facility:israeli embassy

  • Pro-Israel groups receive letters from Al Jazeera seeking response for ’lobby’ documentary - U.S. News - Haaretz.com

    Last year, the Qatari-owned network planted an undercover reporter inside pro-Israel groups in Washington. Now, those groups were given three weeks to respond to the contents of an upcoming documentary on ’the Israel lobby in America’

    Amir Tibon (Washington) Feb 05, 2018 3:38 PM

    A number of pro-Israel organizations in the United States received letters from Al Jazeera on Friday, informing them their employees will appear on the Qatari-owned network’s upcoming documentary on the Israel lobby in Washington.
    The letters gave the organizations three weeks to respond to the contents of the upcoming report, but did not indicate when the report would be broadcast. 
    Four sources within the pro-Israel circles in Washington, all of whom asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the matter, told Haaretz that the letters came as a surprise to those who received them.
    Al Jazeera publicly admitted in October it had planted an undercover reporter inside leading pro-Israel organizations in the United States. Ever since then, though, the story has not made any headlines, and some in the Jewish community were under the impression it might not be broadcast at all. 
    Following the letters’ arrival on Friday, the sources in the pro-Israel community offered two dueling interpretations of the new development. Some said the letters indicate that the film will be broadcast within the next weeks, possibly around the time of the annual AIPAC conference in early March. Others believed the opposite was true, claiming that the Qatari government was pressuring Al Jazeera not to air the report, and that the letters are the result of an internal debate within the network about the documentary. 
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    Haaretz revealed last October that the reporter working undercover for Al Jazeera managed to do internship work at the Israel Project and had some access to that organization’s donor files. The undercover reporter also had contacts with a number of low-level staffers at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, some of whom had attended parties at a luxury apartment he rented in downtown D.C.
    His work for Al Jazeera was first reported in 2017 by Armin Rosen in Tablet Magazine. 
    To really understand Israel and the Jewish World - subscribe to Haaretz
    In recent months, leaders for a number of right-wing Jewish organizations in the United States had visited Qatar and met with its emir. All of those leaders had asked the emir to change Al Jazeera’s negative coverage of Israel and its spreading of anti-Semitic content. Qatar Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani was asked by Haaretz about those requests during an event in Washington last week, and replied that Qatar’s constitution forbids the government from interfering in Al Jazeera’s work. 

    Thani also said that complaints about Al Jazeera’s coverage should be addressed not to the Qatari government, but to official media regulators. He mentioned that in Britain last year the local media regulating body, Ofcom, investigated complaints about Al Jazeera’s documentary “The Lobby,” on the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom, and denied the allegations that it was misleading or anti-Semitic. 
    One senior official in a pro-Israel organization called the Al Jazeera documentary a “wake-up call.” According to the official, Al Jazeera invested tens of thousands of dollars in the project.
    “They rented an apartment for him that cost more than $5,000 a month,” the official said. “We don’t know what kind of recording equipment was placed inside that apartment, and what kind of equipment he took with him to meetings in offices all around town, but I assume it was of the highest quality. This is not just a television report, it’s closer to state-sponsored espionage.”

    Amir Tibon
    Haaretz Correspondent

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  • Reports of ‘attempted security breach,’ 1 killed at Israeli embassy in Jordan
    uly 23, 2017 9:38 P.M. (Updated: July 23, 2017 9:47 P.M.)

    Jordanian security forces blocking off roads leading to the Israeli embassy in Amman on July 23, 2017.

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Jordanian media reported on Sunday that the area surrounding the Israeli embassy in the Jordanian capital, Amman, had been shut down on Sunday evening following an ’attempted security breach’ which allegedly left one person dead and another injured.

    According to media outlet Ammon News reported that security forces had cordoned off the area, adding that one Jordanian was believed to be dead, while an Israeli was reportedly wounded.

    Meanwhile, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said that the incident was “under full censorship” — preventing Israeli media and foreign journalists with Israeli press cards from reporting on the event.

    Israeli embassy security guard shoots, kills 2 Jordanians in Amman
    July 23, 2017 9:38 P.M. (Updated: July 24, 2017 11:50 A.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An Israeli embassy security guard shot and killed two Jordanians in Amman under unclear circumstances Sunday night, with Jordanian media describing the incident as a personal dispute and the Israeli foreign ministry saying the Israeli guard was defending himself from a politically-motivated attack.

    According to reports, two Jordanian carpenter workers had arrived to an apartment in the residential complex used by the Israeli embassy to replace furniture.

    An Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement that one of the workers crept up behind the guard and began stabbing him with a screwdriver. The guard then opened fire, killing the alleged attacker, and also inadvertently shot the Jordanian owner of the building who was present at the scene, who later succumbed to his wounds as well.

    A third Jordanian worker was present at the scene, according to the statement, which was released Monday morning after the incident was put under a media ban by Israeli authorities overnight.

    The ministry’s statement said the Israeli guard was lightly injured in the incident, without elaborating on the nature of his injuries. Israeli news outlet Haaretz said he was injured when jumping back away from the Jordanian as he his cocked his weapon.

    The slain alleged assailant was identified as 17-year-old Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, reportedly of Palestinian origin, who died after being shot twice. He had previously done maintenance work in the Israeli embassy and its residential compound.

    The Jordanian General Security Administration issued a statement, reportedly saying the circumstances surrounding the incident were still being investigated, and did not say that a Jordanian carpenter had attacked an Israeli.

    Later Sunday night, dozens of al-Jawawdeh’s family members gathered in Asharq Al-Awsat square in Amman to protest his death, demanding that the Jordanian government release all details of the investigation and punish the shooter.

    One relative told news cameras from private Jordanian outlet Ammon that the boy had went to the apartment to collect money in return for a bedroom set purchased by the Israeli guard, claiming that al-Jawawdeh did not realize the customer was armed or a Jewish Israeli.

    “He was a student on summer holiday. The boy went with the young guys to collect the money, and a heated argument broke out between him another young man there. We didn’t know they were armed, nor did we know they were Jews. If we knew they were Jews, we would have considered it dishonor that they visit our stores,” the man said.

    “What has happened is that our son had heated argument with the man. Regardless of whether he slapped you or you boxed him, how dare you in cold-blood cock your handgun and shoot the boy as if he was a cockroach?”

    The father also said in an interview with Jordanian television station Roya TV that his son did not know the nationality of the man who killed him and that he was a regular customer who bought furniture from them.

    However, Israeli authorities have been treating the incident as a possible attack in retaliation to rising tensions in occupied East Jerusalem.

    #Ambassade_israélienne #Amman #Jordanie #Ziv

    • Un Jordanien tué et un Israélien blessé à l’ambassade d’Israël en Jordanie

      La mise en place par Israël de détecteurs de métaux aux entrées de l’esplanade des Mosquées à Jérusalem-Est, gérée par la Jordanie, a engendré des violences meurtrières.
      Le Monde.fr avec AFP | 23.07.2017 à 21h31

      Alors que la tension reste vive à Jérusalem-Est, secouée depuis une semaine par la crise de l’esplanade des Mosquées, Amman, la capitale jordanienne est à son tour visée. Un Jordanien a été tué et un Israélien grièvement blessé lors d’un « incident » survenu dimanche 23 juillet à l’intérieur de l’ambassade d’Israël à Amman, la capitale jordanienne, selon une source des services de sécurité jordaniens.

      Cette dernière n’a toutefois pas fourni plus de précisions et il n’était pas clair, dans l’immédiat, si l’« incident » est lié aux tensions à Jérusalem, les autorités jordaniennes n’ayant pas donné davantage de détails tandis qu’Israël n’a pas réagi.

      Les forces de sécurité jordaniennes ont encerclé l’ambassade d’Israël, située dans le secteur de Rabieh, dans l’ouest d’Amman, et se sont déployées dans les rues voisines, selon un correspondant de l’Agence France-Presse (AFP).
      « Nous irons à al-Aqsa en martyrs par millions »

      Vendredi, plusieurs milliers de manifestants ont défilé à Amman et dans d’autres villes de Jordanie, à l’appel de la mouvance islamiste et de partis de gauche, pour protester contre ces nouvelles mesures.

      « Nous irons à Al-Aqsa en martyrs par millions », répétaient-ils entre autres, en référence à la mosquée Al-Aqsa s’élevant sur l’esplanade des Mosquées, troisième lieu saint de l’islam.

      Mis à jour le 24.07.2017 à 10h42 |

      L’un des fonctionnaires israéliens en poste à l’ambassade d’Amman, en Jordanie, a tué deux Jordaniens après avoir été victime d’une agression. Les faits se sont produits dans son appartement, à côté de l’ambassade. Responsable de la sécurité, il avait convié un menuisier jordanien pour effectuer des travaux, en présence du propriétaire. Le menuisier a attaqué le fonctionnaire avec un tournevis. Ce dernier a ouvert le feu et l’a tué, tout en blessant grièvement le propriétaire jordanien, qui est mort.

      Les Israéliens disent ne pas douter de la motivation idéologique de l’agresseur, qui serait liée à la situation à Jérusalem. Le gouvernement a voulu rapatrier l’ensemble de ses diplomates, mais a dû renoncer. La Sécurité générale jordanienne souhaite interroger l’Israélien impliqué. Or il jouit de l’immunité diplomatique, selon le ministère des affaires étrangères.

    • Jordanian killed in shooting incident inside Israeli embassy compound in Amman
      //Petra// AF // 23/7/2017 - 11:02:23 PM
      Amman, July 23 (Petra) — Police said they are investigating a shooting incident inside the Israeli embassy compound in Amman, which left a Jordanian citizen dead and injured two others; a Jordanian and an Israeli.

      The Public Security Department (PSD) said a police forced rushed to the scene of the incident and evacuated the three for medical treatment but one of them, a Jordanian, was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

      The PSD added in a statement that preliminary investigations indicate that the two Jordanians had entered the embassy’s compound to do carpentry work.

      The statement said the PSD launched an extensive investigation into the incident and informed the Public Prosecution in order to find out all details and circumstances in accordance with legal procedures followed in such cases.

    • Diplomatic Crisis With Jordan: Embassy Guard Who Killed Assailant Prevented From Returning to Israel

      Israeli Embassy guard shoots and kills a Jordanian teen who tried to stab him, and another man; Israel decides to pull out its diplomats but halts the evacuation when Jordan insists on interrogating him
      Barak Ravid, Jack Khoury and Gili Cohen Jul 24, 2017 7:58 AM

      An unusual security incident in which a Jordanian civilian tried to attack an Israeli embassy guard in Jordan on Sunday and was shot dead has become a diplomatic crisis. Jordan is barring the Israeli guard from leaving the country.

      On Sunday evening, following an emergency meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, it was decided to immediately evacuate all the staff of the Israeli embassy in Amman for fear that the incident would lead to riots and attempts to attack the embassy. However, the Jordanian authorities have refused to allow the security guard to leave the country and have demanded an investigation.

      Israel is currently refusing to allow an investigation of the security guard at this stage, claiming that the guard has diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Convention. The dispute over a possible investigation has led to the delay in the evacuation of the Israeli diplomatic team in Amman.
      (...) The guard at the Israeli Embassy in Amman was stabbed on Sunday by a Jordanian carpenter who was installing furniture in his apartment near the embassy compound. The Israeli security officer, who was lightly wounded in the incident, shot and killed the attacker. His landlord, who was also present during the incident, was also wounded during the incident and later died of his wounds.

  • En tout, on estime que 80 pour cent de l’argent de la « fraude du siècle » a finalement atteint Israël, principalement pour des projets immobiliers à Tel Aviv et Eilat.

    France Likely to Probe French Tycoon’s Transfer of Funds to Destinations in Israel

    Prosecution will also have to decide on the question of a reported direct payment from Arnaud Mimran to Netanyahu. Some 80 percent of proceeds from French ’fraud of the century’ are said to have reached Israel.
    Dov Alfon (Paris) Jun 13, 2016 9:00 AM

    PARIS – A Paris prosecutor is expected to launch an investigation into gifts and money from Arnaud Mimran, the main suspect in the so-called “fraud of the century” trial, to destinations in Israel, a legal official in France has told Haaretz.

    The Paris district financial prosecutor will have to decide whether to probe the activities of Track Performance Ltd., a company owned jointly by Mimran and French MP Meir Habib, who is a close associate of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    The prosecution will also have to decide on the question of a reported direct payment from Mimran to Netanyahu, its amount and nature and whether it conformed to French law.

    The decision on whether to launch an investigation will be made immediately after the verdict is delivered in the fraud case on July 7.

    The source explained that the purpose of the investigation will be to find all the money belonging to Mimran, in the event that he is convicted and obliged to return to the public purse the 283 million euros he allegedly stole, as demanded by the prosecution. That includes money that is not registered in Mimran’s name, including gifts to friends and relatives, investments in straw companies and transfers of cash to front men, most to return fictitious debts.

    It is in this context that a question posed by the judge during the trial must be understood, the source said. When Mimran testified that he “funded Netanyahu to the amount of one million euros,” the judge immediately asked whether the transfer was a loan without expectation that it would be repaid. Netanyahu has confirmed receiving money from Mimran, but has disputed the amount and its nature.

    French financial police investigators have so far found some 30 million euros in funds smuggled out of France by Mimran. Most of it found its way, at the end of a chain of transfers, to destinations in Israel. There are also assets not registered to Mimran, including a residential building in the 16th arrondissement in Paris that ostensibly belongs to a private company, but is in fact used only by the Mimran family, according to the indictment.

    In addition to Mimran’s many payments directly to Israel, tens of millions of euros were smuggled to Israel from the many bank accounts of the other suspects in the alleged fraud. Police have been unable to connect the funds to a specific suspect.

    In all, it is estimated that 80 percent of the money from the “fraud of the century” eventually reached Israel, primarily to real estate projects in Tel Aviv and Eilat.

    When questioned, Mimran denied ownership of these funds and presented different explanations as to the nature of the payments.

    Prominent in legal documents seen by Haaretz and the Mediapart website is a series of fund transfers – amounting to 1.1 million euros – from Mimran’s account at the Safra Bank in New York to a real estate figure from Eilat. The transfers occurred between March 29 and May 3, 2009.

    Another transfer – of two million euros – took place at the end of 2010 to Samantha Sweid, the widow of purported French-Israeli crime figure Sami Sweid.

    The question of the payment to Netanyahu, about which the latter and Mimran have given different versions, became more complicated this week with the report by Globes reporter Gur Megiddo that Netanyahu confidantes, attorneys Isaac Molho and David Shimron, provided legal services to Arnaud Mimran until at least 2006, and even established a private company for him, by the name of Track Performance Ltd., in which Mimran is a 36 percent shareholder.

    The company’s address is listed as 21 Haarba’a Street, “care of E.S. Shimron, I. Molho, Persky & Co.” – the offices of Molho and Shimron’s law firm. Among Mimran’s partners in the Israeli company is also a Netanyahu associate who introduced Mimran and Netanyahu, the French MP Meir Habib.

    The Haaretz and Mediapart investigation revealed that the company was registered in the Israeli Embassy in Paris and the founding documents were signed in the embassy’s offices. One of the stockholders registered by the Molho-Shimron law firm is Anna Dray, who is listed as residing in Chile.

    The investigation revealed that Dray is Mimran’s ex-wife and the daughter of the late billionaire Claud Dray, in whose murder Mimran is suspected of involvement. Anna Dray told Haaretz and Mediapart that she never founded a company with Mimran, had never been to Chile and had never visited the Israeli Embassy or the offices of Molho-Shimron.

    Another shareholder in the company, Pierre Danin, is an old friend of Mimran’s and one of the suspected junior partners in the fraud. On January 9, 2009, almost three years after the company was registered, according to documents shown to Haaretz, Danin transferred $350,000 to Mimran’s account at Safra Bank in New York, from which many payments subsequently went to Israel.

    The flow of funds between the partners of Track Performance Ltd. shows the endlessly circuitous monetary transfers between France and Israel in this affair. The questions around it only increase in light of Meir Habib’s response:

    “Arnaud Mimran asked me to take part in this company, which he wanted to establish out of his respect for Israel. But to the best of my knowledge, the company was never active, never opened its own bank account and certainly never brought in any money to me.”

    A spokesman for the French financial prosecution, prosecutor Jean-Marc Toubin, declined to confirm or deny the report, saying “When the verdict is given, the prosecution will decide whether new elements arose in the trial that require the opening of an investigation. If a decision is made, no announcement from the prosecution will be made and we will not be able to confirm or deny it, because such an announcement could harm the chances of the investigation to succeed.”

    David Shimron said in response: “Following [Haaretz’s] approach, we checked the file and found that the registration of the company was done via a concular power of attorney that was sent to us by the embassy in Israel. All the registered owners, with the exception of one, were identified by the Israeli consul in Paris.

    In response to the question why the compan was registered by Shimron, Molho and Persky in Israel, Shimron said: “Very simple. Meir Habib was a client and confidante of the firm and he asked us to register the company.”


  • Thousands in #Chile demand government break ties with #Israel

    People take part in a demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy in Santiago, Chile, on July 19, 2014, to protest against Israel’s terror campaign against #Gaza and show their support to the Palestinian people. (Photo: AFP - Martin Bernetti) People take part in a demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy in Santiago, Chile, on July 19, 2014, to protest against Israel’s terror campaign against Gaza and show their support to the Palestinian people. (Photo: AFP - Martin Bernetti)

    Thousands marched in Chile’s capital Saturday against Israel’s assault on Gaza, urging President Michelle Bachelet to break off diplomatic relations with the occupying force. “Break it off, Break it off, Break off ties with Israel!” chanted (...)

    #News #Palestine

  • Tu manifestes devant l’ambassade d’Israël à Londres : la police te casse un bras.
    Broken arm protester wins damages from Met Police

    Kelly Minio-Paluello, a pro-Palestinian demonstrator, was injured during a protest outside the Israeli Embassy in Kensington in January 2009.

    The 29-year-old’s arm was twisted and locked behind her back and she was then pulled up in that position.

    The High Court said the force used was “neither reasonable nor proportionate”.


    “Given the expert evidence, it is hardly surprising that the claimant suffered the injuries which she did, which injuries were, in my view, entirely avoidable.”