες η Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους πρόσφυγες. Σκοπός η άμεση στέγαση και μέχρι τη μεταφορά τους σε δομές ή σε διαμερίσματα στο εσωτερικό της Ελλάδας, όλων αυτών που σήμερα ζουν σε καταυλισμούς και ανήκουν σε ευάλωτες κατηγορίες. Οι οποίοι και πλήττονται άμεσα από την πανδημία του κορονοϊού covid 19 σε περίπτωση επέκτασης της νόσου μέσα στους καταυλισμούς.

      Όπως χαρακτηριστικά έλεγε σήμερα στο « Ν » στέλεχος της Ύπατης Αρμοστείας « η κίνηση αυτή αποτελεί κίνηση προστασίας ντόπιων αλλά και προσφύγων. Στα ξενοδοχεία θα στεγαστούν άνθρωποι ευάλωτοι στη νόσο που πρέπει βγουν από τους καταυλισμούς και να προστατευτούν έτσι ώστε να μη νοσήσουν. Σε μια τέτοια περίπτωση θα μεταφερθούν σε δομές υγείας καταλαμβάνοντας θέσεις που σήμερα δεν επαρκούν σε συνθήκες πανδημίας και για την τοπική Κοινότητα ».

      Στην προκήρυξη ζητούνται οικονομικές προσφορές από τους ιδιοκτήτες κλειστών σήμερα επιχειρήσεων φιλοξενίας (ξενοδοχεία, ξενώνες, απλά καταλύματα με πρωινό, ενοικιαζόμενα δωμάτια και άλλες επιχειρήσεις φιλοξενίας) που διαθέτουν νόμιμη άδεια λειτουργίας από τον Εθνικό Οργανισμό Τουρισμού ή άλλη αρμόδια αρχή, στα νησιά Λέσβο, Χίο, Σάμο, Κω, Λέρο αλλά και στη Ρόδο και στην Κρήτη.

      Η διαθεσιμότητα των χώρων που θα προσφερθούν πρέπει να είναι ΑΜΕΣΗ και η διάρκεια ενοικίασης θα είναι τριών μηνών.



      L’appel d’offre du HCR:
      REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: No. RFQ/GRC/2020/014 Provision of Hotel Accommodation Services for Persons of Concern in the Islands (Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos, Leros, Rhodes, Crete)

  • Eye Scan Therefore I am: The Individualization of Humanitarian Aid

    The iris of an eye is surely one of the most individual parts of a person – a unique signifier of each one of us. Today, Syrian refugees standing at ATM machines in Jordan are being recognized by iris scanning technology so they can withdraw UN #cash that enables their families to survive another month.

    #aide_humanitaire #individualisation #réfugiés #asile #migrations #Jordanie #surveillance (?) #iris #aid_in_cash #cash_based_intervention #monétisation

    • Sur l’#aide_en_cash :
      Aide en cash, une analyse de Gilles Carbonnier

      Alors qu’en Suisse, le législateur et les autorités fédérales mettent tout en œuvre pour étendre au maximum l’aide « en nature » pour les demandeurs d’asile, en particulier dans la mise en place de la restructuration de la loi sur l’asile, une approche inverse a été déployée par les organisations humanitaires pour soutenir les Syriens réfugiés au Liban, en Turquie ou en Jordanie. L’expérience avait déjà été faite, mais jamais à une telle échelle et sur une telle durée, explique le Pr Gilles Carbonnier, qui consacre un chapitre de son prochain livre Humanitarian Economics aux conditions de mise en place de ce mode d’aide au Liban, où il a mené une étude fin 2014. Plus d’un million de réfugiés reçoivent aujourd’hui une aide « cash ». Chaque mois, le montant d’assistance individuel est crédité sur une carte ATM avec laquelle les réfugiés peuvent retirer de l’argent quand ils le souhaitent. Coordonné par le HCR, le programme implique tant les agences onusiennes et des ONG de terrain que des acteurs privés locaux comme des banques libanaises et quelque 400 commerces agréés pour fournir des produits alimentaires et non alimentaires (1), dispersés dans tout le pays. Interview.


    • LIFE IN PARADISE un film de Roman Vital / 2013 / Suisse / 78’ / Primatoni Filmverleih / VOSTF ;
      Depuis que le gouvernement suisse a installé un centre de déportation pour les demandeurs d’asile rejetés dans le village montagnard idyllique de Valzeina, une personne sur quatre au village est un #immigrant clandestin.
      Le film montre la façon dont fonctionne la #politique d’asile suisse. Il témoigne de la manière dont nous, privilégiés du monde occidental, nous occupons des demandeurs d’asile et comment nos vies sont affectées par cela. Il donne à comprendre ce que signifie vivre en tant que demandeur d’asile rejeté au « paradis »


    • @cdb_77 : Le lien entre le film « Life in Paradise » et les autres billets sur l’aide humanitaire en cash est tout à fait subjectif. J’ai répondu après avoir visité le site asile.ch. C’est le .ch qui m’a rappelé le film qui se passe à Valzeina. Ce village situé entre Davos et le Liechtenstein est sur la route des migrants. A l’issue du film j’étais vaguement mal à l’aise. La neutralité de la Suisse et Henri Dumont (fondateur suisse de la croix rouge) me laisse dubitatif. Ne dit-on pas : « boire en suisse ».
      L’association Vivre Ensemble - Service d’information et de documentation sur le droit d’asile - est surement utile pour les demandeurs d’asile. Dans le film, les gestionnaires du « centre de déportation » ( dixit la présentation du documentaire ) ont un air de dame patronnesse. De là à exporter ces bons sentiments en cash humanitaire ; je propose aux suisses de balayer devant leur porte avant d’aller faire le ménage en #Syrie,#Liban,#Turquie ou en #Jordanie.
      Pour ce qui est des territoires bombardés,le drapeau de la #croix rouge flotte sur la plupart des champs de ruines. On tire même sur les ambulances !
      Par contre j’ai pas bien compris l’utilité du scanner de l’iris pour retirer de l’argent à la tirette ??
      Surement une embrouille de suisse pour tracer l’argent plus facilement !


      Humanitaire faut pas nous la faire !
      Si t’as pas de richesses, tu l’as au fond des fesses
      On bougera pas le petit doigt de pied, espèce de sous évolués
      T’avais pas remarqué, on aide que ceux qui peuvent faire de l’humanitaire pour nous !
      Pas de minerai ? Rien à piller ? Ils n’ont qu’à se démerder
      Comme dit Bernard Kouchner : « faut qu’l’humanitaire soit une bonne affaire ! »

      Les Garçons Bouchers - Ecoute, petit frère - 1995 -Boucherie production

    • @vanderling... juste deux mots de réflexion...
      – « Ce village situé entre Davos et le Liechtenstein est sur la route des migrants. » —> non, ce village n’est pas situé sur la « route des migrants », qui d’ailleurs n’est pas UNE route, mais plusieurs...
      – Henri Dumont (fondateur suisse de la croix rouge) —> C’est Henri Dunand
      – « L’association Vivre Ensemble - Service d’information et de documentation sur le droit d’asile - est surement utile pour les demandeurs d’asile » —> L’association Vivre Ensemble, pour laquelle je travaille, ne se veut pas « utile » pour les demandeurs d’asile, c’est un service d’information et de documentation, qui vise plutôt le grand public...
      – « je propose aux suisses de balayer devant leur porte avant d’aller faire le ménage en #Syrie,#Liban,#Turquie ou en #Jordanie » —> je le propose aussi aux Français, aux Allemands, aux Anglais, etc etc. Ce n’est pas parce qu’on vient d’un pays qu’on ne peut pas en critiquer un autre, surtout si on critique aussi le sien...
      – « Par contre j’ai pas bien compris l’utilité du scanner de l’iris pour retirer de l’argent à la tirette ??
      Surement une embrouille de suisse pour tracer l’argent plus facilement ! » —> l’idée de l’ « aide en cash » et celle de l’iris ne vient pas de la Suisse...

      J’ai un peu l’impression qu’on mélange des poires et des pommes...

    • Tracking Refugees With Biometrics: More Questions than Answers

      Samira stands looking diligently at the camera. At six years old, she is being enrolled in the first countrywide implementation of biometrics by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Samira caught my eye because she is not a MAM — a military aged male — like the hundreds of Iraqis and Afghans I helped enroll in the U.S. military’s biometric efforts in those countries after 9/11.


    • How cashless programmes to support refugees’ independence can restrict their freedoms

      The scale of 2015’s “refugee crisis” and the displacement of the Syrian population in the Middle East has led to a concerted effort to provide more practical and accessible financial support to migrants and asylum seekers along their journey to new host countries.

      To that end, humanitarian agencies are increasingly adopting technological solutions for managing refugees. In camps in Jordan and Lebanon particularly, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is implementing technological innovations and cash transfer mechanisms to make life easier for thousands of displaced people.

      At the same time, “refugee apps” devised by the likes of Apple and aid organisations have been used by migrants to make their own way to Europe and find help in the form of shelters, food banks, first aid points and legal support.

      Journalists, academics and NGOs have been examining the opportunities and risks associated with digital technologies and financial tools, such as cashless programmes that employ prepaid cards. While these things enable migrants to improve digital connectivity, get up-to-date information and have access to funds without banking, this same technology can be also used for tracking refugees and collecting useful data.

      Critically, my research focuses on a related issue that is not addressed in the current debate – how much these digital technologies and cash assistance programmes actually enhance the ability of refugees to live more independently.

      For instance, a 2017 UNHCR report states:

      There is growing evidence that cash assistance represents a highly effective form of aid by providing recipients with the autonomy and dignity to meet their own needs.

      But how is refugee autonomy regarded by the organisations that promote these digital technologies and “techno-humanitarian” innovations? How is it actually fostered and sustained? And is it of genuine benefit to refugees?
      Financial independence

      Greece is the first EU country in which the European Commission implemented a cashless system for asylum seekers. In 2016, in cooperation with the UNHCR, the EU launched a Refugee Cash Assistance Programme. Under this system, asylum seekers are entitled to monthly financial support of between €90 and €150 per person. The UNHCR delivers the cards to the islands across all refugee camps and accommodation centres, and they can be used to get cash from ATMs.

      Cash assistance programmes grant refugees flexibility in terms of buying products and services and are designed to help people feel they have control over their lives, even if they find themselves stranded somewhere facing an uncertain future.

      But restrictions apply. Only asylum seekers who accept accommodation provided by the UNHCR or the Greek authorities are entitled to this financial support. But some asylum seekers prefer to live in the solidarity of an unofficial refugee centre such as the disused City Plaza Hotel in Athens – but this means they are excluded from the cash assistance programme as it is not recognised by the authorities.

      The UNHCR checks each month that asylum seekers who hold a pre-paid card do actually live in the camps or apartments they have been allocated. The monthly top-up of cards is also subjected to a series of disciplinary rules that migrants are requested to comply with on a daily basis in refugee camps (such as having their card blocked if they are deemed to “abuse” the electricity in their accommodation).

      In the summer of 2018, 120 asylum seekers in Athens occupied the building where UNCHR prepaid cards are distributed for more than a month, demanding “cash cards for all”. Most had been suspended or excluded from the programme because they were not living in the accommodation provided by the authorities.

      The protest over the cards was a catalyst for other claims – including a request to abolish the Skype system to book appointments for lodging an asylum application, which became compulsory in Greece in 2016. In this case, technology was an obstacle to getting access to rights. And in this way, migrants who want to live as independently as possible are excluded from financial help and support.
      Autonomy vs freedom

      Promoting refugee autonomy is seen as a temporary situation that grants flexibility and treats them as “beneficiaries”, but is actually a system that is subject to restrictions, conditions and disciplinary procedures. Pre-paid cards are seen as digital tools that improve migrants’ conditions. But the reality for many asylum seekers on the Greek islands is that they have been stranded for months – some of them more than a year – due to the “geographical restrictions” imposed by the EU-Turkey Deal.

      This deals states that migrants who land on Greek islands and claim asylum must await the response to their application and cannot transfer to mainland Greece or Turkey unless they are deemed highly vulnerable. At a refugee centre on Lesbos, an Afghani man told me: “We are all going crazy here – our mental health is as precarious as our physical health on this island”.

      The prepaid cards are of course beneficial to migrants stuck on the Greek islands, but these are extremely vulnerable people whose protracted time there and lack of appropriate psychological and medical support continues to exacerbate their vulnerability – ironically, the one way they can be transferred to the mainland.

      A growing debate points to the need to enhance and support refugees’ self-reliance through financial aid and technological access. But the current set-up ensures that refugees can only become autonomous by accepting the restrictions imposed on them.

      This kind of temporary inclusion cannot be a substitution for rights and legal protection, nor can claims to foster autonomy be separated from the struggle to end refugees’ containment on islands such as Lesbos.

      The drive for autonomy needs to dispense with the inequalities between individuals – between “saviours” and “saved”, those free to move and those stuck in limbo – that underpin humanitarian interventions. If we want to support refugees’ independent living, we cannot separate autonomy from freedom, which supports choice, dignity, mobility and a sense of control over their own lives.

      #autonomie #liberté #indépendance_financière #Grèce